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02x06 - The Royal Family

Posted: 09/23/21 05:35
by bunniefuu
Previously on Greenleaf.

Any fresh libel in the paper
about us this morning, Jacob?

Just this Friday feature
about churchgoers in the DA's office,

Written by this Darius Nash?

I really don't know
how all this is gonna end.

And all the side deals that he's making.

I can't lose half the deacon
board over a choir director.

You knew I was gay.
All this has got to be about

Reggie and I getting married.

KEVIN: It's a program for guys

who are dealing with a similar issue.

SIMONE: We wanted the bishop
to do this wedding.

You never would have been
my first choice.

KERISSA: Zora snuck out of the conference
and Sophia covered for her.

SOPHIA: I want to get baptized.


MAE: Kevin and Charity
might be divorcing.

We will be seeking your guidance.

AARON: Do you have a lawyer yet?

When you get one, have him call me.

SOPHIA: It was rated number one

most beautiful college in the country.

I'm sure it's very beautiful.

Yeah. And it says here
they have a very good

religious studies program.

Is that what you want to study?

You already know what your major
is, sweetheart?


I don't know.

It'd be so simple
to just go to college here.

Would you please, please,
please just give me the money

for the application fee?

Well, Rhodes might be
the simplest option, sweetheart,

but that doesn't make it the best one.

Are you trying to get rid of me?


I just know college is a big choice.

- I want you to think big, honey.
- [phone dings]

Going to the most beautiful
campus in the country

seems pretty big.

Well, life is more than beauty.

[clicking, text sends]

Oh, you got a lot of spice
this early, baby.


- I'm making eggs.
- No, thank you.

I'll go with a yogurt.

So, here's the thing.


I would like to have a reexamination

of this "no dating" policy.

It's not a "no dating" policy.

It's a "no reprobate thug" policy.

Isaiah's not a thug.
He's in a gospel group.

- He's Christian.
- He's a Christian thug.

That's a thing.
Now, your father used to be one

before I straightened him out.

Just give him another chance.


One week with that boy,

and you were lying and sneaking around.

Don't make him pay for my mistakes.

I'm the one with the problem here.

What are you thinking?

What... what are you thinking?

I would like to invite him

to Sophia's birthday party.

No lying, no sneaking.

Just good, clean Christian fun.

Two peas in a pod.

As long as you don't leave the premises.

Look at us... learning, growing.

I got to say, you two,

I am proud to be part of the process.

ALLISON: And, as stipulated
in our memorandum of understanding,

Mr. Satterlee will be responsible

for his debts incurred
during the marriage?

That's correct.

And the same for Miss Greenleaf?

Yes, and you'll find that all broken
down in today's addendum.

And finally, in the matter
of Nathan Satterlee,

both parties agree to joint custody?

Yeah, but we have one question.

It looks like I'll be going
to Nashville fairly regularly,

more often than I originally thought.

Oh, is that right?

Kevin, what Charity might suggest

might actually be a blessing.

- [laughs]
- Remember...

look for God's hand at work
in what you fear the most.

- Oh, I'm looking.
- CHARITY: I just wanted to know

if we could change
the visitation language

to make more space for flexibility.

So you can run off with Jabari?

I'm not running off with Jabari.

Kevin, I'm pursuing my career.

With another man in Nashville.

Well, what do you care?


Why don't we stop for today?

♪ Amen


♪ Amen, amen


DANIELA: Kevin. Kevin.

He knows about your songwriting, right?

- This publishing deal?
- Yes.

Okay, so then what was that all about?

Who knows?

Your mom asked me to look out
for you and the family here.

If there's something
I should be aware of

- that could potentially hurt...
- There isn't.

So there's nothing going on
between you and Jabari

- that Kevin could use...
- No!

Kevin's just... I don't know.

I shouldn't have said it.

Shouldn't have said what?


Thanks for your help.

- No?
- No.

Oy. But thanks for coming along.

I don't feel like
I'm being much of a help,

but I was expecting to at least
have to, like, look under a hood.

No, it's nice just to have another human
being to turn to occasionally

who isn't trying to sell me a car.

Well, you are here to buy one.

Yeah, I know. I don't blame them.

It's just so oppressive to me... sales.

You know, I think of that poor caveman

sitting there with the dead
bird that he found,

just sitting and waiting
for somebody to walk by

to sell it to.

[chuckles] For what?

- What do you mean?
- Like, sell it for what?

Like, for what money

in this prehistoric
capitalistic fantasy of yours?

I don't know. A piece of fire?

Okay, a piece of fire.

[laughs] Whatever.

A sharp rock. Come on.

[laughs] A sharp rock.

And then the next day,

there's another caveman next door

who's sitting there
with his own dead bird.

I just think it's all
so lonely, you know?


Isn't there a verse in Genesis
that justifies working?

Yeah, as punishment.

But even then, it's supposed
to be work that involves

the sweat of the brow, not selling.

Something went wrong.
More wrong than it had to go.

And then sales.

You should preach about that.

I wouldn't know what to say.

You just said it.

Well, this isn't the car.


what would I have to do to get
you in my car tomorrow night?

It's Sophia's birthday.

- Ah. Hence the car.
- Yup, hence the car.

And my mother's insisted on this
whole thing at the house,

which I haven't invited you to.

I wasn't going to say it.

Would you want to come?

Are you ready to spring me on the folks?

Because if you're not, I...

No, no, no. Let's do it.

Let's do it.

Let every adverse force converge.


So, what do I get her?

Some fuzzy dice?

All right, I'll see what I can do.

Can I help you folks today?

- Yeah, I'll take it.
- This is a heck of a car.

Yeah, I know. Thank you. I'll take it.

Okay, then.

I'll get the paperwork.


So, how did the morning go?

As well as can be expected.

Tell me more.

I think he's going to try
for sole custody.

Well, that will never happen.

He knows. He's just angry.

Well, why are the two of you
breaking up?

Why does that matter, Mama?

Because if Kevin cheated on you...

He didn't!

He didn't do anything.


And promise me there is nothing

between you and this Lafcadio boy.

- Jabari?
- Jabari.

No, there isn't.

I'm the good sister, remember?

Oh, my Lord.


So, what is it, then?

For nearly a year, the two of you

have been at odds.

Back and forth on the sofa,
out the house, back in.

What is it?

Charity, are you prepared
to lose custody of your child

over the questionable pleasure
of keeping a secret?

Are you?


everything will come out
sooner or later.

There is not a pocket of darkness

that the light of God won't find.

Have you not read your Bible?


Charity, what pain has this man caused?

Therefore, since we are
receiving a kingdom

that cannot be shaken,
let us be thankful

and so worship...

Pastor Greenleaf.

- Should I come back?
- No, no, no. Come on in.

Just let me get to the end
of this verse here.

And so worship God acceptably
with reverence and awe,

for our God is a consuming fire.

- Hebrews .
- Yes, indeed.

Eight more books, I'm going
to have this baby memorized.

How can I be of assistance?

Mr. Bass Reeves.

What about him?

I was going through
the rolls and, you know,

thinking I would try to find someone.

Scrounge someone up

who might be able to assist
with the legal fees

while we deal with this injunction.

You are something else, you know that?

You're walking pure initiative.

I appreciate you something fierce.


- Just doing my job.
- And in so doing,

you came across the name
of one Bass Reeves.

- I did.
- I know the man quite well.

Okay, so who is he?

I mean, he's given us so much money,

but every number is out of service.

Every email bounces back.

- Every street address is...
- The Waffle House.

So you do know the man.

Who is he?

I guess we got time.

Have a seat.


Go on, just have a seat. Have a seat.

Now I'm going to tell you...

a story about the jack of hearts.

And the two ladies in his life
that kept him on the run.

Keep an eye on your boy.

So, where's the jack?



And he's not here either.

So that means he's got to be...


And that's the end of that story.

All right, but what's that story
got to do with Bass Reeves,

the mystery man?

Yeah, if you could send her
an admission packet,

that'd be great.

Yeah, I am an alum.

Class of .

That's... That's great.
Thank you very much.

Thank you. Bye-bye.

- Hey.
- Hey. Northwestern?

Yeah. I'm trying to get Sophia
to cast a wider net

in her college search.

So we'll see.

I'm in trouble.

Well, not full-on trouble.

Eugenia Davis just called

and she told me
what transpired last week

before Simone called off the wedding.

What did you do
with that couple you counseled?

Did Tasha go crying to Kerissa?
Is that what gave rise to all this?


Yeah, I had a feeling.

It's all good.


after Daddy died, I had to help
Mama make ends meet.

And I ain't much one
to work the register

at the Waffle House like she did.

Although I understand now

they got a pretty respectable
stock program.

I went down to Beale Street,

and I seen this cat
working "Find the Lady."

And I watched him and watched him

until one night,

I went out and stole my own apple crate

and went into business for myself.

Put my own twist on it, of course.

You ever play poker?

Oh, now you're talking my game now.

I'm a shark at that table.

I had a feeling.

Pick out your card, see what you got.

How many do you want?

I'll sit.

You want to put some money on?

You must be sitting on something
real nice there.

- Twenty bucks.
- Call.

You're not going to look at your cards?

[laughs] Don't have to.

Show me what you got, Jaws.

Tens, kings, ace high.


The royal family.



Bass Reeves is you.

A part of me, yes.

And all this money he's giving us?

Is money I win in a floating game

and hand right back, without fail,

to the Lord for his purpose.

Money you win by cheating.

No. I don't pull this
fancy stuff when I play.

That's a quick way to get you k*lled.

Oh, come on. Let's go.

Where are we going?

To the Men's Prayer Lunch.

Oh, I almost forgot about that.

You didn't "almost," man. You forgot.

I just wish once somebody
would call me and say,

"Oh, that daughter of yours
is such a beacon of faith.

What a pleasure it is to have her back."

You and me both, Daddy.

It's not where I'm at.

I'm sorry.

I'm trying.

As long as you know there's a problem,

there's hope.

I'll handle Simone and Preston.

Hey, Daddy?


I was thinking about bringing a guest

to Sophia's birthday party
tomorrow night.

Your mother and I were wondering

when you'd start seeing someone again.

Who is he?

Darius Nash.

That muckraker?

The journalist.

I'll get back to you.

SOPHIA: What even is that stuff?

It's green juice. Isaiah makes it.

He says it's good for, like,
health stuff.

Hey, you want to come over today

and help me make
a playlist for the party?

Uh, I can't.

Isaiah has band practice.

And you have to stand at attention

and adore him while he plays?

He has a hard time managing
the band if I'm not there.

He's too nice.

But when I'm there, he takes charge.

We'll be at the party.

He's coming with you?

Yeah, I had to go to the warden,

get permission for the conjugal visit.

You know, the whole nine.


Oh, no. Got to fix my heart rate.

Anything under , it's like
you're watching TV. Come on.

That was a solid message.

Once we get that church of yours
up and running, Pastor,

you're going to enter a whole
new chapter of greatness.

Whoa! Speak of the devil.

What's up?

That floating poker game
I told you about

just floated back into view.

Hey, any chance you want to join?

- When?
- Tomorrow night.

I'll bank you.

You know what? I got a family
thing tomorrow night.


Would have been fun.

Uh... I mean,

now if it's a work thing...

Well, you'll be spending the evening

with one of our biggest donors.

That sure sounds like
a work thing to me.

I'll tell Kerissa.

Uh, maybe we can
have the game at your place.

It seems the venue they'd been
planning on closed down.

Well, I don't have to tell
Kerissa everything.

Job and . Even God keeps secrets.

Nothing wrong with that.

Kevin is gay.


Uh, I was just connecting
the bishop's Ethernet cable.

His connection's been real slow.

I'll go now.

Loose lips sink ships.


Where did you hear this?


Of course, she couched it
in all kinds of equivocations.

"Kevin's having issues. He's got urges."

But he has been going
to Fortitude for Families,

and men don't go there
because they love women.

So this is why they're breaking up.

And why I want him out.

Out of what?

Our house. Our church.

All of it.

Our daughter is suffering
this indignity every day.

At home, at work.

- I won't have it.
- Mae.

He's Nathan's father.

I don't want to set us up
for some sort of class action.

And why are you being so sanguine?

I'm not being sanguine at all.

I just got my own issues right now.


What now?

- Gigi.
- Daddy.

Look, your mother says no.


And, "Why? Sweet Jesus, why?"

So, no.

Well, thanks for trying.

I didn't try.

Thanks for telling me that.

Do you honestly think that this man

is part of God's plan for your life?

Or do you just like
that it vexes your mother

and insults me?

Of course I don't like that part.

It just doesn't seem optimal

that a birthday party for Sophia be used

as a coming-out party.

For anyone.

I get it, Daddy.

Good. Good.



Can you grandmasters set the table?

All right.

All right, come on, Maurice Ashley.

Let's wash your hands.


Good job, buddy.

[laughs] How's that going?

Oh, my goodness. Are you serious?

He's got me running
for my life over there.


I mean, he's scary good.

Oh, my God. Well, you know,
I was the all-state champ

two years in a row,
so I'm not surprised.

I know.

Ris, about tomorrow night...

- What?
- You and your daughter.

I don't know who learned it from who,

but wow.

No, go ahead.

I got a work thing then.

Uh-huh. Isn't that convenient.


I won't do it

if you tell me not to do it.

Oh, no way.


Live with yourself.

I mean, if you're going
to be mad now. I mean...

I'm not mad. I'm jealous.

Some people get the grain,

and some get what's left
on the threshing room floor.

So you just do what you need to do.

We're all good.

LADY MAE: Kevin.

Linger for a moment if you would.

I need to bend your ear.

What's up, Ma?


It looks great in here.

Well, thank you. I do my best, Kevin.

[clears throat]

So, what's up, Ma?

As a confidante to so many women
through the years,

parishioners who have
gone through divorce,

I've seen every permutation
of what goes wrong

with negotiations.


And I just wanted to let you know,

quite often events take a turn,

and reconciliation becomes a possibility

when you least expect it.

But only if both parties
keep a close watch

on what they have to lose
in the process.


It's one of those rare instances

where self-interest
can inspire generosity.

I'll keep that in mind.

Because I'd just hate to see
this whole thing

spin out of control,

to the point that all the dirty
laundry's on the lawn.

I'm sure you understand.


Oh, I knew you would.

You see, I know you. I do.

[phone rings]

Hey, you.


Turns out finding fuzzy dice

that don't smell like cigarette or weed

is a lot harder than you'd think.


I got her a car emergency kit.

Aww, Darius.

You already got her one?

No, I just...

That's very sweet.

Thank you.

Everything okay?

Not exactly.

They don't want me to come.

Yeah. I'm sorry.

I knew it wouldn't be simple.

Can we get dinner on Sunday?

I'll buy.


Maybe we should just be friends.


I mean, I've always said
a relationship starts,

that's the way it's always going to be.

You know, and I'm not saying that...

we were wrong for trying to beat that.

But let's just be friends.

You mean like friends that don't
see each other very often?

Whatever. Maybe.

Whatever works.

Look, you're a pastor, Grace,

and I'm never going back to church.

So this was probably always just...

A mistake?

No. I didn't say that.

Look, I'll call you in a couple of days.

Still got to find
this emergency kit a home.



Can you summarize this for us?

I'll be honest.

I didn't come here today
expecting this many changes.

Well, your client gets %
of the marriage trust,

flexible visitation
to be negotiated in good faith,

$ , per month for child support,

and should your client ever
be terminated by the church,

he'd be prohibited
from taking any legal action.

- Period.
- What?

Let me see that.

Kevin, I didn't know about this.

Why wouldn't you tell me about that?

Let's just sign this and be done.

I'm not going to let you
sign this thing.

I don't remember
asking you for permission.

You'll have to sign
a malpractice waiver for me

before you sign.

That's fine.



Kevin, wait.

You told her?

I'm sorry.

You win.

- Hey, brother.
- Watch out, man.

Zora, hurry up. Let's go.

Honey, have you seen my phone?

Uh, yeah, right here.

You're being awfully helpful tonight.

I just feel bad I'm not coming.

If having dinner with this donor

helps us get out of this
house, I'm all for it.

- Zora!
- I'm coming, I'm coming.

- Where is this dinner?
- Sorry.

Uh, how late do you think
you're going to be?

Bye, sweetie. All right, have fun.

Probably not too late.



Go, go, go, go, go.

All right, see you later.
Give everybody my love.

[phone line rings]

BASIE [over phone]: Brother Greenleaf.

- She just left.
- We're on the move.

That's a good color for you.

You know what, Charity?

Don't act like everything's
cool between us.

You told your mother I'm gay,

which means it's only a matter of time

before everybody thinks that it's true.

Just stay out of my business.

[pop music playing over speakers]

- Hey, Mom.
- Hey.

This is Roberto.

Oh, it's so nice to meet you.

It's nice to meet you too, Pastor.

So you live out this way, or...?

No, we're in midtown. By Rhodes.

- Rhodes College.
- Yes, ma'am.

Yeah, I've heard of it.

Yeah, my mom's dean of academic affairs.

Ah. Okay. It's all making sense now.

- It's an amazing school, Mom.
- I know. You told me.

Well, Dad wants me to go
somewhere in Phoenix.

Would that be better?

You can have the application fee.

You can apply to Rhodes.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

Come on, let's go mingle.

- Ma'am.
- Nice to meet you.


Somebody's got a boyfriend.

I know it.


I cannot believe it.

Oh, my God.

How are you doing?

With what?

You know, you and Kevin and everything.

It's for the best.




Oh! Thank you.

Look at him! Come here.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Well, our son couldn't be bothered, huh?

Oh, he had a work thing.

A work thing? Really?

It's Isaiah. I'm going
to go outside and get him.

LADY MAE: Well, considering Jacob
doesn't have a church

and his senior pastor's a fraud,

I find it hard to imagine
what a work thing would be.

Come on, come on, come on.


But the devil finds work for idle hands.

Come on, let's put that down,
get Winkie a cupcake.

And you...

Mmm, work thing.



Look, I'm sorry about today.


Yeah, me too.

Hey, hey, could you guys
do me a favor, please,

and pull Sophia's car around for me?

I think we're going to start
opening presents soon,

and that bow is a two-man job, you know?

Whatever you need.

Thank you. Thanks, Kevin.

Thank you.

MAN: Gentlemen, the bet is , .

JACOB: I'm tempted, but...

I'm done.



raise .

- After that flop?
- There it is.

All right, then.

MAN: What say you?

Oh, hell.

[all laugh]

I feel you, Skip.


You can't be serious.

- Lookee here, lookee here.
- All in.

I'll see you. I'll see you.

Let me see them.

Ace-high flush.



You all see that, don't you?


Slow down. Slow.


[all murmur]

Kings over queens.

That's what I call a holy silence.

Yes, indeed. Like the burning bush.

Roaring fire.

Quiet as the grave.

[Basie clears throat]

That's insane, man. I've never...

- Good game, fellas.
- I've never seen...


MAN: Gonna be a long ride home.

Enjoyed you, brother. Enjoyed you.

Don't ever doubt me, Jacob.

My parents gave me a pickup.

Dodge Ram x ,

fire-engine red with a lift kit.

How about you?

Bought myself a used Corolla for .

It drove like crap,
but it got me around.


Not bad.

Last but not least...


From grandma and grandpa.

I wonder what this can be?



It has a literal translation
from the Hebrew and the Greek.

If you ever need that sort of thing.

I will. Thank you so much.

Oh, you're welcome, dear.

Use it well.

Are we done now?

Not quite.

[clears throat]

[imitating fanfare]


What's in here?

Take a look, sweetheart.

I love tiny boxes.

[all laugh]

No way.


MAE: Oh, that deserves an applause.

Hey, Kevin.

What's up?

You know, once the smoke clears

and all this legal stuff is behind you,

if you ever need someone to talk to...

about whatever...


Oh, no, you didn't!


- Are you serious?
- MAE: Oh, would you look?

This is too much.

MAE: Oh! That is...

- GRACE: You like it?
- Yes. Thank you, thank you.

Oh, my God.


We should, uh, take it for a spin.

Can we, Mom? Please?

Come on, it's Sophia's birthday.

- Please?
- Works for me.

Be home by : .

I'll have them both home with
time to spare, Mrs. Greenleaf.

That's a promise.

- Yes, yes, yes!
- Y'all be careful out there.


Oh, my gosh!

- [laughing]
- Y'all in?

Seat belts. Seat belts, everybody.


You look so good in this car.
You like it?

- Yes, I do.
- I love you.

- Thank you, Mom. Mwah.
- You're welcome.

- Have fun.
- [squeals]

GRACE: Not too much fun.

Okay. Here we go.

- [applause]
- Birthday girl!

Oh, that's so good.

So, we wait till Sunday
to stick this in some envelopes

with made-up names,

Now, I chose Bass Reeves
because he was the real Django

back in the day.

- Black U.S. Marshal.
- Is that right?

- He was a real dude?
- Yeah, he's a real dude now.

You can make up a name for yourself.

And if you want my advice,
pick a good one.

It'll make everything
feel more... legal.

Drop it in the plate.

Well, speaking of legal...

Yes, sir. I'd better get
my ass out of here

before Kerissa drives up, right?

What about the law?

Or even God's law?

You're okay with this?

I love you asked that.

If you didn't, I'd have my doubts.

Here's my gloss on the matter,
and of course you have your own.

The spiritual danger, when it
comes to gambling, is twofold.

If you do it for the love of money,

and if you do it depending on luck.

That is to say, depending
on something other than God.

Now, I'm giving all this
back to the church,

so it's not for the love of money.

And I can count
on only the Lord to keep me ahead,

so there's no intervening power

upon which I am calling or depending on.

So I'm at a loss to see what's wrong.

And you're really okay
with giving all that...

to the church?

Why not?

It's all God's money.

Maricel, let's keep all the peonies

and send the rest
to Lamplighters in the morning.

And let's get all the gifts upstairs

for when Sophia comes home.

She'd love to find them there.

- Yes, ma'am.
- Oh...

[laughs] Oh, my God.

There you are.

I have to tell you that I felt like

I was in the Twilight Zone tonight,

remembering all the parties

that I threw for you, Grace and Faith.

It was a beautiful night, Mama.

Oh, no. What's the matter now?

Because it wouldn't be a night

if someone wasn't after me
for something.

I won't let you fire Kevin.

Well, I have no immediate plans to.

You had Aaron put that clause in.

Because I wanted to be sure
that we were protected

if this w*r between
the two of you were to escalate.


I mean it.

Oh, I see you're sincere, dear.

I still feel bad about Carlton,

and how all of that went down.

I won't let you do that
to the father of my child.

Well, let's pray we don't have to.

I know you feel bad about
what you were sharing with me,

but if you saw it from my vantage point,

I know you'd have done the same.

Family comes first.

Oh, and I'll take this sad one.
It certainly is a runt.

- Yes, ma'am.
- Yeah.

Family comes first. It has to.

Winkie wants his good-night kiss.

All right, I'll be right there.

What are you looking at?


Bass Reeves.

Who's that?

Some black gunslinger.

And why are you reading about him?

No reason.

How was the party?

Your mother was rude,
your father was pouty,

and the house was not this.

Well, we'll be out of here soon enough.

That's the plan.

SOPHIA: I haven't bowled
since I was a kid.


Let's go to The Row.

Uh, we said we were going here.

We had to tell them
we were going somewhere.

That doesn't mean
we have to go. We're free.


ZORA: Just come.

It'll be more fun than this.


I don't want to go to The Row.

Come on. It'll be fun.

Isaiah's friend works there.

There'll be beer.

I can get you a birthday beer.


Then is it okay if I go?

SOPHIA: No, it's not okay.

This is my birthday.

You're busy every other day with him.

Can't you just stick with me
for this one night?

- I'm not always with him.
- Yes, you are.

I can't even have a conversation
with you for five minutes

without you texting him,
talking about him, running off.

You need his permission?

I would never do to you

what you're doing to me right now.

It's not cool.

Come on.

- Hello.
- Mm-hm.

Just putting a little
inscription in Sophia's Bible.

Mm, I see that.

What are you saying?

Oh, just my own little gloss
on Deuteronomy and .

"May my teachings fall like rain.

"May my words descend like dew.

"Like showers on the green leaves.

With love, from us to you."

- Daddy.
- Mm-hmm?

You gave her a study Bible.

I gave one to you too, didn't I?

Mm-hmm. But not Charity, not Faith.

And your point is?

I don't want Sophia to follow
in my footsteps, Daddy.

Especially when they've led me
to such a...

confusing place.

Sophia came to me
the day before yesterday

and expressed an interest
in teaching the Little Saints.

That's why I gave it to her.

She didn't tell me that.

Probably because she
was so scared you'd direct her

away from doing it.

What a fearful place it must be

to finally find yourself
bathing in the glow

of a brand-new faith,

and think your own mother
would treat it like a sickness

or a stupid mistake.

- I wouldn't do that.
- Oh, she doesn't know that.

I don't know that.

And my guess is, you probably
don't know it either.

What is it going to take, Gigi,

to bring you back into the fold?

Put Mac in jail.

Oh, Gigi.

Yeah, Daddy?

Vengeance is mine.

Anybody tries to take the wheel
of this world from God...

is going to find themselves
in a ditch real quick.

You think on these things.

[music plays]