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02x11 - Versus the Wolves at the Door

Posted: 09/24/21 16:58
by bunniefuu
Previously, on Mech-X4...

We'll take Mech-X4 up to the Arctic,
we'll take on Traeger.

Mech execute!

And we'll destroy the w*apon,

and then we'll get back
before anybody else misses us.

And now I don't need them alive anymore.

Abandon the robot, get to the escape pod!

Mark, here!


Ryan? Ryan!






Ryan, are you there?

We don't have any signal.

We're stranded.

- I can't believe Ryan did that.
- He tried to save us.

I'm his big brother,
I should have saved him.

And now... what if he's...

There's gotta be a way to get back home.

You know, a backup plan?

Great! So we're not gonna freeze,
we're just gonna get eaten.


Hey, guys!

Looks like you need a lift.

Oh, come on. Cheer up.

I'm saving you from freezing to death
out here. You're welcome.


Where's Ryan?

Welcome to my Arctic headquarters.

Of course you have an Arctic base.
You're a villain.

Do you have a little cat to pet
while you're scheming?

Shark in the t*nk?

A laser to cut people in half?

We lost the cat to the shark.
I really don't want to talk about it.

I don't know why you're helping us,

but we don't want anything to do with you.

Okay, slow it up.

If you guys want to find Ryan,
I'm the only game in town.

Snowboarding is a game.

- I... Listen...
- Hockey, curling.

- Man, I forgot how much I despise you!
- I have a gift.

Listen, take it from a guy
who's tried to k*ll Ryan

on several occasions,

he's not going down that easy.

Probably a better way to put that.

Scrooge McDeath could have let us
freeze out there,

so let's at least listen to him.

I like her. Good addition to the team.

Is she replacing Spyder? No? Listen.

Grey and that red thing held me prisoner.

Nobody does that to Seth Harper.

So, this is about revenge?

Aren't most things?
And I can't beat them on my own.

And clearly, you can't either, so...
we have to work together.


Look, it is freezing cold out there.

If Ryan is alive,
you need my help to find him.

- Not happening.
- No way.


It is happening.

I'll do whatever it takes to save Ryan,
even if that means working with you.

Because I am the only game in...

- Dogsledding.
- Ugh! I hate you.

Our pod landed somewhere around here,

which probably means
that the robot is somewhere around here.

I don't see any sign of the giant ocean
or red ooze.

Traeger must've figured out
how to move it.

Thank you, Morris. That'll be all.

- You named your drone after your henchmen?
- Oh, I name all my henchmen Morris.

Makes things a lot easier when they,
you know...

Boss of the year.

Oh, that reminds me.

You and Harris owe me final versions
of Harper Grant projects.

- Nope.
- I'll email it to you later.

- My man!
- Wow!



No heat signatures.

Are you saying you can't detect any heat
from Ryan?

Does... Does that mean...

Don't jump to conclusions.

I'm guessing the robot's hull
is frozen over.

My scanners can't penetrate that much ice.

Which means Ryan could still be alive
in other halves.

But doesn't that mean
someone else could be alive in there?

- Like Traeger?
- We need to split up.

Search both halves of the robot.

- Veracity, Spyder, you guys take the legs.
- Okay.

Harris and I will go with Harper
to the top.

Harper and Mark, together again.

Just like that time we tried to get
into that DJ Live-Rat$z show.

No, you're coming with me
because I don't trust you.

Classic Mark. I miss us, man.


- Ryan!
- Shh!

We don't know if Traeger's in here.

We have to stay hidden,
it's our only advantage.

Good point.
My training regime has been mostly cardio.

Not really up for fighting hand-to-hand
with an invincible ooze monster.

I'll go to the control center
and get the internal sensors online,

you look for Ryan.

Hey! You're not in charge here.

Aggressive! Bold!

I like it.
Okay, sir, what would you like to do?


You get the internal sensors online,
and I'll look for Ryan.

You know that's the exact same plan,

But... somehow better.

- Yeah.
- Mm-hmm.

Hey, stay close!

Oh, you want me to protect you.

Yeah, like a human shield.

- I'll take it.
- Come on, Ryan, where are you?

Get back here, Ryan!


- Whoa! Ah!
- Ryan!





It's Ryan!

No, no, no, that could be anything!

Hey, let's go...

Wolf, wolf, wolf!

Worse, wolves.

- Are you sure that's the right plural?
- Just hide!

Eek! Eek! Eek!

They're wolves, Veracity,
I'm not embarrassed about saying eek!

Dude, I am scared too,
but you gotta work with me here!

- Okay, you're right.
- Yeah.

- I'm okay, I'm okay.
- You're okay. Yeah.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
There's no way out!

- You trapped me in a room with one door!
- Hey, hey!

Ah! The wolves can smell my tender meat!

And I just realized
what human shield means!

Hey guys, I'm leaving you this recording.

Hope you find it.
Traeger's in the robot with me.

It looks like all these anti-ooze cannons
got busted up during the battle.

I need to think of something else.

Come on. Oh!

"Spyder's Secret w*apon Stash." Yes!

Spyder, if you ever hear this,

I owe you my life.

Although you spelled "w*apon"
and your own name wrong...


Yes! I knew you'd hoard one of these,
you lunatic packrat.

Gravity Pucks!

Gotta make it as hard as possible for him.


Ryan? Ryan, you there?


I am the man.

Internal sensors are back online.
All right, give it up!

Oh, right, I'm all alone.
And they hate me.

Hey, guys.

I think I know where Ryan is.

What are you doing?

Worrying myself by your angry,
hateful breath.


Uh! I wish I had a paper clip.

Do you want a bobby pin?

Why do you have a bobby pin?

To pick locks. I mean, uh...
Keep my smooth hair in place...

Please tell me whatever you're doing
is gonna work.

I don't get it,
you guys have fought tons of monsters

and now you're freaking out over wolves?

Dude, wolves...
are able to imitate your grandmother.

They fooled that girl in the red hood.

They're sneaky.

A fact that I thought was cool
until right now!

Okay, messing with the speaker
until it starts producing feedback.

Oh! Ow!

- Loud!
- That's the point.

A sound to drive the wolves away.

Did it work?

Yo, Traeger!

Don't move, Traeger!

Ryan, why are you calling me Traeger?

Ah, ah!

Ryan! It's me! It's Mark!

Hey, hey, hey, what's going on down there?

Look at me, Ryan.

Ryan, what are you doing?


You think I'm stupid, Traeger?

Ahh! Ahh! Ahh!

Ryan, what are you doing to Mark?

Okay, don't move, Ryan.

How are you doing that?

- Don't run, Ryan.
- Just stay there.

- Traeger.
- Traeger?

Look at me, Ryan.

He's acting like his brain is fried
or something.

Ryan, wait, come back!

We found Ryan... but he's crazy.

He's seeing us as enemies.

It must have something to do
with the damage to Mech-X4.

Focus on Ryan.

Ryan was still connected
to the robot when it got ripped.

It's almost like his mind
got ripped in half, too.

And the last thing he saw... was Traeger!

It's like his brain is stuck in a loop,
like a computer.

How do we fix it?

Maybe I can...

Reboot him.

It's possible.
We'd have to reset all the robot systems.

But Ryan needs to be on the control pad.

That's where his connection to Mech-X4
is the strongest.

The reboot can only be done
from the CPU core

and that's in the lower half of the robot.

Spyder, Veracity,
you guys anywhere close to the CPU core?

Uh, yeah, we're pretty close.
Got a bit of an animal control problem.


That does not sound good.

Don't worry about it.
We'll take care of it.

- What?
- So we can run the reboot program

from here...

but we're gonna have to connect the two
halves of the robot to the same network.

Harris will handle that.

Yeah, Harris will... Wait. What?

I'll try to push Ryan back
to the control pad.

You connect the robot halves.

I've got fiber optic cable
in the workshop.

You're always bragging
about how much fiber optic cable you have.

I like it, I will not apologize.

How do I get
to the other half of the robot?

- Shh!
- Oh!

Look, those things are gonna tear
Harris apart if we don't get rid of them.

Oh, man.

Only one thing to do.
This is not gonna be fun.

I can't find Ryan.
How do I get into the control pad?

Not a problem, amigo.

Hey, buddy.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Ryan, Ryan, Ryan, listen to me.

Your mind was affected
when the robot was ripped in half.

You're seeing your friends as enemies!

So we've gotta reboot that brain, pal.

- Look, you att*cked Mark.
- No, I att*cked you, Traeger.

I'm not Traeger. It's me, Harper!

Actually, I guess that's not much better,
is it?

Ah, aww!

That's feeling better.

Oh. Okay.

All right, now we're talking.

He has so much cable!

One human shield coming up!

Hey, where my wolves at?

This isn't so bad.

Think of friendly cartoon wolves
you've seen.

Wait, there are none.
They're all villains.

Sure you know what you're doing?

Yeah, being a human shield.

Tender meat!

Eek! Eek!

You're a very brave human shield.


Bam, baby!

You are looking at the bravest boy
in the northern hemisphere!

This guy just rode Ryan's hoverboard!


Get ready to reboot the systems.




Hey, hey! Dude, listen to me.

You're not thinking straight.
It's me, Mark.

Stop saying that, Traeger.
You're not gonna fool me.

Whoa, hey! You... You recognize this?

You bought this for Mom.

How would Traeger have this?

Who's the last person you gave this to?

This is for your own good, dingus.




- Hi, there! Welcome to Mech-X4!
- Whoa!

Oh! He does not have a face for IMAX.


Mark? Ah!

For ejecting me out of the robot.

- I was trying to save you.
- We stick together,

even if that means losing together.


Is that Harper? Am I seeing things?

Nope, I'm the real deal.

- Hey! No, no, no, Ryan.
- Oh!

He saved us.

He helped us fix your brain, we need him.

- For what?
- Listen,

your robot just got torn apart.
Luckily, I can help you.

Is anybody gonna help me
with these stupid wolves?

Just gotta handle something first.

Hang on, Spyder.

Are you sure?

It's just Spyder, we could...

Okay, I'll take care
of everything up here. We're good.

Where'd you find these robot pieces?

Find them? No, no, no, no.

I built them.

Wait, you're building your own robot?

Okay, funny story. You're gonna love this.

Since your robot was always defeating
my monsters,

I figured I'd build my own to, you know,
destroy everything that you love.

Now that I say it out loud,
it's not quite as funny.

This supposed to make me trust you?

Fair point, but look, now we can use these
parts to rebuild and upgrade Mech-X4.


Listen, I know... you don't trust me.

But together, we can defeat Traeger.

What do you say?

Do we have a deal?

This is, um... this is my last option.

Are you sure you want to take this risk?

Do I have another choice?

No. I guess not.


If this doesn't work, tell Ryan...


Violet! Violet!

Oh, no. Hold her down.