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20x19 - Crashers

Posted: 09/16/21 08:00
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system

the people are represented by two
separate yet equally important groups,

the police who investigate crime

and the district attorneys
who prosecute the offenders.

These are their stories.

You can't stop me.

Don't you get it? I love you.

I'm gonna do whatever it takes.

Be a good kitty.

Oh, jeez, get the extinguisher!

Call the fire
department. All right.

What the...

And call 911!

The smell of burning flesh.

Even after 20 years,
you don't forget.

20 years?

Desert Storm.

Okay, thanks.

Diner owner didn't see anything.

CSU's checking for tire tracks.

An empty can of
turpentine in the dumpster.

Check this out. Bra strap.

Which narrows down the I.D.

to half of the population.

k*ller's making us
earn our paycheck.

One thing they never learn.
They can burn, dump, and run,

but they can't hide.

Jane Doe is white.

Early 20s. 5'9".

Blunt force trauma to the head.

Nails it down.

Did I say I was done?

She had recent extensions.

It's human hair. The
weave is close to the scalp.

I'd say within a week.

I get all tingly when
you're specific, Rodgers.

I'm just getting
warmed up. Yeah?

This is a high-end job.

It's natural blonde hair and the
attachments are knotted, not glued.


Found a key in her jacket pocket

stamped West Village Hardware.

Okay, assuming people
have their keys made

in their neighborhood,
she lived in the Village.

And where she got her hair done.

Looks like my
work, what's left of it.

What happened to her head?

Nothing good. She
was in her 20s. 5'9".

Uh, sounds like
my Saturday 4:30.

She was a walk-in.
Uh, great cheekbones.

Only left her first
name. Brenna.

She, uh, she paid in cash
for full-length blonde wefts.

Looks like a busy place.

How did she get an appointment
without a reservation?

I'm a sucker for drama.

She, uh, said she had a
last-minute date that night.

Some swanky event.
Gracie Mansion.

She said she needed
to look gorgeous.

Saturday night, the mayor
had a reception for Zahir Tanin,

UN Representative
from Afghanistan.

Yeah, We're looking for a guest
with the first name of Brenna.

Doesn't ring a bell.

And I know
everybody on the list.

Well, maybe she
was someone's date.

Absolutely no one gets
in without their full name

printed on the list.

This girl with
long, blonde hair.

You recognize her?


I'm not sure who that is.

Her boyfriend, maybe.

I don't recognize
either one of them.

You said you knew
everybody on the list.

That would make
these two party crashers.

That's impossible.

Yeah. I let them in.

Blonde turned on the waterworks.

Said her agency, I don't
remember what the name was,

was supposed to call
and get her on the list.

So you think she's a model.

She's gonna hook you up with
her model friends if you let this slide.

She said she was
working on a photo sh**t

around the corner the next day.

Mmm-hmm. What about
the guy that was with her?

He didn't say much.

They didn't stay long either.

They were in some sort
of argument on the way out.

Must've broke your heart
when she didn't say good-bye.

"Expenses beyond
reasonable and customary rates

"for this service."

No kidding.

Tell that to the hospital.

It's late.

Why don't you knock
off for the night?

You're right.

I'm making myself crazy.

Making you crazy.

You do, you know.

In a good way.

You want to go lie down?

I mean,

we could just lie down.

I know it's been a while.

The doctor gave
you the okay, right?

We'll go slow.

I don't want to go slow.

I want to let you
rip off my clothes.

I want to shut my eyes.

I want my old body back.

How about I just hold you?

Between out-of-pocket

and co-pays,

I'm going broke.

I'll be there in a minute.


Brenna Lane was booked
by a modeling agency

as background on a photo sh**t
around the corner from Gracie Mansion.

And the night before, she crashed a
party there by batting her eyelashes.

Glad to see my
tax dollars at work.

That was Brenna's
landlady and homestead.

She said Brenna moved out a
month ago. No forwarding address.

Well, what about this boyfriend?

She must've touched base
with him the day of the party.

Calls to modeling agencies.

A few calls to a
florist in Brooklyn.

There's a cluster of calls two
weeks ago to a Lucy Hewes.

Next best thing to a
boyfriend, a girlfriend.

Makes sense Lucy's not answering
her phone. She's in Australia.

Lucy has a friend
apartment sitting?

More like an illegal sublet.


Don't let the damn cat out.

Oh, okay. Thanks.

Looks like we found
our crime scene.

And there's the blunt force.

We got an eyewitness here, too.

We need a CSU
team at our location.

We should get somebody from
Animal Control down here, too.

Let the super handle that.

I don't trust her. You heard
what she said about the cat.

She doesn't like him.

There you go.

Brenna's I.D., with
a Florida address.

Cash still inside.

Lupes, Wolford fishnets.

Looks like she was
going someplace.

An unused boarding pass,

from La Guardia to
Washington, D.C.,

3:48 p.m. on Monday.

The day she was shot.

She was at the airport, but
she didn't get on the plane.

Brenna Lane paid cash
for a round-trip ticket to DC.

She didn't check any bags.

So when she missed her
flight, there was no security alert.

Hmm. There she is.

Yeah. She's going to the gate.

Wait. Who's that guy?

He just talked her out
of getting onto the plane.

We got to get a
better shot of his face.

You got cameras at the exits?

Okay, here's the exit.

Wait. Is that the guy?

He just blew past your security.

Oh, jeez.

Freeze it. Right there.

Brenna's date from
Gracie Mansion.

First he crashes
the mayor's party,

then he breaches
airport security.

What's this, a test run
for a t*rror1st attack?

Look, nothing happened that day.

Nothing's happened yet.

This airport is a hard target.

All it takes is one operative

with expl*sives in his
underwear to get through

and we're screwed.

Do any of you want
a 9/11 on your watch?

I didn't think so.

Now, the FBI and DHS are here,

but first, NYPD
has some questions.

We don't want to jam anyone up.

We're just, uh, wondering
if anyone observed

anything about this
passenger, Brenna Lane,

or her unidentified companion.

She checked in for a 3:48
flight to DC from gate 45.

Anyone notice them outside,
entering or exiting a vehicle?

A vehicle was double-parked
in the passenger loading zone.

A guy and girl
got in and took off.

What kind of vehicle?

A delivery van
from a flower shop.

Brenna's dumps show calls
to a florist in Brooklyn Heights.

That's right.

All right, thanks.

Excuse me.

This your van?

Uh, I drive it for my boss.

Okay, would you
put your plants down?

You got some I.D.? Sure.

Thank you.

Dustin Henry, we
need to talk to you.

Let's take a ride.
What are you doing?

I'm the owner here.
What's going on?

Parking violations.

So he'll be back soon, right?

I got a half dozen deliveries.

You're gonna have to
make them yourself, sir.

I'm sorry I parked
in the terminal.

I'll be more than
happy to pay a ticket.

This is a lot
bigger than a ticket.

Why'd you sneak past security?

I had to catch my sister
before she got on the plane.

Your sister. You two
have different last names.

She changed her
name for modeling.

Why was Brenna
going to Washington?

She had a job there.

You busted through security to stop
your sister from taking a modeling gig.

I was supposed to feed
the cat when she was gone

and she forgot to
leave me the key.

So why not just give you the
key and go on and catch her flight?

Because she couldn't find it.

Anyway, it was
just a catalog sh**t.

She decided it wasn't worth it.

When was the last
time you talked to her?

I dropped her off
at her apartment.

What about the Saturday before?

I was at a party with Brenna.


Uh, Gracie Mansion.

Pretty fancy.

Who invited you?

Um, no one, really.

We, uh... We crashed it.

Brenna heard that there were
going to be famous people there,

and it, uh, sounded like fun.

You and Brenna, you had an
argument when you were there?

I wanted to leave and
she didn't want to go yet.

I mean, it wasn't anything.

Brenna's dead.

Um, what?


She was m*rder*d. Monday night.

You know anyone who
might have wanted to hurt her?

Where were you that night?


I was at home by myself.

Is my sister really dead?


So those two crashed
the mayor's party

to meet celebrities.
That's his story.

One thing seems clear,
this kid's no Taliban.

He wasn't after the UN guy.

Yeah. The feds, they still want to
talk to him about the airport breach,

and the Queens DA,

they want to
prosecute for trespass.

He risked being arrested
by jumping security

twice in one week.

What's the connection?

There were politicians at
this Gracie Mansion event.

His sister was flying to DC.

She had her picture taken
with some politicos at the party.

That's one with her
and Senator Peterson.

These are the dumps off the
apartment where Brenna was staying.

There were some calls
to the senator's office.

Senator's in Washington today
for a subcommittee meeting.

He won't be back in
the city until this evening.

Well, were you at the Tanin
reception with him, Miss Wheaton?

I was. Do you
recognize these two?

She, uh, approached the senator.

Tried to strike up
a conversation.

What's this about?

Well, you tell us. These
two crashed your reception

and honed in on your boss.

And Brenna Lane,

she called your office
before and after the party.

That's Brenna Lane.

So you do know her.

No. All I know is a
Brenna Lane called

several times for the senator.

And when she wouldn't say
what it was in reference to,

she was politely put off.

You want to tell me what's
going on here, Detectives?

Uh, she was k*lled
three nights ago.

And all roads lead here.

Yeah, the senator might
want to get out in front of this

if anything was going on.

I don't know what
this girl's game was,

but I can assure you the
senator had nothing to do with her.

He's been happily
married for 30 years.

Don't take my word for it.

He's been vetted by
some of the toughest

political operatives
on K Street.

Excuse me.

I... I have to take this.

I don't know.

Protest a bit too much for you?

Let's grab something to eat

and wait for Old
Faithful to come home.

Senator Peterson.

I'm sorry to interrupt.

We'd like to ask
you a few questions

about a security breach at
Gracie Mansion last week.

This'll just take
a minute, honey.

I'll make you a drink. Mmm-hmm.

Let's go inside.

The Tanin reception? Mmm.

There were two party crashers.

Mmm. Trying out for a
reality show, no doubt.

So you don't know the girl.

No, I don't.

Then why was she so intent
on getting in touch with you?

I have no idea.

I didn't know about
the phone calls

until Andrea told
me a few hours ago.

Terrible what happened to her.

What did she say to you?

She introduced herself.

But before I could say anything,

her date came over
and dragged her away.

Dragged her away?

Well, grabbed her
arm. Pulled her away.

Hmm. For a second, I thought
he was gonna smack her.

Where were you last
Monday, Senator?

Washington for a vote.

I give you my word
as a gentleman,

there was nothing going
between me and that girl.

I don't know about his
officer and a gentleman shtick,

but he was in DC the
night of the m*rder.

Well, I doubt he'd
do his own wet work.

Well, I made a few calls.

The senator's been
known to tip a glass or two,

but he doesn't have a
reputation as a philanderer.

First time for everything.

Yeah. Brenna's
brother is no saint.

He has two juvie
arrests in Florida

at the foster home
he was placed.

And a year ago, EMTs
transported him to Bellevue

after he OD'd on pills.

And now add two security
breaches to his resume.

He sounds unstable.

Well, he was acting
possessive at the party.

How can we be sure that he
and Brenna are even related?

Well, let's pull Dustin back in.

Hear what he has to say
about the senator and his sister.

I grabbed Brenna when
she was talking to the senator

because she was
embarrassing herself.

She was drunk.

You were just
looking out for her.

Yes. Exactly.

It's so much
easier talking to you

than those other guys.

That's a really nice
jacket you're wearing.

You and your sister
didn't grow up together.

You were put in foster
care when you were 14.

Why is that?

Problems at home.

What difference does that make?

Problems between you and Brenna?

When she was talking to the
senator, you wanted to protect her.

It wasn't a big deal.

I think it was.

I think you were
a little jealous.


Brenna was, what, 17 when you
were removed from your home?

Maybe she was rocking
that body around the house,

working those modeling moves.

Am I making you
nervous now, Dustin?

No. Then look at me.

What happened in Florida?

Were you involved
with her sexually?

You were kids
experimenting, maybe.

You know, Dustin,
you can talk to me.

I won't judge you, no
matter what you tell me.

Is that why you were
put in foster care?

Your mother found out about
you and Brenna and threw you out?

When you saw your sister
flirting with that old man,

it must've done a number on you.

You know... You wanted to hook
up with her that night, didn't you?

You got a dirty mouth.

I'm not talking to you anymore.

That's a strange young man.

So we make this about incest?

Well, he doesn't have to be
sleeping with her to be jealous.

Well, he was the last
person seen with Brenna

the night she was k*lled.

Nothing in the van. No
prints on the w*apon.

And it would be nice to
get a look in his apartment.

Well, he breached
airport security.

No judge in his right mind
would refuse to give you a warrant.

Check this out.

He knows his vino.


Wine magazines in here.

Lupes, there's a receipt
for Wolford fishnets.

Just like the ones we
found on his sister's dresser.

That's kind of creepy.

Hey, B.


That's kitty litter.

Maybe he tracked that in
from Brenna's apartment.

And that looks like blood.

Hmm. I guess we
know who the cat saw.

Bad news, kid.

We're charging you
with k*lling your sister.

No, no. I didn't
touch my sister.

But you wanted to touch her.

God. Oh, my God.

What's this motion, Mr. Dibbens?

My client is moving to
suppress the blood evidence

as well as the lingerie
receipt found by the police

in his apartment.

The police had a search warrant.

The warrant affidavit

implied that the police
were investigating terrorism

after the FBI had
already ruled it out.

The state's entitled to
make its own determination.

The Queens DA had already
arraigned the defendant.

For trespass. At an airport.

After he had breached
security at the mayor's residence

the week before.

What if we didn't follow through
and something had happened?

All right, I've heard enough.

Neither the FBI
nor the Queens DA

found any evidence that Mr. Henry
had ties to t*rror1st organizations.

Mr. Dibbens, is
your client okay?

Incarceration has been
difficult on him, Your Honor.

He's under su1c1de watch.

Well, what disturbs me more
than the threat of terrorism

is the misuse of that word
to bypass due process.

I'm granting the
defendant's motion.

Now you have no case.

You bootstrapped to a
bogus terrorism threat

and didn't expect the
defense to cry foul.

It's on me. I made the
call for the search warrant.

No, I should've caught it.

I should've submitted
it to the judge.

You cried wolf, Lieutenant.

What about next time
when the threat's real?

Where's your credibility?

I'm sorry. It won't
happen again.

And while you're knocking
each other over to share blame,

this case is now a nonstarter.

No physical evidence.

We're trying to
get Dustin's records

from foster care in Florida.

Unseal his juvie arrests.

And we've subpoenaed
his psych records

from the su1c1de attempt.

You better hope those
records help our case

and not the defendant's.

On top of this terrorism fiasco,

it looks like he's crafting
a nice insanity plea.

You had Dustin Henry
in the interrogation room.

Did anything else go to motive?

Well, he's prone to
outbursts like a child.

He's never had a
serious girlfriend.

Well, maybe it's some sort of
arrested sexual development.

Well, let's forget about
shrinking his head

and tie him to the crime scene.

The florist's van was negative
for traces of blood or accelerant.

But there was some
recently dried paint in there.

The accelerant used to
burn the body was turpentine.

I painted a display case
down here last month,

but I don't recall any
turpentine being left over.

Okay. Did Dustin
help you with that job?

Yeah. He's a hard worker.

I'm not saying the
kid's not fragile,

but I can't believe that
he'd m*rder his sister.

Did he talk to you about Brenna?

He said she was always on
him about taking care of himself.

Because of the su1c1de attempt.

That was in the past.

He's been happy
lately. Always smiling.


You a wine collector?

That belongs to Dustin.

Quite a variety here.

South African Shiraz.

Italian Montalcino.
Napa Valley Cabernet.

What... Why are you letting
Dustin use your basement

as a wine cellar?

It's just until he
opens his shop.

He's stocking inventory,
taking wine classes.

And he can afford all this
on a delivery boy's salary?

He mentioned an investor.
Didn't tell me his name.

Hey, guys, this case
was originally delivered

to 158 Willow Street
in Brooklyn Heights.

Our favorite senator.

We entertain at
home all the time.

Fundraisers. Receptions.
People like to drink.

And I like to be a good hostess.

So we must
order... I don't know,

a couple hundred
cases of wine a year.

Any idea how Dustin
Henry came into possession

of 20 of those cases?

Dustin Henry?

He's a driver for
James Weir Floral.

They do your events.

Yeah, the single
blossom centerpieces.

Hmm. And this
person is their driver?


Well, there must be
some misunderstanding.

Oh, okay. Uh, thank
you for your time.

Of course. Helen
will show you out.

You must keep
track of bar inventory.

Do you recall any missing wine?

No. We usually
have plenty left over.

But those particular wines,
they're boutique, artisanal.

I'd never order
them for a big party.

Too pricey.

Could they have been ordered
for the senator's private parties?

If they were, it wasn't by me.

Well, if Dustin was helping
himself to the senator's collection,

it's strange no one
raised the red flag.

Well, unless the
wine was a bribe

to keep Dustin quiet about
the senator's affair with Brenna.

So maybe Brenna was upset at
her brother for asking to be paid off.

Is there any other evidence

that he was getting hush money?

Yeah, there was
something interesting

in the senator's
campaign filings. Uh...


He extended the lease on his 2008
campaign headquarters in Brooklyn.

508 Montague Street.

Well, why would he pay rent if he's
not running for another six years?

The senator has a
townhouse two blocks away.

Maybe it was a love nest
within walking distance.

Oh, not much of a
romantic hideaway.

Recent construction. And
they're building wine racks.

Looks like we found
Dustin's wine shop.

We're keeping the storefront on
Montague for our next campaign.

Six years before the election?

We got a very favorable
lease extension.

We were able to
attract a subletter

until the campaign
gets underway.

He's opening a wine store.

Well, we'll need his
contact information.

Uh, we've promised
him confidentiality.

I've worked for the
senator since college,

and he doesn't go
back on his word.

And our profit on that sublease

keeps our campaign
fund in the black.

How fiscally
prudent and discreet.

I might vote for
this guy after all.

Senator Peterson's putting
him in the wine business.

Paying for a lease on a shop.

Slipping cases of
wine out his back door.

How long have you been
blackmailing the senator

about his affair with Brenna?

You don't have to answer that
question. There was no affair.

My sister would never
be with that phony.

What do you mean?

I mean, he's always looking
in the mirror and fixing his hair.

Did Brenna tell you that?

You're wrong. You
twist what I say.

Well, maybe we were
wrong about your motive.

Maybe you k*lled your sister

because she was trying to put
an end to the senator's generosity.

She was just trying to help me.

She wanted me to have that shop.

Dustin, stop. DUSTIN:
She gave it to me.

No one takes
care of me like that.

She held me in her lap
and she stroked my hair.

I love her. Brenna?

Brenna's dead.

Another woman?

She's out there and I'm in here.

And I can't touch
her. And I love her.

And I just...

I can't take it anymore!
I need to be with her!

C.O.! Get in here!

Got him? I got him.

You don't
understand! I love her.

I need to be with her.

It's hard to figure this kid out

when he's busy
playing spin the bottle.

They gave Dustin Demerol
and put him in a hospital ward.

He's stabilized now.

Well, if he wasn't
sleeping with his sister,

who was he involved with?

He sounded pretty obsessed.

I'm not sure this
kid isn't delusional.

Well, we know he didn't
make up the wine store.

And somebody tipped him off
about Peterson's vanity issues.

Maybe during pillow talk.

There's at least a
dozen female staffers

in the senator's office.

How many of them
have the authority

to sign the senator's checks?

The lease extension
on Montague Street

has the senator's
rubber stamp signature.

And there is a $100,000 deposit
to the Montague Street account

from the Commerce Department
Redevelopment Initiative?


So their stimulus money
is going to stimu-lust.

Our office has
a lot of influence

over where these
Recovery Act funds go.

The startup wine shop.

That's who gets
the stimulus money?

We help our
constituents all the time.

I have no idea who intervened
on behalf of this business.

Well, that's why we got a
subpoena for your financial records.

It's a great idea shining a light
up the ass of a U.S. senator.

You really want to put another
Democratic seat in jeopardy?

Why don't you save
everybody the hassle

and tell us who Dustin
Henry's sugar mama was?

Anything I say has
consequences for the senator.

Well, fine, but I can't promise
the press won't get wind of it.

What if I did cooperate?

Well, depends on
what you have to say.

It was me.

I was having an affair
with Dustin Henry.

My husband doesn't know.

He was pressuring
me to have kids.

And I met Dustin at one
of the senator's parties.

It was just... It was
just sex. No strings.

Until you started diverting
public money to his wine shop.

I wanted to make him happy,
you know, keep him quiet.

Did Dustin's sister find out?

She thought I was taking
advantage of his emotional issues.

And she threatened to tell
my husband and the senator.

So the two of you k*lled her.

My God, no.

Dustin must've gone crazy.

I'm calling a lawyer.

Let Judge Margel know

I'm coming over to get a search
warrant for Andrea Wheaton's office.

We buy Andrea's story?

She kept her mouth shut
until you started poking

around the senator's finances.

Well, considering Dustin wasn't
having an affair with the senator,

I'm not sure who
she's protecting.

She's a workaholic.

Every night, a different
event or meeting.

Where was she the
night of the m*rder?

Uh, 7:00 p.m. dinner

for the senator's reelection
committee. No names.

Is there a restaurant listed?

No, but I bet one of these
interns made the reservation.

Uh, the reservation was
at Ruth's Chris in midtown.

Party of six.

We're gonna need the names
of the other dinner guests.

Well, okay, but I...

Listen, if you think
you're helping your boss

by lying to the
police, you're not.

That dinner never happened.

Andrea called,

said there was an
emergency with the senator,

and he needed a
rental car right away.

And she had you rent it.

The whole thing was a pain.

I had to pick it up,
get the keys to Andrea,

and then return
it in the morning.

And on top of that,
something in the car

really set off my allergies.

Well, what are you allergic to?

Cats mostly.

Thank you.

Whatever happened to that
cat in Brenna's apartment?

I turned it over
to a no-k*ll shelter.

It's alive. We can get DNA.

Let's impound the rental car.

The thing about cat hair is
you can never get rid of it.

We arrested your
girlfriend, Andrea, for m*rder.

Police found cat hairs
in a car she rented

that were a DNA match for
the cat in Brenna's apartment.

I've been saying all
along my client is innocent.

Well, there's still the
matter of the bloody kitty litter

in Dustin's closet.

Which Andrea Wheaton could've
easily planted while Dustin was at work.

Is that what happened, Dustin?

Sure. Yeah.

So you believe that the
woman you're in love with

tried to frame you.

I'm not in love with her.

But Andrea is the one you
were having an affair with.

If he agrees to
testify against Andrea,

will you drop the charges?

Well, I'm gonna need
a lot more than shrugs

and non-answers.

Did Andrea tell you
that she k*lled Brenna?

Just leave me alone.

You don't have to
protect her anymore.

Leave me alone.

Let me talk to my
client. He'll cooperate.

I just need a little time.

I'm getting whiplash
keeping up with this kid.

Two days ago, he
was sobbing with love

for some mystery woman.

And now I tell him we've
arrested Andrea Wheaton,

and he barely reacts.

Well, meanwhile, the trail of
financial improprieties keeps growing.

I found a check for $4,000

written to Fifth
Avenue Plastic Surgery.

Well, Dustin doesn't look like
he needs cosmetic surgery.

Neither does Andrea
for that matter.

Maybe it was something subtle.

Why didn't she mention
that in her mea culpa?

Dr. Casiraghi is booked
solid for the next six months.

I do have a cancellation
on Wednesday.

That could work.

And what is the procedure
that you're interested in?

Um, this is delicate.

An acquaintance
of mine is a patient.

And, uh, she looks fantastic.

And you don't want
to come right out

and ask her what she's had done.

We get that all the time.

Yeah. She probably
wrote the check

out of her corporation
a couple months ago.

Uh, 508 Montague Street.

Uh, as long as I'm
not revealing her name.

Uh, here it is. A prepayment.

Um, her surgery isn't
scheduled until next month.

That's right. She has
more than one doctor.

She was very excited about her
upcoming procedure with Casiraghi.

I want that one, too.

Are you sure?

We usually don't do
vaginal rejuvenation

on a woman of your age,
unless you've had kids.

Vaginoplasty is usually
done on a woman

who's had more than
one vaginal delivery

or is post-menopausal.

And that's not Andrea Wheaton.

And there's also a disbursement

for bioidentical hormones

from, uh, Eternal Eve
Wellness Center in California.

It all points to an older woman

looking to make herself
more sexually attractive.

And there's only one
woman with access

to the senator's money
and wine who fits the bill.

Are you suggesting his wife is
having an affair with a 20-year-old?

Well, it would explain why Dustin wasn't
concerned when we arrested Andrea.

Camille Peterson
is over 60 years old.

Come on, Jack, you doubt
that a 60-year-old woman

has a sexual appetite?

Not in the least.

But a boy barely
out of his teens...

Well, it does explain
some of Dustin's behavior.

I didn't make anything
of it at the time,

but it was almost like he
was trying to flirt with me.

So maybe something happened to
sexualize him toward older women.

I mean, he has been more than
careful to protect Mrs. Peterson.

I think it's time to prep
your witnesses for trial.

My lawyers would have my
head if they knew we were here.

But my wife and I have
nothing to hide, Mr. Cutter.

We're about to start Andrea
Wheaton's m*rder trial

and you'll all be witnesses.

We need to get
some facts straight.

Mrs. Peterson, you've
met Dustin Henry before?

The delivery boy.
I... I barely know him.

Is that true, Dustin?

Yes. I only know Mrs.
Peterson from the florist's.

Okay, so when did you begin
your affair with Andrea Wheaton?

About a year ago. Brenna
said it was bad for me.

And that's why she was
trying to talk to the senator.

To tell him what
Andrea was doing.

Mmm-hmm. Well, it
must've been a very, uh,

passionate relationship,
you and Andrea.

Yeah, we were,
you know, together.

She was stuck in
an unhappy marriage

and you're in your sexual prime.

You must've not been able to
keep your hands off each other.

You know, it's not something
I really want to talk about.

Well, you don't have a choice.

I'll be asking you about this in
court to prove Andrea's motive.

So you need to tell me right now

about the sex that you were having
with her, chapter and verse, okay?

Don't... Was she into oral,

or a**l maybe? Or
something more kinky?

I can't do this.

Well, why? Why?
Does it disgust you

to talk about your
lovemaking with Andrea?

More to the point, why did you
make a down payment for vaginoplasty

out of your wine shop account?

What has any of this got
to do with me and my wife?

We're getting to that, Senator.

I'm sorry. Vaginoplasty?

It's a procedure done to
tighten the vaginal canal

to recreate the sensation
of a younger woman.

It's unlikely someone
of Andrea's age,

who never gave birth
would go through that,

or would, uh, take hormones
to alter her body chemistry

to make her feel young again,

or have facial laser treatment
at a dermatologist's office.

Why would you...

I thought I would lose you.

I like you the way you are.

Camille? DUSTIN: A real woman.

Not a plastic doll with
fake boobs, and fake hair,

and a fake tan.

The way you feel down
there is beautiful to me.

Don't you talk to my wife
like that, you little pervert.

He's a pervert because
he finds me beautiful?

You were having an
affair with this boy?

He paid attention to me.

He didn't ignore me or
treat me like a hostess.

He cherished me, Bryce.

You're the one who
was diverting the money?

You bought his affections
with a wine store?

Could've just as
well hired a gigolo.

Shut up with your Viagra,
and your hair transplants,

and your old man smell!

Sit down, Mrs.
Peterson! Sit down!


All right, sit down. Sit down.

Now that we finally
know the truth,

where were you the night that
Brenna Lane was m*rder*d?

You already have
the k*ller on trial.

You can't blame me because
Andrea tried to keep that girl quiet.

Andrea had very little at stake.

But as we now know,
you had everything.

What did you do, Camille?

Shh. Don't get involved in this.

Well, he doesn't have a choice.

He's going back on
the stand tomorrow.

Why did you have to k*ll her?

She was going to
come between us.

She'd made up some story.

She said that you
had a breakdown.

That you were damaged.

It's because my first time...

My first time was with
this lady in our building.

She seduced me when I was 14.

And Brenna found out,
and she freaked out.

Said I had to date
girls my own age.

And I tried. But I
wasn't attracted to them.

And I couldn't stand it.

And so I tried to k*ll myself.

But then with you,

I felt something real.

It wasn't a lie anymore.

Brenna told me what I
was doing was wrong.

It wasn't wrong.
We love each other.

I tried to reason with her,

but she wouldn't listen to me.

She was going to tell Bryce.

And then I couldn't see
you ever, ever again.

That skinny girl telling
me what I couldn't have.

There was an exercise
weight on the kitchen counter.

She turned her back and I
hit her on the head with it,

but only to stop her.

And I called Andrea and
I told her what I'd done.

And she told me to go home.

She said she'd come
over and clean up the mess.

And she was the one who planted
the evidence in your apartment.

I could've talked to Brenna. No.

Yeah. We could've kept
going the way we were.

It wouldn't have
made any difference.

I had no choice.

I couldn't be with you.
I couldn't go home.

Dustin, I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry.

But you made me
feel beautiful again.

Camille agreed to
plead guilty to man one.

Twelve years. Andrea took
five years as an accessory.

Senator Peterson announced
that he is not resigning.

He's standing by his wife.

Too little, too late.