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20x21 - Immortal

Posted: 09/16/21 08:02
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system

the people are represented
by two separate
yet equally important groups,

the police
who investigate crime

and the district attorneys
who prosecute the offenders.

These are their stories.

Bring home some
root beer if you can.

Thank you, baby.


Jaden, finish your cereal.

I gotta change.

Breathe easy, J.

Saturday we're going
down to the park
for some spring training.

We'll bring your inhaler,
you'll be fine. Right?

Derek Jeter better
watch his back.

Don't forget about
the special trip
we have planned.

And don't tell Mom.

That's my boy.

He stumbled in here
a little after 6:00,

collapsed before he could
get a word out, presented
with a knife wound.

Any other injuries?

No, just the s*ab wound.

But it was deep enough
to pierce his liver and
sever his hepatic vein.

So, somebody
wanted him dead.

Well, they got their
wish. Thank you.

Patient outside having
a smoke said she saw
our guy get dropped off.

The driver sped away.
Car was old and blue.

Speaking of cars,
a set of keys to a Ford.

Still wearing his
wedding ring and watch.

Yeah, and about $800
worth of cash.

"Jerome Turner,"
Bronx address.

Wife and kid.

Happy family.

Jerome didn't come
home from his job
at the bottling plant.

I kept trying his cell,
but he didn't pick up.

We're very sorry,
Mrs. Turner.

Any ideas about
where he was,
who he was with?

I really don't know.

Wait in your
room for Mommy.
I'll be right in.

Did he have any problems
we should know about?

People he didn't
get along with?

No. I mean, money's
always been tight.

I give piano lessons
to help make ends meet.

(CRYING) Jerome is
a wonderful man,

and he's a good
father to Jaden.

What time did you
speak to him last?

In the afternoon.

He said he might be late.
There was a problem
in Queens on the E Train.

He didn't drive to work?

We don't own a car.

There were a set of keys
in his pocket for a Ford.

We don't know anybody
who has a Ford.


I've got to go
see to my boy.

LUPO: Of course.


Works in Queens,
lives in the Bronx,

but bleeds to death
in a Midtown hospital.

With somebody else's
keys in his pocket.

Mr. Wonderful's
been keeping secrets
from his wife.

Jerome didn't work yesterday.
He's only been on two shifts
a week since the holidays.

Why'd he get
his hours cut?

The bosses say we're
bleeding money here.

I felt terrible
cutting him back.

He didn't tell
his wife about it.

He probably didn't
want to upset her.

He told me
she's a worrier.

You know if he
found other work?


He kept pressing me to
put him back full time.

I let him know he'd
be the first guy back
if things turned around.

Whenever that is.

The Turners were up to date
on rent and utilities.

There was cash coming in
from something besides
the wife's piano lessons.

The something
that maybe got
Mr. Turner k*lled.

Any leads off
his cell phone?

Uh, still working through
his calls for that day.

The weird thing is,
the calls pinged from
towers all over the place.

In the space
of 52 minutes,

he's in Queens,
Harlem, downtown...

He was on the move.

Check if he has
a hack license.

The keys in his pocket
are for a Crown Vic.

There's nothing
in the TLC under
Jerome Turner.

But a lot of those guys
drive without a license.

VAN BUREN: Call the desk
at the 31,

have their sector cars
call in any idle yellow cabs
with no driver inside.


We spotted it
about 10 minutes after
we heard the radio run.

Lady who lives in that
building told us it was
parked here overnight.

Let's see if
we're in business.

All right. Good work.
We got it from here.

Can you hit the trunk?

Cornell Beverage.

There's no blood
on the inside,

which means Jerome was
stabbed somewhere between
here and the hospital.

Maybe his last fare
knows why he left
his cab here.

And if we're lucky,
he used a credit card.

I didn't know Jerome
very well. I just
rented him my cab.

Even though he didn't
have a hack license.

I kept telling him
he had to
take care of that.

A license was the least
of his problems.

He have any
bad habits?

Gambling, maybe.

Few days ago,
he said he wasn't going
to have to drive anymore,

he was going to come
into a lot of money.

Yeah, I'm here.
Thank you.

Somebody used
a credit card
in the morning,

but after that, nothing.

Any idea why Jerome
left it in Chelsea?

No. I wanted to
get it back early,

but he said
he had to pick
his kid up at school.

He left every day
in his company jacket
like everything was fine.

I guess Jerome was
too proud to tell me.

Is there any reason
you didn't tell us that

Jaden was in the cab
with him the day
he was k*lled?

What? No, Jaden
was in school.

We checked
with the school.

His father picked
him up at noon

and brought him back
a few hours later.

Do you have any idea
where they went?


He also told some people
that he was going to be
coming into some money.

You know anything
about that?


It doesn't make any sense.


Can I speak
to your son?

Can you show me
Jerome's calendar again,
please? Thanks.

Hey, what are you
making, Jaden?

A machine that makes
dogs and horses
and robots.


Listen, I wanted
to tell you that

I'm sorry about
what happened
to your father.

He's never coming back.


Is it okay
if I ask you some
questions about him?

Do you remember
when he picked you up
at your school in his cab?

He got me ice cream.

You must have done
something pretty special
to get ice cream.

Dad said I can't tell.

It was going to be
a surprise for my mom.
I promised.


you know that what
happened to your dad
wasn't your fault, right?

But you can help
your mother right now.

Where did your dad
take you before
he bought the ice cream?

To a building
with an office.

Were there other
people there?

A man. He was big.

He hurt you?

He put a Q-tip
inside my mouth
and rubbed it around.

Right here?

On the inside
of your cheek?

Then what did he do?


He talked with my dad
and then we left.

BERNARD: You know
what, Jaden?

Your dad would be
really proud of you.

Thank you.


Took a swab for DNA.

Maybe Jerome was
running a paternity
test on his kid.

His kid,
or somebody else's.

Looks like one secret
too many.

A DNA test can be
for a lot of things.

A DNA test he was
hiding from his wife.

Right. Maybe he was hoping
to jack the biological
father up for money,

that was the payday
he was expecting.


I'll talk to Mrs. Turner.
Speak to the boy again.

The vending machine
downstairs just got
some fresh Gummi Bears.

It's okay if you
want to have one.

My mom would
want me to wait
till after dinner.

I don't want her
to be mad at me.

I hear you.

I'm sure she's proud
of you for telling
the truth, right?

I did.

The man that your father
took you to see,

do you remember
his name?


He talked about hot dogs.

The big man?

He said Nathan's,
the hot dogs.

What did he say
about them?

Nothing. He just
said Nathan's.


Jerome and I were
married for 10 years.

I never looked
at another man.

Is there any other reason
Jerome might want to
test Jaden's DNA?

Jaden is Jerome's son.
You can test him yourself.


Was there any reason
your husband would be
suspicious or jealous?


Believe me,
if Jaden did have
another father,

I'd be hitting
him up for child
support right now.

Do you know anyone
by the name of Nathan?


I don't know
what Jerome was thinking.

I ran the name by her.
No reaction.

Well, still, Nathan could
be the man Jerome thought
was his son's real father.

Yeah, Jerome already
had a bloodhound
on the case.

Their cell records show
a call two weeks ago
to a Joseph Hernandez,

a private investigator,

and two calls on
the day of the m*rder.

Office is on
West 23rd Street.

A block from where
we found Jerome's cab.

This PI could have
done the DNA swab.

Let's check to see
if Hernandez is an ex-cop.

Maybe we could get some
professional courtesy.

Mr. Hernandez
is due back any minute.

No, no big deal.

We're just checking
to see if our friend
Jerome Turner called him.

Well, you're
welcome to wait.

This, I believe,
is a very cute
Jack Russell terrier, yeah?

I got a mutt, too.

He looks at me,
I swear he knows exactly
what I'm thinking.

Oh, they do.
They know a lot.

More than people.
More than my ex-girlfriend,
that's for sure.

I bet you
I can read that upside down.

What do you think?
I'm good at this.

Larry... Crap.

It's Park.

Oh, Park. Crap.
Very close.

Give me one more shot,
one more shot.

Maybe on this page,
here. Okay.

Now this time,
please don't smile at me.
It's very distracting.

Well, of course,
this is Germ Strucker.

Germ Struck... Germ...

(LAUGHS) It's your friend.

Jerome Turner.

Uh-huh. So it is,
and I see he called
about Nathan Robinson.


Can I help you guys?


You know Jerome Turner?

Never heard of him,

whatever she may
have told you.

You took a DNA swab
from his son,
and now he's dead.

Save your spiel.
I'm retired NYPD.

Retired after you got
jammed up for busting
a suspect's jaw.

Even if I did have
business with Turner,

I was hired
by a law firm.

Makes any communication
privileged. Bye-bye.

Only a couple hundred
Nathan Robinsons
in the tri-state area.

Yeah, Hernandez
has been in business
for years.

This wouldn't be his
first paternity test.

Which means he would
have a lab he usually
works with.

A lab that would
pick up samples
from his office.

That front desk guy,
he should know the name.

So would she.


Whoa. You okay?

I'm sorry, we didn't
mean to cause trouble
with your boss.

He's always like that.
He's such a...

Private d*ck?


We figured. Listen,
we really need to find
this Nathan Robinson.

Mr. Hernandez
doesn't talk to me
about his cases.

Fair enough.
How about the
name of the lab

he uses to test
DNA samples?

I don't think he's going
to use them anymore.

They had a DNA
sample of this guy,
Nathan Robinson.

To compare
with Turner's kid?

I guess.

Uh, anyway,
the lab lost it.

Um, Mr. Hernandez told me
to call Hudson University
to get another one.

Why? Does Nathan
Robinson work there?

I don't know.

Mr. Hernandez told me
to talk to this
technician, Jeff.


Yeah, you could say
Mr. Robinson works here.

That's him right there.

And that's
Mr. Robinson here.

There's more of him.

His DNA samples?

His cells,
growing in culture.

We buy them and
use them for research.

Nathan Robinson's been
dead for over 50 years.

Puts him out
of the running
as Jaden's father.

Maybe this is about
an inheritance.

Time to shake
the family tree and
see who falls out.

Nathan Robinson was
me and my cousin
Jerome's grandfather.

My mother's dad.

He passed in 1959
from cancer.

He was having tests
done to prove that his son
was Nathan's relative.

Any idea why?

No. Me and Jerome
didn't talk much.

Gayle called and told us
he was m*rder*d.

I couldn't believe it.

What happened,
did he get robbed?

When was the last time
you spoke to him?

I'm not sure.

Is there an issue with
your grandfather's will?

My daddy didn't
have a will.

LUPO: Maybe a piece
of property or an heirloom.

You would have
gotten a call from
a probate lawyer.

Or maybe a private
contacted you,

someone named

No, we didn't
get any calls.

But if we do,
should we get
in touch with you?

LUPO: Yeah, that'd
be great. Go ahead
and call this number.

Your kid...
Quite the artist.

Yeah, Tanya. She's six.

BERNARD: That's nice.

One more question,
Mr. Reed.

Do you own a car?

No. No, I don't.

Lupo, check this out.

Three-day weekend
coming up.

Thank you.

Well, there was an alternate
parking schedule on
Michael Reed's refrigerator.

He was lying about
having a car.

Secrets seem to run
in that family.

We got him.

DMV records show
that Dora Reed owned
an '81 blue Cordoba,

which matches the description
of the car that dropped
Jerome off at the E.R.

You said "owned"?

BERNARD: Mmm-hmm.
It was sold to
a Brooklyn junk yard

by Michael Reed
four days ago.

I hope his cousin's
blood on the seat didn't
hurt the re-sale value.

There it is,
your '81 blue Cordoba.

Ah, great.

It'll take CSU
weeks to get
anything out of that.

Michael Reed
doesn't know that.

Yeah, so I sold
my mom's car.

I didn't want her
driving anymore.

Interesting timing.

The day after your
cousin was stabbed.

I don't know
anything about that.

Excuse the interruption.

What's that?

So, you didn't want
your mother driving.

Did she get a ticket
in an accident?

Nothing like that.

But all of a sudden,
you junked her car,

maybe because
your cousin's blood
was all over it.

VAN BUREN: Maybe we should
bring your mother down here.

Oh, no, you don't
need to do that.

I was trying
to save Jerome.

Save from who?

Jerome was stabbed
by that detective,

I was trying to help him.
I took him to the hospital.

How do you know
that Hernandez
stabbed your cousin?

He wanted Jaden's blood.

Those people,
they were just
going to take it.

VAN BUREN: What people?


What people
are you talking about?


Michael, who are
you talking about?

Those white people.

All these years,
stealing my
family's blood.

This is
Mr. Reed's attorney.

And you all
are done here.


White people,
stealing blood?

Yeah, time to bring
out the garlic
and silver b*ll*ts.

Joseph Hernandez
took Jaden Turner's DNA.

The boy picked
his photo out
of a six-pack.

Who was Hernandez
working for?

He's hiding behind
attorney privilege.

Can we rule out
Reed's allegation
that it was Hernandez

who stabbed his cousin?

Well, Hernandez
is a better suspect
on paper.

He was drummed
out of the department
for excessive force.

Michael Reed
has no record.

Look, don't get me
wrong, Hernandez
is in this neck-deep.

But Reed put himself
at the scene,

admitted dumping his
cousin at the hospital,

not to mention lying
to us and trying
to destroy evidence.

Okay, so we charge
Reed with m*rder.
Next step, motive.

Vampires stealing
his family's blood?
No problem.

How you going to
put my son in jail
on a million-dollar bail,

and then ask
for my help?

Well, then help me get
to the bottom of this.

Why would a private
investigator be interested
in Jaden's DNA?

Maybe you should ask
that investigator.

Michael said people
have been stealing
your family's blood.

Michael gets worked up
and says things that
don't make any sense.

Is this your father,
Nathan Robinson?

That's right. That
there church, my daddy
helped to build it.

Is one of these girls you?

I'm the baby, and
that's my sister Mary.
She died a few years ago.

CONNIE: And the little boy?

He's not around
anymore, either.

That's Uncle Eddie.

He lives across
the river.

He smiles
all the time.

That's fine, Tanya.
Now go in the kitchen
and get a cookie.

You never mind about
those old photos.

I ain't talking to you
no more until you
let my son out of jail.

Eddie has cerebral palsy.
He's been with us
for almost 30 years.

Would it be okay
if I asked him
a few questions?


Eddie's not much
of a conversationalist.

Hi, Mr. Robinson,
I'm Connie Rubirosa.

Your niece Tanya
says hello.

Would it be okay if I
asked you a few questions
about your nephew Michael?

EDDIE: Okay.

He says people
have been stealing
your family's blood.

Are you going
to stick my arm?

Of course not.
Why would you think that?

His family doctor
used to come by with
a nurse a few times a year

to take blood for
some study he was doing.

But he hasn't come by
for the last 10 years.

Would you still have
the name of that doctor?

I'll have to check.

Dr. Vincent Thurman.

He's the one
who sticks my arm.

Dr. Vincent Thurman
died in 1997.

He was an oncologist
at Ramapo Hospital,

where Nathan Robinson
died in 1959.

Safe to assume Thurman
was Nathan's doctor.

That doesn't explain
why he was pulling blood
out of Eddie Robinson

40 years later.

Yeah, but Michael Reed's
rant about white people

trying to steal
his family's blood,

is starting
to make sense.

Take a look at this.

Thurman founded
Hema Labs in 1959.

Yeah, I've heard of them.
Big company.

I didn't realize
they started so small.

Yeah, very small.

Their first product
was cancer cells
sold for research.

Nathan Robinson
died of cancer.

Do you have any ongoing
research related to a man
named Nathan Robinson,

or Jerome
or Jaden Turner?

I'm sorry,
all of our projects

are confidential
and proprietary.

The reason we're asking,
Mr. Dolan, is that,
among other things,

there are allegations
concerning an as*ault

on Mr. Turner's
seven-year-old son.

And you think
this is related to
my company's research?

A private detective
named Hernandez
was involved.

Something may have
occurred at the time that
he was alone with this boy.


Is that what
the child said?

That's confidential
and proprietary.

Before I answer
any more questions,

I'd like to consult
my legal department.

They're circling
the wagons.

Nothing like a subpoena
to bust up the party.

Hema Labs tested Jaden

to see if he was
a descendant of
Nathan Robinson.

For what purpose?

Well, it doesn't
say in the documents,

but Hema's cell line,
the one they made gazillions
selling to research labs,

is known as NaRo.

For Nathan Robinson,
Jaden's great-grandfather.

Right. We studied
NaRo cells in
medical school.

I never realized
till today where
they came from.

They're the first
human cells to stay
alive in culture,

so they're
considered immortal.

They're a lab staple,
like white mice
or petri dishes.

But if Hema Labs
had Nathan's cells,

why would they need
genetic material from
his great-grandson?

Most likely
testing a new drug.

Who knows what
they're cooking up
in the basement?

All right,
any more questions,
you know where to find me.

These NaRo cells
are the basis of
Hema's business.

We are talking billions
in profit here.

Well, there's
no records of
any payments

made to
Nathan Robinson
or his family.

You know, Hernandez
tracked down some of

Nathan Robinson's
descendants in Stag Hill,
New Jersey.

In the Ramapo Mountains,
near where Robinson died.

Hernandez must have
been hunting DNA.

And maybe starting
trouble between
Michael and Jerome.

Yeah, I remember
that private detective.


We figured out
he was from Hema Labs.

What did he want
with your family,
Mr. Robinson?

He was looking
for Nathan's

offering 10 grand
for their blood.

I told him
all Nathan's kids
moved to the city.

Didn't say where.
He was mad.

Did he thr*aten you?


Hell with him
and that company.

It's not enough
they stole Nathan's cells.

You know about
Nathan's cells?

They're magic.
Been all around
the world.

Cured cancer, diseases.

It's like Nathan's
still alive.

Nathan, uh, grew up
around here?

We all did.
Me, the rest
of the cousins.

Our great-great-grandfather
was Ramapo Indian.

Runaway slaves, Portuguese
fishermen, all different
races mixed up together.

We call it squirrel stew,
but it's chicken. Honest.

Thank you.

It smells delicious.

So, uh, how did Hema Labs
get Nathan's cells
in the first place?

One of his doctors
took a sample of his cancer
without him even knowing.

Nathan was in
the colored ward.

This was a man
who would spend his Sunday
fixing a neighbor's roof.

Never asked
for a penny.

Man, he could
swing a hammer.

Let me show
you his grave.

I'll never
forget his funeral.

Hotter than hell.

Hey, Nathan.

You two are the first
visitors he's had
here in a while.

Any of his children
or grandchildren
come back to visit?

Dora came a few times.
She was trying to raise
money for a gravestone.

But we'll be taking
care of that soon.

How's that?

Michael said
don't say anything.

I think we can trust them.

Nathan would
have liked her.

Well, we don't want to
cause any more trouble

for your family,
Mr. Robinson.

I guess it's all right.

Michael Reed,
Dora's boy,

he was here
a few weeks back.

He said, "If somebody
comes asking for
blood, don't give it."

He was going
to sue Hema Labs.

Get Nathan
his gravestone.

Did Michael say
anything about
his cousin Jerome?

He said Jerome, us,
the whole family,
we had to stick together.

Michael was fired up.
Said Hema was finally
going to pay.

We'd all get new houses.

We know all about
Nathan Robinson,
the NaRo cell line.

We know you visited
the relatives in Stag Hill

to warn them
not to cooperate
with Hema Labs.

What happened,
did Jerome make
his own deal,

and that's why
you stabbed him?

Don't answer that.
It wasn't me.

Jerome changed his mind.
That PI stabbed him.

If you were innocent,
why wouldn't you say
what Hernandez was after?

He doesn't know
who to trust.

His family's been
exploited for years.

That's how this is
going to play out?

You have no idea,
Mr. Cutter.

Nathan Robinson,
an impoverished
black man,

lay dying, while white
doctors dissected him
like a guinea pig.

Wait till a jury hears it.

He's right.
A jury's going
to eat this up.

Yeah, not just the jury.

Hema Labs hired me to
locate a great-grandchild
of Nathan Robinson.

They said I'd get
a hundred grand
if I got results.

So you contacted
Jerome Turner?

I found his cousin
Michael first.

Ten grand for a tube
of his girl's blood,

if we confirm
that she's Nathan

He goes off on me,
yelling he's going
to sue everybody.

So, I moved on
and made a deal with
Jerome for his kid.

When I took his kid's DNA,
I handed Jerome a check
for $500.

But he wanted cash,
so I had him come
back later.

So there was no dispute
between the two of you?

You're trying to
put this on me now.

Any more questions,
talk to my lawyer.

I'd like to put that
guy through a window.

I have no doubt
he's capable of m*rder.

Anything to
corroborate his story?

Well, the police
canvassed his building
and searched his office.

There was no evidence
of a knifing or an argument.

And Jerome did have
over $500 in cash in
his wallet that night.

Even so, the defense will
probably use Hernandez
as a straw man

to put Hema Labs on trial.

We can't let them.

Well, the defense
has a lot to work with.

Hema Labs has been
exploiting Jerome Turner's
family for 50 years.

You should see
where Nathan Robinson's
relatives live, Jack.

In falling-down shacks.

The company's treatment
of this family is...
It's a disgrace.

Then you better
get ahead of this.

Six months ago,
one of our researchers
discovered that

NaRo cells contain
a previously unknown
oncogene for lung cancer,


An oncogene?

The genetic trigger
that activates cancer
in healthy cells.

It was a huge

But the next step
was to prove
proliferative advantage

in cells carrying
this oncogene,

and the best way
to do that

was to study
the last descendants
of Nathan Robinson.

CUTTER: Did you plan on
compensating the Turners
for this donation?

They would have
been given $10,000.

Now, Nathan Robinson
never consented to having
his cancer cells harvested,

correct? Same thing
for his son, Eddie.

Nathan Robinson
was cared for in
a public hospital.

In a de facto
colored ward,

this ward,
in Ramapo Hills Hospital.

DOLAN: It was
a different time.

Mr. Robinson
received free care,

so it was only fair
to take samples
for medical research.

Oh, and for profit?

Hema Labs never
paid Nathan, nor
his descendants

a single penny
in compensation.

DOLAN: Let me be
clear about this.

Taking the sample
did not hurt
Nathan Robinson

or impede his
recovery one iota.

The dr*gs that
we make have helped
millions of people.

Have you heard of
the Tuskegee Experiments?

Of course.

Then please,
tell the jury
what they were.

Doctors recruited
black men with syphilis
to study the disease.

There were abuses...
CUTTER: Abuses?

The doctors
withheld penicillin,

and did nothing while
these men rotted
to death in agony.

That has nothing
to do with this.

So you say.

Do you know the term
"night doctors"?

It's an urban legend.

Doctors snatching
black residents
off the streets

to perform medical
experiments without
their consent.

And I can assure you
it never happened
at Hema Labs.


Hema Labs just did
the same thing
in the light of day.

So, you can understand
why Michael Reed

was so angry
at his cousin
for helping you.

Nothing further.

When you hired
Mr. Hernandez

to find Nathan's descendants,
you knew he had a violent
record as a police officer?

I believe so.

Making him the perfect fit
to bully them
into cooperating.


Anything to get
the blood you needed
on the cheap.

Just like Dr. Thurman
did with Nathan Robinson.

COKELY: Withdrawn.

Nothing further.

We did the swab,
no problem.

Jerome came back later
to be paid in cash

and left my office
as happy as a clam.

Nothing further.

After you were fired
by the police for
breaking a man's jaw,

you were hired
by Hema Labs and
sent to Indonesia,

where one of their
antiviral dr*gs had
made 4,000 people ill.

What were you
doing there?

Distributing compensation
money to the people
who got sick.

In other words,
jamming lowball

down the throats
of illiterate villagers.



So when Hema Labs

needed to intimidate
Nathan Robinson's family,

you were the right man
for the job?

I didn't intimidate anybody.

But they promised you
a $100,000 bounty

for delivering
Jaden Turner?

A commission.

COKELY: A commission?

Isn't it a fact that
Jerome Turner returned to
your office that evening

because he'd changed
his mind about
cooperating with Hema?

And then the two
of you argued,

and you stabbed him
because you didn't want
to lose your commission?

Wrong about everything.

If you're trying to
get a rise out of me,
it's working.

I'm just glad you don't
have a knife in your hand,
Mr. Hernandez.

Michael Reed stated
during his questioning
that white people

had been stealing
his family's blood
for years.

And why did you
consider that to be
an admission, Lieutenant?

Because it went
to his motive,
his state of mind,

that he was angry.

Thank you.

Excuse me for asking,

but aren't you undergoing
medical treatment
for cervical cancer?

This is a private
matter, Your Honor.

Well, it goes
to the witness's
state of mind.

Sorry, Lieutenant.
Answer the best you can.

Yes, I am
undergoing treatment.

Have you taken
any medications
made by Hema Labs,

such as carboplatin,
used in chemotherapy,

or pegfilgrastim
to bolster your
white blood count?

Both of those.

And does it disturb you
that these dr*gs

were developed
from the cells
of Nathan Robinson,

which were obtained
without consent
or remuneration?

How could you
ask me that?

Please, just answer
my question.

What do you think,
Mr. Cutter?

These dr*gs might
save my life.

I'm grateful to
Nathan Robinson
and his family.

But that doesn't mean
they were treated
with justice, Mr. Cutter,

or dignity.

I can't believe

what you just
did to me in there,
Mr. Cutter,

without the decency
to ask my permission

or to let me know
what was coming.

I'm sorry. I just...

It occurred to me
in the moment...

It occurred to you?

Well, did it occur
to you that I might
have a problem with it?

I was trying to keep
the defense from using
the same argument...

No, no, please!
I know what
you were doing.

You were using me,
Mr. Cutter.

You violated my privacy,
so that you could
win your case.

You are no better
than Hema Labs.

My son Michael
and Jerome Turner
were cousins.

They grew up together.
Michael would never
hurt Jerome.

Can you tell us about
their disagreement
regarding Hema Labs?

Jerome made a deal
to let them test Jaden.

But Michael wanted
to hold out.
He called a lawyer.

But I convinced Michael
to forget about
suing that company.

Jaden was sick,
Jerome had bills.

What did you tell Michael
about your father
Nathan's cells?

That his grandfather
was famous.

That those cells went
all over the world to
help cure sick people.

Hema Labs made
a lot of money
off of those cells.

Did you ever
express any anger
about that to him?

I figured if my daddy's
cells were helping
all of those people,

that was good enough.

Did Michael feel
the same way?

Sometimes Michael
would get angry
at Hema Labs,

but never,
never at Jerome.

COKELY: Thank you,
Mrs. Reed.

You were just a baby
when your father died.

Must have been
hard for your mom.

Three kids,
living in poverty
in Stag Hill?

We managed.

Must break your heart
to see Michael struggle,

and Jerome
with his sick son,

losing his family's
health insurance,

while this giant corporation
makes billions of dollars.

And they never paid
your family anything,
did they?

Not a penny.

No, not for taking
Nathan's cells,

not for taking your
brother Eddie's blood,
not even an apology.

That's right.

Now they owe you,
don't they, Mrs. Reed,

for what they took
from your family?
From your father, Nathan?

All he did for science,
all the lives that he saved,

and what did he get,
an unmarked grave?

You're damn right.
They owe us.
They owe us!

They made all that money,
and we can't even
afford a doctor.

They need to
pay something.

And your son felt
the same way,
didn't he?

DORA: He just wanted
what was fair.

He just wanted
to help his family.

But he ended up
k*lling his cousin.


Nothing further.

Jury's still out.
Three days.

They asked the judge
to clarify the difference

between man one
and man two.

They're looking for
a way to let Michael Reed
off the hook.

Now's the time
to make a deal.

Michael's pretty

Until the jury's back,
we have leverage.

Let's use it
to do some good.

CUTTER: We're prepared to
make your client an offer.

He pleads to man one,
we'll recommend 10 years.

Jury's still out.
We'll take our chances.

If they convict,
your client could be
looking at 25-to-life.

Now, I think we all
have an interest in
settling this matter.

Hema Labs has
no liability here.

JACK: But there is
doing the right thing.

Or if that doesn't
interest you, Mr. Dolan,

what's it worth
to your company

to avoid the publicity
of another trial?

You want us to
bribe Michael Reed
into pleading guilty?

I have no intention of
taking the stand again.

One million,
paid out over 10 years,

to be divided equally among
Nathan Robinson's heirs.


Your company has
annual revenues of
$400 million.

We have to draw
a line, Mr. Cutter.

Otherwise we'll be
fighting off lawsuits
left and right.

JACK: Or you may
be fighting off
a jail sentence.

Eddie Robinson,
Nathan's son,

in a group home
with cerebral palsy.

He lives in
my jurisdiction.

Read the definition
of as*ault.

It includes taking
blood without consent.

There's a statute
of limitations.

Not for a concealed
crime against an
incompetent victim.

Three million.

We've been to Stag Hill.

This family is beyond
the edge of poverty,

struggling to put
food on the table,

while you're teeing off
at the Country Club
in Ridgewood.

Five million.

Make it 10.
Payable now.

Ten million?

Now, you can wait
for the jury verdict,
but if you get convicted,

your mother will die
while you're in prison.

And Jerome will have
died for nothing.

You did try to
save him, didn't you,
after you stabbed him?

I told him that
the company had
made millions,

and we couldn't even
afford to take our
kids to the doctor.

But Jerome wouldn't
change his mind, so...

I had the knife
in the glove box,

and I was just so angry,

because, you know,
about Jerome
helping the people

that were
cheating us, and...

I just...
I just lost it.

I took him
to the hospital.

I really thought
that he'd be okay.

I'll do it.

I'll take the deal.

Hey, Joseph Hernandez's
personnel file.


You don't need it anymore?

No. Case pled out.

BERNARD: How'd we do?

All things considered,
not so badly.

