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04x03 - Bread and Circuses

Posted: 09/20/21 05:42
by bunniefuu

[Camel grunts]

[Camel groans]

Lieutenant Granderson,
an ETA on Sunshine.

Aye, sir.

Sunshine, Navy Spear,
request updated ETA to Wendy.

[Static crackles]

Navy Spear, - mikes.

It's gonna be a tight fit.

Heading to open deck outside the city.

Copy. Sunshine's minutes
outside of Oran, Algeria, sir.

No sign of hostiles.

Only two main roads west into town.

Southern one gives you
more places to hide.

Copy that!

Sir, operational checks complete.

All w*apon systems are back online.

Master Chief, status of battle damage?

Sir, engineering reports
damage at Gibraltar

was more severe than initial
DC estimates suggested.

Hull Tech's on the scene
still welding patch in place.

Burning fuel we don't
have carrying that drag.

Yes, sir. Should be humming
along at % within the hour.

[Indistinct conversations]

Oran hasn't seen a
Westerner in over a year.

White girl slinging
an M is hard to miss.

I do not think it will
be very hard to blend in.

Welcome to the apocalypse.

Danny: Mahmoud Zeddam.

Mahmoud Zeddam.


[Men speaking Arabic]

[Speaking Arabic] _

[Speaking Arabic] _

Vulture, rally on me.

Got a lock on Mahmoud's neighborhood.

[Knock on door]

[Speaks Arabic] _

[Birds chirping]



You're up early.

Can't sleep.

No, not today.

Oh, yeah?

Too much to do.

Too much responsibility.

I am the bread of life.

He that cometh to me shall never hunger.

Those are pretty big shoes to fill.

Big shoes, big plans,
big day for both of us.

We're gonna make a little history,

and I want you next to me when we do.

Well, I'm not sure

I'm the "make history"
kinda guy, Giorgio.

You're a k*ller.

That's all I need for
what I got planned.

What do you got planned?


So much for your plans.

There are some things
you must make time for.

See you later, k*ller.


[Speaks Italian]


[Door closes]

[Sensor beeps, door unlocks]

[Door closes]

[Man in distance speaking
foreign language]

[Man shouts]

[Men speaking foreign language]

[Notebook thuds, drawer closes]

[Man speaks foreign language]

Who is the master, Giorgio?

[Men speaking foreign language]

[Child whistles, speaks Arabic]










Omar's already here.

And there's his ride.

Green, Wolf, take over top position.

- Azima, Burk, contain rear target.
- Copy.








[Objects thud]


Bravo on station. I
hold Omar visually, over.

Sasha: Don't sh**t until
we're in position to breach.

I'll freeze down any other targets.

Charlie, status. Over.

Charlie's set. North side clear, over.

Charlie, prepare to make
entry on Bravo's shot. Over.

Good copy.

Bravo has a clear shot. Over.

Bravo, you have green light. Over.

Shot compromised.

Bravo does not have a shot.

Sasha: Green, do you have a shot? Over.

- [Grunts]
- Danny: Ah! What the hell?

- [Gasps]
- [Knife clatters]


Things are going south.

Wolf: Take the shot.

- [Slices]
- [Grunts]

Danny: Omar's walking
and he's got the seeds.

Three targets on the move.

No vantage. Alpha,
Charlie, I'm losin' him.

Charlie on the move. Heading
northeast to intercept.

Charlie, be advised. Two
more males joining him.


Sasha: Prepare to engage them all.

The seeds do not leave here.

Burk: I have visual
contact on the package.

- I have him.
- Boy: Omar!

Hold fire. Charlie, stand down.

Boy: Omar! Omar!

[Speaking Arabic]

Boy: Omar!

- Omar!
- We're losing him.

[Whispers] Cooper!

Bravo, Charlie, hold
position. Provide cover.

I can't see anything from back here.

Fletch, get her the hell out of there.

What exactly would you like me to do?




Hold position.




[Gasps, coughs]

[Grunts, whimpers]


[Speaks Arabic]

- Mmm.
- Mmm.

Where are you going?

Giorgio said he had some
big plans for me today.

Any idea what they might be?

The labors of Hercules.

Sir, the signal faded. Track - - - - .

On this bearing, there
aren't too many options.

Omar could be heading to Corsica.

No. There's nothing there,
and they still need to refuel.

How's your line?

Still holding on Sasha's beacon.

We've got eyes on Omar's helo.

The seeds would've been
lost for good if not for you.

Track - - - - descending.

- Bearing and range.
- - - at miles.

Correlates to... the island of Sardinia.

Mr. Fletcher, does Omar have
friends in the neighborhood?

His strongest ties are North African.

But with these city-states
popping up all over the Med,

it's hard to say.

If the buyer's Italian,
he's not on our radar.

Sardinia's an open island.

If Omar's looking to close the deal,

it could just be neutral ground.


not gonna be neutral for long.

Lieutenant, tell
Sunshine to prep the Huey.

Alicia: Aye, sir.

Giorgio: I don't know.

I don't know.

I don't know! I've never met the man!

Why? Because we made a deal.

Because he has million
reasons to honor that...

Look, we're on schedule.

I will know more in a couple of hours.

Would you please just trust me?

I know what I'm doing.



Well, that went better than expected.

Next time, you're talking to him.

You don't need to take
it so personally, Giorgio.

- We're just...
- Questioning my every move.

Anxious to move forward.

You people, you're just no fun at all.

Welcome to the main event.

Stavros is sh1tting
himself for missing this.

He's working, Giorgio.
We have a job, remember?

Doesn't mean we can't have fun.

We've come a long way.

I didn't realize Giorgio's
power stretched this far.

You'd be surprised.

[Cheers and applause]

[Speaks Italian] _

[Bell dings]

[Cheering, scattered booing]

[Speed bag hitting]

[Punching stops]

There he is.

Omar, you look like
you've been through hell.

And you've brought it back with you.

The journey was long.

Yes. Of course.

Let's get down to business.

- [Lucia clears throat]
- You. Stay.

I want you to see this.


Show me yours and I'll show you mine.

No? Nothing?

Well, I guess I'll go first.
[Snaps fingers]

$ million.

You can count it, but it stays

until I receive delivery of the seeds.

It's money, Omar. You
use it to get things.

It is not enough.

We had a deal.

You did not tell me there
was another interested party.


The Egyptians? The Turks?

I told you, no one else
has the technology...

- The American Navy.
- The hell are you talking about?

Along with the British Secret Service.

They are chasing me across Africa.

Hold on.

I see what this is.

This is a shakedown.

I'm being shook down.

Can you believe this crap?
I'm being squeezed here.

If you prefer, I can
take the seeds elsewhere.

- I am sure that there will be...
- Cut the shit, Omar.

If you want more money,

be a man and ask for more money.

The number is $ million.

- [Laughs]
- Or I will auction the seeds in Tripoli

and let the world decide their worth.

You are out of your mind.

No one will pay you that.
No one has any use for them.

I'll take my chances.

Screw your chances.

How about this? I take my money

and then I put two in the back
of your underevolved skull.

Then I use my armada to wipe your tribe

off the face of this planet.

My people have survived
for centuries in the desert,

facing much worse than you.

You want a w*r,

you will get a w*r.

But you will not get the seeds.

- Do I look like I give a...
- Giorgio.

Giorgio, a minute, please?

Abu Dalik, excuse my brother.

We understand that you have risked a lot

to bring us the seeds.

That deserves a reward.

But there must be a reasonable number

- on which we could agree...
- Quiet, whore.

This does not concern you.

You say the Americans are after you.

And the British.

Wait until the Turks
and the Egyptians hear

what you're hoarding.

They won't negotiate.

And if you do manage to
get a much higher price,

then what?

Only we can turn those seeds into life.

So your choice is simple.

Die in a w*r, or hide in the sand

and wait for the hunger to take you.

We'll give you an extra
million drachmas

for your trouble.

And when the plants are ready,

you'll receive the first shipment.

That's worth more than money.

You know, it's not
really my place to say,

but maybe you should verify
he has what he says he has

before you make that decision.

Giorgio, we don't have the time.


But my team will need to check
the viability of each seed

before I hand out any
cash. Do you understand?

We can set up a secure
room down the hall.

Lucia: Let's make it quick.

I will have my men
retrieve the cylinder.

[Exhales] Thank God. For a second there,

I thought the whole
day was gonna be ruined.

Tell me, Omar,

do you enjoy watching two
men beat each other to death

with their bare fists?

Mm. I do.

You see that?

We are not so different after all.

My friend Andolini, he
throws the best fights

in all of the Mediterranean.

Come. You will be my guest.

[Cheering, shouting in distance]

Why did you get involved?

I was just trying to
defuse a tense situation.

Considering nothing's growing,

that's a lot of money for some seeds.

Says who?

Rodney: Vulture and Cobra are
feet dry in Sardinia. Over.



- How's it lookin'?
- We found Omar's helo, sir,

but no sign of the big man or the seeds.

Clocked a few of his soldiers
headed to a venue, mile inland.

All stations, sitrep.

Bravo on station, standing by. Over.

All set up here. Waiting for your call.

Let's move.



[Speaks Italian] _



[Cheering loudly]

- Got eyes on Omar's man.
- Slattery: You sure?

Been spitting up blood all
morning. Yeah, I'm sure.

Burk, take Cobra team around back.

- Vulture, you're with me.
- Copy.

[Cheering continues]


[Cheering loudly]


- [Man laughs]
- [Bell dings]





[Speaking Italian]


I'm good.

[American accent]
Oh, you speak English, huh?

Give me your hands. I'm gonna wrap 'em.

You seem pretty calm
for a guy facing death.

I've faced worse.

Oh, a warrior, huh?

Yeah. Well, I've had
my fill of warriors.

You picked a funny profession.

What, this? Oh, this
is just a side gig, man.

Here, they call me Il Dottore.

- You're a doctor?
- Philosophy.

Everybody needs a philosopher, right?

Especially now, this End of Days shit.

And you just hand out wisdom?

Indeed, I do.

And here's your dose for today, man.

Every single civilization since
man walked out of a cave...

Greece, Rome, Vikings,
Asia, Aztecs, Africa...

It's been ravaged and
then decimated and devoured

by the same set of fangs,

and it ain't famine or plague

or even w*r, in all of its lame excuse.

It's the urge, man.

The urge.

Always dormant in our primordial brains,

waiting like an arched
leopard to pounce and butcher

whatever the hell it smells
for its own gratification.

Did you know the
leopard and the house cat

are the only two animals
besides man who k*ll for sport?

For sport, man.

Just for the buzz of bloodletting.

v*olence is an urge, brother.

It's our urge.

And if it were up to me, I'd cry havoc,

slip the dogs of w*r back on the leash.

Get 'em back protecting the sheep.

Know what I'm saying?

Then who's the shepherd?

So you're a philosopher, too.

Little herbal concoction.

Get a little of this in
the other guy's eyes...

Poof, fight's over.

If you gotta go to w*r, make
it quick. [Snaps fingers]

Bocca al lupo. You know what that means?

Into the wolf's mouth.

Right on. Good luck.







I count hostiles, plus Omar up top.

What about the people with him?

Could be the buyers.

All right.

Nobody makes a move till
we have eyes on the package.




- What?
- _




Crowd: [Chanting] Hercules! Hercules!

Of all the gin joints
in all the towns...

Why am I not surprised?

Hercules! Hercules! Hercules!

Hercules! Hercules! Hercules!

Hercules! Hercules!












Try to make contact?

He looks a little busy.

Yeah, well, it doesn't look
like he's got any takers.


I got an idea.



- [Man speaking Italian] _
- [Slurring]

- [Metal cup clatters]
- _





Man: Giorgio... [Speaking Italian]

[Glass shatters]


I'll fight him!





[Bell dings]


Crowd: Hercules! Hercules!
Hercules! Hercules!




New call sign?

- You like it?
- [Chuckles]

Come on now. Make it look good.


I probably deserved that.

[Both grunting]

[Crowd booing]

Let me guess... You're here for seeds.

- How'd you know that?
- They're in the basement.

- You're on the inside in this?
- Buyer's in the VIP box.

Good thing I brought the
whole g*ng. [Grunts]

[Crowd booing]

- [Cheering]
- That was for her.

- I can't watch this.
- Then don't.

I'm gonna check our progress.

Make sure you take notes, would you?

Yes, yes.


All right, let's give
the crowd a good fight.

Crowd: Hercules! Hercules! Hercules!

Meet me downstairs.
People need their champion.

You sure your ego can handle it?

- Sure your body can deliver it?
- Remember you said that.


What the hell do you have on your hands?

- Get to the edge.
- [Grunts]

[Cheering loudly]

[Bell dinging]

[Cheering continues]

Giorgio wants you.

Everything all right?


I won.

Yes. Good. Good.

We're clearing out.

- We just got here.
- And now we're leaving.

Why the hell are you
asking so many questions?

[Man shouts indistinctly]


Giorgio: What the hell,
Omar? We had a deal!

- [g*nf*re]
- Omar: It's not me!


- Give me the seeds.
- Just get us out of here.

Get everyone back to the
boat. Where's Giorgio?

- He made it out.
- What?

- We have to get out of here.
- I'm not leaving without him.

Listen to me! I saw him leave.

He covered his own ass. Now we need...



All clear!

- Seeds.
- No.

Who are you?

- Tom Chandler. Nice to meet you.
- Bastard.

How long were we sh**ting at you?

Long enough to make us even.

[g*nf*re in distance]

- Where are the others?
- Pinned down inside the south entrance.

Omar's got 'em on both sides.

Take the seeds and
Lucia back to the ship.

Lieutenant Green and I
will back up the others.

We'll use the helo.
Lieutenant, call in the exfil.

Danny: This is Green team.
Leader has package in hand.

All teams, exfil to
your rally points. Over.

Sasha: Roger. Still taking fire. Over.

Here. Might need a little extra kick.

[g*n thuds]

- [g*n cocks]
- Let's move.

[Seeds rattle]

Okay, ma'am, you do exactly as I say,

everything's gonna be just fine.


- Aah!
- [Retreating footsteps]

[Groans, grunts]

- [g*nsh*t]
- [Groans]

[Grunts] God!

Ah! Son of a bitch! [Grunts]

[g*nf*re continues]

Vulture team's pinned down
ahead. Let's go get 'em.


- [Shouts indistinctly]
- Uhh!



- [Man speaks Arabic]
- Uhh!


Ah! [Groans]


You okay?

Just a ricochet. I'm fine.

[Men shouting in distance]

What the hell is that?

Giorgio's reinforcements.

And Omar will bring more.

This will take you
out. I'll hold them off.

Are you sure?

Giorgio trusts me.

- Go!
- Everybody, on me.

[Speaks indistinctly]

Whoa! Hold your fire! Jeez,
where the hell have you been?

Omar has the seeds.

This way.




Aah! Aah!



I want a team at every port.

You call Stavros and tell him
to track Omar's helicopter.

Nobody leaves this island
with my g*dd*mn seeds.


- You tried to rip me off?
- You filthy piece...

- Where's my money?
- Your money?

Lucia: Giorgio, Giorgio, come in. Over.


The U.S. Navy is here.

I know.

No, Giorgio. He's one of them.



He has the seeds.



Vulture, Cobra report.
What's your status? Over.

Vulture and Cobra are en
route to rally point Alpha.

Charlie Oscar should be there.

Sunshine, confirm, over.

Rodney: Mother, Sunshine,
that's a negative.

No sign of Charlie Oscar or anyone else.

Gonna widen my search, see
if I can spot him. Over.

At rally point Bravo, no
eyes on him. Beach is clear.

- He should've been here by now.
- Chandler: Hey!

Slattery has the seeds, but
something happened to him.

Lucia got away.
