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01x02 - City Council

Posted: 09/27/21 04:51
by bunniefuu
NADJA: Are we almost there?

All this walking and walking
and walking, Guillermo,

do you never tire of it?

Screw this. I'm flying.

Who's with me? Bat!

NADJA: He doesn't have the
address, so, you know...

I don't have the address.


Vampires love virgins.

It's their favorite food.

And, um, I've managed to find a group

with an extremely high ratio of virgins.

So, LARPing, as you probably know,

stands for Live Action Role-Playing.

You will give me the scroll,

or you will taste the wrath of my pike.

JENNA: Some people think that

we kind of mix up reality.

Don't worry, we're well aware.

Um, we know it isn't real.

No, it's real.


Roll for intimidation.


JONATHAN: Negative for intimidation.

KYLE: Roll again.

Well, obviously they are all
virgins, so good work there.

Thank you, Master.

Shh! Guillermo! You'll
spook the virgins!

Your accent!

- I will join.
- One.

- I will join.
- Two.


SHANICE: Jenelf has volunteered, sire.

No. Jenelf has but hit points.

- You still have enough points.
- All who agree Jenelf

does not have enough points to
come on the quest, say "aye."



Why do they ignore the
little female one?

Perhaps it is part of their game.

They pretend she's invisible?

KYLE: You call this a
sojourner's tavern?

Your mead tastes like griffin piss.


I don't want these virgins.

They are going to taste too sad.

- Oh, come on.
- Let's just eat the mean one.

No, I know what you're bloody like.

If you eat the mean one, you're
gonna be mean all evening.

No, thank you. This is a
bowl of rotten fruit!

All right, I think you need
to calm down, my beauty.

- Coming?
- In a moment.

♪ ♪

- KYLE: Sorry, Jen.
- JENNA: It's all right.

Be strong, sweet little one.

Someday they will all be dead,

and you will do a shit
on all of their graves.


Don't sing if you want to live long

They have no use for your song

You're dead, you're
dead, you're dead

You're dead and out of this world

Now your hope and compassion is gone

You sold out your dream to the world ♪

Stay dead, stay dead, stay dead

You're dead and out of this world.

♪ ♪


NANDOR: Recently, we've
had a very powerful

and ancient vampire move
into the house, and it's

made things a little...



The Baron has charged us with the task

of taking power over the New World.

Expected us to have
conquered the New World,

but I don't remember him
ever mentioning it.

NADJA: I just remembered,

the last time me and the
Baron were making love,

he said something to me.

"If you ever get to the
New World, my dear,

"take over the land and subjugate
the entire population,

otherwise I'll have your head."

But I couldn't pay attention,

because he was doing that thing
where he pays a lot of attention

- to your area.
- His thing is,

he's got this irritating
habit of giving you orders

just at the moment of climax.

So you're both there in
the moment, and then...

he barks an order, and you're, "Huh?

"Uh... what?"


"I beg your pardon?"

(HIGH-PITCHED); "What are you saying?"

And he never repeats what he said.

Expects you to have listened,
during the climax.

So I guess we conquering
the New World now.


Extend arm... and dust.

Careful of the spider house.

You wouldn't like it if a
spider came and dusted

- your house, would you, Guillermo?
- Guess not.


GUILLERMO: The worst part about having

the Baron stay with us
is the Baron's familiar.

She's so... creepy.


She's got everyone on edge,
popping up behind doors,

behind bushes.

hear everything we say.


♪ ♪

She's worse than Guillermo.

Always there.

Why the hell are we
meeting in the fancy...


Why are we meeting in the fancy
room and not in the library?

Because this is a secret meeting.

All secret meetings take
place in the fancy room.


Do you want to pull the
curtains a little bit louder?

It got stuck.

- Sorry?
- It got stuck.


Now, the Baron's specific plan

was that we are to conquer

- North America.
- He actually said,

- "the New World."
- No, he specified Staten Island.

No, the entirety of North America.

Then that would include Canada.

What the f*ck would
anyone want with Canada?

Apparently, there is a very active trade

- in beaver pelts.
- Oh.

That was hundreds of years ago, Master.

Guillermo, don't talk.

Where was I? Yes.

We need a plan for total domination.

We could poison the humans'
milks with witch's piss.

- Uh, how would that work?
- We could assassinate the king.

- We don't have a king in America.
- Even easier.

NADJA: This is too much to ask.

What a big bloody cheeky
jerk, coming here,

telling us to take over the
whole of Staten Island

just by ourselves, while
I bet he's having

a lovely bloody nap up there!
I hope he's resting well!

You want me to come sing you a lullaby?!

- Nadja, no.
- Silly boy.

- Don't raise your voice.
- LASZLO: That's very risky.

- Woof!
- NANDOR: Shh! We are not alone

in this house.

Guillermo, check the curtain.

Make sure she is not
eavesdropping on us.

- Hello.

COLIN: I was just eavesdropping
behind the curtain there.

Secret meeting, huh?

- No.
- Uh-uh.

What were you guys talking about?
Can I join?

NADJA: No. So sorry.

We're planning your, um...

- surprise party.
- NANDOR: Yeah.

COLIN: Oh. A surprise party, huh?

OTHERS: Mm-hmm.

Well, it's not much of
a surprise now, is it?

You know, if-if the
fun part of the party

is that it's a surprise,

and you eliminate all
element of surprise,

then it just becomes a party, right?

- Eh...
- So tell me

what's really going
on, because, frankly,

let's be honest, you've
never even thought

of throwing a party for me,

- have you?
- NADJA: The Baron wants us

to take over the land,

- at least Staten Island.
- Well, it sounds like you want

to talk to the local leaders.

- Yeah.
- Yes.

Okay, well, I-I can help with that.

- NANDOR: You can?
- I know exactly who you need

- to talk to and where to go.
- NANDOR: Show us the way,

Colin Robinson.

Let our journey to total domination

begin this very evening!

Perhaps you could just
give us the destination,

and we could fly ahead and meet
you there, Colin Robinson.

It's kind of hard to find.

You know, I actually don't
mind taking the bus.

Everyone kind of focuses on the
"day" part of "daywalker,"

but actually, no one focuses
on the "walker" part.

You know, there's a lot of walking...


They're never gonna be
able to find the place.

COLIN: Of course, you
can always have buses

that are one-tier, two-tier,

but you never see three-tier buses.

They would be hit when
they go under bridges.

I appreciate, uh, your perspective, Mr.

but the zoning ordinance...

These are the ones who rule
over the local peasants?

- Yes. Isn't this wonderful?
- No.

Is it a wrestling pit?

No. No. Just-just watch.

- But when does the wrestling start?
- Never.

You're recognized, Mr. Peterson.

Uh, according to the statute, if Mr.
Chapman's residence

was originally zoned

as a mixed-use or
multiple-dwelling structure...

I come here every week.

It's a smorgasbord of...
banality and despair.

BARBARA: Mr. Robinson? You're next up.

- Is Mr. Robinson here?
- I'm just gonna do a quick mega-feed,

and then I'll be right back.

BARBARA: Mr. Robinson, are you here?

I'm holding up a finger
indicating to hold on a second.

Uh, I'll be right back.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.



COLIN: Council. Uh, Madam President.

When it comes to zoning ordinances,

I have a few thoughts.

"Ordinance." What does it mean?

Webster's Unabridged Dictionay

defines "ordinance" as
an "authoritative..."

We will here demand our power.

We have come up with a
list of all the things

we would like to change once
the vampires are in charge.

I'd like to see the construction
of a huge opaque dome

the size of the city,

covering the city, and
blocking out all sunlight.

No noise during daylight hours.

All local churches to
destroy their crucifixes.

A total ban on turtlenecks.

A vampire-only television channel.

I would like for me, personally,

my favorite comedy,
Priests Falling Over.

Free but compulsory harpsichord concerts

every day of the week.

We would have nun-free zones
with a sign that says:

"No Nuns. No Nuns. None."

COLIN: So in closing,
hopefully next week,

I can, uh, provide a
little bit more clarity,

uh, as to the direction

I feel like, uh, our
zoning laws should go.

Thank you so much.

BARBARA: Thank you, Mr. Robinson.

Is Mr., uh,


Mr. Nandor?


(QUIETLY): I got this.

- Greetings, mortals.

I will make this quick.

I, Nandor the Relentless,

conqueror of thousands,

immortal warrior

who has twice turned the
Euphrates itself red with blood,

hereby demand the complete
and total supplication

of this governing body to my command!

Submit and receive mercy.


and only death awaits.


Thank you for your input, uh, Mr.

He's blown it.

Hasn't even mentioned the turtlenecks.

To zoning ordinances,

but if you would like to return...

- Yes.
- When we have a...

Yes, I would very much
like to-to return then.

- When we have an open session...
- Great.

You are entirely welcome to join.

Fantastic. Great. When would that be?

In about two months.

But if you access our website...

Uh, do you have a computer?

That will be the perfect time

- for you to speak.
- Great. Fantastic.

I live on Tanglewood,

and the bar on the ground
floor below my apartment...

LASZLO: How best to describe Nandor?
I would say that

he's blessedly unburdened
with the complications

of a university education.

But give him an ax, and
he's second to none.

Though you wouldn't want
him as your barrister.


Don't let him f*cking see this.

LASZLO: So, their leader
is the Lazarro shrew?

COLIN: Correct.

Where lies Barbara
Lazarro's weakest point?

Oh, her Achilles' heel?

So it's her foot? Well, that's simple.

- I know exactly what to do.
- I meant in Greek mythology,

there's a human who's held by his...

Stop talking. Who would you say

is the most powerful
member of that group?

Well, Ms. Lazarro. But Doug Peterson

is looking to unseat her
in the upcoming election.

Some people think he has a chance.

- The streak of piss with a case?
- COLIN: Yeah.

Shall we k*ll him as a warning?

No. Let's use him as a pawn,

but then I will visit Barbara Lazarro

- under cover of night.
- Yeah!


Where's Nadja?


Hello, cheeky little one.

Out having some fun, are we?

- Uh, not really.
- Oh, no.

NADJA: I remember how it feels

to be powerless and disrespected.

Back home in my village, I
had many strikes against me.

I was a woman, and I had Gypsy
blood, and we were so poor

that we used to use
donkey dung for fuel,

and when the donkey dung ran out,

we would have to burn the donkey.

So yes, I do know what it feels like

to be mocked and teased

and to cry myself to sleep at night

by the light of a burning donkey.

Are those little dogshits not giving you

the deep respect you deserve?


Come. Let's walk and talk about
what the future could be like

for the new Jenna.

LASZLO: Now, my plan is to win
the trust of Barbara Lazarro.

Am I devious?

Yes, I think I am.

But as the old saying goes,

I didn't come here to make friends.

That's bullshit.

That's exactly what I came here to do.

- Uh, yes?
- Good evening, Madam Lazarro.

My name is Laszlo Cravensworth.

And who do we have here?

Oh, I'm watching my little
granddaughter for the night.

What a lovely little
nibble she would be.

I'm sorry, do I know you?

Well, you do now.

And may I say you are a credit

to the women's suffragette movement.

And you're also very easy on the eye.

And I'm glad to see your foot injury

- isn't slowing you down.
- My what?

Your foot.

Now, I come to you with a warning.

Those who you trust cannot be trusted.

- But I am here to help you with that.
- Now, if-if this is

borough council-related, I
have regular office hours.

If there is a stone, so
to speak, in your shoe

that needs eliminating...

I-I mean, the... the raccoon
population is out of control.

Saw three of them in my garbage
can this morning. Three!

- It's a nightmare.
- Really? I do like a direct woman.

You know, I...


I really do have to get Emily here, um,

bathed and washed.

Uh, why don't you, uh, call
my office in the morning,

and I'll... I'll try to
see if I can find someone

who can help you with whatever
it is you need help with.

It's not I who needs help, it's you.

So it's me who's ending
this conversation.

Not you.


you won't remember a thing about it.

And, you, my darling,
won't remember a thing

about a damn thing. (KISSES)

NANDOR: Trying to ally
with Barbara Lazarro

is a shit plan.

The power move here

is to make Doug Peterson my
personal agent of chaos.

Peterson destroys Lazarro,

Nandor destroys Peterson

and the council is mine.


That's a nice little
bitch you've got there.

Pardon me?

A nice little bitch being led on a leash

by a frightened little man.

It reminds me of how you
are led about on a leash

by the human bitch Barbara Lazarro.

Look, I don't want any trouble, okay?

So just take my wallet.

I'm not here to rob you, little man.

All right, let's do it the fast way.

Tonight before you drift into a slumber,

you will hear a voice that
will command your actions.



Okay. Great.

JENNA: Is this like a
Tony Robbins, like,

Unleash the Power Within thing?

Unleash the power. Yes, exactly. Yes.

You're saying that would
help me sed-seduce men?

And destroy them.

- And women, too. (CHUCKLES)
- Oh.

Yeah, I-I should be honest.

I have... I have a boyfriend,

and we do s-stuff.

I mean, we do stuff on camera

because that's... that's
the stuff he likes,

and that's the stuff
that he tells me I like.

You know what? Just college is,
like, a really complicated time.

This is college, right?

Here I am, and this-this
beautiful older woman

wants to take me on a sexual journey.

And, like, I...

Are you a junior? Are you a senior?

I'm senior.

- Oh. Okay.

And you are just a fresh baby

shot out of her mother's womb,

glistening with light.

Thank you.

You're sure you want to do this?


I should be honest with you.

I'm a virgin.

Maybe we should just start

- with mouth stuff, if that's okay.
- Mm-hmm. Yes.

Just mouth stuff.


Ow. Uh...


Wowie zowie, that is...

(MUFFLED): Uh, shush, darling.
You don't need to talk.

Oh, I'm sorry. I always talk too much.

Oh, ah!

The Lazarro woman's demanded proof

of my ability as an ally,

so, uh... here goes.

Hello, my little nighttime brother.

f*ck me.

f*cking thing just bit me.

But that'll heal immediately.

There we are.

Seems I overestimated our kinship.

I'll have to take things up a notch.



I call out to you through the ether,




Peterson. Doug Peterson.

I call out to you through the ether,

Doug Peterson.


- D...
- GUILLERMO: Did you call me?


- I just heard... Did you call me?
- No.

I was calling through the
ether to Doug Peterson.

- You're not calling.
- No.

If I need anything, I will call you.

But not through the ether.

Just by regular yelling.

- All right, I'm sorry.
- It's okay.


Doug Peterson.

Doug Peterson.

Do you hear me call you?

I hear you.

NANDOR: Great.

Hi, Doug.

(CHUCKLES): Now, my sweet
little baby turkey,

I'd like you to drink
something from this vial.

- Huh?
- Oh.

Is it vodka or something?

It's like a very strong spirit
with a little spicy kick.

Um, it is my blood.

Well, your blood is delicious.

(CHUCKLES) Why do they call it blood?

Well, it's... it is the
blood from my body,

- so I-I call it my blood.


I mean, w-we don't know
who was behind this.

Is this a g*ng-related activity?

Is-is MS- sending a message?

I gave you those raccoons
as a bloody gift.

BARBARA: This was a
clear and direct threat

to my well-being...

NANDOR: They laughed at me.

They will not be laughing now
that I am about to unleash

my hellhound Doug Peters...


And to the safety of every
member of this council.

It's a grim portent of things to come

if we don't surrender,
you ignorant bitch.

- (WHISPERS): Yes, Doug Peterson.
- BARBARA: What?

I will rip your head from your body.

And I will hang your entrails

from the traffic light
on Hylan Boulevard

so our new masters will see

that only those who submit will survive!

Mr. Peterson, you are way out of order.


Heed my vision before it's too late!

I have received a message

from a slouching beast in the night!


- The man is quite obviously mad.

Or someone's driven him mad.

Something terrible is coming!


- This is an embarrassment.

Well, I did not hear you peep up

when we were coming
up with the new plan.

I was making a new vampire.

- I'm sorry, what?
- Nothing.

Perhaps we should come up
with a new plan, then.

DOUG: Vengeance will be mine
when nightmares are made real!

- Are you leaving with us?
- No. I-I can't stand up right now,

- if you know what I mean. (CHUCKLES)

DOUG: Tear the f*cking veil
of illusion from your eyes!

And witness the hellscape
that is our destiny!

Wh-What was that about a vampire?

DOUG: I will tear your balls off
and feed them to your children!

I, um...

I've been fighting off
this very intense...

flu, I think?

Um, 'cause I didn't have enough
layers on the other night.

Think it's mono.

Uh, no, I don't...

think it's...

No vampires remain in Romania

I am not your Dracula spectacular

This is not your weekend in Vegas

This is not your selfie obscura

I am not your tour guide of Paris

This is not West
Hollywood on Thursday

I am not your object d'art

I am not your sepia heyday

This is not the moment we part.