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01x38 - Valley of Power

Posted: 09/27/21 05:16
by bunniefuu
[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

I am Adam,
Prince of Eternia

and defender of the secrets
of Castle Grayskull.

This is Cringer,
my fearless friend.

Fabulous secret powers
were revealed to me

the day I held aloft
my magic sword and said,

"By the power of Grayskull!"

♪ ♪

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

I have the power!

♪ ♪


[He-Man] Cringer became
the mighty Battle Cat,

and I became He-Man,

the most powerful man
in the universe.

♪ ♪

Only three others
share this secret:

our friends the Sorceress,
Man-At-Arms, and Orko.

Together we defend
Castle Grayskull

from the evil forces
of Skeletor.


[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[mysterious music]

♪ ♪

[Danavas] The Valley of Power.

[bird screeches]

And that giant bird
must be the mother roe

that guards the valley
against all intruders.

It's just as the legend says.


Well, I'd better move fast
if I want to steal your egg.

And when it hatches,

I'll teach the little monster
to obey my every command.

And when it grows as big as you,
my giant lady...


All Eternia
had better watch out.


[roe screeching]

Well, that sounds awfully loud

for a miniature snow hawk.

Come on, Cringer,
I know my birds,

and that is
a miniature snow hawk.

Adam, Cringer, look out!

both: Oh, no!

[roe screeching]

I guess it wasn't
so miniature after all.

Come on, guys.

That's the mother roe
that guards the Valley of Power.

We can't turn back now.

Oh, want to bet?



Oh, don't let go, Adam.

Oh, don't let go!

Don't worry, old pal,
we won't let you down.

Am I safe yet?

Safe as can be.


Teela, how do Adam and I let you

talk us into these
crazy adventures?

Come on, Cringer.

The Sorceress told all of us

about the magical spring
in the valley.

It rises once
every thousand years,

and today is the day.

All you have to do
is drink the water,

and the magic will make you

as brave and strong
as He-Man and Battle Cat.

Wow. What do you think
of that, Cringer?

I can't believe it.

B-Battle Cat is my idol.

You really think it's possible,

Well, maybe not,

but anything
will be an improvement.

Hey, that wind should be
freezing, but it's warm.

It must be coming
from the valley.

We'd better hurry,
'cause if we're late,

we'll have to wait
another thousand years,

and I don't think any of us
has the patience for that.

I finally made it,

and now to steal the egg
of the mother.

Great galaxies,
it's even bigger than I thought.

I guess I'd better
get out of here

before the mother returns.

Well, this is it.

This is your magical spring?

It looks pretty dry to me,

unless, of course, the magic
water is invisible as well.

[Teela] Give me a break.

The water only comes up
one day every thousand years,

but the Sorceress couldn't
tell me the exact minute.

it'd better happen soon...

[roe screeching]

[Cringer] ...or we're all
gonna be bird food.

Calm down, guys.

We haven't done anything
to that bird,

so why should she bother us?

[roe screeching]

You may think
we haven't done anything

against the mother roe,
but try telling that to her.


She's after me.

It looks as if someone else
is in trouble too.

Get down.


- Who are you?
- My name's Teela,

and my friends are Adam
and Cringer.

Oh, and I'm Danavas.

Why is that monster bird
after us?

Maybe she's protecting
the magic spring.

Is that why you're here,
to become more powerful?

Then the legend is right.

Drinking the water will give me
the power I want.

Well, of course,

I plan to use my powers
to fight evil,

but just where is the spring?

We'll be standing in it,

when the waters rise, that is.

Look out, you two.
Here she comes again!

[roe screeching]

Hey, Cringer, I think it's time

we became more powerful

and we can't wait
for that magical water either.

By the power of Grayskull!


[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

♪ ♪

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

I have the power.

♪ ♪


[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

♪ ♪

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

What has she got against us?

It's almost as if she were
protecting her children.

Here she comes again.

Wait a minute.
What's in that knapsack?


He-Man, Battle Cat.

You sure came
at the right time.

That monster just flew off
with the woman.

I tried to protect her,
but I couldn't.

Come on, Battle Cat.


I'll be right behind you.

As soon as I drink my fill
of magic water, that is.


Battle Cat,
when we get to the top,

you've got to tell mother roe
we mean her no harm.

I just hope we speak
the same language.

[roe screeching]



Glittering galaxies,
what's going on?

It's happening!

The magical waters are ready
to rise!

You must be ready to drink!

[water bubbling]

Amazing, the legend was right
about this, too.

Well, old pal,
I hope you're not thirsty,

because whether she
realizes it or not,

Teela still needs help.

One hero coming
out of the Valley of Power

is more than enough for me.

No wonder the mother roe is mad.

Danavas has stolen her egg.

What's...what's happening?

I feel...
I feel incredibly powerful.

That's it!

The magic worked.

[roe squawks]

My baby bird.

I don't believe it.

The magic is making
the baby grow

to full size.

[roe screeches]

Thanks to my new
magical power,

you are now
under my complete control.

Too bad.

No more water means

prince Adam and Cringer
lost their chance

to be heroes.

And now I think it's time
to take care

of He-Man and Battle Cat
as well.

Teela, are you all right?

I'm fine, but what about
Adam and Cringer?

Don't worry.
They're all right.

But I think we'd better
get out of here as well.



This calls
for some fancy footwork.


Enjoying your ride, He-Man?

Sure thing, Danavas.
It's a real kick.

I'm so glad,

but you've come to
the end of the line.

Where did that menace
of the skies fly off to now?

I'm sorry I asked!

[laughs maniacally]

Pretty strong wind, isn't it?


Now, this is what I call
a real cliff hanger.

I've got only one chance...

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

And that's to learn
very quickly how to fly!

Oh, no!
It's He-Man.


He's dropping
like a lead balloon.

I think I'd better
leave flying to the birds.

But wait.
I think I've got the hang of it.

He did it! He did it!
He-Man did it!

[Battle Cat growls]
Way to go, old pal!

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

[He-Man] Teela, Battle Cat,
clear the runway.

Here he comes.

He-Man, are you all right?

It was fun, Battle Cat,

but I wouldn't advise anyone
to try it,

unless they were born
with wings.

Well, I'm brave enough

but not dumb enough
to try that.



You've only made
a temporary escape,

but the royal palace of Eternia
is doomed.

[laughing maniacally]

The king and queen
are at the seashore.

And Man-At-Arms and the troops
are all out on maneuvers.

Which leaves Orko
at the palace all alone.

[roe screeches]

[Teela] Oh, no!

The mother roe, she's back!

Come on, Battle Cat,

see if you can find out
what's going on.

I can understand
what she's saying,

and I'll bet
she can understand me too.

[Battle Cat growls]

[roe squawking]




Danavas took her baby.

She wants her baby back,
and I told her we'd help.

In that case, Teela,
you hitch a ride

with our new friend
to the palace.

But Adam...

Don't worry about Adam
or Cringer.

We won't leave until
we know they're all right.

We'll meet you at the palace.

[Teela] Just get there
as fast as you can.

Once I've demonstrated
my power,

Prince Adam
and the whole royal family

will fall to their knees
and bow to me.

[laughs maniacally]

[Orko snoring]


Hey, what's going on?

Oh, no!

Go back for He-Man
and Battle Cat.

Do you understand?

Orko, where are you?

Watch out, Teela.

We're under attack.

I know, and your hammock
just gave me an idea.

But we've got to hurry.

[laughing maniacally]

Here they come, Orko.

You know what to do.

[Danavas laughing]

It'll take more
than a mere rope to stop us.

Fly under it.

- Now!
- [roe screeches]

Oh, no!
We've been tricked.

We did it, Teela!
We did it!

And you're both gonna pay
for ruining my nap too.


Look out, Orko!

That bird is dangerous.

And so am I!

Let's get out of here!

Boy, I sure wish He-Man
were here.

Come on, Battle Cat.

An Eternian snail
can move faster than this.

[growls] One more crack,
and you're walking.

[roe screeches]

Uh-oh, sounds like trouble.

Nope, that's the mother roe.

And she says Teela sent her back
to give us a lift.

I guess Teela didn't think
I was fast enough either.



Hey, Teela, help!
I'm slipping!

Orko, why don't you
just levitate?

Oh, yeah.

Gee, thanks for reminding me.

Teela, Orko!


Quick, go to the Sorceress

and get something
to get rid of the magic

of the Valley of Power.

The mother will take you there

while Battle Cat
provides a distraction

to let you get away.

Hey, I want to stay
and help He-Man.

Next time, Orko. I promise.

Ah, Teela, I never get
to do anything exciting.

Teela and Orko are coming.

I must think.

An antidote for that baby roe,

one that will return it
to its mother as it should be.

As for that evil Danavas,

well, I needn't worry about him.

Anger reducer,
a touch of baby love.


Some motherly understanding.

A pinch of a baby's cry.

[roe screeches]

I-I can't hang on much longer.

They're here,
and just in time.

Help! Help!



Wah, wah, wah, wah.

It's all right, Teela.

Orko was only splashed
with a bit of the antidote

I had prepared for you.

Oh, and don't worry
about Danavas,

the effects of the water
will wear off any moment now,

just like Orko will recover.


What's happening?

You know, for a minute there,
I thought...

Come on, Orko.

And thank you, Sorceress.

Get him off.

Oh, no!

So much for my clever plan.

Battle Cat, watch out!

Oh, no, not again!

Don't worry, Battle Cat.
I'm on my way.

Great work, He-Man,
but now what?

I think it's time
to call in reinforcements.


Eh, what are those two
up to now?

[roe screeches]

Get ready, Battle Cat.

You've got to be kidding.

You've got a better idea?



We did it!

Battle Cat may have escaped,

but He-Man is mine!

[growls] He-Man,
you forgot just one thing.

I can't fly this crazy thing!

Just hang on, Battle Cat.
I'll think of something.

[Battle Cat]
I hope so.

Your airplane is shaking
the stripes off of me.

I love the fresh air
at this altitude,

but I'm not so sure
I like the view.




Am I glad to see you.

Just get me
back to solid ground.

Oh, we made it.

Dirt, rocks. Oh, I love it.
I love it. I love it.


I sure hope that stuff works.

It did on you.

He-Man, we've got the antidote!

Great work, Teela.

[roe screeching]

Open wide, baby roe.

It's time for little monsters
to take their medicine.

[roe screeching]

[roe gulps]

[roe squawking]

It worked!

He may be huge,

but he's still
a little baby at heart.

[roe squawks]

Now, that's what I call
a happy family.

We don't have any antidote left
to use on Danavas.

Don't you remember, Orko?

The Sorceress told us his power
would wear off by itself.

And until it does,

I think these should keep him
out of trouble.

Don't worry, He-Man.

I've learned my lesson,

and I intend to pay
for my evil deed anyway I can,

just as long as I can keep
both feet on the ground.


It sure is nice
to spend the day in the woods.

Nature offers us much to enjoy.

some people do things

which hurt the plant
and animal life in the forest,

like Danavas in today's story.

By taking the mother roe's egg,

he upset the natural order
of things.

So the next time you're
in a beautiful outdoor setting,

enjoy yourself,

but be sure to leave things
just as you found them.

That way, the next person
can enjoy them too.