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01x11 - Let's Get Leo!

Posted: 09/26/21 08:00
by bunniefuu
Ryan: Previously on Mech-X ...

I'm in hiding...
or probably dead.

Dead would be a bummer.

Bam, y'all! We got a match.

Leo Mendel, finally a name!

The Harper Grant
for Young Futurists.

- Got a nice ring to it, right?
- Hm.

Once I get to Harper's, I know I can
get us everything we need to find Leo.

You have to keep
your identity a secret.

If they know you're in there, these
people will strike directly at you

and everyone you know.

Mastermind Waveform: You're the only one
now who can tell me who the pilots are.

I will figure out a way
to make you talk.

Ryan: I want to believe that
Leo is still out there.

Harris: I mapped the coordinates based
on the data we got from Leo OS.

So that could be a problem.

Mastermind Waveform:
New manacles too tight?

That's what happens
when you try to escape.

What did you expect?

Room service here stinks. I ordered a
grilled cheese like, three years ago.

Just tell me
who the technopath is.

Once Mech-X is destroyed

and I have the gel I need,
I'll let you go.

Okay, so you want me to let you
know the name of the only person

who stands between you and total,
utter oblivion for the entire world?


Hard pass. No.

You know you're on
the ocean floor now.

No one is coming to save you.

No one even knows you're here.

Think it over, Leo.


Since I won the Harper Grant...

(groans) -...I've been
using their satellites

to do a little recon
on Leo's location.

An underwater base?

That's where Leo has to be.

Harris: And with a few mods, we
can take Mech-X underwater.

So, the tech from Mech-X can
give the 'bot a submarine mode?

Yeah, but... Tell him, Harris.

(sighs) It won't protect the robot
from the intense pressure there.

It can't go below crush depth.

"Crush Depth!"
Awesome band name. Calling it.

If you go below it, you'll
get squished and die.

"Squished and Die!" First song
we drop, calling it! Yes!

Which is why I perfected and
miniaturized these Mech-Links.

Think of it like a little bit
of Mech-X , on your wrist.

They're fashionable
and technological.

(wristbands chime)

The Mech-Link has a few key
functions already built in.


Force field, very cool.

To swim from Mech-X
to the prison,

it'll provide limited air, protection,
and propel us through the water,

like a private
underwater hamster ball.

- (beeps)
- Whoa.

And we can call each other
on a secure channel.

Just wondering...

How would I block three freshman
from calling me on this?

Best of all, I never would have perfected
it if I didn't win the Harper Grant.


Ever since you got
that Harper Grant,

you never hang out
with us anymore.

- That's not true.
- It's kind of true.

I like it when
you're not around.

Ryan: Guys, can we focus? Okay?

Leo knows everything about me.

He knows about the adoption, how I
became a technopath, I want answers.

Slow down, Ryan.

We could be facing
a number of underwater threats.

I'll commandeer a satellite
and scan the area.

It may take a few days.

Leo might not have a few days.

Mark: You don't know that.

Let nerdo do his nerdstuff,
and then we'll go.

Leo might be hurt,
or much worse.

We have this cool new tech
and this cool new robot mod.

We're going.

Let's get Leo.

(theme music playing)

(indistinct chattering)


Harris, you work in a fun house.

Um... I mean, it's no big robot where
you can hang out with friends.

So what's the emergency?

I've been using
the Harper satellites

to scan the route
to Leo's location,

and I got this.

You'll have to navigate through some
pretty dangerous underwater terrain

to get to the base.

Since Ryan wants to leave
right away,

I have no time to upgrade Mech-X
with deep-water scanning.

You'll be blind down there,

so I'll have to stay up here
and guide you remotely.

Which means you'll be
staying at Harper's.


Just admit it,
you like it here better.

Okay, that's not true.

- Salutations.
- Whoa!

Spyder: What'd he call me?

this is my lab partner, Augie.

"Lab partner"?

I prefer the term "R&DBs."

Research and development buds.

- "Buds"?
- Mm-hmm, yeah.

- As in buddies?
- That's right.

We've already applied
for three patents together.

And invented a video game
even moms like.

What's the point of that?

Aug, can you give us a minute?

My friend has an embarrassing
mole he needs me to see.

Oh, I know how that is.

Okay, ees ouy retal.

I said "See you later."

Sometimes we speak
in backwards phonetics.

Both: Za-za-zooey!

Isn't he great?

Now I know why you haven't been
hanging out with us anymore.

You've been friend-cheating
with fa-fa-freaky.

Okay, that's ridiculous.

Are Augie's quirky habits

Yes. Is he like
the brain brother I never had?


Is this you
trying to be reassuring?

'Cause you stink at it!

You like Augie better than me.

He's your best friend...

What the...?

Harris: The Mech-Link also
has a limited stealth mode

in case you run into trouble.

Nope, not even close.

I will not be cheated on!

- (slap)
- Ah!

Get ahold of yourself, son!


Mark: Wait a minute, let
me get this straight.

It's so dark and dangerous
where we're going

that we need Harris
to be our GPS?

- Yes.
- Because...

you're in so much of a hurry that you
won't let him install an actual GPS?

Technically, since we're under
the sea, it would be a Sea-PS.

Shut it. Okay?
It's too dangerous.

We can't do this.

Mark, I...

I've waited long enough
for answers.

It's time I got them.


But if anything goes wrong...

We bounce. I got it.

All right.

This is awesome!

Sub mode, engage!

Don't... Don't do catchphrases.

Yeah. Catchphrases
aren't my thing.

Yeah, mm-mm.

(whale bellowing)

Aw! So noble.

- (whale squeals)
- Ah! My ears, that hurts!

So loud.

Oh, it's talking.

(sighs) So majestic.

And we dive.

Okay, we're at , feet.

The pressure is building.

All right, have you
got us on your monitors?

I can't see anything.

Harris, you're gonna have to
guide us through this mess.

Spyder: Oh, hi, Harris.

So glad you could
rip yourself away

from Augie and help us not die.

(sighs) Ignoring that.

Ryan, lower Mech-X
about five feet

and shift left degrees.

Careful, Ryan,
we're almost at crush depth.

This next part is tricky.

Just keep going straight until...


- Hey, Ryan! Watch out!
- Whoa!

No, stop! That's a mine.

That is totally a mine.

Actually, that's a lot of mines.


We're surrounded by expl*sives.

What do we do now?

How about we go back in time

so I can upgrade the scanners

and then we can go on this cray
underwater mission.

Wait, um, can we
actually do that?


This is the part
where we go home.

No. Don't you get it?

If they're using mines
to keep us out,

that means Leo's in there
and we have to get in.

(sighs) Harris,
can we do anything?

Maybe try sending
a few sonar pings.

I can probably make the map
of where the mines are.



Go about...

feet to your left.


See? We can totally do this.

Good. Now, just keep
moving forward...

(static crackles)

(power whirs)

- What the...
- Salutations.


What? Everything just shut down.

Why did everything
just shut down?

It's "Tech-free Tuesday."

Every Tuesday, Harper turns off all
of our tech so that we can compute

with our minds.

Now, come on. Harper's calling
for one of his big

Idea-rama Team-Building

But I was working
on something important.

Well, if it's really important, I could
turn the power back on to help you.

We all can, we'll make it
like a team-building exercise.

Uh, no, no.

It's okay. Let's go.

Cool. Za-za-zooey.


Guys, I'll be right back.

Don't do anything stupid.

(static crackles)

Harris? Harris?

(sighs) I'm going through.

What? That's stupid!

You could hit a mine,
drown us all.

Harris is MIA.

You said if anything goes wrong,
we go home.

Let's go home.

But I'm already
halfway through the minefield.


Well, I have been moving forward since
you said, "Dude, you could hit a mine!"

And have we hit a mine?


Harper: All right, people,
let's work those brains!

Don't think, just jump!

Just jump, just jump. Guys!

I need you
to bounce those ideas free.

Okay, uh... cold fusion.

- Yes!
- Nano-bot hot tubs!

- Love it!
- Quantum ear cleaners!

- Keep it coming.
- (gasps) This really works.

Harris! I need you
to commit, son.

Come on!

Not the time, not the time.

Friends in trouble.
I have an idea. Whoa!


- Harris: Ah!
- Whoa!

Um... ow!

You okay?

No. I just fell on it funny.

I'm fine.

But I'm gonna go get it
checked out by the nurse.

All right, you do that.

Everybody else, off the tramps.

Those things are a liability.

Guys, hold tight.
I'm headed to my computer.

(metal screeching)

Ah! Haha! See? Told
you, nothing to worry...

Are you nuts?

Head for the surface, now.

No, but... the station
is right there.

A few more mines,
and we're there.

I'm not playing, turn the robot
around and let's go home.

And calibrate the backup
generator I just made.

(generator whirring)

Yes! That's good,
the power's back on.


That's not good.

Harris: What's going on down there?
You guys are drifting into the mines.

Both: Your fault!


(power whirring)

Ugh! Is everyone okay?

Well, uh, some water

may have gotten inside

and gotten into my pants.

I'll get
the emergency power back on.

(power whirs)

Harris: That blast took out most of
your power and your right propeller.

What's the good news?

Who said there was good news?
You're below crush depth.

You have ten minutes
to get out of there.

Or we get squished
into meat paste.

(metallic creaking)

Okay, I'm gonna use the Mech-Link
and go get Leo. It's now or never.

Still with this?

This is what we came here to do.

You just get Mech-X working again
before the pressure destroys it.

Mark, please?

Hey, good luck.

Spyder, give me your Mech-Link.

My Mech-Link? Why?

Because Leo's gonna need
a force field to get back.

And also, if...

if I don't make it back,
can you just...

(sighs) can you tell Mark
that this was important to me?

And, um...

- You're sorry for being a jerk.
- Yeah.

Wait. I was a jerk?

Dude, we're sinking.

You brought us
to our watery grave.

Hey, at least
I'm doing it with friends.

Cameras? I don't think so.

Lights out.

Harris: The robot can't move
until you restore full power.

Ooh, not there!

- (electricity buzzes)
- Not there!

Come on, the outer armor's
getting crushed. Focus!

I am focused... on keeping Ryan
safe, on keeping us from drowning.

Why doesn't he understand that?

- Here?
- Yes.

Now he's out there
all by himself.

Wait! To your left.

(alarm blaring)


What did you do that for?



- Sir, we are under attack.
- (beeps)






Oh, hurry up, Ryan.

- I'm too young to lose my best friend.
- (metallic creaking)

Hurry up, Mark!

Ryan's too young
to lose his best friend!

(sighs) Look, I get
what you're going through.

I mean, Spyder's been
kind of a jerk to me all day

for no reason.

Well, he sort of has a reason.

Go on.

I mean, dude,

it's been Harper, Harper, Harper
since you got that grant.

Oh, I guess that's true.

It's been Leo, Leo, Leo for you, and
he hasn't even met this Leo guy.


But Ryan, he has all these
questions about his powers...

the adoption, himself.

Things that Leo knows and I never
really had to think about.


Did you just trick me into
seeing Ryan's point of view?

Did I?

- (power whirs)
- All right!

We got full power.

And... thank you,
for helping me clear my head.

Hey, that's what
friends are for.

- Ah, don't push it.
- Right.

Hey, Leo.


Mastermind Waveform: You
knocked out my cameras,

but I can tell someone's there.

Who are you?

(alarm blaring)

The boss is flooding the station.
Evac! Now! Let's go!


Leo! We got to go!


Mark: No!


Mark: Ryan!

Get Leo to Med Bay and let's
get Harris on the line.

I got this.
You just take it easy.

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm... I'm good.

Mark, I'm really sorry about...

about dragging us
into this mess.

Mark: Nah, bro, it... I get it.

This is important to you.

You need answers.

And I got one.

I know who the Mastermind is.

Just got Leo
settled in the Medical Bay.

That dude is seriously
messed up.

And he keeps asking
for a grilled cheese.

So, are you gonna tell us?

Spill, man. Come on!

Who is the Mastermind?


While I was in Leo's cell,
I figured something out.

Mastermind Waveform:
Who are you?

Ryan: I took out his camera, but
I could still tap into the feed.

Mastermind Waveform:
You must be a technopath.

Ryan: And I used my power and I
followed it back to the source.

(sighs) I can't believe
what I'm saying.

I can't believe that it's true.

Mastermind Waveform: I guess
I'll never know who you are.

But it doesn't matter.

'Cause you'll never
get out of here alive.

Ryan: I know who the guy
behind all of this is.

It's Seth Harper.


Hey, guys. Just finished
up at Harper's.

Geez, what's with the faces?

What? Did something happen?

(theme music playing)
