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06x12 - Blind Spots

Posted: 09/22/21 19:13
by bunniefuu
Do you have the location
of the Totem yet?

No... we don't.

Something's off

What could have gone wrong?

Hey, Joey! I'm just checking in.

Hi, Kelly! I'm taking my friend
to see our new place.

Orlando says I'm gonna have
my own room and everything.

[KELLY] I'm so happy for you...




Ma'am, let me help you...

It's okay.

Call .

[JOEY] Help...


Can you sit up?

Ayesha... my friend...

Okay. Okay, you're okay.

Help is on the way.

- [JOEY] Orlando...
- [ORLANDO] Joey!

- How did this happen?
- I don't know. But someone called .

- They'll be here soon.
- To the Heights?

By the time they get here,
people won't make it.

I can't breathe.

I'll take him.

You guys come on.

Okay, I've got you.

Come on. We're gonna go this way.


Sit over there, okay?

Hi. Excuse me. Hi.
This child can't breathe.


[ANNOUNCER ON PA] Code blue. Room .

Everyone near the collapsed
building inhaled a lot of dust.

They're all experiencing
these same symptoms.

Okay, so we need
oxygen tanks, respirators...

We don't have enough.

It's worst case first. We have a

-year-old grandmother
on a respirator,

a -year-old-father
who's unresponsive,

and ten more cases just has bad.

So unless you can get me
respirators and a dozen nurses,

he's just going to have to wait.

Doctor, We've got another one
from the implosion.

The Ormfell building.

We have another opportunity
with Orquoia.

Let's schedule a City Council vote...

Why did you bring me here?

- Well, this was the closest hospital...
- No, you have to take...

Councilwoman Rankin, are you okay?

Yes, I'm... I will be fine. Thank
you so much for your concern.

'Cause the hospital's overwhelmed.

They've run out of beds, and they

really need more
equipment and more aid.

Don't think I would take
any bed from anyone here.

I'm gonna make some calls.
Let's go and open up a bed

for one of the good people
of this community.

Thank you so much
for bringing my attention to it

She said she'd help...
and she just left.

[ORLANDO] Of course she did.

Aren't you friends with Supergirl?

She got the council listening
to me about the Ormfell building.

- Maybe she can help here.
- Yeah.


Hey, babe, it's not really a
good time. Can I call you back?

Joey was at the Ormfell
building when it came down.

- What... Is he okay?
- I... I don't know. It's bad.

The hospital is overwhelmed,

they've run out of respirators
and oxygen tanks. I...


Can you guys come?

Look, I... I totally get it.

And as soon as we get a break,
we'll head to the Heights.

We're dealing
with something huge here.

I have some med school friends
that work at other hospitals.

I'll see if they can send
some respirators over.

Uh, that would be amazing.

Um, I have to go. I'm so sorry, but

you are amazing. You can do anything.

- I love you.
- I...

You inhaled a great amount of

- particulate matter.

You just have to rest.

Resting is not an option.
I need to get back to work.

I heard about that...
What was it? RP- .

That new drug for respiratory
issues, you can give that to me.

RP- is still very much in
trials and extremely expensive.

Oh. Come here.

You tell your
chief of medicine [COUGHS]

that if he wants
those healthcare grants

approved by City Council,
then I get the medicine.




Excuse me. Can someone...

Hey. Hi.

Um, that child cannot breathe,
we need some help.

I'm sorry. We're doing
the best we can.

[REPORTER ON TV] That was the scene

downtown as Supergirl saved the city

from one ferocious feline yesterday.

Since then, it's the only news
people have been talking about...



Hey, James...

Um, I am at a hospital in the Heights.

There was an expl*si*n.

People are gonna die...

And it's like no one cares.

It's like their lives don't matter.

Um, I just... I needed to vent to
someone that I knew would get it.

I'm okay. I'm okay. I just, um...

I don't know how you did it.

Because I'm already so tired.


I am exhausted.

[KELLY] I feel like I can't get
anyone to see the real problem.

It's like they're just focused
on themselves.



I feel so powerless.

Everyone here is so powerless.

These are someone's child,
mothers, brothers...

And I'm scared
it's only gonna get worse.

And I don't know what else to do.

Focus your mind, focus your energy.

Speak what you want into existence.



Florence, I am so sorry.

I... I could've hurt you.

Oh, it's fine. We'll try again.


Hold on.

I've got to go. My friends
are in serious danger.

I gotta get home.

Lena, take this book.
Don't deny who you are.


I X-rayed the entire city.

There's no sign of her
or Mitch's ship.

When we put that
anti-magic cuff on Nyxly,

it made it impossible
for us to track her.

Maybe it's not Nyxly
we should be looking for.

Mxy is still full
of th dimensional energies.

The crystal is dampening
his energy signature,

but perhaps we can modulate
the tower sensors

to isolate his specific wavelength.

There might be more information

on th dimensional energy
at the DEO's Desert Facility

to help me build a tracker.

Well, we'll need Alex's
retina scan to get in.

- I'll give you a ride.
- Okay.

Is everything okay?

Yeah. I was just gonna go home
and check on Kelly,

- but, I'm sure she's got it covered.
- All right.

is still backed up for miles,

due to a building collapse
in the Heights...

Andrea, traffic! Your network
is focusing on the traffic?

Kelly, our viewers care about traffic.

A lot of people are suffering because

of that Ormfell
collapse in the Heights.

If you covered
what they were going through,

it would bring needed attention
and assistance.

I know my demographic and the
Heights is just not newsworthy.

- I'm sorry, Kelly.


- Kelly Olsen, right?
- And your John Diggle from Star City.

Well, I'm in Metropolis these
days, but yes. James sent me.

I didn't realize
you and Jimmy were in touch.

Yeah, well, we talk from time to time.

We both have worked with
some pretty spectacular people,

have similar struggles.

He called and told me
what was happening here.

He also thought there was a better

chance you would
listen to me than him.


I listen to him. Sometimes.

Well, look, I... I'm...
I'm glad you're here.

The situation in
the Heights is a mess.

Honestly, he sounded
more worried about you,

about how you're taking it all.

I'm fine. I've overcome
a lot in my life.

I just want to make sure the people

in the Heights get the help they need.

And I'm not sure that there's
a military solution here.

I see. I heard you served, too.

- I did.
- You know that life.

Sometimes on the b*ttlefield,
you do what you have to to survive.

You just keep going.

Push yourself so hard
that you miss the warning signs

that maybe something
deeper is going on.

I'm not questioning your strength,

but I do want you to know
I'm here for you.

Looking at those people
at the hospital last night,

knowing how badly
they're struggling...

And no matter how hard I tried,
I couldn't help them.

So you feel alone in this?

Alex sent respirators to the
hospital, but the rest of the team...

Well, they have
super villains to deal with.

Oliver Queen was really good
at seeing the big picture,

but sometimes, because of that,
he would overlook things.

When I wanted to show him
something he missed,

sometimes he would require proof.

- Wish it didn't always require proof.
- I know. Tell me about it.

But right now, Kelly,
what do you know?

I know something is making
the people in the Heights sick,

and I know it's something more than

just that Ormfell
building coming down.

Okay. Best place to start
is at the source. Let's go.

People were just about to move in.

Have new lives, new homes.

How is anyone ever gonna recover?

They'll find a way.

We always do.

What is that?


And just like that, it's gone.

Now we have a second chance.

No building, no commitment
to affordable housing.


That treatment I got has me
feeling amazing and hungry.

I would k*ll for a sandwich right now.

I did that?

I... I thought about it
and then it appeared.

I could transform
this entire neighborhood.

I need real th dimensional
elements to lock onto Mxy.

Tell me you found some.

No, but we did find
something else that might help.

Baltorian scanners.

They're portable and able to trace

even minute amounts
of th dimensional energy.



Sprock, it's already found a
source of th dimensional energy.

- Is that the Ormfell?
- The one Nyxly blew up?

You don't think she'd return to
the scene of the crime, do you?

[BRAINY] Be careful, Supergirl.

Nyxly re-powered herself once
before, she could do it again.

I'm not letting
her get away this time.

Kelly? Dig?
What are you guys doing here?

We came back here to see
if we could identify

what was making
the people in the Heights sick.

A.R.G.U.S. stands at the ready
but this is pretty otherworldly.

More your deal than mine.

Nyxly, an imp, bent on
world domination built a device

that we thought would freeze
half of National City.

And I blew it up. At least
that's what I thought I was doing.

Instead Supergirl
powered up the device

that infused Nyxly
with th dimensional energy.

That same energy also infused
into the building itself.

And when Nyxly destroyed it...

It spread the dust and debris
throughout the neighborhood.

Hey, you okay?

I'm glad you're here.

The contaminated debris is radiating

small amounts of th
dimensional energy.

It's what's making people here sick.

Our scanners will help us
locate the debris.

All together, they should make
for a powerful energy source.

And that will give us
what we need to find Nyxly?

- [BRAINY] I believe so.
- But will it help the people

here in the Heights?

Removing the contaminated debris

should lead to the people
recovering almost immediately.

[KELLY] Great. Everybody wins.

Things have changed
with the Ormfell building gone.

Now we can have five new tech

companies in there,
instead of just one.

We have a real
opportunity, Councilwoman.

We need a new vote.

The people in your district
seemed to really need housing.

The people in my district don't
know what's really good for them.

Wouldn't you like to have your
whole re-election campaign funded.

Sure, who wouldn't?

Don't worry about it.

That's just the beginning
if you vote with me.


- Hey.
- Hey.

Pressure and debris from the
Ormfell building coming down

- caused damage all over the community.
- It's awful.

Neighborhoods like this
get less resources and support,

so it takes them longer to recover.

Many times, it's just people
in the community

desperately trying to help
themselves. They need help.

Well, Nyxly will pay for what
she did. I'll make sure of it.

And once we get Mxy back,
he'll be able to fix everything.

He can just snap his fingers and
put everything back to the way it was.

- But the way it was, wasn't...

Oh. Looks like it found some
more contaminated debris.

Once it's gone, we will get
things back to normal. I promise.


Hey, Orlando, how's Joey? What?

- I'll be there soon.
- Hey, babe.

Hey, I feel like we haven't
really talked in days.

Yeah, I know. It's been so
intense trying to find Nyxly.

My friend called and said
that the respirators

made it to Chisholm Memorial Hospital.

Yes, thank you. But I think
it's more complicated than that.

Orlando just called and Joey
should be getting better. And he's not.

I'm worried we're missing something.

- Yeah, go.

We got the last of the debris
to calibrate our sensors.

We need to get back to the tower ASAP.

All right, I'll be right there.

Supergirl said that
we've got all the debris

that should help everyone here.

Dreamer, we have to get to the tower.

Here. Take mine.
Maybe we did miss something.

Thank you.

- Hey.
- I, uh...

I keep telling the doctors
he's getting worse,

but no one's listening.

- They keep saying he should be fine.
- I feel really bad.

I know. We're going to
figure this out, Joey.

I promise.


Have the nurse check him again.
As long as he's sick, keep pushing.




[KELLY] How's Rankin so much better?

Who's that?

She's the councilwoman that
represents the neighborhood.

Although, she's
more focused on gentrifying it

than helping her constituents.

She was near the
building when it imploded

and was here sick the other night.

She looks fine now.

She's reading high levels
of th dimensional energy.

We need to get her back to the tower.

- She must be connected to all of this.
- Who's connected?

- Rankin, again.
- Orlando, don't!

You may need to suit up.

Yes, the disaster two nights
ago was horrible for all of us.

But as you can see, I'm back
working for this community.

I'm hearing that
there are still people in

the hospital injured
from the expl*si*n.

All I can say is I feel great.

I'm back on my feet,

and I'm here to show everyone

that they shouldn't let their
own weakness hold them back.

So you just got better, huh?
Just like that?

I'm not taking questions
from the public right now.

[ORLANDO] I watched you
leave the hospital.

You get some fancy treatment
and get better?

What about my brother?

What about all the people
in that hospital?

I want to help the people
of this community.

I want to help you pull yourselves
up by your own bootstraps.

It's not us who are the problem,

it's you and the whole system
that supports you.

The same system that puts us down

while it tells us to
pull ourselves up.

People deserve better.

[WHISPERING] Get me out of here.


Take care of them.

[KELLY] I'll get Rankin,
you stay here!


There is something wrong with you.

There's nothing wrong with me.
Everything is finally right.


- You have to stop!
- I won't be stopped by you.

You're not strong enough.


With all of this,
we'll be able to find Mxy.


- Where were all of you?
- Kelly? What happened?

Rankin is the problem. She's a
source of the th dimensional energy,

and I don't know how or why.

There was a fight at the
hospital and I couldn't stop her.

Kelly managed to grab
some of Rankin's hair.

- Kelly...
- I needed your help.

I told you the people in the Heights

needed your help and
you didn't see them.

- You don't see me.
- Kelly, I see...

We're gonna stop
the person who did this.

I know! I know that you're
all trying to stop Nyxly.

I know. But do you hear me?

Do you see what is happening?

People are gonna die!

And I feel like
I am yelling into a void!

We're supposed to fight
for everyone, together.

And yet, I am looking at people
suffer, people that look like me

and everyone here is just too busy.

Where is the outrage that
people are gonna die without help?

Without hope?

Maybe you could
spare a second for them.

I'll, uh, I'll go after her.

- I'll go with you.
- Wait.

Let's just give her a second.

Until she's ready.

Sorry about that.

I don't know what just happened.

No need to apologize.


You wanna talk about
what's really going on?

I am not one to be hopeless.

I just don't know how to
express what I'm feeling.

And I'm a psychologist.

I just want to make a difference.

But I am one person fighting a system

that has been against those
that need it for centuries.

And we have been
fighting for centuries.

Fighting through exhaustion,
fighting through being tired,

fighting to get things right,
but now is not the time

to walk away from this fight.

Use your exhaustion to fuel your fire.

I've carried racial trauma
like breath.

So I know what you're carrying.

I had an opportunity to become
a special kind of hero.

But it would've meant
me leaving Lyla, my kids,

and everything I love behind.

So I had to ask myself...

what kind of a hero
do I really want to be.

So the question is...

what are you gonna do with what
you're feeling right now?

I want to be an advocate for
the people who have lost hope.

For the people who have been

failed by those meant to protect them.

For the people who don't have
heroes that look like them.

Protecting those that are exhausted,

so they don't have to fight
every single day for themselves.


Let that guide you.

- I'm sorry, I...
- It's okay.

Kelly, I'm so sorry.

I have, um...

I have pushed down so much

trauma that the
Heights has brought up.

I have pushed it down and smiled,

and stayed friendly,

and stayed positive,

even when it didn't feel right.

Even when people's lives
were being discarded.

You push it down and you keep going.

And over time, that gets...


You may not get it, but I need
you to understand that it exists.

It's important.

People need hope.

And there's a whole group
of people with none.

No hope in hospitals,
no hope in police,

and no hope in superheroes.

I was just so desperately
trying to catch Nyxly,

because I know she would
cause more damage.

[KELLY] Yes, in the future.

But while you all have the
luxury of focusing on tomorrow,

they are barely surviving today.

I don't know how I missed this.

I really do care.

Like, when Agent Liberty
was targeting aliens,

I marched amongst the aliens.

But you are an alien.

You were activated in a fight
that was close to you.

I mean, just like I was
in the Heights.

Sometimes you are gonna miss things

because they are different
than your lived experience.

It doesn't necessarily
make you a bad person,

but we really need to hear each other.

What can I do to help?

Acknowledge that even you
have blind spots.

Hear me when I say that they need help

and support me
in restoring some justice.

- I am gonna fight this fight.
- You should.

And you never should've
had to do this alone.

None of this is okay.

And I just feel so guilty.

I appreciate that.

But guilt is an inactive emotion.

It's about what you do next.

It's about how
you change going forward.

I thought I was listening, J'onn.

You know, our lives
and our experiences,

Kelly and I, we have
so much in common. I just...

You will most likely never
understand what she's going through.

I came to this planet as a Martian.

And in my heart, I've always
been more Martian than anything.


I have chosen to wear the face of a

Black man for a very long time now.

I could've changed races,

could've changed
into someone else entirely.

But if I'm honest...

wearing this skin has made me

feel most like an
alien on this planet.

Feeling like I don't belong.

Never quite getting comfortable
with the idea that this...

really is my home.

But I also realize
that Kelly and James

don't have the option
to make that choice.

I know you, and I know your heart.

And I know how much you
and Kelly love each other.

She does, too.

When she's ready to open up,
you'll be there for her.

And she'll be glad that you are.

I analyzed Rankin's DNA,
thanks to the sample Kelly got,

and I think I figured out
what's happening.

It appears she was given
some kind of gene therapy

that interacted
with the th dimensional energy

and turned her
into a kind of energy siphon,

pulling the very life-force out
of the people in the Heights

to make herself stronger.

But I was in the Heights, too.
Why isn't it affecting me?

It only affected the people who
were initially in the blast zone.

So how do we stop her?

The power-dampening tech we used on

Nyxly can create our own energy siphon

that will pull the th
dimensional energy from Rankin

and the debris
and return it to the people.

It won't heal all their wounds, but

it will give them their energy back.

This process will consume

all the th dimensional energy
in the debris.

We won't be able to use it
to track Mxy.

The people in the Heights
are the priority right now.

And we'll make sure to lure
Rankin out of the Heights

when we take her down.

Agreed. But not too far.

We need to stay close
to the affected people

in order to properly redirect the
energy back to where it belongs.

With just a slight modification for

Rankin's specific energy signature,

our scanners
will lead us right to her.

It's okay.

If it means getting them healthy...

let's go get her.

Okay. All right,
I'll let the team know.

Do you need a ride to the Heights?

I got to take care of something first.


I need your help with that.

The helmet needs some work.

The sight-lines aren't great,
and more importantly,

I have some other visibility ideas.

I have been waiting for
this moment a very long time.


I've been working on yours
for quite a while.

I have a few st century ideas
I think you'll like.

Brainy, I have a question.

- Fire away.
- In the st century...

are we any better?

Have we figured out any of this?

Ending discrimination, racism?

Please tell me we do.

I want to tell you
it's all in the past

and that we have evolved past it all.

Even in the st century, we haven't.

It is better in so many ways,

but there are generational scars.

And honestly,
a lot of work still to be done.

You know what you have here,
in this time, that we never had?


You. As the Guardian.

There is still time
to make a big difference.

I believe in you, Kelly Olsen.

I always have.


tell me.

What do you think about
something flashy?


You don't know what you're doing.

I know exactly what I'm doing.

You're not gonna
hurt this city anymore.

With this power,
I can transform this city,

sweep away the useless and
the weak and make it perfect.

And no one will stop me.

I'm going to destroy this whole

city and rebuild it
from the ground up.

Take the energy siphon.

You need a clean line of sight

between Rankin
and the people she's drained

- in order to restore their energy.
- I got it.

Protect the neighborhood! Fan out!

Orlando Davis!

Orlando. I'm here
because of Kelly Olsen.

- You're...
- Guardian.

I know how to give
everyone their energy back.

But I need your help.

I'm not leaving my brother.

All you heroes end up being the same.

You say you care,
but you're just gonna

go and leave us with
a mess to clean up.

- Why should I trust you?
- You shouldn't.

Trust should be earned.

And when you've been wronged,

nothing in you tells
you to trust again.

I'm just asking for a chance.

A start to prove I'm different.

What do you need?


Look. Up there.


This power doesn't belong to you.




I spoke with the doctors.

They think it'll take time for
people to recover, but they will.

And remember, always eat
your vegetables.

- What? It's true.
- Thank you.

I'll always be here for you all.

Also, the cops got Rankin.

I guess justice is being served.

Sounds like the Heights is
gonna need a new council member.

Nah, I'm out. I'm an ex-con.

I don't even have a place to
live, and I gotta take care of Joey.

[KELLY] That's exactly
why they need you.

You've fought harder than

anyone I've met for what's right here.

I'll think about it.

I'm Guardian!

Congratulations, Guardian.
That was a helluva debut.

James would be so proud to see you

like this, working with the community.

It reminds me of something
Jefferson Pierce once said.

"Don't be a hero to the people.

Be a hero for the people."

"For the people."

- Good luck.
- Thank you.

[SUPERGIRL] I was wrong.

I'm sorry.

I thought I understood something

that is so much larger than I grasped.

While there are more injustices
than I can count,

this is the time to double
down against them.

And if we're gonna work
to fight oppression,

we've got to do it together.

And I am so grateful that this is

just the beginning
of this conversation.

And I want to do better.

- I will do better.
- You fight supervillains.

And the city needs that.

It also needs someone who
will be there for the people.

That's my fight.

- But I can't do it alone.
- Neither can I.

And I'm lucky to have you.


And Guardian.



- Headed back to Metropolis already?
- I am.

Worlds await.

It told you where to find
the Courage Totem?

Finally. Now we have
some planning to do.


♪ If I ever go ♪

♪ I'll teach you to be strong ♪

♪ 'Cause even
When you're right ♪

♪ They'll tell you that
You're wrong ♪

♪ And if you want something ♪

♪ You work twice as hard ♪

♪ 'Cause that's the only way
We get far ♪

♪ Far ♪

♪ Your skin
It glitters like gold ♪

♪ There's love
Inside of your soul ♪

♪ But no matter what you say
No matter what you do ♪

♪ This world will never be
As friendly to you ♪

♪ I wanna keep you close
I wanna keep you safe ♪

♪ I hope I see the day
Where I don't have to pray ♪

♪ Every time you go ♪

♪ Every time you go ♪

♪ That's all I wanted ♪


♪ All 'cause his skin
Look like mine ♪


♪ I hope the world
Makes a change ♪

♪ So when you get here
It's not the same ♪

♪ Same ♪


I may not...

understand, and,

you know, I understand
that I won't fully ever...

I just...

I just want to be...

an ally to you in every way.


I feel like a valve
has been released...

and I have no control
over my emotions.

Which is something
I have always prided myself on.

All I keep saying is that I'm tired...

of fighting for something that we

should all be innately fighting for.

I am so tired.

Yeah, and I can't
process it all right now.


Well, how do I support you?

Because I love you.

And it kills me to see you in pain.


let me be.

And don't push me
to unpack it all right now

so it can be communicated for you.

Hold the space.

And love me.

Without having to understand all of me.

And all my experiences.

And for now, just...

Hold me.

♪ Your skin
It glitters like gold ♪

♪ There's love
Inside your soul ♪

♪ I wanna keep you close
I wanna keep you safe ♪

♪ I hope I see the day
Where I don't have to pray ♪

♪ Every time you go ♪