02x19 - A Medal For Opie

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Andy Griffith Show". Aired: October 1960 to April 1968.*
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Andy Taylor who is a widowed sheriff raises his son in Mayberry, N.C.
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02x19 - A Medal For Opie

Post by bunniefuu »

You sure this is all the mail
that come in this morning?

Yeah, why --
you expecting something?

Yes, I'm expecting something --
I'm expecting an answer

To the application I put in
for a raise.

You put in for
a raise again?

Yeah. And I better
get it, too.

You know, andy, I just
don't have any money

At the end of the week.

Where goes with it?

I don't know.

Last saturday night,
I took juanita

To mount pilot
for a chinese dinner.

I didn't even have enough
to leave for a tip.

Is that right?

It was embarrassing.

The waiter called me something
in chinese.

It didn't sound like
"sport," neither.

Well, you're gonna
have to stay out

Of them high-priced
restaurants, I guess.

It wasn't high-priced.

It was only $2.75.

Is that all?

Well, that's
the family dinner for one.

Well, maybe you'll get
your raise this time.

You better start getting

Them application
blanks ready

For boys' day.

Oh, we gonna do it
the same way this year?

Yeah. I'll be the judge
at the finish line

And you'll be
the official starter.

Boy, I can hardly wait.

"On your mark, get set...!"

Hey, fellas! Come on!

Let's go in
and sign up!

Good idea!

Okay... There
you are, joey.

And good luck
to you, now.

( Chuckling )

What's your name?

Fred stevens.

I'm entering the
contest, too, barney.


Now, what are you
entering, fred?

The 50-yard dash
and the high hurdles.

Ooh, boy,
high hurdles.

Where's your p*stol?

Oh, uh...

Well, there's a new rule
around here.

We ain't allowed to wear
pistols in the office.

There you are, fred.

Good luck to you, now.


Don't lose that.

Well, young fella,
what's your name?

Opie taylor, paw.

Opie taylor... Opie taylor...

Oh, yeah...

I believe I know you,
don't i?

What event you gonna
sign up for, ope?

The 50-yard dash --
I'm gonna get me that medal.

Yeah? What makes you so sure
you're gonna win?

I want one of them medals.

If I had one,
I bet I'd never take it off.

Well, you got to win first.

There you are --
all signed up.


I know just how you feel, son.

I remember
the time I won mine.

You won a medal, barney?

Yeah, I sure did when
I was a young feller --

The 50-yard dash.

I wore that medal on my shirt
during the day

And on my pajamas
when I went to bed at night.

I'll bet I didn't have it off
once during that whole year.

Where did you wear it when
you had to take a bath?

Oh! Well, now,
that was a problem.

But I figured it out.


I didn't take a bath.

Well, that's another great
reason for winnin' one.

I remember it
like it was yesterday.

I wanted that medal bad,
real bad

And I worked for it,
I sure did work for it.

Worked? What'd
you do, barney?

Well, I trained.

Exercised. Built my body up.

I used to be a great big
feller before I fell off --

Remember, andy?

Oh, yeah...

Barney used to weigh upwards
towards 120-125 pounds.

And you trained
to win yourself a medal?

That's right.

I trained -- trained real hard
till I was just one big muscle

From the tip of my toes
to the top of my head.

Boy! Would you show me
how to train, barney?

Why, I sure would.

And I don't mind
tellin' you

You've come to the
right place, too.

You're gonna make me
one big muscle, too?


Uh, except in your case,
we'll try to stop at the neck.

That's very comical, andy...

Only comicalness
don't win no medals.

I'll come by first
thing in the morning

And we'll start you on
a program of training

That'll get you
that medal for sure.

Oh, boy!

Thanks, barney!

Now, how do you figure
to make that boy a track star

In just a few days?

It's easy.

It's simple.

All the boy needs
is a little trainin'.

I'll coach him to run
the way I did -- like a rabbit.

That's what they used
to call me, you know --

"Barney the rabbit."
That right?

"Barney the rabbit"
'cause of how fast

I could cover
all that ground, you know.

I see.

Well, uh, "peter cottontail"
let's see how fast

You can cover the ground
with this broom.

Feel the calf there.

Solid, huh?

( Chuckling )

That's what'll happen
to you, too

After rope-skippin'.

Now, watch this.

See that?

And it helps if you say
one of them rhymes, you know?

That helps you
to keep the rhythm.

Watch this.

( Singsong ):
my mother, your mother
lived across the way.

Every night
they have a fight

And this is what they say:


out goes you!

Hey, barney.

You want to come over
and play jacks with me later?

Quiet, smart aleck!

All right, ope,

Hey! Hey, ope! Hold it!

What's the matter,

Uh... Listen...

There's no use
in overdoing it.

I don't want to work
you too hard.

Well, I feel swell,

Come on, let's
keep going.

Ope! Oh, wait, ope.

Yeah... All right.

Come on up here, ope.

I'll show you
something else.

Now, ope, we're gonna
concentrate on them leg muscles.

I'm gonna show you
a little exercise I used to do

With my daddy when I was
training for my medals.

Now, first you
get down like this...

( Groaning ):
there we go.

( Grunting )

What's the matter, barney --
too many green apples?

Oh, I'm just showing
him a leg exercise

For heaven's sakes.

You can help.

I can?

Yeah. Sit on
my feet, there.

On your feet? Oh, okay.

This'll give you muscles
like steel springs.

Now, I just push up. See?

Okay, andy. Ready?

Andy, get up.


Get up. You're breakin'
my legs.

Get up! Get up!

I guess I'm just too
heavy for you, barney.

( Chuckling )

Maybe we can show
the boy better

If I do it to you, huh?

Yeah. That's
a good idea.

Okay. I'll get down.

Watch this, ope.

This really builds
your leg muscles.


Okay, andy, go ahead. Push.


( Yelling )

I said, "push" --
not "sh**t."

Maybe I ought to be
the fella that gets pushed

Instead of the fella
that pushes.


It seems to me he's the one
that gets the most exercise.

Not if it's
done right.

You sure are workin' hard
for that race, ain't you?

He sure is.

What's more, he's
gonna win, too.

Not just that race,
but a race!

He's gonna streak
down that track

Like greased lightnin'.

Really, barney?
Like greased lightnin'?

Yes, sir.

On your mark, get set...

( g*nsh*t )

And once again

The winner of the last event,
the ten-mile run:

Opie taylor!

If you let me win one

I promise I'll take it off
to take a bath...

Once in a while.


Get them all together over here!

( Whistle blowing )

Now, boys, we'll have
all the events

Then we'll make
the official presentation

Of the medals to the winner.

I know every one of you
wants to win hisself a medal

But you can't
all be winners.

There's got to be
a few losers, too, you know.

I just want to prepare you

So's you won't be
too disappointed.

Now, remember, only one boy
can come in first

So good luck
to all of you

And just do
the very best you can.

Deputy fife, here,
he'll be the official starter.

Now, boys, as sheriff
taylor has said

I will be the
official starter

And this is the
official starting g*n.

Now, you may not run
until the g*n is fired.

Now, when I pull
the trigger

The g*n will fire,
and then you may run

But wait until
the g*n is fired.

I will pull the trigger

And you will
then hear a shot.

That means...

Barney, barney

Let's, let's not...

Now, boys, for each
event, I will say

On your mark, get set...

( Loud g*nsh*t )

don't do that.

Well, keep your finger
off the trigger.

Now, boys, the first event
will be the 50-yard dash.

All those entered
in that, line up over here.

And good luck...
( Whistle )

Come on, let's go!

( Whistle )

( Whistle )

Ready, barn?



Okay, go ahead.

All right, easy, boys.
Easy now.

You all set? Good luck.

On your mark... Get set...

( g*nsh*t )

All right, all right.

Quiet down, boys.

All right, quiet down,
quiet down. Quiet.

Okay -- first place,
billy johnson.

Second place,
aaron harrison

Third place,
freddy brooks.

Okay, boys, let's go
get the next event.

I thought all the boys
did a good job.

I really did.

Hi, ope.

You, uh...

You didn't stay
for the rest of the races.


How about a little
lunch, everybody?

Uh... Yeah, I could eat
a little something.

I'm getting hungry.

Opie, how about you?

Would you like
some nice...?


No lunch? Well, it's
almost 1:00.

I ain't hungry.

Well, I'll get
us some, then.

I want to talk to you.

I don't think it was
very nice of you

To walk off
the way you did.

I didn't win.

I didn't win.

I know you didn't win

But the important thing is

You was in there trying.

Now, that's
what's important.

They don't give you
no medal for trying.

I know that.

I know they don't

And it's nice to win something.

It's real nice
to win something

But it's more important

To know how
not to win something.

I know how to do that real good.

No, you don't.

You mean there's more things
I could have not won?

I mean, you could have been
a nice loser.

They call it sportsmanship.

Now, you...
You lost this time.

You try again
next time.

You got to learn
how to take disappointment.

There could be
more of them

Coming up, you know.

You come up smiling,
you're a good loser.

The other way
is being a bad loser.

Now, what do you
want to be?

A good winner.


We're not talking
about winners.

Winning ain't no problem.

It don't take courage
to be a winner.

It doe take courage
to be a good loser.

Now, you want to be
a good loser?

You'll be proud of your friends
that did win

And you'll congratulate them
for it.

I won't.

You won't?

They ain't my friends.

They beat me
and they got my medal.

Is that the way
you feel about it?

Is that the way
you feel about it?

Answer me.


All right, fine.


If that's the way
you want to be

As long as we
understand one another.

But I want you
to know one thing.

I'm disappointed in you.



I'm sure sorry
opie's taking it so bad.

Oh, he'll
get over it.

He'll brood about
it for a while

And then he'll
be all right.


I got an idea.


What if we was
to show opie

How bad it looks
for somebody to sit around

And sorry for himself
and being a sore loser?


You know that application
I put in for a raise?

What if I was to pretend
I got the answer

And they turned me down

And I was feeling
real sore about it?

That would show him,
wouldn't it?


Good. When opie
comes by the courthouse

I'll come in and act like
I got the answer

And they turned me down,
and ill just

Fling a fit
and carry on.

That's a good idea.

Glad I thought of that.

( Chuckling )


I don't want you to be
disappointed in me.

Well, you thought about

What we was talking
about, did you?


Understand it?

I understand some
of it, I guess

But I don't understand

Why you're supposed to
be happy about losing.

You don't have
to be happy about it.

None of us are.

I've lost
a whole lot of times

And I've been just
as unhappy about it

As I could be.

You see,
as you grow older

You're going
to be doing an awful lot

Of different kinds
of things

And sometimes
you'll win at them

Sometimes you'll
lose at them.

Now, when you win

That ain't going to be any
problem to you, is it?

No. See,
we all know how to win.

We grin a lot, don't we?

Grin and grin and grin

But when you lose,
see, that's the hard part.

That's when you
take yourself in hand

Show it ain't
getting you down

And that you're
a good sport about it

And that you're going
to try again

And when you do that,
you'll be on the road

To becoming
a mature human being.

Understand that?


I got to try to
win that race
again next year

But I don't understand

The part about being
a mature human being.

Well, don't you worry
about that.

When you are one,
you'll know it.

And I sure am
proud of you.

Thanks, paw.

Andy! Andy!

hi, barney.

Don't talk to me
now, boy -- I'm mad.

Boy, am I sore.

I really am sore.

Of all the dirty tricks!

They turned me down.

I wanted that raise bad,
and they turned me down.


What's the matter
with barney, paw?

I'll tell you what's
the matter with him.

He's behaving
like a sore loser.

Ain't he a sight?

He sure is.

Yes, sir, if I walked right out
and never come back

That'd show them how sore I am.

I'm so sore, I could bust!

Where you going?

I'm leaving.

You're a sight.

( Chuckles )

Guess he got the message, huh?

Yeah, I guess
he did.

I did that
pretty good, didn't i?


Yeah, you got a boy
with a problem

You just give him an example.

Bring it down
to his level, you know.

He'll usually come around.

That's been
my approach to it.

Tell me something,
now, barney.

If you was to really

Get turned down
on that raise

You wouldn't act
that way, would you?

Are you kidding?

You're talking
to a mature human being.

Oh, good, good, good.

I'm glad to hear that.

What's that?

That's a letter

To barney "mature
human being" fife.

About your raise?

They turned you down.

They what?

They turned me down?!

Why, of all the low-down,

I'll go down there in person!

I'll get a lawyer!

I'll punch them all
right in the nose!

I was counting on that raise!

That's the third time
I've asked for it!

Doggone it, andy they got
a nerve turning me down!

Where are you going?

I'm leaving.

For a mature human being,
you're a sight.

Sarah? Get me 2-4-2, will you?


Hi -- barn.

Saturday night...

Say, listen, uh, instead of us
going out to dinner tonight,

Uh, let me tell you
what I was thinking --

I was thinking, why don't I come
over to your house, see --

Just for a change?

And we'd take a couple of them
frozen tv dinners

Out of your freezer, and then we
just sit around, you know?

Oh, you want to go out, huh?

Well, yeah, but, juanita, we had
chinese food last --

Well -- well, sure, I know,
I like chinese food.

No, I really do.

No, I really do.

[ Bank chimes ]

[ Cranks ]

[ Clears throat ]

Let me get back to you, okay?

[ Cranks, dings ]

Hi, ope!

Ope, do you, uh...
Do you like chinese food?

Sure do.

Yeah? Me too.

You like egg foo young?


Yeah, yeah, good old
egg foo young.

I even like to say it --
you know, "egg foo young."

That your bank?

Let me see it, will you?

Ooh, it's heavy!

You know what
I was thinking, ope?

I was thinking about going over
to mount pilot

To have one of them
chinese dinners, you know?

And, uh, I was gonna take
somebody with me.

So what I --

Hi, g*ng, what's up!

Paw, barney just invited me
to go to mount pilot

And have a chinese dinner
with him!

He did!

Well, no, the fact is, see,
I was going to take juanita.

Oh, and you asked opie
to come along --

Well, ain't that nice!

You gonna come, too, paw?

Well as long as
he's taking you,

I don't reckon he'll mind
me coming along.

How about aunt bee?

I'll call her --
she loves chinese food!

Sarah, get me my house!
Ain't you the one!

And here you had me thinking
you was flat busted --

He's a sport, eh?
Aunt bee?

Guess what -- barney's invited
all of us

To go over to mount pilot
and eat some chinese food!

What? Well bring them, too!

That's all right,
we'll take two cars!

Ain't he the one?
Ain't he the one?

Oh, he's a real sport...
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