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03x10 - The Reckoning

Posted: 09/17/21 06:31
by bunniefuu


Hi, William!


Shred everything.

The walls are closing in.

What? Where?

Be smart.

Don't contact me again.

Uh... Um... sh**t.

Uh... Uh... uh, can you guys help me?

I thought that this co-working space

was supposed to be, like, a cool...

like, a helpful environment.


Chantal Witherbottom?


How can I help you?

- It's her! Get down!

I surrender!

Please don't sh**t!

Get your ass down

and put your hands where we can see 'em.

[SOBBING] Wait, wait,
wait. What did I do?

You're being charged with the
following felony counts...

securities fraud,
investment advisor fraud...

- Wha?! No!
- ... mail fraud, wire fraud...

- false statements, money laundering...
- No!

... theft from an
employee benefit plan...

- No!
- ... international money laundering

to promote specified
unlawful activities.

[SOBBING] I don't remember
doing any of that!

♪ Obedear, the sky is low ♪


- Hi!
- Hi.

- PORTIA: Hey, girl.

Hi. Hi.

- Hi.

Hey, babe.

- Aw.
- Thanks.

It's the... it's the woman of the hour.

How are you feeling about tomorrow?


I'm okay, you know?

I feel pretty good, actually.

I've just been...
You know, I've been doing my homework.

I've been researching
closing statements,

and it's actually...
It's pretty straightforward.


- Thanks.
- Right.

Seems like you got it all covered.


I'm gonna... Oh. Okay.


What are you gonna wear, babe?

I'm not sure.


Oh, my God! Take off your shoes!



Do you remember this?

We k*lled Keith with this!

- Do you remember this?
- Drew, are you okay?

Why don't you sit down for a second?

No, no, no, no.

What happened to April, Dory?

Tell me the truth.

Drew, I already told you what happened.

Did you k*ll her?

Did you k*ll her?!

Of course I didn't.

Dory, I'm not f*cking around!

Listen, Drew, come on.

- You know me.

Dory, you come clean right now,
or I'm taking this obelisk,

I'm going right to the police,

and I'm telling them
exactly what we did,

'cause I don't care
anymore what happens to me.

Now, will you please tell me the truth?

Did you k*ll April?

PORTIA: Drew, sweetie...
of course Dor did not k*ll April.

She is not that insane, okay?

Right, Dor?

I told you what happened.


I don't have any, like,
new details for you, Drew.

I don't know where she is.

You just have to trust me that
I'm telling you the truth.

I don't believe you.

- Well, I really don't know

what else there is to say.

You know what? Forget about April.

Forget about April,
'cause you're obviously

not gonna tell me the truth,

And I wasn't there, so how would I know?

But will you do me a favor,
and will you just admit

that we k*lled Keith?

'cause you won't even say that anymore,

and it is so scary, Dory.

I can't tell if you know
you're guilty and you're lying,

or if somehow, in your sick brain,

you have convinced yourself

that you are actually innocent.

Okay, you're acting crazy.

I don't even recognize you.

You have something crazy
in your eyes right now.

No, no, no! You're doing that thing!

You're doing that thing, right,
where you twist it on me, okay?

I see you do it with everybody.

You do it with Cassidy.
You do it with the press.

But you are not a victim, Dory!

You are not innocent.
This is your fault.

So admit to me... admit it...
That we k*lled Keith!

- Admit it!
- Stop yelling!

I feel like you're gonna
hit me or something,

You're acting so psycho right now.

Do you remember this?

You remember we
smashed his skull with this!

- Shh!
- Do you remember?!

You remember the obelisk, Dory?

I never touched that obelisk.

You did.




I don't know who you are.

I miss the old Dory.


This is me, Drew.

This is who I've always been.


NEWS CORRESPONDENT: The latest twist

in a trial already full of
discombobulation came last week,

When Dory Sief fired her lawyer,
Cassidy Diamond.

Some wonder if this
is a last-minute tactic

on Dory's part to have a chance

to plead her case to the
jury without the threat

of cross-examination.

Regardless of how well she does today,

she will still be tried with
her co-defendant, Drew Gardner,

Despite the chaos this
may create for their case.



PAPARAZZO: Dory, do you
really think you can pull this off?

You do three years of
law school in two days?

Man, this is gonna make for
some good entertainment.

I believe you!

I believe you!

God is with you!

- You're gonna die in jail!

You devil!

Whore! Sinner!

It's Judgment Day!

It's Judgment Day, bitch,
and you're gonna die in jail!



It's wonderful to see
you all this morning.

It's a beautiful day, isn't it?

I'm just so sorry we have to spend it

In this stuffy courtroom.

This has been a very difficult case,

despite the abundance...

... of hard evidence.

In a way, I almost respect the defense

for how they spun a web
of lies so distracting,

we almost forgot why we were here.

But I know you'll see
through that strategy,

because in the end,
rationality and justice prevails!


... here are the facts.

This is the house that
they spent the night in.

And this is where Keith's
body was found... yards

from the house.

Thank you, Garrett.

Dory Sief and Drew
Gardner's hair was found

on Mr. Powell's clothing.

Dory Sief's DNA was found
under Mr. Powell's fingernails.

- El?
- Yeah?

Do you think we're
the most famous people

- in the world right now?
- I hope so.

[SIGHS] Me, too.

Now, I'd like you to
imagine for just a moment

you're the CEO of a fabulous company.

It's a fashion magazine or
something now like that.


It's : , and you're busy prepping

for your : appointment.

It's an interview.

An interview for a high-level position

at your fabulous company.

In walks Dory Sief, and,
boy, does she look the part.

You feel an instant connection.

She feels authentic.

How wrong you'd be.

In a million years, you'd never guess

that she strung her boyfriend
along to carry out a plot

of mutilation and bloodshed

because she played you like a fiddle.

"She's like me,"

you might say.

No, you'd be wrong.

She isn't.

To me, she is the
embodiment of entitlement.

She is the epitome of moral corruption,

and, as we've all come to see,
she's also a media whore.

The truth about Dory Sief
is that she couldn't get

any job that she applied for,

so she had literally
nothing to do with her life.

And that malaise
turned into self-hatred,

and that self-hatred turned into rage,

and that rage burned so hot

that the only thing that
could put out that fire

was the taste of human blood!

And so she beat the life
out of Keith Powell,

a man who felt safe with her!

Like you might, sir.

Like you might, Juror Number Six.

And then... they covered it up.

I mean, they knew
what they did was wrong,

and they didn't want to get caught,

So they covered it up.

And ladies and gentlemen,

the worst part of all of this

is that Dory Sief shows no remorse.

She shows no empathy.

She just lies, and she lies,
and she lies, and she loves

how good she is at it.

There's a word for people like her.




I cannot believe we
didn't see it earlier.

Good job, Polly.


I'm tired.

I had a crazy night.

I couldn't go to sleep.

And then, when I went to sleep,
I had a dream.

And it was a pleasant dream.

It was really nice. [CHUCKLES]

And you were all in
it, and you were in it,

and you weren't, Polly,
but it all worked out.

You guys believed it wasn't
beyond a reasonable doubt

that they were guilty.

And if you have reasonable doubt,

You have to say no, you know?

There has to be some evidence
that you really believe

and that isn't shaky.

The two suitcase thing, I can never...

I can't... I can't get past that.

That's not a coincidence.

That's... That's proof for me.

Dory, what are you doing? Dory?


Ms. Sief?


Ms. Sief?

Ms. Sief!



- Ow!

- Order!

Ms. Sief!


[ECHOING] Ms. Sief!







[ECHOING] Ms. Sief?

Ms. Sief, are you prepared to

deliver your closing statement?



No outbursts,
or you'll be removed from the court.


I guess I'm a little bit nervous,

but, uh, here goes nothing.

I did a presentation for AP
History in my senior year,

and I was so afraid of what
people would think of me

that I fainted halfway
through my speech.

Now, I couldn't be less afraid
of what people think of me.

Because I've heard it all at this point.

I've been called a vixen,

a monster, a slut, a m*rder*r.

Just this morning,
somebody called me a sphinx

from Hipsterville.


And even evil.

I can see why Polly said that.

And I even understand why she thinks

I did this heinous crime.

I know that the evidence
doesn't look good.

I mean, even I look at
the police reports and think,

"Oh, yeah, this girl is guilty."

But I didn't do it.

The police reports don't
tell the full story.

It's all a fabrication.

I can't know how or why our DNA ended up

in places that it shouldn't be.

You know, and I wish I
had a better answer for that,

But I just don't.

And I can't know something
that I don't know,

And I can't make up answers because that

wouldn't be the truth.

But what I didn't know is that

it is so scary what can happen

when you are in the wrong
place at the wrong time.

[VOICE BREAKING] I cry every

day because I'm just so afraid

of what's gonna happen to me.

And I miss Keith.

He was my friend, and he's dead.

Do you know what it's like to be
blamed for your friend's death?

And I can't even bear to
think about what his family

is going through, Deb and his daughter.

They're good people, and they

don't deserve this suffering.

Maybe Keith wasn't a perfect man.

You know, he...
he was a private investigator,

And he... and he
dredged up people's pasts.

And when... when
you do that for a living,

you make a lot of enemies.

I don't know i-if one of
those people did this to him.

I don't know if they framed me.

I don't know. I just... I don't know,

But I do lie in bed at night,
and I'm wondering, you know,

I'm just trying to make
sense of all of this.

We... We are victims of circumstance.

Me and Keith... and Drew.


The love of my life.

He's a good man,
and he would never hurt anyone.

And I love you.

I love you, too.

I just hope that one day soon,

we can move past this traumatic
event and get married.

We'll get a house in the
country and have kids

And just do all that stuff
that we always talked about.

I don't even know who I am anymore.

All I know is that... That inside...

I'm just a little girl
who wants to go home.

I'm just... I'm lost, and I'm broken,

and I just want to go home.

Please, please, please,
I'm just begging you.

I'm just begging you to send me home.

Just please send me home.

I just want to go home.


I just want to go home.

I just want to go home.

I just want to go home.


PORTIA: Oh, my God.

She really didn't do it.


Well... she did.

We we there.


A real-estate tycoon.

Starts with a T, ends with a P.

Oh, oh, oh, sh**t.

Who could that be?

Oh, that's cute.

Yeah, and there's this one.

Which I love.

Is the show about babies?

No, sweetie, that's not how it works.

This is just a concept.

You just have to throw
a bunch of concepts out

and see what sticks, so... yeah.
Maybe, like,

it's just an idea...
Maybe, I don't know, I could

do something on the show.

- Can you imagine?
- Oh, my God.

- We get to work together.
- Let me run it by Charlie.



The verdict's in.

JUDGE HELLERMAN: Bring in the jury.

Hey. You know something, Polly?

No matter what happens today,
you did an excellent job,

and I am so proud of you.

You're not having
feelings for me, are you?

What? No.

Ms. Kiwi, do you have the envelope

with the sealed verdict forms?

Yes, I do.

Please hand the forms to Deputy Lesabee.

Thank you.

Could you please bring them
over to the foreperson?

Thank you.

Are the forms in order?

Yes, your honor.

Ms. Sief and Mr. Gardner,
could you please rise

and face the jury?


This is unbearable.

My heart's, like,
beating so fast right now.

Now, I must request that
everyone exhibit discipline

and civility during the
reading of the verdict.


will you please read the verdict?

JUROR # : Yes.

It is my duty, as the appointed foreman

of the United States District Court

for the Southern District of New York,

on the matter of the United
States Versus Dory S. Sief

and Drew W. Gardner,
case number CR, number - .

We, the jury, in the
above-entitled action

find the defendants,
Dory Sief and Drew Gardner...

not guilty.


Not guilty.

Not guilty.

Not guilty.

Not guilty.

Not guilty.

Not guilty.

Not guilty.

Not guilty.

Not guilty.

Not guilty.


Not guilty of the crime
of m*rder in violation

of penal code . ,

a felony upon Keith Isaac Powell,

a human being, as charged
in count one of the information.

Judgment will be entered.

Ms. Sief and Mr. Gardner,
you are free to go.

Good luck to you.

- Court is adjourned.

BOB: Ahh! I get to go out with a bang.

Say something nice
at my funeral, will ya?

Yeah, of course.

Thanks, kid.

Congratulations, Eddie.

POLLY: What am I missing?

You're all stupid.

Stupid jurors.

Guilty m*rder*r on the streets.

Watch where you go because
murderers are walking around.

Stupid, stupid.


They're not guilty!

They're not guilty!

They're not guilty!


Take it back, Jesus!

MAN: Thank you. Thank you, Jesus!

Thank you.

You know, the family deserves justice,

and this is not the result
that we had hoped for,

and I don't know.

I am stunned.

I'm just gobsmacked.

Excuse me. I'm sorry.

Please don't follow me.


You know, the justice system is broken,
but at least

it's serving someone.


I've been a practicing Buddhist for...
oh, years now.


And I very much believe in karma.

Today may not be your reckoning,
but there will be one.

I guarantee it.


Yes, I do.


♪ If I could shift these parts around ♪

♪ By catalysis or brawn ♪

♪ I'd get something back ♪


♪ Keep me high, keep me thin ♪

♪ Carry on, keep it in ♪

♪ But I don't feel nothing anymore ♪


♪ I don't feel nothing ♪











Anything else?

MAN: No.


Could I have a glass of water, please?

Oh, yes, yes.

Oh... That was really, really good.










♪ Love is a prism ♪

♪ Love is a prism ♪

♪ Love is a prism ♪

♪ Love is a prism ♪