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01x09 - The Party King and Timbuk, Too

Posted: 09/25/21 15:28
by bunniefuu
Can I help you?

Nope! Just waiting to
throw out your banana peel!



Oh, look at that.
All full!

Guess I should take it out.

You know,
'cause that's my chore!

Here we go.
This time I got it.

(car alarm blaring)

So close!

(alarm continues blaring)


(theme song playing)

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

♪ I do normal like a fish
rides a bicycle ♪

♪ Fit in like summer
and an icicle ♪

♪ Don't fight it,
just be an original ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ I roller skate
outside the lines ♪

♪ When I try to stay in,
it's no surprise ♪

♪ It's a fail, it's okay,
I'm one of a kind ♪

♪ One of a, one of a kind ♪

♪ So anytime I feel
some type of way ♪

♪ Don't understand
the human race ♪

♪ So what,
so what, so what ♪

♪ I do my thing,
I do my thing ♪

♪ You do your thing,
You do your thing ♪

♪ When we don't fit in ♪

♪ We stand out in the crowd
and we shout it loud ♪

♪ I do my thing,
I do my thing ♪

♪ I'm the one and only,
I'm the one and only ♪

♪ Don't try to fit in,
Don't try to fit in ♪

♪ Mm-hmm, I do my thing ♪


Mom, don't you think
that's a little...

Gabby, this is not
a conversation.

But, Mom...

(rattlesnake rattle)

The Death Eyes...

Mom, I understand
that you're upset,

but there's a technique
in the conflict resolution book

I'm reading that
I think might help.

Let's take this
to the Talking Table.

Olivia, I just...

(puppy whimpering)

The Puppy Eyes!

Okay, sure. Why not?

The Talking Table
is about two things:

Communication and lots of rules
about who can talk and when.

Any opening remarks?

Look, you asked me to take out
the trash and I did.

In a fun way.

Plus, I cleaned it up!

I mean, since when did
"Gabby being Gabby"

become a crime around here?

Mom? Rebuttal?

Gabby, I gave you
a simple chore to do,

and you turned my car
into a garbage heap.

You don't take the things
I tell you to do seriously.

No, I get it, I get it.

You just don't know
how to have fun.

Excuse me? That is not
what this is about.

And, actually, I do know
how to have fun!

Do you remember that house party
we threw last year?

I partied with your friends
for hours!

I remember.

Hey, hey, hey!

Hey, everyone. Who wants
to play Truth or Dare?!


I think I'm gonna leave now.

Take me with you.



Oh! This is my jam!

(laughs) I turned
that party out.

I wonder if I still have
that shirt.

You not only ruined my party,

you ruined the idea of parties.

And those "dance" moves...

- Hey! I'm a great...
- Olivia: Uh... ah...

Gabby has the floor right now.

We have to follow
the Talking Table protocol.

Look, I just think
you're blowing

this whole trash situation
out of proportion.

Gabby, do you have any idea
what would have happened to me

if I threw a bag of trash
all over your abuela's car?

We wouldn't be at a Talking
Table, I can tell you that.

Look, the grounding stands.

Talking Table... adjourned.


I didn't get my closing remarks!

- Narrator: Fail!
-Gabby: Ooh! (Laughing)

That's gonna leave a mark!

Narrator: Fail!

Hope you guys have a good time
at the Havensburg Opera.

Me, I'll be here, being grounded

and watching videos of kids
learning why helmets are important.

Yeah, no. Mm-mm.

You're not that lucky. There's no
screen time while you're grounded.

And please do not get into any
more trouble while we're gone.

Olivia! You ready?

Well. One of us
should definitely change.


It's not gonna be me.

(heavy sigh)

Lousy no screen time...

Although these bedazzled
bird houses are pretty nice.

(doorbell rings)

I need your help.

Jeremy has been a pill today,

and I have some very important
Gor-Monite business to take care of.

(British accent) "I've got
important Gor-Monite business!

"I've also got stupid legs

and sleep
in my dress clothes!"

See what I mean? A pill.

I'd love to help you, Swifty,
but I'm grounded right now,

and it's very important...

Oh, who am I kidding,
I could use the company. Come on in.

Thank you, Gabby.

Um... your school trip is

to Football: The Opera?

(singing off key):
♪ Football ♪

♪ And run ♪

♪ Make it a touchdown ♪

♪ Run in the field ♪

You don't like this, do you?

It's fine.

Some things are for learning,
not liking.

(singing continues)

Hey, why don't we go
do something else,

just you and me?

You want to leave early?

Yeah, I mean, we can have
a mother-daughter day!

It'll be great!

But what if someone notices
we're gone?

Or they take
a second attendance?

Come on. You can stand
to relax a bit.

Mom's orders.

Come on.

♪ Football ♪

So I was just trying
to have a good time,

and then my mom clamps down

like she's the Fun Police
or something.

Tell me about it.

You know, I found out humans

have something
called "birthdays,"

and Principal said
I couldn't have one!

Apparently, Gor-Mons
reproduce through

a cytoplasmic budding process,

and human birth is,
like, way grosser.

Anyway, Principal says our
people don't celebrate Bud Days.

Which stinks,
because mine is today.

That's crazy!

Every kid deserves a birthday.

It's, like, a basic human right.


It should be
a basic alien right, too!

You know what, I am sick and
tired of the adults in our lives

telling us when and
when we can't have birthdays,

what does
and does not constitute

a responsible method
of taking out the trash.

We can't let them stop us
from having a good time.

So you know
what I think we should do?

Frame them for a crime
they didn't commit

so they go to jail
and we get to raise ourselves.

What? No.

That would take hours
of planning!

I'm saying,

we're gonna throw you
the best birthday party ever!

Even better.

This stinks.

You want in on a game
of Punchy Arm

with me and Timbuk?

Mm, no, thanks.

I can't have your one-and-maybe-only
birthday party be this sad.

Got any other
alien friends we can invite?

Just Timbuk. But he's got a lot of
alien followers on his Style Blog!


Uh, I don't think
that's gonna get it done.

But hey, I've got plenty
of babysitting clients, right?

I'll just invite them.

Sweet. Then we can
all play Punchy Arm!

No! No one wants
to play Punchy Arm!

What is it with you and...

Ow! Timbuk!
What is wrong with you?

(contented sigh)

This is the life.

Just sitting back and relaxing,

spending time with one
of my favorite...

Honey, are you sweating?

A little.

A lot.

I can't help it, okay?

This just doesn't feel right.

Sneaking away
from a school trip?

What if someone see us?

Should I be in disguise?

Do you do fake mustaches?

You need to relax.
Look, it's the weekend

and this opera field trip
isn't even required.

So let's just enjoy
our time together.


I am!

Oh, look at that.
One hand done!

That's all I really need.

If we leave now,
maybe we can get back

before the big aria?


♪ Shout loud ♪

♪ Bring the crowd ♪

♪ Bring the roof down
to the ground ♪

(electronic dance music playing)

♪ Shout loud,
bring the crowd... ♪

Now this is what I call
a birthday party!

(music continues)

Yo, party people.

Let's hear it for Jeremy!
The king of this party!

(all cheering)

I hereby declare,

this party is turnt!

(all cheering)

- (shatters)
- (all gasp)

(record scratches)

- Who cares?
- (all cheering)

♪ Shout loud,
bring the crowd ♪

♪ Bring the roof down
to the ground ♪

Ah, yes.

Sweet, sweet television
from my home planet.

They're so much better
than the paltry garbage

these humans call entertainment.

Ooh, ha-ha-ha-ha.

Veronicar crashing
Skarlax's garden party?

Oof, The Real Blob-Wives
of Gor-Monia

is as scandalous as ever.

I was right to get
a babysitter for this.

(contented mumbles)

♪ I don't know now
just what you do ♪

♪ Something 'bout the way
you move got me confused ♪

♪ I just want you
and the thing you do... ♪

What are you doing?

Ew, gross.
Give me that.

Come on!
These are limited edition!

(song continues)

And who are they?

They're followers
of Timbuk's Alien Style Blog!

Hey! Don't touch those!

Why would you even do that?

(both giggle)

Give me that!
Who raised you?

And I was all like,

"Lady, those aren't antennae!"

Sorry, I need a quick word
with the king.

Look, I know
you're having fun, but...

low-key, I have to pump
the brakes on this party.

What? No way!

I'm super baller at partying!
Have you heard my banter?

- I'm crushing this!
- Punchy Arm.

All: Punchy Arm!

See? Why can't you be
more like them?

Jeremy, listen. I'm the one
in charge, and I think...

Yeah, you're getting all
Fun Police on me right now,

so I'm gonna skate.

Your king requires transport!

Smell ya later, Gabby!

(all cheering)

Are you sure you don't want a
bite of my strawberry shortcake?

It's crazy good.

Sorry, Mom.

I want to small-talk
about dessert, but...

I can't stop thinking about how they're
definitely gonna find out about this

when I'm nominated
to the Supreme Court.

Oh, sweetie. I... I didn't mean
to make you miserable.

This was supposed to be fun.

I know but...

can we just go home?

I mean, if you'd really
rather spend your day at home

instead of getting ice cream,

going shopping,
and maybe mini-golf...

I really would.

Okay, then.

I'll go let Gabby know
we're coming home early.

Thanks, Mom.

(cell phone buzzing)

Oh, no!

What are you doing?

Stop sniffing my mom's potatoes!

Um, hey, Mom, what's up?
Opera going good?

Not so much.

We're coming home early.

What? No!

I mean,
you're already out, right?

You should have some fun...

- Ice cream, shopping...
- Yeah.

- Maybe mini-golf?
- Been there, tried that.

I'll see you soon.

"Went back to the opera.

"Maybe I can get back

"before this haunts me forever.

"Olivia, your daughter,

the little one."

All right, time to leave now.

(music stops)

(all groan)

Okay, everyone,

we've all had our fun
melting trophies

and puking into the good china.

That's over now.

You don't have to go
to your home planet,

but you can't stay here.

Jeremy: No.

I'm the birthday boy...

and I'll party if I want to.

And if you can't be cool,

maybe the Party King
should banish you

from his party kingdom!

All: Yeah.

You mean my house?

- Yeah. Not gonna ha...
- Banish her!

Wait. You're joking, right?

Hey! Guys!

Wait! Jeremy!

- Smell ya later, Gabby.
- Come on.

- (all cheering)
- (music restarts)

Wow! Okay.


Wait. Guys!

Come on, guys!


Let me back in!

All must bow
before the Party King!

Timbuk! You and Dennis
wrestle for my amusement!


(all gasp)



you have to do it.
I'm the Party King!

I'm the birthday boy!

Look at me.

Look... at me.

- (all gasp)
- I'm the birthday boy now.

- (Jeremy grunts)
- (all cheering)

Oh, hey, hey there, Gabby.
Fancy seeing you here.

This is my house.

I think it's Timbuk's house now.

But I'm sure you can get
another one.

I can't believe I got
kicked out of my own party.


You think you kinda let

the whole birthday thing
go to your head?

Yeah, I guess so.


No, this is my fault.

I was trying too hard
to be cool with you

because I wanted my mom
to be cool with me,

and now look what happened.

I guess it's just never
a good idea to party

with people you're supposed
to be taking care of.

That's it! I think I know
how to stop this party.

But first, we need
to get back inside.

How are we gonna do that?

My mom always leaves
her window unlocked.

And it's locked.

Well, Mom's not gonna love this.

You already tried yelling
at them, so what now?

We gonna call the police?

(cell phone clatters)

No way, you doof!

You can't call the cops
on a party full of aliens!


There's only one thing
I can think of

that can clear out this party.

I've gotta go full-Mom.

(up-tempo music playing)

Who's ready to party?

Ooh, Gabby, get down
with your bad self!

Hey, hey!
We having fun yet?

Look at me, guys.
I'm flossing!

Who's ready to play
Truth or Dare?

It's a human mom! Run!

(all screaming)

(door closes)

Wow, that went better than I...


Ow, what the...

Punchy Arm champion!

I ate some hair
off your mom's brush.

She should really switch
conditioners, by the way.

(opera singing within)

Olivia! Wait.

Let's talk.

I'm sorry I ran off.

I just didn't want
to break the rules.

Okay. I get that, honey.

But all this pressure
to be perfect

isn't healthy.

I'm probably partially
to blame for that, actually.

I know I expect a lot from you.

But you need
some fun in your life.


I can't believe I'm saying this,

but maybe you should embrace
a little of your inner Gabby.

Gabby... Duran?

You have to admit, the girl
knows how to have a good time.

Yeah, I guess
maybe you're right.

No time like the present, right?

Stick this under that table.

Are you sure?

Sometimes you gotta
break the rules.


But what if I get caught?

The janitorial staff already
seems pretty over-worked.

Okay, fine.


Look at me.
I'm an outlaw!


Okay, that's enough.

I'm going to properly dispose
of this now.

But still, what a rush.

Okay, that should do it.

Except what are we
gonna do about that?

- (car door closes)
- My mom's home!

You owe me.

Hey there.

Hey, Mom.

Glad to see the house
is still standing.

My shirt!

(chuckles awkwardly)


- Mom, I really want to...
- Can I talk to you about some...

Me first.

I think I owe you an apology.

For all the stuff I said before.

I think I just didn't appreciate
how hard it is

to be the one making the rules.

Well, thank you.


And you take back
everything you said

about my sweet dance moves?

Let's not go
digging up skeletons.

You know, it's funny,
because I think

I've actually found a new
appreciation for you today, too.

Step back!
Bad girl coming through.

I didn't even wait for the car
to stop all the way

before unbuckling.

Maybe you can calm her down.

She has been like this
the whole way home.

I've done things
with gum, Gabby.

Rule-breaking things
you wouldn't believe.

We're both
the family misfit now.

(Gabby laughs)

Okay, settle down, Jesse James.

Dina: Why is
my window broken?!

Hey, so...

we didn't really get a chance
to properly celebrate.

So I made you
a Happy Bud Day cupcake.

Earth tradition. You gotta blow
out the candle and make a wish.

(Jeremy blows)

Thanks, Gabby.

Principal Swift: Next time on
Gabby Duran and the Unsittables...

It's Sky's first sleepover,
and I really want to show her a good time.

Bring on the epic
Gabby D crazy time.

If any harm
should come to her...

- Man: Hey!
- (expl*si*n)

there will be consequences.



Man: Gorgeous!