17x03 - Destiny of the Daleks - part 3

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderators: Kitty Midnight, Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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17x03 - Destiny of the Daleks - part 3

Post by bunniefuu »



Episode Three

Original Air Date: 15 September 1979
Running time:24:32

DAVROS: So, the long darkness has ended and the eternity of waiting is over. The resurrection has come, as I always knew it would. Now, where are my Daleks?

DAVROS: Doctor.

DOCTOR: Davros. You don't look a day older and I'd hoped you were dead.

DAVROS: Dead? I do not die. Mark this moment, Doctor. In the history of the universe, this moment is unique. Davros lives!

DOCTOR: Yes, well, I can see your long rest hasn't done anything to cure your megalomania. Have a jelly baby.

DAVROS: Where are you taking me?

DALEK 2: Entry to level three has been cleared.

DALEK: All units to proceed immediately.

DALEK: Seek and locate. Seek and locate. Do not deviate.

DALEK: Charts indicate objective located in this precise position. Objective has been removed from this location.

DALEK 2: Surface disturbance. Humanoid footprints. Follow. Follow. Follow.

DALEK: All units full alert. Emergency. Emergency. Emergency. Emergency.

DALEK: Emergency!

DAVROS: You will release me. You will return me to the Daleks.

DOCTOR: Shut up or I'll switch you off.

DOCTOR: Quick, back this way.

DOCTOR: Tyssan, back down the corridor and check it. You give me a hand with this.

DOCTOR: It's shifting. Stand back.

DOCTOR: Well, you didn't do that very well, did you.

ROMANA: I didn't do it very well?

DOCTOR: No, you didn't. Tyssan?

TYSSAN: The corridor's full of Daleks.

DOCTOR: What? Then we're effectively boxed in. We're too exposed here. Come on, get him. Let's get under cover.

DOCTOR: Get that door up. Make some sort of barrier.

DOCTOR: Good, good.

ROMANA: That wouldn't keep out a determined mouse.

DOCTOR: Well, it's got to serve. Now listen to me carefully, you two. I want you both to get out through, come over here. Good. Now, get back to the Movellan spaceship, tell them to mobilise a force and bring it here. It's vital we get Davros out of here before the Daleks find us. Off you go.

ROMANA: We'll be as quick as we can.

DOCTOR: Don't take too many chances. Come on, quick.

DOCTOR: Well. Well, now we've a little time to ourselves, I'll fill you in on some of the events that have taken place during the centuries you've been, er, dozing.


DOCTOR: Well, Arcturus won the Galactic Olympic Games. Betelgeuse came a close second. The economy on Algo's in a terrible state due to irreversible inflation

DAVROS: Doctor!

DOCTOR: What? Yes?

DAVROS: Do you believe your puny efforts can change the course of destiny?

DOCTOR: Well, let's just say I might tamper with it.

DAVROS: Destiny, Doctor.


DAVROS: Invincible necessity.

DOCTOR: Oh, that, that, yes.

DAVROS: Power. My power. My invincibility. My supreme plan to control

BOTH: The universe.

DOCTOR: Yes, yes, I've heard all that before. Now do be a good chap, eh? Stay quiet.

DOCTOR: I've got to concentrate.

DAVROS: Errors of the past will be rectified. I will add new design elements to the Dalek's circuitry. They will be armed with new weaponry. Weaponry so devastating that all matter will succumb to its power. I will equip them with all the knowledge of the universe

DOCTOR: Yes, yes, yes, we've heard all that. The Daleks can do all that for themselves.

DAVROS: The Daleks need me.

DOCTOR: What? The Daleks left you for dead centuries ago. You've given them all you've got. What do they want you for now, eh? What's so special about the Movellans that they need your help again, eh?

SHARREL: The Daleks have gained their objective. Their objective has been identified.

SHARREL: Name, Davros. Function, creator of the Daleks. Species type, mutant humanoid. This data will be processed. Strategy will be determined shortly.

ROMANA: How much further?

TYSSAN: Across that next rise. Shouldn't take long now.

TYSSAN: We could go back, take another way around.

ROMANA: We haven't got that long. It's only a question of time before the Daleks find the Doctor.

TYSSAN: Get under cover. I'll try and lead them off. When I get clear I'll get to the ship as soon as I can.


DOCTOR: There, that should do it. Very good. Well, aren't you going to ask me what it is? All right, I'll tell you anyway. Life insurance. What were we talking about?

DAVROS: Your inevitable destruction.

DOCTOR: No, no, no, we had that conversation last time we met. I'm more interested in your survival. I saw you destroyed. The Daleks blasted you at point-blank range.

DAVROS: Ha! There was damage to my primary life support system. The secondary and back-up circuits switch in immediately. Synthetic tissue regeneration took place whilst bodily organs were held in long-term suspension.

DOCTOR: Blimey, wasn't that outstaying your welcome in rather a big way?

DAVROS: Until the Dalek's universal supremacy is accomplished, I cannot allow myself the luxury of death.

DOCTOR: Oh, poor Davros.

DAVROS: However, it is a luxury I shall delight in bestowing upon you.

DOCTOR: You're very generous.

DAVROS: Since my entombment, I have no knowledge of the advancement of my Daleks. Of course they have achieved great things.

DOCTOR: Oh yes, oh yes. They've wreaked havoc and destruction, destroyed countless innocent lives

DAVROS: Only the beginning! Now I have returned, the campaign will begin in earnest. I have slept but now I have awakened, and the universe will be sorry.

DOCTOR: Davros, you. I have slept but now I have awakened and the universe will be. You're misquoting Napoleon! One day I'll tell you what happened to him, too.

DAVROS: Armed with new technology, I will

DALEK 2: You will move into the open. If you fail to obey in five seconds, you will be exterminated. One, two, three, four

DOCTOR: Hold it, hold it. Now, tell them what I've got here.

DAVROS: He is holding a primed expl*sive device.

DOCTOR: And one false move and it goes right down inside his chair. I'll turn Davros and his life-support system into scrap metal. Now back off!

DALEK 2: We obey only Davros.

DAVROS: He is simply buying time. Do as he says.

DOCTOR: Do as he says.

DALEK 2: We obey.

DOCTOR: I believe this is what's called a Mexican stand-off.

DAVROS: Ha. How long do you think you can sustain your advantage, alone and against such odds.

DOCTOR: Ha, ha. Wouldn't you like to know, eh? Wouldn't you like to know?

DOCTOR: Wouldn't I like to know.

SHARREL: What's happened?

ROMANA: The Doctor, he needs help. Where did you get that picture? How do you know about Davros?

SHARREL: We have our means. Mobilise unit five. You will remain here.

DALEK: Attention, attention. The action we are about to take is your responsibility. It will cease only when you agree to total surrender.

DOCTOR: Now what?

DALEK: Exterminate.

DALEK: Exterminate.

DALEK: Exterminate!


DALEK: You surrender?

DOCTOR: All right. All right. You can have Davros, but only on my conditions.

DALEK: State them.

DOCTOR: All sl*ve workers to be released immediately and allowed to leave the city.

DALEK: Continue.

DOCTOR: Nothing to come in here until I'm out and in the clear.

DALEK: Conditions unacceptable. Exterminations will continue.

DOCTOR: Stop! One more k*lling and I detonate the device. I'll destroy Davros.

DALEK: Logic unacceptable. Detonation would also destroy you.

DOCTOR: Yes, you hadn't foreseen that one, had you.

DALEK: Self-sacrifice illogical, therefore impossible. Exterminations will continue.

DAVROS: Agree. Agree to his terms. He will do what he says. His logic is impaired by irrational sentiment. Agree. I, Davros, command it.

DALEK: We obey.

DALEK: The workers have been released.

DOCTOR: Good, good. Now, I'll need one minute to get clear. Get back! I told you this was life insurance. I've adapted the device to explode by remote control.

DOCTOR: All I have to do is squeeze my sonic screwdriver and boom, boom, Davros.

DAVROS: You need not elaborate, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Just so long as you've got it clear.

DAVROS: We'll meet again, Doctor. Never doubt it. We'll meet again.

DOCTOR: Don't you be so sure.

DALEK: Exterminate the prisoners.

DAVROS: Quickly, the expl*sive. He will detonate.

DAVROS: Remove the expl*sive!

DALEK: We obey.

DAVROS: Come. There is much to be done. You must tell me of all the victories the Daleks have won whilst I have slept. And all the defeats. I shall learn from your mistakes. The Daleks shall be made into perfect creatures. They will be invincible! The Daleks will rule the universe!

ROMANA: Oh yes, the Doctor knows more about the Daleks than anyone.

SHARREL: He is an expert in robotics?

ROMANA: An absolute genius.

SHARREL: You'll be safer here. You will stay.

ROMANA: But you're dead.

SHARREL: Emission power?

AGELLA: Level three. Consciousness will not return for some time.

SHARREL: Prepare the Nova device. We must be ready to destroy this planet as soon as we've secured our new objective, the Doctor.

DALEK: Seek and locate. Seek and locate.

DALEK 3: We obey.

DOCTOR: Oh, a Kaled mutant. Of course. The Dalek's were originally organic lifeforms. I think you've just told me what the Daleks want with Davros, haven't you.

TYSSAN: Doctor. Doctor.

DOCTOR: Tyssan.

TYSSAN: I've been looking for you. It's hard to move around, though. There are Dalek patrols everywhere.

DOCTOR: Yes, so I've seen.

TYSSAN: I found the other prisoners. They told me what you'd done to free them. They're very grateful.

DOCTOR: Oh, it was nothing, nothing. Where are they now?

TYSSAN: Hiding. If we can lay our hands on some weapons, I'm hoping to turn them into some sort of fighting force.

DOCTOR: That could be very useful, Tyssan.

DALEK: Remain where you are. You will turn and walk ahead of me. If you make any attempt to escape you will be extermi ...

DOCTOR: Awfully decent of you. Very grateful.

CASSANDRA: You will accompany me back to our spacecraft.

DOCTOR: Well, all in good time. There are a few things I want to do first.

CASSANDRA: That is not a request. It is an order. Move!

DOCTOR: I do seem to be in demand today. Come on, Tyssan.

TYSSAN: What the devil? Why did she turn against you?

DOCTOR: I'm not sure she was ever for me.

TYSSAN: What are you doing?

DOCTOR: Just as I thought. Just another race of robots, no better than the Daleks.

LAN: Ready.

LAN: Make sure the seals are tight. Right, move back.

MOVELLAN: How does it work?

LAN: It changes the molecular structure of the atmosphere. The atoms become flammable. If the Nova device was activated outside the protective shielding, the atmosphere surrounding this planet would burn up in seconds.

AGELLA: Lan reports the Nova device functions perfectly.

SHARREL: Excellent. Unfortunately, our attempts to capture the Doctor have failed so far. What we need is some way to get him out into the open. Take her.

DOCTOR: Tyssan, get back out of sight.

The Doctor
Tom Baker

Lalla Ward

Tim Barlow

David Gooderson

Suzanne Danielle

Commander Sharrel
Peter Straker

Tony Osoba

Dalek Operators
Cy Town
Mike Mungarvan

Dalek Voice
Roy Skelton

Penny Casdagli

David Yip

Movellan Guard

Assistant Floor Manager
David Tilley
Anthony Root

June Hudson

Ken Ledsham

Film Cameraman
Phil Law

Film Editor
d*ck Allen

Incidental Music
Dudley Simpson

Cecile Hay-Arthur

Graham Williams

Production Assistant
Henry Foster

Production Unit Manager
John Nathan-Turner

Script Editor
Douglas Adams

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Fred Hamilton
Kevin Rowley

Studio Lighting
John Dixon

Studio Sound
Clive Gifford

Theme Arrangement
Delia Derbyshire

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Peter Logan
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