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01x04 - Slaytime TV

Posted: 09/24/21 16:30
by bunniefuu
RENFIELD: Master, no!
No, no, no! Sorry, Master!

How many times have I told you,

You feed me one more cup
of tomato juice...

- But, Master, I...
- I don't want excuses!

I want fresh blood!

I am trying, Master! But the paperboy
got wise to my traps!

Dad, you promised to be careful!

Do I need to spell it out for you?

I am Count Dracula,
not Spell Dracula.

M-O-B spells angry peasant mob
howling for your dust.

I know that! But I'm bored.

Vladdy, tomorrow you'll stay home
and entertain me!

Invite your friends. Mmm, we can play
m*rder In The Dark.

For the last time, no!

If you need entertaining... get a TV.

You want me to stare at
a glass box all day?

I'd rather be dead!

And I am.

(Metal clangs)

And I love it.
No television and that's final!

If we get to do evil stuff,
I'll stay home with you.

Then it's settled.
I shall buy a television!

You, go barter with the peasants
for their finest television.

And you,

clear up this mess.

Why can't Vlad do it?
It's because he's a boy, isn't it?

No! It's because he's my son,
he's my future, my dreams.

- He is...
- Going round to Robin's.

Then I'm going, too.
And you can't stop me!

Fine! Fine, just remember to polish
my coffin when you get home.


(Birds screeching)

I can't believe you talked me into
another vampire stakeout.

We're slayers! It's our duty
to fight the forces of darkness...

Sssh! They're coming out!

Off to commit evil deeds, no doubt.

Or maybe they're just going
to hang out with mates.

- What a great idea.
- Oh, no!

You're in Vlad's class.

You must befriend him.
Gain his trust.

One day the mask will slip and then
it's out with the garlic and stakes.

You want me to invite him round
for dinner?

Sometimes I think your heart
just isn't in this slaying business.

Of course it is, Dad. It's just...

What if I was to try to get close
to Ingrid instead?

You're a chip off the old stake!

Hey, Robin.

- Do you want to smell my flower?
- Do I look stupid?

We're trying to win You've Been
Shamed! You could be on telly!

Great. I'm gagging to embarrass
myself in front of my friends.

How many times?
You haven't got any friends.

Robin, your friends are here!

Ingrid, knew you couldn't keep away!

- We're gonna make you a star!
- What do you mean, "make"?

- You know the TV show, You've Been Shamed?
- No.

Well, people make funny movies to send in.

- For a prize of £ , !
- We're gonna win it.

With you as our leading lady!

Have you clowns ever made
a movie before?

- We've been doing it for years.
- Yeah?

They film our holidays on Dad's
clapped-out camcorder.

- Our cinematic masterpieces.
- Ten years of holidays!

Merthyr Tydfil. Pontypridd.

I forgot about this one

- What?
- , holiday in Transylvania.

That's just a few miles
from our old castle!

- I don't remember going.
- It was years ago.

Put it on.

Put it on!

'Dad said I can play with this, not you!'

'Yes, I can!'

'Steady lads, it's not a toy.'

'Give me the camera, smelly.'

'Come on, boys, don't fight.'

Spielberg must be panicking so much.

I've been to Transylvania
and never knew!

You're lucky to have lived there.

I'd give anything to switch
lives with you.

- That's it!
- What?

You don't fit into your family,
I don't fit into mine.

I was in your village
when I was a baby.

What if we were accidentally
swapped round?

I know you don't fit in,
but that's just because you're...

not because you're a vam...

a Vlad.

It would explain a lot, though.

- Well, I'm convinced.
- When are you moving out?

why don't you let me entertain you?

Because I don't think I can survive
another hour of Transylvanian Twist.

Are you sure?
I've made a new sparkly leotard.

Now, let's see what mindless trash
passes for entertainment these days.

Up a bit...

(Music plays on TV)
Left a bit... just right.


I think you should know
that I am in agonising pain.


Hold it there!

Fantastic. You got the TV!

- We're finally normal!
- No son of mine is normal.

You're banned
from watching this thing!

It'll turn you into a weak-willed,
sheep-like native!

Ingrid, you can watch it
if you like.

I hope you get
hooked on that breather box.

It will have no effect on me.
I am incorruptible!

Watch this! Boring.

Boring... boring...

(TV theme tune plays)

Morning, Dad.


Good old blood-free toast.
The perfect breakfast!

Has he been watching TV all night?

Looks like it.
OK, Dad, I'm off to school.

Bye, Dad. Bye, Vlad. See ya.

Sheila, you're here! My wife and I
have waited a long time...

- I thought you were incorruptible?
- Shhh, quiet.

Sheila is about to find out
if Edna is really her daughter!

- Doesn't she know?
- Of course not, foolish girl.

She has amnesia!

'Here are the results
of your DNA test.

'I'm sorry to tell you,
Edna is not your daughter!

'However, I am your son!'

- Huh?
- Oh!

Well, I didn't see that one coming!

Of course not.
It's really far-fetched and stupid.

Oh, just go to school, Ingrid!

I don't believe this! You love
TV more than your children.

I don't. I just love TV
more than my daughter.


- Have you eaten garlic?
- Yes, Dad.

What do you say if she invites you
to see her coffin?

- I'm not that sort of boy. Can I go?
- Wait.

I, er...

I got you these.

You're a slayer now, my son.

Yeah, uh... thanks.

OK, how about this?

Bistritz Beer Festival, .

My parents drink too much ale
and push the wrong pram.

- That's possible, right?
- Um.

- Just think about it, that's all.
- OK.

Can I stop now?
I'm starting to worry about you.

Worry about yourself,
zombie snot.

What have I done now?

You made Dad buy that TV.
I'm now his third favourite.

Come on, you know that's not true.

You forgot Renfield
You're fourth favourite!

- Hey, Ingrid!
- What?!

- Don't you want your homework?
- Oh, yeah... thanks.

I'm sorry I snapped.

It's my brother.
He really bugs me.

- Don't worry about it.
- Yeah, we understand.

- You do?
- Yeah.

You have met Robin?
He's delusional.

Keeps going on
about being swapped at birth.

Shame he wasn't.
That'd solve all our problems.

Yes, it would, wouldn't it?

It really would!

- Thank you. I owe you.
- In that case...

- Will you be in our movie?
- Yeah, whatever!


We'll see you later then?


I couldn't help over-hearing you let
the twins do your homework.

Tell the headmistress.
See if I care.

That's not what I meant.

If you ever want something
doing properly, just ask.

As if!

Actually... there is something
you can do for me.

Meet me in the library after school.

You could've written
Lord Of The Rings by now!

What's the rush?
It's only homework... isn't it?

It's kind of more like an evil plot
to destroy my brother.

Oh, OK. Erm, why?

Well, you see, with Vlad gone,
I get the lot.

The castle, the coffins,
my father's love...

You're not evil. You just want
your dad to understand you.

- How did you know?
- Believe me, I know what it's like.

You know, I'm sensing
a real connection here.

So it's a shame
I've got to k*ll you.

- What? k*ll me? Why?
- It's a vampire thing.

- Kind of what we do.
- You're a vampire?

Now this is going to hurt a lot.

I'll hypnotise you so you don't scream.

Can't you hypnotise me so I forget
we ever had this conversation?

Oh, right.

Nice plan. Blood-spattered clothes
are so s.

Ingrid is not a vampire.

Everything is perfectly normal.

And sort your hair out!

- What?
- Hello, Mr Count. Is Ingrid in?

Who knows? Who cares?
I'm missing important television.

- She promised to star in our film!
- Your film?

How can you make a film?

It's for You've Been Shamed.

The winners get shown
on national TV!

You mean,
you can make your own television

and win fame and glory

and all the peasants
will worship and fear you?

- Uh, sort of.
- Do you want to help us?

No, I'm going to steal your idea
and enter the competition myself.

Why do I have to do this stupid job?

Because we have cameramen
and make-up girls!

Now get dabbing!

Script editing lackey, come here!

Let's run through the script.

So, Renfield enters
with a big bowl of blood.

A big cream cake.

He trips on a carelessly
abandoned coffin lid.

- A skateboard.
- With hilarious results.

Right, I think we're ready for a take.
Make-up girl!


(Renfield screams)


Yes, Daddy?

You and I are going to have a long,
frank discussion

about job satisfaction.

- After you've cleaned up this mess.
- OK, Dad.

What's this?

"Top Secret. This diary
belongs to Magda Westenra..."

That's your mother's private diary!
Give it to me. Give it to me!


"This means you, Countie!

"If I ever find out you've read this,
I will twist your...

"until you..." What?

I think maybe we should honour
your mother's privacy.


Let me read it, Dad.
I'll find a good bit.

"July th, .

"The Count is driving me mad.
He is so sexist!

"He ignores our brilliant daughter

"and spends all his time with Vladimir.

"He says women just don't have
what it takes to be vampires.

MAG DA: But I will show him.

I will swap Vladimir with the baby
from the boring British family.

They will take him away to Britain

and the Count will bring their baby up
as his own!

Then we will see who's got
what it takes! Ha, ha, ha!

"Ha, ha, ha."

Mistress Magda always
enjoyed a good laugh.

Vlad, my boy...

- You're not my boy!
- I knew it! I knew it!

I was on holiday in Transylvania
years ago!

I must be your son... Father!

Listen to yourselves!
You sound like a bad soap plot!

- It sounds like a good soap plot.
- Yeah, right.

Dad, you don't believe him,

do you?

Tell me more about this holiday
in Transylvania.

Ah, if I might make a suggestion?

We should settle this
as they do on that TV.

- With a DNA test!
- What's a D and A test?

It's a scientific way of finding out
if people are related.

Related? I'm your son, Dad!

Proceed with the test.

(Thunder claps)

So, first I'll need a skin sample.

Um, you could just use a spatula?


(Renfield cackles)

Are we all ready
to spin the Wheel of DNA?

If this is science, I'm a banana.

Shut it before I'll peel you, clever clogs.

This is Transylvanian science. Much
more accurate than boring British science.

And it's entertaining! Spin the wheel!

(Electricity sparks)

(Alarm sounds)

There we go. Robin was your son all along.
What a revelation.

- Can I have Vlad's room?
- No, you can't.

I'm having Vlad's room.
Right, Dad?

I thought you were supposed
to be Vlad's friend.

Real vampires don't have friends.

I like this boy already.

Vlad, are you OK?

I can't believe it.
I don't know what to do.

You can start
by clearing out my room.

- My room!
- Children, children.

This is no time to argue.

Just get this impostor
out of my castle!


Apparently not!

I thought this would please you,
Master Vladimir.

Haven't you always wanted
to be normal?

It's not that. It's Dad.
I mean, Count Dracula.

I never thought he could be so horrible.

The name might have given you
a clue.

Are you ready to pack me now?

Wait. I want you to stay

and look after my so-called friend
Robin for me.

Really look after him,
if you know what I mean.

I'm surprised, master Vlad. I thought you'd want
me to make his life a living hell.

I was being ironic, Zoltan.
It's a breather thing.

It's a breather thing...

- How did it go with Ingrid today?
- Ingrid is not a vampire.

Everything is perfectly normal.

What did she say to you?

Ingrid is not a vampire.
Everything is perfectly normal.

Good garlic, the lad's been hypnotised!
Look at me!

Hey, Dad.
What's with the fingers?

- You've been hypnotised.
- I would've remembered!

No, you wouldn't! Now, concentrate.

Can you remember talking to Ingrid?

- No.
- I knew it.

Hypnotism's an old vampire mind trick.

Only trained slayers like me
can resist.

But no vampire hypnotises
my son and gets away with it.

This is going to involve wooden
pointy things, isn't it?

You betcha!

Tomorrow, we're going slaying!

I like the new hairstyle.

We'll call this one Robin's First Flight.

- He doesn't stay in the air long.
- We'll run it in slow motion.

You're doing well, my boy.

Look at that...

He's losing his reflection already.

Master, this son is no improvement
on the last one!

Ignore him, Father,
he's just jealous!

I know I'm a better vampire than Vlad.
Let me prove it!



There was one thing that Master Vlad
would never do.

He would never let you bite
the local peasants!

Mmmm. An excellent idea!

You will catch me a nice juicy local
for my dinner.

You can't hung out there.
People will think you're homeless.

That's right, you are!

Don't you think
you've upset him enough?

It's a good start,
but I can do better.

Very convenient,
the way you "found" that diary.

I thought so.
The good news is Dad loves Robin.

How does it feel to be
fifth favourite?

- I'm sorry, Ingrid.
- What?

I didn't realise how bad it felt
when Dad ignored you.

- Feeling guilty, Cruella?
- Of course not.

I'm a vampire, I've no conscience!

And no taste in lipstick!

- What do I do, Zoltan?
- You have two choices, Robin.

You can kidnap a peasant
and go to prison for a long time.

Or you can disobey the Count
and be sent away like poor Vlad.

Poor, rejected, lonely Vlad...

All right, Zoltan! Enough.
I'm going to do the right thing.

You're going to admit
that you're not a vampire

and let Vlad come home?

No. I'm gonna play along
and hope something turns up in time.

Don't know what you're grinning about.

(Knock at door)

Mum wants to know
if you're staying tonight.

And the rest of my life.

Vlad, I just know Ingrid faked
that diary.

- It wasn't her writing.
- But was it your mum's?

You know,
I've never seen my mum's writing.

- She was away all those years.
- Well, she must have written once?

Right! We're going up to the castle.

There must be a letter
from Magda somewhere.

(Dramatic tune plays)


Well done, Robin!

It's nice to see someone around here
making an effort.

All we need now is your victim,
Master Robin.

Give it up, Dad, they're out!
Can we go home now?

I suppose so.

It was unlocked!
Typical vampire arrogance!

Or maybe they're just normal people who don't
expect slayers to barge in with stakes.


Grab your stake and mallet
and barge in!

Dad, please, can we check they're vampires
before we embarrass ourselves?

What do you suggest?

I'll go in first. If I see any vampires,
I'll give you a shout.

Your first solo slaying!

I'm proud of you, son.

I am so looking forward to this.

- About me being your son...
- Yes, you're doing very well.

Now, this juicy peasant,
will it be here soon?


- How about an aperitif?
- Mmm.

How many times do I have to say it?

I hate

this stuff.

You are vampires!

And you

are dinner.

No! Leave him alone!


Dad, help! Help!

(Count growls)

- Eh?
- Cut!

OK, people, that's a wrap!

What's going on?

Just our entry for
You've Been Shamed.

Yeah, we're making a vampire movie.

- A comedy vampire movie.
- What rubbish!

Dad, look.
They were making a movie.

We'll be off then, too.
Won't we, Dad?

- Yes.
- Ah, not so fast!

Who are you, anyway?

I'm Vlad's woodwork teacher.
I, um,

came to do a

woodwork... inspection.

Yes. Everything seems to be in order.

Good day.

(Door bangs shut)

They're vampires, Jonathan,
and one day I'll prove it.

It's make-up! Did you see that guy
playing the servant?

Nobody's really that ugly.

My dear boy! Your clever excuse
saved me from that very small mob!

Can I be your son again?

If you love a boy like a son,
he is your son.

Thanks, Dad!

Unfortunately, I only love Robin
because he is my real son.

Erm, actually, he isn't.

What? But the diary.

I faked it. It's been bugging me.
I couldn't stop thinking about it.

I knew you had a conscience!

No. It's just that he was so glad
to be a vampire.

I couldn't stand the thought
I'd made someone so... happy.

Vladdy, my boy!

You are my boy!

So I'm not a vampire after all?
But I was so sure.

I know. You were selfish,

you betrayed your friends
and you were totally inhuman.

You mean?

Just because you aren't a vampire
doesn't mean you can't be evil!

You're my best mate.
You know that, don't you?

- Robin, I'm your only mate.
- Exactly.

So, after all our adventures,
everything is back to normal.

- Just like on TV!
- Wait a minute.

What about that DNA test?

What can I say?

I just don't like you.

Such drama! Such timing!
I'm a cinematic genius!

I can't believe
they actually showed it!

Master, I think I've had enough now.

Just one more zap, son?