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01x41 - House of Shokoti Part II of II

Posted: 09/27/21 05:23
by bunniefuu
[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

I am Adam,
Prince of Eternia

and defender of the secrets
of Castle Grayskull.

This is Cringer,
my fearless friend.

Fabulous secret powers
were revealed to me

the day I held aloft
my magic sword and said,

"By the power of Grayskull!"

♪ ♪

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

I have the power!

♪ ♪


[He-Man] Cringer became
the mighty Battle Cat,

and I became He-Man,

the most powerful man
in the universe.

♪ ♪

Only three others
share this secret:

our friends the Sorceress,
Man-At-Arms, and Orko.

Together we defend
Castle Grayskull

from the evil forces
of Skeletor.


[foreboding music]

♪ ♪

[creature howling]

♪ ♪

[Cringer shivering]

[He-Man] I hope we're doing
the right thing, Melaktha.

This pyramid
could be filled with evil.

Prince Adam,
as royal archaeologist,

it's my job to explore it,

no matter what the danger.

Notice anything odd
about this wall, Stanlan?

The bricks in it
are not as old

as the stone
in the rest of the pyramid.

Very good.

You're like a detective.

What does it mean, Melaktha?

Well, it means
that almost a thousand years

after this pyramid was built,

someone was afraid
of something inside it.

That wall keeps it in.

Good idea.

And to find out what it is,

we'll have
to take the wall down.

Bad idea.

Ooh, very bad idea.

Well, uh, no sense wasting time.



[armor rattles]


Good wall.
Hey, nice and solid.

[stone cracking]


The darkness.

I see the darkness once again.

[laughing maniacally]


We may need your head again.

Uh, no problem.

No, no, it's too dangerous.

We must wait
for the sun to come up.

Uh, who is this Shibooti?


She was a wicked sorceress
from the Dark Side of Eternia.

Very good, Your Highness.

See? The prince
has been doing his studying.

And if I remember those studies,

you're right
about waiting for morning.

Let's go back to camp.

Ram Man will stand guard here.

All right with you, Rammy?


Old Sha...uh...Sashimi
doesn't scare me.


[Shokoti laughing maniacally]


[maniacal laughter continues]

[Stanlan] Shokoti.

Kind of scary, huh, Cringer?

Scary? No.

It's terrifying.

Why are we still hanging
around here?

I can't wait to explore it.

[clears throat]
Time for bed, Stanlan.

Will we be going inside
the pyramid at first light, sir?

I will be going in.

You will be on the way
back to the palace.

But, sir, you'll need me.

Who's gonna carry
the equipment and...

It's much too dangerous.

I promise you, next time.

It's always next time,
next time.

All I do is read
these dull books.

I never get to go exploring.
It's not fair.

Listen, Stanlan.
Melaktha's right.

I know you're disappointed,

You get to go.

Ram Man gets to go.

I bet even Cringer gets to go.

I don't want to go.

Stanlan, when will you
learn to obey?

Now, to bed immediately,
and not another word.

Oh, I know how he feels.

It's hard to understand
when you really want something.

I just don't want him
to get hurt,

but maybe I was
a little too harsh.

[Cringer snoring]

[eerie music]

♪ ♪

[Stanlan] Not fair.

It's not fair!

But I'm gonna see it.

I'm gonna.

Rope, lantern,
phospho crystals.

There, that should do it.



What's that?


[dramatic music]

[Cringer] Oh, boy.

[ominous music]

♪ ♪

Eh, Kaboobie, Kashooey.

Wicked sorceress.

Eh, nothing to worry about.

[Shokoti laughing maniacally]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

[Shokoti laughing maniacally]

Uh, uh, no problem, no problem.


[Stanlan] Ram Man.

Stanlan. Whew.

I thought you were Mushroomey.

Eh, what are you doing here?

Ram Man, do you think
you can get through that door?

Yeah, sure. Why?

Melaktha is sending me back

I'll never seen any of it.

Please, Ram Man,
just a little peek,

just what's behind the door.

Uh, I don't think I should.

Prince Adam said to...

Please, Ram Man! Please!

Well, maybe
just what's behind the door.



Hey, good door. Solid.



Ram Man!

Ram man! Ram man!

[Shokoti laughing maniacally]

♪ ♪

Help! Help!

Help! Ahh!

[Stanlan] Help! Help!

Help! Help!

Adam, in two seconds,
I'm back in the royal palace,

so y-you better
lift your sword now.

By the power of Grayskull...

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

[dramatic music]

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

♪ ♪

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

I have the power!

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪


[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

♪ ♪

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

[Shokoti laughing maniacally]

Look out, Cat!

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

[Shokoti laughing maniacally]

♪ ♪


Uh, He-Man,
what are you doing here?

No time to talk.

Stanlan is in there.


♪ ♪

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

[foreboding music]

♪ ♪

[warbling tone]

[groans] What...what happened?

[Shokoti] Boy, come to me.


Follow. Follow me.

♪ ♪

[Shokoti] Follow me.


♪ ♪

- [He-Man] Stanlan!
- [Ram Man] Stanlan!

[He-Man] Where are you?

- Stanlan? Stanlan!
- Stanlan. Stanlan!

Gee, He-Man,
where could he be?

Too many ways to go,

and I don't quite trust

I see in this place.

"Beware, ye who"- -

"Who"- -oh, Melaktha was right.

If I'd studied harder,
I could read these.


Who's there?



[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[shimmering tone]

Welcome, boy.

[Shokoti laughing maniacally]

[Stanlan] Help!


[Ram Man] Stanlan?

[He-Man] Stanlan, where are you?

[Stanlan] Help!

[roaring] Stanlan!

That way!

Go, Cat!

Uh, wait for me.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪


Away, vermin!

Did he frighten you, boy?

Are you a g-ghost?

I am Shokoti.

This is my house,

and you are my first guest
in a long, long while.

[creature screeching]

[ominous music]

♪ ♪

What...what was that?

The Sleeping Beast.

Soon it will rise!

And what will happen?

The Living Darkness
will cover the world,

and Shokoti
will be Mistress of it.

I think I'd better find
the way out now.

Melaktha will be very worried.

[footsteps thudding]

You can't go now, boy.

You must stay and meet the Beast
when it wakes.

[creatures screeching]

[suspenseful music]

[muffled cries]

Bring him, my Darklings,

and I will prepare a trick
for those behind him.

[muffled shouting]

[Ram Man] Uh, there's
a wall in our way.

You want me to bash it,

Wait a minute.
Let's take a closer look first.

Hmm, it looks solid,
but looks can be deceiving,

especially in the dark.


An illusion and a trap,
probably for you.

You mean I saw a wall
but there was no wall there?

That's right, an illusion.

A sorceress like Shokoti
could use darkness to trick us.

We can't be sure
of anything we see.

He discovered my illusion!

Who are they, boy?

[warbling tone]

It's Ram Man and He-Man
and Battle Cat!


They must be coming
to rescue me!

How delightful!

Uh, funny mirror.

How funny, I wonder.


You, see something
in there, Battle Cat?

[warbling tone]

Hey! It''s Shapoopi!

Shokoti, you fool!

- Uh...
- Where's Stanlan, witch?

[laughing maniacally]

I am much more than a witch,

Much more.

Come and find out.

[laughing maniacally]


[laughs maniacally]

Into the shadows with you.

The heroes are coming.

[creatures screeching]

♪ ♪

The Beast will be pleased
to see you, He-Man.

Stanlan, hold on.

We're coming.

Look out!

[expl*si*n booms,
creatures screeching]

You wicked boy!


[dramatic music]

[Stanlan] Ram Man, He-Man.

Boy, am I glad to see you.

[Shokoti] Get them!

♪ ♪

[creatures screeching]

Let me at 'em.


Uh-oh, another illusion.



You cannot fight the Darkness,

Stanlan, run!

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

[ominous music]

[warbling tone]

♪ ♪

[laughing maniacally]

[dramatic music]

[warbling tone]


[grunts] I got to get loose.

♪ ♪

Don't struggle.




[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

Now He-Man's in trouble,
and there's no one to help me.

[shimmering tone]

[Sorceress] The help is
within yourself, Stanlan.

Huh? Who's that?

I am the Sorceress.

The Sorceress?

Prince Adam said
you help out He-Man sometimes.

Boy, does he need it now.

[Sorceress] Then listen.

There is nothing to fear
in the darkness.

The power of Shokoti
is the power of fear.

Fight it with a sword.

Sorceress, wait!

What did you mean?

How do I fight it? How?

I, Shokoti,
Mistress of the Night,

conjure you.

Awake! Awake!

Hey, what's going on?

I...I think we're about to meet
something we don't want to meet.

If I can just break these...


[warbling tone]

Must be magical.

The Sleeping Beast, it comes!

Uh, you were right.
I don't want to meet it.


Nothing to be afraid of,
she said.


Rise! Rise!

Take your sacrifice,

and spread the Living Darkness
across the world!

Not afraid. Not afraid!

[Sleeping Beast roaring]

Shokoti, stop it!

Away, boy!

Not afraid!

- [chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪
- We're free.

Curse you, boy!

But it doesn't matter.

The Beast lives again.

[dramatic music]

Here's your sword, He-Man.

Good work, Stanlan,

though I'm not sure
how you did it.

The Sorceress said,
"Don't be afraid."

[Sleeping Beast roaring]

♪ ♪

Uh, I think it's hungry.

I'll give it a little snack.

♪ ♪

Take Stanlan and get going.

I'll give it something
a little bigger to eat.

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

♪ ♪

[grunts] Come on. Come on!

Let's go!

♪ ♪

No! No!

What are you doing?

Your monster should enjoy this!

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

[upbeat music]

[Stanlan] And there was
this creature that chased me.

And this snake thingy.

And then He-Man showed up.

Yeah, and he dropped
this whole statue on Shaboty.

Boy, that was something.

I was never so scared
in all my life.

I should have obeyed Melaktha.

Well, since you know that,

I guess we can spare Melaktha
all the details.

But you're going back
to the palace tomorrow.

Yes, sir.

And thanks, Prince Adam.

Don't you think
I should go back too?

Uh, wait, don't tell me
you're still scared of Shokoti.

Ram Man, you said it right.

I did?

Oh, I did, yeah, yeah.



Uh, what'd I say right?


In today's adventure,

Stanlan was trapped
in an old, dark building.

He had to face many dangers,
from demons to monsters.

Now, in your world, there are
no demons or monsters,

but there's still danger
in old, dark places.

Empty buildings or caves
may seem exciting,

but you could get badly hurt
or trapped in places like that.

So stay out of them,

even if one of your friends
dares you to go in.

Taking a risk like that
isn't brave.

It's just dumb.