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02x04 - Night Not at the Museum

Posted: 09/27/21 06:12
by bunniefuu
Come on, come on, pick up!

Syd, it's me again. You're late.

Would you please call me!

Where have you been, young lady!


I'm in college now. I need my freedom.

Why can't you be chill
like the other kids' parents?

I'm sorry, I thought you were Syd.

She's out with Olive
at the "Food Truck Festival"

and is minutes past her curfew.

I'm sure she's okay.
She probably just lost track of time.

This is the thanks I get
for letting her go out on a school night.

-You know, you remind me of someone.

Me, every time you were late.

Do you see all these gray hairs?

This one's from when
you claimed you were abducted by aliens

and said they were a lot
nicer to you than I was.

Okay, the aliens were a lie.

But that time I saw a werewolf,
that was true.

Come on, Syd, pick up.

Where have you been?
I was so worried about you.

Sorry, Dad.
I know I'm late but it's not my fault.

There was a huge line
for every food truck.

Even the kale truck.

We really live in Portland, don't we?

I don't care. You should've called.

I was going to but my phone died.

The battery drained so fast!

You know what the real problem is?

I need a new phone.

Syd, this has nothing to do with a phone.

You missed your curfew
and it's becoming a pattern.

You're later tonight than you were
last week and the week before.

Look, I promise it won't happen again.

I know it won't because you're grounded.

But Dad, it's the weekend.

You should have thought about that
before you came home late.

At least I didn't try
to blame it on aliens.

That's right, Grandma told me.

(theme music playing)

♪ Do do, do do do do ♪

♪ Like father, like daughter
we don't always agree ♪

♪ But looking at you
is like looking at me ♪

♪ The more things change
the more they stay the same ♪

♪ Like father, like daughter
from different times ♪

♪ Taking all the best
from your decade and mine ♪

♪ The more things change ♪

♪ The more they stay the same ♪

♪ Do do, do do do do ♪

♪ Do do ♪

♪ The more they stay the same ♪

That was so much fun last night.

Totally. Until my dad grounded me.

Good thing he never sticks to it.

Hey, how come you didn't get grounded?

When I got home,
my parents were grounding my brother Sean.

So I snuck upstairs, put on my PJs,

then came downstairs,
and asked them to keep it down.

Not only didn't I get grounded,
I got an apology.

Yeah, I'm that good.

Guys, guys, you won't believe it.

I got us tickets
for the pop-up cake museum tonight.

-No way!

Everybody in Portland wants to be there.

And it's only for one night.
How'd you get the tickets?

I sat in this virtual waiting room
for like ever.

And, FYI, virtual boredom
is very similar to actual boredom.

We're so gonna post pictures
for everyone to see us.

But not that we'd be like,

"Ha-ha, we're here and you're not."

-Of course not.
-No way, no!

-Well, maybe a little.
-That's kinda the point.

Syd, are you sure
you're gonna get out of being grounded?

I told you, it's not a problem.

My dad always ends up caving.

Oh, I'm so jealous.

My mom never caves.

It's one of her worst qualities.

The cake museum is going to be awesome.

I heard there's a room of buttercream

where you can lie on the floor
and make frosting angels.

No parents? Rolling in sugar?

What a time to be alive!

Okay, I'm home right after school
like you made me.

I still don't get why I'm grounded.

Because actions have consequences.

You lie about cleaning your room,
you get grounded.

You hate being grounded,
you clean your room.

It hasn't worked yet,
but that's the theory.

So, I'm guessing you came home early

just so you could see
this sad look on my face?

No, that's just a bonus.

Our computers went down at the DMV

so my boss Marlene
gave us the afternoon off.

Here. I have a field trip on Friday.

You have to sign this
and I need ten dollars.

Okay, get it out of my purse.

Ooh, the Modern Art Museum.
That'll be fun.

Nobody likes museums.

They're just so old people have
a place to go during the day.

A ticket stub?

You went to see "The Wedding Organizer"
at : this morning?

Wait, you ditched work, didn't you?

No, I didn't ditch.

I called in sick.

Oh, right.

Wait! That's the same thing.

You lied!

What happened to,
"Actions have consequences"?

For a grounded kid,
you ask a lot of questions.

You know, there's a word
for people like you

who say one thing and do another.

-I think so.

But it's after school
so no way I'm looking it up.

Syd, I really hope your dad agrees
to un-ground you

so you can go to the cake museum.

Don't worry. After a day, he goes from,

"Not a chance,"
to "Let me think about it,"

to "Okay. But I hope
you learned your lesson."

And I do learn my lesson.

That he'll always let me go.

Hey, girls.

Syd, you were supposed to go
right home after school.

You're grounded, remember?

I know, Dad,
but something amazing came up.

Sophia got us tickets to this incredible,
once-in-a-lifetime event,

a pop-up cake museum.

It's a magical night celebrating cakes.

They're always at our parties,

but isn't it time we had a party for them?

And it's only for tonight.
So you gotta let me go, Dad.


Let me think about it.

Okay, whatever you think is best.

-We are so in.

Hey, Angela, is there a problem
with Sophia's new bike?

No, this one's her brother's.

He promised not to leave it
in the driveway, but he kept doing it.

I can't return him, so... here's the bike.

Wow, you turned a gift into a punishment.

I didn't know we could do that.

Max, we have three kids
and my husband and I know

that if we let our guard down,
they'll walk all over us.

You have to draw the line.
And you have to draw it hard.

I couldn't agree more.

That's why I grounded Sydney.

But sometimes things come up.

Like the cake museum.

Oh, right.
Yeah, it's only happening tonight

and everyone in Portland
wants to be there.

-That's what I thought.
-Think again. Max!

Sydney is never going to learn
to respect boundaries

if you don't enforce them.

Unless you think she's
already learned her lesson.

-Well, I mean, now that--
-Wake up, Max!

I know it's difficult.

and it must be even tougher
being a single dad.

But you need to learn to say no.

Look, if you need another parent
in your corner, you have my number.

Thank you, Angela. I appreciate that.

-So can I return the bike?

I'm just practicing.

(both laugh)

So which one of these says "cake museum"?

Syd, has your dad
officially said you can go?

Well he always waits till the last minute
and starts with a big sigh.

As soon as you hear that, we're good.

-Yes, Dad?

(big sigh)

When you asked if you could go
to the cake museum,

I told you I'd think it over.

And I've really thought things over, too.

Lesson learned, Dad. Lesson learned.

Good. Because you're not going.

Thanks, Dad, you're the-- What?

You're not going to the cake museum.

So does he come back one more time?

'Cause that kinda
sounded like you're not going.

Dad, you can't be serious.

What do you mean I can't go?

I told you I would think about it

and that's the conclusion I came up with.

But I thought we agreed to think about it
and come to the "Syd can go" conclusion.

Hey, Mom. What's with...

whatever all that is?

My sorority is going to see
"Vampire Beach Party."

Seriously? That's supposed to be
one of the worst movies ever made.

That's the point, Grandpa.

We dress up, sing along,
and throw fruit at the screen.

And did you know a tomato is a fruit?

I'm learning so much in college.

Grandma, would you talk to him?

I have a ticket
to that amazing cake museum downtown,

but Dad says that I can't go.

Would you explain to Syd
that she is grounded

and so she is staying home?

Whoa, whoa. I already did my parent time.

I'm not getting involved.
I'm smarter than that.

Now if you'll excuse me,

I'm going to throw fruit
at a vampire beach movie.

Dad, this is so unfair.

I'm a good kid.
I get good grades. I do all my chores.

Please don't make me miss out
on the best night of my life.

Syd, this conversation's over.
I'm not budging.


(tablet ringing)

Hey, Max!

Angela, I did it. I drew the line.

Oh, I'm so proud of you. How does it feel?


Terrible, awfible.

It's not a word, but it's how I feel.

I get it.
You're causing your daughter pain.

You're making her miss out
on the best night of her life. Right?

-Wrong, Max!

Every night they wanna go out
is always the best night of their life.

Max, don't budge an inch.

Some day Syd will thank you.

Have your kids ever thanked you?

I said someday.

Look, you need to find a way to relax.

Take a nap, take a bath,
listen to some music.

Great idea. I'll clean out the fridge.

I said relax.

You're right. I'll vacuum.

Hi, Ms. Reynolds.

I was wondering if I could spend
a few minutes with the prisoner?

Prisoner? That's a bit dramatic.

Max, visitor, five minutes,
then back to your cell.

Hey, Leo, any chance my mom mentioned

that she lied to her boss
and ditched work today?

You lied?

I am so disappointed, Ms. Reynolds.

In moments of moral confusion,

I often ask myself, "What would Judy do?"

I call you Judy in my head.

-(answering machine beeps)
-Marlene: (on phone) Hi Judy,

it's me, Marlene.

That's my boss. Who turned off the ringer?

Marlene: Just calling to make sure
Max's tonsillectomy went well.

Adam had his tonsils out a month ago,

and I've still got
a freezer full of icy pops.

So, I'm on my way over to drop some off.

-(machine beeps)
-You told your boss

I had my tonsils... ectomied?

Please. You lie to me times a day.

I'm a kid. That's my job.

You're supposed to set an example for me.

For me, too.

Or so I thought.

Look, right now,
I need you to cover for me

and pretend you just got your tonsils out.

Why should I cover for you?

Oh, I don't know.

Because I could lose my job
and, as I remember,

you like to wear clothes and eat.

Oh, she knows you so well.

Okay. But, Mom,
as you've always taught me,

actions have consequences.

Where are you going with this?

Simple. Forget about my grounding

and I pretend I had my tonsils out.

Are you blackmailing me?

You are.

I am.

It's not fair.
My dad can't just change the rules

halfway through my childhood.

Yeah, children need consistency.

At least, that's what my mom tells my dad
when I'm listening through their door.

I can't believe I'm gonna miss this.

Don't worry. If you don't get to go,

I'm not going without you.

(knock on door)


Before you say anything, Mr. R.,

you know me as a no-nonsense
straight sh**t, right?

That hasn't been my experience,
but go ahead.

Did Syd make a mistake? Sure.

But who among us hasn't?

Remember your socks with sandals phase?

-You're a good friend, Olive.
-Thank you.

And that's why you have to go.


It's not much of a grounding
if she gets to have her best friend over.

I'm sorry, Olive, but you have to leave.

Go ahead, Olive.

Go to the cake museum.

As someone who wants you to grow,
learn, and experience magical things,

I would never deny you
this amazing opportunity.

Oh, brother.

Okay, Syd.

I miss you already.

Mr. R.

Was there something else?

Yes. I'm going to need
your phone, tablet, and laptop.

What? I can't even have contact
with the outside world?

Who are you?

I'm the guy who draws lines.

I'm the line drawer.


Well, I'm-- I think you know, Syd.

Are you boys ready?

My boss will be here any minute

and I'd really like to keep my job.

Now when I had my tonsils out
it really hurt to speak.

So just whisper and I'll translate.

Got it. Why?

Because your tonsils are in your throat.

Huh. Good to know!

I wonder if they're hiring
at that burger place down the street.

(doorbell rings)

She's here!

Hi, Marlene.


Oh, your house is so lovely!

That picture's crooked.

Well, thanks for being
so understanding about today.

Oh, please. You had a sick kid.

It's not like you took the day off.

(nervous laughter)

Leonard, Maxwell.

I haven't seen you
since Adam's Bar Mitzvah.

How's the throat, honey?

It hurts.

Like a thousand bees stinging his throat

after they dipped their stingers
in hot lava, while--

Okay, I think Marlene gets the picture.

Well, it sounds to me like someone

could use a nice cold icy pop.

Well, thanks for the icy pops.
I don't want to keep you.

Oh, no problem.

I got all the time in the world.

How about a nice cup of tea?

Oh, I'd love that!

But what about your family?


Leo, what was I thinking?

I got my mom right where I want her!

Forget about being un-grounded.

I can get anything I want.

Ugh, this is all getting so ugly.

I don't even know
if I can enjoy this icy pop.

Whoo, luckily I can! (chuckles)

(vacuum whirring)

-(vacuum stops)

I've been thinking and I realize
that I haven't been very fair to you.

Go on.

You were right.

I broke my curfew
and I deserve to be grounded.

Well, thank you, Syd.

But... what if
instead of being grounded this weekend,

I'm grounded for the next two weekends

and... I clean out the garage?

Two weekends... and the garage?

That is a generous offer.

Let me think about it.

In the kitchen. Alone.

All by myself.

(tablet ringing)

Hey, Max!

Angela, get this...

Syd has offered to be grounded
the next two weeks,

plus clean out the garage,
if I let her go out tonight.

Hmm, that's interesting.

Sounds like you've entered
the negotiation stage.

Whew! I've gotta say,
it was not easy getting here,

but I made it.

There is no negotiation stage, Max!

Stay strong!


So, Dad, did you think about it?

Yes. And I'm sorry, Syd, there's no deal.

-You're not going.
-What? Seriously?

I'm going to completely miss
the cake museum? Why?

Because you're grounded.

So because of you,
I'm gonna be missing out on something

that everybody is gonna
be talking about forever!

Give it up, Syd. You're not going.

You're ruining my life!
You're the worst dad in the world!

Feelin' better, sweetie?

Max says he's doing okay.

Especially since his mom agreed
to buy him several video games.


I got Adam a nice book.

Did I get a thank you?

I should have gotten him a dictionary
so he could look up the word "gratitude."

Well, I suppose the least
I could do is buy him one video game.

You promised him three.

Did I?

I can't imagine
I would have gone over two.

Max says you're right! It was two.

Because you were so nice
and promised him that new game console.

Why don't we discuss this
after Marlene leaves, sweetheart?

I'm out.

(hoarsely) And we've also discussed
a big-screen TV for my room.

Right, Mom?

No, Max, you're not getting anything.

(sighs) Marlene, I'm sorry.

Max didn't have his tonsils out.

I took the day off and went to the movies.

-I know.

I know. I just needed
a day off for my sanity.

It's okay, Judy.

-It is?

You've got a stressful job.

You're raising a son on your own.

Sometimes you just
need a little time off for yourself.

And as you've seen,
he's a bit of a project.

This is what makes you
such a great boss, Marlene.

You're compassionate, you're fair--

You're working Saturday.

What? Saturday?

I haven't worked a weekend shift in years.

But what a great way to shake things up!

Well I better get home.

I've got to pay the cleaning lady
and the guy delivering dinner.

How do we do it, Judy?

-Allow me...

Max is sorry,
and he hopes you forgive him.

-I never said that!
-I'm trying to help you, man!

Don't worry, Max.
You're not getting punished.

I set a terrible example
asking you to lie in the first place.

So I'm off the hook?

No, you're just back
to your original grounding.

Original grounding and one video game?

Go-- go to your room!

What am I doing? I need my phone.

(vacuum whirring)

(vacuum stops)

You thought you could hide from me.

Nice try!

Mr. Dirt!

(vacuum whirring)

The pictures are amazing, Olive.

Be honest.

Am I really missing out
on the best night of my life?

It's not that great.

This is the best night of my life!

Oh, sorry, Syd.

I can't believe my dad's doing this to me.

Just because I was
a little late last night.

He has no idea what I'm going through.

That's it. I'm getting out of here.

You're sneaking out?

That's a big move. Are you sure?


Wait, what's this old voice mail?

-I'll meet you there.
-Olive: Cool.

Max: (on voicemail) Syd?
You've never been this late before.

Please call me as soon as you get this.

Syd? I'm really worried.
You should have been home by now.

I just want to know you're okay.

Call me. Please.

Syd? Where are you?
You're minutes late.

I wish I'd never let you go downtown.

I'm not even mad, I just--

I need to hear your voice.
Please call me. Please.


-Hey, Dad.
-Hey, Syd.

I just wanted to say...

I'm sorry.

If this is a new way to get
out of your grounding, it's not working.

I like it, but it's not working.

I'm not trying anything, Dad.

I just heard your messages
from when I missed my curfew last night.

I never knew how scared you get
when I don't come home.

It terrifies me.

I don't know what I'd do
if anything ever happened to you.

I love you so much.

I love you too, Dad.

The truth is...

I never should have caved all those times.

I wasn't doing either of us any favors.

I'm sorry I was such a pain tonight.

You're not the worst dad in the world.

You're the best.

Thanks, Syd.

You're back early.

Aren't you supposed to be
throwing fruit at vampires?

I got kicked out.

Apparently you're supposed
to throw fake fruit.

(chuckles) Oh, boy.

It all went downhill after my watermelon
went right through the screen.

-So where's Syd?
-She's up in her room.

Wow, I gotta say,
my money was on you caving.

So you were able to handle it after all?

Not a problem.

You just gotta... draw the line.

Ha, ha, ha! The dough didn't rise!

You called it, Max!

I gotta get out more.

-(turns off TV)
-Five minutes early.

Third time in a row.

I know!

Syd: (on voicemail) Hi, Dad.
Just letting you know I'm on my way home.

I'm minutes away.

Olive wants to stop for donuts,

but I don't think we have enough time.

But we did!

Want a donut?

Ooh! Did you get me a chocolate glazed?

Whose daughter do you think I am?


Both: Clink!

Do do, do do do do

Do do

Do do, do do do do

Do do

Do do, do do do do

Do do

Do do, do do do do

Do do

Man: Oh, yeah.