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01x15 - I Shot an Arrow into the Air

Posted: 09/16/21 12:29
by bunniefuu
[eerie music]

(male presenter)
There is a fifth dimension

Beyond that
Which is known to man.

It is a dimension
As vast as space

And as timeless as infinity.

It is the middle ground
Between light and shadow,

Between science
And superstition

And it lies between
The pit of man's fears

And the summit
Of his knowledge.

This is the dimension
Of imagination.

It is an area
Which we call
The twilight zone.

System ready?

[buzzing, man
Speaks indistinctiy]

(male )
Lox tanking secured?

(male , over radio)
Lox tanking secured.


(male presenter, off)
Her name is the Arrow .

She represents
Four and a half years

Of planning, preparation
And training

And a thousand years
Of science and mathematics

And the projected dreams
And hopes

Of not only a nation,
But a world.

She is the first
Manned aircraft into space,

And this is the countdown.
The last five seconds

Before man shot an arrow
Into the air.

(male over radio)
Three, two, one, zero.


One, two, three, four, five.

I still
Don't understand how
We could have lost it

With all
The monitors
We have going.

If we had ,
Monitors going,

The situation
Would be the same.
We lost contact.

She's off
Her vector path, she's
Off the radar screen.

Gone, completely gone.

When did you
First lose contact?

Less than
Half hour ago.

There was
A short period
Of heavy interference.

Now, that was
Probably solar.

We haven't been able
To identify it yet.

In any case, when
It was over, the
Contact was broken.

Couldn't a change
In their course
Account for that?

The course
Was preset.

Now, the pilot
Wouldn't change it

Without notifying us.
Bob Donolan's commanding.

So, an aircraft
With an eight-man crew

Just disappears
Like a puff of smoke.

One moment she's there,
The next moment she's gone.

"I shot an arrow
Into the air.

It landed I know not where."

A nursery rhyme
Of the age of space.

Gentlemen, wherever
You are, god help you.

"First entry, log, Arrow

"Colonel R.G. Donolan

"We have crash-landed

"On what appears to be
An uncharted asteroid.

"Cause of malfunction
And ultimate crash unknown.

There was an expl*si*n,
The electrical system
Went out."

That's all
Any of us remember.

"Any of us being flight
Officers Corey and Pearson

"And Navigator Hudack,
Who has been seriously hurt

"And myself.

"The rest of the crew, dead.

"There is very little left
Of the aircraft.

"The radio is gone.

"The bulk of the supplies
Have been destroyed
In the crash

"And as of this moment

"There is little certainty
That we have been tracked

And our whereabouts known."

The colonel's pardon

But this is no time
To write your memoirs.

Corey, we're
In bad shape.

That's for sure.

But we're still a crew,
And as long as we are a crew

There'll be discipline
And there'll be protocol.

Until I'm lying in the hole
Then we'll operate
From the book!

Get over there and sit down.

Colonel Donolan,
It's hot, see?

It's very hot, and it
Makes it hard to think.

So if you're going to expend
All that energy,

You use it to figure
A way out of here.

A way to let them
Know where we are!

Corey! You heard
The colonel.

Pearson, you were with
Corey during the crash.

What happened to him?

Nothing that
I know of, sir.

I can't understand
It either.

How much
Water is there?

A five-gallon can,
What we have on us.

Then why waste it?

I mean, he's
Not going to live
Through the afternoon.

Are you
The consulting
Surgeon, Corey?

I'm one man out of three
Who's going to need water,

And five gallons isn't
Going to last very long.

If the situation were
Reversed, and it was
You lying there,

I'll give you odds
You wouldn't want
To be written off.

Five gallons
Of water or no.

Colonel, this man's
Going to die!

If he dies he dies,
But nobody gets
Behind to push.

If he's thirsty,
We give him water.

If he's hot, we move
Him into the shade.

Then if he
Goes, we give him
A prayer or two.

Start making
The graves.

I'll relieve you
In five minutes,

Then Corey
Will relieve me.

What's the matter,

You want him
On the detail, too?

Colonel, that's odd.

Signs of the sun,
I mean.

Yes, I noticed.

It's hardly
Any different

Than we knew it
On earth.

Which means that
Whatever asteroid
We've landed on

Is in the same orbit
As the earth.

Well, wherever we
Are, it's a cinch
It isn't heaven.

You can count
On that.

We've got one thing
In our favor.

The air is perfect,
There's no radiation
Count to speak of.

It took four
And a half years
To build that ship.

There wasn't
Any prototype,
Just the one ship.

The only one of its kind.

And it took four and
A half years to build her.

So, if they know
Where we are

And they want
To come and get us,

They're gonna have
To build another ship.

How is he?

The same.
Breathing seems
Shallower, though.

See anything, sir?

Yeah, we
Saw something,

Rocks, rocks
And those scrubby
Mountains over there.

This is no asteroid.
It's an eight ball.

And hot, Pearson,
Hot like nothing
You've ever felt before.

It'll be cooler,
Sir, at night,

If there
Is a night,

I'll head
South towards
The mountains,

I'll look
In that direction.


Not this
Time, colonel!

Not this time!

I want
An even shake.
I want a chance.

You're alive.

It's a better shake
Than those four got.

And I want to stay
Alive so don't give
Him my water!


You'll be happy
To hear, Corey,

He's not gonna
Drink any more
Of your water.

It's a long way
From home.

For the record,
Corey, there's just
The three of us now,

And the big
Problem's gonna
Be to stay alive,

I mean, the
Three of us.

But if I catch
You filching
Just once more--

Just once--
I'll k*ll you!

The same thing
Goes for you.

Knock it off,

But, colonel,
This guy--


All right,
We'll wait
Until sundown.

It'll be cooler.

Then we're
Going to start
Taking some treks

Across the mountain,
Down the flats

In all four

We're going to see
If there's anything

In this god
Forsaken place that
Can help keep us alive.

This is home
Now, gentlemen.

[wind howls softly]





Nothing, not
A thing.


I must have gone
or miles.

Rocks and hills, that's
All there was, just
Rocks and hills!

I thought maybe I
Could get some kind
Of a fix using the stars.

But it's overcast.

What about Pearson?

Well, what
About him?

You were with him.

He went south
Towards the mountains.

I went west
Towards-- I went
West towards nothing.

I told you men
To stay together.



You didn't see
Pearson or hear
Him or anything?

I already
Told you, colonel.

We went
In different directions.

It's hot
Out there, huh?

You know it.

It made you
Thirsty, huh?

I'm getting
Accustomed to it.


Very accustomed
To it!

So accustomed to
It that you didn't
Drink any water.

You were out
There hours and you
Didn't touch a drop!

Put me in
For a medal.

Buddy, what I'm going
To give you can't be
Pinned on a uniform.

I want to know
Why you started out

Six hours ago
With half a canteen

And then
Came back with it
Three-quarters full!

Come on, Corey.
I want to know where
You left Pearson's body

And what you
Did with him!

Come on,
Corey, come on!

I found him
Face down.

He must have
Hit his head
On a rock.

He was dead.

Where did this happen?

At the foot of the mountain.

I had to change
Directions coming back.

You better
Change your story.

Colonel, I swear
To you, I didn't
Touch him.

I found him--
He was dead.

I saw his canteen.
I poured his water
Into mine.

I knew you wouldn't
Believe me.

That's why
I told you
I didn't see him.

We're going
To bring him back.

You're out
Of your mind!

It's seven or
Eight miles out there!

I can't make it
Again! I'm dead!

Correction, you're
Not quite dead yet.

All right,
Corey, I want
To conduct a tour

To Pearson's body.

I want to see
For myself. Move on!

I can't make
It, colonel.

I got to rest.

All right, let's move out.

Well, this is
Where he was.

I swear, this
Is where he was.

Well, he's
Not here now.

Look, colonel,
He must have
Crawled away.

You said
He was dead.

I was wrong.

Well, I must
Have been wrong.

But you were so sure
He was dead, Corey.

You were so positive.

Corey, Corey,
Did you do anything
For him at all?

Did you check him?
Did you do anything
For him, Corey?

Or did you just
Steal his water
And make a beeline back?

I thought
He was dead,

And I was
So thirsty.

My tongue
Was swelling up.

I swear my tongue
Was swelling up!




Pearson, it's
Colonel Donolan.

Answer me!

Answer me, Pearson!
It's Colonel Donolan!



Pearson, you're going
To be all right, boy.

Here, we're going
To take you home.

You'll be
All right.

What, are you
Trying to tell me
Something, Pearson?

What? What are
You trying to say?


You went up
There, you--

You saw something
Up here?


[solemn music]

He drew this.

A sign or,

Or a symbol or,
Or something.

He was trying to
Tell us something.

What do you
Suppose he--


Two men can live
Maybe five days.

One man
Can live ten.

You'll forgive me.

You k*lled Pearson,
Didn't you, Corey?

You k*lled him.

You're demented, Corey.

You're out of your mind.
You've already k*lled once.

You already--

I'm genuinely
Sorry, colonel.

I really am.

But you brought the book
To the wrong place.

You brought the protocol,

The chain of command
And the numbers.

And none
Of them fit here.

You know, colonel,
This is a jungle

Where only
The tough animals survive,

And they don't do it
According to the rules.

You know
Your trouble, colonel?

You were
Looking for morality
In the wrong place.

(male presenter, off)
Now you make
Tracks, Mr. Corey.

You move out and up,

Like some kind
Of ghostly billy club
Was tapping at your ankles

And telling you that
It was later than you think.

You scrabble up rock hills

And feel hot sand
Underneath your feet

And every now and then
Take a look over
Your shoulder

At a giant sun suspended
In a dead and motionless sky

Like an unblinking eye

That probes at
The back of your head

In a prolonged accusation.

Mr. Corey,
Last remaining member

Of a doomed crew,
Keep moving.

Make tracks, Mr. Corey.

Push up and push out,
Because if you stop

If you stop, maybe sanity
Will get you by the throat.

Maybe realization
Will pry open your mind

And the horror you left down
In the sand will seep in.

Yeah, Mr. Corey, yeah,
You better keep moving.

That's the order
Of the moment.
Keep moving.



[iaughing hystericaiiy]


Now I know what you meant.

Now I know what you
Were trying to describe.

[iaughing hystericaiiy]

Telephone poles.

You were trying
To draw telephone poles.

We never left the earth.

That's why nobody tracked us.

We never left the earth.

We just

We just crashed back into--

Donolan, Pearson,
What have I done?

I'm sorry.


(male presenter, off)
Practical joke
Perpetrated by mother nature

And a combination
Of improbable events.

Practical joke wearing
The trappings of nightmare,

Of terror, of desperation.

Small human drama played out

In a desert
miles from Reno, Nevada,

Continent of North America,

The earth and, of course,
The twilight zone.

(male presenter, off)
Rod Serling, the creator
Of twilight zone,

Will tell you
About next week's story

After this word
From our alternate sponsor.

And now, Mr. Serling.

Next week you'll drive
With Miss Inger Stevens

Who starts out
On what begins
As a vacation

And ends as a desperate flight.

She begins
Her trip next week
On the twilight zone

And you'll be with her
When she meets
"The Hitchhiker."

We hope you'll be alongside.

Good night.

(male presenter, off)
When temper
Takes the wheel,

You can't handle
The unexpected.

Drive safely.

(male presenter, off)
Twilight zone
Is being brought
To you tonight

By Kimberly Clark.

Whose handy
Kleenex paper products

Help you every day
In so many ways.

What do you suppose
Mothers buy when
They go shopping?

Four roll packages of Delsey
Bathroom tissue,
Of course.

But are there
Four rolls in there?

There sure are.
There's a block to sleep on.

(male presenter, off)
Twilight zone was brought
To you tonight

By Kleenex tissues.

The only tissue
That gives you so much

Soft strong tissue
With the Kleenex touch ?

Squeeze the package.

Go ahead.
Squeeze the package
And feel the difference.

This is an entirely
New paper towel.

It's built like a sponge.

Yes, new Kleenex towels
Are built like a sponge.

That's why they help you
In so many ways around
The kitchen.

Here, let me show you.

Like a sponge,
They have a softness
That shapes right to the job.

So the whole towel
Surface is absorbing.

And Kleenex towels
Are strong enough

Wet or dry

To help you scour
The most stubborn

And aluminum scuff
Marks from your sink.

And look, even
With a harsh cleanser

There's no shredding,
No break through
In a Kleenex towel.

So next time you're
Shopping, remember,

Look for new
Kleenex towels.

Squeeze the package
And feel the difference in,

? The big soft towel
That's built like a sponge

Helpful Kleenex towels ?

Another good
Value from Kleenex.

[cheerful music]

(male presenter, off)
If you love coffee,
Really do,

Here's a coffee break
Just for you.

A coffee break
That's truly new

It would make a great
New you of you

? Great new
Aroma-roast Sanka ?

Is the reason why