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02x15 - Two By Two

Posted: 09/23/21 05:40
by bunniefuu
GRACE: Previously on Greenleaf...

I just think you should calm down

on the groupies at the cotillion.

- Isaiah.
- Get off!


I promise you
I will never do this again.

WOMAN: Excuse me, First Lady?

- BOTH: Yes?
- I meant First Lady Skanks.

When Kerissa and I
were doing Real Church,

we met some amazing people,

and we need them here.

Creating new programs
at a time like this?

It may be better to wait on
your Real Church integration.

CHARITY: Tamela Mann asked
me to sing backup for her.

I do not want to see you

throw away your dignity.

- Mama!
- The one good thing about your mother

leaving us the way she did.

She knew about you, too. All of them.

MAE: I could have ended my marriage.

You are disgusting.

Tell Mae I'm sorry.

- [music playing]
- JAMES: Enchanté, madame.



♪ Three little words ♪

♪ Oh, what I'd give
for that wonderful phrase ♪

♪ To hear those three little words ♪

♪ That's all I'd live for... ♪

[all laughing]


Wow, look at you two.

Still got it, huh, Daddy?

Well, time hasn't taken everything.

Mama, take a look at these two.

- MAE: Yes.
- Astaire and Rogers, right?

- [James chuckles]
- Yes, just poetry in motion.

Wow. All right, baby.
All right, all right.

You're gonna be late for school.

Fine, I guess I'll go to school.

Come on, come on, come on.

Practice again tonight?

Only two weeks until cotillion.

Anytime you want to dance,
you just tell me, huh?

I'm there.

[sighs] You two should join a dance club

or something, Grandma.

He's good!

Oh, don't you know I know it.

- No, dear, I just wanted...
- GRACE: Go, go, go.

Maricel called early this morning

and she's in the hospital with Quico.

- Well, what happened?
- Meningitis.

- JAMES: What?
- Is he going to be okay?

Thankfully, yes.

But she's not going to be here today

and possibly not for the week.

But isn't she supposed
to go on tour with Charity

- starting Friday?
- Well.

Well, that was Satan's plan,

but seems like the Lord has intervened.

Can't we just keep Nathan with us?

Help out for two weeks?

This is for the best.

She's staying home now, and don't help.

I think she should go.

- Excuse me?
- I think Gigi's right.

We should all chip in.

Oh, you gonna pitch in with a baby?

Or pay someone else to.

And who'll lead praise and worship?

Charity said Carlton can do it.

- Carlton?
- Yeah.

I don't have a problem with that.

Is that a problem for you?

- James?
- You see,

we're just trying to give your daughter

the same access to her own happiness

that you've taken so freely
for yourself over the years.


Well, I tell you what.

Charity and I will go

and visit them both
in the hospital this morning

and get a better sense of the situation.

- Mmm.
- Brilliant idea.

Yes, because what is the sense

in trying to make decisions

when we don't know what the hell

we're talking about.

♪ Amen ♪


♪ Amen ♪


♪ Well ♪


♪ Amen, amen ♪



Yes, Karine?

Miss Cross is here to see you.

Oh, marvelous.

[chuckles] Send her in.

I was praying for some distraction.

[chuckles] Well, here I am.

Karine, you can go now. Thank you.

Open or...?

Closed will be fine, thank you.


In all seriousness, I hope I'm not

interrupting anything.

I see you have your big Bible open.

I was just preparing some thoughts

for my message on Sunday.

What are you preaching on?

Well, the text
is the story of the Flood,

but I'm still waiting to see

what I'm gonna be preaching.

The Lord hasn't revealed that to me yet.

Well, I'm sure you'll find something

to shake the walls.

- You always do.
- [chuckles]

- May I?
- Oh, make yourself at home.

Thank you.

So, to what do I...

owe this surprise?



I wanted to stop and drop this by.

Well... What's this for?

You put good things out, good
things come back, right?

Well, at least we hope they do, right?

Is there some sort of problem?

You know me, don't you?

Everyone else in my life

thinks of me as the, you know,

every hair in place, but you
see through all of that.


It's nice, actually, having someone

who sees the real me.

I'm sure you have that with Mae.


What's this big check really about?

Nothing, hopefully.

I went and had

my five-year cancer
screening the other day.


And this morning,
they asked me to come in.

That's not necessarily a bad thing.

No, but usually when it's good,

they give you
the results over the phone.

- So, we'll see.
- When's this big appointment?

: .

I was actually headed that way.

Might I accompany you?

You sure you're not too busy?


I'll be back in a couple of hours.


So, what brings you by, Skip?

You just happen to be in the hood?


No one knows this yet,

but the mayor is stepping
down at the end of this term,

and I'm gonna be running.

- Mayor Leonard.
- Could be.

Anyway, Basie was gonna be
my spiritual advisor.

You know, support me publicly,

sit by my right hand,

make sure the community knows

I'm God's man in Memphis.


He didn't mention this
to you before he... pyew.

Oh, no.

Anyway, I just dropped by to find out

if I can count on Triumph.

- Triumph?
- The handsome, fresh face of Triumph.

Could be mutually beneficial.


Say what you want
about church and state,

but there's a lot of overlap.

What kind of overlap are we talking?

Well, like, there's all kinds
of community development

block grants.

Programs like this
homeless thing of yours.

People love to hate
on the government nowadays,

but there's a lot of cash
waiting to be claimed.

Well, I tell you what.

I'll pray on it.

Wouldn't have it any other way.

And in the meantime, you can send over

any stuff you have for me
to take a look at.

You know, any position papers, policies.

Just to be sure we're on the same page.

- Thank you for the time.
- Thank you.

- [door opens]
- I can't believe you're doing this.

Charity, I'm not doing anything.

You won't let me take Maricel

after we agreed it was going to be okay.

That was before her husband

was parked outside death's door.

Oh, they said he's gonna be fine, Mama.

He's going home in a couple of days.

He's through the worst of it, Mama.

That's what the doctor said.

The doctor said it would take two
weeks for him to fully recover.

But you know that is not the plan.

The answer is no.


ROCHELLE: Thank you
for coming with me today.

[chuckles] Of course.


It actually gave me some ideas

about my message on Sunday.

Oh, well, feel free to share.

I'd rather think about
almost anything else. [Chuckles]

Well, I was thinking
about the animals on Noah's ark.

How all the animals entered
the ark two by two.


How God made us to need each other.

Well, I need you today.


Even if it didn't occur to me to ask.

- [door opens]
- WOMAN: Miss Cross?

Oh, yeah, go on.

[PA chatter]

[door closes]

[Grace knocks] Mama?

- You wanted to see me?
- I did... I do... I mean... yes.

Well, what's up?

Maricel's husband is illegal.

I think you mean undocumented.

I'm just trying to help, Grace.

All right, go ahead. Sorry.

Well, the reason
that he just waited so long

and let himself get so sick
before he went to a hospital

was he was afraid.

Scared that he'd be, you know,
sniffed out or deported.

- Can you imagine?
- No, I can't.

I don't want to, and
that's why I'm asking you

if we can do something
to help him get...

- Documented.
- Yeah, yes.

Is there any way we can get this

on the fast track?

Because if I had to give up Maricel

on top of everything else,
I just don't know.

I'll see what I can do.


Is something wrong
between you and Daddy?


But you take care of that
because that will give me

the joy that I need to persist.

- Good morning, Karine.
- Good morning.

[door opens]

Where's Bishop?

With Miss Cross.

- [chatter]
- [exhales]

- Hey.
- All clear.

- JAMES: Oh, praise God.
- I know. Oh, thank you.

So, why did they want to see you?

Oh, just some kidney stuff they
want to keep, you know, eyes on.

No big deal.

I'm sure it's just an
aftereffect of the chemo.

- But I'm cancer-free.
- I knew you would be.


You know, my daughter
Gigi tells me that I...

I shouldn't tell folk
that, but I knew it.

[sighs] I'm so glad that God

decided to put you in my life.

And thank you for being open

to letting Him do that.


I'm happy to be of service.


So, you want to go to dinner

or have a light drink to celebrate?

- You know?
- Um, I...

- Should be getting back.
- I probably should.

I know, it was silly to ask.

I've been hogging you all day and
want you for the nighttime, too?

Who am I? One of many, I'm sure.

[sighs] Come on.

Okay. Best be getting you back.

You have a sermon to write, mister.

CHARITY: It'll just be two weeks.

Yeah, but two weeks is two weeks.

But I'll learn the parts. You know that.

And who's going to sing them till then?

I'll have to hire somebody to cover.

Right, but just for two weeks,

and then I can come
meet up with the tour.

- It...
- But the money I'll have to spend

for someone to rehearse...

Charity, for you, I'd spend extra,

but it's not just me.

It's the promoters, Tamela's people.

It's okay just not to do it.

- We'll have other chances.
- No!

I'll make it work.

It's really okay to say you can't.

I'll make it work. Okay?

I'll see you Friday for rehearsal.

I'll see you Friday.


[gasps, sighs]

- [knocking on door]


One sec. Just give me a minute.

- Yes?
- What were you doing?

I was folding laundry.

You can help. Just grab some underwear.

So, what's the big emergency?

Well, there's no big emergency,

but Mr. Dorsey came to
see me about you today.

[stutters] Why? I'm pulling
a B average, or near that.

It wasn't about your grades.

He says you're not participating.

It's 'cause he's a great teacher.

Getting it all in here.

Are you sure there's nothing wrong?

Yes, I'm sure.

I'm as good as it gets. [chuckles]

Are you sure, Zora?

Mom, you're being weird.

I wear a long-sleeve, and
you have a problem with it.

Then I used to get grief
for talking too much,

and now, apparently,
I don't talk enough.

I'm maturing.

- Maturing?
- Yeah.

I'm becoming serious.


Okay, well, clean up.

That's what I was doing before you rang.


I'll unlock it.

GRACE: Gosh, have you seen my earring?


Here you go.

- Thank you.
- Oh, wow, good hands.

- Nice.
- Nice everything.

- Ooh.
- [both laughing]

I'm sorry I can't stay the night,

but, you know, Sophia.

Nah, that's cool.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

I mean, I... I obviously
wish you could stay.

- Yeah.
- But I get it.

Is she okay with me
coming to dinner tomorrow?

Yeah, she is.


I just wonder if we
should go out somewhere.

You know? Just the three of us.

Isn't normalizing this whole thing

with your family, uh...

- you know, kind of the point?
- Well, yeah.

- Yeah.
- Oh, come here.

- Mm, but...
- Okay, but what?

- No, it's just...
- What? Say it.

My parents.

Something's going on with them.

Well, I mean, they can
fight in front of me.

- Yeah?
- Yeah, my parents did it all the time.

[chuckles] Lasted
years, that marriage.

Well, we'll see.

I just don't know if it's the right
time to "cross the streams."

- You know?
- Well, whatever, I'm down.

Thank you.

For being perfect.

And thank you for being you.


Good evening.

[zipper unzips]

You saw Miss Cross today.

As a matter of fact, I did.

She was off to get the results

from her five-year cancer screening

and needed some spiritual support.

I see.


As to the compassionate question

that your suspicion
prevents you from asking,

she's fine.

She also brought us a check.

Did Karine tell you that, too?

- She did.
- Good.

I'd hate to think
that you were being denied

any crucial information.

Good night.

What did Zora have to say about Dorsey?

KERISSA: Just what you'd expect.

But when I went to go see her,
her room was locked.

She was acting very strange.

Maybe she was high.

You don't think she's doing that.

I was at that age.

I'm not saying it was good,
but that's how it was.

[groans] It didn't smell like marijuana.

Maybe it was edibles.

[Jamaican accent] Well,
listen to you, Bob Marley.

I'm just going off what you said.

Skip Leonard shouldn't trust you.

- [sighs]
- Just, um...

bring me back some if you find some.

Not with you. I cannot.

You are terrible.





[object thuds]


What are you doing in my stuff?

What are you doing with this?


Kevin's gone.

He's not coming back.

Yeah, it looks like that, doesn't it?

I have to get on with my life.

And you have the right to do that.

Even if I am partly doing this

to be with Jabari?

Daddy, what's wrong with that?

People like other people.

I think your mother's just worried.

I know she is, but, Daddy, it's my life.

When I'm standing on that stage singing

and the spirit of God falls on me...

I can't explain.

It's... it's life.

And I know I'm just singing
background on this tour,

but I don't want
to just sing at Calvary.

I want to sing to the nations.

And this is a step toward that.

I mean, she is playing
Madison Square Garden.

Then you have to do that.

I know I'm leaving you in a lurch

when it comes to worship, Daddy,

and I'm sorry, but Carlton is available.

And all you have to do
is go over and ask.

Whatever Mama or Betty Wilcox thinks...

That's a whole nother can of worms.

But what about Nathan?

I'll make it work.

I can't be the first woman

to bring her baby on tour with her,

so we'll figure it out.


I'm just proud of you.

Don't worry about leading worship.

I'll take care of that.

I'll handle it.

You just go.

- I love you.
- Love you back.


How could you be so irresponsible?

I mean, we were using protection.

That's the definition of responsible.

[scoffs] I knew that boy was no good.

- It was my decision.
- And it was stupid!

When are you going to learn
that I'm not like you?

I'm not you.

I don't want you to be me.

I want you to be you, Zora.

But I want you to be the
best you that you can be.

And this is not it.

I know you think I'm uptight and uncool

and the opposite of lit

or whatever it is you kids
are saying these days,

but I can tell you this.

Making your father wait
until we were married

earned me his respect.

[scoffs] Did it?



[sighs] I'm sorry.


Sweetie, look at me.

Look at me.

All I'm saying is that

there's a lot of sex to be had,

but it's never a measure
of a woman's worth.

I need you to understand that.

You are young and smart

and of much value.

Are you gonna tell Dad?

[sighs] I don't know.

I don't know what I'm gonna do yet.

But in the meantime,

that boy is not to be in this house

ever again, end of story.

And I want you to read
Corinthians chapter seven.

Now, the strong housing

and job training initiatives

in the second and third
phase of this plan

are built on the foundation
of phase one's focus.

Regular church attendance,
which starts with busing.

- Pastor Greenleaf?
- Sister Weaver.

When were you thinking about
setting all this in motion?

Oh, as soon as possible, I hope.

This Sunday?

Well, as treasurer, it falls
to me, unfortunately,

to talk about the
financial realities here.

We already have the buses

and we can get volunteers to drive them.

I mean, so for phase one,
we're literally

just talking about the cost of gas.

- And insurance.
- And insurance.

For the drivers and passengers.

- That's correct.
- Which is no small thing.

Plus, when Pastor Skanks

launched his Open
and Inclusive Coalition,

we gained four new members total

and lost old ones.

Now you're talking about bringing in

potentially an even
less desirable element,

which, by definition, will cost us

more money, and don't add a dime?

Sister Weaver...

Pastor Greenleaf, I'm not
the one who's in charge.

The money's in charge.

No, the Lord is in charge.

And He told me the
city's gonna pay for it.

All in favor, say aye.

Group: Aye.

- Aye.
- Aye.


JAMES: I had a talk with Charity today.

Oh, tell me that she has
made her peace, please.

- Well, I'd say she has.
- Mm.

She's going on tour.

And Carlton's coming back
to lead worship.

- Says who?
- Me.

I'm gonna talk to him about it tomorrow.


And like everything else in your family,

it's not a conversation.

- Ah!
- What's in the box?

Oh, just a little something
for your boyfriend.

Oh, really? Look at you.

[both sighing]

Look at you. Such a girl.

This is not gonna be one big

her-boyfriend night, okay?

- I don't know what it's gonna be.
- [doorbell rings]

- Okay, he's here.
- [giggles]

- [knocking on door]
- [exhales]

- Hi.
- Hey.

- Good evening.
- Good evening. Come on in.

- Thank you, ma'am.
- [laughs]

Excellent help you have there.

- [Grace chuckles]
- SOPHIA: Oh, we aim to please.

Sophia, you remember Mr. Nash.

From the night of the car accident.

- Yes, that's right.
- [chuckles]

Well, look at you
with all these flowers, huh?

Yeah, they're for your mother.

- And this is for you.

- Thank you.
- GRACE: You're thoughtful.

And this is for you.

- Oh.
- Mm.


I thought music would be a safe bet.

- Totally.
- Oh, what is this?

A playlist. Great minds.

Yeah? What kind of music?

All kinds of gospel, contemporary.

- Okay, cool. Thank you.
- [Sophia and Grace laughing]

Well, you ready to go get raked
over the coals for doing your job?

Uh, there's still gonna be food, right?

- Oh, there's gonna be food.
- Okay.

We're gonna take care of you
in that department, okay?

- I see chocolate cake.
- [laughs]

- Before we go into this breakfast...
- Uh-huh.

I just want to dial in the message.

- Of course.
- Jesus, great.

Church, great. Homeless, great.

Brother Leonard, God's man
in Memphis, even better.

Okay, I think I can do that.

Just maybe lay off the, you know...

the gay stuff.

- Seriously?
- Just for this morning.

I'm cool with it.
I'm more than cool with it.

But some of these cats...

Stick to the common ground.

Inclusivity is what we do here.

Pastor, if these guys get
me into the mayor's office,

and they're the ones that can do it,

those block grants will be
rolling in so fast,

you'll have to swim
to keep from drowning

in all that money.


One mountain at a time.


See you in there, preacher man.

[door opens]

[door closes]

DARIUS: Here's my father in a nutshell.

Atlanta City Council was trying to prove

they didn't have to pass any
more laws to desegregate.

This was back in the s.

My father gave a passionate
speech that threatened to change

all their minds.

My uncle says it's
some of the finest words

he's ever heard outside of pulpit.

He sounds like a remarkable man.

Too bad he's passed.

So, now, what church
did your parents attend?

- Oh, First Presbyterian.
- Oh.

JAMES: Is your mother still alive?

No, my parents were one of
those couples you hear about.

My father passed away and my
mother passed shortly thereafter

just a few days later.

- Aw, that's beautiful.
- Isn't it?

To have a bond like that
with another person.


I can't imagine.


I think we should probably move inside

because I have a feeling
that roast is ready.

- DARIUS: Yeah.
- [chuckles]

- [laughs]
- Mm.


You were great tonight.

- Thank you.
- You were.

Something is up
with your parents, though.


- Yeah.
- You have no idea what?

I have no idea.

I've never seen them like this before.

Something tells me it's gonna get worse

before it gets better, but...

Thank you.

Thank you for coming.

It was my pleasure.

- Oh.
- [chuckles]

[phone buzzing]


Hey, baby.

[gasps] Where are you?

- Nikki said that...
- Never mind what Nikki said.

It's... it's better
you don't know where I'm at.

Basie, baby, just come back.


that's not the plan.

I'm never gonna see you again, am I?

I'm never gonna see you.

Just tell me you love me.

- I love you.
- That's my girl.

Don't trust them, baby.

They conned us out of our church

and they m*rder*d my father.

Tasha, baby, when it comes
to the Greenleafs...

- Yes, Basie?
- Make them pay.

I will.

I will, I promise.

Ulrick is the best immigration lawyer

in Memphis, bar none.

Oh, you are too kind, Rochelle.

Rochelle knows everybody.

- [Rochelle giggles]
- She's the one who got Sophia and Zora

into the cotillion
after all that mix-up.

- Mm, yes, I remember.
- [Rochelle giggles]

ULRICK: So, tell me about
this gentleman's story.

Yes, well, the husband
of our housekeeper Maricel,

he came from Honduras
with absolutely nothing

and he worked his way from dishwasher

all the way up to head chef.

And let me guess,
when he was a dishwasher,

they paid him in cash,
and once he became a chef,

they could no longer
pay him off the books,

so he made up his own
social security number.

Exactly, and he paid taxes
with that number for years.

But then last month, he nearly died

staying away from the
hospital with meningitis

because he was afraid
they would report him.

In this new climate of ours.

We just want to get him documented

before it really becomes a problem.

We'll pay your fee. Full freight.

Hmm. Ulrick, please.

Well, you know, these two
are a one-two punch.



Good afternoon.

Bishop Greenleaf, good afternoon.

You got a minute to talk?

I do.

Charity's going on tour for a
few months with Tamela Mann.

I'm aware.

Now, we're all very happy for her.

But it leaves us without a
director for our music ministry.

You haven't found a replacement?


I was wondering if you'd consider

coming back to join us,

with full benefits of course.

- What as?
- What do you mean, "what as"?

I mean, what as?

As a friend of the court?
As your pet h*m*?

As who you are!

Doing what you do best.

Putting your gifts into the service

of our most holy Lord.

[chuckles] You still don't get it.

No, I guess I don't. What?

I am not interested in coming back

as the exception, even a beloved one.

Now, until Calvary can join Triumph

in being open and inclusive,

I won't be coming back.

I actually can't.

The man I love won't let me.

Two by two.

What's that, Bishop?

The Lord just finally gave
me my message for Sunday.

It's crazy how that happens.

- Listen...
- Now, don't tell me the church

will change quicker

if I'm in there getting beat up.

I've already heard that.

The church isn't mine to fix.

No, brother!

But the world is.

The church can still change the world

in a way that only the church can.

- That was good, shorty.
- [sighs]

Will you think about it?

Let's do it together.


I'll do it.

- God bless you.
- Thank you, Bishop.

[music playing]

♪ Glory, hallelujah ♪

♪ We're gonna shout
all our troubles over ♪

♪ Oh, we gotta thank,
thank God for being ♪

♪ So good to me ♪

[music continues]

♪ Oh, whoa, I wanna thank Him ♪

- ♪ Thank Him ♪
- ♪ Thank God ♪

- ♪ Thank Him ♪
- ♪ Thank God ♪

- ♪ Thank God ♪
- ♪ Thank Him ♪

- ♪ Thank Him ♪
- ♪ He woke me up ♪

- ♪ Up ♪
- ♪ This morning ♪

- ♪ This morning ♪
- ♪ He woke me up ♪

- ♪ Up ♪
- ♪ This morning ♪

- ♪ This morning ♪
- ♪ I wanna thank Him ♪

- ♪ I thank Him ♪
- ♪ And then I rose ♪

- ♪ He rose ♪
- ♪ I rose this morning ♪

- ♪ Rose this morning ♪
- ♪ And now I feel ♪

- ♪ I feel ♪
- ♪ Like shouting ♪

- ♪ I feel like shouting ♪
- ♪ Like shouting ♪

- ♪ Like shouting ♪
- ♪ Like shouting ♪

- ♪ Like shouting ♪
- ♪ Like shouting ♪

- ♪ Like shouting ♪
- ♪ I wanna thank God ♪

- ♪ Wanna thank Him ♪
- ♪ For being ♪

- ♪ For being ♪
- ♪ God ♪

♪ So ♪

♪ God be so good ♪

- ♪ To ♪
- ♪ So good ♪

- ♪ So good to ♪
- ♪ So good ♪

- ♪ To me, yeah ♪
- ♪ To me, yeah ♪

[all cheering]

[laughs] Yeah!

Let's hear it for our special
guest, Joshua Nelson,

and our very own minister of music,

the lovely Miss Tasha Skanks.

JACOB: That's an old-school classic.

- CROWD: Yeah!
- Yes, sir!

Now, as most of you know,

Triumph has moved very aggressively

these last couple months
to a greater inclusivity.

One of the things we've been
pressing forward on with a passion

is our outreach to the homeless.

CROWD: Yeah!

Which brings me
to another special guest.

- Deputy Mayor Skip Leonard.
- [audience cheers]

Brother Leonard, please stand.

Now, Deputy Mayor Skip Leonard

and the fine city of Memphis

have arranged for Triumph to receive

a very generous grant.

WOMAN: All right, now.

Worth $ , .

$ , to start.

That's incredible work.

Let's show him how thankful we are.

[crowd cheering]

Now, there are some folks

who said this couldn't be done.

But obviously, they haven't met my God!

You ready to talk now?

Are you?

I know you had an affair with Lionel.

I saw it when he was here.

- What matters is that...
- When?

James, what matters
is that when he asked me

- to leave you...
- [scoffs]

- ...I didn't.
- When was it?

The summer we spent at Nags Head.

I used passion to fill

the pit of pain you left in me

with what you did with my sister.

That was a onetime thing.

And I confessed immediately after.

You kept this from me for years.

- I know.
- I had this man in my home.

And you looked down on me the
whole time, the both of you.

Like I was some kind of...
oblivious insect in a jar.

I was terrified to tell you

because I didn't want... you to hate me.

But I don't know
if I love you right now.

Or if I ever will again.

Oh, James.

Do you think you could really afford

to give this all up?

I don't know what this is.

This. This struggle.

This family, this fight.

I didn't choose you
because you were perfect.

No, all I ever wanted was this...

us, you.

That the battle I would fight

to be the best I could be

would be fought with you.

And if you question that love,

then you question life itself,

so please don't do it.

James, please.



- [knock on door]
- TASHA: Hey.

You got a minute?

Oh, of course.

Come on in.

[door closes]

- Have a seat.
- Thank you.

So, how you been?
You feeling any better?

I am. Thank you for asking.

I just wanted to come by and tell you

that I have cleaned out all of
my things out of the office,

so it's free and clear,
and Kerissa can have it now.

Oh, well, you know
that wasn't necessary.

Of course it was.

Come on, we both know that she needs it.

That was thoughtful. Thank you.

I'll let her know.

And I just want you to know

that I'm here to do whatever I can do

to make your job easier.

That's why I stayed on.

Well, that's, um... that's great.

I believe in you, Jacob.

- Really? Thank you.
- Yeah.

- Of course.
- Thank you.

You know, if we...

if we both keep believing in Jesus,

we'll all make it to Heaven together.

[laughs] Amen.

- Amen.
- Hmm.

Well, I should let you get back to it.

I know a pastor's day is full.


- Thank you.
- Thank you. Thanks for coming by.

Of course.