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02x01 - A House Divided

Posted: 09/23/21 05:33
by bunniefuu
Previously, on Greenleaf...

- Are you gay?
- I don't know.

- What's going on?
- Something's wrong with the twins.

I just think I'm ready to make a move.

Mmm. And Pastor, here,

seems like he's ready to do the same.

This project, Basie has me slated
to run for him over at Triumph.

It's gonna be a $ million
Christian community center.

Basie's just trying to get back at me.

- For what?
- Well, I haven't the slightest idea.

But with you as my eyes
and ears, we'll find out.

When did this happen?

I got the notice of seizure

from the city a couple months ago.

Whoever Mac has in his pocket

at City Hall ain't budging.

- I never touched her.
- Stop lying!

MAE: You and that daughter of mine...

you think I don't know the role
you played in all this?

Mac had to be stopped.

- Is there any way out?
- You just have to confess.

HENRY: Remember when you was little

and First Baptist burned down?

And the caretaker was in the basement?

- What about it?
- That wasn't no act of God.

What are you doing here?

Who told you I did this?

This nasty piece of work?

No. Mr. McCready's father, Henry.

What did Henry say, exactly?

paid him to burn down

First Baptist Church in .

- My own church?
- The one Daryl James died in, yes.

So, this is how the system works.

He dredges up any old...

piece of gossip and... and now what?

It's not gossip, James. You know it.

I will not defend myself
against a known criminal.

Why is this man out of jail?

Before we continue this conversation,

we need to speak to a lawyer.

I think that would be wise.

This investigation is ongoing,

so do us and yourself a favor, Bishop...

don't leave town.

Is this what you've been keeping from me

all these years?

I couldn't have you implicated.

- I...
- You...

I couldn't let that happen.


I'm sorry.

Oh, God forgive me.

You wait a minute! Wait!

I don't know what kind of deal you cut

to get out of jail with this story.

- You're going back.
- Oh, I'm not going anywhere but home.

It's called deferred
adjudication, Pastor.

I asked the bishop to speak on my behalf

at my sentencing hearing and he passed.

So I was forced to pull
some other less holy strings.

No, that's impossible.

Oh, ye of little faith.

You think your daddy's the only one I got
the gospel on, girl?

With what I know about the folks
who run this town,

I could burn all of Memphis
to the ground,

walk away with nothing
on my back but hot wind.

♪ Amen ♪


♪ Amen ♪


♪ Well ♪


♪ Amen, amen ♪


- [blues guitar playing]
- [phone ringing]



MAN OVER PHONE: Is this Mavis McCready?

Yeah. Who's this?

My name's Trevor Sneiderman, ma'am.

I'm calling from Bev-Co.

My records show you haven't
ordered from us in a while

and we were wondering if maybe
you'd like to put in...

What you calling me on a Sunday for?

Well, I'm sorry about the day, ma'am.

I don't have a club no more.

[distant siren wailing]


[phone clatters]



Get your ass to church.

You know I told that woman
from Blues Weekly

you were there every Sunday.

So go put that suit on I bought you

and get on out of here.

Oh, here. You want some?

I told you, I don't mess
with that Oxy devil.

Suit yourself.

[blues guitar playing]

Now, Fall Revival's coming up

and I know that you know
what that means.

It's a time of year when we ask
for an additional offering.

Now, church, God has
been faithful to Calvary.

Hasn't He carried us over the mountains?

Hasn't He lit our path in the valleys?

Now is the time to partner
with what He wants to do,

what he wants to release
into this world.

So, you can grab those
pledge forms from the ushers

and you can fill them out boldly.

Give and it will be given unto you.

Church, God is not done.

He is still on the throne.

Praise Him.

Praise Him. Thank you, Jesus.

Thank you, Jesus.



Powerful sermon.

Never seen so many people
forcibly uninspired.

But that's a kind of gift, I suppose.

What do you want, Mama?

I had Darlene run the numbers

from the Fall Revival this morning.

It's down %.

Half the deacon board
didn't even pledge.

Here, see for yourself.

Betty Wilcox, Deacon Sykes...

I can't say that I blame them.

And what is that supposed to mean?

It has been three months since the police
opened that case against Daddy.

Not a week goes by there's not
something about him in the newspapers.

And he's never come forward
and said he didn't do it.

Because it's an ongoing investigation.

His lawyers have instructed
him in no uncertain terms...

Whatever. That is why
people aren't pledging.

It's not my fault.

This whole mess is your fault.

I will speak to the deacon board.

I've already started
begging God to show me

how to let this church go.

I'm talking about your father.

He is sick, and any day now

he could be charged
and dragged into prison.

He could die in prison.

I don't know what to say.
I'm doing my best, Mama.

That is all I can do.


What? What?

Your pride,

your terrible pride

is gonna destroy us all.

[footsteps approach]

[door opens]

You're up early.

I couldn't sleep.

I had the nightmare again.

I just can't stop thinking
about poor Daryl.

He wasn't supposed to be there.

[door opens]

[door closes]

It was an accident.




Good morning.

ALL: Morning, Mama.

Any fresh libel in the paper
about us this morning, Jacob?


Oh, people love to see
the high brought low,

even if based on nothing
but hearsay and lies.

JACOB: Just this Friday feature

about churchgoers in the DA's office,

Some are saying they're slowing
the investigation down.

Written by this Darius Nash?

What an insidious way this man has.

Oh, uh, Maricel, would you please

bring some more waffles
and pecans, dear?

- Yes, ma'am.
- Thank you.

- Good morning, family.
- ALL: Good morning.

MAE: Morning, Bishop.

Well, I can't wait to preach again.

I was just reading in Ezra about
the rebuilding of the temple.


And the Lord has given me
some strong words

for the people on that.

- Ooh, thank you.
- That reminds me,

I have some Bible reading
to do before work, so.

Sweetheart. Family.

JACOB: Later, Gigi.

Your mother always was the scholar.

Time with the text.

Never wasted.

And he's produced
Marvin Sapp and Mary Mary.

He's at Ardent all week working
with them on a record.

Mm. You sure you're not
just selling me on him

'cause he's fine, Carlton?

No, honey, I'm taken.

[laughing] Yes, I know. I was there.

Let me see that.

Oh, now, wait a minute.
That does not mean

we cannot have a little
eye candy, does it?

- Look at that!
- [laughing]

Everything that this man has produced
turns to gold, and that's what we need.

We need this record to sell and
get the church back in the black.


Hey, so how's that baby doing, huh?

Oof, kicking up a storm.

I told him this morning,
"Just a few more days."

She's inducing Monday.

Wait, there's not a problem, is there?

No. Okay.

No, everything's fine.

[clears throat]

The baby's fine. We just, um...

The doctor said that after
losing the other twin,

we should be extra careful.

Well, we will pray for all of you.

- [piano playing]
- ♪ You hold me close ♪

♪ And heal me ♪

♪ Heal me ♪

♪ In Your light ♪

♪ You hold me close ♪

♪ And heal me ♪

♪ Heal me ♪

♪ In Your light ♪

Praise God.

Sounds like you really
went through something.

You'd have had to to write like that.

It's been a hard time, that's true,

but the Lord keeps
giving me these songs.

And how many do you have total?

Eleven and a half.

I want to hear all of them.

And then you'll decide?

No. I've decided.

I'll do it.

- Really?
- Mm-hmm.

[laughing] Oh, my God!

Thank you.

This is so exciting.

[clears throat]

Sorry to interrupt.

Oh, it's no interruption.
Jabari Johnson.

Jabari? Kevin.

Director of Outreach.

Nice to meet you.

Think I can talk to my wife
for a second, please?

Yeah, yeah. Of course.

See you at the groundbreaking?

Yeah. I'll be right over.

Why aren't you at home taking it easy?


The doctor told me I can
be up and about, Kevin.

What do you want?


Just come to one meeting.

I don't need to. I don't want to!

I don't know that I buy this
whole "pray the gay away."

That's not what Fortitude is.

If you came to one meeting, you'd see.

It's not a binary thing...
either I'm this or I'm that.

A lot of wives come to the meetings.

- I can't talk about this right now.
- Can't or won't?

C., you're having that baby Monday.

- We need to figure this
out pretty soon. - [sighs]

- Hey, you gonna make it, Mama?
- Hey!

- Just takes me a minute.
- REGGIE: Hey.


- What's up, baby?
- Hey. How you doing?

- I'm good. How you doing?
- Good.

CARLTON: I hear that
they have cotton candy.

Hey, Connie.

So, I still haven't received pledges

from any of the deacons,
so give me a call back, okay?

Thank you.

All right, let's do this.

You think Grandpa did it, don't you?

Why do you say that?

Because it just seems like you do.

Honestly, I don't know.

I just think the fact
that he hasn't denied it

is costing the church money.

Yeah, I mean, it's so annoying.

If he did do it, he didn't know that man

was in the building,
and it was so long ago.

I mean, why be a Christian at all

if you can't just get past what you did?

Mm. There's a difference between
getting past something, honey,

and never admitting it happened.

But if he didn't do it, then
there's nothing to admit to.

Then he should say that, and he
didn't, and that's the problem.

[sighs] Okay.

- Ooh, Sophia. Pastor Greenleaf.
- Mama.

Wait, are you going
to the groundbreaking?

I'd rather eat glass.

- [music playing]
- [vocalizing]

♪ I don't have to worry,
'Cause it's working for me ♪

- ♪ Yeah ♪
- ♪ It's working for me ♪

♪ I don't have to worry,
'Cause it's working for me ♪

♪ Yes, it is, It's working for me ♪

♪ Yeah, it's working for me ♪

- ♪ Whoa... ♪
- Is that Isaiah Hambrick singing?

In the flesh.

He goes to Triumph?

When he's not playing shows.

♪ Working for me... ♪

Unh-uh. Close your mouth, thirsty.

- ♪ Whoa... ♪
- ♪ He's eternal ♪

- ♪ He's intentional ♪
- ♪ He's intentional ♪

♪ He's been doing it
For a long time... ♪

- Hey!
- That's right.

♪ The struggle Is good for me ♪

♪ He's intentional ♪

♪ The heartache Was good for me ♪

- ♪ He's intentional ♪
- ♪ Oh, whoa, whoa-oh ♪

- ♪ Never failing ♪
- [vocalizing]



Good stuff, man.

[chuckles] Good stuff, man. Look at you!

Look at you!

Hey, let's hear it for our
very own Isaiah Hambrick!


It's working for me.
Is it working for you?

Well, Jacob sure has been
studying my Basie

something fierce, hasn't he?

How so?

Well, his stage presence, that's all.


Don't... don't take it the wrong way.
I think it's great.

We all need role models, right?

Amen to that.

Look, we want to thank all of you

for being with us today

at this amazing, amazing event.

CROWD: Yeah! This is awesome!
God is so awesome.

Now, look, y'all know
I'm the son of a bishop.

All right? I worked in
the church all my life.

- JACOB: Been raised in the church.
- Where has this Jacob been?

I don't know. But whatever he's
selling, they sure are buying it.

...real with you all.

This brother I'm about
to bring out here,

when he shared his testimony with me,

I was moved, I was so moved.

He came from nothing. Right?

Nobody looking out for him but God.

With nothing but an Amplified Bible,

and the spirit of the Lord in his heart!

Who changed the worst
six blocks of Memphis

into a safe zone

where the spirit of God
is changing lives every day.


Every day!

Ladies and gentlemen, I bring to you

the Reverend Basie Skanks!

[crowd cheering]



Oh! Hold on.

Hold on, baby, hold on.

Oh! Triumph, baby!

Oh, what a blessing.

- God is good! Amen! Amen!
- CROWD: Amen!

I want to thank all the saints

that have made today
as wondrous as it is.


Tasha, baby,

you are more than just my wife,

you are my reason and my heart.

I love you so much.


- BASIE: Amen. Amen.
- [applause]


Deputy Mayor Skip Leonard

and all the church leaders
who have joined us today

to prove that in Christ there
is no black and no white.

Amen! Amen!

Who I really wanna thank
is this man right here.

WOMAN: All right!


My brother.

My brother, Jacob Greenleaf.

You see, when we bought this land,

the plan was to pick up stakes

and move Triumph over here.

But now that I have seen
this brother in action,

oh, I know he don't need nobody
looking over his shoulder, huh?

Brother's got this!

Amen! Amen.

So, now...

now, with holy humility

that I announce today I'll
keep minding Triumph downtown,

but right here is the new
pastor of Triumph Two...

[crowd cheering]

Jacob Greenleaf.

[cheering continues]


You deserve it, brother.

You deserve it, brother. You deserve it.

You sure?

I know it. 'Cause God...



BASIE: Can you feel it? Can you feel it?

That's the Holy Spirit.

Now, I need you all
to put your hands together

for the one and only Kirk Franklin!

BASIE: Amen. Amen.

- Oh!
- [screaming]

Oh! Oh!


CHOIR: ♪ Hey, y'all, One, two, three ♪

♪ Get up, We got victory ♪

♪ No w*apon They throw at me ♪

♪ You know It won't prosper ♪

♪ Hey, one, two, three ♪

♪ Hey, y'all, One, two, three ♪

♪ Get up, We got victory ♪

♪ See them hands up! ♪

♪ No w*apon They throw at me ♪

♪ No w*apon Thrown against ya ♪

♪ Won't prosper ♪

- ♪ And all my people say ♪
- ♪ I'm doing good ♪

- ♪ See, the reason why You're doing good ♪
- ♪ I'm doing good ♪

♪ What's ahead of you ♪

♪ Is greater than all the things
That were behind you ♪

♪ See, you gotta Understand ♪

♪ That everything Was already ordained ♪

♪ Before you got here
For you to do good ♪

♪ See, if eyes have not seen,
ears have not hear ♪

♪ Neither has entered
into the hearts of men ♪

♪ God's masterful plan
For his children ♪

♪ And that's who you are, Baby girl ♪

Heard from a friend in the DA's office.

They're gonna file charges tomorrow.

Arson and manslaughter.

And you're here to gloat.

No, I just thought you'd want to know.

You're still my sister,
whatever James did.

I'm here for you.

Here for me?

Mac, you did this!

James did it, Mae,

and Daddy just told the truth.

We're still family.


After what you did,
we'll never be family again.

Until you need me.

- MAVIS: That's why I know you're a liar!
- You ain't lying?

I ain't never lied. I always
tell you the truth, every time.

I don't lie neither. Hey, David!

Mavis, how you doing?

Benny around?

No, but he told me to tell you
he won't be back for an hour.

- We can wait.
- Yeah.

- Okay.
- Give me a...

a rye on the rocks.

You know David used to work for me?

Yeah, I know, you told me. Yeah.

Uh... what you looking at?

Miss McCready,

Benny told me I can't serve you anymore.


Fine, then.

Serve him. Make it a double.

[Mavis laughing]

- A double... two.
- Go ahead. She's all right.

[Mavis giggling]

This where I saw Memphis
Slim, first time.

I saw him here.
I saw... I saw Elmore James.

- I saw... I saw John Lee here.
- Yeah.

One day somebody gonna say

this the first place they saw you.

[laughs] You know,
I hope that's right, mama.

Mm. Hope is for suckers.

You keep playing the way
I know you can play...

- [clears throat]
- you won't need no hope.

[cell phone chimes]

Who's that? Southern Artists?

No, it's not Southern Artists.

They're gonna take every penny you got.

You wake up five years from now,

hmm, you'll be owing them money.

- That's the way that works.
- It's not Southern Artists.

- I see the area code.
- See the area code.

And it's not Southern Artists.

I told you that.

I-I ain't one of your little lay things.

I know... I seen who that is.

- JAMES: David?
- Sorry to bother you again, Bishop.

It's not bother, son. I'm glad
somebody cares enough to call.

- Where is she?
- This way.

- What happened this time?
- She got into a fight

with a guy she brought in,
something wicked.

- What guy?
- Alonzo Ashbury. Guitar player.

He used to play at Auntie M's.
I think she's managing him now.

She brought him in yesterday for an
audition, but my boss never showed, so.

So, what was this fight about?

Have to ask her.


Excuse us.



Come here.

You all right?

So, I emailed everyone pledge forms.

I haven't gotten a single one back.

Is it because they know that the
bishop's about to be charged now?

I don't want to speak
for the whole board,

but I'm sure that's part of it.

What else is the problem?
What am I missing?

Well, if you ask Betty Wilcox
what the problem is,

she'd say the problem is

we have a male employee
married to another man

and flaunting it all over
the church and Facebook

like it's not a sin.


He didn't even get married at Calvary.


Charity sang at his wedding.

And to some,

that was a tacit affirmation.

Why didn't they just
say that at the meeting?

I asked them.

They would say it to Lady Mae.


So, what was this fight about?

David said you and this boy got into it.




you get these players
up to a certain level

and then all these
big-time talent agencies,

they start circling,

and I just had to let him know

who set the table that he's
eating at, that's all.

Does he know what he's doing,
letting you drink like this?

Alonzo's not the problem.

Does he know you almost
died the last time?

'Cause I'll tell him.


Alonzo is not the problem.

The problem...

I'm just trying to figure out

where I belong.

Where I belong...

ever since I lost my club.

And I... I'm gonna be fine,

I'm gonna get his business
up and running.

We going on the road.

Everything gonna be fine.

Come on, I'll walk you up.


The last time you helped me upstairs...

That's not what I meant. I just meant...

I just want to make sure you're okay.

I'm fine.

I don't need your help, James.

I got this far without you.

I'm gonna keep going.

- [door closes]
- [sighs]



You saw the news?

I did, yeah.

Did you do it, Daddy?

Sit with me a second?

No. Just tell me the truth.

I was young, Gigi.

I was young,

and like King David,
success was my Bathsheba.

Churches were opening up
all over town...

and your mother and I were...

unfortunate enough
to buy an old sanctuary

that turned into a money pit.

- Why didn't you sell it?
- We tried.

Then one day, your Uncle Max said to me,

while I was staring at a brand-new

thousand-dollar bill
for who knows what...

"Do you want me to handle it?"

I didn't say no.

Daryl James died in that fire.

I know!

How are you gonna get in that
pulpit now and preach, huh?

I don't preach perfection, Gigi.

I never have.

I preach grace.

And if the Lord sees fit

to release me from this trial,

I'm gonna go up there next Sunday...

and preach whatever the
Lord gives me to preach.

That's all I can do.



You came?

Of course.

Oh, look at you.

They keep it so hot in here.

Let me just wipe your brow a little bit.

You were always sweet to me.

I need your help, Daddy.

I guess I do owe you something, don't I?

After all I put you through.

Yes, you do.


My little yellow daisy.

Daisy Mae.

You know I never could deny you,

not when you were sweet to me.

And you were sweet to me.

What do you need?


The DA has decided
to drop all the charges.

Good luck, Bishop Greenleaf. Thank you.


[exhales deeply]

What did she say?

The DA is dropping the case.

- Completely?
- Yes.

It's really over?

Yes, it's a miracle.

Yes, praise God.

- Yes, praise God.
- Praise God.

What did they say? What happened?

What finally made up their minds?

Your father's refusing to testify.

- All of a sudden?
- Apparently, yes.

Oh... James.

I can't tell you how relieved I am.

Mae. I'm so happy.

- Mae.
- Yeah.

Never again.


I will never lie

or keep anything from you

ever again.

I promise.

Thank you.

- Oh, thank you.
- Thank you.


Thank you.


[blues guitar playing over radio]

Start it off just like that.

Can't start it off just like that.

Why not? Yes, you can.

Then everybody's gonna be saying
it sound like "Dust My Broom."

What do you think you're doing,
reinventing the wheel?

It's the blues.

Stop trying to genius all over the thing

and just write the damn song.

Dinner's ready.

♪ I'm gettin' up so early... ♪

What? Oh, you can't
sit down and eat now?

♪ I believe I'll dust my broom ♪

Don't tell me you went and talked to
that agent from Southern Artists.


I haven't talked to any agents.

Then what's that look all about?

Who you talking to?

Your bishop friend told me
to leave you alone.

I just might do that.

♪ I'm gonna write a letter ♪

♪ Gonna call every town I know ♪


Well, he's perfect. He's just perfect.

Yeah, I know.

We are so blessed.

- He's kind of hot, right?
- [faint buzzer sounds]

He's no Isaiah Hambrick.

Who's Isaiah Hambrick?

GRACE: Who's Isaiah Hambrick?

Is that boy moving back in?

Well, not that I've heard,

but I can take night shifts
with the baby.

That's not why I asked.


- Excuse me.
- Mm-hmm?

There's someone at the gate, ma'am.

Oh, I'm sure it's more flowers
from my family friends.

Just buzz them in. Buzz them in.


So beautiful.

So, I see Maricel's still on the island.

I told you!

And she informed me that today is St.
Catherine's day.

Oh, it's just so hilariously arcane.


James, acknowledge your son.

Unless he's come to apologize,
what is there to acknowledge?


Ma, Pop, we're moving out.

- That's wonderful news, son.
- James.

A man's not a man until
he provides for his own.

- JAMES: I think it's time.
- MAE: No, you can't.

Don't do that, no.

It's all right, all right? Don't worry.

Triumph has a parsonage

and Kerissa's going to go
check it out this week.

No, now just stop, both of y'all.

Just wait, now.

Son, I know you're not gonna darken

the clearest sky
this family's seen in ages

with a cloud like that.

It sounds like he's made up his mind.

Aunt Mavis?

Jesus, build a fence.

Auntie, you all right?

What's going on?

- You!
- What are you doing here?

Stay the hell out of my
business, you hear me?

I was trying to help.

I told you he was not the problem.

You think you know more about
my life now than I do?

- Do you?
- What the hell is she talking about?

Or do you just wanna make sure nobody
else gets what you can't have?

Maricel, call the police.

MAVIS: No need to call the police.
I'm going.

I just came to have my peace,
to say what I had to say.

And I'm really sorry if I'm
ruining it for everybody.

If I do, you just do what
you do best, Sister Mae.

You just look away.

You get out of my house right now.

'Cause every night your mama

watched my mama beat my ass

while your mama stood by
and looked the other way.

Well, you had your hell and I had mine.

Some hell! Brand-new
dresses all the time,

going to Nashville with Daddy...

Get out! I want you
to get out of my house...

While I was sleeping out in the shed!

You get out of my house right now!

Oh, some hell. Some hell.

And she knew the whole time
about Mac and Faith.

- Mama?
- She had to know. She knew.

- MAE: Get out!
- [baby crying]

Just admit it, Mae. Just admit it.

Admit what? Would you
get her out of here?

- You knew!
- I know you're drunk!

- Just admit it!
- I know you're high!

That's what I know! Just get her out!

Auntie, would you wait, please?

Come on, wait. Hold on.

Can't. On my way to St. Louis.

Why? Alonzo's playing there tonight

and I got to catch up with that boy
and try to talk some sense into him.

Look, I'm worried about you.



Just let me be.

Leave me be!

Leave me be, now.

What the hell is this about?


I encouraged a bad influence
to let your sister be.

- When?
- The other day. What does it matter?

I can't believe you did that to me.

Mae, put yourself aside for once.

Put myself aside?

She's sick! She needs help.

Do you know why my father
refused to testify?

Do you really think that God
arranged for that miracle?

No, I went to him.

I went to that foul, old creature

and asked him to say he acted alone.

Put myself aside?

With everything I've done for you,

there is nothing left.

[tires screech]

Good riddance.

Did you know, Mama?

I didn't know.

I'm sorry I never knew.

Think she'll be back?

Oh, she'll be back.

How do you know?

She's family.


♪ Been mighty good ♪

- [chattering]
- ♪ Been mighty good ♪

♪ Been mighty good ♪

♪ Been mighty good ♪

♪ Been mighty good ♪

♪ Been mighty good ♪

♪ Been mighty good ♪

♪ Been mighty good ♪

♪ Been mighty good ♪

♪ What the Lord Has done for me ♪

♪ He's been good, He's been good ♪

♪ He, He, He... ♪

♪ He's been good, Yes, He has ♪

♪ Woke me up This morning ♪

♪ Started me on my way ♪

♪ Put bread on my table ♪

♪ I know God is able ♪

♪ Been mighty good ♪

♪ Say, been mighty good ♪

♪ He's been Mighty good to me ♪

- [crowd cheering]
- Amen!

JAMES: Amen!


Is there anything

that God can't do?


There is nothing

our God can't do!




JAMES ECHOING: There is nothing

that our God can't do!

Must be nice going straight
from the papers to the pulpit

without skipping a beat.


Pastor Skanks, shouldn't you be
downtown tending your flock?

Or is that circus you got across
the street up and running already?


I thought I smelled something.

Oh, my boy Jacob covered for me

so I could come deliver
a message personally.

I assume it's not one
of mutual edification.

That would be biblical.

Not really your style.

So you want to talk about the Bible?

Let's talk about commandments.

What's your message, boy?

You're going down.

I'm gonna pull you like a weed

and throw you onto God's fire
where you belong.

What do you have against me?

You don't know?

You k*lled my daddy.

You're Daryl James' boy?

I am.

And by the time I'm done
with you, Bishop,

the only thing that's gonna
rise to heaven from this church

is smoke.

Get ready.

The Judgement's coming.

- [groans]
- [door closes]