04x22 - Stephanie Plays the Field

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Full House". Aired: September 1987 to May 1995.*
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A widower enlists help to raise his three daughters..
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04x22 - Stephanie Plays the Field

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, michelle.

Will you please help me put
away the groceries, honey?

It will be my pleasure.

Well, thank you very much.

♪ I'm goin' for a walk ♪

♪ It's no big deal ♪

Gee, michelle, wait a second.

I could have sworn

I had a bag of cookies in
there for after dinner.

Do you have any idea
where they went?

Are they peanut
butter chocolate chip?

Yes, they are.

I never saw them.

I wonder where
those cookies could be.

Could they be under this shirt?

How did they get there?

I don't know.

Maybe the cookie monster
put them there, huh?

Is everybody gonna have
cookies under your shirt?

No, it's not.

♪ Ahh ♪

♪ Ahh ♪

♪ Whatever happened
to predictability ♪

♪ The milkman, the paper boy ♪

♪ And evenin' tv ♪

♪ How did I get delivered here ♪

♪ Somebody tell me, please ♪

♪ This old world's ♪

♪ Confusin' me ♪

♪ Clouds as mean
as you've ever seen ♪

♪ Ain't a bird who
knows your tune ♪

♪ Then a little voice
inside you whispers ♪

♪ Kid, don't sell your
dreams so soon ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ There's a heart ♪

♪ A hand to hold onto ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ There's a face of
somebody who needs you ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ When you're lost out there ♪

♪ And you're all alone ♪

♪ A light is waitin' ♪

♪ To carry you home ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Do be do ba ba da ♪

And rotate.


Danny: hi.



Oh, sorry, deej.
I didn't see you.

I've been following
you for 3 blocks.

How come you didn't say hi?

I did.

This... Does not mean hi.

Steph, I see we
have company here.

Aren't you going
to introduce us?

Oh, sorry, dad.

This is my brett...

I mean, my friend brett.


Hi, I'm her dad.

Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you, too.

Brett plays for the cubs.

Last year, he hit .421,

Had six stolen bases,

And only made one error.

But it wasn't his fault

'Cause the ball hit a rock.

Did I get that right?


This year, us giants are
gonna kick your little...


I've gotta get to practice.

I'll see you at school tomorrow.

I'll wait for you by the
water fountain, brett.

Bye. Bye.

"I ll wait for you by the
water fountain, brett."

♪ Stephanie's in love ♪

No, I am not.

Can I help it if we
both like water?

Steph, you were kind
of drooling over brett.

I was?

No, it's just an expression.

Come on. We need to talk.

Rusty, today's an important
day for you, son, because...

I'm going to teach you how
to slide without getting dirty.

That's impossible, coach.

Not if you scotchgard
before every at bat.

Isn't brett mega cute?

Don't you love his
curly brown eyelashes?

Do you think he likes me?

Well, it's hard to tell.

Boys at that age
are so immature.

Actually, boys at
any age are immature.

It's weird. I mean...

Boys were always chasing me,

And I never really cared.

But whenever I'm with him,

My heart goes... Brett-brett.



How do I get him
to be my boyfriend?

What do I do? What do I say?

What should I wear?

Maybe... I should
change my hair color.

Steph, get a grip.

Now look,

All you have to do
is hang out together.

What do you both like?

Well, we both like the pork
and beans in the cafeteria.

And we both like to pick out
that cube of fat that's always in it.

There's a love connection.

Now, keep thinking.

What else does he like?

Brett loves baseball.

Well, you're good in sports.

Why don't you try
out for little league?

You know you can
be on dad's team.

Brett and I could talk
about baseball all day.

Deej, you're a genius.

Of course, I'm an
experienced woman.

You know, it's amazing that a
woman with your experience

Doesn't have a boyfriend.

Well, I'm playing hard to get.

Oh. Well, you're doing
a really good job.

Huh? Oh!

Jess, our first night
in our new apartment.

You know, honey,

You did a really terrific
job with the attic.

Thank you. Wait a minute.

You haven't seen my
piece de resistance.

Ooh. That is really tacky...

But I love it.

Hello, mr. And mrs. Katsopolis.

Oh, goody. Michelle's here.

It's time to play.

Michelle, we already
played down in your room.

Now we can play in your room.

Michelle, your
uncle jesse and i,

Well, we'd sort
of like to be alone.

We are alone, silly.

All right, michelle, you wanna
play a game? Let's play airplane, ok?

Yay! All right!

We've been cleared
for a takeoff,

And she's up... And here we go.


There's no peanuts.

There's no movie,

But there's plenty
of room for landing

Outside the door.

Thank you for
flying air katsopolis.

Have a nice day.

Now... Where were we?

Hey, you locked me out!

Good night, michelle.

We'll see you in the morning.

Fine. I'm leaving,

But you're going to miss me.

Joey, I'm very mad.

Hold on just a second, michelle.

How can I possibly owe
this much in income tax?

Hmm, you think
maybe they'll believe

That I had a $10,000 business
lunch at the sizzler?

Don't you want to
know why I'm very mad?

Ok, why are you very mad?

Uncle jesse locked me out.

Now, why would uncle
jesse do something like that?

I don't know. I'm a fun girl.

Well, I'm just
guessing, michelle,

But I think uncle
jesse and aunt becky

Just want some privacy.

What is privacy?

Well, privacy means that they
just want to spend time together,

Just the two of them.

What are they doing in there?

Well, they're, uh...

They're doing their taxes.

Are they going to do
their taxes every night?

For the first couple of months.

I don't like this one bit.

Well, maybe I can help
you with this, michelle.

We better go right now.

This is serious.

Ok, ok.




We're nuts.

It's the kid again.

All right, k*ll the music.

This time, I'm getting tough.

We're sleeping, honey.

Then why are you talking, angel?

It's the big kid.

Jess, michelle
has a big problem.

Yes, michelle,
what's your problem?

You tell him, joey!

I'm too mad!

Well, michelle thinks you don't

Have time to spend
with her anymore.

I'm madder than that.

I'm sorry.

Have you no decency?

All this sweet little
girl wants to do

Is spend some time
with her aunt and uncle

Who she loves.

Is that too much to ask?

I think not.

Much better.

Michelle, now,
your aunt becky and I

Love you very, very, very much,

And we're sorry for
hurting your feelings,

But we need to
spend some time alone.

Michelle, I have an idea.

How about if the 3 of us

Set aside some
special time every day

For you to come
up here and play?

I'd like that.

All right, it's a deal.

Ok, joey, let's go play.

I can't, michelle. I
have to do my taxes.

Have you no decency?

All this young lady wants to do

Is hang out with her pal joey,

Who she loves very much.

Is that too much to ask?

I think not.

Steph, honey, I know you
like hanging out with your dad,

But do you really want to
try out for little league?

Dad, I've done some
serious thinking,

And I've decided that
baseball is my life.

You just like baseball

'Cause brett likes baseball.

I bet you can't even throw.

I can, too.

Ow! Whoa.

This babe's got an arm.

Hey, my daughter is not a babe.

She does have an arm.

Steph, let's try something here.

Rusty, come here.
Give me the ball, son.

Now grab yourself a bat,

And I want you
to stand in there.

Steph, I want you to
wind up really hard

And pitch one into me right now.

Ok? Right in here.

Whoa! Did you see
that ball curve?

I sure did.

Steph, how would you
like to pitch for the giants?

Great. Thanks, dad.

Now, what are we gonna
call that pitch of yours?

The tanner twister.

This saturday we're
gonna k*ll the cubs.

Yeah. We're gonna destroy them.

We're gonna cream them.

We are going to make
the cubs eat dust.

I love being a jock.

Ok, jock. Let's go.

Come on down, everybody!
Breakfast is ready!

Michelle is so excited.

I told her she could be
batboy at the game today.

Daddy, I'm here.

Michelle, you're
not fighting crime,

You're handing
out baseball bats.

Aw, nuts.

Can I still wear the cape?

Sure, sweetheart.

Stephanie, guess
who's here to see you?

Who? Brett-brett.

Brett-brett. Brett-brett.

D.j., Please.

Doesn't he look
great in that uniform?

Yes, but don't
let him know that.

Be cool.

Got it.

Hi, steph.


You look great in that uniform.


You know, it's too bad

Our teams are playing
each other opening day.

Yeah. I hope you win.

I hope we win, too.

I hope it's a tie.

Want to see what
I wrote on my bat?

"S.t." With a heart around it?

S.t. For stephanie tanner.

Oh, brett.

Does this mean
what I think it means?

I hope it means
you're my girlfriend.

All right!

I mean... That's cool.

Well, good luck today.

Good luck to you, too.

Heh. Thanks. I'll need it.

I heard nobody can
hit the tanner twister.

Yeah. I even struck out my dad.

Oh, no. My whole
family's gonna be there.

If I get struck out
by my own girlfriend,

I'll never hear the end of it.

You probably won't strike out.

I hope not.

I hate to even say this,

But if you threw me a
couple of easy ones,

I'd be sure to get a hit.

Isn't that cheating?

Kind of, or it could just be

A girlfriend
helping a boyfriend.

Well, you could
look at it that way.

Great! Thanks for helping me,
steph. I'll see you at the game.

So, steph, what did brett want?

Oh, he just came by
to wish me good luck.

Come on, honey. Let's eat.

Star pitchers need their energy.

Dad, what would happen today

If, say, I didn't
pitch too well?

Like if I gave up a couple
of home runs or something?


I don't want you to put
any pressure on yourself.

All that matters is that
with every pitch you throw,

You're doing the
best you can. Ok?



Ok, steph! Strike him out!


Come on, steph.

Hey, batter, batter, strike out.

Get 'em, stephie!

Strike 3!

Thank you very much.

The tanner twister
strikes again.

That brings up
dangerous brett davis.

Davis hit a double
his first time up.

Come on, brett!
Come on! You can do it!

Come on, steph.
Fire it in there.

Burn it by him.

Blow that smoke. Just
throw the ball, honey.

I'm out of clichés.

Come on, brett!
Don't let me down!

Get 'em, steph!

It's a shot to left.
It's goin'. It's goin'.

It's gone! Home run!

Kiss that baby good-bye.

Way to go!


Way to go, brett!

Woman: yay!

That was not very nice.

Don't worry, steph.
We'll get 'em next time.

Well, the score is 1-1
at the top of the fifth.

Giants have a runner on
third, and coming up to the plate

Is the girl with the golden arm,

Stephanie tanner.

Take the blue
one. It's prettier.

Thank you, bat girl.

Just doing my job.

Make a hit, steph!

Make me proud of you.

Come on, steph.

That means "hit it," honey.

Come on. We got a man
on third. Bring him home.

Come on! You're
gonna make it, steph!

You're out!

She was safe by a mile!

Who's paying you
to throw this game?

You got a kid on the
team? Huh? Huh? Huh?

Huh? Huh?

Jess. Don't make a scene.

Danny, do somethin'.
That's the worst call

I've ever seen in my life!

Jess, I was standing
right there. She was out.

Oh. Well, why don't
you get us better seats?

I can't see a thing
from where we're at.

Come on, dear. Be a good
boy, stay in your seat,

And I'll buy you a snow cone.

I like cherry.

Once again, a reminder.

Family members are prohibited

From coming onto the field

And embarrassing themselves
and their loved ones.

Well, folks, it's all
come down to this.

The score is 2-1, favor
of tanner's giants.

We're in the bottom
of the last inning.

Two out. Runners
on second and third,

And stepping up to the plate
is dangerous brett davis.

Tanner's had problems
striking him out all day long.

You can cut the
tension with a knife.

Yo, buddy. Hot dog?

All right, steph, we
got another shot at it.

Come on, baby.

Yeah. Strike one!

She blew that right by him.

Come on, son!
It's all up to you!

Pitch it to him, steph.
Right in there, honey.


Strike 2!

Well, the giants
are one strike away

From winning this game.

Can you stand this excitement?

Time out!

Ump, time out!

You need to talk to me, steph?

Not really.

I need to talk to d.j.
It's a woman thing.

Enough said. D.j.!

Well, it looks like
manager tanner

Is bringing in another pitcher.

No. Actually, he's bringing
in another daughter.

Here comes d.j. Tanner,

She's editor of her school
paper, loves the mall,

And spends hours
in the bathroom.

Joey! Sorry.

Deej, tell her to
throw the twister, ok?


What is it? This
is embarrassing.

I'm in trouble. Brett wants
me to throw him an easy one

So he can get a hit.

Oh, I get it. If you
strike him out,

You might lose a boyfriend.

But if you let him get a hit,

You'll be letting your
your whole team down.

Tough one. Well, good luck.

D.j., Wait. What do I do?

Well, you have to decide
what's more important...

Self-respect or true love.

This would be a lot easier
if he wasn't such a babe.

Play ball!

All right, folks. We're finally
ready for the moment of truth.

One more strike,
and the giants win.

But if brett gets a
hit, the cubs could win.

What a nail-biter.

Hey, nachos, over here.

Just bring whatever's left.

Come on, brett!
Come on. You can do it.

All right, here we go.

Come on, brett. We can win it.


Strike three!

She struck him out!
The giants win the game!

The giants win the game!

The giants win the game!

Can I get this
stuff to go? Yeah!

We're number one.

We're number one.

We're number one.

We're number one.

We're number one.

We're number one.

Comet, next time you
see me liking a boy,

Talk me out of it.

Hi, steph.

Brett. What are you doing here?

I kind of forgot
to say... "Nice game."

Thanks. I'm sorry
for striking you out.

But the team was counting on me.

I understand. If I were you, I
would have struck me out, too.

Really? You're not mad at me.

No. I'm lucky you're
not mad at me.

I should never have asked
my girlfriend to cheat for me.

I'm still your girlfriend?

All right!

I mean, that's cool.

So, what do you want to do now?

I don't know. You want to go inside
and watch the sports channel?

Sounds good to me.


Comet... About me not
liking boys any more,

I was just kidding.

Ha ha ha.
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