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02x10 - Boy Meets Dad

Posted: 09/27/21 06:21
by bunniefuu
♪ Do do, do do do do ♪

OK, here's something
for our geography report.

Did you know that Peru
is home to the biggest--

Llama? How big is it? Can I hug it?


(panting) Big news... Had to...

...tell you... in person...

So, you ran all the way from the shop?

Biked... Got a flat...

Then ran... carrying bike...

(gasping) Anyway...

Did you guys hear?

Max has been chosen for the mayor's
Heart of Portland Award!

Mom, that was my news!

The mayor's giving you
the Heart of Portland Award?

-I'm so proud!
-Me, too!

You got the Heart of Portland Award!

What's the Heart of Portland Award?

It's for businesses
that give back to the community.

They're having a big fancy banquet
at City Hall on Saturday.

This Saturday?
Noodle, we better get shopping.

Oh, I just bought a dress in my head.

No, wait. Too pink. I just returned it.

Syd, you can always
borrow one of my dresses,

since... I won't be, you know...


Of course you're going. Right, Dad?


Great! I was afraid
I was being too subtle.

You've spent so many hours fixing up
and donating used bikes.

It's nice to see that all your hard work
is finally being recognized.

Hey. All the smiles on those kids' faces
was the recognition I needed.

Oh, who am I kidding?
I'm getting a plaque with my name on it!

(phone beeps)

-What's wrong?

It's my dad.
He read about the award online,

so he's flying in for the banquet.

Wow. How do you feel about this, Max?

Great! Great! Good. Good.

-You don't want him coming, do you?
-No, not at all.

It's OK that you don't want him to come.

I know Grandpa Doug wasn't the best dad.

He's not even the best grandpa.

I haven't seen him in four years.

Well, I don't have to worry
about him showing up,

because if it's important to me,
he'll be sure to miss it.

I don't wanna bring this partay down!

Come on! The pizza is on me.

I'll catch you on the flip side.
I'm taking my first boxing class.

My sorority sisters said they were
going to learn to bob and weave.

I thought it meant hair.

(theme music playing)

♪ Do do, do do do do ♪

Like father, like daughter
We don't always agree

♪ But looking at you
Is like looking at me ♪

♪ The more things change
The more they stay the same ♪

Like father, like daughter
From different times

Taking all the best
From your decade and mine

The more things change

The more they stay the same

♪ Do do, do do do do ♪

♪ Do do ♪

♪ The more they stay the same ♪

Mom, hurry up!

The skateboard tournament
starts in, like, an hour!

Hold your horses.
It's your first tournament,

and I wanna be prepared.

A first aid kit?
Way to believe in me, Mom.

You got the ice pack, right?

(doorbell rings)

Oh! That must be Dad!

Oh. It's you.

"Oh, it's you?"

That's all I get for
cutting up orange slices

to keep your energy up?

We all know how cranky you get.

Sorry, Leo.

I thought you were my dad.
I don't know what's keeping him.

Have you checked the answering machine?
Looks like someone left a message.

-Doug: Hey there, Maximus.

Listen, they needed someone
to fly to Tokyo today,

so I won't be making your tournament,
but I promise I'll make it up to you!

-Go get 'em, champ.

I can't believe he's gonna miss it.

I'm sorry, Max, but your dad's a pilot.

A lot of people depend on him.

He flies cargo planes.

It's basically a delivery van with wings.

Hey, forget your dad.

Yeah. You've got a skate park
full of losers to cream.

Come on, let's go.

You're right.
I'm not gonna let my dad get me down!

I'm gonna skate even harder.
Look out, concrete!

-You sure you got enough in there?
-I got another one in the car.

OK, so it says here that Peruvians
have relied on llamas for centuries

for transportation, wool, and...


Meat? Oh, no.

No, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no...

No, i-it's a typo! They must've meant heat
because llamas are so warm and cuddly.

There's a recipe!

(doorbell rings)

Whoa. It's Grandpa Doug.
What am I gonna do?

My dad didn't want him coming.

You can act like my parents on Halloween
and pretend we're not home.

I'm just gonna have to figure out a way
to ask him to leave.


-Grandpa Doug!

What a surprise!

Wait, didn't you know?
I told your dad I was coming today.

Oh, yeah. It's just that he
said you'd never show up...


And I didn't!

This is filled with gifts
from around the world.

And lots of tiny shampoos
I took from hotels.

And who's this?

Hi, I'm Olive.


Now, I've seen Olives
grow in Italy and Greece,

but I didn't know the best olives
grew in Portland.

(giggles and snorts)

Gotta go.

Boy, this place sure brings back memories.

Max losing a tooth
sliding down the banister.

Max breaking his wrist
sliding down the banister.

Max breaking the banister
sliding down the banister.

Uh, listen, Grandpa Doug,

my dad isn't here right now,
and I've got a lot of homework, so--

Say no more. I'll come back later.

Thanks. I'm just really behind
on this report on Peru.

Peru? That's one of my favorite countries.

You've been there?

Ho. The locals have a nickname for me.

"Hombre con packages."

It means, "man...

...with packages."

Olive would k*ll me if I didn't ask.

Have you ever met a llama?

Met one?

One time, I got stuck in a blizzard.
I had to curl up next to one for heat.

We still write.

I can't believe your dad missed
you winning that tournament!

The way you landed that spin-a-majig
after that twirly whirly?


Hey! At least I showed up!

Yeah. My dad messed up big time.

Next time I see him, I'm gonna tell him
exactly how I feel.



Leo, my man! Looking good.

It might be my new fade.
Makes my eyes pop.

What are you doing here?

I said I'd make it up to you, didn't I?

Here's something for your next tournament.

No way!

A limited edition Superb skateboard?

Best gift ever!

Come on, Maximus. Let's go to the park,
see what that bad boy can do.

But, Max! I thought you were
gonna tell him how you feel!

I did! I said "best gift ever!"

But he's just buying your love.

I know! Most dummies
just give it away for free!

(playing ukulele)

♪ Doesn't matter if it's next day air ♪

♪ Postage due ♪

♪ Bubble wrap
Or packed in a shoe ♪

♪ On a camel's back
Or sailing the blue ♪

♪ I'll deliver my love to you ♪

-(strumming and shaking)

Grandpa, that was awesome!

I wish you visited more,
but I know you and Dad, well...

I'm real sorry about that. I, uh...
I really let Max down as a kid.

I just wish there was a way
to start fresh.

Me, too.

Hey! Got another one for you.

♪ There's a funny smell
in the back of the plane ♪


♪ Funny smell in the back of the plane ♪


♪ Funny smell in the back of the plane ♪

♪ I think it might be-- ♪


(door shuts)

-What are you doing here?

I came for your big award.

Wow, just like you said you would.
That's a first.

But not the last! Am I right?

Hello, Doug.

-Judy, you look great.
-I know.

Uh, well, I've got, um...
I've got some things to do.

Sounds like he's gonna need

some, uh, help?

-So, Doug, how have you been?

-Thanks for asking--
-Listen up, fly boy!

You and your tiny guitar don't impress me.

You can stay here,
but you mess up Max's big moment,

you better sleep with one eye open.


you got things to do, huh?

Yes. Yes. The, uh,
the napkin holder should go over here,

and the pepper should go over here,

and I don't wanna talk to my dad,

and the salt should
probably go over there.

Dad, I think Grandpa's changed.

I mean, he showed up
just like he said he would.

He even said
he wants a fresh start with you.

He says a lot of things, Syd.

Well, it's just that you and I
have such a great relationship.

I want you to have one with your dad, too.

Hey. I think it's great
that you hit it off with Grandpa,

and if you wanna have a relationship,
I'm all for it.

But, me?

I'm not interested.

(bag creaking)

Whoa! Grandma, look at you!

You're a brawler!

I know! I have to keep up
with my sorority sisters.

Felicity's got a mean left hook,
and Samantha's just mean.

Grandma, I just don't get it.
Why won't Dad give Grandpa Doug a chance?

Oh, Noodle.
Your dad gave him tons of chances.

And every time, he let him down.

He just doesn't wanna
go through that again.

But what if Grandpa has changed?

People don't change.

You did.

You went from, "Clean up this house,"
to "Let's tear this house down!"

You're right. I did have a major glow-up.

Dad's just totally avoiding Grandpa Doug.

If only I could get him
to spend some time with him,

maybe he'd see
that Grandpa has really changed.

Oh, Noodle, that's a nice thought,

but the only thing they have
in common these days is loving you.

Well, I'm gonna think of something.

Oh, hey, when did
my bookcase get delivered?

This morning. Aren't you and your dad
supposed to put that together?



Or what?
I've been hit by this bag a few times.

You're gonna have to
give me a little more.

Hey, Dad!
How's your acceptance speech going?

-Oh, actually, I'm having a little--
-That's great.

By the way, do you know
if we have a screwdriver?

Uh, it's in the junk drawer.

What do you need a screwdriver for?

Oh, nothing.

Just putting together
that bookcase that I ordered.

With Grandpa.

You and Grandpa?
But I thought we were gonna do that.

Yeah, but you've got
all your things to do.

Besides, Grandpa's got it.

(door shuts)

"Grandpa's got it."

Hey! So, what is going on in here?

Just helping out my granddaughter.

OK, Dad. Well, I'll take it from here.

Oh, no. I wanna help. I promised Sydney.

Really? And since when
do you live up to your promises?

(forced laughing)


Hey, I have an idea!

Since you both promised,
why don't we all build it together?


Come on, Dad. It would make me so happy.

-Great. (giggle)

Oops! I got a splinter. I'm out.

Hey, Maximus,
would you hand me those pegs?

They go in these holes.

Yeah, but, Dad,

shouldn't the screw go in first?
I mean, the instructions say--

-Ah, we don't need those.

What are you doing?

I like to fly by the seat of my pants.

But, you're a pilot!

(chuckling) We did it, son.

Yeah, I guess we did.

I gotta get a picture!

And now, whenever I look at this bookcase,

I'll think of you guys
building it together.

It'll be a symbol of your relationship.



See, Dad? That's why you
follow the instructions.

Eh, it's probably just made
from cheap materials.

Or maybe it's 'cause we didn't
put that screw in like it said.

Like one little screw's
gonna make a difference!

See? That's you.

Always taking shortcuts.

Whatever's easiest for you in the moment.

No matter who it hurts, and the one
who got hurt the most was me.

You were never there for me
when I needed you, Dad.

You were always leaving on some flight,
and not because you had to.

Because you wanted to.

You're absolutely right.

I should've been there for you.

I'm so sorry.

Yeah, that's right you're sorry!

And you should be sorry! Very, very sorry!

And you are!

And that's why I don't know why
I'm still yelling!

It's hard to hear, son,

but I guess you'd been holding it in
for a long time.

I have.

Truth is, Max,
I was a better pilot than a father.

Look, I know I can't completely
make up for the past.

But I came here hoping you'd let me try.

Let's give it a shot.

(doorbell rings)

Oh. It's you.

Again? What is it with this family?

Sorry, Leo.
I thought you were Max and his dad.

Oh. Are they still out gallivanting?

I've always wanted to say that.

Yep. I'm here every day with Max,
doing the hard stuff,

and Doug just gets to swoop in
whenever he wants and play hero.

When do I get to swoop?
I wanna swoop! I should be swooping!

Instead, who sits up with him...

-...when he has the flu?
-You do!

Who stands over him
to get him to do his homework?

-You do!
-Who taught him how to ride a bike?

I did!

Oh. Well, who backed over that bike...

-...when he left it in the driveway?
-You did!

Mom, look what Dad got me!
And he took me up in an airplane!

I got to sit in the cockpit.

He even let me touch the controls once.

Yeah? But who sat up with you
when you had the flu?

OK, not the time, Leo.

Well, I'm gonna dip on outta here.

Hey! I've always wanted to say that, too!

So, Doug, will you be
joining us for dinner?

Oh, you know, I'm sorry. I can't--

What a shame. Bye!

I'm so bummed.

Do you have to fly out tomorrow night?

I have school.
I won't even get to hang out with you.

Well, who says you have to go to school?

What do you mean?

-It's just one day.

I'll pick you up like
I'm taking you to school,

but we'll go to Seven Flags Over Portland.

No way! Mom would never do that.

That's why you can't tell her.


Oh, uh, Sydney.

I didn't think anyone was up yet.

Are you leaving?

Well, uh...

But, tonight's the banquet.
You have to be there.

Look, Sydney,
I appreciate everything you've done.

But hearing your dad tell me
exactly what kind of father I was...

it was too painful.

So, you're gonna make things worse
by ditching him tonight?

Your dad'll be fine.
Look how well he's done without me.

Look how well he's raised you.

This is a wonderful family,

but being here just reminds me
what a failure I've been.

I can't face that.

I can't believe you're doing this.

I thought you changed, but...

you're just running away
like you always did.

I'm sorry, honey.

(door shuts)


Oh, you're working out. I'll come back.

No, I'm done. Trust me.

I couldn't throw another punch.
So, what's up?

Grandpa snuck out this morning.

(indistinct crashing)

Go on.

What am I gonna do?

Dad is gonna be devastated,
and it's my fault.

Noodle, you can't blame yourself.

Don't worry.
I'll tell Max his dad bailed again.

I'll just dust off one of my old speeches.

No, I owe it to him to be honest.

There's my favorite girls!

Ah! When I woke up this morning,
I said, "Max," 'cause that's who I am...

"You are the luckiest man in the world

to have my daughter, and my mother,

and even my dad, there to share
that moment with me tonight."

I can't thank you enough, Syd.


OK, maybe we'll keep it from him
until after he gets the award.

I hear you. How many times can I tell him,

"Daddy's on a top secret mission
to the moon?"

Leo, I'm not coming to school today.

My dad's taking me to Seven Flags.

Isn't he the best?

Oh! He's gonna be here
any second. Gotta go.


Max, your dad called earlier.

A flight to Paris came up.

He's sorry,
but he can't take you to school today.


No, th-that doesn't make any sense.

Well, that's OK. I'll take you to school.


I know what you're doing.

You told Dad not to come
because you found out

I was ditching school
to go to Seven Flags with him!

You were ditching school
to go to Seven Flags?



It was Dad's idea.

He promise he'd take me.

All right, let's go.

Great. Now, I'm in trouble,
and I'm going to school.

Oh, we're not going to school.
We're going to Seven Flags.


I know it's not the same
as your dad taking you--


You're the best mom in the world.

OK, come on. Let's go.

The place will be empty.
We'll ride till we hurl.

(indistinct chatter)

Remember. We just have to make sure
Dad doesn't find out

that Grandpa bailed
until after he gets the award.

At least he'll get
to enjoy his big moment.

And by then, he'll have cake.

"And even though it may seem
like you've chipped your tooth

on the handlebars of life,

just keep pedaling

because I will always be
willing to inflate the tires

of your soul."

Wow. Your speech?

I'm like...


Thank you, Olive.

Hey. Have you heard from Dad?

Would've thought he'd be done
picking up his suit by now.

Oh, you know your dad. He's so chatty.

He's probably bragging to everyone
at the dry cleaners

about his son's big award.

Or not.
The important thing is we don't know.

Max: Oh look, there's the mayor.

Presentation's about to start.
Come on, Dad, where are you?

Oh. I just got a text,
and it says he's parking the car.

Oh, what a relief.

Good evening, everyone.

I'd like to welcome you to our th Annual
Heart of Portland Award ceremony.


The Heart of Portland Award
is given each year...

How long can it take
to find a parking spot?

He's gonna miss my whole speech.

Oh. Well, he got in an...

-Argument with a...
-Police officer, who was--

Riding a horse! Did I help?

My dad's not coming, is he?

All right, we were gonna wait
until after you got the award, but...

Daddy's on a secret mission to the moon.

Dad, I'm so sorry.
You must be so disappointed.

I am, but more with myself.
I never should've expected him to change.

But at least I finally
got to tell him everything

I've been holding onto since I was a kid.

Well, we're here,
and we couldn't be more proud of you.

Mayor: And now,

this year's
Heart of Portland Award recipient,

Max Reynolds.

(applause and cheering)



You know, I had a great speech
all prepared, um, but...

now I guess,
I'll just have to speak from the heart.

Oh, thank goodness!

I have two incredible women
to thank for who I am today.

My mother, Judy Reynolds,

who was always there for me,
no matter what.

And my daughter, Sydney,

who always believes in me, no matter what.

And I just wanna add...

the thing I love most about
fixing up bikes for charity is

whether you're a bike or a person,

you always deserve a second chance.

Even if you chip your tooth
on the handlebars of life.

-I got it in. Yes. (laugh)

(playing ukulele)

♪ There's a funny smell
in the back of the plane ♪


♪ Funny smell in the back of the plane ♪

♪ Funny smell in the back of the plane ♪

♪ And I think it might be... ♪


♪ A funny smell in the back of the plane ♪

♪ And it might be cheese and... ♪

-Sweaty socks!
-Sweaty socks.

♪ A funny smell in the back of the plane ♪

♪ And it's cheese, sweaty socks, and... ♪

Me? Is it my turn? Not that I stink!

Ah! (scoff)

♪ Funny smell in the back of the plane ♪

♪ And it's cheese, sweaty socks and Max! ♪

♪ Do do, do do do do ♪

♪ Do do ♪

♪ Do do, do do do do ♪

♪ Do do ♪

♪ Do do, do do do do ♪

♪ Do do ♪

♪ Do do, do do do do ♪

♪ Do do ♪

Man: Oh, yeah.