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02x06 - Girls II Women

Posted: 09/27/21 06:15
by bunniefuu
Syd, we're ready.
I can't wait to hear your bass solo.

Too bad you're gonna miss
Syd's rock and roll recital.

You know she beat out
four th-graders for that solo?

Including Alex Phillips.
He has such an attitude.

And what's with that haircut?

Am I too involved?

So, where're you going, Grandma J?

A silent retreat with my squad.

I tried to cancel,

but turns out they go really silent
when you try to get a refund.

I'm gonna go see what's keeping Syd.

-Sydney: I'm in the bathroom.

You OK? What's going on?

Sydney: I'm fine.

I just, uh, got my period.

Oh, my gosh! You got your first period?

This is amazing!

You're a woman.

-Sydney: Uh, Olive?

Sydney: I need a pad.

I got one in my backpack.

Don't go anywhere.

Sydney: I was not planning on it.

Here you go.

Why do you have a pad
if you haven't gotten your period?

Please. I'm president of
the Emergency Preparedness Club.

I also carry a generator
and a blow-up raft.

-Sydney: Thanks, Olive.

I'm here for you. You got this, Syd.

Sydney: Yeah. I got this.

How does this thing work?


Both: Grandma!

(theme music playing)

♪ Do do, do do do do ♪

Like father, like daughter
We don't always agree

But looking at you
Is like looking at me

The more things change
The more they stay the same

Like father, like daughter
From different times

Taking all the best
From your decade and mine

The more things change

The more they stay the same

♪ Do do, do do do do ♪

♪ Do do ♪

♪ The more they stay the same ♪

So there are a lot of changes
happening in your body now.

One of them is getting your period.

It usually comes once a month.

But it may not come regularly
for the first year or so.

Hold on. "The first...

year or so."

Got it. Continue.

I know you may think there's something
wrong because there's blood,

but it's perfectly natural.

Right. And every woman gets it.

It's like we're all the same. Got it.

Actually, every woman's
experience is different.

OK. Got it less.

But the important thing is,
it's part of being a woman.

You know, I heard it in health class,

but you don't know what it really means
until it happens to you.

Glad I could be here for you, Syd.
Any other questions?

Probably, but for now, I'm good.
Thanks, Grandma.

You moved the party without telling me.
What am I missing?

It's kind of a girl thing, Dad.

Wow, I find that comment really sexist.

Why does it have to be a "girl thing"?
Why can't it be "people thing"?

-I got my period.



Oh, no. My notes app crashed.

Can we go back a little?

I have up until Grandma J said,
"So, Syd. What's the problem?"

Max, you're late.

As my dad says, "Early is on time,
on time is late. And late is..."

Well, I never heard the rest
because he had to leave to be on time.

Chill, dude. We got a whole minute
to get to class.

-How d'you know that?
-'Cause the same thing happens every day.

First, Mrs. Richardson
yells at us to get to class.

Boys, get to class!

Then Jimmy Mason'll kiss up to her.

Hi, Mrs. Richardson.

Yesterday's math class rocked.

Thank you, Jimmy.

And then, Jimmy's gonna pick on us.

Well, if isn't the loser twins.


And after that, we have exactly seconds
to get to class.

That was impressive.
It makes me proud to be your friend.

-There's something stuck in my pants.
-I spoke too soon.

-Is that your underwear?

(whistling effect)

(exploding effect)

I grabbed these pants off my floor.

They must have had
yesterday's underwear in them.

Cool story. Hope it ends
with you picking up your underwear.

Boys, what did I say? Get to class!

-But Mrs. Richardson--

I feel bad leaving you right now, noodle.

Grandma, I told you I'm fine.
You've got your silent retreat.

Someone's gotta get the turn-up
on the quiet party.

-Have you got enough pads for school?
-Right in my backpack. I'm good.

Max, come on! You're making me late!

Ooh, I'm gonna miss yelling.

I'm here. I'm here. I made you a sandwich.

Although now that everything's different,
I hope you still like turkey.

Nothing's different, Dad.

OK, if you need anything,
you can always come to me.

Max, relax. She's got this.

-If I need your help, I'll let you know.
-Oh, good.

Not, oh, good, as in I couldn't handle it,
'cause I could totally handle it.

Oh, good, as in, it got handled.

'Cause once again,
I could totally handle it.

Max, gotta go.

Oh, good, 'cause I had no idea
how I was getting out of that.

(sighs) Where are Emmy
and Sophia, already?

I want to tell them before rehearsal.

Don't worry.
I sent out the emergency emoji code.

-Mermaid, sh**ting star, peanut, peanut.
-I thought it was one peanut.

I'm sorry, but you getting your period
is two peanut news.

I got the two peanuts.

-What's going on?
-Oh, no.

Is Ricky Angelo getting married?

That's a mistake.
She'll never love him like I do.

Guys, this has nothing
to do with Ricky Angelo.

Then what is it?

Emmy, Sophia, prepare yourselves.

We have the most amazing news.


OK, % you, % me. Go on.

Guys, I got my period.

Both: Whoa.

Syd, you're the first one of us
to get your period.

Are you OK? How do you feel?

-Uh, pretty much the same.
-Are you craving pizza?

When my mom gets her period,
she orders pizza

and tells me to go clean my room.

I don't think that's about her period.

Your mom just likes pizza,
and your room is disgusting.

Guys, it's not that big a deal.
I thought it would be.

After my grandma talked me through it,
I've got this under control.

It's just my period.

And that's how you end a sentence.

Not a comma. A period.

-Absolutely! That's what it meant.
-I get it now!

I don't get it.
Why wasn't my underwear in the hallway?

-(door closes)
-Think someone stole 'em?

Max, I think you seriously overestimate
the value of your underwear.

Well, at least whoever found 'em
won't know they're mine.

Max, you lost your underwear at school?

I'd ask how, but it's you.

-Well, at least you'll get them back.
-How would happen?

-I wrote your name in them.

-I write your name in everything.
-(groans) Why would you do that?

-Because I'm sick of you losing stuff.
-But my underwear? Who loses their--


Dude, if someone finds those,
your life is over.

Andy Morris was caught
wearing animal mittens last year.

Now he's home schooled,

and has to wear a mask
when he mows the lawn.

If you bought me boxers like I wanted,
this wouldn't be so embarrassing.

Only children wear tighty-whities.

Says the mature man
who lost his undies in the hallway.

(playing rock music)

(playing bass solo)

(bass solo continues)

(cheering and clapping)

OK. Let's take five.

Mermaid. sh**ting star.

Peanut. Peanut. Peanut.

Three peanuts. Let's go.

Syd, what's wrong?

I had an accident.

What kind of accident?

An end-of-sentence accident!

All: Huh?

My period leaked onto my jeans.

What? How?

I don't know. The pad must have shifted.

Maybe the way I was sitting.
Get me outta here.

Right. Emmy, you take the right flank.

Sophia, you take the left.
I'll bring up the rear.

(softly) OK. OK.


-OK, go.
-(feet shuffling)

Backpack. Backpack.

I can't believe there's underwear with
my name on it somewhere in this school.

It's every kid's worst nightmare.

But it'd take somebody special
to really make it happen.

Oh, no. Suzi Harrison
is working lost and found.

She's the biggest gossip in school.

She'll tell everyone
I lost my tighty-whities.

You have to distract her.

Fine. But I hate gossip. It's beneath me!

Suzi, hi.

What's the hot goss?

Well, I just heard

Lucy Kraus got sent to the principal

for forging her mom's signature
on her report card.

Oh, no, no, no.

She forged it to get out of a field trip

to a cattle ranch,
because she's a vegetarian.

Even though...

and you didn't hear this from me...

I saw her at the mall eating a hot dog.

(gasps) She didn't!

Oh, she did.

Hey, my jacket!

My pencil case!

My math book?

I thought I threw that out. Ugh.

Oh. There they are.

Well, what do we have here?

Wow. Max Reynolds.
Guess these tighty-whities must be yours.

-Hey, give me those back!
-Jump, frog, jump! (laughs)

And on the way to the cattle ranch,
Kim sat with Brooke.

But on the way back, Kim sat by herself.

And I think you know why.

I--I don't. Why?

Well, Suzi,

today's your lucky day.

Gimme back my...

(quietly) you know whats.

You mean your tighty-whities, little baby?

Come on, Jimmy. Give 'em back.

Sure. I'm a fair guy.
But you gotta give me something in return.

-Like what?
-Like your skateboard.

(scoffs) What? Are you kidding?
No way I'm giving up my board.

Get ready for the whole school to find out
that you still wear tighty-whities.

-You wouldn't.

Guess you would.

But at least give me one more day with it.

Fine. That'll give me time
to get a helmet and elbow pads.

Hey, you. With the elbow pads. Hey!
Come here.

Can we get out of here?

That Suzi wouldn't stop.

And I was like,
"Girl, leave me out of this."

Hey, Syd, everything OK?

Yeah. I called my dad.
He should be here with pants any second.


Sorry. Bathroom's closed.

Frog escaped from the science lab.

I mean, can you blame him?

Olive, I brought Sydney's "lunch."

Thank you, Mr. R.,
but we're kind of in a "hurry."

"Got it."

-(bag rustling)

You know, I don't know
what I was so worried about,

thinking I couldn't handle
what Syd's going through.

But then she needed pants.
She called me, and I totally crushed it.

Dad, what were you thinking?

To cheer you up,
so I brought you your favorite pants.

Aren't those your favorite pants?

They are, but these pants shout,

"Hey, everyone.
I had to change my pants today."

Why would you make my pants say that?

I didn't know pants talked.

Dad, I don't want anyone to know
I have my period.

It's OK, Mr. R.

You tried your "best."

What am I gonna do without you, buddy?

You're the best friend I've ever known.

-What about me?
-You'll be fine.

You two aren't even that close.

What are you gonna tell your mom?

Nothing. She doesn't need to know
about Jimmy Mason taking my skateboard.

Who's Jimmy Mason?
Why's he taking your skateboard?

(scoffs) You heard that?

Max, I'm your mother.
I can hear your thoughts.

Yes, I can.

Jimmy Mason found Max's tighty-whities,

and he's threatening to show them
to the whole school.

Unless Max gives him his skateboard.

It's extortion!

Did I use the right word?

Shockingly, yes.

You can't give your skateboard
to some punk.

I'm gonna go down there
and teach that kid a lesson.

No way. I'd rather be the kid
who left his underwear in the hall

than the kid whose mom
has to fight his battles for him.

Fine. I'll stay out of it.

But I had a plan.

A mom plan.

Yeah. I think Leo and I can handle this.

OK. Whatcha got?

Nothin'. You?


-Miss Reynolds!

-Hey, Dad.
-Hey, Syd. I'm so sorry about the pants.

But I'm really proud of you
for getting through the day.

Thanks, Dad. But it's not just one day.

I'm gonna get my period every month.

Something like this could happen any time.

It could happen tomorrow.
It could happen at the recital.

Oh, my gosh!
It could happen at the recital!

The whole school would know
I have my period.

Just because it could happen
at the recital

doesn't mean that it will.

I know it won't.

Because I'm not doing it.

"No leaks. Guaranteed."

You're a box of lies.

-Not now, Dad.

Hey, Syd.

Oh. Sophia. Sorry.

I came by to see how you're doing.

That good, huh?

I just wanna say, I totally get
what you're going through.

Thanks. I really appreciate it.
But I'm not sure you totally get it.

No, I mean, I get it.

I literally "get it."

Usually once a month, I get it.

Wait, you got your period?
When did that happen?

About six months ago.

Six months? Why didn't you tell us?

I guess I didn't want to be the first one.

I thought you guys
might start treating me differently.

Like when Olive got bangs and we all
had to pretend that we liked them.

Sophia, you can always
tell us that kind of stuff.

We'd have been there for you

just like you guys
were there for me today.

I would have made a great left flank.

I know you would have, but I don't know.
I guess I was embarrassed.

Yeah. I get that. I mean that's why
I'm not doing the recital anymore.

Wait. You're not?

But you worked so hard.
You earned that solo.

I can't risk the whole school
finding out that I have my period.

It's just too embarrassing.

Syd, when I first got my period,
I was at a pool party.

And I had borrowed Emmy's bathing suit.

I was too embarrassed to return it,
so I just kept it,

and told her I lost it.

And she believed you?

In fairness, she also believes
squirrels are just birds without wings.

Syd, I let being embarrassed
about my period stop me

from getting the support
and love of my best friends.

Don't let it stop you
from being a rock star.

You're right.

And if I let my period stop me now,
it's gonna hold me back forever.

-I have to do that recital.
-So you're not scared anymore?

Oh, I'm terrified.

But I've gotta do it, anyway.

Now plug me in.

Girl, you are already plugged in.

-N-no, I meant the amp.
-Oh, right. Right.

I just hope this plan works.

It will. Just remember,
the second Mrs. Richardson shows up,

like she does every day, make your move.

Got it.

-Got the underwear?

Let me see it.

OK, that's enough!

Let me see the skateboard.

So. How do you want to do this?

Underwear first, board second?

Or we could just forget the whole thing.
That'd be my vote.

Here's your underwear. Give me the board.

Boys, get to class!

Right away, Mrs. Richardson.

And thanks again for making fractions fun.

You know what? I changed my mind.

-I just can't do it.
-What? We had a deal.

What can I say?

I'm a wild card.
It's what makes me interesting.

OK, you asked for it.

Hey. Everybody.

Guess who still wears...


(all laughing)

Oh, look. There's a name on it.

Man, I'd hate to be...


-Jimmy Mason?
-(all laughing)

Why are you waving around
your tighty-whities?

They're not mine. They're his.

-Then why is your name on 'em?
-But how did he... When did you...

I gotta go.

And that's how it's done, son.

Mom, why aren't you at the silent retreat?

Would you believe I got kicked out
for talking too much? Talking too much!

I don't talk too much.
Who said I talk too much?

Who would have the chance?


Thanks for coming, guys.

Sophia, did you share your news?

Yep. Told them all about it.

There were a few questions,
followed by a lot of hugs.

For the record, I've still got questions.

Also for the record, I've still got hugs.

So, Syd, you excited?

For what could be the most embarrassing
moment of my entire life?

Who wouldn't be excited about that?

Don't worry.

-You're gonna slay that solo.
-And you're not gonna have an accident.

I hope you're right.
I checked my pad three times.

Syd, you're gonna do great.
And I'm gonna record every second.

-(b*mb whistling effect)

-Was that a...
-Sophia: Uh-huh.

-And did it just...
-Sydney: Uh-huh.

Whose is this?

What is this?

It's a pad.

And it's mine.

Yes. I have my period.

No. It's mine.

No. It's mine.

No. It's mine.

Does anyone have a problem with that?

(strumming guitar)

Wow. That wasn't nearly as embarrassing
as I thought it would be.

Whoo! Yeah! That's my girl.

But that was.

Hey, you didn't lose your board.
Our plan worked.

Like a charm.

I don't think we'll be seeing Jimmy Mason
for a long time.

-Where'd he go?
-Well, you didn't hear this from me.

But he suddenly had to visit
his "aunt" in "Seattle."

-He didn't.
-Oh, he did.

You know, Mom, I am a little worried
about how sneaky you are.

How do you think
I get you to eat your vegetables?

Wait. Are they in the meatloaf? (gasps)

The better question is,
what aren't they in?

Here. These should take your mind
off the vegetables.

Boxers! Finally. Thanks, Mom!

Let me put your name in them.

Don't worry. I've learned my lesson.
It's never gonna happen again.

OK. I guess you're right.

Eh. Who am I kidding?

Do do, do do do do

Do do

Do do, do do do do

Do do

Do do, do do do do

Do do

Do do, do do do do

Do do

Man: Oh, yeah.