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03x09 - Souls

Posted: 09/23/21 12:08
by bunniefuu
[seagulls squawking]

Everything seems to be in order.

May I ask, Master Wayne,

are you completely sure
about what you're doing?

Yes, Charles. I am.

Very well.

Will you be requiring
anything more tonight, sir?

I will not.

Thank you

for everything you've done.

Good night, Master Wayne.

Good bye, Charles.

[theme music playing]

[instrumental music playing]

[energy crackling]

And again. Head.

Just what exactly were
you trying to do in there?


- I was trying...
- Right.

... to bring Donna back.

Stubborn and willful.

I was just like you at your age.


[Rachel] You call this place paradise,

but I don't get it.

I've been here for months,
and all I do is train.

And you know I can do more.

You're here to learn our ways.

Certain things are
not achieved by force.

The ritual we do in the
temple requires patience

and dedication.

Your ritual's not working.

[Myrrha] Top!

It also requires humility.

I apologize for my words, Lydia.

Proceed with your training.

Your timing could use some work, too.

I hate this island.

[sighs, chuckles]


- Okay.
- Again.




Timothy Drake?



You're Timothy S. Drake?

Can you...

Can you tell me where we're going?

I'm afraid I can't.

I'm sorry, I...

I know this'll sound weird,

but I can't quite remember why I'm here.


It's totally normal.

Nothing to worry about.

It can take a while.

Look, man.

You're gonna have to
give me some answers,

'cause I don't know where
I am or how I got here, so...

I understand.

Just come with me.


We're almost at your stop.

Hand off!

[conductor grunts]



- Hey.
- [panting]

- Are you all right?
- Where the hell am I?

This is the next place.

You mean...

I'm dead?

[Donna] We all are.

I know it can be a lot to take in.

My name's Donna.


[conductor] Timothy?

[blows whistle]

They're looking for you.

- [Tim] Look, Ma'am...
- Ma'am?

Maybe you're dead, but not me.

Are you crazy?

Damn it.

[door opens]

[energy crackling]

[Rachel] Come on, Donna.

Come back to me.

Come on.

Come on.

[door closes]




[Donna] Where are you going?


Back where?


Well, you better pace yourself,
'cause you got a ways to go.

So what, do you work for them?

Who? The train people? No.

Then why are you following me?

Because you look scared.

We should probably head back now.

Not gonna happen.

Look, I was freaked out
when I woke up, too, okay?

It can be a lot to
wrap your head around.

It's kind of the point of
life and death, though, right?

Move forward, not back.

Which is why it's a train?

Yeah, the metaphor is not subtle,

but it nails the point.

Do you remember anything?

How you died or...

[sniffles] No.

Just know I gotta go home.

[Donna] How are you gonna do that, huh?

Order a Lyft?

Let me tell you, the
service down here sucks.


You wanna go back to the train, go.

I didn't ask for your help.

[growling in distance]

[Tim] Who are these guys?

I have no idea.

Hey, are you guys from the train?

We were just getting some fresh air,

so if there's a problem...



Do you feel that?


[Donna] Get behind me.



[rock music playing]

- [driver] Get in!
- Do it.

Oh, my God.

Looks like we got
some catching up to do.


In this hour, as in all hours,

we seek balance.

We request the blessings of Artemis

as we begin our endeavor.


The ritual of Ordigi has been disrupted.


The act of blasphemy
has caused an imbalance.


The act was committed by Rachel Roth.


The transmigration of Donna Troy's soul

has been corrupted.

Any hope for resurrection
now jeopardized.

Wait, you don't know that...

- Sorry.
- [Lydia] Therefore determined.

Balance must be restored

through the appropriate result.

I request that the council hold that

Rachel is a visitor to our island

and still largely ignorant of our ways.

Willfully ignorant.

May I submit initial result?


I will oversee an increase
in task and training,

as well as initiate a
curriculum in the culture

and rituals of our island.

Insufficient result.

Secondary result.

I propose that Rachel be allowed...

I wasn't committing blasphemy.

You have no proof that
what I did hurt Donna

or her soul's transmigration.

Please, Rachel...

I just... I don't see
why I should be punished

because you all are
afraid of me and my powers.

I see why Donna left this place.

I don't blame her.

She was a hero,

and you all are cowards.

May I request that the council allow me

to speak privately with Rachel.

This endeavor has concluded.

I will administer result myself.

[rock music playing]

I think we lost them.

Who's the kid?

[Donna] I don't really
know. His name is Tim.

[Hank] Is he okay?

He's still in the fog, you know.

Oh, yeah.

It took me forever before
I felt halfway normal.

Hey, what were you doing
back there in the woods?

Um, he jumped off the train,

freaked out or something,
so I followed him.

What the f*ck were
those things back there?


If you get off the train
before your "destination,"

you end up out here.

It's kind of a no man's land.
Your soul's up for grabs.

Ghouls will steal your soul
if they get close enough,

and if they get you, they take you down.

All the way down.

To Hades.

And you don't come back from that.

So, should we talk about
the elephant in the room?

What elephant?

Well, I don't know. You're dead!

Oh. [laughing]

That elephant.


What happened?

Jason. f*cking. Todd.

- What?
- I know, right?

I mean, Jason's always been
f*cked up and had problems,

but why would he k*ll you?

Oh, you think I know?

He started taking some f*cked-out drug,

started dressing like
Deathstroke meets the Gimp,

calls himself Red Hood,
whatever that means.

Next thing you know
he went batshit nuts,

strapped a b*mb to my chest and...

- [mimics expl*si*n]
- [both gasp]

- [laughing]
- [Donna mutters]

Just wanna make sure you're
still kicking back there, kid.

- [Donna] assh*le.
- He's with us.

You're good. Take a chill pill.

Anyway, classic Gotham bullshit.

My God. I'm so sorry, Hank.


Oh, my God. Dawn.

She must be devastated.

She better be.

[rock music playing]

[instrumental music playing]


You on your own?

Uh, my friends and I
had a little run in,

but we left them on the road.

[Malcolm] Welcome to the Twilight Owl.

My name is Malcolm. Pleased to meet you.

Now you folks look like

you can use a
little pick-me-up.

This one's gonna need some food.

We need to talk.

[Malcolm] Grab a table.

Come on. Let's get you fixed up.

I gotta get home.


Okay, kid. You and me both.

Go with Malcolm, grab a bite.


We're gonna figure this out, okay?

[sighs] What is this place?

I kinda think of this as my home base.

Classy for a guy who
thinks flushing's optional.

[Hank] Thank you.

I can gather my thoughts
here, get the lay of the land,

pick up intel.

Help people out when I can.

What people?

Ah, you don't think you're the only one

who jumped off that train, huh?

Lot of people get cold feet
on the way to the next place.


I thought you weren't drinking.

[Hank] Oh, I wasn't.

Then I died, so I
figured out what the hell?

- Might as well live a little.
- [chuckles]

Look, the important thing
is, we found each other.

That can't be a coincidence.

I'll give you that.

This all does seem pretty strange.


Maybe it's all happening for a reason.

You said the kid wants to go back, huh?

[Donna] Yeah.

I tried explaining it's
not really an option,

but he's not ready to hear it.

Who says it's not an option?

All of human history.

I may have found a loophole.

Hank, this is the afterlife.
There are no loopholes.

When our tickets got punched,

they were one way, not round trip.

Maybe it's just a rumor,

there's supposed to be a bridge.

A bridge?

- Back to Earth?
- That's what I heard.

I was scouting it out when I found you.

[whispers] That's totally insane.

And all of this isn't?

Your timing couldn't be more perfect.

The Titans were having
real problems when I died.

Jason's coming after them, too.

They can use my help

and they could definitely use yours.

Now we can go back together.

That's why all this is happening, Donna.


A second chance.

What's wrong?

I don't wanna go back.

[Rachel] So, this is it?

You're locking me in my room?

'Cause that doesn't really
seem like a punishment.

I thought you'd throw me in a pit,

or make me fight sharks or something.

Have you ever considered speaking less?

[Lydia] This is Pnevma.

It has existed here on the island

since before history.

Before memory.

The legend is that it was
built by a hero of our tribe,

long forgotten now,

to represent the human soul.

Why would you do that?

This is your result.

Designed by me to restore balance

where balance has been lost.

Rebuild Pnevma in whatever way you can,

using every stone.

Is that all?

It is.

Well, it doesn't seem so bad.

It is nothing more than
the task of building a soul.

What are you talking
about? We have to go back.

You don't even know if we
can. And even if we could...

You're telling me you
wouldn't jump at the chance

to go back down there
and hand Jason his ass?

Is that what this is about?


You're g*dd*mn right it's about revenge!

That little fucker blew me up.

I think we're supposed
to let that go, Hank.


Donna Troy is lecturing
me about letting stuff go?

Did you let stuff go when
Deathstroke k*lled Garth?

I didn't f*cking think so.

The hell happened to you?

I died.

And so did you.

It sucks, but it is what it is.

I had a lot of road left.

And so did I!

You think I'm happy
about how I went out?

I didn't save the planet
from some asteroid.

I died at a carnival, Hank.

A carnival.

Well, when you put it like that...

I spent a lot of time
struggling with it,

agonizing over it,

trying to make some sense of it.

You know what I realized?

It doesn't make sense.

[Hank] You saved someone's life.

You can sure as hell bet
it made sense to them.

But I shouldn't have
had to die to do it.

We spent our whole
lives on a hamster wheel,

running hard but not making much ground.

We saved people, I know that.

But it didn't change anything.

So when I was sitting on that train,

I made a decision.

I want to move forward,

see what's next for Donna Troy.

Who knows, maybe I'll
come back as a clown fish.

- [rattling]
- At least that makes sense.


f*cking hell!


[Hank] No!

[Hank] Malcolm, no.

[Malcolm screams]



[grunting in pain]


[breathing heavily]

- [g*nsh*t]
- [groans]

[Rachel] So why do guys train so much?

[Lydia] It is our practice and our way.

Yeah, I get that.

But what are you training for?

[clears throat] Like when
I was with the Titans,

we trained a lot too.

But we trained to fight.

Did you fight often?

No... not very much, actually.

I thought we'd would fight a lot more,

you know, as a team against bad guys.

It almost never worked out that way.

Hmm. I have found to fight a
battle is to invite another.

And another and soon...


[Rachel grunts]


You remind me of my daughter.

Her temper was even greater than yours.

Your daughter?

She's dead.

I'm so sorry. I, I didn't even...

She was k*lled in battle.

We made many attempts to bring her back.

None were successful.

So what are you saying? That we
can't really bring Donna back?

Not at all.

A return from death is possible,

I've seen it happen.

But I've never been sure how and
why the process was successful.

And in the case of my daughter,
I became unsure as to...

whom I was attempting to do it for?

Listen, when Tim's ready to travel,

I'm taking him back to the train. Okay?

No, your not.

- Excuse me?
- Who do you think your kidding?

You can talk about
clownfish and hamster wheels

and moving forward all you want.

But none of that changes who you are.

Oh, please don't start
Hank-splaining me to me, okay?

When those ghost assholes floated
in here, you know what you did?

You ran to him.

You put yourself between him and hell.

Some guy you met an hour ago.

So don't tell me you're
done being a hero.

[Donna] Okay.

But this hero is not gonna risk

that kid's eternal soul to go
look for some mythical bridge

that probably doesn't even exist.

- It's just no worth it.
- [Tim] Yes, it is, Ms. Troy.

I mean... you are
Donna Troy, aren't you?

And you're Hank Hall.

You're Hawk.

[Donna] Um...

I was Donna Troy and he was Hank Hall.

Can I ask how you know all of this?

It's all coming back.

I'm from Gotham.

And when I was alive, I spent a
lot of time thinking about you.

Researching, finding
out everything I could.

I know about d*ck Grayson,
too, I know he's Nightwing.

And I, I know about Starfire
and Beast Boy and Superboy.

They're all in Gotham City right now

trying to stop Red Hood and Scarecrow.

I was trying to help them.

That's how I got shot.

I'm sorry that happened to you.

Believe me I know how you feel but...

[Tim] No.

You don't.

I was shot in the back.

All I ever wanted was to be a hero.

Like you.

Instead I froze.

And then I ran.

I died a coward.

That's why I have to go back.

What happened down there,
that can't be my story.

Being a hero doesn't
mean never being scared.

And it doesn't mean
putting yourself in danger

that you're not ready to handle yet.

Well... maybe you two can give me

some pointers once we're back in Gotham.

[Hank chuckles]

Kid's got balls.

You know if we end up back on Earth,

there's no guarantee it's
gonna work out any different.

You know that, right?

I don't need a guarantee, Ms. Troy.

I just need a chance.

Sounds like he's ready
to move forward, too.


I'll help you.

We both will.

Thank you.

And stop calling me Ms. Troy, all right?

- Knew it
- Shut up.

Come on.

[energy crackling]

She's dead.

She's really dead.

Yes, Rachel.

And she's never coming back.

No... she isn't.

Will her soul... be okay?

I hope so.

I think it's time I should go.

Was that the result you
were hoping for? [sniffles]


But perhaps balance has been restored.


- No one behind us.
- For now.

Do you know where we're going?

Guy said to look for
an "upside down tree."

- What does that even mean?
- How far is it?

I don't know a mile, , miles.

I don't even know if
they use miles here.

Maybe they're on the metric system.

Maybe you better pass out
those g*ns, just in case.

I don't have them.

Why not?

I never did.

[chuckles] How do I explain this?

I don't wanna freak you
guys out or anything.

But ever since I died,
I've been getting in touch

- with my spiritual side...
- [chuckles]

Okay, you know what, forget it.

No, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

- No!
- Go on. No, Hank.

Go on.

I was gonna say...

Things work a little different here.

If you picture something
you really want,

really focus your mind on it.

It appears.

The hell?

I know, I know.

Back there at the bar, you know,

I was a little scared.

And I started thinking to myself,

"It'd be really nice if I
had some g*ns right now."

And the next thing
you know... [chuckles]

Sounds a little...

- Corny, I know, but look, when you die...
- Stop, stop, stop.

[engine whirring]

Son of a bitch!

It is upside down.

But I don't see any bridge.

[grunts softly]

Told ya.

So, what's the deal?

We just walk across and
end up back on Earth?

Only one way to find out.

[Tim] Any idea how long this is?

[Hank] Nope.

[Donna] Maybe this wasn't
such a good idea after all.

[Tim] I'm getting a really bad feeling.

Just keep walking. You'll be fine.

- [rumbling]
- [Tim gasps]

Oh, shit!


[grunting in pain]


Oh, come on!

Let's do this.


Oh, really!

Pretty sure I wasn't
thinking about Grayson.

What the hell! [grunts]

g*ns, g*ns, g*ns.

Okay, this makes no sense.

[grunting] Ow!


That's more like it.

She gets a sword!



Oh, no.

No, no, no.

[Hank] Jump!

Tim, jump!


Tim, come on!

[Hank] You gotta jump.

- I can't.
- Yes, you can.

[Tim] Ahh!

[breaths heavily]

[Hank grunting]

Hank, come on!


[ghoul growling]


Sorry, assh*le...

not gonna happen.


Get him out of here before more come.

Tell Dawn I love her.

Now go!

Go on.

[tense music playing]

Now this I can work with.


- Guess we made it.
- Yeah.

I guess we did.

Ms. Troy...

Would you stop calling me Ms. Troy?

I mean how old do you
think I am, anyway?

- Old. Like .
- Thirty...

Whatever. What is your point?

I just wanted to say thank you.

You're welcome.

[beeping in distance]

Do you hear that?

You all right?

[heart beating]

[Donna] Oh, my God!

Ms. Troy...

- Donna...
- It's all right. Here.

You're gonna be all right.

You are a hero, Tim.


You made the jump.


[doctor] He's back.

[nurse] Ninety-three seconds, Doctor.

[man] Hank...


- [chuckles]
- Donnie...

It's been a minute, big brother.

[both chuckle]

Where've you been?

Looking for you, man.

- You almost missed me.
- Yeah.

I gotta say...

I'm glad you're still here. [laughs]

What the hell are you
doing in this costume?

Oh, yeah...

I don't know, man. I just...

A lotta people around
here need help, you know.

Those damn ghouls have been
getting away with m*rder.

So I figured...

maybe this place could use
itself a little Dove and Hawk.


I think you mean Hawk and Dove, right?

That's what you meant.

Actually, no, I mean Dove and Hawk.

Uh, you know, we can about the name.

- You wanna talk about it? Okay.
- We'll talk about he name.

- We got time.
- [laughs]

[continues indistinctly]

[suspenseful music playing]


[ominous music playing]

[fire crackling]


- [gasps]
- Bruce.

Bruce, wake up.


Bruce, wake up!

[breathing heavily]

Am I dead?


But you are.

Not anymore.

[theme music playing]