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01x44 - The Region of Ice

Posted: 09/27/21 05:25
by bunniefuu
[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

I am Adam,
Prince of Eternia

and defender of the secrets
of Castle Grayskull.

This is Cringer,
my fearless friend.

Fabulous secret powers
were revealed to me

the day I held aloft
my magic sword and said,

"By the power of Grayskull!"

♪ ♪

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

I have the power!

♪ ♪


[He-Man] Cringer became
the mighty Battle Cat,

and I became He-Man,

the most powerful man
in the universe.

♪ ♪

Only three others
share this secret:

our friends the Sorceress,
Man-At-Arms, and Orko.

Together we defend
Castle Grayskull

from the evil forces
of Skeletor.


[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

[laughs] Come on, slowpokes.

If I catch you,
you'll eat snow.

♪ ♪

Orko? Where are you, Orko?

[muffled] Here I am.

Now I know why Cringer
refused to come with us.

This snow is cold. Brr!


Look at them, like two kids.

Mother and Father
really needed this vacation.

So did I.
Being a magician is hard work.

Let's take a shortcut
and beat them

to the bottom of the mountain.

[Randor] Marlena,
you're asking for trouble.


Marlena, where did you go?

[wind whistling]


Is something wrong,
Your Highness?

The queen, she was here
just a moment ago.


Is this a prank? Come out now.

I have a bad feeling
about this.

Well, we'll help search,
Your Highness.

She's probably just hiding,
waiting to surprise you.

My queen, can you hear me?

Queen Marlena! Your Majesty!

Marlena, are you hurt, dear?

Very strange.

[Randor] Man-At-Arms!

[Man-At-Arms] Your Highness!

[Teela] Father!

[wind whistling]


Okay, whoever
or whatever you are.

They should
have been here by now.

I'm hungry. Where's the food?

In the Wind Raider. Get on.

All right,
but don't go so fast!

Strange, the way
all the tracks just stop.

Well, maybe I should use
my magic.

[He-Man] No, but I think
it may be time for He-Man to...


Prince Adam!


I don't know
what's going on here,

but Prince Adam will
turn into He-Man anytime now

and pop through the snow.

Wouldn't hurt to investigate
on my own.

It seems solid.

I guess I better use some magic.

Stuff that's cold,
secrets unfold.


Anybody around here
ever heard of stairs?


I better find the others fast.

Maybe I can borrow a coat.

This is a big place.

Maybe I better use some more
of my magic to find everyone.

[Ice Lord] That's good, Slush.
Thank you.

- [Orko] Oh, no.
- [snipping]


My apologies, Your Majesties,
for this rude treatment.

I had hoped our first meeting

would be under
more pleasant circumstances.

So now we wait until
that legendary hero He-Man

appears for your rescue.

Well, he's got
a long wait coming.

He doesn't know it,
but he's got He-Man right there.

Unless there's something
I can do.

Let me think.

I look forward
to meeting this He-Man.

Tales of his mighty feats

have reached
even our cold mountains.

He's never met He-Man?

Wand of light,
become sword of might.

It worked!

Well, g-goes.

When this is all over,
maybe you will permit me to...

Who...who dares hold
He-Man's friends like this?

You are He-Man?

I am He-Man.

[Ice Lord laughs]

Don't make me angry.

You doubt me?
Release my friends at once.

If you are He-Man,
the test is simple.

Slush, put him with the others.

[Orko] Oh, my.

[Ice Lord] Slush would not
be much trouble

for the real He-Man.

Oh, my, oh, my, oh, my!

[stammering] Hug-a-mug,
melt that bug.





Now, will you release
my friends,

or must I do it myself?


He-Man, I beseech you.

I know you are mighty
and powerful.

But if it must be,

I will use all of my resources
to try and stop you.

I have others like Slush,
and I have powers of my own.

I don't want to do this.

Then why are you?

Because I must.

Perhaps we can strike a bargain.

What kind of bargain?

The evil Skeletor
has taken my daughter.

She is being held
against her will at his castle.

For her return,
I have been ordered

to turn over the royal family.

If you will rescue my daughter,
I will free your friends.

You will free them first?

That I cannot do.

But I insist you free one
as a token of good trust.

I have your word as He-Man
that you will free my daughter?

You have my promise
that I will try.

It is agreeable, then.

Which one?

[Orko] The one on the end.

[Ice Lord] Why that one?

[Orko] He is my assistant.

thank you for rescuing me.

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

[Orko] You're not mad at me

for impersonating He-Man,
are you?

No, you did what you had to do
to save us.

[Orko] Whew, good.

Now you can become He-Man,

and we'll rescue the others.

No, first we must journey
to Skeletor's lair

and rescue
the Ice Lord's daughter.

You gave your word as He-Man.

I suppose a promise
is a promise.

But He-Man will be needed
for the immediate task.

By the power of Grayskull...

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

♪ He-Man ♪

I have the power!

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

[Orko] We're going
to Snake Mountain itself?

Are you sure you want me alone?

[He-Man] You're beginning
to sound like Cringer.

[Orko] But Skeletor's home...

You did okay
against that giant ice spider.

Sure, but now
that you're He-Man,

you can handle anything
without me.

I'm going to need
all the help I can get.

After all,
I'm only your assistant.

Oh, that.

Well, I had to say something

to get him to release
Prince Adam.

It's all right.

It's all right, Orko.

I'm just joking. [chuckles]

You did a terrific job.

I couldn't have done better



We're almost there.


[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

Now, we'd better land
and approach on foot.

And very carefully.

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

♪ He-Man ♪

[ominous music]

♪ ♪

It's not the kind of place
I usually come to on vacation.

Wait until we get inside.

Inside? How do we do that?

Through the mouth of the snake.

The mouth?

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

[Skeletor] Any sign of them yet?


Nothing yet.

Well, keep a lookout.

The Ice Lord should be

bringing in
the royal family soon.

[Trap Jaw] Why don't you just
check on your monitor?

Because the Ice Lord
has done something

to my reception
in the Ice Mountains.

All I get is...snow.

After the Ice Lord brings me
the royal family,

then I will make him
pay for this.


But what if he doesn't
bring you the royal family?

Fool! Of course he will.

He wants his daughter back,
doesn't he?

You're supposed
to be guarding her.

Ah, she's in the cage.

Get back to your station...

[grumbles] All right, all right.

[shouts angrily]


[Skeletor] Trap Jaw, you're
supposed to be on the lookout.


[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

Every time something
doesn't work around here,

I catch the blame.

[warbling tones]

Okay, what have you
been up to now?




[shouts angrily]

You'll be sorry for that.


You try any more of your tricks,

and I will turn
the heat up in here.


See how you like that.

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

[upbeat music]

Nice day, isn't it?



♪ ♪

He-Man. I should have known.

[He-Man] I told you
he wasn't too smart.

I don't need my hands

to take care
of the likes of you.

[Orko] Yipe!


You'll never make it, Trap Jaw.

I don't see how you
are gonna stop me.


This is the ten-foot pole
I wouldn't touch you with.



One foot down, nine to go.

Orko, the rope.

Good-bye, Trap Jaw.

That wasn't so hard.

[He-Man] Just like
stringing a fish, Orko.

[Trap Jaw shouting angrily]

Keep hanging in there,
Trap Jaw.

[Trap Jaw shouting angrily]

No, no, don't say anything.

You might lose your grip.

Anyway, I think
I know how you feel.

Shall we go inside?

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

[Orko] How will we find her?
This is a big place.

I feel like we've walked
to the bottom of the world.

When we find Skeletor,
we'll find the girl.

That means
we have to find Skeletor.

- Shh.
- What?

[whispering] Skeletor.

Come on, Orko.
Now the fun starts.

Fun, he calls it.

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

My father's a noble man,

and he will never capture
the royal family

and turn them over to you.

He will, or he'll regret it.

I think you should talk
to your father

and convince him
to hurry matters along.

I refuse.

I could make things
very warm for you.

Very warm.


Neither I nor my father
will cooperate with evil,

no matter what you do to us.


I'll let you think about it.

We could raise
the temperature in here,

could we not, Beast Man?

Ah, great idea.

I'm starting to catch a cold.


Now it's our turn.


Who are you?

I guess we should have knocked.

We're He-Man and Orko.

Which is which?

Now, that's a good question.

Don't ask Orko.
He just gets confused.

Let's see.

[Orko] Well, your father
sent us.

We came to rescue you.

I thank you,

but I don't think
it will be that easy.

All we have to do is walk out.

Shall we go home?

♪ ♪

Ah, this will warm up the room

and our little snow princess.




Hello, Beast Man. Making soup?



Oops. You spilled it.

[shimmering tone]

[ice crackles]

And now it's cold.

[ice shattering]

Hey, that's a good trick.


Playing catch?

Here. Right back at you.

[muffled shouting]

Now you won't lose it again.

He ought to be more careful.

I would appreciate it

if we could get away
from this place now.

I agree.

Skeletor's gonna find out
we're here pretty soon,

and I'd rather be away.

If there are no further

we should be out real soon.

Come on.

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

[Skeletor] Trap Jaw, answer me.

Where are you?

Do you see anything yet?

He's sleeping on the job again.

[muffled grunting]

Help me!
Somebody get me out of here!

[Skeletor] What is this?

Beast Man,
is this supposed to be funny?



Get me out! Free me!

[warbling tone]


Go see what happened
to Trap Jaw.

He's probably sleeping again.

Enough of your silly games.

- He-Man!
- He-Man?

Yes, he's here
at Snake Mountain,

trying to rescue the girl.

They will never escape.

[laughing wickedly]

[warbling tone]

There it is. We're almost out.

Sure looks good to me.


Never thought I could eat
that much rope.


[Orko] Earthquakes!

[He-Man] I don't think so.

Come on. We must hurry.


Uh-oh. We're in for it now.

What's happening?

I think Snake Mountain
is coming alive.

[Skeletor] He-Man!

He-Man! You're mine.


It looks like it's time to go.

We've worn out our welcome.

I'll need your help, Snowflake.

Oh, yes, yes! Whatever you want.

Oh, but hurry, please.

First we must help Trap Jaw
rejoin his friends.

He-Man, don't!
Skeletor, help me!

What are you doing?

Snowflake, if you could
smooth the path for Trap Jaw.


Oh, yes, I see.

[shimmering tone]

[Trap Jaw] Watch out!

[Skeletor] Oh, no!

[Trap Jaw] Ugh! Duck!


Now to get this snake
to say, "Ah."


Hurry! Everyone out!

He's gotten away.

Will someone untie me? Oh.


I think I'm catching cold.

If you had kept a better eye
on the girl,

none of this
would have happened.


Well, what do you have

to say for yourself?

[Beast Man sneezes dramatically]

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

Oh, breathe that frigid air.

It's nice to be home.

He-Man, I don't know
how to thank you.

Well, Orko had
a lot to do with it.

Oh, yes, Orko.

I don't know how to repay
either of you.

You could teach me
how to do that ice trick.

[Snowflake] I'd like that.

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

[Ice Lord] I truly apologize,
King Randor,

but I was trapped by Skeletor

and knew of no other way
to save my daughter.

Next time, just ask for help.

I'll remember that.

Please thank He-Man for me.

I never did thank him properly.

Which He-Man do you mean?

Both of my He-Men.

He-Man. Ha!

[whistle blowing]

The hero always gets the reward.

Orko certainly helped us out
in today's adventure,

and he learned
a good lesson too.

He made a promise
to the Ice Lord

he thought he could break,

but Adam showed him
you shouldn't make a promise

knowing you're not
going to keep it.

People judge you
by many things:

your appearance, your honesty,
the way you act.

Those things show
your character.

When you make a promise
and don't keep it,

it shows bad character.

So always think before you speak
and mean what you say.

That way, what you say
will be respected.

See you again soon.

[exciting music]

♪ ♪