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04x01 - All That Glitters

Posted: 09/22/21 06:19
by bunniefuu
Party's over here.

I know, it's just so pretty.

The river, the lights.
I feel like I'm in a movie.

Well, well, well.

If I weren't so egotistical,

I would think you were blowing me off.

And you'd be right.

What exactly don't you like about me?

Is it my notoriety? My wealth? My G- ?

I like all of that.
It's really just you.

As a person. You're revolting.

Let's go to London this weekend.

It's too cold.

- St Bart's.
- It's too hot.

Okay, fine. Los Angeles.

The weather's always good there.

I'll think about it.

- Hey!
- What the hell?

I want an answer.


Okay, fine. No.

This guy's software company
just went public.

Oh, and this dude

is one of the richest guys
in Mexico City.

He owns TV stations, hotels, breweries.

I think he likes you too.

Too old.

You're right, he's too old.

And so is everyone else here.

What do you say we head out
and go get some ice cream?

The three keys to staying popular.

Never appear excited. Never say yes.

- Always leave early.
- Really?

No, I'm kidding. Sort of.

I should head home. Get some sleep.


Okay. I'll talk to you soon.

Help! Help me!

Help me!

Synced & corrected by -robtor-

Kim Hollins, Federal Protective Service.

Special Agent Maggie Bell.

This is Special Agent Omar Zidan.

Sorry for pulling you guys into this,

but it's federal property, so...

No, it's not a problem. What do we know?

Not much. Female, white.

Shot twice in the back of the head.

- Any witnesses?
- Doesn't look that way.


We're looking,
but we're coming up short.

Is this a robbery?

Don't think so.

Purse, wallet, and cash are still here.

Only thing missing is her phone.


All right, come on in. Good morning.

Victim's name is Nicole Wyatt.

Age . Born in Brooklyn.

No prior arrests.

As for the case, motive is unclear.

Her purse, wallet, cash,
were found at the scene,

so it was not a robbery.

Her phone, on the other hand,
was not there.

So either she didn't have it with her,

which seems highly unlikely,
or the sh**t took it.

Let's assume it's the latter.
Question is, why?

What was he looking for?
What's his objective?

While we ponder these crucial questions,

Let's get up on Nicole's phone, huh?

Um, see if it's still on and pinging,

and then dig into the GPS data,

track her movement
prior to the sh**ting.

Where was she earlier in the night?

Did she send or receive
any unusual texts or emails?

Just pulled up her social media.

She posted two photos last night.

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

So looks like
she was at a party on a boat.

On a very large boat. That's helpful.

Let's figure out who else
was at this party

and if anything
out of the ordinary happened.

Let's dig in, people. Let's go.


Glad you're back.


Party was hosted by Fiona Grand,

marketing director
at Colin Kent Capital.

Kent Capital throws a party
every year around this time

to help raise money
for breast cancer research.

My mom was diagnosed when I was .

She found a lump, went to the doctor.

That was pretty much it.

Died seven months later.

So I try to help out.

Raise money, increase awareness.

We have fun doing it too.

Fiona throws one hell of a party.

Although I'm not very good
at staying on budget.

Yeah, we did see the boat.

Um, we're here
because we have some bad news.

Unfortunately, one of your
guests, Nicole Wyatt,

was k*lled after she left your party.

That's terrible.

Do you know what happened or who did it?

No, not yet. We're still investigating.

So do you guys recall
any arguments or altercations

at the party?

Uh, no. No, not that I'm aware of.

Everyone seemed to be
having a great time.

Eating, drinking,
soaking up the beautiful views.

How well did you know Nicole?

Spoke to her a few times,
that's about it.

Okay. How about you?

I saw her all the time
at parties, fashion shows.

She was an amazing woman.

Smart, funny, outspoken.

And absolutely beautiful, of course.

We're gonna need to see your guest list.

As well as all of your
surveillance footage.

Of course. Whatever you need.

Thank you.

Jacob Adler, Regan
Remington, Robert Harper.

Just keeps on going.
It's like the guest list

was pulled straight
from the "Forbes" .

Oh, on the male side, anyway.

Female side looks like it was
ripped straight from "Vogue."

Virtually all the women

that attended the party were models.

Rich men like beautiful women.

Well, maybe it's not a revelation,

but could be a lead
that gets us to a motive.

Hey, we need to dig deeper
into Nicole's personal life.

Her finances, her friends,
her boyfriends.

Did she file any police reports?

Restraining orders? Injunctions?

Kelly, where are we with the video?

No video on the boat.

Party planner turned off
all the cameras.

Said it was standard practice
for this "type of crowd."

But we did find some security footage

from the marina.

This is Nicole
leaving the party at : p.m.

She walks off the yacht
with another woman.

Didn't get any hits off facial rec,

but we ran the actual image of her face

and got a hit on a social media account.

Looks like the same person.

Without all the fuss.

You know, the hair, makeup, clothes.

Get a name?

No, nothing official.

Name on the account just says
"Julia in Real Life."

Okay, track the IP address. Let's go.

Yeah, that's my daughter.
Her name's Julia.

Is she here?

No, she's at school.
Why? What's this all about?

Uh, we're investigating a m*rder,

and we just have
a few questions to ask her.

Why would Julia know
something about a m*rder?

Because she was with the
woman who was k*lled last night.

They were seen leaving
the party together.

No. That-that can't be true.

Um, is this Julia?

It looks like her, but, I mean,

this girl's all made up.

Fancy clothes, fancy hair. Like a model.

That's what she does
for a living, right?

No, Julia's not a model,

and she wasn't on some yacht last night.

She was at her friend Sophie's house,

studying for a history test.

A history test? Ma'am, how old is Julia?

She just turned last week.

No, we didn't study last night.

Julia just told her mother that
so she could stay over.

So she did stay at your
apartment last night.


Okay, what time did she get there?

About : ?

Okay, do you know
where she was before that?

At a party. On a boat or something.

Okay, do you have any idea
why Julia was at a party

on a boat with adults on a school night?

Sophie, it's really important
that you tell us the truth.

Because she gets paid.

Paid to go to parties?

Yeah. Rich people parties.

And what exactly does she get paid

to do at these parties?

She does what she tells her to do.

Hey, Sophie? You can trust me.

What kinds of things
does she tell her to do?

She makes her have sex with people.

Who's she?

Her name's Nicole.

She used to be a model or something.

But it's not Julia's fault.

Her mom is sick, and they need to buy

these expensive dr*gs,
but they don't have much money.

It's okay. We understand.

We don't blame Julia for any of this.

Do you have an idea
where Julia might be?

We need to talk to her now.

I don't know.
She left early this morning.

She got this text.
She was all freaked out.

Said her friend got m*rder*d last night.

And that she thinks someone
might be trying to k*ll her too.

All right, eyes up, people.
This is Julia Walcott.

She's a sophomore at St. Mary's Academy.

She just turned .

And she is the young lady
that left the party

with Nicole Wyatt last night.

She was last seen this morning

at her friend Sophie's apartment

on the Upper West Side.

We need to find her right away.

She might be in danger,

and she might have information
relating to Nicole's m*rder.

So let's go to work and find this girl.

Hey, you hear from Julia's mom?

Yeah, I just spoke to her.
She doesn't know anything.

She hasn't even heard from her.

Okay, what about Julia's phone?

Her phone's been shut off
since : a.m. this morning.

Looks like she's trying
to get off the grid.

So if the friend, Sophie,
really was telling the truth,

and Julia was getting paid to have sex

at "rich people parties"...

Means Nicole was her pimp.

Right, which begs the question,

was Nicole exploiting
other young girls as well?

We don't have any proof,
but I'm guessing the answer's yes.

So is this why Nicole was m*rder*d?

Or is it just a disgusting side note

in an otherwise random crime?


Uh, why don't you guys
head over to Nicole's,

- see what else you can find.
- Okay.

OA. What's up?

Nothing, nothing.

I'm not buyin' it.

No, I'm fine. Nothing.

Okay, well I'm buying it even less now.

What's going on?

Okay, uh.

Few months ago, I was working
the tip line,

and I got a phone call
from a young girl,

years old, said her name was Madison.

And she was receiving money
to sleep with rich guys.

She would meet them
at a restaurant in Soho

called Spino's,
and then she would go off

to a hotel or an apartment after.

I started asking her more questions,

and she got nervous and hung up.

Did you investigate?

I tried, but nobody knew anything.

Well, look, technically, she didn't

even report a federal crime.

I mean, most agents would have
taken that call

and told her to call NYPD,

not even given it a second thought.

Yeah, but I could have...

Could have pulled video
from the neighborhood,

I could have set up a pole cam
outside of the restaurant.

Yeah, and diverted resources
from active investigations

with more credible facts and evidence.

Hey, look, OA...

The odds of this case
being connected to that call

are really... both: Slim.

- Yeah.
- Yes, I know.

But not impossible, Maggie.
Not impossible, right?

What's the first thing they tell you

when you choose to work the tip line?

- I know.
- No, no, no, come on.

Answer the question.

That the only thing that is guaranteed

- is that you'll screw up.
- Yeah.

They'll chase the calls
that turn out to be nothing

and miss the one call
that turns to be something.


This girl that's missing,
that's not on you.

Come on.


Looks like Nicole lived pretty well.

See a note lying around anywhere?




Check it out.

"Great singing the other night

"even though you were rude.

"I'm not gonna stop sending
flowers until you say yes.

"Hope you like orchids.
Looking forward to tomorrow.

"PS, stalking used to be
considered romantic.

Love, M."

- That's creepy, right?
- It's definitely creepy.

Okay, I'll call Jubal, have him check

Nicole's social media
a week prior to the m*rder.

Yes, I know Nicole Wyatt.
Yes, I did send her flowers.

So you admit you were stalking her.

I admit to energetically pursuing her.

Same thing.

Oh, I get it.
You're one of these faux-feminist men

whose mission in life is to save

the huddled female masses
from toxic masculinity, right?

Nope, nope, just saying

you can't really
stalk someone in a good way.

Sort of a paradox.

It's called romance, bro.

All the best movies of all time

have had a stalker subplot.

It's a fact.

Yeah, well, this is real life,

and we got a dead body on our hands.

Are you saying...

Nicole is dead?

Yeah, she was m*rder*d last night.

And you think that I...

Look, I didn't k*ll Nicole.
That's preposterous.

I liked her. A lot.

Where'd you go after
the boat party last night?

To my apartment.

Midtown. Fifth Avenue.

Check the video, ask my doorman.

Or ask my date.
I believe her name was Celeste.

All right.

Let's assume that we believe you.

That you're just some creepy old dude

that likes to pursue women
that don't wanna date you.

Fair enough.

What can you tell us about Nicole?

Do you know anyone
that might want to hurt her?

No, like I said, she was great.

She was very social.
She was very generous.

She was a pimp.

Trafficked this kid for sex. Only .

You seen her before?


Yeah, she was...
She was at the boat party.

Okay, look.

I knew that Nicole
managed some younger models.

I even slept with a few of them too.

But they were all older than .

Okay? That's my rule.

I only sleep with women
older than my daughter.

How noble.

There it is again.

It's that virtue-signaling
do-gooder thing.

It's-it's a bad look, right?

Just sh**ting you straight, bro.

Appreciate that.

Did Nicole ever mention
she was having any problems?

That someone, other than you, of course,

was stalking or harassing her?


But I did see something

sort of suspicious the other day.


As I was dropping off
the flowers at her building...

This is probably nothing...
But there was a guy

dressed entirely in black,
sitting in an SUV

on the corner of Chambers and Church.

It reminded me of this
character that Ryan Gosling

played in this picture
I just made, "Hitman in Love."

All right, we'll look into it.

After we check out your alibi,
of course.

For your sake, I hope it's clean.

For my sake, I hope it isn't.

What the hell does that mean?

Means there's this little part
of me that hopes you're guilty.

Just sh**ting you straight, bro.

Did you confirm
that movie producer's story?

Yeah, pulled video from his building.

He arrived home with a young woman

at : p.m.

There's no way he's the sh**t.

He was telling the truth
about the guy in black too.

Pulled video from Chambers and Church.

Can't really see his face,

but got a good look at the
plate of the black Durango.

Car's owned by a security firm
called CW Solutions.

Eyes up, people.

Corporation is wholly owned
by a veteran, Curt Williams.

Spent three tours
in Afghanistan, Special Forces.

th Infantry.

All right, Curt Williams, people.

Go to work.

What else do we know about this guy?

Uh, not much, but Kenny Crosby might.

I'm pretty sure he was
in the th Infantry too.

How-how in God's name do you know that?

We had drinks one time.

He told me all about his time overseas.

And, not to boast,

but I have a near-photographic memory.

Does not surprise me. Call Maggie.

Tell her to reach out to Crosby ASAP.

Yeah, I don't know Curt too well.

We did work together
on a few operations.

- Right.
- He's pretty good

under pressure.

When was the last time you spoke to him?

Uh, maybe four or five years ago.

He's got a real dark side, though.

Not sure if he was born that way,

or if the w*r made him that way.

This is the address.

Looks more like a pawn shop
than a security firm.


Hey, Curt!

It's Captain Crosby, th Infantry.

Working with the FBI now.

Just want to talk to you
about something.

Oh, Maggie, he's running out back!

Hey! Hey, stop!


I didn't do nothin'.

Curt Williams?

- No. It's Trevor.
- Close enough.

- Where's Curt?
- I don't know.

You ever hear Curt
mention the name Nicole?

No. Never.

Kay, so why was he parked
outside of her building

dressed in black
a few days before she died?

Don't know, but I got
nothing to do with any of that.

What exactly do you guys do
at CW Solutions?

Not sure... I answer phones

and pass along messages to Curt.

Okay, so it's just you and Curt?

- That's the whole company?
- Yeah.

You don't know what you do?

You don't know what problems
you find solutions for?

I don't, man. I don't want any trouble.

All right? I'm on probation.
Known Curt a long time.

I needed a job, and he gave me one.

Where's Curt live?

Look, Trevor.

You want us to help you,
you have to help us.

So give us the address.

That's him inside.

Hey, Curt! We're with the FBI.

We have some questions for you.
Can you step outside?

Do you want to take the lead
since you know him?

Yeah, sure.

Hey, Curt.

Call for backup!

Try and contain him to the west.

Sergeant Williams. Stop right there.

This is Captain Crosby, th Infantry.

Remember me?

Captain Crosby.

The hell are you doing here?

Look, I just wanna talk to you.

Okay? Soldier to soldier.

I appreciate that, sir.

Okay. Now, first thing's first.

That g*n.

I'm gonna need you
to put it on the ground.

You're absolutely right, sir.
I apologize.


Oh, my God. Kenny!


This is Zidan, we have sh*ts fired.

Agent down.
Send a medivac to our location.

Help is coming. Stay with me.

Kenny, we're here.
Everything's gonna be okay.

Kenny, you gotta stay with me.
Keep fighting.


They're working on Crosby now.

They're not gonna know anything
for at least two hours or so.

But he's breathing, right?
He's in, uh, stable condition?


But he lost a lot of blood.

You know, Kenny's been having
a hard time lately.

He was involved in an off-duty sh**ting.

He's been struggling ever since.

I didn't know that.

Putting him in the field

to have him engage with a
fellow soldier's a bad idea.

Why didn't you call me?

Why don't I call you?

Kenny's under my command.

You wanna use him,
you ask my permission.


I understand that you're upset...

- Of course I'm upset!
- Jess.

All due respect, that's on him

to tell you that he's working
with us, not me.

If you just had the decency
to follow protocol,

none of this would have happened!

Okay, so you do think this is on me?


You don't get to talk to me like this.

Agent Bell.

Scola just got a hit on Crosby's jeep.

Curt Williams! FBI.

Come out with your hands up.

On my visual.

Drop the w*apon now.

Put down the w*apon, Curt.

Drop the g*n.

Or you're a dead man.

Yes, I shot Crosby.

But it was self-defense.

He came at me, g*n drawn.

I did what I had to do.

Did you sh**t her too?

No. I don't know who that is.

You sure about that?


You might want to rethink your strategy.

What are you talking about?

I just got a text
from St. Vincent's hospital.

Agent Crosby just died on the table.

That means you're officially
up for the death penalty.

Unless of course, you cooperate.

I tell you the truth,

you take the death penalty
off the table.

I will speak to the
U.S. Attorney's office.

I will tell them
that you are cooperating,

but that's that best I can do.

Yeah, I k*lled her.

I shot her twice in the head.

Near the stairs of some old building.


Because some guy offered me K.

- To k*ll Nicole.
- Yeah.

And two other people.
Um, girl named Julia.

Is that her?

- Yes.
- You k*lled her? She's dead?

No, I was looking for her,
but I never found her.

And what about the third person?

Name's Pierre Nagy.

I shot him twice in the head.

In Budapest, of all places.

- Who hired you?
- I don't know.

I didn't ask for a name.

I met him some place in Queens.

Kind Café.

Can you identify him?

No, he had a mask on.

Like, you know, for COVID.

Did he say why he wanted
these three people k*lled?

Did he pay you?

Yeah, paid me K in Bitcoin

after I did Pierre, and then he paid me

another K after I did Nicole.

Okay, so, what happens now?

You stay in this tiny,
little, crappy room

until we move you to a tinier,
crappier room,

where you'll spend
the rest of your life.

Jess, hey, listen.
I am so sorry about Crosby.

I feel terrible. He was a great agent.

He's not dead.

- What?
- I lied.

Text is from my plumber.

Hey, Elise, I need your team
to start digging

into a guy named Pierre Nagy.
He lives in Budapest.

Curt apparently k*lled him
two nights ago.

We need to figure out
how he is connected

to the whole thing, but right now,

our focus is on who hired Curt.

Who's Curt's client?
Did you find any video near the café?

Uh, we have a few sh*ts of them sitting

across from each other,
but like Curt said,

the guy was wearing a face covering.

Uh-huh, any footage
of him coming or going?

Did he arrive or take off in
a cab or a rideshare service?

More like a chauffeur-driven Maybach.

Just found this
two blocks from the café.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay.

So can you grab the license plate?

Got it. Running it now.


Car comes back to a Sub S
corporation owned by Nathan Tate.

Nathan Tate?

White, male, age .

And apparently the th richest
person in the United States.

Right, well, it definitely
looks like him, right?

Same complexion, height, weight.

All right, people,
we need to find a connection

between Nathan Tate and Nicole Wyatt.

A phone call, a photo, a text.
Go to work.

- Hey, I got something.
- Yeah.

Found a text on Nicole's burner.

Sent from her to someone
with the initials NT.

That's good.
Did you run the other number?

See if it's registered to Tate?

It's another burner,
but the text is pretty juicy.

"In your best interest
to invest million

in the fund discussed."

There's a few other
similar texts as well.

All are kind of cryptic

but definitely convey the same message.

Invest mil in this fund or else.

Right, so...

Nicole traffics Julia to Tate
and then shakes him down

for a $ million investment. Big ask.

Well, not for a guy worth bil.

Which is why she probably
set him up in the first place.

That sounds like motive to me.

Now we have to confirm that the
guy who was being blackmailed

with the initials NT
is actually Nathan Tate.

No. I don't recognize him.

Well, is it possible that that's the man

you met at the café?

Yeah, sure. Anything's possible.

Okay, I want you
to take a look at this for me.

Let me know if you hear or see

anything that might ring a bell.

With ruthless discipline and focus,

I set out to find
the most talented doctors,

scientists, and researchers
I could find,

and then I ana...

Recognize his voice? Mannerisms?

No, but I recognize his watch.


When we were talking,
I kept looking at it,

wondering how much it cost.

The answer's $ , .

We need a lot more
than a watch and a Maybach

to charge Nathan Tate with m*rder.

Well, I agree, but we can still
bring him in for questioning.

Do you really think he'll talk?

It's possible.

Tate's not used to being
in a concrete room.

It's on the wrong side
of the power dynamic.

Might fluster him just enough
to say something stupid.

It might, but it's highly unlikely.

I get that Tate has a lot
of connections in D.C., but...

This has nothing to do
with politics, OA.

Please don't go there.

Just want to find Julia.

She has to be really scared
right now, Isobel.

Bringing in Tate isn't the answer.

So stand down.

We have to play the percentages,

and the percentages are
that Tate is gonna lawyer up

the second he is brought
into that interrogation room.

So why are we gonna tip him off?

Why are we gonna let him know
he's a suspect?

The second we release him,
he's gonna destroy

any and all evidence,
and then circle the wagons

with the best attorneys in town.

- Yup.
- Hey, uh, got something.

Julia just reached out
to her mother five minutes ago.

She's leaving town,
wants to talk to her before she goes.


She said a friend was giving her money

and gonna fly her
to a house in South Beach?

So she wants to say goodbye in person.

Who would want to k*ll Julia?

Did she mention any names?

No, she just kept saying
that she was sorry,

and she didn't mean
for any of this to happen.

Okay, well, look,
we're gonna talk to her now,

we're gonna... we're gonna
help her through this.

What is going on here?

We are still investigating,

but we do believe
that she is being trafficked.

She's a victim.
Somebody is exploiting her.

They're preying on her.

Guys, I got eyes on her.
Northeast corner.


Julia! Julia!

- I'm on it!
- Julia!




This is Agent Zidan, we have
an abduction in progress.

Black Lincoln Town Car heading
west on east rd street.

All right, good news...
OA caught three letters

of the license plate, T-J-K.

Cross-reference that with
the make and model of the car...

Black Lincoln Town Car, , .

See what comes back. Hey, Hobbs.

Make sure the BOLO is city-wide,

NYPD and State Police
in the Tri-State Area.

- Got a hit.
- Yeah?

Car's leased by a charitable foundation

called Bond Empowerment, Inc.

Bond Empowerment, Inc.
Okay, that's a start.

Run the names of
the directors, the officers...

See if anyone looks familiar.

Only name I recognize is Fiona Grand.

The woman who hosted the yacht party?

Yeah. She's one of the trustees.

OA, I need you and Maggie

to track down Fiona Grand right away.

Okay, good.

The hell is going on here?

I'm sorry, I'm confused.

What does a man driving a black Town Car

have to do with me?

The car was leased
to a charitable foundation

called Bond Empowerment, Inc.

You're on the board.

Yes. I'm one of trustees.

But that doesn't mean
I know anything about the car

or the man who was driving it.

Have you ever seen this girl before?

No, I've never seen her before.

Okay, you're sure?

- I'm positive.
- Okay, well you're lying.

Excuse me?

She was at your party last night, right?

Yeah, but that doesn't mean
I've ever seen her.

Why are you talking to me like this?

Asking me these questions?

Because we think that your friend Nicole

was trafficking her for sex.

- What?
- What the hell is going on?

I'm sorry, sir, we are, uh,
investigating an abduction.

I understand that, but right now,
you're in my office,

talking to my employee, my-my friend.

You need to ask for a lawyer right now.

These questions are out of line.

I'm sorry.

You know what, I've seen
too many innocent people

hung out to dry
simply for trying to cooperate.

Okay, well, we just have
a few more questions,

so if you do not mind...

No. I should listen to Colin.

I want a lawyer.


I'm sorry, I want to help, but...


Your questions were
getting confrontational.

So Fiona made a call to a burner phone

ten seconds after you guys left.

It pinged off a tower in Brooklyn

near Flushing and Adelphi.

Okay, definitely worth checking out.

I'll call it in. Update the BOLO.

Okay, then meet us
at Flushing and Adelphi.

We'll start canvassing the neighborhood.

We gotta find this girl fast, guys.

Oh, hey. Any word on Crosby?

He's stable.

But we won't know
what that actually means

for another few hours.

So basically he's...

Fighting for his life.

Any luck with the Lincoln? Julia?

Nothing yet. There's a lot of black cars

- on the road these days, so...
- Got it.

License plate is a match,

car was heading east on Assembly Road.

Okay, throw up a map! Check it out!

Okay, if he keeps
heading east from there,

there's a good chance
he's heading to the Navy Yard.

Lot of empty buildings
and warehouses there.

Place to do bad things.

Let's keep pulling video
along Assembly Road,

but closer to the Navy Yard.

Hey, it's Jubal...
I need eyes in the sky

over the Navy Yard in Brooklyn.

We're looking for a black Lincoln.

No body.

Pop the trunk.


- Clear!
- Hey!

We have footprints going this way.

All right, what about the fire?

Let it burn.


She's alive. Two g*nsh*t wounds.

We've got a victim with two
g*nsh*t wounds to the chest.

We need an ambulance to the Navy Yard.

Scola, Tiffany,
I got Julia in the basement.

Hey, Julia. Hey, hey.

We're with the FBI.
You're gonna be okay.

You're gonna be okay.

You stay strong.

- She lost a lot of blood.
- Okay, hang in there, Julia.

Can you look at this man?

Have you ever seen him?
Has he ever hurt you?

Has he ever touched you? Anything?

They have my friend, Sunny.

We're losing her.


Please, please, please,
please, please, please.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

- Hey.
- Hey.


Uh, I just talked to OA.

Julia didn't make it.

She died in the ambulance.

Who are these people?

Who manipulate and exploit and m*rder?


It's pretty hard to believe.

But, um...

We got him.

What are you talking about?

Before Julia passed, she ID'd Tate.

Said he touched her. That he hurt her.

Arrest that bastard.

Yes, ma'am.

You okay?

This is his building, right?



It's him.

It's Nathan Tate.