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04x05 - Allegiance

Posted: 09/20/21 05:43
by bunniefuu
All right, son, all
you gotta do is jump.

- I'm a little scared.

It's okay. I'll catch ya. I promise.

- [GASPS] Lucas!
- Shh. Shh. Shh.

- Captain, you're back on the James.

It's over now.


The seeds.

We've got 'em.

They're safe.

They're safe.

[EXHALES] Oh, thank God.

No, sir. Thank you.



- Captain Chandler,

the main event at a
fight club in Sardinia.

What are the odds?

Ah, well, it's good to have him back.

Yeah, how long before
he takes off on us again?

[g*n COCKS]

Look, I love the guy, okay?

I mean, God knows he's saved
all our asses enough times,

he can do whatever the hell he wants.

But we're in another w*r.

The world is dying again.


And he didn't come lookin' for us.

No, he didn't.

Which means he could
walk away at any time.

Face it, Wolf,

it's only random luck that got
him back on the James.

It was not luck.

It was destiny.

What's that now?

I have been fighting my whole life.

In my country, we fought
for food, for water.

We fought for any reason.
Or for no reason at all.

When the virus came,
we had a common enemy.

But there was no way to beat this virus.

And so we went back
to fighting each other.

And then we heard about the cure.

The Nathan James.

And Captain Tom.

He gave us hope.

I always knew

that when the world needed him again,

he would make his way back to his ship.

And that's why you joined this crew.

You knew he was coming back.

I wanted to thank
him, to learn from him,

to fight with him.

That was my destiny.

"The fault, dear Brutus,
is not in our stars,

but in ourselves."

Climate, disease, famine terrify us.

And our terror begets chaos,
aggression, and v*olence.

And there's your end of days, man.

World of hazards shifts
at the speed of light...

and we are neither poised,

facile, or quick enough to adapt,

thus, we panic,
accelerate into hysteria,

and k*ll each other.

And this deficiency is
exactly what destroyed

every single civilization before us

and is exactly what
threatens to obliterate us now

if we do not rapidly resolve
ourselves to the hard problems

and salvation that lie
within evolutionary biology.

And this is where I come in.

- Face it,

natural evolution is a bust, man.

Natural evolution used to be smart,

but now it's half-baked and inefficient.

Remember the appendix?

Who the hell needs the appendix now?

Appendix has been rolling around
inside of us like dead weight

for more than a millennium.

Natural evolution is done.

But with transgenic coding,

we seize an immediate future

wherein all people of all
cultures can acclimate, adjust,

and conform to any
challenge of a dynamic planet

in less than one single generation.

And it is not just our bodies
that will step on the gas,

but our minds.

Think about that for a second.

That the guy you met in the arena?

- He's let himself go.
- Paul Vellek.

One of the fathers of
modern bio-informatics

and computational biology.

Also father to Giorgio and Lucia Vellek,

who were kind enough to
escort you to Sardinia.

There's another son,
Christos, whereabouts unknown.

According to your
National Security Agency,

Dr. Vellek wasn't just brilliant,

he was also considered morally
and ethically dangerous.

Apparently, he wasn't satisfied
with boosting crop yields.

He want to "re-engineer
what it means to be human."

Indicted six years ago, he fled the U.S.

And wound up in the Med with
access to a Greek warship.

Most likely, he bought off
of the Greeks with the promise

that they'd be the first to benefit

once he cured the Red Rust.

Then he simply turned to his friend Omar

to steal the actual seeds.

Imagine, the future of the
world in this man's hands.

How long did St. Louis say
it would take to engineer

disease-resistant crops?

A year, maybe more.

Maybe Vellek can help.

Well, if he's really the
genius everyone says he is,

he may have a solution...
Or part of a solution...

Our people haven't thought of yet.

Are you suggesting we
work with this madman?

I'm suggesting we find him,
grab him and his research,

and convince him of the
righteousness of our cause.

- Come on.
- Let him know that cooperating

with our scientists is in
the world's best interest...

And his.

If he can shave off
even three months of work

finding the cure, that's
a lot of mouths fed,

a lot of lives saved.

Any idea where we find him then?

There's a room in Giorgio's mansion.

Only he and his sister have the key.

There are files inside, log books,

mostly written in code,
but in one of the books

there was one phrase
written over and over...

"Sent to lab."

Vellek's lab.

We find the lab, we find him.


This man's lunatic army

k*lled dozens of our people at Rota.

His Greek warship tried to sink us.

And now they're actively hunting
us in waters where we have

dwindling supplies and zero support.

- Captain, we're...
- The seeds are in hand.

And we have orders from the
National Command Authority

to get them back to
the States post haste.

We'll make post at
Naples in eight hours.

The C- out of Ramstein
will meet us there

to fly the seeds home,
where our scientists

can get to work on them.

That is our mission.


That is all.


- Captain, a word?

Since you seem so keen
on joining our fight...

Every active ship in the fleet
has a copy of these orders.

This is a full Presidential pardon

for any crimes you may have committed

during the recent Constitutional crisis.

This reactivates your commission,

reinstituting you to the
active duty rank of Captain.

- All that's required now

is your signature.

And you taking the oath again.

I left this ship for a reason.

And yet somehow, here you are.

This ship will always be your
home as far as I'm concerned.

But I won't lie to you...

Master Chief has reported some
mixed emotions from the crew

at having you back.

So for clarity and morale,

you need to decide one way or the other,

and soon.



FLETCHER: Vellek went to too
much trouble to get those seeds.

No way he gives up now.

His destroyer's out
there, hunting for us.

Now we just need to get to
Naples before he finds us.

Sasha, what do you think about the idea,

going after Vellek,
forcing him to work with us?

You're serious?

My brother had to evacuate
his family from London.

Neighbors were k*lling each
other over scraps of food.

At this point, who cares
where the help comes from?

I hear you.

I do.

But Vellek is not the answer.

He was run out of the
States for a reason.

There's no proof he can
actually do what he advertises.

What he has proven is
that he'll k*ll anyone

and everyone to get what he wants.

It's a crazy idea.

Tom Chandler didn't seem to think so.

I can't imagine what
you're feeling right now,

seeing him after all this time.

What I'm feeling is
that we have the seeds.

We just need to get them to Naples.

Then, if it comes to it,

we'll deal with Mad Doctor Vellek...

on our terms.

- RIOS: Sometimes he's lucid.

Sometimes his eyes glaze over
and he goes... somewhere else.

Do you think he was dosed
with the hallucinogen

you saw people taking in Greece? Nostos?

A weed that was changed by the virus.

Vlita, Lucia called it.

Vlita. That'll help.


He'll be fine, sir.

And he'll be glad to see ya.

His eyes were all glassy.

It was like he didn't see
the b*ll*ts whizzing past us.

Talking about someone named Christine.

Is that his daughter?

I think she's his wife.

All I know is the CO is
definitely on something.

I just wish someone would
tell us what's goin' on.

ASHLEY: We're fine.

Cali stops by every day
with something to eat,

and I'm working at the pier now.

It's okay, Dad. Don't worry. We got this.

You're starting to sound like me.

Yeah, I guess the
apple doesn't fall far.

How are you?

I'm good, Ash.

I'm good.

You're back on Nathan James, though.


I'm back. For now.

A sailor belongs at sea.

Listen, Ash, I can't talk long
and there's a lot I can't say,

but I need you to know,

I'll finish this thing and come home

to you and your brother
as soon as I possibly can.

- I know, Dad. We under...


I can try to raise them again, sir.

We said what we needed to.


- Thank you, Lieutenant.
- Anytime, sir.

It wasn't like any acid
trip I'd ever heard of.

No. It was more like time travel.

Everything about it was real.

The smell of her perfume,

the softness of my kids' hair.

Seeing them, all of us together again...

[BREATHES SHARPLY] Oh, it was perfect.

And just like that, they were gone.

I'd lost them again.

And the wound was re-opened.

But it was worse this
time, because I had 'em.

I had 'em, Russ.

I was home.

But you have to
remember, it wasn't real.

It's the drug.

What if someone told you
that you could go back?

Pick a time and a place,
see your wife and kids.

Wouldn't you be curious to try?


Lieutenant, getting something
coming on channel - .


Mayday, Mayday, our engines are failing.

CIC, Comms, we're picking up

a transmission over
VHF emergency channel.

- Possible distress call.

MAN: There are aboard my vessel.

Many are sick, we have no food...

Can you get a bearing on them?

NISHIOKA: Calculating bearing, aye.

MAN: I say again, this is the trawler,

El Alamein, requesting assistance.

I've got the transmission.

Bearing - - , detecting
an S-band radar signature.

Classifying it now.

We're still tracking, but
we haven't yet responded

to their distress call.


Captain. Sir.


Good to see you.

CIC, Bridge. Can you confirm ship ID?

They're beyond our range of visibility.

With the CO under the weather,

Captain Meylan would appreciate
your expertise close by.

Happy to help.

S-Band is a commercial
navigation radar.

AIS reports they're a
commercial fishing vessel.

Intermittent engine noise. Spin off
their prop suggests a small vessel

- with engine trouble.
- Course and speed reported

concurs with what we're seeing on radar.

Bridge, TAO. Small,
probably commercial vessel.

Barely approaching knots.

Bearing - - , miles.

That's opposite direction of
our course toward Naples, sir.

So aside from our usual
concern of pirates,

we now have to consider this
could be a trap set by Vellek.

Even if it's not a trap,

his warship is in the
area looking for us.

He could've heard our broadcast.

You're still itching for a
confrontation with Vellek.

You made your call. I respect it.


Even if this is a
legitimate distress call,

our obligation to render
aid cannot apply here.

Our mission is to get
the seeds to Naples

or millions are gonna die.

What would you do?

This crew can execute VBSS rescue

better than any ship at sea.

To that, I can personally attest.

There's no way to eliminate the risks,

but saving lives is saving lives.

MAN: Mayday, mayday, mayday.

El Alamein, this is the...

trawler, Fisherking.

MAN: Yes, yes! I'm
hearing you,

- Go ahead, please.
- We have your location.

Sit tight. We'll be
with you in the hour.

Thank you, Fisherking.

Thank you! Thank God. Thank God.

Y'alla, Y'alla, they're coming!


XO, starboard RHIB is away.

Very well.

I hold the trawler DIW,
slight drift to port.

Recommend slowing to knots
to maintain , yards CPA.

STEWART: Roger. Helmsman,
steady as she goes.

All engines ahead one third for knots.


Mother, Vulture Team, this is Sunshine.

I have the trawler in sight.

Appears DIW. Will confirm.

Light her up.



Master Chief, hail the trawler.

Tell them to get everyone above deck.

El Alamein, this is U.S.
Navy warship - - ,

, yards off your port
bow. We are here to help.

Muster your crew and passengers topside.

Everyone must sit on deck
with their hands visible.

MAN: Yes, we understand.

Y'alla. Y'alla. Andiamo.
Andiamo, let's go.

That boat's definitely ridin' low.

They're takin' on water.

Or it's weighed down by expl*sives.

We take no chances. They are
hostile till we see otherwise.

Vulture Team, deck is not fouled.

You are clear to approach.

Recommend boarding portside.

Copy, Sunshine.

Approach from the stern, portside!


Portside's clear. Go ahead, go ahead.

WOLF: Back up! Back up!
Back up! Back up! Back up!


Back up! Back up! Stay back!

Steady. Keep her
steady. Keep her steady.

WOLF: Hands up! Sit down!
Stay where I can see you.

Step aside.

Get down! Easy, easy.

U.S. Navy, okay? We're here to help you.

Everybody back.

- Everybody down!

Hands up, hands up.

You, move over there.


- Sit down where you are.
- Back up, back up.


Get down, get down, down! You, sit down!

- Down! You two, down!
- Raise your hand!


It's okay, we're here
to help. Come on now.

Okay, come.

- Hands.
- Slow.

Turn. Slow. Right there.

Search them.

It's okay. Keep your hands up.

Show me your hands.
You hiding something?


Hands, hands!

Thank you for responding...

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Slow down! Hands!

- Down! Sit down!
- I am the master of this vessel.

Sit down!

Stay down. Right there.

Arms up.

- Hey!
- Come!

- BURK: What happened?!

- MILLER: I'm sorry! I tried to warn him!
- You okay?

AZIMA: w*apon! I found a w*apon!

w*apon? w*apon! w*apon!


What are they saying?
What are they saying?

- Shut them up. Shut them up!

Shut them up! Shut them up!

- Hey!

Hey, sit down! Get down, g*dd*mn it!

- You stay down.

- Everybody stay down!

Hey, hey!

- Down!
- Hey, stay down!

Down! Stay down!

Don't move!

Get down, g*dd*mn it!

Stay down!

- Check these people.
- It's okay. They're just people.

I said check them, PO . Do it!

- Hey, hey!

She's got something in her hands.

She's hiding something.

What's she got in her
hands? What's she got?

It's a child. It's just a child.


Doc, we're clear!

- Clear.
- Clear!

- Clear.

- Burk.


DANNY: Let's go, Doc! Wolf, see
if this tub's really sinking.


Good job, guys.

All clear, all clear.

Medical team is boarding the vessel.

Let me take a look there.


We can't do much for them here.

They need food,
hydration, and antibiotics.

Vessel's got no water
integrity. She's gonna sink.

We have to bring 'em back.



Mother, we have PAX.

Many sick and injured. Vessel is FUBAR.

Permission to bring them aboard

for additional medical assistance.

Roger. Begin transferring
PAX back to Mother.

We're sending out the second RHIB.



Once our guests are aboard,
resume course for Naples.

Yes, sir.

This is taking too much of our time.








Here you go, son.





Anyone look familiar, sir?

None of these people work for Giorgio.

And Omar's guys are better fed.

They were headed north looking for food.

I didn't have the heart to tell
them it's the same everywhere.

- Kathleen, I wanted to say...

I'm sorry.

I should've come to
you after your dad died,

told you what happened myself.


I didn't have the words.

I hope you haven't spent
the last year and a half

agonizing over this, because I haven't.

Tex saved my life.

And it wasn't the first time.

I owed you more.

Yeah, well,

you know what my old
man would say to that?

Get over yourself, Commodore.

- I've got work.


Hey, I checked those people already.

I'm checking again.


Let me see yours. Open it up.

Hey, man, if you need some
time, we got you covered.

Why would I need time?

I know if my brother were hurt...

This isn't about Cameron.

Then what? What is going on with you?

- Just leave it.
- I'm not gonna leave it.

You can't bury this shit, Burk.

Hey, talk to me.

When are they gonna stop coming at us?

When are we gonna know
who's really on our side

and who's just waiting to
see where the chips fall, huh?

I mean...

even our skipper still
won't put on the uniform.

BURK: Keep two guards at every door.

Move 'em to the head in
shifts. No one gets in or out.

Security update.


Good. Good. Get some rest.

So where's the CO?

Moved back to his stateroom.

I needed space for these people.

Got you something.

Found it on one of the refugees.

Figured it must be the
same plant that the Captain

got dosed with.


You figured right.

I mean, why else smuggle
a bunch of weeds, right?

- I was gonna dump it, but I figured...
- No, no, no, I'm glad you didn't.

I need to run some tests,

make sure there aren't
any toxic side effects.

Could you escort her back
to the helo bay, please?

Yeah, you got it. Miss, come on.

- Shukran.
- Mm-hmm.


Seeds are in good shape.

C- will be on the tarmac in
Naples by the time we anchor.

Ah. And how are the
new passengers doing?

They'll be all right. Most
of them are just hungry.


A lot of that going around these days.

Not for much longer, thanks to you.

Can I help you find something?

Doc Rios took my Cubans.

He said the nicotine
would screw with the detox.

I stashed one for emergencies somewhere.

I'm not a doctor,

but I think you've had enough
stimulants for the time being.


I should've known.

Halfway around the globe,

we'd find you working
the same problem as us.

Trying to save the world again.

You know, months, Tom.

I was starting to think you were dead.

Part of me was.

Still fighting that battle?

I saw a side of me, Mike...

I thought I'd put it away,

but it came back again in Greece.


angry, and out of control.

I didn't like it.

Welcome to the human race.


Or what's left of it.

You know, when I was dosed...

it wasn't just my family I saw.

You were there, too.


They're gone again, but
we're still here, you and me.

That's gotta be worth something.

You are here, right?


I'm glad to see you're
feeling better, Mike.


Ship needs her captain.





[BRITISH ACCENT] Hello, Fletch.

Hello, Harry.

El Alamein. Very subtle.

Figured it would ring a bell.

"My grandpapa fought back
the Jerries in Egypt."


You wouldn't shut up about it.

We started to believe
you personally stood

in front of Rommel's tanks.

What do you want, Harry?

I have a message from the River House.

Could've telephoned.

Couldn't take the risk our
cousins would decrypt it.

Yeah. Sure.

Okay. So?

The special relationship
with the Americans is no more.

The labs in the U.S. are
not prepared to work with

the progenitor seed.

The U.K. is going it alone.

How? Our labs are worse than theirs.

We found a scientist.

Home office says he has
a lock on the science.

Let me guess. This scientist...

His name wouldn't happen to be Vellek?

He reached out, made us an offer.

We deliver the progenitor palm
seeds, and England receives

the first batch of
plague-resistant crops.

Our people will be fed.

No waiting around like
we did for the cure.

Where are the seeds?

In the medical bay, under lock and...

Under lock and key.

Well, obviously I won't be
able to get anywhere near them,

filthy refugee that I am.

- You're gonna have to do it.
- Me?

And find me a discreet
way off this ship.

What do you mean, off the ship?
You're just gonna swim away?

We're due in Naples. There's a plane.

That's not happening, James.

I leave with the seeds before
the ship gets to Naples.

And what? I stay behind
to face a firing squad?

No one will know your part.

You'll remain on board to
throw them off the scent.

Can't have the Americans

starting a w*r with England over this.

- This is ridiculous.
- Fletch...

I've been working with
the Americans for months.

Listen to me, it's quite simple.

Their people have fought
and died for these seeds.

And where were they during
the Immune wars, hmm?

While they were spreading
the cure with kisses and love,

we were massacred.

We're dying at home, Fletch.

I'm sorry about your new friends,

but this is a good deal.

It's a dog-eat-dog world now.

Have you eaten dog yet, Fletch? I have.

It's no fun.

I shouldn't have to remind you
of your duty, Commander.

MAN: This is U.S. - - Alpha Tango.

How's our ceiling at Naples?

U.S. - - , beautiful day,

clouds scattered below Angels One.

Copy that, Navy Spear.
We're mikes out.

- U.S. - - ,

your last was unreadable.
Say again, over.

The C- just went silent.

And now I've lost their transponder.

Toss the satellite on Ka-Band.

U.S. - - , we just lost
your IFF transmission.

Recycle your mode C transponder, over.

U.S. - - , nothing
heard. Please respond.

There you are.

I've been trying to track you down.

What is it?

KARA: Satellite captured
this minutes ago.

There's no evidence of a
m*ssile or other aircraft.

But comms was pretty
spotty over the Apennines.

Impact site is easily
within range of a standard

m*ssile fired from a
Hellenic Destroyer off Naples.


How the hell did he
know about our plane?

The range ring for his
warship will be in this area.

Which means we're likely
headed right towards him.

Still think we should cut
a deal with this maniac?

Are there any other
aircraft available to fly

the seeds to the States?

No, sir. All our bases
in Europe are down.

Port of Haifa had a couple cargo planes,

but they're no longer in service.

Commander Fletcher,

does the Royal Navy have
any assets it can scramble?



Um, I'm afraid our Air
Force is nonexistent, sir.

What wasn't destroyed
during the Immune wars

was grounded for lack
of fuel and pilots.

All right.

We'll deliver the seeds
to Norfolk ourselves.

We'll make for Gibraltar.

There's still fuel at Rota
and FOS Monrovia if needed.

LHD Blackwood can come down
from the north with an unrep...

We'll never make it out of the Med.

Vellek expects Nathan
to go for Gibraltar.

You barely made it through
the gauntlet last time.

By now, they've rebuilt their defenses.

Then we'll go through the Red Sea.

The locks in the Suez
haven't been operational

- since the plague hit.
- Are you sure?

I've been listening to ship traffic

in that region for months.

Then what do you suggest?

Well, Giorgio likes
to fight, so we fight.

They won't try to sink us as
long as we have what they want.

And that gives us the advantage.

We take the fight to them,

clear the airspace for
another transport plane.

Aegis Ashore out of Haifa
should be a good start.

Meantime, we capture
Vellek and his research.

- Again with this idea?
- It's our best shot.

- I've already made the decision.
- Captured Nazis helped us build a b*mb.

Captain Chandler, you are still
just a passenger on this ship.

If you really want to be
a part of the conversation,

then put on the uniform.

If not, let the
professionals do their job.

Get St. Louis on the horn.

Update the President
on our current CONOPS.

- That is all.
- Aye, sir.


Captain Meylan's under a lot of pressure.

He was right. I crossed the line.

I didn't say he wasn't right.

This isn't you.

Walking around the ship like
you're on a Tiger cruise.

Since when did you
become a passive observer?

Master Chief...

Don't Master Chief me. g*dd*mn it.

You wanted to get away. Good.

It's what you did.

God knows you of all
people needed a break.

But for months, the
rest of us pressed on.

The missions changed, but
our commitment never wavered.

And although you were
always in our minds,

when you left, we were broken.

I lost my way, Russ.

You never lost your way.

You may have turned your
back on your calling,

but your path was always
right in front of you.

It led you back to the Nathan James.

This is where you belong.



Come in.


So you're back then?

A good friend once told
me it was my destiny.

And he's Greek, so he'd know.

If I recall my history,
there was another Greek

who said a man's character
determines his destiny.

You chose this.

I just need to see this through.

Well, if it's a fight
you're looking for,

you just might get it.

We're staying put in the Med.

We're gonna try to scramble
some assets in the Middle East.

In the meantime, I'm
looking for a safe haven

where we can drop off the refugees.

Meylan made the recommendation
to the CNC, who concurred.

And Vellek?

Once the seeds are safely en route,

he becomes the mission.

- Sounds like a plan.
- It was your plan.

Meylan's his own man.

How do I look?


Still need a haircut.

All that time you were away,

you find the peace you were looking for?

[INHALES] There were moments.


Sounds nice.


LUCAS: It's me, Lucas, your son.

I know you said you'd be
home before Thanksgiving,

but I wrote this "porem"...
poem for you just in case.

Dear God, I give thanks
to you for my pretty mom

and thanks for my brave dad.

I give thanks for both my sisters

and all the good times we've had.

I give thanks for my best friend, Ron,

except for when he's weird and quirky.

But the thing I'm most thankful for

is not being born a turkey.

Happy Thanksgiving. I love you, Dad.



Love you, too, buddy.


Attention to oath.

Raise your hand and repeat after me.

I, Thomas W. Chandler...

I, Thomas W. Chandler...

having been appointed an officer

in the Navy of the United
States of America...

having been appointed an officer

in the Navy of the United
States of America...

do solemnly swear that
I will support and defend

the Constitution of the United States...

do solemnly swear that
I will support and defend

the Constitution of the United States...

against all enemies, foreign or domestic.

Against all enemies, foreign or domestic.

That I will bear true faith
and allegiance to the same.

That I will bear true faith
and allegiance to the same.

And that I will well and faithfully...

And that I will well and faithfully...

discharge the duties of the office

upon which I am about to enter...

discharge the duties of the office

upon which I am about to enter...

so help me God.

So help me God.

And salute.

Congratulations, Captain.

Welcome back.


You ever find yourself in a Navy bar,

that'll earn you a free drink.

Thank you, Diaz.


refugees from countries.

Or what used to be countries.

Any place we take them will be a relief.

Assuming there's food. [SIGHS]

Let's just hope we don't
cross paths with Vellek first.

We'll manage. Like always.

Keep calm and carry on.

That's my Fletch.

Never a dull day on Nathan James.

That's for sure.