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04x02 - Off the Record

Posted: 09/19/21 02:56
by bunniefuu
Okay... we are down to Nantucket
Mist or Cappuccino Foam.

You're sure you don't
like Ionian Grotto.


I do like grottos.

And the Ionians.

- Who doesn't?
- ALISON: Hi, Dad.

They loved art, philosophy, democracy.

- One of my all-time favorite ancient civilizations.
- Okay, great.

But which one says warm
and welcoming kitchen?

You know, stylish without trying?

Aren't those all the same?

Seriously, Dad?

No, they're completely different.

You should get all three
and see which one

really pops on the wall.

Look how smart college is making you.

Here you go, Hieronymus.

- Oh, an Ionian pet name. I like it.
- Hmm.

And I have construction and
materials class in five. Ciao.

All right, thanks for helping, Noodle.

- Love you.
- I lo...


Okay, I'll pick up
a quart of each of these

on my way home tonight. Yeah, great.

We'll-we'll paint this weekend.

I'm not painting.

Well, okay, Grumpy.
Your dad and I have it.

Uh, we do?


You're the original Mr. DIY.

You fixed the washing machine.

Well, that was a part.
Painting is like a craft.

Well, we can be crafty, okay?

It'll be fun. Come on, come on.

We'll get all sweaty and
have a paint fight, okay?

- Okay.
- (chuckles)


I'm out. See ya.

We feel good about him driving
himself to school, right?

We feel great about it.

- (door closes)
- (sighs)

Especially if it means we
get the house to ourselves.

Care to head back upstairs,

- Hieronymus?
- To the grotto?

- (chuckles)
- Well,

the Ionians also had an
appreciation of pleasure.

- (phone vibrating)
- Stop talking.


"Needed at White House".


Traffic is really bad this time of day.

It's the worst.


Hi, hi, hi.

Hi, I'm Dmitri Petrov,

but my cover is
Alexander Mehranov, which...

which, of course, you also know

and now I'm babbling like a...


Oh. Chert.

Chert, chert, chert, chert, chert.

(door opens)

(door opens, closes)

How do I look?

You mean do you look high?

Do I?


Just nervous.

I haven't taken anything
since yesterday morning.

I'm clean.

(door opens)

- Udachi. _
- (door closes)

Should I try the house line again?

Just... give her another minute.

(exhales): Oh...

(door opens)

Good morning.

- Good morning, ma'am.
- BLAKE: Good morning.


So... what is the crisis du jour?

The Libyan civil w*r is back on.

What? What happened?

Well, about two hours ago,

talks between the Libyan
National Congress

and the Unified Republican Ministry

broke down over control of
the National Oil Company.

So the URM

took the opportunity
to launch an offensive

on the Mabruk oil terminal.

Aren't we offering them like
a-a billion dollars in aid

to bury their hatchets? I mean,
why would they put that at risk?

Reconciliation is hard.

Working through the usual smorgasbord

of power-sharing dilemmas.

Natural resource distribution,

security leadership,
frequency of elections,

local versus centralized power,
counterterrorism strategies.

Your basic -D chess

on top of a Jenga tower negotiation?

At least we still have
the aid package for leverage.

Congress is pulling the plug
on the aid package.

Since when?

RUSSELL: Ten minutes ago.

The leadership drafted a new amendment

reallocating the Libyan aid to

American farm subsidies.

Because that's what the world needs,

more corn.

Senator Morejon is on
the Senate floor right now

arguing that our aid money

could fall into the
hands of t*rrorists.

And he's not wrong.

(Elizabeth scoffs)

They will never make a deal
without the promise of aid.

And we can't give aid
without the promise of a deal.

So, catch- .


Not if we can get the Libyans

to agree to a deal before
you sign that bill.

How long can you wait?

(scoffs) Four days.

Any longer,

Congress will start questioning
all our aid packages.

- It'll be a feeding frenzy.
- I can work with that.

We'll start by showing
them how resolved we are

to stand with them

if they choose unity and peace.

And how do you plan on doing that?

I'll go and literally stand with them.

In a conflict zone?

Off the record.

It's still a hell of a risk.

A failed Libya is a much bigger risk.

You're not some random
envoy, Elizabeth.

If anything happens to you,
we won't just be sad,

it'd-it'd be an act of w*r.

I will have my detail
and a Marine Detachment,

I'll be fine.

But with our problems

in Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq,

we can't afford to let Libya slip away.

Not without a fight.


(clock ticking)

No heroics, Bess.

And if DS decides to pull the plug

at any point,

I'm authorizing them to pick you up

and throw you back on your plane.

- You got that?
- Yes.

Thank you... sir.

(door closes)

I know.


(sighs, sniffs)


(key rattles, Dmitri sighs)

- Morning.
- Hey, good morning.

Come on.

I'll introduce you to the team.

- They're excited to meet you.
- Yeah.

HENRY: Since we're sticking with
your cover as a tech consultant,

our front is an I.T. firm.

DMITRI: Makes sense.

Morning, Sally.

Good morning, gentlemen.

This is Alexander Mehranov.

Welcome to the agency.

(door buzzes)

DMITRI: Thanks.

HENRY: Don't be fooled by her demeanor.

Word is she can sh**t the beak
off a sparrow at yards.

Russian military trained me
not to be fooled.

Especially by Americans.


Dylan Larsen, Molly Reid.

This... is Dmitri Petrov.

MOLLY: It's like seeing a ghost.

Oh, my God, did I say that out loud?

HENRY: Okay, get it all out.

Because from now on,
he's Alexander Mehranov.

Even here.

Well, nice to meet you, Alexander.

Hey, there.

Or do you prefer Alex?

Uh, yeah, in Phoenix,
most people called me Alex.



Just not "Alexi."

(all chuckle)

Well, you guys are gonna
have plenty of time

to get to know each other,
but, in brief, Dylan is

- ex-Army Rangers.
- Yeah, a few pounds ago.

He transitioned to the
CIA seven years ago.

Molly is career CIA.
She started her career

as a field agent in Chechnya.

Also a few pounds ago.

But you have a better excuse.

I'm due in a couple months.

Um, and you know Alex, of course.

He helped us win a proxy w*r
against Russia in the Ukraine

a couple of years ago,

and he's the highest-ranking
Russian military official

who's working for us.

His breadth of knowledge about
the greatest geopolitical foe

that we have is, well, it's
unmatched anywhere in the IC.

- That's all?
- (chuckles)

So, let's move on to
why we've assembled

all this talent,
and what we hope to achieve.

The Russians are stepping
up their efforts

to bolster the Taliban and undermine

the democratic government
in Afghanistan.

I don't have to tell you
how disastrous that would be

to the United States...

well, the entire Western world,
if they were to succeed.

We now have evidence that

they're bribing Afghani
officials in an attempt

to further destabilize the rule of law.

- Sounds like we need to turn one of them.
- Exactly.

Our field office in
Kabul has identified

several dozen Russian operatives

working in country.

This is everything we have on them.

Our job is to identify who
would be most likely to turn,

and then formulate an approach.

The director wants us to
be operational fast,

so consider this speed dating.

TED: Since there's scattered fighting

near Tripoli, we'll corkscrew
into Mitiga Airport,

which is about miles south,
where there's less activity.

Then we'll haul ass by ground
up into the Tillisi Hotel,

which is just east of Tripoli.

Corkscrew, as in landing?

That's correct, sir.

Aircraft have been shot down

by both sides with stingers
in the last few months.

Can't risk standard descent procedures.

Well, this pregnant lady is not
bummed to be staying stateside.

Uh, excuse me,

just how corkscrewy are we talking?

Tight radius, so we can secure
everything below

, feet. It's a bit of a ride.

Said the former Air Force colonel.


extraordinary precautions
to ensure smooth sailing.

What else, Ted?

We'll be traveling with
a small, heavily armed detail

including a Marine Detachment,

a medic and just two of your staff.

Wheels up from Andrews in three hours,

so we can hit Libyan airspace
in the dead of night.


That sounds like a plan.

Thanks, Ted.

Thank you.


Now, I'm leaning toward Ionian Grotto.

Strong choice, I love it.

They're all exactly the same,
aren't they?

Pretty much.



Did you, uh...

you ever do a corkscrew landing?

Yeah, a few times.

On transports into Iraq.

So it's not a big thing, right?

You're corkscrewing into Libya?


Uh, i-it's not a big deal.

It's kind of like a really sharp
turn that just keeps going.

All right, well,
that doesn't sound so bad.

You just worry about making peace.

Charm them with your Arabic.

Actually, I'm gonna
be using a translator.

I'm not great with the Libyan dialect.

Has too many diphthongs
and interdental fricatives.

Hey. So you're really doing it.

Yeah, it is really getting done.

What do you think?

I love this one.

I was all about Nantucket Mist
ten minutes ago.

Now it's Ionian Grotto.

So, can I take that one?


I'm don't think
we're done deliberating...

No. It's dead to me. That's yours.

- Please.
- Awesome.

Jareth's apartment is so drab.

I've been meaning
to spruce up the living room.

You can buy that, you know.
It's on sale at Franklin's.

Or, you know what? It's our treat.

- BOTH: Really?
- Yeah, it is.

- (phone rings)
- Wow, thank you so much.

- From-from both of us.
- (phone beeps)

All right, that's my ride.

I didn't realize
you were going anywhere.

Well, I didn't either,
until this afternoon.

But, uh, that's all I can tell you.

Ah. OTR, I get it.

Good luck, wherever.

ELIZABETH: Thank you.

HENRY: It's really
high-end paint, you know.

So the corkscrew thing,
it's really gonna be okay?

I promise.

I'm more worried about you
on the ground over there.

POTUS is way ahead of you.

Love you.

I kind of love you.

- Yeah.
- A lot.

- All right.
- Get your bag, get your bag.

We have a painting date
when I get back.


JAY: It felt like a sharp turn

that just kept going and going.

I told you.

Oh. General Hamady has just arrived

at the Tillisi Hotel, ma'am.

That's full negotiating complement.

As long as our tires hold up
on this road, we're good to go.

How far out are we, Matt?

About half an hour, ma'am.

I'll let the parties know.

Good. Um, Jay, can we
review the revenue...

(tires screech)

AGENT: Heads down, heads down!

TED: Whoa, Joe, what happened?

JOE: Uh, someone jumped into the road.

TED: Are they armed?

JOE: I-I don't know, I can't see.

Ma'am, you stay in the car.

What happened, Joe, did we hit anyone?

Yes, ma'am.

Looks like a child.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

- DS AGENT: Cover Bluebird!
- Where's the doctor?

- Ma'am, I need you to get back in the car.
- Don't we have a medic?

- Oh, my God.
- By the time I saw her, it was too late.

It's not your fault, Joe.
Where is the damn medic?

Ma'am, I need you to get back...

I'm here, I'm here.

Excuse me, ma'am.


Oh, my God.

Is she alive?

Uh, yeah, but losing blood.


Help me stop the bleeding.


Here. Press as hard as you can.

ELIZABETH: Is she gonna make it?

Yeah, but she needs
to get to a hospital.

- Well, then let's get her in the car...
- No! Absolutely not.

The road is not clear.

Crowd of potential tangos, o'clock!

(men shouting)

Don't sh**t, don't sh**t.

Ma'am, we need to leave right now.

We are not leaving her
lying in the road.

Ma'am, we have a potential
Black Hawk Down situation!

No, Ted!

I'll, uh, I'll stay.

So will I.

This is already a staggering
breach of protocol.

I can't guarantee your safety.

Please, I need you to get
back in the car, right now.

Okay. Okay, okay, okay, okay.

Wait, just do whatever

- you have to do, okay?
- I-I'll do my best.

Thank you.

(Stevie sighs)

Aren't you having
just a little bit of fun?

Haven't hardly spent any
time together lately.

I know.

But here we are.


Besides, you're definitely gonna
score some points with my mom,

'cause she's very into
couples painting these days.

Ah, well. I must be having a blast.

I stand corrected.

Is that a swipe at my mother?

No, no.

It's an honor to be influenced by her.


Why are you being so weird?

Maybe it's just disconcerting

to be under the thumb
of a political dynasty

when you've been disinherited
by your own family.

Whoa. "Dynasty"?


And how are you under anyone's thumb?

It'd just be nice if,
every now and then,

you didn't jump through
every single hoop your parents

- put in front of you.
- Oh, my God, what hoops?

Wha... you think I'm some
idiot with no mind of my own?

I never called you an idiot.

Just that I can't think for myself.

Well, here we are painting
because your mum

said it was a good idea.

No, because we decided to paint.

I never said that I wanted
us to do it ourselves.

Well, you never said
that you didn't want to.

Because you wanted to do it.

Well, God forbid you actually tell me

- how you feel about anything.
- I'm telling you now.

Yeah, while trashing my family.

Do you want me to be
honest with you or not?

Of course. Just not after
withholding your true feelings

when we're making a decision,

and then getting all pissed off at me

about how miserable I've made you

because of, I don't know,

my family's oppressive dynastic thumb?

Damn it.

It's work.

Oh, yeah. Of course it is.


(distant siren wailing)

- Good morning, ma'am.
- Hi. Good morning.

- The parties have gathered.
- Okay.

NADINE: How are you holding up?

Well, we'll find out soon enough.

How about you?

Oh, I've been praying a lot.

Ma'am, I just heard from Dr. Greene.

And? What about the girl?

She sustained some
pretty bad head trauma,

so they're worried about
her brain swelling up.

Apparently, the next hours is key.

And her family? Did they...?

Her mom and dad are at the hospital.

Turns out, Aya was walking home.

So, that's her-her name, Aya Alsnany.

She was walking home from
her grandparents' house.

And, uh, they got...
when she didn't make it,

they got worried and they found
her eventually at the hospital.

I'm glad they're with her.

Nadine, I-I'd like you
to go to the hospital.

I-I know that's a big ask.

No, of course I'll go.

Honestly, I'm having trouble focusing.

I'd rather be there.

- Thank you.
- Oh, Jay?

Have you got this?

No worries.

Okay. What do we got?

MOLLY: Split decision.

Dylan and I have a serious
crush on Maxim Polyakov.

Russian military official who's
a direct line to the Taliban.

Okay. Who do you like, Alex?

Uh, Osip Bakunin, Russian
embassy attaché in Kabul.

An emissary between the
GRU and the Taliban.


Tell me about Polyakov.

We can connect him to a meeting
with an Afghani drug lord.

Probably a bribe.
But, even if it wasn't,

there's no way that
meeting was sanctioned

by the GRU.

We've got him by the balls.

Is there a downside?

He's a bit of a renegade.

There's a risk he could implode.

Uh, I think, um,

Polyakov is even less
stable than they think.

Um... he gets jittery,
it could blow us.

Noted. Tell me about Bakunin.

(sniffs) Well, we haven't
got as much leverage,

but, uh, he does have a lot of debt.

Offering to pay that off, uh,
could be intriguing to him.

Um, but what I like most about him

is his ideology.

You see, he leans leftward

for a Russian diplomat.

And we have, uh,
private correspondences

with a cousin of his,

uh, who is a low-level
economic minister

advocating for a more
open, democratic government.

How do we know he's not
just telling the cousin

whatever he wants to hear?

Uh, I recognize the sentiment.

He's not faking it.

We flip him, he'll be stable.

We'll own him for a long time.


I like the sound of that.

Let's look into the approach.

If he doesn't work out,

then we'll have Polyakov as backup.


- Copy that.
- Good work.

Let's call it a day.

(door closes)

- (yells)
- (gasps)

(both panting)

I'm so sorry.

It's okay.

- It's okay.
- I... Here.

I never liked this suit.


- Here, uh, let me.
- Or this shirt and tie.

It's okay. No, no, no, no.

It's all right, it's all right,
it's all right, it's all right.

We need those corner mirror thingies.

Not that the Landmarks
Commission will ever allow it.



I left the files and
instructions on my desk for you.


Um, do you mind me
asking what's going on?

What have you heard?


You know, I know my mom is
on an off-the-record trip,

and, um, I'm probably being paranoid,

I just... I just, you know,

I just want to make
sure that she's okay.

Yep, she's fine.

She's, uh, fit as a fiddle.

Okay. Thank God.

- Thank you.
- I mean, she's, uh...

she's upset,

but fine.

She's in Libya.


Don't worry. We have
a small army protecting her.

Yeah, no, of course.

But she ran over a kid.


Not her, personally. Her motorcade.

Oh, my God. That's-that's terrible.


She's alive, though.

The kid.

Things happen.

Stuff you don't plan on.

My whole damn job is dealing
with stuff you don't plan on.

I'm keeping the president waiting here.

You okay?


Um, I think so.


You don't have to worry about your mom.

(door closes)

ELIZABETH: I floated
an integrated national army

working with U.S. advisors.

They're not crazy
about the U.S. advisors part.

Well, after Iraq and Afghanistan,

I can't say I blame them.

Well, it sounds like you're
making some progress.

Sorry to say
it's slower than I'd hoped.

RUSSELL: Then you're not gonna like

that we're tightening up your timeline.

DS is worried what it's gonna look like

if news breaks of your accident.

See what you can do in the next day.

Then we're pulling you.

Mr. President, that'd
be... all due respect...

a terrible mistake.

DALTON: Understood,

but it's not up for debate.

Sorry about all this, Bess.

Uh... thank you, sir.

I should get back in there.

Of course.

Thank you.

MOLLY: So, that's the little
changing station.


And that's the crib
my mom bought us, thank God.

Aw, very nice.

Well, it's official.

I've become that person.

Well, you're fine. It's when you, uh,

brag about poops and burps
that you start crossing lines.

Though, I-I have to say my little Danny

is a champion burper.

- (laughs)
- Yeah.

To our new comrade.


Don't sell yourself short,
you're off to a strong start.

I get why McCord likes you.

Oh, Bakunin probably won't work out.

We'll end up with Polyakov.

Not to be a d*ck,

but since you brought it up,

I don't look forward
to turning a Russian operative

without some really scary leverage.

You underestimate the GRU.

Bakunin knows they'd
send him to the Gulag

- for a parking violation.
- True.

So, yeah, their brutality is our
number one recruiting tool.

(both laugh)


You know what they actually do
to you, uh, in a Russian prison?

They start off with, uh,
with stress positions...

tying you up and hanging
you by your wrists,

stepping down hard on your
joints and your ligaments

until they, uh, they snap.

Then they, uh, attach electrodes.

One jolt is so much pain,

you can't even imagine.

The convulsing so violent
it, uh, cracks ribs.

And the only hope is that
the next one will k*ll you.

You know, whatever happens
to Bakunin or Polyakov,

it's not a game for pampered
CIA agents to joke about.


(woman laughs)

...from a brain scan.
The doctor is assessing it now.

- But she's stable.
- Brain injuries are unpredictable.

Her parents are with her
and agreed to see you.

- Right here.
- Thank you.

- Mr. and Mrs. Alsnany...
- (translating into Arabic)

How do you do? I'm Nadine Tolliver.

I am Secretary McCord's

chief of staff. Thank you
very much for seeing me.

- (speaks Arabic)
- HASSAN: What do you want?

The secretary asked me to convey

her deepest sorrow

and well wishes. We all feel

just... awful

about this dreadful accident.

(speaking Arabic)

All we want is for our
little girl to come home.

(speaking Arabic)

Mr. and Mrs. Alsnany...

(both speaking Arabic)

HASSAN: I am afraid
Aya's scan shows that

her brain has continued to swell.

(speaks Arabic)

How can we stop it?

We've done everything we can.

I'm afraid she only has

one more day.

(speaks Arabic)

I'm sorry.

That's a good way to cool off.

Alexander, right?

Right. I... You...

- Stephanie.
- Ah.

Stevie. Henry McCord's daughter.

Yeah, right.

Yeah, we met at your place.

- You were all dressed up.
- (chuckles): Right.

- Um, it was for the opera.
- Ah.

Actually, mm... might have
been the philharmonic.

I-I can't remember.

That good, huh?


It's kind of more my fiancé's thing.

- Uh-huh.
- So...

(glass clattering, door chimes ring)

Yeah, he's... he's British, so...

Makes sense.

Not really, actually, I... (laughs)

- No? (stammers)
- No. I don't think so.

- Okay. - Not really sure
what I was going for there.

- Uh...
- Sorry, I sound like

a bit of an idiot.

No. Why-why? No. Not at all.


I just alienated myself
with my new co-workers.

I basically called
them callous monsters.

- So, you know...
- Wow.

- Yeah. I'm the idiot today, so...
- Wow.

(door chimes ring)

And an even bigger idiot for
telling my boss's daughter.


It's okay.

(phone chimes)

Um... it's work.

Sorry. I got to run.

But it was really nice
to run into you, Alexander.

You, too, Stephanie-Stevie.

(chuckles) Now I will remember.

Right. See you.

See you.

TRANSLATOR: How dare you

make these demands while your troops

continue to besiege Mabruk?

That oil belongs to Libyan people

who are oppressed and ignored

- by your so-called government in Tripoli.
- Gentlemen, let's keep

our focus on the _

presidential council. _


Excuse me, ma'am. It's Nadine.

(speaking continuing)

How is she, Nadine?

Aya's brain is swelling very badly

and there's nothing
they can do here to stop it.

(speaking continuing)

Wait, what?

The only hope they have
of reducing the swelling

is with an external ventricular drain,

which they don't have
here at the hospital.

So we need to get her
someplace that does.

Yes, ma'am.

The closest medical
facility with an EVD

is the USNS Mercy hospital ship

a few hundred miles away
in the Mediterranean.

Now, time is of the essence,

and with the no-fly zone,

logistics become problematic.

Thank you, Nadine.

We are getting

Aya Alsnany on that ship.




- Absolutely not.
- Ted...

Ma'am, LNC affiliates shot down
a UN peacekeeper helicopter

- in that same airspace not two weeks ago.
- Yes, I know.

So maybe we find another route

- that NAVAIR will sign off on.
- Find another route?

I wouldn't even know where to begin.

There has to be a way. Hey, maybe...

I don't know. Just...

- think outside the box, please.
- Ma'am, we all want that girl

to pull through,
but even if I were willing

to push the envelope,
the Pentagon is not gonna

put a flight crew at risk
in hostile territory.

Even the president
won't overrule them on this.

I can't let her die.

- Thank you for gathering again.
- (speaking Arabic)

We appreciate your offer
to help integrate

our two militaries,
and your aid package

is more than generous.

But your help is meaningless

- if our opponents continue to extort us.
- It's fine.

- I'm done negotiating.
- (speaks Arabic)

TRANSLATOR: I sense another

- American trick.
- Uh... (sighs)

No, I-I...

I asked you to come back because...

there is something that
we can solve together.

On our way from the airport yesterday,

my motorcade hit a little
girl in Castelverde,

and right now she is

at Ehtuish Hospital with a
potentially fatal brain injury.

(speaking Arabic)

So, another Libyan victim
of United States help.

Yeah. I get that.

And we can debate the morality

of the NATO bombing campaign here

another time, but right now
that girl needs...

she needs life-saving care,

and it is only available to her

aboard a U.S. hospital ship

off the coast of Al Khums.

We can't get her there
because of the no-fly zone

your militaries are enforcing.

- (speaking Arabic)
- TRANSLATOR: Once again, it is our fault.

One hour.

We just need

a one-hour cease-fire and
suspension of the no-fly zone.

TRANSLATOR: The no-fly zone is
the only thing stopping them

from dropping barrel bombs on us.

We only agreed

- to the talks...
- I'm asking you to focus

on one little girl who
doesn't need to die today.

We did nothing to this girl.

- No.
- (speaks Arabic)

But she will die if you do nothing now.

Isn't it our most fundamental...

responsibility to save innocent lives?

I am begging you.



(door buzzes)

(indistinct conversations)

In my office, please.

They had no choice but
to tell me about your

spectacularly troubling behavior.

- Okay, I...
- Oh, no, no! Not okay.

It's not okay.

And it doesn't matter that
they were insensitive.

I talked to them about that.

This is about whether or not
you still have the temperament

to do this kind of work.

You know damn well that
any perceived weakness

can be exploited by our enemies.

- Yeah, I understand that.
- Then you need to instill

a little more confidence that
you're working for the right side.

Which was the central issue

when I was putting all
of my credibility on the line

to get you this work
in the first place.

Or maybe you don't get that.

I get it.

Everything that you have done for me.

It won't happen again.

You're gonna start seeing
Dr. Thorton again.


In Phoenix?

I'm having him come here.

That's all.

That's not all, Dr. McCord.


For the last ten months

I have been struggling
with opiate addiction.

Um, yeah, mostly oxycodone.


Uh, the doctors gave
me oxy for my injuries

after my release from Russia.

And when, uh, when
I got out of the hospital...

(sniffs) they weaned me off the dr*gs,

but, um...

I still had... had pain.


I found it myself on the street, and...

(sniffs) um...

at some point, uh,

it-it stopped being about the pain...

I just needed it.

And now I can't stop.

(takes deep breath)

Um... I even lied
to my sister. (sniffs)

Um, I-I know... I know how bad this is,

and, uh...

how much it compromises me.

I'm so sorry.

JARETH: Not bad, eh?

Not at all.

I thought if coming up
with a theory of everything

doesn't work...
we've got house painting.

You didn't have to finish.

I know.

I just realized what...
an idiot I'd been last night,

and since you were off to work,
the only penance available

was to finish the one thing
I'd so rudely railed against.

I don't think that our fight
was just about painting.

I adore your family,
and I admire your work.

- You don't have to...
- I do, I do. The truth is,

I... I brag about your mum.



And the fact that you work
at the epicenter of power

for the whole damn world...

- As an intern.
- As an anything is impressive and amazing.

Maybe I'm a bit intimidated.

- Jareth...
- No, no, no.

I'm sorry that I was
such a cretin last night.

And I know I don't deserve it.

Forgive me.

Of course.

I love you, Stephanie McCord,
and, if it's not too creepy...

I think I love your mum, too.

(laughs) It's a little creepy.


I love you, too.

(Hassan and Mona arguing in Arabic)

Nadine, what's happening?

Mr. Alsnany has changed
his mind about the helicopter.

Well, does he understand she'll...?

He's... he's never been on an airplane,

let alone a helicopter.

He's frightened, ma'am.

- (arguing continues)
- Mr. Alsnany?

Mrs. Alsnany?

I'm Elizabeth McCord.

(woman translating) I am so deeply
sorry about what's happened to Aya,

but she needs to get to the hospital.

Now, I understand

there's a problem with the helicopter?

TRANSLATOR: We are not going.

How do we know we will
not be shot down? _

I have heard many stories. _

That was before the cease-fire, okay?

Both sides have agreed to let
this helicopter fly safely.

I have their personal assurance.

You do, _

but how do we know?

Because I'll go with you.

Oh, ma'am, ma'am, this
needs to be run by DoD.

Ted, you and I both know
there's no time for that.

- It's not gonna happen.
- Ma'am, a medevac helicopter

- is one thing, but with...
- The clock is running down

- on the cease-fire... she has to get to
the hospital. - Ma'am, I am authorized

to physically stop you... you
are aware of that, right?

I know. Yes.

(sighs): Just... come on, Ted.

Let's take a little ride,
save this girl. Please?

(Hassan and Mona continue arguing)

- You're k*lling me, ma'am.
- I know.

Mr. Alsnany... It's okay? Yes?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

(shouts in Arabic)

Okay, come, come.


(speaks Arabic)

It's taking so long.

The doctor said it could
take up to five hours.


(speaks Arabic): ...Elizabeth?

TRANSLATOR: Do you have children?


They're... grown now.


(speaks Arabic)


Our daughters, uh, Stevie and Alison

are and years old, and...

our son Jason

is .

(speaking Arabic)

We also have two girls and a boy.

Eisha is , and our son Khaled is .

(speaking Arabic, crying)

Aya is the youngest.



She's gonna be okay.

The operation was a complete success.


(Hassan and Mona speaking Arabic)

Your little Aya... she is a fighter.

She responded beautifully to the EVD,

and the brain swelling

is already going down.

She's in recovery right now

under heavy sedation, but, uh...

if you want, you can come be with her.

(sniffles, speaks Arabic)


Ma'am, there's a chopper
waiting to take you

to Aviano Air Base.

JAY: Madam Secretary.

Ma'am. Ma'am, s...

something amazing happened.

I see that.

The cease-fire... it held.

- Well, that's good. That's...
- And not just that.

Now they want you to come back.

To Tripoli? Why?

Well... both sides agreed
on a presidential council,

which clears the way for
an integrated military

and oil revenue sharing.

Ma'am, they want to
sign the peace deal.


- Are you...?
- Yeah. Apparently, they started

negotiating again as soon as we left.

They were moved
by your plea to save Aya.

It's so... just amazing.

- That's...
- Wow.

- Right?
- A freakin' miracle.


Aw, Ted's gonna love this.


TED: Ma'am?

ELIZABETH: ...having a
hard time with the drips.

STEVIE: Hey! You're home!

- Hey, babe.
- Hi, honey.

- Oh-ho! Hi.
- Hi.

(kisses) Darling.


I'm really glad that everything
worked out in Libya, Mom.

Yes. Thank you.

Uh, Russell mentioned

that he read you in on it.

(sighs) Yeah.

Breaking it gently is not his gift.

Hey, how'd things work out

with the, uh, Nantucket
Mist at Jareth's house?

- Oh, yeah.
- Oh, great.

Yeah, we both... love it.

- (chuckles)
- Thank you, again.

You're welcome.

Oh, uh...

Dad, I-I ran into that guy

that you work with at the w*r College.

Um, Alexander.

Oh, yeah, where was that?

A convenience store in Adams Morgan.

What'd he have to say for himself?

Not much.

He, um, he seems like a nice guy.

Yeah, he is.

Okay, what-what are, are you doing?

- What do you mean?
- Well, you're, like, jamming the roller

when you should be using a-a brush.

Are you really gonna, uh,
criticize my painting?

Are you really gonna
get defensive about it?

O-Okay, give me a brush.

- Don't get all huffy.
- No. Here...

- I don't know where they are.
- What? What?

Look, I'm doing it your way,
babe. Let it go.

Good night.

Feels like you need to let it go.

- Really?
- Yeah, r...

Oh, no. No, no. Don't do it.

You do not want to get in a
paint fight with me. You don't.

Or maybe I do.



- that looks... that looks good.
- Oh, oh, does it?

- Yes.
- Does it look good? Ho-ho-ho!

- Look at that, you got right in...
- (shrieks)

- Oh, you think that's gonna work?
- Come on.

Think that's gonna work?


Direct hit.

- Okay. Okay.
- Bam!

Okay, fine.

- Come on.
- Okay, okay, but I like my shirt.

- Come on. Oh, you do?
- This is one of my favorite shirts.

- How much do you like it? How much do
you like it? - Don't do it. Don't do it.

- How much do you like it?
- I like you so much. I like you so much.

Oh! Henry, I can't see...
those are my glasses!


- Oh!
- Oh!

You like it? You like it? Whoo-hoo!

- Oh, go for it. Come on. - ELIZABETH:
Let me just tell you something.

- Come on.
- You know what? I... That is my nipple.

HENRY: Hit me with your best shot.

Oh-ho-ho! No, no.

Not below the belt. Not... Oh!