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01x04 - Crashing

Posted: 09/17/21 06:34
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Arrangement

I'm going to Oslo. It's
the only way to stop this.

What makes you think
that you can stop it?

That was amazing.

You are amazing.

Have you looked at the
language in this contract?

He's expecting you to be
the perfect girlfriend.

You and I have a secret,

so unless you want me
to tell people about it,

we better start talking
about a new deal.

- What's your name?
- Annika.

You're the truth.

That's the only thing I care about.

Look, now the studio owes me,

so they're gonna have to
let me direct the next movie.

Oh. That was your tradeoff
for getting rid of me.

I have a missing persons
case. Sophie Marchuk.

Okay. I screwed this up.
I love you. That's it.

[wind howling]

[tense music]

What are you doing?

I'm going to Oslo. It's
the only way to stop this.

What makes you think you can stop it?

You know, even if you make it there,

you won't survive.

The agency has a k*ll
plan. It's already in place.

How do you know?

How do you know?

- Sorry, sorry, can we just go again?
- Okay, cut.

[bell rings]

Get the glycerin drops.

Maybe I could just
make a different choice.

She's scared. Maybe...
maybe I don't have to cry.

Scared is not an
expression of this moment.

I need tears.

And can we expose her eyes a bit more?

All right, let's take ten!

You okay?

I don't know why I'm having such
a hard time with this moment.

I'm sorry, the "Vanity Fair"
person wants to push till : .


Stay with it. You'll get there.

This is going well.

Well, you're finding some great moments.

That's because I'm remembering

what it was like to do it with Megan.

She nailed this, remember?

Now she's not even talking to me.

Well, she can't just not talk to you.

That doesn't make me feel any better.

Look, the camera loves Amelia.

She'll be fine, and
Megan will get over it.

She'll get over it? Really?

You guys seem good.

Nothing but love for you. I
got nothing but love for you.

Brandon Drake?

Did you invite him down?

I'm working with him on the
life-after-sports program

for pro athletes.

Oh, yeah? Where are you at with that?

Well, we haven't talked since the ESPYs.

He's been busy. We both are.

Bright kid. Family man, natural leader.

I thought he'd do more
after the intro workshop.

I'm trying. At least he's here.

Yeah, hopefully, he'll
stick around this time.

If we could get the Institute a
presence in those locker rooms...

Dude, I know.

Hey, why don't you
come hang out with us?

We're actually gonna get a workout in.

Uh, yeah, no, I don't want
to shake anyone's confidence.

[both laughing]

Listen, Kyle, I know the circumstances

aren't perfect, but look
at what you're doing here.

Application, recruitment.

Building my column.

Yeah, exactly where you want to be.

- There he is.
- Hey.

- Hey.
- What's up, champ?

Thanks for coming by.

Actors get replaced all the time.

Ryan Gosling was
replaced by Mark Wahlberg

in "The Lovely Bones"
after he gained pounds

for the part, so you
shouldn't blame Kyle.

I'm not blaming him. I'm
just taking some time.

Listen, you signed a $ million
contract to be with the guy.

Now you won't talk to
him, so you are in breach.

Breach? Where does it say

I can't take some time to myself?

"Partner must maintain

"regular communication with Kyle West.

"Partner may not avoid or ignore
attempts to communicate by Kyle West.

"If partner intentionally allows

"communication with Kyle West
to lapse in excess of three days,

"partner may be held in breach."

I only get three days?

At $ , per, so buck up.

Please don't quote that number again.

- Could we talk business?
- This is business.

And I will call him.

Did you read the play?

No, I didn't read the play.

You shouldn't have either,
but my lovely assistant

decided to think outside
the box and send it to you.

Mia! You're fired!



It's literally the only
decent thing I've read.

Everyone is still waiting to
see how you're gonna handle this,

so you can make the smart,
unflappable choice...

like the recurring role
in "NCIS: New Orleans"...

or you can wallow in your
own shit and do a play.

When I signed the contract,
Leslie, you told me I would have

the money and the freedom
to do whatever I wanted.

- Megan...
- You said that exact thing,

- whatever I wanted, and...
- Megan.

If our first move after getting
dumped from a Kyle West movie

is a play, I will be the butt of jokes.

Literally the butt of jokes.

Come on, Les.

Everyone knows you're an amazing agent.

I hate you. Get out.

[light music]

- I'll call you.
- Love you.

[phone ringing]

Holy shit.


It's Megan Morrison.

Daisy? What are you doing in L.A.?

Come here.

- Hey.
- [laughs]

My agents put a g*n to my head.

Their office is upstairs.

Oh, my God, mine too.

You have no idea how happy
I am to see you right now.

Me too. I have to ask you, though.

Why didn't you tell me in
Venice who your boyfriend is?

Oh, I just...

I don't know, I wanted
you to think of me

as the chick from the town
next to yours. It's simpler.

So it's actually a real relationship?

Of course it's real.

Okay. No, it's just...
I read in "Variety"

you got booted off his movie,
and I just don't understand

how that happens if
you're really together,

- or maybe it's just Hollywood.
- You read the trades?

Hey... [laughs] I hate-read.

Well, I'm sure "Variety" tells the story

- much better than I do.
- Hmm.

Is it cool if we don't talk about it?

I just... I wouldn't mind taking a break

from the whole celebrity
girlfriend thing.


Do you want to on an
adventure with me instead?

God, yes.

Cool. I am going to show you...

- what I'm getting into...
- You're scar... [laughing]

- ... for my next film.
- You're scaring me right now.

Come on.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Hey. Yeah, we're here.


All right, bye.

I don't feel nervous,
but my knees are shaking.

It's called being alive, sister.



Okay. Come here. What's going on?

- [low chatter]
- [mellow hip-hop plays]

Marcus was the DP on my thesis film.

Now he's got a kid,
he's gotta make bank.

Isn't that true? [laughs]
This's my friend Megan.

Nice to meet you. Come
on, I'll bring you in.

Uh, normally we don't have
visitors, so just be cool.

[hip-hop continues]

♪ I love her face I love her face ♪

♪ She love this ♪

♪ I think she thick ♪

♪ She think I'm Rick... James ♪

So this is the crime scene.

Okay, I'm hard. Let's go.

Where we at?

- Okay, this is really happening.
- Oh, yeah.

- Who are they?
- My friends, good people.

♪ I've got a question ♪

Okay. Welcome.

Okay, people, quiet on the set.

[background chatter]

I just want to tell
stories about real people,

- you know what I mean?
- Mm-hmm.

And porn is just real in a way
that Hollywood can never be.

- Yeah, this is real.
- Oh, yeah.

Ready? You're ready.

I just want a way in that
hasn't been done before.

I'm gonna come down to you this way.

- That's pretty good.
- Does this read? It's good?

- Yeah, yeah, it's really good.
- Let's check it.

Oh, my God!

Hi. Are you Megan Morrison?

I'm Megan Whore-ison.

Wha... uh...

Sorry, no, I'm Brenna, but I play you

in the porn version of your life!

- Oh, my God!
- Oh. [chuckles]

Oh, my God, what are you doing here?

Please don't leave!

It's amazing. Okay, I'm ready.

[sighs] Okay.

- What?
- I don't know.

[dramatic rock music]

♪ ♪


Just watched live porn.

I can cross that off my list.

Oh, your list of what?


- Hey. Oh, God.
- Hi.

I have to say, I was
totally meant to play you.

I believe it.

- Why do you say that?
- Because I was an actress too.


Like small parts in movies
and guest spots on TV,

just crappy stuff. [laughs]

It was really hard on
my self esteem, you know?

Felt like I was depressed all the time.

Then one day, I was broke, again,

and, um, one of my girlfriends
who had done porn was like,

"Brenna, I tried this, and it's amazing.

"You should totally do it."

And that was it?

- Kind of.
- Whoa.

I was scared at first,
but then I was like, okay,

I love having sex and I hate dating,

so why not get paid to do
the thing that I really like?


Also, everyone treats me so nice here.

Like, I show up and people cater to me.

It's incredible. I work whenever I want.

I am a bona fide movie star on this set.

So, porn saved your life.


It's kind of like my own
personal Kyle West. [laughs]

Oh, I-I wouldn't say that Kyle saved me.

- Oh, I didn't...
- Oh, Brenna?

Uh, yes?

Okay. [laughing] That is my cue.

I'm so glad that you guys came.

Oh, group hug... [laughter]


Oh, if you ever want to hang out,

I'm always at The Cobalt on Thursdays,

- like clockwork. Yeah?
- Oh, sweet.

- Is that a strip club?
- No, no, karaoke bar.

- See you later.
- Bye.

That is your way
in... "Porn saved my life"?

It totally blows up the stereotype.

Dude, I was literally just
thinking the same thing.

- She's not a victim.
- [laughs] No.

She's not oppressed.

I mean, everyone says porn
is so degrading to women,

but that girl's empowered.

- Yeah!
- Yeah.

We gotta develop this together.

- Are you serious?
- Hell yeah.

You're smart, we think
alike, and you get her.

Let's get you away from
the Hollywood bullshit.

We can create some art.

♪ ♪

Shaun, it was bizarre.

And I'm thinking, "Wow, there
but for the grace of God go I."

But then I realize
that no one tells Brenna

- what job she can or can't do.
- Oh, stop.

No one tells her when
to call her boyfriend.

She doesn't have a boyfriend
and she probably never will.

Well, you get my point.

Of course I do.


we went over the terms of the contract

[singsong] before you signed it.

You've got a beautiful boyfriend.

You've got money in the bank.

Why not focus on the possibilities

in your life instead of the limitations?

Since when are you so "glass half-full"?

Your glass is more than half full.

Get back to Kyle and move forward.

I want to.

I'm just waiting for the
shitty feelings to go away.

[phone vibrating]

- I get it.
- Hold on, hold on.

I've got to get this. Hi.

So, I've been on the
phone for over an hour,

and unfortunately, the playwright
you think is so great...

he refuses to "stunt-cast" the part.

Wait, so I can't do "The k*ll Plan"

because I'm not famous enough,
and I can't do this play

because the guy thinks I'm too famous?

No, he thinks you're a
movie star's girlfriend

whose biggest claim to fame is
some naked pictures of herself

that she leaked onto the Internet.

Sweetie, he is a douche bag.

Could we look on the bright side?


[soft pop music in background]

♪ ♪

So I figured we need three or
four guys from different teams,

you know, guys who are
good in the locker room,

guys who can bring other
guys into the Institute.

Yeah, l-like, I got you, man, I got ya.

I will... I'll reach out, all right?

Just my first off-season in five years

I haven't had a surgery, and
I-I got people all over me.

- You know how it is.
- Yeah, nonstop.

Yeah. Glad you're healthy though.

You seem good too, brah.
Man, at the ESPYs, though,

you were seriously in your
feelings about Lisbeth.

Time heals, huh?

I met someone new.

I never would cheat on Claudia, but...

you know, when we broke up for
a few months my rookie year,

I was in the club every
night trying to numb my pain.

Yeah. Every time I bring
a girl home from the club,

she ends up in the
tabloids. Not a good look.

So how you take care of your business?

I had an arrangement with someone.

"With someone"?

You mean, like, one girl?

Technically one girl, but, uh...

but she would do a lot
of different things.

So an arrangement. So
what, she would, like, uh...

would come to your
house whenever you want,

something like that?

She lived here.


Come on now. You had yourself a live-in?

Straight up sex, nothing else?

Straight up.

I didn't even have to see
her if I didn't want to.

Ooh, damn!

You gave up a live-in!

Man, you must like this new girl, huh?

Yeah. Megan. I love her.

All right.

So when do I get to meet her?

[sighs] Well, soon as she decides
to start talking to me again.




Damn! [laughs] I love Hollywood!

[low conversation]

I heard you were here.

I thought this was a room
where I could find some peace.

We have rooms for that at home,

but you chose to come here
to get a reaction from me.

Well, I certainly deserve one.

So you're keeping score?

Don't do that.

I just wish you'd be direct.

Direct? Really, Terence,

you know, you are not an
easy man to be married to,

and I have figured out
how to deal with your shit,

but when you place your shit

in front of my professional interest...

- My shit?
- Yes.

You have a stick up
your ass about Megan,

so you undermined my
vision for the movie.

I made a smart business decision.

Amelia Briggs really
helps us at the box office.

I'm the producer, Terence, not you.

You stepped into my lane,
you went behind my back,

and you cut a deal without
even discussing it...

Okay, okay. I'm clear
on why you're upset,

but I can't undo what I've
done, so tell me how to fix it.

I don't know how to fix this.

[quiet music]

♪ ♪

And I'm not gonna figure it out for you.

You have to do the work this time.

♪ ♪


Jimmy, what are you doing here?

I'm waiting for you, Brenna.

You don't have any clothes on.

- Oh. Whoops.
- [chuckles]

[laughs] Jimmy, we shouldn't do this.

My boyfriend's gonna be so mad.

We should probably just make it
worthwhile then, shouldn't we?

- [phone vibrates]
- I think you should get over here.

- Here?
- [phone vibrating]

Little closer.


- [continues vibrating]
- [single keystroke]

- [vibrating]
- [groans]


[clears throat]


Oh, you picked up. You
finally want to talk to me?

There really isn't anything new to say.

[sighs] I guess I just picked up

because I'm tired of feeling
the same way about it.

I wish I could just
hit the rewind button,

go back to the way we were before.


You wish you were here?

I can come over. You
know, if you want me to.


What time is your call in the morning?

[sighs] Early.


I kind of like talking to you like this.

- Talking to me like what?
- [laughs]

So what are you doing?

I'm watching porn.


It's research.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's always research.

Yeah, I know. I ran into Daisy,

that filmmaker from Venice,
and she wants to make a movie

set in the porn world,
and she asked me to help.

So here I am helping.


Tell me about the one you're watching.

Is it any good?

It's pretty good, yeah.

What happens?

This girl goes to her boyfriend's house,

but his best friend's there,
and he's really into her.

Uh-huh. Then what?

Then you called.



Do you want to turn it back on?


[single keystroke]

[Brenna moans]

So tell me what's happening now.

- [moaning]
- He's behind her.

He's kissing her neck.

He's feeling her breasts.

Then what?

Ahh... ah... yes.

Her hand unzips his pants.

Good, it's about time.

[breathes deeply]

Then what?

Now his fingers are inside of her.

Does it feel good?

Feels so good. [exhales]

♪ ♪

You're teasing me.

Tell me what you want.

[exhaling] You know what I want.

[breathing hard]

Say it.


I want all of you.

I want all of you inside of me.

Yeah. Just...


[both groaning]

[laughing] This is crazy.

[phone vibrating]


- Hi.
- Hey.

Um, are you doing porn?

What? Am I doing porn? No.

- Why are you asking?
- Mm.

I think you should check Celebscoop.


Oh. All right.

Oh, my God. Um...

okay, it doesn't say I'm doing porn.

Then what are you doing
hanging out on a porn set

with porn stars?

For research.

Never mind, I'm not doing porn.

Oh, of course, after the photo leak,

everybody's gonna think I am.

Okay, well,

did you ever find out
who did leak those photos?

No, not yet.

[knocking at the door]

Hold on.

Oh... Hope, I gotta call you back.

Okay, well, I wanna hang
out soon. I miss you.


I'm not doing porn,
so I'm not in breach.

I'm developing a project
about porn as a producer.


[soft music]

♪ ♪

I spoke to Kyle... he
told me about your project.

I'm not here to thr*aten you.

You talked to Kyle this morning?

I talk to Kyle every morning.

Look, Megan, the Institute
isn't about prudishness.

Straight, gay, bi, trans, whatever.

Anything between two
consenting adults is beautiful,

but porn is a fake version of sex.

It's the act without the intimacy.

I know what it is.

Did you really come all the way
from the Westside to tell me that?

[small laugh]

I came to tell you that
you've disconnected from Kyle

and connected with a world
where feelings don't matter,

and that's a big problem.

He's done too much work on himself

to last in a relationship
without intimacy.

Believe it or not, I want intimacy too.

I would just like to trust
the person I'm having it with.

You're waiting for some kind of sign

that Kyle will catch you.

You only get that if you
jump. That's how it works.


No, that's how a trust fall works.

And if you wait too
long, people wander off...

'cause they get bored.

[lightly tense music]

♪ ♪

[background chatter]

Oh, shit.

What are you doing here?

I'm sure you don't like surprises.

I just wanted to see you in person.

Yeah, you're right, I
don't like surprises.

Look, I was angry last time we spoke,

mostly at myself.

I just... I gave myself
away when we made that deal.

I need to fix that.

Okay, Annika, I don't know

what more you expect me to do for you.

I don't expect you to do anything.

You were right.

I don't want to thr*aten
somebody like you.

I want somebody like you to respect me.

That's why I'm asking
if you'll read this.

You wrote a screenplay?

It's been my baby for
the last two years.

I'm not an actress.

I don't want to pretend that anymore.

Will you give me an
honest opinion of this?

Uh, of course, but right now,

I have another meeting
that I am late for.

Okay, well, maybe today or tonight then.

Uh, you know what, I'm swamped,

but I will read it and I
will definitely call you.

Okay, well, I'd like to know when.

Okay, look, I have an
extremely busy schedule,

so I won't be nailed
down to a specific date.

I will read your script
and I will call you,

but you're just going
to need to be patient.

[soft music]

♪ ♪

So, Sophie Marchuk's still missing.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

When was the last time you saw her?

After the holidays.

I told you that last time
you were here, Detective.

[chuckles] Yes, I
appreciate your consistency.

A new question.

Does the name Jared Hall
mean anything to you?

Or Anthony Nguyen?


You see, the L.A.P.D.

has missing persons
reports on both of them.

Now, there's a lot of sick
and weird people in L.A.,

and law of percentages says that
some of them are gonna disappear.

But the thing is,

both Hall and Nquyen took
courses at your institute.

Detective, thousands of people

come to the Institute every year.

Mm-hmm, and three of them have
disappeared in the last two.

People come to us for
help, which presupposes

there are going to be
some emotional problems.

Ah, of course.

But you do help some of them, don't you?

Like Kyle West.


It's late. I want to go home.


Yeah, home is nice.

I know you're probably gonna call

one of your bigwig
friends in the department,

but I've been doing this
a long time, Mr. Anderson.

I have friends too.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

He was a potential
superstar, with no work-ethic.


I taught him how to
study, and he got an A.

- Ah.
- Oh, ho, ho.

And that is when I knew.

Mm. And look at you now, baby.


- [murmuring]
- Mm-hmm, I am.

[both laughing]

So I read that you
two met at an audition.

Is that a real story?

- That is a real story.
- Yeah.

So you liked each other's acting?

They had chemistry.

Major chemistry.

Megan was amazing, so
I asked her to lunch.

And then he asked me to Mexico.

Wow. You got a job and a boyfriend.

Now, that's a good
audition, girl. [laughs]

Just the boyfriend.

But still a good audition.

[pop music playing]

Why didn't she get the part?

Business stuff, you
know. It's complicated.

We're gonna work on
something else together.

Oh, come on, tell the truth.

Was there really a movie, or were you

just auditioning her
to be your girlfriend?

Claudia, stop trippin'.

Oh, come on, you don't
think that happens?

Maybe that's what they do at
the Institute of the Higher Mind.

I'm sorry, but you're my favorite actor,

and you're my favorite
athlete, and this is insane.

Can I please get a
picture with you guys?

Uh, here's the thing,
um, if we do that for you,

we're gonna have to do
that for everybody in here,

so if you give your name
and address to the hostess,

he and I will send you
some autographed photos.

- How about that?
- [clicks tongue]

Hey. Hey, partner, you know what?

I'll take a photo with you.

We're leaving soon anyway, right?

We are right over here. Here you go.

Come on. Where ya at
now? All right, okay.

- What's up, fellas?
- Better go do my job.

Hey, Brandon!

How you doin'?

[overlapping chatter]

[laughter, excited chatter]

So her theory about
the audition is crazy.

[overlapping chatter]

I know.

But now I get why Brandon won't commit

to the program you want to do with him.

Claudia's not down with IHM.

- And she calls the sh*ts.
- Ha ha!

If you want Brandon,

you're gonna have to give
her what she wants.

All: Ah!

- Whoo!
- What does she want?

She wants her moment.

I have an idea.

Attention is his addiction.
He could do this all night.

Hey, do you like karaoke?

Oh, my God, I love karaoke.

- Yeah?
- And I'm really good at it too.

[low conversation]

- You wanted to see me?
- Yeah.

How's Sophie Marchuk
progressing at the facility?

As of last week, right on schedule.

Let me know if anything changes.

We need to get her back into the world

- before things get messy.
- Okay.

We got meditation rooms just down here.

There's a little courtyard here.

Our evening workshops
are always very popular.

There's a definite social
aspect to what we do here.

- Oh, wow.
- Hello.

- Uh, Terence.
- Oh. [laughs]

Uh, this is Shaun.

Megan's friend.

What... what brings you here?

Oh, well, I asked James to
give me the -cent tour,

- so here we are.
- [both chuckle]

She is very special.

I think she'd really take
to the work we do here.

Ah, I'm sure she would.

Don't you have a workshop
to teach in the morning?

[lightly tense music]


Why don't you get some rest,
and I'll give Shaun the tour?

Oh. Uh...

Oh, that's okay. I don't...

I don't want to put either of you out.

No, no. No, it's...
it's better with Terence.

Trust me, it's good.
I'll... I'll see you later.

♪ ♪

Shall we?

♪ I wanna get next to you ♪

You know, people always saying

you got your job and you got your girl.

[scoffs] Shit. You got your job,

and then your girl is your other job.

You gotta work every day.

♪ Girl, you can bend me shake me ♪

So Daisy's talking to me
about buying the rights

to my life story.

That's what that's called, right?

How much do you think that's worth?

Um, I don't know.

♪ 'Cause you're my dream come true ♪

♪ And I wanna get next to you ♪

You gotta punch in, work every day.

- ♪ I wanna make him... ♪
- [cheers and applause]




[techno music playing]

♪ ♪

So you gonna sing?

Uh, it's not really my thing.

You're just too good for karaoke?

And autographs and
pictures with your fans?


I'm not too good for karaoke.

♪ ♪

[cheers and applause]

Hello, hello, hello. What's going on?


Uh... [laughs] all right.

Well, I'm gonna need two things

before I sing the shit out of this song.

First off, sorry, guys,
gotta put the phones away.

- [audience groaning]
- Sorry, guys, put the phones away.

I'm sorry, that's the only
way this is gonna happen.

All right, uh, thing number two.

I need Megan Morrison to
come sing this song with me.

- [cheers and applause]
- Uh, come on, guys, help me out.

- Go! Megan, go!
- Let's get her up here.


Guys, let's go. Come on.

There we go.

[murmuring teasingly]


[O.P.P.'s "Naughty By Nature" playing]

- Very tricky.
- There you go.

- You know this one?
- You bet I do.

- Better keep up, boys.
- [laughs]

♪ ♪

♪ O.P.P., how can I explain it? ♪

♪ I'll take it frame-by-frame it ♪

♪ To have y'all all jumping,
shouting, saying it ♪

♪ O is for other P is for peoples' ♪

♪ Scratch your temple ♪

♪ The last P, that's not that simple ♪

♪ It's sort of like, well, another way ♪

♪ To call a cat a kitten ♪

Gotta put that phone away, baby doll.

Only if I get an autograph.

Well, I just happen to have a pen.

- ♪ Bust it ♪
- ♪ You ever had a girl ♪

♪ And met her on a nice hello ♪

♪ You get her name and number,
then you feeling real mellow ♪

♪ You get home, wait a day,
she what you know about ♪

♪ You call her up at her ♪

Both: ♪ Girlfriend's
or her cousin's house ♪

♪ It's not a front, a F to the
R to the O to the N to the T ♪

♪ It's just her
boyfriend's at her house ♪

♪ It's O.P.P., time other
people's what you get it ♪

♪ There's no room for relationship ♪

Both: ♪ There's just room to hit it ♪

♪ How many brothers out there
know just what I'm getting at? ♪

♪ Who thinks it's wrong
'cause I was splitting ♪

♪ And co-hitting that? ♪

♪ Well, if you do, that's O.P.P.
and you're not down with it ♪

Both: ♪ But if you don't,
here's your membership ♪

♪ You down with O.P.P.? ♪

♪ Yeah, you know me ♪

Both: ♪ You down with O.P.P.? ♪

♪ Yeah, you know me ♪

Both: ♪ You down with O.P.P.? ♪

♪ Yeah, you know me ♪

Both: ♪ Who's down with O.P.P.? ♪

♪ Every last homie ♪

Both: ♪ You down with O.P.P.? ♪

♪ Yeah, you know me ♪

♪ Yeah, you know me ♪

Both: ♪ You down with O.P.P.? ♪

♪ Yeah, you know me ♪

Both: ♪ Who's down with O.P.P.? ♪

♪ All the homies ♪

[cheers and applause]


I saw you signing that girl's ass.

- [sighs]
- Did you like that?

All right, CC.

- You chill, all right?
- Answer the question.


Yeah, you know, I liked it. Mm-hmm.

- Oh, really?
- Oh, yeah.

- Hmm.
- Mm-hmm.

You like it as much as mine?

Well, I don't know.

Why don't you show me
so I can compare, huh?

Oh, you think you can handle this ass?

[laughs] Oh, baby, I know
you ain't challenging me,

because I will wreck that ass.

We should have taken an Uber.


- What you got there, huh?
- Hey, now, come on.

This is a family car, all right?

All right, all right.

I know you want to see
more, but you gotta wait.

- Aw, baby, come on, now.
- No.

Why don't you just hike it up?
Just hike it up just a little bit.

Don't be shy.

- Come on, guys.
- You gonna have to bring it.

Just drive, please.

- [giggles]
- Bring it.

- Huh?
- [both laughing]

You know you want some of that.

[droning music]

- What you got for me?
- [giggles]

- Come on, don't be shy.
- [giggles]

[voices trailing off]

Watch out! [screams]

[horn blaring]

[crash, glass shatters]

Look, baby, just say you were driving.

The League will suspend me.

I am not taking the blame for this!

Are you kidding me?

- How could you even say that?
- Whoa, whoa, come on.

How could you even say that to me?

- Relax, all right?
- Are you kidding me?

Hey! Are you okay, sir?

Can you hear me?

We gotta get him out of there.

- Brandon!
- [both arguing]


Give me a hand. Watch his head.

[grunts] Let's get away from the truck.

He's unconscious.

- [sobbing]
- Baby, calm down.

Calm down, calm down.

All right, gentle. [electric sizzle]

Watch his head.

I-I don't wanna hurt him.

This is . What's your emergency?


It's an impressive place,

but I'm sure you hear that all the time.

Just wanted to make sure
you got a complete picture.

And make sure I'm not here
on a fact-finding mission?

Do you think there
are facts to be found?

I signed an NDA when I
looked over Megan's contract.

There are obviously facts to be found.

But that's not why I'm here.

Right, you're wondering if
you're actually interested in IHM

or if this is just about
the guy you're sleeping with.

You're very direct...

and perceptive.

Well, that's why I sent James home.

I wanted you to see IHM with clear eyes

and then see that this is a place where,

if you are open to new ideas,
your potential has no limits.

I like to think I'm open to anything.

[phone buzzing]


To be continued.


He's not drunk, and it wasn't his fault.

The other car swerved
right into his lane.

It's your right to
refuse the sobriety test,

but we need to take
you down to the station

- to test your...
- Nah, no.

No, wait, man. No, hell, no, see,

I ain't going anywhere with you, man.

Well, it's not up to you, superstar.

- Hey, don't touch him!
- Get off me, man!

Brandon, chill!

- Get your hands off me, now!
- Calm down.

[overlapping shouting]

You need to calm down.

This is gonna be a long night for you.


- Officer!
- What?!

I have Captain Davis
on the phone for you.

[background chatter]

[siren whoops]

Officer John.

Yes, sir.

Yes, sir.

You're free to go.

Ha ha! Yeah, that's right!

Brandon, that's enough!

[somber music]

♪ ♪


You were good tonight.

You too.

Well, it helped us keep
everything in perspective.

This is gonna be problematic.

What's problematic?

Uh, I just saw this.


"West and Drake were in the same car

"when they happened
upon a burning vehicle

"and heroically pulled
the victim to safety"?

Are you kidding me? We saved that guy.

Brandon was yelling at
his wife the whole time.

I know. It's a spin job.

See, we weren't thinking about the risk.

We just... we just acted.

You see, our training at the Institute,

well, it helped us keep
everything in perspective.

When did they sh**t this, after we left?

I guess so.

This is all a lie.

Terence gets Brandon out of a DUI,

then has him spin some bullshit story

about being a hero,

and now he has to commit
to the Institute, right?

That's what will happen, yes.

Meanwhile, the legend
of Kyle West lives on.

[lightly tense music]

♪ ♪

You make things look one way,

and then Terence snaps his fingers,

and you become a different person.

It's not normal.

I'm supposed to be in
love with you, and...

I don't know who you really are.

I'm trying to figure that out myself.


who were you before
Terence got ahold of you?

You don't want to know.

Kyle, I have to know,

or we are never going to work.


Wait, Kyle.

What do you see?


A beautiful little boy.

I see a boy whose uncle told
him that if he didn't smile,

he's gonna kick the crap out of.



Look, I wasn't worth knowing...

when I met Terence.

He saved my life.

And he taught me how to change it.

It's not perfect and it is...

nowhere even close to normal,


but everything I have
that's good in my life,

I have because of Terence.

Including you.

Look, I want to be the
man you need me to be.


It's just gonna take some time.

♪ ♪

We're gonna start with the
glycerin drops this time, okay?

No, Andres, we're not doing that.

Kyle, I don't want to waste time.

I can work up some tears.

Forget the g*dd*mn tears!

You can't just fake your way
through the whole damn thing!

Kyle, just, uh, take it easy, okay?

[suspenseful music]

[clears throat]

Stop acting.

You're no good at it anyway.


[whispering] be yourself,

if you even have any
idea what that means.

♪ ♪


sh**t the scene.


All right, is everybody
ready on the set?

- Thank you for coming in.
- Thank you.

What a day. Still can't find her, eh?

Tomorrow we've got how...

- Hi.
- If we get...

Uh, we're done for the day.
We went through the list, yeah?

Oh, I'm not on the list,
but I'd like to read.

My name's Megan Morrison.

I told your agent I
didn't want to read you.

I was pretty clear about that.

I know, because I-I represent

all of the fake Hollywood
bullshit that you hate, but...

that's not me.

I'm an actor.

I've always loved the
theater, and I love your play.

Every actor who walks in here
tells me they love my play.

And have you found your Kate yet?

Then stop being an
assh*le and let me read.

[lightly tense music]

I'm glad you came.

I almost didn't.

Late night marriage
session is not exactly

the fix I had in mind.

Yeah, well, it's not gonna
be that kind of session.


I found someone for us,
someone new to the Institute.

I think you're gonna like her.

[suspenseful music]

[ominous musical sting]

Deann, this is Annika.

♪ ♪

[intense musical buildup]

♪ ♪

[whispering] I'm not so
good at being patient.

♪ ♪