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04x10 - The Shadows

Posted: 09/18/21 05:34
by bunniefuu



♪ ♪


♪ ♪

♪ I came down over the
sleepy mountains where ♪

♪ Our wide toes plunged into ♪

♪ The weeping shale to tear our ♪

♪ Skin up off from the bottom ♪

Thank you for coming.

Don't just wander back and forth ♪

- I am so sorry for your loss.
- Thank you.

♪ Build it into pinnacles
and shrines of some ♪

♪ Some ghastly predicament
of mine you'll find ♪

♪ Leaves us plastered
to a bed of hairs with ♪

♪ Me all coiled up near the bottom ♪

♪ With my chest unbared ♪

♪ Oh, but dear, the sky is low ♪


Should I go?



I'm the actor of the group, so...

I'm going first.

I've been, um,
preparing this speech for the past few days

and I have been asking myself,

you know, "Who was Dory?"

"Who was she?

"Like, who was Dory," right?

And it's a question that

I've been asking myself a lot,

kind of almost obsessively,

since I was cast as her in an

upcoming film about our lives.

it's kind of embarrassing for me to admit,

but I actually was, like, recast,

which has never happened
to me professionally,

because, um...

[SIGHS] I couldn't figure her out.

And that was very confusing for me

because she's my best friend.

And sometimes I honestly felt
like I didn't know her at all.

And towards the end, I...

got the impression she felt
the same way about herself.


maybe we all feel a little that way

and we're kinda scared to admit it.

As an actor, I'm always
trying to understand

my character's motivation.

But I've learned I don't really
think people work that way.

I think, like,
we don't really know what motivates us.

We just kind of, like, are the way we are.

We don't really know why the way we are

the way that we are,
but we are the way that we are,

and that's the way that we are.

And the thing about Dory...

is that I underestimated her.

And I think a lot of
people underestimated her.

And she had, like, this secret power

that I've never seen in
anyone ever in my life before,

and I can't help but feel
like she had more years in her

to figure out that power and understand it,

and I'm just really sad that
I will miss out on that.


I'm sorry. It's just...

Dor was my best friend, and...

maybe I didn't understand her.

But I really loved her.

Are you gonna clap?


[CLEARS THROAT] Okay, so, um...

If Dory were here,
she'd want me to be real.

She'd want me to tell the truth.


So in that spirit...

We all know Dory was not perfect.

She was a procrastinator.

She was controlling. She was pushy.

She was perhaps insane.

Sometimes she would go three
days without showering,

we'd be like, "Dory,
please take a shower, please."

She was...
well, I'm not gonna say she was stupid,

but she did make stupid decisions.

And of course, she was a lying,

manipulative bitch.

- Whoa.
- El!

And I know,
I know you all wanna boo me offstage,

which I'm fine with, by the way, okay?

It's happened at every
college campus I go to.

But I just wanna ask you a question.

Aren't you all of those things too?

I am.

Except I do shower.

But that's 'cause I smell like shit.

We all smell like shit. Sir.

I want us all to indulge me for a second.

Everyone turn to the person next to you.

And I want you to look
that person in the eye,

and I want you to say to that person

the worst thing you could
possibly tell that person.

Even if you don't know them. Go ahead.


Seriously, guys.

We're all open and raw right now, you know?

If not now, when, right?

Just do it. Do it now.

- You can be so sluggish.
- I slept with the movers.

You look like you have a thin penis.

Okay, now I want you to think
about what you just said.

And now I want you to say out loud,

"I'm that, too". Go on.

ALL: I'm that too.

That too?

You feel that? Yeah.

The things you don't like in other people

are the things you don't like in yourself.

We are all unlikeable!

Every one of us!

And Dory was no exception.

Okay, in fact,
she was exceptional at being unlikable.


If you have complicated
feelings still in you

about your love for Dory,

just remember that there is
a dark side in all of us.

But that darkness is
connected to the light, people.

Maybe she was controlling.

But that's just another way of
saying that she was passionate.

Maybe she was pushy.

I see that as her being strong-willed.

Yeah, she was violent.

Or maybe that was her being protective.

Yeah, she was crazy.

Or was she was an out-of-the-box survivor.

My point is,

we have to stop shaming darkness.

Because when we do so,

we stop understanding human nature.

This country was built
on darkness and deceit,

and it grows stronger with every day.

We cannot ignore the past,

but we can change the future, y'all.

And that requires owning all of ourselves.

May we all stand wisely

in our own darkness without fear or hate.

May we seek to understand
the darkness in others,

for it is there,

and it ain't going nowhere, honey.


Thank you, Dory,

for teaching me that.

God bless you.

God bless us all.

And God bless our country!




- Go, Drew! [GIGGLES]
- Go, Drew.


Yeah, it's gonna be tough to follow that,

so thank you, Elliott.


And me.

I'm just gonna try to speak from the heart.

And, um...

You know, the Dory that I remember

was the...

sweetest person that I had ever met.

And I'm not too good at speaking, you know,

so I'm just gonna, um...

try to do what...

What Dory hated the most, and, um...

and I wanna try to sing her a song.


♪ We were the best, we were the worst ♪

♪ Our love came last,
our love came first ♪

♪ We were only for a moment ♪

♪ But it was a lifetime for you ♪

♪ And I loved you no matter what ♪

♪ Oh, I loved you no matter what ♪

♪ It's true,
I loved you no matter what ♪

♪ ♪


♪ We were broken, we were whole ♪

♪ We were a burnt casserole ♪

♪ I only knew you when I knew you ♪

♪ But it could never be enough ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Oh, I love you no matter what ♪

♪ Oh, I love you no matter what ♪

♪ It's true, I love you no matter what ♪


- Drewbie!
- Drew!

I'll have a Mystery Solver Margarita.

- Oh, enjoy.
- Yummy.

Ugh, who even are the people?
Okay, this is disgusting.

Barely anyone here even knew Dory.

They're just, like, mooching off the grief.

Sorry, but who would do that?

Honestly, I don't even wanna know.

- Oh, my God.

- Hey, Marc.
- Hey.

- I gotta go.
- No, no, Portia, no.

Oh, Portia. No.


I really liked your speech.

Thank you. Thank you.

- Thanks for coming.
- Of course.

Dory was... ahead of her time.

She... she was, yeah.


And who's this little one?


My sister gave me her baby.

Her name was Laura, but I hate that name,

so I haven't been calling her anything

until I can decide on something else.

Aww, Marc, that's so amazing. You're a dad.

- Tell me about it.
- Congratulations.

I mean, every day it's like, "What?"

Yeah, I'm, like...
I'm, like genuinely very happy for you.

- Thank you, thank you.
- Yeah.

Look at all these yummy cheeses.

Oh, yeah, the cheeses.

- f*cking bonkers.
- [LAUGHING] Yeah.

Gail's, like, amazing with gruyere.

She's, like, totally stocked,

and then the camembert's, like...

the camembert is, like, insane.

If your stomach can handle it,
which obviously mine can't,

- as you might remember.
- Oh, my God.

Hey. It's okay.

- It's okay.


♪ ♪

- Hey, man.
- Hey.

Where you been?

You know, I'm not legally

allowed to discuss that, actually.

- Yeah.
- Mm-hmm.

I feel you.

- You doing all right?

Um, no.

No, not really.

But it's kind of felt normal
for a little while now.

- I'm sorry to hear that, man.

And, um...

look, it would really mean a lot to me

if I could pay for all of this.

The entire memorial service.


I've been making some
very wise investments,

and I would be more than happy

to write a check for all of this.

- I mean, Julian, that's...
- Hi, guys.

Hi. I'm so happy...

Not happy, but... To get you both here,

because there's something I've been wanting

to talk to you both about,
and it's a little sensitive.

- Yeah, yeah, what's up?
- Um...

There's no easy way to say this,

so I'm just gonna say it.

Um, about a year ago,

I was asleep in my armchair

with my mouth open, and um...

I woke up

to Dory kissing me.

♪ ♪


I promise you both it happened.

And, um, it begs the question:

Did she ever try to kiss you?

- Did Dory try to kiss us?
- Yeah.

She kissed both of us.

Oh, God, I knew it. I knew it.

I mean, I'm so glad I'm not alone.

I just... I don't mean to be disrespectful,

but I do think that we have a case here.

It's good to see you.


♪ ♪

Portia, I'm gonna head out.

Thanks for coming, Mom. It was nice of you.


I'm sorry.

Yeah, thank you. I know, it sucks.

Not about Dory.

I mean, of course about Dory.

But about everything.

I think I've always been a
little threatened by you.

You know, your light shines so brightly.

And sometimes I feel like

mine doesn't shine in the same way.

And then I felt bad for feeling that.

You know.

Mothers aren't supposed
to have those feelings.

That's okay. That's okay.

It's okay, Mom. [SNIFFLES]

- It's okay.
- Hey.

I was listening to a
podcast the other day...

- Yeah?
- And they mentioned shrooms.

And I thought

you and I

should do shrooms together.



Maybe we can get lunch first, you know?

Start with lunch.

I just feel like there's a
lot we need to catch up on.

Okay, I'm gonna say Tuesday,
unless you object.

Lunch and shrooms.

Okay. [LAUGHS]

I never asked Dory what it
was like to have sex with you.

- Hi, guys.

- Hey.
- You guys ready to head out?

I think I'm kinda done, you know?

- Yeah, I'm ready.
- Yeah, let's go.

- Let's try to get out of here.
- Hey, guys.

Hi, Chantal.

I just wanted to take this
moment to tell you guys

that I-I really admire you.

- Like, as people.
- Uh-huh.

And I had sort of, like, an epiphany

that I wanted to share with you.

Um, so

I don't actually know you guys.

Like, at all, you know?

And I, like,
really didn't know Dory at all either.

Um, and...
so I don't have much to say about,

like, "who she was," you know,

because, you know, like I said, I just...
I didn't know her.


but, like, the thing is,

like, she made me feel so special.


Like, more special than anybody ever has,

and that meant a lot to me.


And I wish I could tell her thank you.


I'll just say thank you to you guys.

Thank you all.

That was really sweet, Chantal.

- Yeah.
- That was so nice.

Yeah, and on behalf of all of us,
you're welcome.



Qui totum vult

totum perdit.

♪ ♪

Was that Latin?

Hi. Hi, hello.

- Do you mind... I'm so sorry.
- Hi.

Can I talk to you for a moment?

Hi, I'm Dan.

- Have we met?
- Yes.

We actually met briefly

quite a while ago at Bellow and Hare.

Was that, like, the weird cult, right?

Yes, the cult.

And I can admit that now, as I am no longer

a part of that community

after going into deep debt because of it.

And they also att*cked my
mother on social media,

- which was the last straw.
- So sorry about...

But anyway, I just feel that I
was called to come here today

to tell you something.

I swear, I never, ever do this,
but I am a clairvoyant,

and I would hate myself
if I didn't tell you this.

But I-I keep having this vision.

Really? Of me?

- Yes.
- Of what?

Is your birthday May th?

No, it's not.

It's... my birthday is on Valentine's Day.

Okay. That is truly so odd,

because I keep associating
you with the numbers

five, one, eight,
and usually when I get a numbers hit,

it means birthday. I...

Hmm. I don't know what to say.

- Just receive that.
- Okay.

I have done my part.

That's all I can tell you,
and I wish you well.

Okay, thank you. Bye, bye, bye.


I'm sorry, did you want this open?

I don't care.

Okay, I'll leave it open.


Five, one, eight.

Five, eighteen?

[SCOFFS] Whatever, ugh.


♪ ♪

Drewbie, do you wanna sleep over?

- Yeah.
- Okay, good.

If you had said no,
I would've k*lled myself...

If you guys will have me,
that sounds really nice.

Uh, what is this?

I don't know.

- Did you leave this here?
- No.

Did someone come in our
apartment while we were gone?

No, no.

- Oh, my God.
- No.

Oh, God.

It's from Chip. BOTH: Oh.

Don't. I'm scared.

"These are some of the
things that Dory left behind.

"I thought you might want them.

I'm sorry for most of what happened."

Thank you, Chip.

"I'm saying this as a friend,

"but if you try to follow
up on the year's events,

"my family will hurt you
in creative legal ways

"that you will never be able to anticipate.

"And more importantly, we have people

"watching you and your beloveds.

Watch your back and be good. Chip."

- I swear to God

someone was following me the other day.

- I wasn't making that up!
- Jesus Christ.

- I'm so scared of that family.
- I'm scared of all families.

I'm getting that thing that, you know,

that I get when my throat gets really tight

when I get really nervous
and I can't breathe,

and I really need to
know what's in the box.

So can someone please just open the box,

- Drew, open the box.
- No, no!

- Drew, open the box, please!
- No, I open every box!

I'm gay! Drew!

There could be birds in there!

Oh, fi... fine!




Oh, God. [SIGHS]

- What's in there?
- It's her stuff.

What's that?


- Oh, God.
- Oh, my God, it's her hair!

Oh, God, that's gross!

Now it's... oof.

Oh, God,
these are the clothes she was kidnapped in.



Well, this is the truth.

Chip is my best friend.

Together, we can do just about anything.

- I can't do that.
- Yeah, this is so disturbing.

I know, there's, like,
no human being that should ever

have to do what we're doing right now.

Okay, what do we do with that?

Let's just throw it
out. Let's throw it out.

we can't throw away our dead friend's hair.

Let's donate it, you guys, let's donate it!

- To whom?
- To a community theater!

Because they can maybe use it...
I don't know.

- Oh, God.
- Okay, let's just...

Why don't I... let's
hide it. Yeah, hide it.

- BOTH: Yeah.
- Okay, good.

So I'll...
yeah, I'm gonna put it right under here.

- Okay.
- And just slam it shut.

- And we're good.
- It's in there.

We're done. Okay.

- It's not even here.

I have, like,
the worst migraine I've ever had

- in my freaking life.




Like, what do you
think Dory would've, like,

done with her life...

if she hadn't died?

It's a good question.

Yeah, what would Dory's,
like, best life be, you know?

I kind of think that Dor would be, like,

one of those people who eventually

leaves New York, you know what I mean?

Like, she'd wake up one day,
and she'd just be like,

"I've had enough of this."
And she'd move somewhere else.

Like, somewhere really cute.

We went to Seattle once
for a conference I had,

and she really liked it.

So I could see her being happy there.

Okay, so say in, like,
two years she moves to Seattle.

And then what's her job?

Well, visual art, like her degree.

She wasn't that good, Portia.

I mean, she had good taste, though.

- She did.
- Like, our apartment

always looked so great.

Oh, you know what she'd be really good at?

- What?
- Designing restaurants.

- Totally, yes!


Okay, so she's making, like, tons of money,

which could go really far in Seattle.

Seattle's not as cheap as you think,
but okay, yeah.

Okay, well, whatever.

She'd be making, like,
whatever amount you need

to make there to, like, live well.

Yes, I love that.

And she has, like, a super hot boyfriend.

He's, like, sexy and kind of mysterious...
no offense, Drew.

I think it's for the best. And he's, like,

the sommelier of the restaurant.

- Aww, isn't that cute?
- Yeah.

I mean, that would be cool to see her

with someone really nice, like,

someone who really cared for her.

And there'd be, like, an opening night.

And we'd all go on opening night of her,

like, hip new spot, you know?

- We'd all be invited.
- Yes!

And it'd be, like, our spot.
We'd never have to

pay for anything, 'cause we'd be like,

"Oh, we're friends of Dor."

That is really cool, sweetie,

but I do think money is not an issue

for any of us at that point.

- Right, we're doing so well.
- Yeah.

I wanna have a hot partner too,
is that all right?

Well, duh, Drew, of course.

We're all gonna have hot partners

and they're all gonna be there.

Aww, yeah, one big, hot family,

all happy together.

♪ ♪

Do you guys feel like...

Do you guys feel like we k*lled her,
you know?

I mean, there's no way

that we could've known what was happening.

But we did know that she
was maybe in trouble.

I think it's best just
not to think about it.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.



Okay, can we order food, please?

- Yes, I'm starving, please.
- Me too.

Porshe, can I have your phone?

I just don't feel like
paying for it myself.

Portia, what's your passcode?



? No, it's not.

No, I'm just remembering something.

Five, one, eight. Five, eighteen.

Hold on.

- Portia, what's happening?
- Just...

- Oh, no, Portia.
- I just need to see something.

Don't go to the box.

Just leave it there forever,
and then we'll move very soon.

It's probably nothing,
I just wanna see something.

- I don't wanna watch it.
- You don't have to.





- Hey, guys.
- Oh, my God.

I don't know if this will ever get to you,

but I have to try.

- I want to say that I love you.
- Oh, my God.

Obviously, but

I really love you.

Everything about you.

Even the ugly parts. [COUGHS]



I don't have much longer.


So just know that I'm with you always

and I just... I wanna thank you so much

for being able to see me

for who I am when I couldn't.



Yeah, I just wanna say

that I loved being your friend.

♪ ♪

You found me.

♪ ♪

You found me.

♪ ♪


I love you guys.


♪ ♪





Ma'am, you've been in a fire.
We pulled you out.

[INDISTINCT SPEECH] You're gonna be okay,

but I need you to sit back.

I died. [COUGHING]

I was dead.

I saw everything.

I saw... I saw everything.

♪ Me and my shadow ♪

♪ Strolling down the avenue ♪

♪ Me and my shadow ♪

♪ Not a soul to tell our troubles to ♪

♪ And when it's : ,
we climb the stair ♪

♪ We never knock, for nobody's there ♪

♪ Just me and my shadow ♪

♪ All alone and feeling blue ♪

♪ ♪