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01x45 - Orko's Missing Magic

Posted: 09/27/21 05:29
by bunniefuu
[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

I am Adam,
Prince of Eternia

and defender of the secrets
of Castle Grayskull.

This is Cringer,
my fearless friend.

Fabulous secret powers
were revealed to me

the day I held aloft
my magic sword and said,

"By the power of Grayskull!"

♪ ♪

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

I have the power!

♪ ♪


[He-Man] Cringer became
the mighty Battle Cat,

and I became He-Man,

the most powerful man
in the universe.

♪ ♪

Only three others
share this secret:

our friends the Sorceress,
Man-At-Arms, and Orko.

Together we defend
Castle Grayskull

from the evil forces
of Skeletor.


[mysterious twinkling music]

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Through the power of stone,
right, hand up to the left.


Now turn the page...

Hmm. Crystal.

Oh, let me see.


[Orko] Nah, nah.

Let's see. Let me see.


Okay. It's magic time.

[playful music]

♪ ♪

Through the power of stone,

by the mystical glass,

let the magic within
now into me pass.

It's working!
It's working!

[warbling tone]


[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

What happened?

[warbling tone]

[expl*si*n booming]

That came from Orko's room.

But where's Orko?

[lighthearted music]

[Man-At-Arms] There. Huh.

♪ ♪

Hold on.

♪ ♪

What a mess.

♪ ♪


[He-Man] What happened, Orko?

I...I don't know.

I was working on an experiment
to increase my magic power

when the whole thing
went kablooey.

Not that I'm counting,

but that's the third kablooey
this month.

Magic is tricky stuff.

Hey, tricky stuff.
Pretty funny, huh?

Uh, I guess not.

Well, I'd better
start cleaning up.

I'm showing the king
a new trick tonight.

Well, then I better move fast.


Well, if Orko's
going to do a trick,

got to warn the king.


♪ ♪

Are you sure you're all right?

[Orko] Fine and dandy.

See you later.

What a mess.

Your Majesties, friends,
for your amusement,

I proudly present the ancient
and mystic globes of RamaStama!

Miggle, maggle, muggle, mise,

mystic globes now arise!

Orko, perhaps
you should try again.

Hmm, must've used too much eep
and not enough umph.

Miggle, maggle, muggle, mise,

mystic globes now arise.

Uh, really wonderful, Orko.

Do you think
we could see it again?

My magic. It won't work.

It''s gone.


I-I didn't mean

to hurt his feelings.

Oh, I better have a talk
with Orko.

I'll come too.

[Orko crying]

♪ ♪

- [Orko] Ah.
- [He-Man] Orko, what is it?

My magic is gone.

It's vanished.

Not a zap left.

And without it,
I'm no good to anyone.

That's not true, Orko.

We love you for yourself
and not for your magic.

♪ ♪

Ah, but without magic,
how can I make the king laugh

or conjure up nice presents
for the queen?

You don't have to amuse people
or give them gifts to be loved.

You're a special person, Orko.

Oh, oh, very special.

Eh, uh, too special sometimes.

And even without tricks,
there's magic in your heart,

and it's that magic
that makes us your friends.

Well, thank you.

Thank you all,

but I need my magic,
and it's gone.


Well, Orko,
what we have to do is find out

whether you can get
your magic back,

and I know someone
who can help us.

See you later, Teela.

[Orko] And then the gronk jumped
between me and the crystal.

The next thing I remember
is the expl*si*n.

[Sorceress] That's the answer.

The gronk soaked up
your magic power

and then was drawn
into the crystal.

[Orko] But the crystal
was destroyed.

I doubt that the gronk
was destroyed too.

More likely, it was sent
to one of the other worlds

the crystal touched.

Then there's a chance?

A slim one.

I can open a gate
to the right world,

but it won't last long.

If we can get that animal,

that gronk, back,

can you restore
Orko's magic power?



I'm saved!

Not so fast, Orko.

It's risky.

If the gate should close,

you'll be trapped
in the other dimension forever.

We'll have to take that chance.

We? We?

Oh, that...that doesn't
m-m-mean me, does it?

But just to be
on the safe side,

by the power of Grayskull...

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

[dramatic music]

Uh-oh. He means me.

I have the power!

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Ready to travel, Cat?

Rawr. Let's go.

I'm going too.

No, Orko, you stay.

Without your magic...

I know I won't be very useful,

but you're doing this for me,

and the least I can do is help.

All right.

Sorceress, open the gate.

[shimmering tone]

Remember, you must act fast.

♪ ♪

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

Well, here we are.

[Orko] Yeah, but...
but where is here?

[lighthearted music]

♪ ♪

[Orko] Wow. It looks magical.

[ominous music]

♪ ♪

I wonder
what the people are like.

[Tik] Demons.

[Tok] I told you
more of them would...

- [Tik] Come.
- [He-Man] Excuse me, but...

- One of the demons...
- Speaks.

Quick, make it go...

[together] Away.



♪ ♪

Hold on, Cat.

Maybe they can help us.

- Why would we want to help...
- You?

- You're...
- [together] Demons.

We're not demons.

We're visitors
from another world.

[Orko] We're looking
for a gronk.

We think it came here.

Now where did they go?

- [Tik] What is a...
- [Tok] Gronk?

A small animal about this big.

[Tik] With fur and spines
down its...

[Tok] Back?

He-Man, they've seen it.

Please tell me where it is.

All my magic is inside it.

[both mumbling indistinctly]

[Tik] Hey, you should be
more careful with your...

[Tok] Magic.

This thing you call a gronk
has ruined everything on...

[together] Omiros.

So this place is called Omiros.

- Yes. And I am...
- Tik.

- And I'm...
- Tok.

What did you mean when you said

the gronk ruined everything?

And if it's not
too much trouble,

could just one of you answer?

[Tik] I sometimes speak
for both of...

[Tok] Us. And sometimes I...

[Tik] Do.
But it's not...

[together] Normal.


Well, when this animal
of yours arrived,

it was captured by Zalt,
an evil wizard.

He's using the strange power
to control our world.

He's using my magic.

Where is this Zalt?

[Tok] In Castle Ackle.

[He-Man] What's
the quickest way there?

[together] That way.

Maybe you could take us there.

- [Tik] Take you to Castle...
- [Tok] Ackle?

[together] Never.

But we can help you.

We'll take the gronk
back to our own world

where it won't cause
any trouble.

[both mumbling indistinctly]

- [Tik] Oh, very...
- [Tok] Well.

[both mumbling indistinctly]

[warbling tone]

- [Tik] Get...
- [Tok] In.

[mystical music]

We'll have to come back here.

That gate is the only way
back to our world.

♪ ♪

[Tok] Don't worry.
The bubble will bring you...

[Tik] Back.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[mysterious twinkling music]

♪ ♪

[He-Man] Look.
That must be Castle Ackle.

[Orko] This place
is awfully creepy.

I don't see any...

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Who dares invade Castle Ackle?

[He-Man] You better step aside,
big fellow.

We don't want any trouble.


[Giant] You're already
in trouble, pipsqueak.

♪ ♪

My club!

You broke my favorite club.

[He-Man] It's not polite
to poke people.

Ready to give up?

I'll get you this time, shorty.


- Huh?
- [He-Man] That wasn't very nice.




Just wait till I get this...

That wasn't fair.


[suspenseful music]

[Orko] Look, the gronk.

[He-Man] Orko, wait!

Don't worry, pal. I'll save you.


Are you all right?

Wha...wha...what happened?

That cage has some sort

of electronic magical protection
on it.

We'll have to find a way
around it.

Maybe my sword can cut it open.

[Zalt] That wouldn't be
very polite.

My name is Zalt.

[He-Man] Show yourself.

[Zalt] If you insist.

He-Man, behind us!


[shimmering tone]


[Orko] He-Man, we're trapped.


No good straining, muscleman.

Nothing can escape
my magic cones.

[He-Man straining]

And I'm the greatest wizard
in all the universe.

Yeah, thanks to my magic,
and I want it back.

So it's your magic
stored inside this creature.

It's been very useful to me.
Thank you.

What do you want from us, Zalt?

[Zalt] More magic, of course.

Orko, I hope
he doesn't want my sword.

Ah, the sword.

Let's just take a look at that.

[sonic whirring]

Hmm. How does it work?

Hold it up, and I'll show you.

♪ ♪

By the power of Grayskull...


♪ ♪

He got the power.

And I've got to get that gronk.

- Got you!
- [gronk slurping]

[laughs] Hey, cut it out.

Time for us to go.

[Zalt] You tricked me!

I'll show you!

[shimmering tones]


[Zalt] My magic robots
will stop you.


♪ ♪



He-Man, help!

♪ ♪

[He-Man grunting]


[Zalt] My robots!

Sorry about your toys, Zalt,
but they don't play nicely,

and neither do you.

Let's get moving.

You'll never get out
of Castle Ackle.


[Orko] He-Man,
the gate's closed.

♪ ♪


[strained] Got to lift it.


Come on.

♪ ♪

[Orko] Come on, bubble.
Do your stuff.

[warbling tone]


♪ ♪

Into the sky.

♪ ♪

- [Tik] Look, they're...
- [Tok] Back.

But so is...

[together] Zalt.

♪ ♪

The gate's beginning
to break up.

We don't have much time.

You won't escape!


It can't be!

[Tik] Did you see where Zalt...

[Tok] Went?

[both screaming]



- Look. We've captured...
- Zalt.

- We're...
- [together] Heroes.

[shimmering tone]

[He-Man] Come on.

♪ ♪

[playful music]

[Orko] Hey, get back here.

Orko, no! There's no time.

I won't lose my magic again.

Orko, come on!

[shimmering tone]

Oh! Oh, no.

That's it.

We're trapped
in this wacky place for good!

I'm sorry. Really I am.

If I hadn't been so selfish
in wanting my magic back,

we could have escaped.

All right, Orko, we'll try
to find some other way

back to Eternia.

- [Tik] Perhaps we can...
- [Tok] Help.

- [Tok] We studied your...
- [Tik] Gate.

- And we might be able to...
- Re-create it.

- [He-Man] We'd really...
- [Orko] Appreciate it.

- [Tik] Presto.
- [Tok] Change-o.

[together] Rearrange-o.

[shimmering tone]

That's no good. Too skinny.

- [Tik] Mimble.
- [Tok] Memble.

[together] Reassemble.

They're getting closer.

Maybe you should try using
the power in the gronk.

- [Tik] It's worth a...
- [Tok] Try.

- [Tik] Zeggle...
- [Tok] Zorm.


[together] Reform.

[warbling tone]

[Orko] You did it. You did it!

♪ ♪

Thanks for your help.

- Our...
- Pleasure.


Well, looks like
the Sorceress had no trouble

giving Orko his magic back.

If you ask me,
the trouble is just starting.

And what do
the mystic globes bring?

Well, let's see.

For the king, a ring.

[Randor] Thank you, Orko.

[Orko] For the queen,
a tiara with a radiant sheen.

And for Man-At-Arms...

Leave me out of this, Orko.

Now, now, Man-At-Arms,
you don't want to ruin

Orko's big finish, do you?

But, sire...

[Randor] Have a little faith,

Orko, I think Man-At-Arms
could use a new hat.

Coming right up, sire.

And for Man-At-Arms,
think of that,

a brand new, useful,


That was supposed to be a hat.



Well, at least Orko's magic
is back to normal.

[Randor laughing]


[playful music]

♪ ♪

I was really unhappy
when I lost my magic.

I was afraid that people
wouldn't like me anymore

I couldn't make them laugh

or give them magic presents.

And then Adam told me something.

You don't have to amuse people
or give them gifts to be loved.

You're a special person, Orko.

And you know what?
You're special.

And you don't have
to buy presents or be a clown

to make people like you.

That way, you'll know
that the friends you make

are real friends,

that they like you
for yourself.