16x25 - The Armageddon Factor - part 5

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderator: Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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16x25 - The Armageddon Factor - part 5

Post by bunniefuu »



Part Five

Original Air Date: 17 February 1979
Running time:24:42

SHADOW: And you shall be my eyes and ears.

K9: Affirmative, master.

SHADOW: Go now.

DOCTOR: Well, here we are. We've tracked him to his lair.

ROMANA: Yes, we've got him exactly where he wants us.

DOCTOR: All we have to do is find the sixth piece and stop the Shadow taking those other five.

ROMANA: How can we get the sixth piece without using the tracer? Or had you forgotten the tracer's holding the Key together, and if we take the tracer out, we break the time loop, and without the time loop millions of people on Zeos and Atrios will die, to say nothing of ourselves. And the time loop's stretching already. It's up to six seconds now. That's four seconds left. And how long will that thing last?

DOCTOR: Diagonal thinking, that's what's required, isn't it, Astra?

ASTRA: What? I'm sorry, I was lost.

DOCTOR: Astra, we need you to help us to find the Shadow.

ASTRA: I shall stay here.

DOCTOR: No, no, Astra, no. You're the only one who's ever been to the third planet before. Come on.

ASTRA: I want to stay here.

ROMANA: Astra, you said you wanted to come with us. Don't you want to save Atrios?

ASTRA: My destiny no longer lies on Atrios.

ROMANA: What do you mean?

SHADOW (OOV.): (in Astra's head) Go with them. Bring me Romana.

ASTRA: I understand.

ROMANA: What did you say? Are you all right?

DOCTOR: Yes, yes, everything's perfectly all right. Everything's wonderful, isn't it, Astra?

ASTRA: What? Oh, I'm sorry. I was thinking about Merak. Yes, of course we must do everything we can to destroy the Shadow.

ROMANA: Do you know where he is?

ASTRA: I think so.

DOCTOR: Go on. I'll catch you up.

ROMANA: Right.

DOCTOR: Intergalactic computer distress signal? How very odd. How strange. Here? K9.

K9: Master.

SHADOW: Leave her to Astra. Follow the Doctor.

K9 (OOV.): Affirmative, master.

DOCTOR: Two six zero. (beep) Ah.

DOCTOR: Ah, girls.

DOCTOR: Shush. I think someone's trying to play tricks on us. You girls better stick with me, or we'll all get lost. I

ROMANA (OOV.): Doctor! (echoes) Doctor. Doctor.

ROMANA (OOV.): Doctor. Doctor. Doctor. Doctor. Doctor.

ROMANA (OOV.): Doctor.

ROMANA: Doctor. Doctor! Oh, what does he think he's doing, going that way. I shouted at him. He must have seen us.

ASTRA: I think I remember now. Yes, all these passages link up further on. Come on, Romana, we shall meet him.

DOCTOR: Ah, I see what you're at, splitting us up. Divide and conquer, is that it? You didn't really imagine we were taken in by Astra, did you?

DOCTOR (on screen): No. She's in your power, your employ. Little something on the neck, is it? Very crude, technically.

DOCTOR: Like all this amusement arcade rubbish.

DOCTOR (on screen): No, Shadow, or whatever you're called. I'm sorry to tell you

DOCTOR: That Romana can look after herself. We are Time Lords

DOCTOR (on screen): Not like those innocents back on Atrios, you know. Time Lords sent by the Guardian to recover the Key to Time.

SHADOW: I know who you are, Doctor.

SHADOW (OOV.): I have always known.

SHADOW (OOV.): I have been waiting for you. I too serve a Guardian. A Guardian equal and opposite in power to the one who sent you. The Black Guardian, he who walks in darkness, and you are in the valley of the Shadow.

DOCTOR: No, no, no! No!

K9 (on screen): The Doctor is captured, master.

ASTRA: Come, Romana. You'll be safe here.

DRAX: Hello, Theet. How you been, boy?


DRAX: It is Theet, innit? Theta Sigma? Yeah, 'course it is. Remember me, ay?

SHADOW: Begin.

DRAX: Drax is the name.


DRAX: Come on, Theet. Class of ninety two?


DRAX: Yeah?


DRAX: Yeah. We was on the tech course together. Long time ago now, Theet, eh? Must be what, four hundred and fifty years? And a long way from Gallifrey.

DOCTOR: Yes, Gallifrey. Of course! Ha, ha! Drax.

DRAX: Yeah, I was all right at practical, remember?


DRAX: Temporal theory did me. Still, you did well, mind, getting your doctorate and all that.

DOCTOR: What happened to you?

DRAX: I failed, didn't I. Still, not to worry. I was doing all right till this lot. I went into repair and maintenance. Do anything, anytime, anywhere. I've been all over the galaxy. Buy a bit, do it up, sell it.

DOCTOR: Yeah. What sort of things?

DRAX: Cybernetics, guidance systems, you name it.

DOCTOR: Armaments?

DRAX: Yeah, and that. Not on a regular basis, of course.

DOCTOR: Drax, I was introduced to a computer on Zeos. Called itself Mentalis. Did you by any chance have anything to do with the installation?

DRAX: Strictly under duress. That's why I'm here. The minute I finished the job, wham. Feet never touched the ground.

DOCTOR: The Shadow?

DRAX: I didn't know who he was, did I. Just another customer, I thought. And then he puts the heavy word on. Do it or die. I mean, what would you have done?

DOCTOR: Yes, very tricky.

DRAX: Yeah.

DRAX: So that's where it was. I thought somebody'd nicked it. Huh, not a lot of bottle now, is it.

DOCTOR: Did you make that?

DRAX: Knocked it up, yeah. Well, you gotta do something. There's always a chance some geezer would pick up the distress call.

DOCTOR: You made this here?

DRAX: I never go nowhere without me tools. Fat lot of good it did, though, eh? Got us both in nick together.

DOCTOR: Drax, I don't want to pry, but where did you acquire this peculiar vocabulary?

DRAX: Brixton, weren't it?

DOCTOR: Brixton?

DRAX: Brixton. London. Earth.

DOCTOR: I've been to Earth.

DRAX: Yeah, me transport broke down. Hyperbolics, as usual. And I was investigating certain possibilities with regard to replacements. I got done, didn't I. Ten years I got. Well, I had to learn the lingo, didn't I, to survive. Why, is there something funny about the way I talk?

DOCTOR: No, no. It's very colourful. Very demotic.

DRAX: Yeah, well thanks, Theet.

DOCTOR: Doctor.

DRAX: Oh yeah.

DOCTOR: No offence.

DRAX: None taken.


DRAX: Doctor?


DRAX: Yes?

DOCTOR: That hole in the wall?

DRAX: Yeah?

DOCTOR: Might that, might it lead to a way out?

DRAX: No. Not yet, anyway. I dunno, I've got tunnels all over the place, but I can't seem to find it.

DOCTOR: Find what?

DRAX: The transmat shaft. They all use it. The Shadow and all his horribles. The trouble is, you see, my TARDIS is back on Zeos.

DOCTOR: Yes, but where does it lead?

DRAX: Have a look.

DRAX: Well, Doctor, welcome to my world.

DOCTOR: Aren't they stabiliser components?

DRAX: Yeah, they are.

DOCTOR: But you said your TARDIS was parked on Zeos.

DRAX: Yeah, well, I took the stabiliser out. Needs a bit of work.

DOCTOR: How long have you been here?

DRAX: About five years. After the w*r started.

DOCTOR: Five years? For five years you've had a dimensional stabiliser virtually intact and you haven't managed to escape?

DRAX: I told you, it needed work.

DOCTOR: Oh, come on, Drax! You could have repaired that and long-dogged it out of here years ago.

DRAX: Here, what's the game? Oh, I get it. You think I'm in with the Shadow, don't you.

DOCTOR: Aren't you?

DRAX: Now would I.

DOCTOR: Yes, you would. What's he offered you?

DRAX: Nothing.

DOCTOR: Are you about to suggest that you and I make a run for it out of here in my TARDIS?

DRAX: Well, it's a good idea.

DOCTOR: Oh yes, it's a very good idea, you and me in my TARDIS. And what happens then when we're inside, eh? Sock full of sand, lead pipe and you away with the Key to Time, am I right, Drax?

DRAX: Look, I didn't know it was going to be you, did I. He threatened me with the chop, didn't he. He said I was the only one who could get hold of it.

DOCTOR: If you had, do you think he'd let you get away? You'd be in for the chop, too.

DRAX: Yeah, I would, wouldn't I.

DOCTOR: Of course you would. So why don't you help me? I mean, together we stand a slight chance. And after all, we are Time Lords, you and I. Class of ninety two. If we don't stick together, who will?

SHADOW: Enough.

SHADOW: She has told me everything she knows, and it is not enough. Still the cursed Doctor stands between me and the Key. We shall see what the Doctor is prepared to offer for your life.

ROMANA: I'm not afraid to die.


K9 (on screen): Master.

SHADOW: To the Doctor.

K9 (on screen): Affirmative, master.


DOCTOR: Try synaptic adhesion.

DRAX: Synaptic adhesion? It's the chronostat. Always is.

DOCTOR: I think it's synaptic adhesion.

DRAX: Look, I've done thousands of these. Thousands.

DOCTOR: All right. Got to be synaptic adhesion. All right, all right, I'll leave it to you, shall I.

DRAX: Yeah.

DOCTOR: Drax, where does this lead?

DRAX: Upper level. Watch out for the mutes.

DOCTOR: Yeah. Yeah, of course.

K9 (OOV.): Doctor? I have you on scan, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Doctor?

K9: Turn left now. Turn right now.

K9: Doctor.

DOCTOR: Yes, old friend?

K9: I have a message for you.

DOCTOR: I can't hear. Can you come a bit closer?

K9: Such actions warrant immediate death, which I shall execute.


K9: Here is a message for you. Doctor, Romana is with my master.


K9: He wishes to know if you will exchange the Key to Time for the life of Romana. End of message. Your reply, please. Waiting.

DOCTOR: Tell your master I shall give his offer serious consideration.

DRAX (OOV.): Hey!


DRAX (OOV.): What's this heap of junk?

DOCTOR: That's my computer.

DRAX (OOV.): Eh?

DOCTOR: Drax, I've got no time to explain. Remove the control device from under his chin, all right?

DRAX (OOV.): Oh, er, ah, right. Done it. Now what?

DOCTOR: Now nothing. Carry on with the stabiliser. I'll be back soon, I hope. Bye.

K9: Attention! Attention!

DRAX: What's that?

K9: Malfunction in drive systems. Attention required immediately.

DRAX: Oh, it's you. I'm busy.

K9: Essential restored to vertical position. Alternative is your obliteration.

DRAX: Leave me alone.

DRAX: All right, all right.

DRAX: That better?

K9: Affirmative.

DRAX: Blimey, it's a dog. Who's a little tin dog, then?

K9: Your silliness is noted. Drive systems regenerating.

DRAX: I don't get it. It's the chronostat. It always is.

K9: Negative. It is a question of synaptic adhesion.

DRAX: Not you and all.

SHADOW: The Key to Time, Doctor. (silence) Then you can watch your assistant suffer.

DOCTOR: I refuse to negotiate in an atmosphere of threat.

DOCTOR: No, no, stop! Stop!

ROMANA: Doctor, no. Don't give in to him. It doesn't matter what happens to me.

DOCTOR: Well of course it matters. You have the sixth piece, I take it?

SHADOW: It is here.

DOCTOR: Well, I'd like to see it, if it's possible.

SHADOW: You have already seen it.

DOCTOR: Ah. Yes. If I bring the other five pieces


DOCTOR: What is it you have in mind? I mean, what do you intend to do?

SHADOW: Come now, Doctor, you know who I am.

DOCTOR: Yes. I suppose you realise I've rigged things so that Atrios and Zeos are protected.

SHADOW: Your puny time loop.

DOCTOR: Yes, my puny. Well, it may be puny but it works. If you break that, millions of people will die.

SHADOW: That has always been our intention. This pathetic little w*r is but a rehearsal for our grand design.


SHADOW: You have your Guardian and I have mine. You and I are on the same quest, Doctor, but whereas you have been scavenging across space and time, I have located the sixth piece here.


SHADOW: Your are inferior, just as your powers are inferior. Once we have the Key to Time, we shall set not two small planets but the two halves of the entire cosmos at w*r, and their mutual destruction will be music in our ears. Unlike others, it is not power we seek, but destruction that we glory in. Fetch the Key.

DOCTOR: Very well.

ROMANA: No! Doctor!

SHADOW: Bwahahahahahahaha!

DRAX: It's working. You were right, Doc. Synaptic adhesion.

K9: Correct.

DRAX: You don't know what the Doctor wants it for, do you?

K9: Negative.

DRAX: Well, I'd better go and find out. Stay, boy.

SHADOW: Now, my Princess, your work is done. Your destiny is at hand.

ASTRA: Who are you?

ROMANA: The Shadow.

SHADOW: The Shadow that accompanies you all.

DOCTOR: I suppose you realise that once I give the Shadow the Key to Time, that you and your colleagues will be superfluous.

DOCTOR: What I mean was that, you see, after I've given the Shadow the Key to Time, he'll k*ll you and then he'll k*ll me, and perhaps you don't care.

DRAX: Right, Doctor, I'm ready for you.

DOCTOR: No, Drax, no. No!

The Doctor
Tom Baker

Mary Tamm

Voice of K9
John Leeson

Princess Astra of Atrios
Lalla Ward

The Black Guardian
Valentine Dyall

Barry Jackson

John Woodvine

The Shadow
William Squire

Davyd Harries

Ian Saynor

John Cannon

Harry Fielder

Iain Armstrong

Pat Gorman

Ian Liston

Susan Skipper

Assistant Floor Manager
Steve Goldie

Assistant Floor Manager
Rosemary Padvaiskas

Michael Burdle

Richard McManan-Smith

Ann Briggs

Graham Williams

Production Assistant
Ann Aronsohn

Production Unit Manager
John Nathan-Turner

Script Editor
Anthony Read

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Mike Jefferies

Studio Sound
Richard Chubb

Theme Arrangement
Delia Derbyshire

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
John Horton
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