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02x02 - Grouchy Goat

Posted: 09/26/21 10:32
by bunniefuu
What's up, Snack Pack?
Main man SnickrSnack here,

ready to Snack Attack
into this Gamaron Vault. Yeah!

What are you guys up to today?
I'm going to my grandma's house later.

She has a really cool dog,
and I like him. His name's Carl.

- See that, Jo? This kid's the new Pootie.
- What a piece of shit.

No. He's a piece of gold.

SnickrSnack has a massive following...

- Oh.
- ...and I want it.

I gotta go pee, so I'll be back.

Walk with me.

Jo, MMOs are the dinosaurs
of the gaming world.

We can't get stuck in the past.
We gotta go mobile.

- Because mobile's the future.
- No, mobile's the present.

The future is a VR full- mobility
S and M sex rig,

but let's not get ahead of ourselves.

I wanna launch a mobile game.

- I can assist with that.
- Unfortunately, Jo, you can't.

Mobile games always have
a dash of millennial stink on them,

which despite your age,
you are severely lacking.

I can get you stink.

[classical music playing]

Should we be holding hands?

Oh! I don't know. [chuckles]

But I do know we didn't do anything wrong.

Of course not.

We just gotta be careful
about how we tell people.

Right, yeah. Okay, um...

Do you think we should
make a big announcement?

- Mmm.
- Or... No, okay.

Maybe we should, um,
tell people individually.

- And then they can spread the word.
- Right.

- That way everybody feels included.
- Yeah.

I just wanna make sure
we handle this delicately.

[elevator bell dings]

- Shit. Okay.
- Uh...

- Jo. Jo! Wait.
- We had a plan to tell everyone.

Look, sleeping with people
in the office is a sensitive issue.

I was talking about you being late.


Well, uh, in that case,

this might be a great time to tell you,
actually, that, um--

Rachel and I are together now.


- So we thought you should know.
- [whispers] Why?

Because it seems like an important thing
to let the office know?


The testers f*cked.

- Wha-- Jo!
- Jo!

News flash, ladies. Whatever clambake
bubble you've been living in has burst,

and no one cares.

Now, let's get to work.

Thanks for popping by.
Had a quick question for ya.

- What's your take on mobile games?
- Um, they suck.

Yeah. They're not games.

They're bullshit apps made
to distract people while they poop.

I suppose you love them because you
can cram them full of microtransactions

to scam middle- aged women.

Hey, have some respect, tester.

Jo, she's right. I do love them,
and for exactly that reason.

Which is why I need
a simple mobile game,

and I want you two to design it.

- You want us to design our own game?
- I'm gonna give you three seconds

to reconcile your ethics
with your ambition. Three, two--

- We'll do it.
- Yes! We'll do it.

Great! Jo, you're the producer.

I need a concept
and basic gameplay design by EOW.

What? No.
I don't want to work with these morons.

I'm supposed to be learning from you.

And you will be. Working with these morons
is all a part of your training.

- Fine.
- Okay.

Well, um, this is all very exciting,

but in the interest of full disclosure,

you should know that... [deep breath]
...Dana and I are together now.

- So?
- That's what I said.

Oh. We just thought that might
be something that concerns you.

Absolutely nothing you do concerns me.

Your personal affairs
have zero consequence

in the operations of this studio.

The fact that you think they do
is hilarious and upsetting.

Yet, I'm not laughing, nor getting upset,

which only further demonstrates
how little I care.

Okay. That's good. I guess?

- Why are you still here?
- Right. Let's go, ladies.

We've got a game to make.

Move, move, move. Get out!

I won't let you down, boss.

[Ian] It's more of a feeling
than anything else.

I'm seeing moss- covered fortresses.

Cities shimmering with silver and gold.

[gasps] Ooh.

I'm seeing castles dripping in antiquity.

What-- What does that even mean?

Something can't drip in antiquity.

The castle's either old or it isn't.
You can't--

- Like this?
- [Ian] Yes! Yes!

- That's exactly what I have in my head.
- How did you--

God, you guys are
absolutely incredible.

I come up with these crazy ideas,
and you just whip 'em up.

Well, producing
a full high- quality render

would require significantly more time.

Yeah, definitely. So, let's get on it.

Are you sure? No notes before we begin?

No, no. It's perfect,
and if it isn't, we'll just fix it later.

Right. But, uh, if--
if you give us the notes now,

we won't have to fix it later, and
we've never nailed it on our first try.

Oh, don't be so modest.
You guys got the goods.

I'm going to yield the floor to Poppy.

She's gonna take it away from here.

Hey, guys. Um, so what I'm most excited
about with the new expansion

is that we're now gonna have
player- driven

persistent environmental changes.

So, um, in a way... [chuckles]

...the players will now be the artists.

It's kind of a strange thing
to say to the art team, isn't it?

Yeah. Well, no, because
we're still gonna need art obviously.

We're gonna need heaps of art.
Um-- [clears throat]

Most importantly, we're gonna need you
to design the building materials.

So I'm thinking bricks.

I'm thinking cement.

I'm thinking... caulk.

You want us to draw caulk?

Yes. Caulk. Draw caulk.

Draw whatever I say, guy.

- What's your name again?
- His name's Phil.

I can't keep track of every middle- aged
white dude this place burns through.

I've worked here for ten years.

- This is going great, Pop.
- Just draw what I said, okay?

Draw the stuff
and the building stuff and whatever.

I wanna see it by tomorrow, Phil.

- Which one should we focus on?
- You better do both.

It's better
to have too much than not enough.

If we don't like one or the other,
we'll just scrap it later.

Hey, guys, great work.
I mean, seriously, incredible work.

[dramatic music plays]

I can't believe we're here.

Imagine how many legendary characters
Ian dreamed up in this room.

I know. [sighs]

And I have to say, I feel pretty relieved

no one seems to care we're dating.

I was thinking the same thing.
We just gotta live our truth.

Well, my truth is that
you look very cute in that mo- cap suit.

- Oh. This mo- cap suit?
- That mo- cap suit.

- With the yellow dots?
- Uh, yeah.

- You like this one?
- [chuckles] Yeah.

Okay. Let me show it off a little bit.

Hey! We're not here
for you two to bump muffs.

We're here to work.
Just pick out a character or something.


Um... Ooh.
What if the game's about a knight.

A female knight. Huh? That could be cool,

playing as an empowered female warrior.

I don't know. A mobile game
should be simple, right?

Like, maybe it should be about an animal?

- An animal?
- Yeah.

Hey, do you have any animals back there?

Pig, chicken, fox, horse,
goat, kangaroo, snail--

Goat. Yes. I wanna be a goat.

Oh, yes. My cousins back home in Compton,

they had a goat,
and that thing did some crazy- ass shit.

And it walked like this.
[Rachel chuckles]

We named him RuPaul.

- That's adorable, dude.
- You look like an assh*le.

Maybe I shouldn't be adorable.
Maybe I'm more like Jo.

Oh, yeah. You're grouchy.

Oh. Hi, I'm Jo,
and I'm a grouchy- ass goat.

Dude, grouchy goat.

- [Dana] That's a great title.
- [Rachel] That's a great title!

[together] Grouchy Goat!

[chanting] Grouchy Goat, Grouchy Goat,
Grouchy Goat, Grouchy Goat,

Grouchy Goat, Grouchy Goat, Grouchy Goat.

[chanting continues]
I'm gonna blow my f*cking brains out.

David, I need a new team of programmers.

- No, she doesn't.
- Yes, I do.

Everyone working on the new expansion
listens to Ian and not me.

Because I know how to command a room.

No, it's because they're used to you
being the boss.

I need a new team of people
that will look up to me

as a godlike figure
that inspires awe and fear.

Give her three teams, David,
it's gonna be exactly the same thing.

I'm not gonna give you anything because
that's not why I called you in here.

You called us in?
I don't remember that.

No, I don't either.

That's because David is
an ineffective leader

who has no charisma.

- Is that what you want, Poppy?
- Of course not.

Okay, can I speak? Or let me speak.

I shall speak!
I called you in about Friday.

What's Friday?

Friday. You're speaking
at the Women In Gaming luncheon.

Oh, yeah. I'm not doing that.

What? Uh, yes, you are.

Look, it is an opportunity to--

to recognize and celebrate
women in gaming,

which I think is an important--

please don't do that-- issue
to Montreal and to me and to my job.

So you are gonna do it, uh, woman,
or Poppy.

You're-- You're gonna tell women
how they're empowered,

and I'm telling you to do it. So do it.

Yeah, you know what, Pop?
In this instance, David is right.

And it could be a good opportunity
for you to showcase your new skills.

Poppy, I'm going to teach you
how to inspire a room.

[scoffs] No, thanks. You have
your way of leading, and I have mine.

Yeah, but mine actually works.

The point is what you are describing
is more exciting.

Mine is more technical.

You can't inspire people
by describing building materials.


Like life, it changes.

It gets harder,

but it holds with the strength
that can withstand all elements.

Ice, wind, fire, water.

But it doesn't just hold
a house together.

It holds us all together.

That is


- Oh, come on!
- Like this?

[Ian] Yes! Yes! Kevin, you nailed it.

God, you just always--
You can just get it perfectly.

- Pop, what do you think?
- I think it's bullshit.

Really? Why do you have goose bumps?

I don't have goose--

Well, this--
This is an involuntary reaction to--

- Being inspired?
- No, no.

I wasn't inspired.
I was emotionally manipulated.

What's the difference?

Ian, um, j- j- just so I'm clear, uh,

you want us to work
on all this new stuff

in addition to the stuff
we're already working on?

Yeah, man. Work your magic.
Do your thing.

Again, it's not magic.

It's a team of skilled artists

putting in long hours
on complex designs.

Yeah, I don't really need to hear
how the sausage gets made.

It's not sausage. I'm not a butcher.

I have a master's in fine arts.

Wow. He didn't ask for a podcast.
Get to work, Phil.

That's what I was gonna say.

- "I don't need a podcast."
- So much information.

Feel like we're
on the same page, vibing.

You want me to--

All right. Teach me
how to inspire people.

Cool. Let's do it.

Do I need a toothpick?

No, the toothpick's my thing.
You don't really--

Hey, I'm gonna go FaceTime my kids.

Okay. So I'm the farmer, right?
And then I catch the goat,

and then I take it back to my farm,
and then I slaughter it for its meat.

It's like a metaphor about capitalism.

- Yeah, it's great.
- Cool. Okay.

Maybe we could start with that
and then move on from there?

[door opens]

- That's a good starting point, right?
- Yeah, it's a starting point.

- Hey.
- Hey, there you are.

I've been looking all over for you.
Can I show you something?

- Yeah.
- Okay. So,

I stayed up all night, and I built this.

What do you think?

It's-- It's really good.
Yeah, it's cool.

- Is it a dog?
- It's a goat.

It's terrible.

Hey, no. I mean, you did that overnight.

That's super impressive.

I just see it.

Does that make sense?
I know what it should be.

I just don't know how to make it.

Yes, totally. That's why I think
we should keep workshopping.

I feel like there could be some really
socially relevant elements in this.

It's a mobile game.
Shouldn't it be simple?

Well, I mean, [chuckles]
simple in its complexity, right?

I don't know what that means.

Oh, my God.
Are you having your first fight?

We're not fighting.
We're collaborating.

Yeah. [chuckles]

There's just something missing.
That's all.

There is?

Well, with Ian and Poppy at this point,
there's always something missing.

I feel like we should keep noodling.

It's a goat that does crazy shit.
What more is there?

Oh, my God! Just get to work!

You get to work, you sour bitch!

- That was a little harsh.
- That was too much. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. Um, that wasn't cool.

I've just sort of had enough
of your negative attitude, Jo. Okay?

Because this is
a big opportunity for us,

and it could be for you too
if you would actually help us.

I'm sorry.

I just want to help produce the game.

Well, stop sh1tting
on what we're doing and back us up.

Right. You're right.

[microphone clicks off]

[muffled] Stupid idiot assh*le!
Fuckface! Jerk- off!

Come up with a fix,
you stupid head, assh*le, fuckface!

[breathes shakily]
You're not a producer. You're trash.

You're a toilet!
Just like they all said!

Hey, Jo?

You straight?

[microphone clicks on]

Yes, I'm straight. You're the lesbians.

I am a straight producer,
and I'm going to make the call.


Rachel's right. Something is missing.

And I know what it is.

- What?
- Backstory.

She is alone, bereft of all hope.

Abandoned by the gods
to a dismal and agonizing fate.

Her indomitable form roams the lands

feasting, feeding, but never filling.

And so is born the Grouchy Ghost!

- Ghost?
- It's [i]Grouchy Goat
, C.W.

It is? [chuckles] I heard "ghost"!

[i]That changes everything.

[i]Could the goat be dead?

No. People don't wanna play
as a dead goat.

I'm sorry, guys. I blew it.
[breathes shakily]

This was a total waste of our time.
I am useless.

[high- pitched]
I'm just a f*cking assh*le!

Ooh. Okay, Jo, it-- it's okay.

You're not useless.
It's just, you know--

This is all part of
the creative process, right?

- [Dana] Yeah.
- Yeah?

Yeah. I mean, except for this part with
the - year- old guy over the Internet.

- That part's weird.
- Yeah, that's kinda weird.

And we don't need a backstory.
The goat is grouchy.

It eats tin cans
because that's what goats do.

It should be a simple gameplay loop.

Just a loop.

Right, except that the goat should
say something. Something important.

- Right.
- It can't say anything. It's a goat.

- Wait, are you two fighting?
- [both] No.

Okay, great! This is great.

This is just back and forth,
and back and forth.

All part of the creative process.

You know, you throw out ideas,
then you throw ideas back.

You catch 'em. You throw 'em back.

This is great, just diving
right into the mind of the creatives.

Whatever you guys need,
I'll make it happen.

I'll show you. I'll show them all.

Jo, I'm beginning to think
you need this more than we do.

'Kay, sidebar. Um, look, Dana,
I know that we can make this game great.

We just can't settle, you know.
We have to keep pushing.

- Do you trust me?
- I trust you.

Okay. [chuckles]

[Jo] Trust.

What? This is okay, right?

[both] Yeah.

[i]Ah, how I wish I could be with you
to press flesh against flesh.

[i]Could you angle the laptop
down just a tad?

- Oh, gross.
- Okay. Nope.

It's better that he's remote.
I'ma hang up.

Hey, Linda.
Good to see ya. You look great.




Where's Poppy?
This thing's about to start.

She's feeling self- conscious
about the way she looks.

- Be supportive.
- [Poppy] I don't wanna do this.

Come on, Poppy.
You look great. Come on out.

Oh. You look incredible, Poppy.

I feel like an assh*le.

It's okay to accentuate
the way you look.

People follow good- looking leaders.

It may be sad, but
it's just human nature. Lean into it.

Yeah, I'm afraid that if I lean into
anything, you'll see my whole ass.

[snorts, chuckles]

Wait. What is that? What is she doing?

She's doing jokes. Do not do jokes.

Under no circumstances
should you be doing jokes.

- You are not funny.
- Whatever. This is bullshit.

"Women In Gaming"?
This event is one big wig.

It's a fake cover that the industry
puts on to hide the ugly truth.

Hey, hey. Hey,
would you take this seriously, please?

Not everyone gets to be honored.
You think I'm ever gonna get an honor?

No. My time's up. That's fine.
Look, it's good.

We're honoring women. It's great
and everything. But it's just--

Is there no room left for men?

Oh, my God. David, shut up.

- This is Poppy's big day, so...
- Yeah, I know.

- Poppy, what are you doing?
- Crab toast.

Do not eat crab toast.
They will make you gassy.

- God, you eat like a child.
- [garbled] No, I don't.


- It's like a Halloween bag.
- This is disgusting!

Look, I'm a boss. I can eat what I want.

No, you can't. You need to keep
both your mind and your body sharp.

You think I like putting in
the work to look like this? No.

But I'm an alpha,
and that's part of being a boss.

It's just the way
it's always been done.

Maybe I don't wanna do it
the way it's always been done.

Great. We'll call up old Doc Brown,
have him pull up the DeLorean.

We'll go back in time
to change human nature.

Who's Doc Brown?

It's a joke!
I'm joking. I'm good at jokes.

That's what I'm saying.
The jokes don't play.

- [woman] Poppy.
- I didn't get it.

Oh, you're getting called.
Okay, time to go.

Okay, now remember,
this is your moment. Act natural.

But remember,
go against all of your instincts.

Just read from the teleprompter, okay?
I worked all night on that copy.

Yeah. Wait, uh-- Wait, you--

- You wrote her speech?
- Yeah, he's good at speeches.

I'm good at other stuff.
Not, like, talking stuff.

But other non- , like,
word- related stuff for the job.

Dear God.
Do not deviate from that teleprompter.

And don't forget to smile.
We need you to be accessible.

- David, shut up. She's got this.
- Yeah.

- I got this.
- But definitely smile.

Yes. But not like that.

A little bit more.
Okay, that's good. Keep that.

- Great.
- You look great.

- Come on. Let's go.
- Good luck.

- Get out there. Work it, girl.
- Ooh.

- Yeah, woman.
- Woman.

Okay, I'll lead him in
with the big picture stuff.

Do you have the updated PowerPoint?

- Yep.
- Great. And, C.W.,

are you sure you don't want me
to take them through the new backstory?

Might be a little less strange.

Oh, nonsense. I'm hungry to contribute.

I shall deliver it
with complete conviction.

Holy shit! Jo, this looks amazing.

I had the art department whip it up.
It was easy.

Actually, it wasn't easy.
And we didn't just whip it up.

We worked through the night

trying to make everyone's
projects and deadlines.

Well, I mean, you really stepped up
and got the job done.

Thank you.

Oh, sorry. I was talking to Jo.

[Jo chuckles]
Well, um, I just wanted to say--

Excuse me.

Um, like, thank you,

or whatever, for, um,

like, bringing out the best in me,
or whatever.

What is happening?
Are you being sincere?

[quietly] Yes.

No, shut up. [chuckles]

[C.W. clears throat] Ladies, BTW,

heard you two are dating.

- Very groovy.
- Awesome.

- Should we mute him?
- Mm- hmm.

Shit. He's coming.

I'm here. [sighs]

- Go.
- This is Grouchy Goat.

[video: bell tolls, cows mooing]


Greenhouse gases.

Caged life, starving for air.

The farming industry--

Nah. Nope. Shut it down.

- What?
- Grouchy Goat is dead.

- Wait. You're k*lling our game?
- Oh, no, no. You k*lled it

when you overcomplicated a simple,
money- grab piece of shovel- ware.

[clicks tongue]
I told them to keep it simple.

But they just had to ruin it
with their lefty, d*ck- hating agenda.

What the f*ck, Jo?
I thought we were on a team.

We did this together.
She's totally selling us out.

Is that true, Jo?


You jumped ship
the second you saw it was sinking?

- You took the credit and not the blame?
- Mmm.

Nice work, Jo.
[Jo chuckles]

[Brad] That is a valuable lesson.
Okay. See ya.

Later, losers.

[chuckles] Whoops.


Rach, it's fine. It's totally cool.

We'll navigate this.

Right. We'll navigate it.
It's not a big deal.

It'll take more than that to break us up.

We're a threesome, aren't we?


Please welcome to the stage

the co- creative director
of Mythic Quest, Poppy Li.

Thank you, Tracy.

[clears throat]

It is an honor to be here

amongst women
who are leading our industry.

But what makes a great leader?
Leadership is, uh--

Wow, that teleprompter's far away.

Sorry. Uh-- [sighs]

Just need to, um... Sorry.


Oh. That's my candy.

Ah. Okay, now I can see...

...that you're all looking at me.


Okay. Uh...

Leadersh-- Leadership is...

[breathes shakily]

Wow. [chuckles]

This dress is tight. I, um-- [chuckles]

[breathes deeply]
Sorry. I just, um-- I gotta... [exhales]

Whew! Okay, now I can relax.

Oops. I tooted.

Did you hear that? Maybe not.
That's the crab toasts.

Damn it.

Sorry, I-- I suck at this.
Um, I-- [breathes shakily]

I'm not an alpha.

I don't give people goose bumps,
and I'm not always smiling.

And-- And, you know,
sometimes at work I cry for no reason

other than that I just--
I start thinking about crying.

[sniffs] And then it starts to happen,

and, um, I can feel that it's--
it's starting to happen now.

So I'm gonna, uh, go ahead
and speed through this.

Ooh. Uh...

I'm not tall, or a runway model. [sniffs]

Here come the waterworks.
I don't know why.

Maybe it's the estrogen.
Um... [sniffs] I don't know, I-- [sighs]

[sighs] Look. [sighs]

I can't promise that I'm always
gonna live up to the standard

of other people's expectations.

But I can promise that I'm-- I'm
gonna lead with everything that I am,

which-- which means that
it might be like this sometimes.

[Poppy sniffs]

But I'm not gonna apologize,

because I'm sick of apologizing.

All the time.

No, I'm gonna do everything that I can
to be the best boss that I can be.

And you know why?

'Cause I don't really--
I don't know-- f*ck everyone else.

Why did you let me do this speech?

I shouldn't have a platform.
I don't know what I'm talking about.

I don't know what women want.
I don't know what I want.

I guess I wanna be a boss. It's just--

I feel like I'm up here
and rambling on and farting.

It's happened again, by the way.

I think I might be allergic to crab.

Thank you.

[breathes shakily]

[crowd] Whoo!

[chuckles, sniffs]

Holy shit. She did it.

I guess she can inspire.
Hey, and she didn't even need your help.

What do you mean?
I wrote the speech for her. I told you.

But she couldn't read the teleprompter.

Oh, yeah. Yeah. That was all part of it.
Yeah, look. Look.

"Pretend not to be able to see.
Put on glasses.

Start with 'I'm not an alpha.'"

But-- But she cried.

Yeah. "I'm not a runway model.

Start to cry here. Blame estrogen."

- How'd you know she'd be gassy?
- The crab toast?

No, I had those planted.

I knew she would eat them
even though she's allergic to them

'cause she's a f*cking mess.

- Damn.
- Yeah.

Well, she did it. I guess I owe her
the new programming team now too.


- Wait, what?
- Yeah. She called me last night.

Said she was super nervous
about the speech

and would not do it
unless I gave her the new team.

And then she called me,

and she told me she was super excited
about giving a speech,

but only if I wrote it for her.

She played us to get what she wanted.

Oh, my God. I got goose bumps.
She inspired us.

No, she didn't.
She emotionally manipulated us.

What's the difference?

That little mess of a human being
is a boss.

["Weekend" playing]