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05x01 - Casus Belli

Posted: 09/21/21 04:22
by bunniefuu





CHANDLER: This is how w*r begins.

Athens and Sparta
fought during a plague

which wiped out much of the population.

- Sound familiar?

But the w*r brought
only more death and destruction

because people let their fear,
their honor, their interest

cloud their judgment.

The Peloponnesian w*r
may be ancient history,

but its lessons are not.

You here will be the
first graduating class

of midshipmen to enter the Navy

since our own troubles ended
just three years ago.

We're in a time of peace,
but peace doesn't keep itself.

Ours is a small navy, which means...

your importance to the mission
is even larger.

And you will take
the lessons from history,

both ancient and very recent,
with you as you enter service.

When you put on the uniform,
you can't let your fear

or your pride or your selfish interest

lead you astray, or people die.

We have to think differently
because we are different.

We are warriors.


All right, we'll pick it up
after the weekend.

Don't forget your reading.

We're all working
from the same edition,

thanks to our friends
at the Nimitz Library.

- We'll discuss the first pages.

Don't worry, there's lots of pictures.


Attention on deck.


See you on Monday,
enjoy the big game, go Navy!


- Mr. Swain?
- Yes, sir.

How is it my brightest student

is always the last one
to turn in his assignments?

Sir, I had a last-minute breakthrough.
I wanted to check my numbers.

I'm sorry, sir.

No excuse.

"The Next Virus Will Be Cyber".

I thought I was done with viruses.

I hope we are, sir.

Well, I'm docking you one grade
for lateness,

but this is excellent work.

And if you don't mind,

I'd like to hang on to it
for a little bit.

There's some folks at Fleet Command

who'd be interested in your research.

I'd like to share it with them,
with your permission.


[CLEARS THROAT] Yes, sir. Of course.


Do you miss it, sir?

Miss what?

w*r, sir.

Son, you really ought to
get to my class more often.

I just mean, you retired,
and that's cool and all.


don't you miss the mission?

Clarity of purpose?

I mean, you said it yourself...
We're warriors.

Without a w*r, what's a warrior to do?


Thank you, sir.



¡Tavo, Tavo! ¡Viva Tavo!

¡Tavo, Tavo, Tavo! ¡Viva Tavo!

ITavo, Tavo! iViva Tavo!

¡Tavo, Tavo! ¡Viva Tavo!

¡Tavo, Tavo! ¡Viva Tavo!

¡Tavo, Tavo! ¡Viva Tavo!

¡Tavo, Tavo! ¡Viva Tavo!

DANNY: You get the tickets?

MARCO: Sí. No problem, señor.

I smuggle blue cure into Panama

two weeks before the ship showed up.


This was easy.

"You are cordially invited
to the th birthday celebration

of El Presidente Fernando Asturius."

"Black tie preferred."

You know, it seems odd El Presidente

throws a blow-out party

while the people curse him
in the street.

That's Panama.

El Presidente isn't afraid
of Gustavo Barros

or his Gran Colombian g*ons.

Whoever controls the Panama Canal...

is king.

And for now, that man is El Presidente.

Well, k*lling El Presidente
would change all that.

You guys are crazy.


What are you, Defense Intelligence?


Yeah, you guys are crazy.


Adiós, Marco.



I got to go!

No, I'm going through security.

I'll see you tonight.

I will do the cooking.

You're the best ever, ever, ever.

And the cutest and the sweetest
and the smartest...

- I got to go!
- W-W-Wait!

I'm sending you
something super important.

- Hang on!
- Okay.





[LAUGHS] Did you get it?

I got it.

Now you have it.

You're so weird. I love you.

I love you. Bye.

- Bye.






MEYLAN: Commander Granderson?

Yes, sir. You're right on time.


Put it up on the big screens.


They made it.

Almost here.

The great fleet.


USS Michener, this is fleet command.

Come in, over.

SLATTERY: This is Zulu Actual.

It is another beautiful day at sea.

As I'm sure you've been watching,

we're currently miles north
of naval station Mayport.

Should be in port
and all tucked in by nightfall.

Ships in the fleet,

why don't you give our friends
in Florida a proper Navy hello?

This is USS Jeffrey Michener actual.

All systems go.

We have onboard a full complement

of surface warriors, aviators,

and more Marines
than you can shake a stick at.


MAN: This is USS Oliver actual.

All systems are go.

MAN # : This is
Michael O'Connor actual.

All systems go.

MAN # : This is the Javier Cruz actual.

Smooth sailing.

KARA: Good day, fleet command.

This is Nathan James actual.
All systems go.

We are ready and proud

to no longer be
the only ship in the fleet.


Ships of the fleet,
your route is clear.

We wish you fair winds
and following seas.

Much obliged, Master Chief.

It's a great day for the Navy

and the red, white, and blue.

This is Zulu actual out.




We're up a touchdown, but it's early.

SASHA: Take nothing for granted.

Army's got a ground game for once.


- What time's your flight?
- Couple hours.

You pack your whites?

It's hot in Florida, even in December.

Sam moved out, Sasha.

He wants to live with Ashley
in St. Louis.

I know.

I spoke with Ashley last week.

Oh, great, so I'm the last to know?

They have a great school there,
they have continuity.

- Don't take it personally.
- How can I not?

It's just easier for them.

They're used to you
not being there full-time.

What do you mean?!
I've been here full time

for the last three years.

Not in your head.

I'm sorry.

[SIGHS] How's Panama?

Hot, getting hotter.

I'm hoping to settle things quick.

We should visit the kids at Christmas.

Yep, okay.

Tom, things are good.

Considering everything,
they're real good.

Go have fun with your old friends,

and I'll call you soon.

I love you.

Be safe.




Viva Tavo.

¡Viva Tavo!







RIOS: Welcome to the helo bay.

This is where Dr. Scott set up her lab.

It was in this small, sealed space

that she developed the cure
and eventually tested it...


...on some of our crew.

Come, step through this door

and imagine yourself
in a bio-secure space,

one where you would have to
wear a suit like this

in order to protect yourself
from the virus.

WOMAN: Excuse me, sir.

So sorry to be a bother,
but would you mind?

- Not at all.
- Oh, thanks much!

You just press that button right there.







Attention on deck!

- SLATTERY: There he is.
- Don't stop the reunion

on my account.

- Sir.
- Good to see you, Ray.

Likewise, sir.


How's civilian life treating you?

Well, can't say it's less stressful

than being out at sea.

My boy turned two yesterday.

[CHUCKLES] That's terrific. Congrats.

He's retired, but he's gonna
put on that uniform

and be Gator
one last time tomorrow, right?

Yeah, if I can find my sextant.

They just can't leave.

I keep promoting them,
they keep coming back.



- Nathan James has never looked better.
- Thank you, sir.

I'm just CO
for the launch of the fleet.

Then I'm on shore duty and mom duty.

Sasha says Danny's doing all right.

Well, you know
more about him than I do.

He's doing what makes him happy,

or at least what keeps him sane.

Hey, so how's school?


Got a fresh crop of sailors,
ready to serve.

That's what I like to hear.

You still teaching "Moby-d*ck"?

One day, I'm gonna make you read it.

I think I've been been through
enough t*rture.

- Ready for your big speech?
- Mm.

We were one ship.

- Now we're a fleet. Life is good.
- See?

You don't need pages.
Keep it simple.

- MAN: Captain Garnett, come in.
- This is Captain Garnett.

Your presence is requested on...

Besides, you don't have to
say a thing, Admiral.

Just being here with all of us,

there are no words.






Marco was right.

This is the place to be.

I'm offended we weren't invited.


I could use a drink.



Sleep tight, amigo.

AZIMA: It is a shame, I know.

I have never been through the Canal,

but from what I hear, it is beautiful.

You must go!

I could take you on a drive.

Through the rainforest to a place,

a la cima de Volcan Baru.

From there,
you can see both oceans at once.

Both oceans at once?

To Volcan Baru.



I'm afraid
you will have to wait your turn.

The Presidente has many friends.

Those are not friends,

but as long as Fernando Asturius
controls the Panama Canal,

he'll have many well-wishers.

I'll take it as a good sign.

The world is still
getting back on its feet,

and global trade is a key factor
in promoting progress.

You're American?

[CHUCKLES] Sasha Cooper.

Hector Martinez.

Republica de Gran Colombia.

Gran Colombia?


So those are your protestors
out on the street.

Not mine.

Those are Panamanians
who seek to keep Panama free.

While holding up photos of your leader.

Gustavo Barros has inspired
all of South America

to put aside centuries
of mistrust and come together.

Tavo speaks for us all because
he puts the people first.

He's a revolutionary.

[CHUCKLES] It's funny.

When the US flexes its muscle,

it is to protect world order.

But when Latin Americans
stand up for their rights,

they are revolutionaries.





- Well?
- Well?

We got work connections.


HECTOR: We support
El Presidente Asturius.

We only ask for the respect

from the north that we well deserve.

How long will you be in Panama City?

Not long, I'm afraid.

Oh, but I see El Presidente is free,

so I'm going to wish him
a happy birthday.

I hope to see you again.

I look forward to it.



It was easy, Mr. President.

In fact, it was too easy.

There's enough C expl*sives
to k*ll everyone in this room.

Including you, sir.


Ah-ah. Careful.


That's the second breach
of your security.


That's three ways...
Three ways to k*ll you, sir.



It's not poison.

But it could have been.


Your military leadership...

They should not drink with strangers.


Your security

and the security of the
Panama Canal are at great risk.

I'm asking that
you reconsider our offer.

Let us help you identify
your vulnerabilities,

protect you while we
train your detail...

And you think that this...

This trick of yours will convince me?

To embarrass me
in front of my soldiers,

my friends, at my own party?!

[SIGHS] No, Miss Cooper.

I told you, I cannot accept your help.

If I'm seen clutching at
the knees de Los Estados Unidos,

my own people will push me out!

It can be done in secret.

There are no secrets in Panama.

So unless you plan
to k*ll me on my birthday,

I suggest you leave.












What the hell are you doing here?

- I thought you were X.O. on the James.
- I am.

My CO wanted me here
representing the ship

while she took some tourists
on a cruise around the harbor.

Yeah, I managed
to get out of that one, too.

Ah, it's good fun.

People seem to like it,
so, I don't know...

Christ, Burk, when did I become
a museum exhibit?

Oh, not an exhibit.

A legend, sir.


Subsurface, you hear anything?

I'm picking up something.

Could be biologics.

Surface, what do you see?

No contacts on surface.

Bridge, T.A.O.

I think we found them.


You're all in for a treat.

Seems our sonar operator
found a pod of dolphins

a thousand yards off our port bow.

We'll take you
for a closer look. Commander?

Ma'am, recommend new course - - .

Very well.

That's Gator.

I know, Grandpa.


REPORTER: We are here at fleet week,

and we are very excited.

As you can see, there is
a crowd building behind me,

and the Navy is going to be showing off

the strength of its fleet.

And we are going to be talking
to Admiral Tom Chandler,

and we'll have that for you
coming up next.




Well, this is a great day
for the Navy, for our country.

It's, uh, proof of the resilience

of the American people.





That we could muster up
limited resou...




What just happened?

I can't get fleet command on the line.

Something's wrong with the satellite.

No, we got bigger problems.

What's going on?




My God.

Looks like we've been followed

since we got in the country.

And now we are public enemy number one.



[CLAPS HANDS] Time to go.

The Federales
are on their way here now!



SLATTERY: Is the military smaller now?

Sure. Um, so is the country.

Look back throughout
our military history,

you'll find plenty of examples

where we're at a diminished capacity,

- MAN: Sorry.
- We're unable...

We lost our satellite feed.

I'm talking to the guys in the van.

Okay. I'm so sorry.

We're gonna get it fixed,
and we'll get right back to you.



T.A.O., Aegis weapons, fire control,

and navigational radar are failing.

Something is frying
our -hertz switchboards.

Emergency shut-down, all systems.

Shut everything down!





Those aren't ours.

And their wings aren't clean.

- Holy shit!
- It's an attack.



Take cover!



Clear the deck!
Move it, move it, move it!

- Move, move, move!




God, no.

Move, move, move!

- Move!
- [g*nf*re]


Move, move! Clear the deck!





GARNETT: Sir, sir!

DC reports massive fires portside

on decks two and three.
The hull has been breached.

How the hell did we
not see this coming?!

Early warning and radar systems
went dark across the base

right before the attack, and our
weapons systems are down.

- I think we were hacked.
- You have stingers in the armory?

- Yes, sir!
- Get the civilians off!

I want all gunners
and crew served weapons

manned by SCAT teams up here now!

All gunners, to the rails!


DUFINE: No, no, we've lost contact,

and reports are just coming in.

This is the commander MEF,

I need a Marine on the ground

- to tell me what's going on.
- Colonel, this is General Kinkaid.

I need all available assets

mobilized in Naval Station Mayport.

We believe we're under attack.

MEYLAN: Let's get these systems
back online, team!

I want eyes on that b*ttlefield!

Sir, DISN has been compromised.
Satellites are not responding,

and our planes have been grounded.

KARA: Fleet command,
this is Nathan James, come in.

We are under attack.

Hang tight, Nathan James.
We're doing what we can.

Switch over to civilian band.
We need our comms.

Admiral, we've got Nathan James!

KARA: Weapons and ISR are down.
We cannot defend.

Enemy aircraft appear to be
Pucara-class attack planes,

but we have no radar.

Get these people out of here!





Over there!

Gunners, cover the bow!


I have CIWS back up.

And the five-inch?

Not yet.

Bridge, T.A.O.

We have CIWS, but we're at the
edge of maximum firing range.

Recommend moving closer to base.


GATOR: Here comes another wave!




Hey! Hey, come this way!

Come, come, quick! Keep your
head down! Head down, guys.

To the bow! Go, go, go!










[GROANS] Ma'am, I'm here.

You're going to be just fine.
You'll be just fine.

Just stay calm. We can fix this
like we always do, right?







GATOR: Ma'am, suggest
bearing for knots

to get inside effective CIWS range.



Negative. CIWS won't be enough.

If we get ourselves seen,
we get ourselves sunk.

Keep us out of sight

- and out of the line of fire.
- But...

I'm responsible
for every soul on this ship.

And we're no good to the Navy
at the bottom of the bay.

Our job is to be ready
to fight the battle to come.








All right.


O'Connor and Cruz sank within an hour.

God knows how many were trapped
onboard when they went down.


Still can't get an accurate
report from the base.

There were sailors and Marines

all over the place for the event.

So we're talking hundreds,
if not thousands, dead.

KINKAID: And for all we know,
this was just the first wave.

There may be more going on as we speak.

Are you saying this is a full-scale
invasion of the United States?

I'm saying I can't get one
g*dd*mn Army base to report in!

Our entire digital platform's
been wiped out,

and we have no idea what's going on.

Look... we have landlines.

We don't know if they're
still secure, but they work.

We need to get every
single person in uniform online

and prepared to defend this nation.


get to work on the computers.

Find out who did this, how they did it,

- and how to fix it.
- Aye, sir.

Now somebody bring me a g*dd*mn map!
















CHANDLER: Airmen, can your birds fly?

MAN: No, sir.

Anything with
an onboard computer was hacked.

They wiped us out on the ground.
I need a corpsman.

- My chief... he's hit bad.
- Go, go.



We'll get you all back to land
as soon as possible.

But is it safe?

Sir, we'll make sure, but
everyone, just hang tight, okay?

We're all in this together.


You should go back with the guests.

- Ma'am, I...
- You put on the uniform for the cruise.

But this isn't your fight.

Your family needs you.

My family knows we're all alive

because of Nathan James.

If it's all the same to you, Captain,

I didn't fight by your side
just to give up now.

I'd like to return to active duty,

if you'll have me.


Thank you.


AZIMA: Command, come in.

This is intercept team delta, over.

I say again,
this is intercept team delta.


Where have you been?

The streets are crawling
with Federales, man!

- We got to get out of here.

Uh, I have some bad news.

The US Navy fleet in Florida
was just att*cked.

All the ships were sunk,
and thousands are dead.

What did you just say?

Tavo's taking credit for it

as revenge for the m*rder
of El Presidente

by los Americanos!

That's no coincidence.

You don't overthrow Panama
while the US fleet is a threat.

No, this was a coordinated attack.

Panama is now under the protection

of Tavo and Gran Colombia.

We have to get back to the States.

There's no point in rushing home now.

Danny, our fleet was hit.

Our friends, our family...

They may be dead,

but for what comes next,
we're on the front line.

We have no orders from home,

but we know who the enemy is.

I say we go south, toward Colombia.

We gather intelligence,
allies, anything.

We put ourselves in a position
to be the tip of the spear

until backup arrives.




Can you get us to Colombia?

Sí. I know some people.


















Ya basta.

Ya basta.

ALL: Ya basta!

I will now speak
directly to our enemies

in a language they can understand.

Americans, you are on notice.

The people of Central
and South America are united!

We will no longer cower in fear
of your big stick.

For you do not offer us
protection, but enslavement.

Today marks the beginning
of a new equilibrium.

Gran Colombia will no longer
sit at the children's table

of international politics.

It is our turn!

Be warned.

If the United States wants a fight,

you will lose.

For in the words of Simón Bolivar,

a people who love their freedom...

...will, in the end, be free.

And we are united...

as a continent...

to fight for that freedom.


We are one nation under God!

La Gran Colombia!






Al Norte!

ALL: Al Norte! Al Norte!


¡Viva Tavo!

¡Viva Tavo! IViva Tavo! ¡Viva Tavo!

¡Viva Gran Colombia!


Turn it off.



We must've been hacked.

Comms, grounded air defenses,
even our weapons systems.

We're at w*r.

I have to get back to fleet command,

get eyes on the b*ttlefield.

Admiral Chandler.



Diaz! Is the James still afloat?!

Yes, sir!

Make a hole. I'm going back with you.

- Yes, sir!
- I'm going, too.

- Tell Meylan...
- Mike.

I lost my fleet, Tom.

It went down on my watch.

If I'm gonna die,
I'm going down with the ship.

You heard that speech,
you know where to start.

We head south.

Look for weapons and fuel.

Stay off comms.

I'll be in touch!

If I don't hear from you soon,

- I'm gonna come looking for you!
- I don't doubt that.

You stay safe!


