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07x17 - The Last Dance

Posted: 09/21/21 18:09
by bunniefuu
Come on, if we wanna get
these grape leaves ready...

before Great-grandpa Katsopolis gets here,
you guys are gonna have to stuff faster.

I'm stuffing as fast as I can.

Does grandpa have
a job back in Greece?

Oh, sweetheart, don't you
remember? He used to be a fisherman.

Hey, Danny, remember when we were kids
and we used to go fishing with your dad?

Oh, yeah, that was
the life, wasn't it?

Out on the rolling seas, I
could still hear my dad's voice:

"Son, ever been this nauseous?"


- Remember that promise we made?
- Yeah, I sure do.

We were gonna save our money and
buy a boat and sail around the world.

Whatever happened
to that dream, Joey?

Same thing that happened to all
our dreams, Mr. Vice President.

See you, Dad. We're
gonna go to the mall.

You just got back from the mall.

I know, but I can't stop thinking
about these designer sunglasses I saw.

They're round with
black metal frames.

And these really cool
dark purple lenses?

Yeah. Did you see them on
that Styrofoam head at the store?

No, I see them on the
wooden head at the door.

- Kimmy?
- Cool shades, huh?

Kimmy, you always do this to me.

Every time I see something
I like, you have to have it.

Hey, I left Steve alone.


And don't think
I'm not grateful.

Kimmy, I don't wanna be seen
together wearing the exact same glasses.

Maybe we shouldn't
be seen together at all.

- Fine with me.
- Fine with me.

Fine with me.

JESSE: Hey, everybody,
we're home. DANNY: He's here.

- Hello, everybody.

Oh. Mmm. Mwah!

We missed you, Grandpa.

You remember the last time I was
here? I told you to call me Papouli.

"Grandpa" means
someone who is old and gray.

What does Papouli mean?

In Greece, it means
someone who is old and gray...

but it sounds so much better.

- Okay, okay, I'm next.
Papouli. PAPOULI: Ha-ha-ha-ha!

- Sir, do you remember me?
- Of course, I do.

- Joey.
- No, I'm Danny.

- I'm Joey.
- Of course you are. Ha-ha-ha.

And little Stephanie. Ohh.

No, I'm D.J.

Of course you are.

And little Michelle. Ohh. Mm.

I'm Stephanie.

I'm little Michelle.

Of course you are.

And you, I have no
idea who you are.

- You have no idea who any of us are.
- All right, all right.

- Papou, this is Steve, D.J.'s boyfriend.
- Aha.

You'll be seeing him around
here a lot. Probably in the kitchen.

Hey, Deej, catch you later.
Papouli, see you around.

In the kitchen, right?


Yeah. Mwah.


Hey, Papouli, you
remember Rebecca?

Who could forget Rebecca?

I bet you could.

Papou, this is Nicky and
Alex, your great-grandchildren.

Boys, say hi to Papouli.

- Hi, Papoodi.
- Hi, Papoodi.

BECKY: Oh, give Papouli a kiss.


- Moussaka. Hot, hot, hot.
- Ohh. Papouli's famous moussaka.

Mmm. Smell that,
girls. Smell that.

- Isn't that delicious?

Papou, you have to give us
this recipe before you leave.

No problem.

This one I got off the back
of a box of Moussaka Helper.


Kimmy is the most irritating
person in the entire world.

Welcome to our side.

You know, she wore those
sunglasses all day in school.

- Even in gym.
- What's wrong with that?

We were swimming.

Uch. She knew I wanted those
glasses. She knew I wouldn't wear them...

if she had them but she
bought them anyway.

You know, this sounds like a
fight that two men in my village had.

Nikos bought his wife a beautiful
pair of pink ox-hair slippers.

Andreas found out about it and
he bought the very same slippers.

Well, maybe his
wife had cold feet.

Deej, you're missing the point. All of
Papouli's stories have a lesson, okay?

He's passing down the wisdom of
our Greek ancestors, so listen, okay?

Now, this story's not just
about ox-hair slippers...

it's about...

Uh, well, this particular story...
What's the story about, Papouli?

It's about time you shut up
and let me finish the story.

Right, yeah. Go ahead.

The point is that Andreas
wasn't even married.

He bought the slippers
because Nikos had the slippers.

Well, he walked all around
town in those slippers... Ha-ha-ha!

Of course, he had
the legs to carry it off.

- Anyway...
- Anyway...

Nikos was so mad at Andreas,
he never spoke to him again.

Now, see? See, Deej?

Words to live by from Papouli, okay?
Now you know what he's talking about?

Mm-hm. Andreas was
a jerk just like Kimmy.

Well, yes, yes, that's
right. Is that right, Papou?

- Not right.
- That's not right, Deej.

Wow, we got flour everywhere.

Don't worry.

When we got flour on our
hands, where do we wipe them off?

- On the towel?
- No, my little Michelle.

On our nose.


How about on our cheeks?

That's the idea.

Only we missed a spot.

- Opa! STEPH: Okay.

Oh, my goodness.


Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!

Hey, hey, hey, kids.

- What?
- Look, guys, you're making a mess here.

What mess? This
is a celebration.

Opa! Come on,
Jesse, get in the party.


All right, I'll try. Here
we go, everybody, ready?

- Happy New Year! PAPOULI: Aww.

Opa! Opa! Opa!

Okay, you want an
opa? I'll give you an opa.


PAPOULI: Oh, boy!


All right.

Uncle Jesse, Papouli's teaching
me how to do a Greek dance.

Come on, Jesse, we show
her a couple steps, huh?

No, no, thanks, Papou,
I really don't dance.

You're Greek, you dance.

Papouli, am I Greek?

Of course you are,
my little Michelle.

I don't feel Greek.

Well, to feel Greek,
you must be proud.

Proud of your ancestors,
the great authors and thinkers.

Of course, you should
enjoy life a little bit too.

That's why we dance.

Because we cannot contain
our happiness. Right, Jesse?

Listen, my heart is Greek,
it's just my feet don't know it.

Listen, you guys
have fun, dance...

I'm gonna clean up the little
celebration in the kitchen.

You're doing great, Michelle.


Papouli, it's share time
at school next Monday.

Could you come and teach
my class a Greek dance?

Of course I can, my
sweet little Michelle. Mwah!

- I love you, Papouli.
- Oh, and I love you too. Mm.

It's like a bad
dream or something.

I know.

I know.

But you know, at least Papouli died
peacefully in his sleep, you know?

We know how much
he meant to you, Jess.

He meant a lot to us too.

We're all gonna miss him.

It's just so helpless.

It's like if I could have been
there I could have done something.

- I could have helped him, I could...
- Jess, honey, honey, honey.

There was nothing
that you could do.

There was nothing
that any of us could do.

You're right.

It's just...

He was just such
a beautiful man.

Just so full of love and life.

Now he's gone.

Uncle Jesse, you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine, I'm fine. You
know, I don't have time for this.

I've got so many things to
do, make the arrangements...

Well, we wanna help.

Yeah, Jess, we can
take care of all of that.

No, you know what?
It's my responsibility.

I'm just...

I'm sorry, guys.
I'll take care of it.

Why won't Uncle
Jesse let us help him?

Oh, honey, it's just his way
of dealing with the pain...

you know, by keeping busy.

Hi, everybody.

Hi, Michelle.

Hi, Daddy.

How was your Honey Bee meeting?

It was great. I made
this for Papouli.

Where is he?

Michelle, Papouli's not here.

It's okay.

Something's wrong.

Uh, sweetheart, this is
not easy to say to you.

This morning, after
you went to school...

we went to wake up Papouli.

Michelle, he died in
his sleep last night.


He was just... He was very
old and his heart gave out.

No. He's not dead.

- Michelle.
- Why did Papouli have to die?

It's not fair.

I know.

It's part of life, sweetie.

Papouli led a
long and full life.

It makes me so mad.

It's okay to feel mad.

You lost somebody that you love.

But we're a family, right?

So we're gonna help pull
each other through this, okay?

- Okay.
- Okay.

Anything you wanna ask me?


Okay. Well, if you
do, I'm here for you.

If you have any questions
about what you're feeling...

or about what happened,
you just come talk to me, okay?

- Okay.
- Okay.

I love you.


- Hey, Michelle.
- Hi.

- How you doing?
- I feel like crying.

Me too.

But we can't do that
in front of Uncle Jesse.

Why not?

Because if he saw us crying...

he might start to cry again too.

Uncle Jesse was crying?

He started to.

He didn't want me
to see, but I did.

Michelle, we gotta be
brave for Uncle Jesse...

and not let him know
that we're sad too.

I don't know if I could do that.

You have to.

But how can I stop
myself from crying?

Just think of
something funny, like...

when Joey stuffs a whole
doughnut in his mouth.

Yeah, that always
makes me laugh.

All right, Aunt Elaine,
I'll be there in a few days.


- Girls, you okay?
- Yeah.

You all right, Michelle?

What are you doing?

Thinking about Joey stuffing
a whole doughnut in his mouth.


All right. Well, you
girls hang in there.

I just talked to the relatives.

It looks like I'm going back
to Greece for a few days.

Good job, kid.


DANNY: Ahoy, matey.

- Danny, where did you get the boat?
- What boat?

No, I bought it.

Danny, you went out and
bought a boat? Just like that?

It took you six months to decide
between liquid or powder bleach.

Yeah, but this is different.

This is something we've
always dreamed about.

Isn't that right, little buddy?

Aye, aye, captain.

I hear exactly
what you're saying.

After everything
that's happened...

it makes you realize
your life's really short.

You should go for your dreams...

or you've got no reason to wake up
in the morning and scratch yourself.

DANNY: I hear you.

Hey, everybody, check this out. I
got the perfect name for our vessel.

JOEY: Hey, "Papouli," I like it.

So do I.

And so would Papouli.

Thanks, Danny.

You know, I gotta...

I'm gonna get back on the
phone and make a bunch of calls.

Jess, you know
what you need to do?

You need to slow down
and take time for yourself.

Beck, I'll be fine. I just wanna
call the airlines and confirm.

You know, I don't wanna
end up in Athens, Georgia.

Hey, Beavis and Boat-Head.

Look, Joey, we caught our
first fish, the big-mouth Gibbler.

Too bad we can't throw it back.

Guys, can we have a minute?

Oh, sure.

- Hi, Kimmy.
- Hey, Deej.

Steve told me about your
great-grandpa. I'm really sorry.


- Listen, about the sunglasses...
- You know what?

Forget about the sunglasses.

You know, I missed the
whole point of Papouli's story.

Yeah, Andreas was wrong
but Nikos was wrong too.

Andreas and Nikos?

Have you been hanging out with
those Irish exchange students?

No, Kimmy.

You know, we shouldn't
break up a lifelong friendship...

over something as stupid
as a pair of sunglasses.

Yeah, you're right.

A sweater, maybe, but...


- Friends again?
- You got it.

How's Michelle? She's fine.

What do you mean,
she's not at school?

I saw her leave for
school this morning.

Oh, boy, I sure had a big lunch.

But I got this one
pudding cup left.

What to do? What...?

You know, I'll just put it up here
on the boat next to the other one...

and come back and get it later.

Well, I'm off.


That was cold.

Michelle, what are you
doing home from school?

I couldn't find my backpack.

What's that?

- Oh, it's in the boat.
JESSE: "Oh, it's in the boat."

The one place I didn't look.

Hey. Hey, shorty.

Hold on a second, come here.

Come on, shorty. Level with me.

What's really going on?

Can't tell you.

Can't tell me? We tell
each other everything.

- Everything?
- Yeah.


I never told you
this, but, uh...

I once bought a
Kathie Lee Gifford CD.

Oh, boy, does that feel good
to get that out in the open!

All right, go
ahead, it's your turn.


Papouli was supposed
to come to school today...

to teach my class a Greek dance.

I'm sorry, kiddo.

I was afraid if I went to school and
Papouli wasn't there, I'd feel sad.

Michelle, it's okay to feel sad.

But if I feel sad,
I might cry...

and then I can't
be brave for you.


Where did you get the idea
that you had to be brave for me?

From Stephanie.

She said that you were so sad,
we shouldn't make you worse.

Oh, sweetheart.


She probably thought she was telling you
the right thing to do, but she was wrong.

I'm gonna talk
to her about that.

Michelle, we should always
share our feelings with each other.

That's what makes us a family.

I really loved Papouli.
I was his little Michelle.

I was his little Jesse.


He used to always
take care of me.

Now he comes to visit me and
I can't even take care of him.

It's not your fault.

His heart was old.

I know, Michelle,
but it still hurts.

It's okay to be sad.

I know, I heard that
somewhere before.

- Uncle Jesse?
- Hm?

Is it okay to cry?

You bet.

TEACHER: Thank you, Denise.
That was very informative.

You gonna be okay?

- Yeah.
- All right.

- Hi, Michelle.
- Hi.

Do you have something
for share time today?

Well, my Great-grandpa Papouli was
supposed to come to school today...

to teach us a Greek
dance... but he died.

Oh. Well, we're all
very sorry, Michelle.

He taught me some of it, but
I'm not sure if I can remember.

Well, I'm sure we'd all
really like it if you tried.

KIDS: Yeah!

DENISE: Come on, Michelle.

Okay, I brought the tape.

"Hooked on Bazookie."


I can't remember the rest.

JESSE: I can.


Ready for the big
jump, Michelle? Opa.

Here we go.