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04x10 - Women Transform the World

Posted: 09/19/21 03:00
by bunniefuu

ALL: Hey!

Come here. Welcome back.

Thank you.

- Here, this one's fresh.
- Thanks.

- Oh, look at you.
- Oh, I had a corner, so...

No, he's lying. I had the corner.

It's fine. I had a huge breakfast.

Come on, we want to see

more pictures of Joanna.

I've sent you so many already.

But since you asked...

Oh, here, I'll hold your coffee.

Thank you.

Wow, a lot of changes since I was gone.

Congratulations, boss.

Don't be ridiculous.
Blake is still the boss.

Is Kat Sandoval here?

Oh, she's in California
wrapping up her exit strategy

from the avocado farm.
She'll be here next week.

But we like her?

I mean, I've heard some things.

She meditates now.

I get it. I breastfeed now.

Oh, fun fact: when your body
detects warmer temperature,

it'll change the content
of your breast milk

to provide more hydration
for your baby.

I don't know how I know that.
Wow, that is a cute kid.



Oh, look at those eyes.

JAY: You are in so much trouble.

DAISY: I know, right?

I could do this all day, but we
have a Women Transform the World

- conference to plan.
- Yes.

- Yes.
- And it ain't gonna plan itself.

Oh! That's how I know that.

ELIZABETH: Listen, you.

As glad as I am

to have you back, I want to remind you

you still have a week
left on your maternity.

I really wanted to be here
for the women's conference.

Something about having
a little woman of my own

made it even more important.

But it is weird being
away from my daughter

so I can make the world
better for my daughter.

Still working on that balance.

Well, that's what grandparents are for.

Have Joe's parents seen Joanna?

I haven't actually told them yet.


I'm not avoiding it.

I just got superstitious
when I was pregnant.

I mean, I kept thinking this
poor woman just lost her son.

What if something happens to this baby?

How horrible will that be?

Then, since Joanna was born,

I've been completely
overwhelmed, but I will call.

- Today.
- Good.

As soon as I get a minute.

And a caffeine rush, which
I will totally pump and dump.

- Let me know when I'm over-sharing.

I've been alone with a
baby for a long time.

As a rule, just pull back
when you feel yourself

wanting to share color
or texture of anything.

Thanks, ma'am.

Sorry, you're being
summoned to the Sit Room.

All right. Tell Jay
to start the meeting.


DALTON: Operation Tiger Claw

launches in four days, General.

Is that sufficient time
to finish preparations?

Ample time, Mr. President.

Marines, Army,
including Special Forces,

as well as several
British and Canadian battalions

are readying as we speak.

What about air support?

HILL: Taliban forces

are concentrated in Baghlan Province,

just outside Kabul.

Air strikes could put the Afghan
civilians at a greater risk.

While boots on the ground

almost certainly means
more American casualties.

BECKER: Despite these concerns,

we're confident this is the
best and most decisive way

to decapitate the Taliban leadership.

WARE: And send a clear
message to Russia.

Propping up the Taliban
in an effort to destabilize

the Afghan central government
won't be tolerated anymore.

Which is why, despite our
significant show of force,

we will be following the Afghan
army's lead here, General.

In the end, it's their fight.

ELIZABETH: None of this will matter

if we don't also lay the groundwork

for a credible and effective
Afghan government.

I mean, that is, if our end goal

is still to withdraw
U.S. troops completely.

That is our goal, of course.

And a decisive blow would
help us achieve just that.

General Mackey.

Operation Tiger Claw
could take a significant bite

out of the Taliban's control,

while simultaneously setting the stage

for lasting stability in Afghanistan.

DALTON: Right.

Let's get it done.

Peace through strength.
It's the party line.

Give me some good news, people.

Molly's returned from maternity leave.

Molly, hey.

Welcome back. We missed you.

It's good to be back, Dr. McCord.

The guys were just
about to catch me up.

So Senator Beau
Carpenter is behind bars.

His replacement has been fully vetted,

so our immediate intel leak is over.

If only we had anything worth bringing

to the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Okay, look.

Operation Tiger Claw
launches in four days.

Our job is to collect as
much intel as possible

on Russian and Taliban activities.

The problem is our most
promising Russian assets

in the region have gone to ground.

They got spooked when
Osip Bakunin was m*rder*d.

Not Matvey Sokolov.

Oh, that's your old friend

from the Russian Military
Academy, right?



Yeah, his profile is perfect.

GRU spy working as a
liaison to the Taliban.

Yeah, when I knew him,

Matvey had deep
ideological issues with Russia

and the way we meddled
in foreign governments,

particularly Afghanistan.

Plus, he's a sucker
for anything Western.

He used to wear Van Halen T-shirts

under his combat uniform.

Dylan, you've been
running point on this.

What's your impression?

That he's not reliable.

DMITRI: His information
about leadership changes

in the Taliban were solid,

and he did tell you that there
were more where that came from.

But every time I try to close the deal,

he asks for something different.

I can't get him over the finish line.

HENRY: We could try something else.

Stop offering him things and
put a little pressure on him.

Tell him he's running out
of time to be useful to us.

Or... I could talk to him.

MOLLY: Doesn't he believe

Dmitri Petrov is dead?

And what better way to convince a man

that the United States
government can be trusted

than to reveal that they
rescued me from the gulag

and saved my life?

When I knew him, America was his dream.

And what if he has a new dream?

You could wind up back in
witness protection or worse.

I do not believe he would burn me.

M-Matvey Sokolov is a Russian spy

who is embedded with the Taliban.

I have to at least try to
convince him to work with us.

It's a huge risk.

And you have taught me, sir,

that those are the
only ones worth taking.



Get in touch with Sokolov,
tell him I want to meet.

We'll leave for Kabul tonight.


MATT: So I was looking at my speech

from last year's women's conference,

you know, checking for ideas...

And by "checking for ideas,"
you mean you hope to reuse

last year's speech.


Well, I don't want to say
that parts of it are timeless,

but that would not be
totally inaccurate.

Except the demographics have changed.

We have a % uptick in
attendance in women under ,

who seem to think equal pay
for equal work is a fine idea.

Man, I'm glad you're back.

Okay, let's just spitball these ideas,

and we'll write my speech.

Help you?

I have a press briefing to give,
e-mails to catch up on,

and breasts to pump.
How about you help me?


Just so you know, I'm leaving because

you want to get rid of me,

not because I'm afraid
of breast-pumping.

Whatever works.

Just a friend thing.

How are your parents handling this?

It's gonna take some time,
but they'll come around.

Well, if you're looking
for some extended family,

I'd like to offer up mine.

As you know, I'm half
Irish, half Pakistani,

so it's a lot of whiplash
in the lifestyle department.

You got drinkers and teetotalers,

carnivores, vegetarians,

shouters and... well, everybody shouts.

But in a fun way.

And they all love babies.

Okay, I wanted to strangle you

a minute ago,

now I feel all weepy.

Damn hormones.

Think about it. Open invitation.

Everybody needs family.

Hello? Is this Mrs. Garcia?

My name is Daisy Grant.

You don't know me, but I knew your son.

I knew Joe.

Ma'am, I'm so sorry to bother you here.

No, no, no, I just had to get my ...

minutes in.

I could hear my Fitbit screaming at me

from whatever drawer I shoved it in.

How's your first day back going?

Fine. Great.

I mean, I miss her, but...
I'm talking to adults,

I'm using my brain,
and I'm so happy to be back

for the women's conference,
because, as we discussed,

the fact that I have a daughter now

makes all of these issues
even more important.

So I don't at all
regret at all coming back

- from maternity leave early.
- Good.

Because, you know, it's
a privilege to have a job

where there is maternity leave.

But the thing is,

I finally talked to Joe's mother.

And she was so happy to hear from me,

and she really wants to meet Joanna.

And I feel like I can't say no to her

because I'm the one who
contacted her out of the blue.

And they live in Connecticut,
which is, like, a long drive.

So, you know, the whole
thing is gonna be a lot,

and I know that I just got back,

but I need to ask for a day off.


...take two days off.


Take as many days as you need.

Oh, God, I feel like I'm gonna cry.

Yeah, you're gonna have to
get used to that feeling.


ELIZABETH: I'm just saying,

Afghanistan, hours before

a massive U.S. military operation.

I mean, if you need an adrenaline rush,

why don't you just, I don't know,

stay home and take up race car driving?

Our troops are about to go toe to toe

against the Taliban rebels.

Don't you think it'd be a good idea

to have as much
on-the-ground intel as possible?

Could I have that green one, please?

Are you really confident
that Alexander can

get this Russian operative to talk?

Well, if his old friend is
who he says he is,

I'll come back with information
about Taliban troop movements

that could prove invaluable.

Okay, literally, all I could make out

from that sentence were
the words "I'll come back".

Everything else just sounded
like Charlie Brown's teacher.

What do you want me to do, babe?

Please say it again... and mean it.

I'll come back. I promise.

In the meantime,
why don't you look into

that race car driving thing?

HENRY: You okay?

I was just thinking...

if I had never gone
to w*r College or...

or met you, if I had stayed
in the Russian military

and been a good soldier...

then this is where I'd be now.

Helping to prop up an armed insurgency

and destabilize the elected government.

Let's just hope that Matvey Sokolov

is as cynical as you are
about Russia's intentions here.

I have faith Matvey
has remained an idealist.

And if not, then, yeah,
I'm sure he still loves money.


Mrs. Garcia.

Oh, please, call me Margarita.

Oh, my God. (GASPS)

She looks just like him.

Yes, you know that?

You look like your daddy.


Oh, I'm so happy to
meet you. Come on in.

Dr. McCord, I was told

you would be coming alone.

I brought an old friend to see you.










We speak English now, okay?


Down to business.

I'm afraid we don't have much time.

Our friend is not safe here.

The GRU knows that Dalton is
launching a military operation.

They have card up their sleeve.

We need details.


Isn't that always the way?

If you help us, we can offer you cash

and asylum in the United States.

You will finally be free.


You came all this way,
put yourself in harm's way

to convince me to help the Americans?

I love my adopted country, Matvey.

I promise you, it is everything
we imagined and more.

And the delegate from Bulgaria
suggested a mentoring program on...

BLAKE: Ma'am.

Amina Salah, the Afghanistan
Minister of Education.

- Elizabeth. Oh...
- Ah, it's so good to see you.


I hear you've been promoted.

- I couldn't seem to talk her out of it.
- Oh, he tried.

I'm really looking forward

to your keynote address, Minister.

Excuse me.

Come on, sit down.

I want to hear about
the kids and everything.

Oh, yes.


You know, I spend my life
fighting for girls' education,

and Saba wants to take
a gap year before university.

(LAUGHS): That's not so bad.

Stevie took time off
from school, and she's fine.

How are the wedding plans?

Not happening.

Details are unclear.

- I'm sorry.
- Well...

she's bouncing back.

I hear her giggling on the phone.

Oh, who knows.

Life goes on after a heartache.

It's a good lesson for all of us.

I recognize the theme
from your keynote address.

- So you saw the draft?
- Yeah.

It's not too provocative?

The world needs to be provoked.


Well... better with words
than with drone strikes.

I want to assure you that...

this military operation
is being planned

down to the smallest detail.

Every precaution

is being taken to avoid
any civilian casualties.

I am sure.


If there were a diplomatic solution,

believe me, I-I would...

It is hard to negotiate

when % of the country
wants Sharia law.

? Wow.

The problem is,

too many people do not remember

what it was like before.

My mother wore short skirts.

She went out, she danced,

she served on her school board.

I know you've...
heard it too many times before,

but... we hope this action

will help bring
real stability this time.

If we can just give them a taste

of the Afghanistan that my mother knew.

Or even moderate Islamic rule.

But these days... (SIGHS)

...that can be
a contradiction in terms.

Ma'am. Sorry. You're urgently
needed in the Sit Room.

- Okay. Thank you.
- Yeah.

- Oh, I hate to cut this short.
- Of course.

Thank you for having me here.


It's an honor, Amina.

According to Matvey Sokolov,
the Russians have

a Taliban loyalist
embedded in the Afghan army.

General Nawroz Arezou.

He's a decorated and respected
leader in the Afghan army.

But once we launch
Operation Tiger Claw,

he plans to order his
troops to stand down.

Why would they be loyal to
him and not their country?

He's a strong leader, he's charismatic,

and most of the men under his command

come from villages that
are loyal to the Taliban.

How many men does
Arezou have under him?

(SIGHS): Uh... , .

That's % of the Afghan forces.

Without General Arezou's
troops on the field,

Afghanistan has no hope
of rooting out the Taliban.

We'll lose this battle.

Along with more American lives.

Good day, President Sharza.

Please tell me you have news
concerning General Arezou.

Arezou was arrested at his residence,

and I've already placed
General Piruz Hashmi

in charge of his command.

You are confident that he can
take charge of Arezou's troops?

I have full confidence
in Hashmi's loyalty,

and it will be as if this, uh,

terrible interruption never happened.

I appreciate your positive report,

President Sharza.

We'll, uh, be in touch.

Of course, Mr. President.


I feel like he's trying
to raise the price

on something I don't even want to buy.

(SIGHS) I have to admit that
my confidence in this mission

has been shaken.

Before we proceed,

we should at least know
how the Taliban turned

one of the top generals in
the Afghan central government.

And if there are any other
traitors in their midst.

I agree.

Which means, Bess...


Henry's staying in Afghanistan.

One of the hardest
things about Joe's death

was knowing that he would
never get to have children,

that I would never get to see
his face in my grandchildren.

So when I got your call,

it felt like a miracle.

Though I admit, for a fraction
of a second I was worried

you might turn out to be
some kind of scam artist.

- You know, one of those people

who prey on widows for their money.

I totally understand.

I mean, you're a woman alone...
you can't be too careful.

And then I remembered...
you loony old woman,

you don't have any money!


- Anyway, the minute I saw Joanna,

I knew she was his.

Joe was so handsome, wasn't he?


He got his looks from his father.

He died when Joe was young.

Did he tell you?

Well, he didn't... say exactly how old.

Just three.

Dan was in the military,
Persian Gulf w*r.

He was k*lled by friendly fire.

Such... bad luck.

Would you like to see a picture of him?

Of course.



If you expect me to bow down
to the great United States,

you will be disappointed.

The United States?

General, you betrayed your own country.

No. I was honoring
the will of my people.

They are sick of weak and
corrupt central government.

No more Western puppets.

The people want Islamic law.

And who reached out to you?

The Taliban leadership?

What does it matter?

In the Baghlan Province,
the Taliban are everywhere.

They're our neighbors and friends.

We have tea together.

What did your friends offer you

to drop your g*ns for them?


You think I can be bought.

Of course you do.

Because where you come from,
everyone and everything

is for sale.

I see you have daughters, General.

What do you think it'll be like
for them under the Taliban?

No more school, no more freedom,

an arranged marriage when they're ...

You are mistaken.

My daughters will go to school,

and then to work.

General, we both know the Taliban

will never allow that to happen.

They already have.

Yet again, the U.S.
is leading from behind.

But now you are so far back,

you can't even see which
direction the world is headed.

ELIZABETH: He actually said that?

The Taliban will educate his daughters?

And let them work.
It's not your mommy's Taliban.

Henry, if they're offering
these concessions,

it could completely change

the political calculus in Afghanistan.

We need to know if Arezou

- is on the level.
- At the risk of being reminded

that the U.S. does not
negotiate with t*rrorists,

I'm gonna throw out a name.

Akbar Haq Raquib.

The Taliban foreign minister.

He wanted to defect.

But when he turned us down,
he stayed with the group.

He could absolutely
confirm Arezou's story.

Back channel with the Taliban.

I mean, is Dalton gonna think I'm crazy

just for even suggesting it?

(SIGHS) To my way of thinking,

a peaceful solution is worth
sounding a little crazy.

(CHUCKLES): When are you coming home?

I'm leaving right now, babe.



"Ava in a Kia Soul will
be here in one minute."

I guess I better use my time wisely.

- Very smooth.
- Aw...


Hey, um, not a big deal,

but are you ever going to
tell me where you were

for the past couple of days?

It's just... we've never talked about

whether we're seeing other people.

Are you seeing other people?

Yes, I'm...

I'm seeing your father.

I was at a conference with him...

- Stop. (LAUGHING)
- ...the other night.

I never believed that stuff
about working together.


DMITRI: Hey...

- That looks ridiculous.

Aw, I wish it wasn't a school night.

Wait, school? I...

I thought you were working
at the White House.

I will explain it
to you tomorrow night.

- We're still on, right?
- Yes.

My sister's working... I checked twice.

And I will cook for you.

Should I be scared?

Not of the food.

Okay. Good night.

- Will you send me that picture?
- Mm-hmm.



Uh, Henry, we've got a problem.

Matvey Sokolov's extraction team says

he didn't show at the
rendezvous point today.

Agents waited for minutes

before taking off without him.

I was afraid of this.

His intelligence was good,
he wanted to come to the U.S.

He wouldn't turn me in to the Russians.

At least not willingly.

Okay, call the Kabul office
and have them send

a fire team to Matvey's apartment.

Is there something else?

No, sir.

I'll get on the phone with Kabul.

Amina, we received intelligence

indicating the Taliban might be
open to peaceful negotiations

in exchange for a seat
in your government.

President Sharza asked
if NATO and the United States

might be open to talks.

The United States is going to
negotiate with the Taliban?

Back-channel communications
between Sharza's administration

and members of the Taliban have begun.


I realize this must sound
like a compromise.

"Compromise" is not
the word I would choose.

I understand.

At least % of my
country will welcome this.

Most of whom probably have no idea

that they are giving up democracy,

personal freedom and,
of course, women's rights.

And they won't miss these things

because they've never had them,

and now they never will.

You mentioned the possibility
of a moderate Islamic state.

The whole reason these
talks are happening

is because we learned there's
a faction of the Taliban

that is open to education.

But do you know the kind
of education they mean?

Girls swaying over the Qur'an in burkas

for ten hours a day while
a male teacher instructs them

from behind a curtain.

We'll negotiate for a real education.

The Soviets. Pakistan. The Taliban.

Now the United States.

Every "new solution" is hardest

on the one group that has
the least power already.

They took more and more away from us

until we were literally
under house arrest.

- Mutilated for going out alone...
- I know.

You can't possibly.

What I do know is that
open societies where women

and the disenfranchised
have fundamental rights

mean a better life for everyone.

It is what I fight for
every day, Amina.

But it doesn't come from g*ns,

and it doesn't come from drone strikes.

It comes, as you said, from words.

We have an opportunity to talk,

and I think it's good
that we're taking it.

You know what would give me hope?

If a woman, one woman,
was in those talks.

Because she would understand
better than anyone else

what the price of peace should be.

We have paid it so many times.

MOLLY: Matvey and his girlfriend,

or maybe just some woman

on the worst date of her life,

were shot in his apartment.

ME at the scene estimated
they'd been dead hours.

Must have gotten to them
within hours of our meeting.

I had been communicating
with him for months.

They could have been on to
him by the time you got there.

They were tortured.

They found a car battery and electrodes

next to their bodies.

Poor girl, she didn't have any intel.

She was just in the wrong place

at the wrong time when the
Russians kicked the door in.

Alexander, can I talk to you a minute?

Listen, if you need to
take the rest of the day...

No. I mean, I'm fine, thank you.

But there is something
you need to know.

I was followed last night.

Why didn't you mention this sooner?

At the time, I hoped
I was just being paranoid,

but... if-if Matvey was tortured,

and if he gave me up...

Um, I've got the license
plate number of the car.

Okay, get it for me. I'll run it.

DALTON: You're absolutely certain
this information is correct?

Henry's office reached out
to their asset in Kabul,

who's connected to Akbar Haq Raquib,

and he confirmed... the
Taliban want to negotiate.

So just like that,
Operation Tiger Claw morphs

from a military offensive
against the Taliban

to... peace talks?

Maybe the Taliban are
as weary of fighting

as everyone else.

In exchange for peace, I assume
they have a few demands?

They want a role in
the central government.

It's a compromise that
has worked in the past.

In Ireland and South Africa.

Say what you will about their methods,

the Taliban aren't global jihadists.

They could be satisfied with a voice

in their country's leadership.

Yes, but what about the people

they're ostensibly leading?

After all this time,
we can't just open the door

and invite the enemy in
without a popular consensus.

A recent human rights poll found

that approximately % of
the country favor Sharia law.

I-I know. I was surprised, too.

The Afghan people have
been living with a chaotic,

weak and corrupt
government for so long that, uh,

the Taliban is starting to
look good by comparison.

Well, if that's so, sir,

then maybe it's time for us to finally

get off the merry-go-round.

Walk me through it, Bess.

The Taliban would agree

to recognize a democratically
elected government,

of which they would be
an active minority party.

Women would have access to education,

and the ability to work, but not drive.

So we're talking strict Islamic law

as oppose to Sharia?

That's something.

It is.

There's one hard line
in the sand for them:

no women running for office

or serving in the new government.



And we were doing so well.

Kind of puts the lie to their request

for free elections, doesn't it?

Look, I'm not happy about it, either,

but other countries have
declared independence

and labeled themselves free

while neglecting to give
their female citizens

an equal voice.

This country we're
standing in, for instance.

A mistake that was
eventually corrected.

And I have every hope

that Afghanistan will do the same.



Gather the NSC.

I want all opinions on the floor

- for discussion.
- ELIZABETH: Yes, sir.


All right... all right.

Most of the decisions
that get made in this room

are difficult.

This one is no exception,

so... let's go one at a time, hmm?

BECKER: Mr. President.

This is our chance

to strike a significant blow
against the Taliban.

Why would we stand down
and make concessions

when we're winning?

Are we winning?

It doesn't always feel like that to me.

HILL: All due respect, sir,

I agree with Gordon. It's premature

to consider negotiating
with the Taliban.

"Premature" after almost
two decades of w*r?

HILL: We need to use military force

so we can create the
political leverage we need

for a sustainable political solution.

DALTON: And how many other armies

have made that same calculation
only to wind up mired for years?

RUSSELL: And what if the
people of Afghanistan

have identified a solution
for themselves?

Two-thirds of them favor Taliban rule.

Or have we not yet evolved from
telling the rest of the world

- how to run their lives?
- HILL: I understand that you swim

in a vast universe of gray area,
Russell, but there are

some of us that can still see a clear

and distinct line between
what's right and what's wrong.

Well, now you're just
trying to hurt my feelings.

Madam Secretary,

you can't possibly favor a plan that,

if it was implemented
here, would have you

cleaning out your desk.

Oh, and that is assuming

there was a man willing
to chauffeur you home.

Even the Saudis came to their senses

and agreed to let women
drive, for God's sake.

That's a concession I
hope we can still win.

But they are holding the line

on keeping women out
of the new government.

It is "take it or leave it."

BECKER: And you're encouraging us

to take it.

I'm trying to... not lose sight

of the compromises
the Taliban has already made.

Ones that would have been unthinkable

a decade ago.

Women's education and employment

coupled with a strong
democratic government

can be the seeds that grow
a more progressive society.

They have to start somewhere.

And what do we tell
our Gold Star families?

The ones who have made
the real sacrifices.

"Sorry, but the insurgents
that k*lled your child,

"they're gonna be running
things in Afghanistan now.

Thanks for your service."

HILL: Sir...

it is my recommendation that we proceed

with Operation Tiger Claw as planned.

Taking the diplomatic path now

will only lead

to Afghanistan returning to the haven

for t*rrorists that it was in .

BECKER: We'll be right back

where we started, sir... on a decline

to theocracy and despotism.

Thank you all for your input.

I'll let you know my decision.


We don't have to agree on this one.

Look, I get it.

You helped plan this operation,

and you have faith in
what it can accomplish.

I'm not blinded by the bars, Elizabeth.


Doesn't it strike you as ironic,

the two of us in this building talking

about a historic decision

that could deny a generation of women

this same opportunity?

Of course I can appreciate that.

And I also appreciate
that we are both thinking

about the greater good.

Where you see a tiny
window to negotiate...

I see a wedge...

where we can finally pry open the door

and liberate half a country.

That's me...

thinking about the greater good.

WARE: Henry.

Thanks for coming by.

Your assistant said it was urgent.

Yeah. I got word that you
are running a license plate.

Yeah. Alexander Mehranov

thought he was being
followed last night.

We were concerned it was the Russians.

He was being followed,
but not by the Russians.

It was CIA, Security Division.

It's standard operating
procedure when an agent

completes a stint in rehab.

I should have been informed
you were surveilling my agent.

Fair point.

So did they see any
suspicious behavior?

This is the work Mehranov
signed up for, Henry.

The United States government
is completely within its rights

to keep an eye on agents who
could present a security risk.

I assure you Alexander's not a risk.

And his work on Afghanistan
is essential.


I'll call off the dogs.

But let me know if anything changes.

And I mean anything.

Is there anything else?





- STEVIE: Okay...

I did pick up pierogi...

and I do know that "pierogi" is plural,

so there's no "S"...
but I got a lot of them,

and it's not because I don't
think you can cook, it's...

I've just never had them,

and-and they made me
think of you, so...

I-I still haven't...

- haven't made anything...
- Well, perfect.

(LAUGHS): I got meat and potato.



Can, um...

can-can we sit down for a minute?

Can I talk to you?


I was actually about
to say the same thing.

Why don't you go first?

Okay. Um...

All right. I don't
think I realized, um...

how bad I was feeling about myself

after the breakup with Jareth.


with you, I, um...

I feel like myself again.

So... whatever this is or isn't,

or-or... will be,

I just wanted...

I just wanted to thank you.


Your turn.

It can wait.


Is it time?

No. We still have a few minutes.

But I have some news.

I'm afraid to ask.

President Sharza accepted

the terms offered by the Taliban,

and the U.S. has backed the deal.

The military operation

is officially off the table for now.

And how soon before you
pull your troops out

and leave us to our fate?

There's a three-year plan
to make sure that the Taliban

hold up their end of the agreement.

We won't leave if they don't.

You'll have a revised constitution

of moderate Islamic rule.

Women will still be educated,

they can work, vote,
control their own finances,

but there is one point
we couldn't move them on.

Women will not be able
to hold government positions.

At least... not yet.

Of course.

It's a place to start.

Please don't sell me on this right now.

I suppose this is my last speech

as Minister of Education.

(WHISPERS): Uh, excuse
me, Madam Secretary.

We're ready for you.

WOMAN: And now, to
introduce our keynote speaker,

we bring you a very special guest

and an inspiration to women everywhere.

Please welcome to the Women
Transform the World conference,

Secretary of State

Elizabeth McCord.


That's you, Madam Secretary.



I meet a lot of survivors in my work,

people who have seen some of the worst

this world has to offer,

and the quality they all share

is the ability to believe
in the coming day

even in the bleakest dawn.

Amina Salah has seen many
bleak new dawns in her country,

through a violent revolution,

communism, Soviet occupation

and a brutal civil w*r.

She had an opportunity to escape

before the Taliban came to power,

but she stayed, earning a bachelor's

and then a law degree

from Kabul University.

And as she watched a generation
of girls denied access

to a basic education,
Amina dedicated her life

to giving them
the same opportunity she had.

In her tenure

as Afghanistan's Minister of Education,

she's worked tirelessly to give faith

to a new generation of girls

that a new day is coming,

one that may feel bleak and cold now,

but will one day be warm and broad

and include everyone under the sun.

I'm reminded of a quote

from one of our own
keepers of the faith,

Susan B. Anthony.

"We shall someday be heeded,

"and everybody will
think it was always so,

"just exactly
as many young people today

"think all the privileges
which woman now possesses

"always were hers.

"They have no idea

"how every single inch
of ground she stands on

"has been gained by the hard work

of some little handful
of women in the past."

Or, in our case, the present.

Please welcome
Afghan Minister of Education

and my dear friend, Amina Salah.

- ♪