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01x08 - The Betrayal

Posted: 09/17/21 06:36
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Arrangement"...

I really think we should
do something with this.

That side of yourself is fearless,

and I find that very attractive.

I have to go somehow
convince McPherson not to sell

the story Kyle's been dying to direct.

What if you don't?

But oh, my God! I get
to meet Charlotte Banks!

- Yes!
- And her producing partner

saw me in the play,

and now I'm gonna be reading with her.

- That's amazing.
- Oh, my God!

She's getting totally sucked
in and it needs to stop,

and that was the whole
point of the photos.

What? You're the one
who leaked the photos?

Kyle West is really just a product

of the Institute of the Higher Mind.

This is sick, Hope.

I've taken the workshop myself.

- What?
- Terence, this is Shaun.

- Megan's friend.
- Yeah.

How hard did you fight for me?

How hard did you try to make
a different deal with her?

Don't come near me again.

[tense music]

[suspenseful music]

So all the data for
the system goes where?

- Put on some server operated by you?
- Correct.

Okay, and how secure is that?

Well, if you're asking if
our servers can be hacked,

it's virtually impossible.


Look, I'll be honest with you.

We can give you the best
security system in the world,

and we will, but if
someone is just hell-bent

on getting past it to
invade your privacy,

they'll find a way.

What are we doing this for?

It's a very effective deterrent.

How many stalkers
have you had, Mr. West?

Three... ish.

You need to do something.

Hey, how's it going?

Quinn was just, uh,

walking me through how
this whole thing works.

It's crazy that somebody got in here.

It's really disturbing.

Well, we're installing
motion-detector lights,

there's sensors on
the doors and windows,

and we've got internal-external cameras,

carbon monoxide alarms...

Security cameras inside the house?

Well, if there's a
break-in, you want to know

exactly where the intruder is.

Right, but isn't the point
of all this other stuff

to prevent the break-ins
in the first place?

Sorry, obviously, I want
to do everything we can.

It's just the idea of
cameras makes me feel like

I'm gonna end up on
a sex tape somewhere.

♪ ♪

No interior cameras.

♪ ♪


Thank you.


Okay, I'm off to set.

Zach told me that he's the only
one who checked her references.

This doesn't make you nervous?

It seems to make you nervous.

Okay, what is going on with you?

Kyle's house was broken into.

Now there's some woman
that we don't know

installing a new security system?

Why are you not all over this?

Kyle and I made a
mutual decision to take

a step back from each other.

Okay, what happened? Tell me.

[chuckles] So you can distance
yourself from the fray?


So I can navigate what I'm
sure is an emotional minefield.

He's been wanting independence.
I'm respecting that.

What else happened?

The rest is between him and me.

Look, my job is a lot easier
when he has a clear head,

and this lovers' quarrel
that's between the two of you

does not help me right now.

Well, I'm sorry about that.

Does this conscious uncoupling
extend to the Institute as well?

Look, DeAnn, the sky
is not falling, okay?

I've got plenty of things to catch up on

until Kyle finds his
way back, which he will

as soon as he realizes that he
is not built to do this alone.


[tense music]

♪ ♪

[dramatic rock music]

♪ ♪

- Hello.
- There she is.

- Hello, my love.
- Hey, Charlotte.

- Did you get some rest?
- [exhales]

I laid down while I
read the sides times.

Does that count? [chuckles]

I might be a little excited.

Well, so am I.

An actor's life for
me, thank you very much.



"Hi-diddle-ee-dee, an
actor's life for me"?

Or not.


- Lucas. Hi. First AD.
- Hey, Lucas.

- New pages for today.
- New pages?

Reflecting last night's changes.

minutes, yeah?


All of the lines are different.

It's a completely different scene.

Did you just get this too?

An hour ago.

You learn to work fast in television.

No, I just put in a lot of
work in the other version.

Well, we'll find the
moments as we go along.

Just focus on learning the lines.


And I will have a word with Patrick.

- Patrick?
- The showrunner.

Oh, no, it's okay. I'll be fine.

No, it's not okay. You
can't treat your actors

like glorified props.

You think he'd try this
shit with Jeff Daniels?

He'd get his ass handed to him.

♪ ♪

So have you given my
weekend idea any thought?

I like the idea... [sighs]

I just think that time-wise,

I'm not ready for another seminar.

The Anatomy of Leadership,

I thought you... that
you would jump at that.

You're certainly qualified.

It's just hard to integrate
into my actual life.

My friends are resistant,

and the firm is a meat grinder.

There isn't a lot of solid
ground to build my column.

So you want a guarantee
before you make a commitment?

No. I didn't say guarantee.

Well, what's your word then?

The work only works
for you if you extend it

to the other people in your life.

[soft piano music]

You can't let an unfriendly
room get in the way.

Frame composition and camera movement.

Don't tell me you used to be a director.

No. Just a lot of my clients.

First rule: balance your frame.

Unless you're following
an unstable character,

in which case it's a
great rule to break.

- Speaking of which...
- Sorry.

Just a heads up, it's quarter till.

Thanks, Zach.

Look, I know you don't
want to live in a fortress.

Plenty of my clients feel the same way.

And I know you want to
make your girlfriend happy,

which is usually a good way to go,

but I've reread those police reports,

and this stalker of yours is
not exactly garden-variety.


I know.

[tense music]

Your old security system is old,

but it's not flimsy.

Whoever this person is, they
took the trouble to disarm it

and then didn't steal
anything, which tells me

the ultimate target was you.

Or it was about intimidation and fear.

So whoever did this draws
the line at vandalism.

Is that what you're holding on to?

What do you think would've
happened if you'd been there?

Or your girlfriend?

Look, if you're not
gonna install cameras,

I think you should consider this.

♪ ♪

I'm assuming you had weapons
training for your movies.

Sure, but a g*n in the house?

Loaded with live a*mo?

- I don't know.
- Mm.

Gives you a fighting chance if
this person somehow comes back.

[g*n clicks]

♪ ♪

You don't have enough
protection without it.

And I wouldn't be doing my
job if I didn't tell you that.

♪ ♪

Okay, everybody. Last looks.

- Hey, Megan?
- Yeah.

- I'm Patrick, the showrunner.
- Oh, hey. How's it going?

Good, good. Just, um,

seeing how you're
feeling about the lines.

I know you're learning
them on short notice, so...

Yeah, um...

pretty good, I guess.

Okay, well, we've got
a couple of options here

to give you some relief.

What kind of relief?

Okay, well, uh, option
one would be cue cards.

- Are you serious?
- Absolutely.

Uh, Lucas can hold them right by camera,

and you could go to them between takes

when we'll be cutting
away from you anyway.

Okay, uh, and what's the other option?

We give you this earpiece. We would just

- cover it with your hair...
- Mm-hmm.

And then cheat you away
from camera, so they can...

Oh, wait, guys. Slow down.

Everybody just take a breath.

Let me take Megan for a little walk.

She's cuffed to a chair.

Then leave so we can talk.

I'm turning off your mic.

Do not take the cue cards

or that ridiculous earpiece.

They tell you they want to help you,

but the next thing you
know, you've got a reputation

as a girl who can't learn her lines.

You're better than that,
and you're way better off

doing this on your own.

He loved me.

I don't know why you don't believe that.

Maybe you've never been loved.

Maybe that's why.

We found your blood
on the toe of his boot.

What kind of love is that?

Tell me.

And cut!

Okay, let's un-cuff Megan
and we are turning around.

[overlapping chatter]

Oh, my gosh. She's his girlfriend?

- Dude, it's Kyle West.
- But you're here.

I thought that was one of those movies

that's an excuse to tour Europe.

Croatia and Monaco eventually.

We start in L.A.

It gives me a chance to watch this one.

- Hey, you.
- Hey.


This one is a major talent.

Keep her close.

She's being nice.

They changed all of
today's scenes last night,

and I don't know what
the hell I was doing.

Whoa. Whoa, Megan.

Nobody's saying that, okay?

You totally got through it.

I grew up idolizing her.

I wanna do more than
just get through it.


Look, I'm sorry to ask
you this right now, but...

were you planning on going
to your house after this?

Yeah, why?

Can you come to mine instead?

I don't like the idea of you
going alone to that rental

- with absolutely no security at all.
- Kyle...

Megan, now look, there is
some crazy assh*le out there

who at minimum wants to
scare the shit out of me,

and he very easily
could come after you too.


I want you to move in with me.


My house is the safest
place for both of us.

Oh, my God.

I'm trying to work,
and I'm doing my best

not to freak out right now,

but you're making it really hard.

Uh, Megan, can we get
you back on set, please?

Yes. Absolutely. Right now.

[dramatic music]

Hey, how's it going?

Hey. How you doing?

[bell ringing]

There's been far too much concern

about potential negative imagery
and... and celebrity clientele,

and not enough focus on what
we actually have to offer here.

We... we have an incredible,
progressive system

for personal development,

and we need to make our presence felt.

The work deserves it.

And the world deserves the work.

So you'll talk with the facilitators?

This should be our approach
across the board from now on.

Yeah, I will. [chuckles]

Maybe they'll have
better luck than I have.

What does that mean?

Shaun has tapered off.

Oh. Yeah, I noticed.

I keep trying to bring
her to the next level,

but she says she's not ready.

Not ready for what, the next
level with IHM or with you?

[stammers] Maybe both.

Yeah, probably not both.

Incoming, boys!

Watch my six!

We got a man down! Get
somebody over there now!

[g*ns clicking]

Fall back!

And cut it! Good!

Great, guys. Moving on.

Nice take, guys.

Hello, love.


How's the house? How are you holding up?

The house is great.

Got it all cleaned up,
kick-ass new security system.

- That's fantastic.
- Yeah.

Well, I have some news
you're not gonna love,

but if we take a breath,

we'll see that there's a
real silver lining here.


We no longer have the
rights to "The Resistance."

Rand didn't extend the option.


Yeah, I was blindsided too.

The extension should
have been pro forma,

and the rights have
been sold to Premiere.

For who?

If you tell me Jeremy Renner,
I'm gonna lose my shit.

Then I won't tell you.

Son of a bitch.

Is this an Adam Westfeldt move?

Look, I don't know
what Adam was thinking.

No, he was thinking he could
pacify me with a directing job

and then k*ll it after I
signed off on Amelia Briggs.

[sighs] That's exactly what happened.

Listen, I get that you're pissed.

So was I.

But we can try and
look at the opportunity

that this gives us.

"The Resistance" was the opportunity.

I found the story.

I've been working on
this for three years.

Then let's move on to
a different project.

One that's free of the studio's control.

Look, I know the timing sucks,

but this script...

this is a special one, Kyle.

Why don't you read this?


I'm not moving on to anything else.

Somehow, people have started to think

that they can mess with me,

and I'm not gonna let it happen.

♪ ♪


Tell them I need an hour.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Hey, buddy.

Doing some work on
yourself? That'd be good.

No, just checking in with
Terence. Talking long-term goals.

In other words, you, my friend.

We're not friends, Adam.

And we're not making
movies together anymore.

Okay, just slow down before
you go off half-cocked.

You screwed me twice.

It's not gonna happen a third time.

You're going back to the
Amelia Briggs thing now?

I put you in the best
possible situation to succeed.

I'd love to get screwed that way.

And k*lling "The Resistance"?

- What's your spin on that one?
- I didn't k*ll anything.

That was a legal snafu in the option

that DeAnn said she'd handle.

♪ ♪

So it's DeAnn's fault

she didn't fix your screw-up.

It's DeAnn's fault
because she set the meeting

with the rights owner,
and then bailed on it.

I dropped the ball. That's fair.

But if you want to know
why "The Resistance"

is with Premiere right now,

that's why.

You really think that bullshit
story's gonna hold up in this town?

It's the truth,

and if you just take a breath,

we can sit down and actually
have a productive conversation

about what our next steps are.

This one's been incredibly productive.

♪ ♪

[motor revving]

♪ ♪

[bell rings]

[overlapping chatter]

You know, that last scene
was better than you think.


no, I thought it was good,

- I just...
- I know.

You just wanted to break it
all down and figure it out.

But don't be afraid to let raw instinct

carry you once in a while.

Sometimes you get the
best stuff by not thinking

and just letting it be quick and dirty.

Are we still talking about acting?

It works for other things too.


And I'm glad I did
the scene with no help.

If you hadn't said something,
I probably would've taken

the earpiece just so
Patrick wouldn't freak out.


That's one of the biggest
problems in this business.

- People freak out.
- Hm.

When I did "Opposite of Jessica,"

there was this assh*le studio
head who shall remain nameless.

- Howard Levin!
- [chuckles]

Who told some assistant that
he didn't want to sleep with me

because I wasn't skinny enough.

- Gross. Are you kidding?
- Nope.

And the assistant blabbed to a producer,

and suddenly, they started
changing my wardrobe,

even the way they lit and shot me.

The entire production was terrified,

and I was a mess.

How did you get through that?

Shirley Tate.

She went to the producers and told them

that she and her multiple
Oscars were quitting

unless the nonsense stopped.
And the nonsense stopped.

I love that.

The original take-no-shit gangster.

She was a wonderful woman.

We stick together in this business.

Someday you'll pay it forward too.

♪ ♪

Well, I appreciate you coming.

I understand work has you very busy.

Hmm. James been keeping you posted?

[chuckles] When I ask.

Oh, well, work's been pretty
much round the clock lately.

Yet you still managed
to come here today.

Well, like you said, you asked.

Yes, but I'm not your boss,
Shaun. You could've said no.


I know.

So maybe what I'm hearing
about you losing interest in IHM

isn't entirely accurate?

Wha... I never said

I was losing interest.

It's just hard to
figure out how it fits in

with the rest of my life.

But I am going to try and make

the Anatomy of Leadership this weekend.

Oh. Forget the seminar.

I've got something that
will eat up less of your time

and give you more bang for your buck.

We're starting a child
development program.

The First Life Initiative.

The idea is to create a path
to adulthood weaving education

with IHM's philosophies on awareness.

That... that sounds amazing.

[chuckles] I agree.

As a result, we've applied
for non-profit status,

but my in-house council
has decided to build

his column in Switzerland.

So you need a lawyer?


A good one.

Someone who knows how to
create a structure that will

help us avoid certain...

Regulatory inefficiencies.

[both chuckle] Well said.

[piano music]

So are you ready to use
your powers for good?

[instrumental music]

♪ ♪



I wasn't expecting you.

What's this?

You asked me to move in.

This isn't all your stuff, is it?

God, no.

This is, like, the tip of my iceberg.

But I'm prepared to bring
the rest under one condition.

You're prepared to go full iceberg?

- Oh, I am.
- Mm.

♪ ♪

I love you,

and I want us to share
our lives with each other,

and I'm sorry for how I
reacted when you asked,

but you have to promise me that
you're not doing this out of fear.

Look, when... when Nic and I decided

to live with each other,

we did it to save money, but...

we weren't actually ready
to be with each other.

Uh, Megan...

And I just want to make
sure that you're ready.

Okay? This is a big step.

I know, and I'm really sorry
for the way that I asked.

It's this whole break-in thing.

Whoever this stalker is, uh...

I can deal with it.

I am dealing with it.

It's just...

♪ ♪

I realized that you're
the only person in my life

that I can trust.

I'm surrounded by people who
use me to get what they want,

and I'm trying to figure
out a way to change all that.

♪ ♪

What happened with you and Terence?

♪ ♪


I gotta keep that between Terence and I.

Is that okay?

Sure, yeah.

It's your business.

But I am ready to live
with you and your iceberg

- in this house.
- Okay.

And I'm not afraid.

Good, because I already
made a date with the girls

to pack up my place tomorrow night.

Does it have to be at night?

- Kyle.
- I'm sorry, you know,

I'm just saying that this
guy is still out there,

and you can't just assume that
he's not gonna come after you.

I will lock the windows and the doors,

and then I'm gonna enjoy
saying good-bye to the place

I've lived in for, like, five years.


♪ ♪

- Okay.
- I'm gonna run a bath.

Out of everyone, you
surprise me the most.

Give me a chance to explain?

Nope, don't have time.

I gotta get some reading done.

You know, I do want to
ask you one thing, though.

If you didn't want me
directing "The Resistance,"

why didn't you just tell me?

I did want you to
direct "The Resistance,"

but then Adam let the
rights go, and I thought...

Please. I don't have time for
this he said, she said crap.

[sighs] Kyle.

He let the rights go,
and I started to think

of the contingency plan
like any producer would,

and that's when I found
"Technicolor Highway,"

and I realized it is
a much better choice

for your first directing job.

It's edgy, it's contemporary,

you're not burdened by the
restrictions of the period.

There's a great part in it
for Megan, and best of all...

You still haven't answered my question.

Best of all, we can
make it independently.

No studio telling you
what it needs to be.



I didn't tell you because
I knew you'd say no.

Thank you.

Now, if you don't mind,
I've got some work to do.

- Kyle...
- No, look,

I wanted to do the other movie.

I loved it.

Dreamed about it.

And I can't work with
someone who thinks they can

take that away from me.

[tense music]

Is this trash or donate?

Oh, I love that lamp.

I haggled with an old
Russian lady for minutes

to get that down to ten bucks.

Well, it looks like ten bucks,

and it smells like paste.

Oh, chuck it.

♪ ♪

[chuckling] Oh, my God!

- What?
- What were you, like,

running a daycare?

No, I like games.

You cannot take these to
that beautiful house, Megan.

Hey, I had to get three
paralegals to cover me at work,

so I got no time for nostalgia.

The only way to do this
right is to be ruthless.

Fine, donate.

Okey dokey.

Hi-dee-ho, ready to go!

Let's stuff some boxes, b*tches.

That sound a lot less dirty

- when I said it in my head.
- [laughing]

Okay, that pile can be yours.

We're sorting into
keep, trash, and donate.

And a very warm hello to you, too.

Only keep the essentials.

We're being ruthless.

Ruthless, got it.


What is this?

Donate? No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

You cannot throw out
The Deck of Nonsense.

- See!
- Yes, we can.

- Oh!
- I told her.

Captain Party Pooper.
Put this in a safe place.

- Captain Party Pooper!
- This we don't care about.

He said he wanted to
strike out on his own?

Well, he made it very clear

he didn't want to work with me anymore.

That's unfortunate.


I don't know what you want me to say.

How about you tell me
what your plan B is?

Because I don't think he's
gonna wake up and realize

he needs us anytime soon.

He's not falling apart
like you imagined.

I never said anything about us.

Wow, I guess I missed the part
where it wasn't us anymore.

Did you?

'Cause I remember pretty
clearly you telling me

to stay in my lane, to
leave the producing to you.

I said that because
you went behind my back.

Which is exactly what
you just did with Kyle,

so maybe if you acknowledged
I had the better idea,

it wouldn't bother you so much.

Better for Kyle?

Of course.

There was a time when
you and I came first.

No matter what we did
or who we did it with,

we made sure that we were okay.

When did that change?

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪


Kyle fell apart and he took us with him.


He took you.

♪ ♪

You might be right.

Look, I felt responsible.

Like I'd failed him,

and I've been overcompensating
since to make up for that.

DeAnn, I've done some things that I...

that I truly regret,

which I need to make right.

And I need to make
things right with you too.

♪ ♪

What if Kyle really doesn't come back?

♪ ♪

He will.

But if he doesn't,

will there be anything left of us?

♪ ♪

Of course.

♪ ♪

Have you read anything good yet?

Yeah, the only decent one
is about three generations

of Italian mobsters living in Sicily.

Isn't that "Godfather II"?

[chuckles] Pretty much.

How are you guys doing over there?

It's good.

Hope rescued my game stash,

so we're taking a tiny
little packing break.


I'm gonna get back at it.

You okay over there by yourself?

♪ ♪

Yeah, I'm okay.

Listen, you stay safe
over there, all right?

I'll hit you back in a bit.


All right.

♪ ♪

- Kyle.
- Oh!

♪ ♪


- Forgot you were still here.
- Sorry.

I gave Juliet the new
codes for the gate.

She'll be here at
: to cook breakfast.

Okay, good.

I was gonna take off for the
night, unless you need anything?

No. No, no, I'm good. Thanks.

[ominous music]

♪ ♪

Okay, no, I... no, I
seriously have you so beat.

- [laughs]
- Like, so badly.

- Are you ready?
- I was born ready.

- Lay it down, girl.
- Are you gonna sell it?

You know I'm gonna sell it.


Of course you would give me this card.

Of course you would. Okay, um...

[clears throat]

[in deep voice] Coming
in a theater near you...

[both laughing]

"Micropenis: The Movie."


I've literally seen that movie.

Like, so many times
in real life. [laughs]

I miss hanging out with you guys.

- I know.
- It's been so long.

Oh, shit!

You know what we should do right now?

We should go to Skylark Club for dinner

and make them give us
the employee discount.

- That would actually be awesome.
- Mm-hmm.

But I don't work at
Skylark Club anymore, so...

- [blows raspberry]
- What? Why?

It was Bruno! He kept
bothering me to be a manager,

so eventually I just had
to tell him to go suck it.

Because he offered you a promotion?

Yes, because it means he
thinks I'm not gonna make it

as an actress, so...

Yeah, managing a restaurant is, like,

hours a week minimum.

There's no time to audition.

Oh, okay. [chuckles]

What does that even mean?

Do you have something to say, Shaun?

You... you made the right choice.

You're an amazing actress.

So stay strong, mi amiga.

And you. [snaps finger]

Pick a card.

[mellow pop music]

The road to hell is paved with...




[metallic clanging]

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Jesus, are you seriously
worrying about a stalker

coming to get us?

Uh, I think I'm seriously drunk,

but I promised Kyle I'd
lock up, so I'm locking up.

So Kyle's a little worried?

A little. I get it.

I mean, he came home and his
place was totally trashed,

and the person's still out there.

Yeah, well, that person
didn't even take anything,

which just screams
of a giant power trip.

Hello? Who does that sound like?

Who does it sound like?


Terence Anderson!

Why on Earth would Terence
break into Kyle's house?

Um, because he's creepy
and he runs a cult.

Did no one go to the police
with this information?

- You're an idiot.
- Excuse me?

Actually, Kyle and Terence
did have a falling out.

Fine, but that doesn't mean

Terence would trash Kyle's house.

You... you seriously have no
idea what you're talking about

so you should just stop.

I'm not even sure why
you're defending him,

and B, why are you
being such an assh*le?

Wha... I'm not the one talking shit

about someone I don't even know.

- You don't know him either.
- I do know Terence.

♪ ♪

I've been going to
seminars at the Institute...

for weeks now.


Terence asked me to help
him with some legal work.

Legal work?

I didn't realize you were that involved.

Holy shit, you're a pod person.

Totally explains why you
haven't been returning my calls.

Shaun, why didn't you tell me?

You're right.

I'm sorry.

But... trust me, Megan.

Terence is not your problem.

Oh, yeah, no.

No, for sure, totally not your problem.

He can manipulate your
boyfriend into firing you

off of his movie, but no,

don't worry about him;
he's not your problem.

How can you even just sit here
and act like you're the one

who has Megan's back?

What, did you just
forget about what you did?

♪ ♪

Okay, Shaun, enough.

No, I think this
conversation is way overdue.

I think this conversation
sucks right now.

What are you guys talking about?

Tell her.

- Or I will.
- Tell me what?

Hope's the one who
gave your naked pictures

to the press.

You did that?

♪ ♪


Because you finally had your big break,

- and she couldn't handle it.
- That is not why!

You know... you...


You know what?

I'm really sorry I
had to tell you, Megan,

but, uh, I can't do this anymore.

[somber music]

♪ ♪

Okay, please, just hear
me. Just hear me, please.

♪ ♪

Okay, yeah.

Kyle kicked me out of his
party and I was pissed...

- Holy shit.
- No! Listen.

The people from the Institute
like Kyle and Terence,

I keep trying to tell you
that they're dangerous,

- and you're just not hearing me.
- You humiliated me

in front of millions of people.

I thought that a scandal would
make them leave you alone.

- It was the trade-off, right?
- Oh, my God.

No, but it was a horrible idea.

It was a terrible,
bad, stupid thing to do.

And I'm really sorry that I hurt you,

but it all came from love.

No, I-I...

I do not do that
version of love anymore.

♪ ♪

I can't have you in my life.

Megan, I made a mistake.

No. You need to leave.


♪ ♪

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

What are you doing here?

♪ ♪

We're overdue a meal together.

♪ ♪

How'd you get in?

♪ ♪

How do you think?

I have the code.

♪ ♪


What the hell are you doing?

[intense music]

Stop it!

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

[alarm blaring]

♪ ♪

[alarm continues blaring]

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

Christ. Shit.


[alarm continues blaring]


I'm so sorry.

[alarm stops]

What happened? You okay?

Hope leaked the photos of me.

And Shaun...

[electronic music]

I don't know who my friends are anymore.

♪ ♪

Come on, let's get you to bed.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

[knocking on door]

♪ ♪


Well, okay then.

This is a contract for
the rights to your script.

And a check for $ , .

Kyle wants to do it?

No, not yet.

But one way or another, I
will get this movie made.


I don't know what to...

thank you.

There's a condition.

You don't come anywhere
near this production, and...

♪ ♪

you and I part ways.

Because you don't want Kyle or Megan

to know how this got started.

Or anyone else.

I didn't realize this would
end with me disappearing.

You disappear.

♪ ♪

But Ann Toren...

can walk into any
studio with this credit

and her next great idea, and get a deal.

It's called a nom de plume,

and it's your chance to have
something real in this business.

You should grab it.

♪ ♪

So the key is to take
a few minutes each month

to make sure you both
know the new codes.

And at least you know it's working now.

Yeah. Yeah, now the alarm works well.

Uh, I gotta give this
back to you, though.

I don't want it in the house anymore.

Well, it's your call.

Like I said, if you want to be safe,

you're gonna need more than you got now.

I know.

I have something in mind.

♪ ♪

Hello there.


You doing something on the lot?

Actually, I came by to bring you

a housewarming gift of sorts.

I'd like you to read this.

"Technicolor Highway"?

Who's Ann Toren?

A completely unknown writer,

but this script will
knock your socks off.

It's a smart, completely fresh take

on Southern California Gothic,

and you would be perfect for the lead.

♪ ♪

You want me to read this and
then tell Kyle to direct it.

[chuckles] I'm sorry,

I'm not getting in the middle

of whatever's going on with you guys.

Megan, I just want you to read it.

Because if you connect
with it like I did,

you'll go to Kyle regardless.

This is our chance for the three
of us to make a movie our way,

with no interference.

♪ ♪

Or maybe you won't like it, which case,

forget everything I said.

♪ ♪


New pages for you.

Seriously? Again?

I don't call the
sh*ts, I just give them.


Whoever that is, it's me
time! Come back in ten minutes!

Hi, it's Megan. I need to talk to you.

What is it? I'm decompressing.

Late-night writing?

Actually, Patrick and I
rewrote the pages this morning.

And yesterday too, I guess?

I'm an executive producer
on the show, sweetie.

It's my responsibility to
make sure that the product

we're putting out there
is as good as it can be.

Even if it means making me look bad?

[tense music]

You're not the product, Megan.

I am, and I have to protect myself.

I've been doing this long enough to know

that no one else is going
to do it, and let's be real,

you didn't look bad.

No, I just sat there
looking like an idiot

while I listened to a bunch
of fake outrage and bullshit

about the sisterhood.

You lied to me.

I could've just told you to
quit panicking and suck it up.

- Would that have been better?
- I wasn't panicking.

I was just surprised
that this happened...

You were panicking,

and I gave you a friend and an ally,

which is a hell of a lot
more than people have given me

over the years.

I'm sorry you didn't feel supported.

I have seven more minutes to myself.

Go learn your lines.

♪ ♪

Millennial bullshit.

♪ ♪

- Welcome home.
- Aww.

Hey, we got beer, right?

- Hell yeah, we got beer.
- Yeah.

Things must have went well today.


no, it was pretty much a nightmare.

I got new pages at
the last minute again,

and then I discovered that Charlotte

actually helped rewrite them,

so not only did I wander
blindly through the scenes,

but my childhood idol ended
up being completely two-faced.

And then?

'Cause it seems like
you're in a good mood.

And then...

I read this.


DeAnn came to see me.

[sighs] Jesus.

I tell her I'm not interested,

and she goes behind my back to you.

I know that's exactly what she did,

and I told her it wasn't cool,

but, babe...

this script is really good.

I mean it.

It's so real and visceral,

and yet totally about character.

And the whole time I was reading it...

I read it twice, actually...

I just kept thinking
that this script is so us.

♪ ♪

"Technicolor Highway."

Who's Ann Toren?

I don't know, but she's the real deal.

♪ ♪

[ominous music]

♪ ♪

Dear Kyle,

I'm running out of time.

It's time for me to face the
consequences for what I did.

You can still distance yourself from me.


I only hope you can believe the truth...


that I love you...

and I'm so, so sorry...