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01x37 - It's Not My Fault

Posted: 09/27/21 05:15
by bunniefuu
[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

I am Adam,
Prince of Eternia

and defender of the secrets
of Castle Grayskull.

This is Cringer,
my fearless friend.

Fabulous secret powers
were revealed to me

the day I held aloft
my magic sword and said,

"By the power of Grayskull!"

♪ ♪

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

I have the power!

♪ ♪


[He-Man] Cringer became
the mighty Battle Cat,

and I became He-Man,

the most powerful man
in the universe.

♪ ♪

Only three others
share this secret:

our friends the Sorceress,
Man-At-Arms, and Orko.

Together we defend
Castle Grayskull

from the evil forces
of Skeletor.


[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

See if you can
catch this one, Podi.

Good catch, Podi.

Well, have fun.

Coming at you, Orko.

Okay, if that's how
you want to play.

[Orko laughs]

[ball crashes]

You did it now.

Let's get out of here
before they catch us.

That's Man-At-Arm's workshop.

We'd better go tell him.


Man-At-Arms is
my father's friend.

If he gets mad at me,
I'll be in big trouble.

Why? There's nothing
to be afraid of.

Come on.
I'll do the talking.

I'm not going.

And don't tell on me either.


[sighs] Well, I guess

I'll have to check out
the bad news all by myself.

Uh-oh. That's my ball.

And that's what's left
of my Melectron Analyzer.

[Orko] It doesn't look too good.

I guess this means
I'm in trouble, huh?

Jumping Jupiter.
What happened here?

Orko accidentally broke
one of my inventions.

Uh-oh. You and Podi got
a little carried away

in your game, huh?

Was Podi involved in this?

Oh, I'll take all the blame.

No. I think you should tell Podi
to come up here also.

But she'll think I told on her.

Orko, you know her father
is chief of the Fantus tribe.

I'm sure
he'd expect his daughter

to take responsibility

if she had any part in this.

And if you're both at fault,

you should share
the responsibility.

She's probably
in our hiding spot

near the vine jungle.

I'll go look for her.

It was never easy
for me to admit

I'd done something wrong

and then be punished for it.

And when you did,
the punishment was never as bad

as you thought it would be,
was it?

[chuckles] Never.

[mysterious music]

♪ ♪

Thank goodness
the cave's not far.


Now I'll be safe.

It was never
this dark before.

Hey! What's...


I knew you'd come here
sooner or later.



Podi? Podi?

You can come out now.

It's okay.

At least I think it's okay.

[bird squawks]

C-come on, Podi.

W-where are you?

Podi, you in there?


Aah! Help! Help!

I trust, Orko,
that Podi has told you

about her father's old friend,

So you're the evil Rago.

You've heard of me?

[Orko] What do you want with us?

It's Podi
we were waiting for.

She doesn't know it yet,

but she's going to help
overthrow her father.


And help me become
the new chief.

This is Zegone.

We will worship him.

[Santar] And as soon
as we get the Moorfire stones

for his eyes, we will be ready.

The Moorfire stones?

Those are the eyes
of our tribal statue.

That's right,
but we need them.

And with their power,

Zegone will be undefeatable.

Put them inside Zegone.

[Rago] Catch him!

Don't worry, Podi.

I'll get help.

[brakes screech]

Can't blame a fella
for trying.

Orko and Podi should have been
back hours ago.

Sir, this message
just arrived from Chief Merlo.

What's the problem?

He wants us
to keep Podi here.

Rago is loose
in the vine jungle,

and Podi may be in danger.

The vine jungle?

That's where Orko went
to find Podi.

Tell Teela to meet me
at Claw Rock.

Let's go, Adam.

By the power of Grayskull!

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

♪ ♪

[chorus] ♪ He-Man ♪

I have the power!

I came as fast as I could,

I hope...He-Man!

Oh, am I glad to see you.

Hello, Teela.
We'd better get moving.

Follow me, and be careful.

The vine jungle is

one of the most dangerous areas
in Eternia.

♪ ♪



[muffled grunting]

The Catcher Plant.


I'd better watch
where I'm going.

Orko's hiding spot
is just ahead.

It looks
as if we're too late.


What's this?

That's the ball
Orko was playing with.

He must have been here.

[He-Man] And he wasn't alone.

Someone smashed up this cave...
or something.

[Man-At-Arms] Whatever it was,
it had great power.

We'd better tell Podi's father.

[trees crashing]

Nothing stands in the way
of Zegone's power.

And soon nothing will stand
in the way of my power.


By the time your message
arrived, Chief Merlo,

Podi had already run off.

If only she had taken
responsibility for her actions,

this might never
have happened.

A giant metal beast
has been seen

charging toward
the sacred temple.

It's crushing
everything in its path.

He's after the Moorfire stones.

The Moorfire stones?

But there's not
a man or woman alive

who could remove them.

True, Teela,

but a child can,

a special child,

the child of the chief
of the Fantus.

- [Teela] Podi.
- Yes.

And Rago will stop
at nothing to get those stones.

Come on. We'd better hurry.


[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[Teela] It'll take us forever
to get through here.


This staff gets its power
from the Moorfire stones.

Their power must never fall
under Rago's control.

[brakes screech]

The bridge is too narrow.

Jump it.

[engines blast]

Destroy the bridge.

That'll keep anyone
from following us.

[laser fires]


[Merlo] Rago must be enjoying
his advantage over me.

But what does he have
against you?

I put him in charge
of the water supply.

He thought he was too good
for that job and wouldn't do it.

That's why he hates you?

It's not that simple.

We got into an argument,
and he ran off.

Later he became a thief.

He was caught
and sent to the prison mines.

[He-Man] And he blames you?


He swore to get revenge on me

by stealing the Moorfire stones,

but I never thought
he would go so far

as to take my daughter.

How can we stop Rago now?

This was the only way
to the Moorfire stones.

give me your tether line

to tie across the gorge.

[heroic music]

♪ ♪

That'll hold.

[He-Man] Don't move!

Merlo, are you all right?

Yes, but how do we get out?

Get on my back,
and hold on.

[vine snapping]

There's no time to rest.

Let's go.


So, He-Man's after us.

Not even he will be able
to stop us

once we get the Moorfire stones.


Their magic will mean his defeat

and my victory
over all Eternia.


[dramatic music]

Your father embarrassed me
in front of the whole tribe

just for not finishing
some stupid little job.

It wasn't stupid.

You were in charge

of keeping our water supply
clear of vines.

It was a job for a girl.

Besides, I had
more important things to do.

But you were supposed to do it,
and you didn't.

It was your responsibility,
and then you ran away.

Soon I will be the chief,

and we'll see who's responsible
for what around here.

[Rago] There it is!

The sacred temple
of the Fantus.

And the Moorfire stones

are just inside.

Once the Moorfire stones
are mine,

I won't have to answer
to anybody.

You'll answer to my father.



From now on,
he'll answer to me.

Santar, lower Zegone.


Give her to me.

I won't do it!

You will do whatever I say.

Take Zegone up.
[Zegone beeps and whirs]

Get them. Now!


Orko, catch.

No one will ever be able
to find them in there.

[brakes screech]

Got you.


How come I can't ever
find anything when I want it?

Now, to take
what should be mine,

the title of chief

and power over Merlo.

My thanks to you, Podi.

You should be proud you
helped me overthrow your father.


And now I'm in charge.


By the time He-Man can free Podi
and the little alien,

I'll be in complete control.


On, Zegone.

Rago will pay
for his evil act.

- [Podi] Help! Help me! Please!
- [Orko] Help! Help!

It's Orko and Podi.

I'll get them out.

The power is gone.

Rago must have
the Moorfire stones.

Well, you two had quite a day.

He-Man, am I glad to see you.

Quick! They've got the stones,

and they're on their way
to the village.

You've got to stop them!

♪ ♪

[laser fire]

Nothing on Eternia can stop us

not even He-Man.

Ugh! He-Man!

End of the line, fellas.

Not quite, He-Man.

Let's just send that ray
right back at you.

Push it up. Full strength.

It is full strength.

[Rago] He's destroying Zegone!

Do something!

It looks like you've
got everything well in hand.

I'll get him.


[both grunting]



This one's mine.


I'll get Rago.

Forget it, He-Man.

You'll never catch me.


I hate to disappoint you,

I told you, He-Man.

I know this jungle too well.


Then you must know
all about clinging vines.

I guess you must have
forgotten, Rago.

And it's your own fault, too.


Rago and his friends
are going to be hard at work

in the prison mines
for a long time

after all the damage
they've been responsible for.

And I think Podi has learned
how important it is

to be more responsible
for her actions too.

Where is Podi?


It was my fault.

No, it was my fault
the pottery broke.

All right, it was your fault.

What do you mean
it was my fault?

It was your fault.


It was our fault.

[all laughing]

In today's story,

my pal Podi got herself
into big trouble.

She made a mistake
and ran away,

which only
made things worse.

Now, everyone makes mistakes,

but running away is never
the way to handle a problem.

So when you make a mistake,
admit it.

That's the best way I know of

to start making things
right again.

Until later. Bye, now!

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪