02x26 - Wedding Bells for Aunt Bee

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Andy Griffith Show". Aired: October 1960 to April 1968.*

Moderator: Lindaballou

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Andy Taylor who is a widowed sheriff raises his son in Mayberry, N.C.
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02x26 - Wedding Bells for Aunt Bee

Post by bunniefuu »

I get so tired
counting calories.

Hello, otis.

Hi, ladies.

Is mr. Goss here?

He's out fetchin' my suit.

Got the spots off, otis.

It might save us all
a lot of trouble

If you'd just get yourself
a whiskey-colored suit.

Well, miss bee.
And miss johnson.

How nice you look.

Got your blue print on
today, haven't you?

Say, that chocolate stain
come off the collar

Real good, didn't it?

Well, like I say...

It always pays
to look your best.

Andy's suit ready?

Oh, sure, sure, sure.

Andy goin'
to that dance tonight?

Well, he didn't say.

I wouldn't mind takin' in
that dance myself.

That is, of course,
if I had a nice lady partner

To go along with me.

Fred, if I could just --

You could wear
your green pile.

I could pick you up
at 8:00.

Well, that's very kind
of you, mr. Goss,

But I wasn't really
planning on going.

Aw. Everybody's
gonna be there.

What is it, otis?

My suit!

Huh? Oh.
Oh, yeah, you're right.

It needs cleanin' bad.

I just had it cleaned!
I'm pickin' it up.

Oh. Oh!
Well...yes. Sure.

There you are.

Always pays
to look your best.

Andy's suit.

Huh? The suit?

Andy's blue suit.

Oh, the suit.

The suit, yes.
Sure, sure.

Anything for you, miss bee.

Well, bee.

Certainly looks like
you have an admirer.

Oh, clara, please.
You know how men are.


Terrible, aren't they?

I got the front all swept.


Boy, I can't wait
for barney to get back

To tell him what
an outstandin' deputy you been.

What'll I do now?
Can I go arrest somebody?

Well, there ain't actually

Any heavy-duty arrestin'
to do right now.

What the deputy
usually does is, uh...

Empty the trash.



Since I am a deputy
and I'm doin' deputy work,

Could I wear the deputy hat?

Well, that sounds
reasonable enough.

Come on.

Come over here.

Now, let's see.

How's it look?

It looks fine.
I'll tell you one thing.

You won't be bothered with
gettin' sun in your eyes.

Hey. Hey.
Wait a minute, deputy.

How'd you lose your teeth?

Well, it was
like this, sheriff.

It happened
at the big bank robbery.

I nailed two of the robbers,

And the other guy
shot my teeth out.

Now, you know I handle all
the robberies around here.

[ Laughing ]

You come over here

And get that trash out.

I know it's friday, otis,
but ain't you a little early?

I'm dead sober, andy, but
I expect I'll get over it.

Since I'll probably
end up here over the weekend,

I thought I'd bring
my good suit and leave it

So's I can change

In case I get out in time
for church sunday.

Now, one thing.

I'm short-handed
with barney away.

Won't be anybody
to lock you up.

I better see
if I got my own key.

There she is.

That's fine,
providin' you find the lock.

Oh, the lock's easy.

The real problem's
findin' the door.

You, uh, goin'
to the dance tonight?

No, I'm too give out
from a week of double duty.

I'll just go home
and anchor down that couch.

Fred goss is tryin'
to talk your aunt bee

Into goin' with him.

Fred goss
over at the cleaners?

Mm-hmm. Oh, he was
sweet-talkin' up a storm.

Fred goss and aunt bee.

There's an unlikely
combination, ain't it?

I'll have to
get after her about that.

Yeah, do that.
I'll be seein' you, andy.


Fred goss and aunt bee?

I think I got a good price
on these tomatoes,

Don't you, clara?

Mm-hmm. Who's andy
taking to the dance tonight?

The dance?

Who's he taking?

I don't think he's going.

Probably will sit here
with you, won't he?

Oh, probably.

That's what I thought.

What are you
getting at, clara?

Just this.

Maybe you oughtn't to be
so quick

To turn down mr. Goss.



Maybe it might not be
a bad idea

If you considered mr. Goss
as a possible match?

Mr. Goss and me?!

For two reasons --
andy and opie.

What does andy and opie
got to do with it?

Well, the plain fact

Is that andy's
still a young man.

He needs a wife.
And opie needs a mother.

Well, what does that
have to do with me?

Andy can't bring a wife home
while you're still here.

Why, that'd be
turning you out,

And he'd never be able
to do that.

Well, I'd never
stand in the way

Of andy getting married.

Don't you see that your
being here is preventing it?

Why, andy has to
close his eyes

To his own happiness.

He can't get married
until you get married

And settle somewhere first.

I never thought of it
that way.

Andy's not getting a wife

Because he doesn't
want you to be lonely.

he sees lots of girls!

He goes
to the dances! I --

Aunt bee.
Hi, miss johnson.

Have you got
a little somethin' to eat

For a hungry sheriff
and his number-one deputy?

He means me. I wore
barney's hat and everything.

I'm just starting it.
You go and get washed up.

I didn't mean
to interrupt anything.

No, we were just chatting...
About the dance.

Ought to be a ripsnorter.

Who are you taking
to the dance, andy?

Alice stapleton?
Sissy wainwright?

Estelle parsons?

Fact is,
I ain't takin' anybody.

Oh, you're going alone

So you can dance
with all of them.

No, I'm not going
to the dance at all.

I thought I'd just spend

A nice, quiet evening
here with you.


Well, maybe he hasn't met
the right girl yet.

Oh, bee, now, you know
perfectly well that he's --

Thanks for gettin' my suit
cleaned, aunt bee.

I don't know
whether it needed it or not,

But I guess
it was worth the dollar

For you and you-know-who
to have a little talk.

What do you mean?

Come on, aunt bee.

It's no secret

About you and fred goss --
can't expect to keep

A flaming romance like that
secret for long.

I'm scared to leave
my paint ladder outside

For fear he'll come by

And take you off
elopin' with him.

It was a little joke,
that's all.

It was just a joke!

Many a truth
is said in jest.

I just can't believe it.

Bee, I'm speaking to you
as a friend when I say

It may be time
that you opened your eyes

And thought
about getting married --

For everybody's sake.

But mr. Goss
isn't my type.

Oh, he's not as bad
as all that.

when you reach our age,

We can't be too choosy.

Well, andy might not even
approve of him.

On the other hand, he might
approve of him very much.

Now, why don't you
settle things?

Invite mr. Goss to dinner
and find out.

Hey, I believe I've got
an outstanding idea

For this evening, deputy.

What is it, pa?
I mean, sheriff.

Well, how would it be
if you and me and aunt bee

All got in the car
and went over to mount pilot

And had supper
in that chinese restaurant?

You mean where they stick

The little parasols
in the rice?

The very place.

That'd be nifty, pa.
I mean, sheriff.

Then it's a deal, son.
I mean, deputy.

[ Door opens ]

Oh. Hello, everybody.
Here's lunch.

Howdy, aunt bee. We was
just talkin' about you.

Andy, you won't be working
late tonight, will you?

Well, no,
I don't expect so.

Well, I thought I'd ask
mr. Goss over for dinner.

Mr. Goss?

Unless you have
other plans, that is.

Oh, no, no. I don't have
any other plans.

But, pa, we were going
to go over to mount pilot

For that chinese supper.

If you'd rather go over
to mount pilot, I can --

Oh, no, no, no.

If you want to have
mr. Goss for supper,

That's an outstanding idea --
just outstanding.



I'll go ask him.

But, pa, what about
the chinese restaurant?

Oh, we'll make the trip
another time.

If aunt bee would like
to have some company,

It's only fair she has
her say once in a while.

Now, don't you worry.

We'll get parasols stuck
in your rice real soon.

See if you can set up lunch
like barney does.



Aunt bee and fred goss.


Pass me that gravy,
will you, miss bee?

I think I'll make myself
a gravy sandwich.

Oh, be careful!

Oh, makes awful spots.

I guess you heard
about the fella

That put the cleaning fluid
right in with the gravy.

That way, when he got
a spot on his tie,

It took care of itself

Mixing those chemicals
with food

Could be mighty dangerous.

Well, it...

It was just a little joke
about gravy.

Well, let me tell you,
gravy is no joke.

No, sirree.

Takes a lot of work to
get it cleaned off proper.

Lot of good spottin'.

People just don't realize.

Yeah, well,
I mean, I didn't, uh --

I didn't mean to --

Wine stains
almost as bad.

You know who brings in

A lot of clothes
with wine stains?

Mrs. Doug palmer.

She brings in doug's suits.

And they got spots on 'em
made from elderberry wine.

Now, I don't know
if she knows it.

And far be it
for me to gossip.

But that's what it is.

Doug's hittin' the old
elderberry wine.

Is that right?

Mrs. Rick jackson brought in
a suit the other day.

It had blond hairs on it.

What color is
rick jackson's wife's hair?


'Nough said.

Know what kind of cleaning
is trouble cases? Dresses.

And flockin' --
it comes apart. I get blamed.

And that paper taffeta --
can't even be tumble dried.

Ought to be a law
against it.

Yeah, I see what you mean.

And buttons --

Plastic buttons that melt.

Rhinestone buttons that --

They got to be all took off
and sewed back again by hand.

Would you believe it?

Last week, someone
brought in a blue print.

Had 23 rhinestone buttons.

23 Rhinestone buttons!

Woman like that
ought to be run out of town.

I'll get some coffee.

Last week, a fella left

A fountain pen
in his pocket.

I had 30 pounds of clothes
bein' cleaned in ink.

Why, i, uh --

I believe
I'll help aunt bee.

And, young man,

There's a matter
of grass stains.

Can I give you a hand,
aunt bee?

Uh...well, uh,
the sugar, maybe.


Boy, mr. Goss certainly knows
his business, doesn't he?

Yes, he does, doesn't he?

He's a fine man.
Got his own business.

Did it all by himself --
hard work.

Yes, sir, he's a credit
to the town.

You really like him?

Yeah. Don't you?

Yes, he's very nice.

Yeah, he makes good company.

He's a good talker,
likes a good joke.

He's never been married,
has he?

I don't think so.


Oh, nothing.

'Cept he'd probably make
a good catch for somebody.

Yes, sir, there's wonderful
husband material there.

Or am I tellin' you
somethin' you already know?

I left some berry pie
in the icebox

If you get hungry later.

Where are you and mr. Goss
goin' tonight, picture show?

I expect so.

Well, you stay
out of that balcony.

Oh, andy, please.

Well, he's a pretty fast
worker, ain't he?

He's movin' this thing
right along.

Yes, he is, isn't he?

I guess 'fore long he'll be
askin' you to set the date.

Oh, yes, I guess so.

Well, the way you two
lovebirds been carryin' on,

A thing like that's
bound to happen.

I wish you every happiness.

Thank you very much, andy.

And I wish you
much happiness, too.

[ Doorbell buzzes ]

Well, there's romeo now.

Howdy, fred.
Come on in here.

Hi, andy.
Hello, bee.

they keepin' you busy?

Oh, I'll say.
You wanna hear somethin'?

Gilly parker's wife brought in
a pair of pants today.

You know what I found
in one of the pockets?

A poker chip.


And what's funny is --

This is
the funny part, bee --

Mrs. Parker, she says to me,
"I wonder how gilly

Gets his pants so wrinkled
at choir practice."

We could sure tell her,
couldn't we?


You ready to go?

I think I'll see
if opie's tucked in.

I'll look after
the young'un.

You all go ahead
and have a good time.

Oh, you should see
the stuff I find in pockets.

You know wayne devereaux?

Well, I found a picture
in his pocket,

And it wasn't
of mrs. Devereaux.

It was of myrna loy.

'Bout ready for bed?

Yeah, pa.

Brush your teeth?

Just feel how wet
the toothbrush is.

I want to tell you
a little story.

One time a long time ago,
there was this little fella,

And he never
brushed his teeth.

Now, you may not
believe this,

But all he'd do
was wet his toothbrush.


Yeah, yeah. To him, it was
a right funny joke.

Every time he thought
about it, he smiled.

And then one day,
he quit smilin'.

Never smiled again
the rest of his days.

Why didn't he smile

He was too embarrassed.
He didn't have any teeth.


Where you goin'?

Guess I'll go
brush my teeth again.

I got another little
somethin' to tell you.

Looks like aunt bee might be
gettin' married pretty soon.

Who's she gonna marry?

Mr. Goss.

Is he
gonna marry her, too?

Mm-hmm. That's generally
the way it's handled.

When somebody marries you,

The polite thing to do
is marry them right back.

Why do people
get married, pa?

Oh, a lot of reasons.

Have a home, family,
be together.

I guess mainly 'cause
they love one another.

Does aunt bee
love mr. Goss?

Yes, she does.

Does that mean that she
don't love us no more?

No, she loves us, too.

Kinda confusin', ain't it?

[ Chuckles ]

Well, see, you can love
a whole lot of people.

The more, the better.

See, that's
the regular kind of love.

And it's
a fine, fine thing.

But then you meet
that special person,

And you got a special love
all saved up for them.

That's the marryin'
kind of love,

And that's the very best kind
'cause it comes

From way down deep
inside of your heart.

Did you and mom have
that deep-down kind?

Yes, son, we did.

And does aunt bee
have that kind now?

Yes, she does.

Then it's all right,
ain't it?

Yeah, son,
I expect it's all right.


Now, you go to sleep.

I'll see you
in the morning.

All right.

Thank you for
a very nice evening, fred.

If the popcorn butter
dripped on your dress,

Bring it in
first thing tomorrow.

Don't put it off.

I'll bring it in
the first thing.

Don't forget -- you and
the family get a discount.

That's very nice of you.
Thank you, fred.

Good night, bee.

Good night.

Oh, hi, andy.

Oh, howdy, aunt bee.

I guess I kinda
lost track of time.

Did you sample
that berry pie?

Well, let's take care
of that right now.

Not for me.
Too much popcorn.

Oh, too much popcorn, huh?

I believe I'll take a piece
out on the front porch

And eat it,
it's such a fine night.


Hasn't he been asleep?

Fell asleep
the minute you left.

Is there something
the matter, opie?

No, I just fell awake.

All I have to say
is "berry pie,"

And customers
come out of the woodwork.

Well, I'll get two forks
since you're up.

Pretty soon,
you'll be makin' pies

For mr. Goss, won't you?

Well, I'll always make
an extra one for you, opie.

Yeah, I think it'll work out
just fine, aunt bee.


Gettin' married will
give you a home of your own.

It'll mean companionship
for a woman my age.

Yes. Yes, it will.

It's important --

Give you somebody
to look after you.

Give someone for me
to look after, too.

That's important.

That is important.

He'll be fine company
for you. Just fine.

We can go places
and do things.

Yeah, yeah.
That means a whole lot, too.

He's basically
a very fine person.

That's just exactly
what he is.


Yeah, all in all, I'd say

There's just every reason
in the world

For you to get married.

Well, it's gettin' late.


You left out
one of the reasons.

What reason is that?

That aunt bee's
gettin' married

'Cause she's got that special,
deep-down kind of feeling.

Oh. I was tryin' to explain
about love to the boy.

And aunt bee has it
for mr. Goss, don't she?

She sure does, she's got
that extra-special love

For him -- the kind
I was tellin' you about

That comes from
way down deep inside of you.

Don't you, aunt bee?

Come on.

Don't you, aunt bee?

I-i-it'll be fine, andy.

It'll give you a chance

To find yourself a wife
and a mother for opie.

It's how I want it, andy.
I really do.



Seems like we been
goin' around in circles.

You have to understand
somethin', aunt bee.

Among folks
that love each other,

Like we do,

Nothin' can be best for us
unless it's best for you.

Oh, andy.


The rule around here
has got to be

No marryin' off

Unless it's of the absolutely
overwhelmin' nature.

Oh, andy.

Gosh, pa.

Did I say the wrong thing?

No, ope,
you was the only one

Who said the right thing.

I still don't know how
to break the news to mr. Goss.

Just leave it to me.

Mr. Goss, aunt bee
been in here?

No, haven't seen her.

She wanted me to fetch
her pattern book.

Dress she's making to wear
to church social.

That right?

It's beautiful.

Yards and yards
of paper taffeta.

Paper taffeta?

And the upper part
is all flocking.


And down the front is

A double row
of plastic buttons.

No, she couldn't!

She wouldn't!
Not a double row!

And down the back is
rhinestone buttons, 36 of 'em.

36 Rhinestone buttons!

Wouldn't surprise me
if every woman in town

Wants one, once they
see aunt bee's.

[ Chuckling ]

What kind of dress you wearin'
to the social, miss johnson?

Oh, mine's just plain cotton.


Good, good.

No buttons?

No buttons at all.

Oh, that's wonderful!

'Course, aunt bee
probably ought not

To go to the social at all.

She is taken cold.


Too bad you already
got the tickets.

'Course, you could take
miss johnson here.

Yes! I could!

Yes, I guess that would
be all right.

Well, I'll explain it
to aunt bee.

Just plain cotton, huh?

Cleans fine.

How'd it go?


Oh, oh, I feel
so much better.

Now, where will we go
for dinner?

Let's go get opie
and have a chinese supper.


Now, one thing --

I don't want anybody
spillin' anything.

I got a feeling we just
lost our discount

At the cleaning store.
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