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03x06 - In God We Trust

Posted: 09/17/21 06:29
by bunniefuu
Hey, guys. It's me.

So, tomorrow begins
the trial of the millennium.

It's pretty obvious that
Gory Dory is guilty,

so why are we even having this trial?

She should be in jail!

And not to be sexist,
but she's pretty ugly,

and she looks like a liberal.

And I'll be interested to
see if she ever shuts up!



♪ Obedear, the sky is low ♪

So, this is what I was
thinking for the first day.

It's super professional, and it matches

with this suit for Drew!

Yeah, I just feel like,
you know, we're gonna look like

Some sort of brother-sister
cartoon freaks if we match.

You know what, Cassidy?
Why don't we take

the responsibility off your shoulders

of dressing us up like little dolls

and focus on your opening statement,

which I, for one, would love to hear.

- Mm.

Well, this is about us coaching you,

not the other way around.

What's the big deal?

Let's just hear your statement.

Are you not prepared?

Maybe I just don't like
being put on the spot.

Well, that's what court is. Right?

So, come on.



Okay. Oh, God.

So, imagine, if you will,
a little girl on a playground...

swinging on a swing.

Okay, um, I'm sorry, I hate this.

It's not cheesy,
but it just feels like it is,

because I feel like I'm
under a microscope,

in my own home.

Um, and then there were these

small changes in her persona...

Sorry, I'm just gonna
take that line again.

Um, and after that,
I noticed changes in her person...

I'm sorry. I'm just in my head.

I'm usually so amazing
at learning lines.

I just...
It's just very weird playing myself.

Totally. But remember,
you don't have to be perfect up there.

You're a human being.

You have every right to be nervous.

Well, it kind of does
have to be perfect, alright?

So, you know, I guess I would just ask

for you to just deal with the pressure.


Hey, g*ng.

We're gearing up
for a long, hard battle,

and the one gift we can
give ourselves is sleep.


Uh, thanks, Bob.

Have a good night.

You know, my best friend
died five years ago and...

changed the course of my life.

I'm sorry to hear
about your friend, Bob.

Life. Live it.

Exploit it.

Take it by the neck and choke it.

You get out of this mess,
you guys are gonna be so lucky.

And when you are, do something.

Change the world.

Or just, you know,
sit back and make some cash, at least.

Good night.

Charlie! Hi!


Oh, I'm so sorry.

Um, I'm a guest on Charlie Reeny's show.

Do you know where I can find her?

Elliott Goss.



Oh, my goodness!


How are you?!

I'm glad you finally
decided to come on my show.

Oh, well, thank you
so much for having me.

I've seen enough clips
of your show to know

that you don't often have
the gay coastal elite

on as guests, so...

I always like to ask before we start,

are there any no-fly zones?

I try and respect my guests' privacy.

Yes. Um, I tend to be
very quiet about my failures,

So if you don't mind,
please don't mention my book deal,

which recently crumbled.

I'm just here to
discuss my friends, so...

- Loud and clear.
- Cool.

Well, I haven't gotten
into hair and makeup yet,

so I'll see you on set.


This is so fun!

Thank y... Where do I go?


Oh, my God.

Gory Dory, are you
a cold-blooded k*ller?!

Drew, did she make you do it?!

Get back! Nothing, nothing!


Get away from me, you animals!

Get back!

GIRL: I love you, Drew!

Please rise.

The United States District Court

for the Southern District of
New York is now in session.

The Honorable Judge Xavier
Hellerman presiding.

Please be seated.

This is the United States vs.
Dory Sief and Drew Gardner.

Counsel, are you ready to proceed?

- Yes.
- Yes.

Deputy, let's invite the jury.


[WHISPERING] Dory... I'm really scared.

Before we begin,
may I just relay to the court

That I was recently
diagnosed with a very rare

autoimmune condition called
Poppy Gillies disease,

which gravely affects my metabolism.

There may be times in this
courtroom when I may be

continuously snacking,
as my life depends on it.

I now ask the prosecution to
give their opening statement.

Good morning.

Day one... of many, of many.

Well, you know what? I'd like to start

By painting you a little picture.

It's a cool... breezy May afternoon.

And a little girl sits on the swings,
on the playground.

Only this little girl doesn't
feel like playing today.

Something inside of her knows...

that somewhere in Montreal,
just five hours north

of where she sits, her father,
Keith Isaac Powell,

is being violently m*rder*d by a young,

privileged couple.

This man did not deserve to die,
especially at the hands

of a couple of Millennials
looking for a thrill-k*ll!

Dory Sief is an attractive
woman, all right?

But with that attractiveness
came sexual confidence.

Mm. Sounds good.

But that turned into sexual deviance.

She revealed to her...
submissive boyfriend

that she was having an affair
and then coerced him to just

dutifully abandon all
morality just to satisfy her.


And we have undeniable proof

against that privileged couple.

Proof that they were in
Montreal on the grounds

where Keith was m*rder*d.

Hair samples, fingerprints,
such extensive DNA

from the crime scene.

We have so much evidence,
that, frankly, you're gonna

get real tired of it.

If we allow these two morally repugnant

abusers of privilege off, well, you know

what you're doing?

You're letting an entire generation off.

If we enable this entitlement
to the degree of m*rder,

I ask you, what kind of world

are our children growing up in?


And, more importantly... ♪♪

...what kind of world
do you want to live in?

Oh, my God!


Can we get some paper towels!


I, too, feel sick.

- Oh.
- Here.

This is bad.

This is so bad.

All right.


Oh, God. I'm so sorry.

Yeah, I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry.

Uh, just want to say sorry.

I'm so sorry.

Now for the defense's
opening statements.


Good afternoon, everyone.

Members of the jury...
fellow attorneys, et al.

Umm... In an unpredictable coincidence,

my opening statement also began

with imagery of a young
girl on a playground.

It was different, but
not different enough

for me to want to still do it, so...
Um, here comes

some improvisation, so... Hmph.

This question is for
the ladies in the room!

Have you ever felt, while walking down

the street at night,
that there was someone

behind you, watching you?

I'm sure you've had this experience.

And I know for a fact that
my client Dory Sief has.

She was trying to make
the world a better place.

She was trying to be a good person.

She was actually
trying to save her friend

Chantal Witherbottom,
who, to her knowledge,

was in serious trouble.

Now, along the way,
she met a man, "Keith Powell,"

whom she befriended.

Mr. Powell developed
feelings for my client,

which she indulged with the permission

of her understanding boyfriend.

However, when the time
came for Dory to end things

with Keith, he did not take it well.

He put a tracking device on her phone

and followed her to
Montreal in a dangerous fit.

So it's obvious that the
question then becomes

who followed Keith to
Montreal and committed

this terrible crime?

My client is not a m*rder*r.

She is a victim.

She is a victim of circumstance,

and she is a victim of the patriarchy,
as are we all.

Mr. Powell was an immoral predator

who wanted to harass my client.

And I'm proud of her for not retaliating

in the face of that harassment.

I'm proud of her for
not even being aware

of his m*rder at all.

And I am proud of her
for being a resilient, brave,

modern woman.

Thank you.

And thank you... all.


MAN: Camera. And we're
back from commercial

In , , .

Hi. You're watching
"Open Fire with Charlie Reeny."

My name is Charlie Reeny,

and I have a hot show for you today.

It's the first day of trial
in the Gory Dory m*rder case,

and joining me today is lifelong friend

of the murderous couple, defense witness

and gay rights activist Elliott Goss.

I wouldn't necessarily call myself that.

I'm certainly a friend of the movement,

But I've never been
to a march in my life.

So, Elliott, before we get
into how you and your friends

represent absolutely
everything that's wrong

- with young liberals...
- Mm.

...I wanted to give you a
chance to plug your book.



What's shocking?

The fact that you squandered
the only chance you had

at a real career by
having writer's block,

or the fact that my producer's
niece can draw this well?

I know what I was trying to say,
and it's that

that is not my book.

It looks just like you.

Well, it's not my book.

And I didn't write... It's... It's...

Blond hair, blue eyes?

My turn. Help me up, please.



Ladies and gentlemen of the jury.

Your Honor.

Cassidy brought up some
very interesting points

that I'm sure resonate with
many people around the world.

The prosecution, well,
what was she talking about?

I tried to follow it.

I don't know what she was saying.

They both told stories,
but I am gonna talk

about the evidence,
because if there's one thing

I'm completely confident
of is that my client,

Eddie, is innocent.


Eddie?! Who's Eddie?

Oh, uh... It's... Bob, it's Drew.

Drew! Drew!

Drew is innocent.


Do you ever have one of those days?





CHARLIE: You cannot hire
any women taller than me.

End of discussion.
She's ' ". I'm ' ".

Do the f*ckin' work.

Are you okay?

You look beat up.

I'm sorry. I just didn't
quite expect this from you,

not as a guest in your own house.

Babe, that's the game.

Do you like watching polite TV? No.

- You like watching good TV.

MAN: And we're back in , , .

Welcome back to
"Open Fire with Charlie Reeny."

I'm your host, Charlie Reeny.
And joining me today

is the man who helped
his friends bury a body,

Elliott Goss.


I'm sorry.

- Did you fart?
- What?


Oh, my God!

I can't believe that much
smell came out of you.

I mean, you are too tiny to
make that much smell. It's sick!

People, I didn't fart.

Oh, God. Oh, God.

Yeah, you guys... Right? You, too?

Yeah, even the producers can smell it.

It's that disgusting.

Did you... Oh, my God.

Did you eat an old ostrich egg?

I don't fart!

I don't fart!

Your Honor, I would
like to call the witness

Portia Davenport to the stand, please.


Raise your right hand.

Do you swear or affirm

that the testimony you are about to give

will be the truth, the whole truth,

and nothing but the truth?

Yes, I-I do.

Please be seated.


Good morning.

Good morning.

How is it that you, uh,
know the defendants, Dory Sief

and Drew Gardner?

Um, well, I met Dory in college.

[CHUCKLING] And it's
actually a funny story.

It always makes me laugh.

It's way too long to tell you guys,

but I'll just say that it
involves me locking myself out

of my dorm room totally
naked and then having to wait

in Dory's dorm room until
someone unlocked mine.

And, actually, that is the entire story.

And then she met Drew,
and we all became good buds.

But they weren't very good
buds on the night of May th,

now, were they?


In a testimony that you made to police,
You stated,

QUOTE: "I stopped dry-humping"

with the Frenchman and went downstairs

to get a glass of water.

When I got to the kitchen,
I discovered my friends

Stuffing Keith's body into
a zebra-print suitcase.

They convinced me to bury
the suitcase with them.

I still have nightmares "every night."

Do you still stand by this statement,

Yes, I do.

Now, you've known Dory
intimately for a long time,

would you say?

How would you describe her?

Well, my answer is
kind of changing lately.

Um, but if you had asked
me before all this, oh, man.

I would say Dory is so nice.

And she's such a good
friend and very creative

and introspective.

But how would you describe her now?


I don't really know what's real

and what's not real with her.

After this whole era,
it's sort of my opinion

that she really resents
that she just doesn't

have a sense of self.

And now that I'm sitting
here thinking about it,

I didn't ever want to
even look for Chantal.

I just did it because I loved my friend,

and I was very worried
about her mental health,

and I wanted to be a good friend.

But then it kept getting
bigger and bigger,

And she just dragged
me into these problems

that I don't think I
deserved to be dragged into.

And then Keith dies, and it's like

she could have kept me out of it,
and she just didn't.

I just think it's horrible of her,
and I think that...

she doesn't care about
me and she never did,

or something like that.

What a betrayal.

You thin-lipped, baby-k*lling,

under-funded pride parade!

You book-burning gas
chamber with penis envy!

- Commie!
- Fascist!

- f*gg*t!!


Well, that's all the
time we have today on

"Open Fire with Charlie Reeny."

I'm Charlie Reeny reminding you

That the Second Amendment
is never going away.


MAN: And we're out.

That was incredible.

That's the most fun I've
ever had in my life.

- You're a genius.
- No, no, no.

You are a genius.

Portia, is there anything that
maybe you would like to add

that you think might be helpful

for the jury to hear today?


I would like to add...
that while I was coerced

into burying the body,
I sensed in her no remorse.

She was hostile and,
to be frank, full of vitriol.

Wow. So very traumatic.

Your Honor, I...
I have no further questions.

Miss Davenport.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Can I ask you a question?

Do you wear contact lenses?

I do.

And what is your
prescription in each eye?

My left eye is a six,

and my right eye, I believe, is a seven.

Well, I'd like to do a
little eye test with you.

- You want take me... these out?
- Yeah, take your contacts out.

- Take your time.

- Okay.
- Excuse me!

- No, shh!
- Miss Diamond and Miss Sief,

You're distracting your own defense.

I am so sorry, Your Honor.

Um, Bob?

Oh. What?

I know, but...

- I want you to sit down and rest,

And I'm gonna take over.


I am so sorry for this
disruption, everyone.

But I would just like to
ask the court stenographer

If you could please read back
Portia's earlier statement

regarding my client's
behavior toward her

the night of the alleged burial.

coerced into burying the body,

I sensed in her no remorse.

She was hostile and,
to be frank, "full of vitriol."



That's... That's a word.

I need to use that word more often.

Do you use that word a lot?

Yeah, I...

personally feel like it
is just very important

as a woman to have a diverse vocabulary.

Would you be a dear
and would you define it

for some of the members of
the jury who might not be

very familiar with it?

Mm-hmm. I can.

It's, um... Uh...
Well, it would be, like... V-Vitriol,

the definition of vitriol.

It is something that
you are very full of.

It's a quality.

It's a... And it's a negative quality.

Wow. Could you put
it in a sentence for me?

Mm-hmm. Yes.

Um, let me think.

Uh, I have one.

Um, "Dory was full of vitriol."

Oh, new sentence, please.

Some people are always full of vitriol.

Mm, that's a suspiciously
similar sentence.

You know, and it kind of makes me wonder

Who would use a word like "vitriol."

Dare I say it was coached into you?

Is that true?

What? No.

I don't know.

I didn't, like, come up with that word.

But I could tell you
probably what it means.

This feels very mean!

I would be interested to go back and see

How often in the transcript
of your confession

with the police,
did you come up with the details

or did the police get really creative?

Better question,

is your baby-blue
existence in this courtroom

due to the fact that you
were coerced by the police

into agreeing with the fabricated lies?



That's okay.

Don't worry, Polly.

I'm finished, because it's clear

to everyone in this courtroom

what's going on right about now.


You coached her.

Thank you.

You're welcome.






Help! Mommy!




♪ hear you screaming? ♪

Mommy, help me, please! Mommy!

♪ Did I see ♪

♪ You dancing? ♪

♪ Did you see ♪

♪ That boy crying? ♪

♪ I saw him I'm not laughing ♪