02x04 - Revival

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Greenleaf". Aired: June 2016 to August 2020.*
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"Greenleaf" follows the unscrupulous world of the Greenleaf family with scandalous secrets and lies, and their sprawling Memphis megachurch with predominantly African-American members.
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02x04 - Revival

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Greenleaf.

She's still not willing
to come to a meeting.

This may be a situation
where you need to step up,

lead, be the man.


- Sorry to interrupt.
- No interruption.

Jabari Johnson.

James: Who told you I did this?

Mr. McCready's father, Henry.

- What did Henry say, exactly?
- That you paid him to burn down

First Baptist Church in ,
the one Darryl James died in.

I don't know what kind of deal you cut

to get out of jail with this story,

you're going back.

Oh, I'm not going anywhere.

Everybody at school knows.

Is that why you took those pills?

Yeah. Why isn't he in jail?

[car alarm blaring]


Right here is the new pastor
of Triumph Two,

Jacob Greenleaf.

- What do you have against me?
- You k*lled my daddy.

You're Darryl James's boy?

Jacob: We got a little trouble

over at Triumph Two with the excavation.

The water table's higher than
the Geological Survey indicated.

My life's not about you, Pop.
It's about me.

- He doesn't respect me.
- I respect you.

[birds chirping]

[piano music playing]


Is this the one you meant?

Yes, that's the one. Thank you, Maricel.

♪ Steal away ♪

♪ Steal away home ♪

♪ I ain't got long ♪

♪ To stay here... ♪


I'm on my way to the airport.

Traffic's going to be terrible.

Oh, I know, but Lionel's a friend.

And after all that sweet music,

I'm gonna have a little
impromptu concert in the car.


You got more flowers here
than last year.

They're a gift from Donny Wilcox.

Oh, well, I wasn't concerned.

But praise God.

♪ He ain't got long ♪

♪ To stay here... ♪

- Hey.
- Hi, Grandpa.


Now, are you ready
for your first revival?

- As soon as I get changed.
- Hallelujah!

[both laugh]

Who am I going to talk to all night?

I don't know what to tell you.

We're a Triumph family now.

[women chattering, laughing]

It's been so long. I feel like...

- Oh, hey!
- Hi.

Hi. I'll call you
right back after, okay?

Sophia, you remember Pastor Rebecca?

Yeah, of course.

- [laughs]
- Welcome to Memphis.

Thank you.

You guys are pre-gaming, I see.

Oh, yes. Getting in the spirit.

- It's my fault.
- I'm not judging.

Can I have a little?

- No, ma'am, you may not.
- Now I'm judging.

Go get ready, babe.

I'm judging.

Oh, my gosh, I can't believe
we were ever that young.

Girl, we were younger.

Oh... unbelievable.

I know. How about that, huh?

CHARITY: No, I haven't seen it yet.

I know. I want to.

But you don't know
what it's like with a baby.

- I can't just...
- Hey, here he is.

All ready to go.

I got to go. I'll see you tomorrow.

- Jabari?
- Yeah.

He wants me to watch some movie
about backup singers.

I think he's trying to up
my choreography game

in the absence of Carlton.

People without children
don't understand.

- That's for sure.
- Hi.



Can I ask?


When do you think
you might be ready to...?

Ready for what?

Be with me again.

Is it... is it wrong that I ask that?


you want to have sex with me?

Yeah. Is that so strange?

A little, given...

Baby, I love you.

And I really miss you.

So let's do it tonight.

- It's a date.
- Yeah.


♪ Amen ♪


♪ Amen ♪


♪ Well ♪


♪ Amen, amen ♪


a while since you've seen Memphis.

LIONEL: Mm-hmm. Looks different.

Things were bad for a stretch,

but they're starting to turn around.

Shame Patrice couldn't be with us.

Indeed it is.

You know, I went to pack,

I couldn't even find the suitcase,

let alone my kit and everything.

And when I did find it,
well, it was full of shells

she had gathered
on our last trip to Captiva.


I sat on the bed for about an hour,

just going through shells,

staring into space.

We always enjoyed our time
down there with the two of you.

Mae especially.

How's Mae holding up?

This business with Mac
had to be hard for her.

Yes, it was.

[inhales and exhales]

A sharp pain.

But it gets a little duller every day.

And I'm hoping this... this revival

will be the beginning of a new chapter.

Is that Jacob?

- Where?
- Up there. Right there.

Yes. That's my son.

- [indistinct chatter]
- [piano music playing]

Maricel? Maricel?

- Yes, sir?
- Ah!

Would you please have
Pastor Geoffrey's bags

brought in from the car, please?

- Right away, sir.
- And where's the first lady?


Look, let's... let's go around this way.

I'm sure she'll be glad to see you.

We'll surprise her.

Paul? Paul!

Excuse me.

Oh, there he is. Come on, come on.

That's right!

I remember you girls thinking
it was the most adorable thing.

Wait, who sang what? When?

Nobody. Nobody.

Oh, your mom and I,
and Charity and Faith

had a little group called "Mystique."

We sang at the churches in the area.

Mystique. Very interesting.

WOMAN: They were really quite good.

I would k*ll to see that.

Oh, I have a tape I can send you.

- Thanks.
- [laughter]

Don't hate. We were good.

We were fine.

She's wrong. We were good.

Baby, go get me...

- Uh-huh.
- [women laugh]

MAN: Let me get this straight.

You mean to tell me your brother Jacob

is setting up shop right across
the street from the bishop's?

He's getting ready to.

They start digging the hole next week.

You sure he isn't adopted?

[both laugh]

Y'all need to check his bloodline.

I'd do anything for the bishop.


Watch out there, now.

Hey, how are you?

Hey, Daddy.

Look who I found.

Oh, Lionel, you made it.



Thank you so much for joining us.

Well, when the Greenleafs call...

Yes. So, how was your flight?

Well, like riding
a wheelchair down a staircase

for two straight hours.

Oh, you know, Rebecca
says the same thing.

What a shame y'all had that weather.

Well, I'm fine. I'm on solid ground now.

- Would you like some champagne?
- Oh, that would be great.

- Thank you, James.
- I'll be right back, honey.


- Mae...
- Don't say anything, please.

I just want you to know
that I didn't come here

to cause you any trouble.

But you're here
when you knew my preference

was that you'd not be.

James called. I had no choice.

JAMES: Here you go.

LIONEL: Thank you.

Well, cheers.


- [glasses clink]
- Yes.

So, uh, what do you say
we go find Errol?

I haven't seen that old coot

since we had the Faith
and Worship last year.

I just passed him. Come on.


Goodbye, Mae.

[James humming]

Hey. That went off without a hitch.

- Yes.
- I must say, I...

I picked the right woman.


And I picked the right man.

But, sweetheart, I think you need to go

and see Dr. Elliott tomorrow.

I saw him last week, dear.

I got the new prescription. I just...

I just didn't take it today.


It makes me sick,

and I knew I needed to be at my best.

Oh, sweetheart,

trembling the way you were
trembling out there tonight

is not being at your best.

I'm sorry if I embarrassed you.

Oh, James.

You're embarrassing yourself,
being so petulant.

I'm just concerned about you.

All right.

You're right.

I'll take it.

Did you give Rose some cash?

I tried, but she wouldn't take it.


I'll tell Maricel.

We can't keep asking
that girl to sit for us

if she won't take the money.

- It doesn't feel right.
- Mm-hmm.

And she didn't even really
get him down tonight anyway,

so what are we paying for?

I don't know.

It's all so hard.


if you don't want to tonight...

It's not that I don't want to.

It just feels strange to make a plan.

I hear that.

So, it's okay if we don't?

Yeah. Yeah.

We will soon.

I promise.



THOMAS: Welcome to Calvary.

God bless you. How you doing?

All right. Amen. Amen.

Oh, yes... yes, ma'am. I got you.

Good to see you.
All right, welcome, welcome.

Brother Watkins, how are you doing?
Good to see you.

Miss McMillan. Amen, amen.
How you doing? Welcome.

Revive. Recommit. Renew. All right.

And then he says he's Darryl James's boy

and that I'm going down.

As if I'm the one who k*lled the man.

Does Jacob know about this?

He knows Basie thinks it.

None of us know
if he's really Darryl's son.

As far as I know,
Darryl didn't have a son.

Just the two girls.

But that doesn't much matter.

He thinks he's Darryl's son.

And that church is going up like bamboo.

Unless it's not.


My son Aaron has been doing
a lot of zoning law

over in Nashville.

We can have him come over here
for the weekend,

see what he thinks about this.

He might be able to stop it.

Slow it down, anyway.

Let's get him on the phone.

♪ I've been saved by his mercy ♪

♪ I've been saved by his grace ♪

♪ I've been saved by his favor ♪

♪ His love for me will never change ♪

♪ His love for me will never change ♪

♪ He's the great way maker ♪

- ♪ He keeps opening doors ♪
- ♪ And he ♪

♪ His grace and his mercy ♪

- ♪ He keeps me restored ♪
- ♪ And his ♪

♪ His love and his favor ♪

♪ Comforts me and renews ♪

- ♪ I am ♪
- ♪ I'm walking by faith ♪

♪ And I'm living his truth ♪

- ♪ He is my refuge ♪
- ♪ Yes, he is ♪

- ♪ He is my peace ♪
- ♪ Yes, he is ♪

♪ It's time for revival ♪

♪ Don't you want to worship
the king, yeah? ♪

♪ I've been saved by his mercy ♪

♪ He gave his life for me ♪

♪ I've been saved by his grace ♪

♪ He shed his blood to set us free ♪

♪ I've been saved by his favor ♪

♪ When he walked to Calvary ♪

♪ His love for me will never change ♪

♪ His love for me will never change! ♪

[applause and cheering]


It is time for revival.

- Yeah!
- Yeah!

This is revival.

And can we get some love
for my daughter Charity

and Mr. Jabari Johnson?

[applause and cheering]

Oh, what wonderful music.

Oh, this is my favorite
time of the year.


What a blessing that
we have it to come back to.

- Yes!
- Yes!

A time to reconnect, re-dedicate.

- Yeah!
- A time to be forgiven,

restored, and embraced in the fullness

of all His blessing.

ALL: Amen!

A time to join hand-in-hand

with old friends,


and to commune with the family of God.


Now this year,

we thought it best
if we open up your hearts

with a... with a smile.

So, without further ado,

I want you to give a warm
Calvary welcome

as I turn the pulpit over
to Reverend Richard Adenoids.


RICHARD: Thank you, Bishop.

Thank you so much.

Thank you, Bishop.
Did I say thank you, Bishop?

I'm saying it again. Thank you, Bishop.

And thank you, first ladies. Thank you.

And thank my second lady
for not showing up.

This will not take long,
will not take long at all.


about... about two hours, to be exact.

I'd like to say good evening
to the members of the band,

the members of the choir,

and the people who are still
wearing Members Only jackets.

Amen to that.

- Hey.
- Hey.

So, you sounded good up there tonight.


Thank you.

It felt so good.


Now we just have to do it again tomorrow

and the next night and the next.



Does Jabari perform
with all his artists like that?


I think so. Why?

Just curious.

If he wasn't in town
mastering the record,

he wouldn't have been here.

But he was.

So it made sense.

Charity, is there something
going on between you two?

What? No!

Kevin, are you crazy?

Just seems like there is.

The way you two look
in each other's eyes

up there on stage like that.

It's called performing!

And the spirit.

What are you doing?

I'm not doing anything, Charity.

[baby crying]

MAC: Did you enjoy dinner?

LORRAINE: I enjoyed it very much.

MAC: That's good. You know, I could
do a little something-something.

- I was impressed.
- Come here.

Have a great night.

[engine starts]

- Excuse me.
- Can I help you?

You don't know me.
My name is Grace Greenleaf.

- I just... I want to make sure...
- Lorraine!

- Lorraine, go home.
- He's a child molester.

Do you know how many girls
he's molested?

- Go home.
- Grace Greenleaf,

Calvary Fellowship.

- You call me...
- Stop it!

Stop it!

I'm trying to start over,
getting my life together.

Just leave me alone.

That's never going to happen.

And you call yourself a Christian.

I think I found a silver b*llet

for that werewolf Basie Skanks.


Aaron's flying in from Nashville.

- Lionel's son?
- Mm-hmm.

Lionel and I are going
to sit down with him tonight,

walk him through this whole mess
with Basie Skanks,

get his take.

Apparently, he's been
doing work like this...

land use, zoning.

Lionel seems to think
he might have some ideas.

How convenient.

♪ Love you in the morning,
in the afternoon ♪

♪ Love you in the evening
underneath the moon ♪

♪ Skinnamarinky-dinky-dink,
skinnamarinky-doo ♪

♪ I love you. ♪





Sorry about last night.

That's fine.

Doesn't really matter.

Yeah, it does.

I was wrong, and I'm sorry.

Thank you.


Oh! Oh.

[both laugh]

Was that a smile?

Yeah, I think so.

What are you so happy about?

What are you so happy about?

Was that the first one?

I think so.

[both laugh]

- Yeah.
- Oh, look at Daddy.

Give me a smile, little man.

[laughter, chatter]

- Yeah, but I remember.
- But you roll with it. Okay.

And so here's what
I'm going to say to you.

Now, do you remember
that sermon that you did

about pomegranates and bells?

That was so good.

Everyone always remembers that sermon.

Yeah. I think it's the reason
why I went to Bible school.

- Really?
- Mm-hmm.

And I also have you to blame

for all of my troubles with
the deacon board down there.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry about that.


That was my fault.

Mm. Oh, it's nice to be with you.

You too, baby.

Hey, why haven't you
been preaching anymore?

I was surprised when I heard about that.

I don't know.

I feel like Daddy's got it
well handled right now.

Honestly, I just... I don't know

that I feel called to it lately.

You're still called to it, Grace.

You're just not feeling it.

So, what's really going on with you?


Pastor, excuse me.

Yeah, Darlene?

There's some officers here
to see you about something.

Is everything okay?

Why are you looking at me that way?

James was just thumbing
through a Nashville edition

on super lawyers
and happened on Aaron's name?

What do you think you're doing?


No, seriously.

Lionel, what are you thinking?

Mae, James told me all about the saga

with Triumph Two and Basie Skanks.

I'm just trying to help.

My husband doesn't need your help.

And neither do I.

Oh, what you think?

You're just going to swoop
in here and save me,

prove to me that I should
have run off with you

when I had a chance?

That whole thing was a mistake.

We both know that.

At least I do.

Mae, what do you want me to do?

You want me to call Aaron
and tell him not to come?



It's just...


Please. Please.

I am sorry I upset you.

Are you?

Yes, I am.

Listen, I'll preach this sermon tonight.

Aaron will weigh in
on your Triumph problem.

And we'll be both on our way.



Thank you.


GRACE: So, what's going on here?

Is he pressing charges or not?

- Not yet.
- Not yet?

He says he's been hesitant to do so

out of concern for your mother.

But if you continue to harass him,

I have a feeling he will.

Did Mr. McCready mention
when he made this complaint

that he r*ped my sister
and about a dozen other women?

We're not here to discuss that.

We're here to protect you, Pastor,

and to keep you from getting
yourself into trouble.

Just stay off his street.

JAMES: Now, when Bishop
Geoffrey speaks tonight, Lord,

let it be Your words
the saints hear, not his.

Let him hide behind the cross,
and give You all the glory.

In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

ALL: Amen.

JAMES: Yes, Karine?

Mr. Geoffrey's here.

Our prayers have been answered.

- I don't know about all that.
- Come here, boy.


Now, this is Bishop Geoffrey's son.

He's going to be doing
some consulting with us.

Say hey to Mae. Come on.

- Lady Mae.
- Come. Look at you.

Handsome as you can be. Welcome.

Thank you.


Good evening, Calvary!

Tonight, I am so excited to bring out

two great friends of Calvary Fellowship.

They flew here all the way
from Los Angeles

to be with us tonight.

So, Calvary, please help me

welcome back our friends Mary Mary!

[applause and cheering]

How many of you believe that

is going to be your season?

[all cheer]

And you're going to get
everything that God has for you?

- Amen.
- TINA: Then stand to your feet,

give God some praise and help us
sing this song tonight.

- Yeah.
- [music playing]

♪ I got to get myself together ♪

♪ 'Cause I got someplace to go ♪

♪ And I'm praying when I get there ♪

♪ I'll see everyone I know ♪

♪ I wanna go to heaven ♪

♪ Wanna go to heaven ♪

♪ Said I wanna go to heaven ♪

♪ Wanna go to heaven ♪

♪ Do you wanna go? ♪

♪ Can you picture a place ♪

♪ Where there's a smile on every face ♪

♪ And all the worry, all the stressing ♪

♪ All the pressure's been erased? ♪

♪ Walking down a street that's golden ♪

♪ Angels singing, perfect weather ♪

♪ Everybody's got a mansion ♪

♪ Y'all, it just don't get no better ♪

♪ I wanna go ♪

♪ Oh, oh ♪

♪ The only way I can explain it ♪

♪ Is that in life
we go through changes ♪

♪ Though we know it serves a purpose ♪

♪ Still sometimes
it just seems worthless ♪

♪ But this race that I am running ♪

♪ Whether I run it fast or slow... ♪

I don't know why I'm watching this.

Neither do I.

LIONEL: Let us skip
down to the th verse.

"Then he cometh unto his disciples

and findeth them sleeping."

- Amen.
- Then, in verse ...

"And he came and found them
asleep again,

for their eyes were heavy."

And we know that Jesus
came back a third time,

and found them asleep again.


You are in the worst pain
of your entire life,

and everyone around you is sleeping.

People you depend on
for counsel, sleeping.

- WOMAN: My Lord!
- MAN: Come on, now.

Prayer warriors, sleeping.

The deacon board, sleeping.

And your spouse, sleeping.

Church, sleeping.

And you?

You are all alone,

full with pain.

The only one awake who sees it all.

But let me tell you something.

All of you who are suffering,

you are not alone.

Even in the wee hours, you're not alone.

The story in this Good Book proves it.

Because Jesus knew what it was like.

Jesus knows all.

And you are not alone.

LIONEL: Thanks to the sweet
grace of Jesus,

you are not alone.

See, the thing is,
their construction site

is situated on a floodplain.

So if a storm of Katrina's
proportion was to hit,

they'd be screwed.

- Okay.
- And what about Calvary?

Are we on the same floodplain?

Technically, yes, but you guys built

before the restrictions I'm
talking about were put in place.

- What does that mean?
- It means that you could file

a temporary injunction and make sure

that they're in compliance with the law.

It'd stop them for days, anyway.

Well, what if that doesn't work?

AARON: Then you could theoretically

keep filing injunction after injunction

until they suffer from
significant financial hardship

and basically give up.

What do you think?

We've got to do something.

AARON: I could set up the paperwork

and you guys can decide at a later date.

MAE: No.

Let's do it.

It's time.

[music playing over headphones]

You scared me.




he is down.

Thanks for doing that.

What were you listening to?

The mastered version of my record.

Jabari just sent it over.


How is it?


I think it's good.

I'm sure it is.




I can't do this.

You haven't even given it a chance.

That's the point.

I want to give it a chance.

I want to want to, and I don't.

It should happen naturally,

and it just doesn't feel
that way anymore.

I can't go on pretending
to be something we aren't.

It's over.

This is over.


I took my medicine today.


I can tell.



I am so sorry that you have
to deal with this.

- It must be so hard.
- It's nothing

compared to the trouble
we're about to give Basie.

I guess so.

Look, things are going to work out, Mae.

We've been through worse. Hmm?

Oh, it hurts me to see you cry.

I'll be fine.

I will.



♪ Yes, I will ♪

♪ Yes, I will ♪

♪ Yes, I will... ♪

Baby, what you looking at?

Rebecca was right.

You guys were good.

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Yes, I will ♪

♪ Yes, I will... ♪

Yeah, we were.

♪ Yes, I will ♪

♪ I tried to do it on my own ♪

- ♪ Yes, I will ♪
- ♪ Whoa ♪

♪ Yes, I will ♪

♪ Yes, I will ♪

- ♪ Yes, I will ♪
- ♪ Yeah ♪

- ♪ Yes, I will ♪
- ♪ Oh ♪

♪ Yes, I will. ♪


Any more smiles?

Not yet.

But we'll see some. I have faith.

What are we going to tell people?

Nothing right now.

- Unless you...
- No.


We'll figure it out.



JAMES: What a week this has been.


Now, I don't know about you,
but I feel renewed,

revived, and recommitted.


Now, at this time,

I would like to open up
the doors of the church

to anyone out there
looking for a new church home,

or anyone looking to dedicate

or re-dedicate their life to Christ.

- ALL: Amen.
- JAMES: That's why we do this.

This is what revival is all about.

- Yes.
- JAMES: And for those out there

who might be feeling shy,
well, let me fix that right now.

Everybody turn to your neighbor and say,

"I walk with you."

Because that's the whole deal here.

When you're in the family of God,

you never have to walk alone.

Now, go on. Turn and do it.

- I'll walk with you.
- I'll walk with you.

[both laugh]

JAMES: That's right, come on.

- I'll walk with you too, baby.
- JAMES: Come on down.

How does it work?

It's easy. I'll show you.

JAMES: The arms of God are wide open.

Come to the well
that will never run dry.

Jesus Christ!

Come on down.


[laughing] Hallelujah.

Praise God. Praise God!


Grandpa, I want to get baptized.

Oh, nothing would make me happier.


MAN: Yes! Yes!

- Baby?
- Hallelujah. Hallelujah.


Oh, Lord.

[music playing]

[organ music playing]

♪ Ode to Jesus ♪

♪ I... ♪

Are you ready, child?

♪ ...surrender ♪

♪ All to him ♪

♪ I freely ♪

♪ Give... ♪

Is the Lord, Jesus Christ,
your lord and savior?

He is.

Then upon your profession
of faith in Jesus Christ,


it is my joy and privilege

to baptize you in the name
of the Father and the Son

and the Holy Ghost.

Buried in the likeness of his death

and raised in the likeness
of his resurrection

to walk in the newness of life.

Now hold your nose.

Now I want you to lean all the way back.

All the way.

I got you, okay?


Okay? Okay.

- [murmurs]
- [crying]

GRACE: Thank you so much.
God bless y'all.

WOMAN: You, too.

[gasps] Oh, honey!


How are you feeling? Hmm?

It's hard to describe.

Try. Try.

[sighs] Um...



Yeah, I like that.

[both laugh]

Can I call Zora to tell her?

Yeah, baby. Yeah, go, go. Go, go.

Thanks, Mom.

I love you.

I love you, honey.

I love you.

Go. Go have fun.


I'm glad you came.

It was my pleasure.

And it was wonderful
hearing you preach again.

I needed to hear that message.

It means a lot coming from you.


Aaron has an idea.

Oh, well, I should be used to it by now.

All right, what's your idea, Mr. Aaron?

Well, I could work remotely
for all my clients in Nashville

if it would help for me
to stay here for a while.

Oh, no...

Jacob's room is sitting empty.


- It's a deal.
- All right.

Go to Nashville and pack a bag.

Yes, sir. Thank you.

- [James chuckles]
- Lady Mae, bye.

- Mae.
- Aaron. Oh, Lionel.

- Lionel.
- [car engine starts]

MAE: And, Lionel, thank you again.

Thank you both.

Now, I was thinking,

we could take Sophia to Iris for lunch.

Well, that sounds like a beautiful idea.

No, it's a selfish idea. I'm starving.

I'll go get my things.

All right.


Thank you for coming.

Sure. What's the problem?

It's more like what's the solution?


[no audible dialogue]
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