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20x17 - Four Cops Shot

Posted: 09/16/21 07:58
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system

the people are represented by two
separate yet equally important groups,

the police who investigate crime

and the district attorneys
who prosecute the offenders.

These are their stories.

So I'm finished?

Yeah. Four weeks.
That's it for the radiation.


I can scratch that
off my bucket list.

I like your hemoglobin levels.

They're better than last time.

How are you feeling?

Well, okay, considering.
So, what happens next?

We measure the tumor.

In three months we measure
it again to see if it's shrunk,

and then we'll know.

Know what?

Three slices.

From the fresh pie, Mustafa.

Thank you, Sammy. I
was just going to ask.

For my favorite police lady.

You don't need to ask.


So I told her, I'm not
ready to be exclusive.


I mean, what's this uniform for?

Hey, who's got
Sector Eddie today?

I don't know. Ramos and Colson?

Ah, let's stop for a slice.

If they're out to meal, we
should be covering their sector.

So we'll get 'em to go.

We responded to a 13 from 911.

We were the first
ones on the scene.

I saw her breathing.

I know her. Rebecca.


They say some guy came in and
just started sh**ting, then ran out.

sh**ting only cops?

I know her, too.

I saw her at the coffee
machine this morning.

They're all from our house.

All right.

What do we have here?

Four cops shot, three DOA.

Then you'd better get to work.

Captain, a guy around
the corner, 10 minutes ago,

left his BMW running while
he went inside a bodega.

Somebody stole it.

You have the details?

All right, let's get
this over the air.

Which direction? Was
the car? From here?

McKENZIE: North.

He has two little girls.

We're going to get
this guy, Captain.

My precinct. My cops.

Our precinct. Our cops.

Captain, there's nothing
for your people to do here.

Except get in your way?

I'll update you every hour.

Every half-hour.

He was a black guy.
Uh, clean shaven.

I think he maybe had a mustache.

Did he say anything?

No. He just walked in

and he took out the g*n.

I asked him what
he wanted to eat

before I saw the g*n.

And then, bang! Bang!
Bang! Ten times, 20 times.

And he ran north?
You're sure about that?

Yeah, he went there,
past the barber shop.

Okay, and what was he wearing?

He had on blue jeans, and
a puffy winter jacket. Blue.

It was black and a wool cap.

Only one of the officers got
off any sh*ts. The female.

The sh**t used a .45.

His casings are
all over the place.

You find her slugs? The nines?

Oh, they could be
anywhere. She was shot twice.

If she kept firing
as she fell...

Hey, B. Hmm?

Patrol just located
the stolen BMW.


It's around the corner,
parked halfway down the block.

We saw it and just kept driving,

didn't want to tip the
guy if he's still around.


Some big buildings over
there. Could be 500 apartments.

He could be anywhere.

ESU is on the way.

Okay, so we check out
the car, we find his prints,

maybe see if he's bleeding.

Or we just sit and watch
it till he comes back.

Sit here forever if
he ditched it and ran.

I'm going to check it out.


Police. Don't breathe. Drop it!



I didn't k*ll no cops.
You think I'm crazy?

Yeah, but you did five years for felony
g*n possession and resisting arrest.

You don't like cops, do you?

Where'd you ditch the w*apon?

You want to talk about
a stolen car, we'll talk.

The rest of this is just
wrong place, wrong time.

You got that right.

We're ready.

What is this? A firing squad?

Get him into the lineup, and
show Mr. Kaplan where to wait.

Captain, I know your
people are concerned.

But we don't need
them up here right now.

This is Officer Colson's widow.

Where do you need for her to be?

Is that the man? Did
he k*ll my husband?

We're not sure, Mrs.
Colson. I'm so sorry.

Please, why don't
you wait in my office?

This way.

I... I don't think
so. I don't see him.

You can take as
long as you like.

He said he doesn't see him.

He can take as long as he likes.

Maybe you can ask my nephew,
maybe he remembers different.

It isn't him.

I thought I'd feel
better if it was,

but it wouldn't have made
any difference, would it?

Probably not.

Mrs. Colson, the whole
department is here

to support you in
any way that we can.

The department?

I think it's done enough.

My husband gave 90%
of himself to the job,

and the department
took the other 10.

That was supposed
to be our part... My part.

Yes, well, the job does
have a way of taking over.

I have two little girls.

Amy is two. Jesse's five.

How much will she
remember her father?

He'll just be this...

This fuzzy image...

The counterman
couldn't make an ID either.

Plus, he was negative
for g*nsh*t residue.

Square one.

You've got to give me
something to take downstairs.

I'm turning out
45 officers tonight

and some psychopath
is stalking cops.

We don't know that.
You don't know what?

That it's random.

What, you think he chose
these four on purpose?

Well, maybe not all of them.

Maybe one or two, and the
others just happened to be there.

What, someone they arrested?

Crossed paths with on the job?

Or something personal.

So, you're going to dig
through four cops' personal lives

looking for garbage?

Four victims. That's what we do.

They were all
excellent officers.

Clean records.

Rebecca Ramos and Fred
Colson were go-getters.

They had more collars than
anyone else in the precinct.

What about the other
two, Oren and Garber?

Middle of the pack by the
numbers, but good cops.

Did everything by the book.

Not everything.

They should have been covering
Ramos and Colson's sector,

not eating with them.

What do you think
that was about?

Oren was a bit of a ladies man.

And Officer Ramos is
a lady. A pretty one, too.

And he would have
been wasting his time.

She's married, and she
doesn't mess around.

She wasn't wearing a
ring when she was shot.

So other than her dead
partner, who knows her best?

It just came over the radio
Rebecca died. Officer Ramos.

We're very sorry.

So they're all dead, all four?

Yeah, we understand
she was a friend of yours.

We were in the same
company at the Academy.

She lived for the job.

All she wanted was one
of those. To be a detective.

Yeah, that could be
tough on a marriage.

How was hers doing?

It wasn't easy.

Her husband moved
them up to Suffolk County

when he got a job there, so she had a
two-hour commute each way to work.

She started staying at her
sister's in Queens in between shifts.

She said her
husband didn't get it.

He even accused her
of having an affair. He...

You don't think that had
something to do with it?

What do you think?

I met him once. He
seemed like a good guy.

And when they took
her to the hospital today,

I went right over. He was there.

He seemed so upset.

He... He was there
right after she was shot?

It's a two-hour
commute each way.


Becky's sister's
with her parents.

I'm staying with her while
the funeral gets worked out.

It's a whole thing, you
know, a cop funeral.

Yeah. You and the family,
you're all getting along?

Yeah. Sure.

We hear that you and your
wife were having problems.

So you're talking to me?

Not looking for the
maniac who k*lled her?

You mind telling us why
you were in town today?

Buying some
supplies for my boss.

Your boss, he's
going to vouch for that?


Becky and I

were having problems.

I came down last night because I
thought maybe she was having an affair.

To confront her? To spy on her.

I should have
just talked to her.

What did you see?

Her and her partner,
after their shift last night,

they went to a bar.

Her partner who
was k*lled with her,

that's who you thought she
was having an affair with?

Yeah, but after the bar, they
split up, went their separate ways.


I took pictures.

Show us.

See, that's them.

They arrived in separate cars.


You know who this is?

No. Why?

Puffy jacket, knit cap.

Is that the guy who shot them?

They knew him? They knew
the guy who k*lled them?

They've been in a few times.
- Together?

Yeah. Well, these two are cops.

I mean, you probably
knew that though, huh?

Yeah. How'd you know it?

I caught this lowlife snorting
coke in the men's room last month.

Told him I was
going to call the cops.

He said don't bother,
his friends were cops.

They showed me their badges,

and said they'd take care of it.

You happen to catch
that lowlife's name?

No. Why don't you ask them?

Because they're dead.

The ones from today?

Did he k*ll them?

Uh, what happened the
last time they were in here?

They talked, and
it got pretty intense.

I mean, this guy, he
looked really upset.

All right. Thank you.

Witnesses from the pizzeria
picked him out of an array.

He's the sh**t.

CSU dusted the booth he sat at
with Ramos and Colson for prints.

Our luck, we get the one bar in
Queens that actually cleans its tables.

So he got upset about something,

he tracked Ramos and
Colson down the next day,

the other two had the
bad luck to be there.

They were meeting on a regular
basis with a lowlife drug user.

Their captain said they were
making more collars than anyone else.

Drug busts.

This guy was their informant.

Neither one of
them registered a CI.

Because uniforms aren't supposed
to be running that kind of operation.

Maybe these two were ambitious,
they were bucking for detective.

Yeah, with his help.

Talk to the perps Ramos
and Colson busted.

Maybe they know
who snitched on them.

I don't know him. Who is he?

He's the guy who ratted you
out to the cops who busted you.

Wish I can help.

You were busted
holding 50 grams of crack.

Who knew you had
that much weight?

Excuse me, but my
client is pleading not guilty.

What crack?

He can earn himself a
walk here, Counselor.

We need this guy.

Guy named High-Top knew.

I was supposed to
meet him in Garvey Park.

He didn't show.

All of a sudden, boom, two cops.

I was doing nothing
but feeding pigeons.

I'm sorry. Somebody
steered you wrong.

You're looking a little shaky.

You all right, High-Top?

It's Charles. Yeah.

I just don't need cops
hassling me, okay?

You should be shaky, Charles.

'Cause your dealer,
who got busted,

the one sitting in Rikers, he
blames you for putting him there.

Me? Why?

You knew where he was.

You were supposed to meet him,

but cops showed up instead.

I didn't rat out anybody. So...

Maybe a friend of yours then.

Maybe somebody who knew
what you were doing that day.

How about this guy?

Yes, that son of a bitch's
name is Calvin Stokes.

So you recognize him now?


Maybe sitting right there?


Looks like dried blood.

Well, he said he
got bit by a dog.

He shot four cops, and one of them
shot him. Did you hear about that?

I didn't know he did that.

Where'd he go when
he left here? Huh?

I don't know.

I... I told him he needed
to get to a hospital.

He told me he knew
somebody that could help him.


I don't know, man.


the guy was chewing on
a bunch of Vicodin, okay?

I could barely understand
what he was saying.

Where'd he get
the pills? From you?

No. Definitely not.

He's always got pills on him.

He's Mr. Pill, you know?

I mean, he's always
got a prescription bottle.

I saw the label once.
It was some, uh...

Chick doctor, funny
name, you know?

Like Hooter.

Or Nancy Hooter, or
Kooter or something.

Easy does it.

What? Get up.

Oh, come on. You're
busting me? Why?

Hindering prosecution.

I just helped you guys. I
gave you Hooter, didn't I?

For taking in your friend
after he shot four cops.

You know what? They'll
explain it to you at Rikers.

Who is he?

Apparently, someone you've
been prescribing Vicodin to.

Calvin Stokes? Uh, I
don't know him, okay?

Now, I've got a root canal in
that room that's about to wake up.

Who else has access
to your prescription pad?

I don't know, uh, my
staff, but I trust them.

Is all your staff here today?

Yeah, everyone except
my office manager, Dolores.

She called in sick today.

Dolores what? NANCY: Martin.

Oh, it used to be
something else.

Did you say his name was Stokes?

That might have been it.

So this could be her husband?

Dolores is 60.

No movement. No sign of
the suspect or Mrs. Martin.

Are your guys ready to go in?

Woman approaching
from the south.

Dolores Martin?


Police, ma'am. We need
to talk to you about your son.

I don't know where he is.

Okay, what's in the
bag, Mrs. Martin?

Just some things
from the drugstore.

Uh, may I?

sutures, antibiotics...

He's in the house, isn't he?

He k*lled four police
officers yesterday.

We're going to take him in.

Now you can help us,
or we'll go in sh**ting.

No. No. He didn't
mean to hurt anybody.

Where is he?

His old room,
upstairs in the back.

Give me your keys. Let's go.


Stokes! Move your hands
away from your body!

He's alive.

Get the EMTs up here now.

Get the EMTs up here. Now!

How you feeling, Stokes?

I'm okay.

That's as far as
this interview goes.

Yeah, maybe he wants to talk
about the four officers he shot.

I've strongly advised him
against saying anything.

That's his advice,
but it's a free country.

You have anything on your mind?

Maybe you were mad at something

and you want to
tell us about it?

I'm doing what he says.

Yeah? Did he tell you Detective
Bernard here saved your life?

Did he mention that?

He'll send you a
thank-you note. We're done.

Be sure to be vigilant now.

Calvin Stokes, 25, convicted of
attempted m*rder when he was 16.

His sentence was 20 years,
but it was commuted after three.

Since then he's been back in
prison twice, dr*gs and as*ault.

We had this guy behind bars
three times and kept letting him go?

Not anymore.

He didn't get bail, and the
evidence to convict is rock solid.

Eyewitnesses, Stokes'
g*n is the m*rder w*apon,

and the b*llet in his shoulder
came from Officer Ramos' w*apon.

Four counts of
first-degree m*rder.

Four terms of
life without parole.

Why stop there?

Let the U.S. Attorney
take the case.

The federal government
has a death penalty.

We don't go forum shopping
for harsher penalties.

We follow the laws
of New York here.

The New York legislature
passed a death penalty law.

It was a court that voided it.

A New York court.

This is all premature.

Do we know why this man Stokes
opened fire on four police officers?

With all due respect, who cares?

I do. And you should, too,

if you want to make
a federal case of this.

The m*rder of police officers

isn't a federal crime in itself.

Only if it's committed in
certain specified circumstances.

Was it a t*rror1st conspiracy?

A kidnapping? A continuing
criminal enterprise?

We'll find out.

How'd it go?

I'm not sure your lieutenant
shares our attitude toward cop K*llers.

Well, cop K*llers we
all feel the same about.

Playing God, I'm not so sure.

I know you've been sick,
Lieutenant, and I'm sorry about that.

But, uh, maybe it's
affecting your judgment.

I certainly hope so.

I hope you two are not
done with your investigation.

Looks like you may be facing
a lynch mob in the courtroom.

Can you blame them?

Maybe we should hand
the case to the Feds.

The U.S. Attorney
would lap this up.

The U.S. Attorney would
execute his own mother

to show what a hard-ass he is.

Right. k*ll everybody. It's not
like we ever make mistakes.

Stokes is guilty.

If anyone deserves
to die, he does.

I've witnessed one execution.

I don't ever need
to see another.

What else do we
know about Stokes?

His attempted m*rder
sentence was commuted

at the recommendation
of Mary Markson,

when she was State
Attorney General.

And she's running
for Senate now.

This is going to
bite her in the ass.

She must have had a reason.

I can't tell you how sorry I am

about how all this turned out.

I can only imagine.

You know, Stokes
was arrested twice

after I got his
sentence commuted.

I know.

Both times he got the minimum.

For felonies.

Those judges made
the same mistake I did.

Mary, nobody's saying you
could have foreseen this.


Have you listened
to talk radio lately?

Based on the information I
had, I made the right decision.

He was 16.

He had been provoked.
He was repentant.

His mother wrote
me a beautiful letter.

We practice justice. Mercy
is supposed to be part of it.

Not anymore, Jack.

Not after this.

You know, it was his mother who
was sheltering him when he got caught.

They were very close.

That is one of the reasons that
I thought that he would be okay.

If you want to know what
he was thinking, talk to her.

High-Top isn't much of
a housekeeper, is he?

Well, you know, the
single crackhead lifestyle.

What a load of garbage...

Or not.

"Mr. Pill."

Check this out.

He's a good son. He's
always been good to me.

Well, that's not the issue
right now, Mrs. Martin.

It is for a mother.

Your good son k*lled
four police officers.

Somebody else's good
sons and daughter.

I don't know. Something
must have happened.

Well, we think so, too. We
just want to find out what.

Mrs. Martin, when
you took your son in,

you committed a crime,

and it's still possible
that you will be charged.

He's my child. Don't
you understand?

Do you have children?

Excuse us.

Dolores Martin,
you're under arrest.

What... What are you...
What are you doing?

Hindering prosecution is our
call, and we haven't made it yet.

Oh, well, take your time.

'Cause right now, she's
under arrest for dealing dr*gs.

Let's go.

We're supposed to be
on the same team here.

We're on the team
that wants to make sure

a cop k*ller gets
what's coming to him.

You think we want
to give him a parade?

We're going by the book.

We conducted a search of
the suspect's friend's apartment.

High-Top, the guy who
took him in after the murders.

And we found these.

Prescription pads.

From the oral surgeon
that Mrs. Martin works for.

Made out for Vicodin, Oxycontin,
and all kinds of goodies.

So we arrested Mrs. Martin for criminal
diversion of prescription medications.

Well, how about
consulting us first?

We don't need an A.D.A.'s
permission to do our job.

You're trying to establish
some kind of criminal enterprise

to make this qualify
as a federal case.

Well, if that's
where the chips fall.

We have no idea how these
pads got into that apartment,

and neither do you.

Go ask this High-Top.
And do it together.

They ain't mine.

Well, they were found
in your apartment.

That puts you in
possession. Another felony.

Or you could tell us
about your friend, Stokes.

They're his.

He stashed them at my place,

along with some of the
pills he got with them.

Where did he get those pads?

I don't know.

He called me a
couple of days ago,

before those cops were shot.

He told me to get rid of them.

Them and the pills?

No, not the pills, just the
pads. He said, "Burn them."

I told him I would.

But, I mean, come on, you know?

They're worth
something, I figured...

He never mentioned
his mother to you?

His mother? Why?

That doesn't
incriminate the mother.

How do you think he got those
pads without her, positive thinking?

The connection is obvious.

So Stokes tells his pal to
destroy the pads, but not the pills

because the
connection was obvious.

Yeah, to protect his mother.

From whom?

Well, Ramos and her partner
wanted to make detective.

They had an informant, but
he was bringing them little fish.

And if they wanted to
go after something bigger,

but Stokes wouldn't play along.

Right. What's his
pressure point?

You know what? You guys are fun,

but I think I should
talk to her alone.

They haven't even
let me see my son.

I'll see what I can
do, Mrs. Martin,

but I know that you
were right about your son.

You do? Mmm-hmm.

Even in this situation,

he was trying to protect you.

Just like you have
always protected him.

We know you took
those prescription pads.

But you did it because he
needed the medication, right?

He was trying to stop
being a drug addict.

It was very painful,
the withdrawal.

He just needed
some pain pills to help.

He didn't want to be in
that world anymore, did he?

No, he didn't.

Which is why he was
helping those police officers,

helping them
arrest drug dealers.

That's right.

He wanted to change his life.

He wanted to be a good citizen.

What did they want him to do?

To go after dangerous people.

He could have been hurt.

So, he said no. And
what did they say?

That they'd send him to jail?

That they'd send you to jail?

They saw those pads.

They said I was guilty.

And they made him choose to
risk his life or they'd arrest me.

He wouldn't let
anyone do that to me.

It was a terrible,
terrible situation.

They forced him into it.

Anything he did,

he did it to protect his mother.

You informed the PD?

We're all on the
same team, right?

If Stokes k*lled those cops to
protect his mother from a drug charge,

the murders were part of a
continuing criminal enterprise,

which makes him eligible
for the federal death penalty.

Exactly what the
U.S. Attorney says.

He just filed an application for a writ
of habeas corpus ad prosequendum.

He wants to take over the
prisoner and the prosecution.

The police didn't waste
any time running over there.

It wasn't the police.

Somebody beat them to it.

Mary Markson.

She filed a supporting brief saying
the state has consistently mishandled

its prosecutions of Mr. Stokes,

only the federal government
can be trusted to do it right.

Mishandled by whom?

It was her recommendation
that freed him.

Five years ago.

Now she's running for Senate, she's
trying to make up for that by k*lling him.

Politics and the death penalty,

my favorite combination.

Your Honor, on three
occasions the state of New York

had the opportunity to deal
properly with Calvin Stokes,

and every time,
they failed to do so

with the tragic consequences
of which we're all aware of.

I'm sorry, Your Honor,

but what standing does Ms.
Markson have to address this hearing?

She doesn't represent the
United States government.

Her brief is crucial to our
application, Your Honor.

We wanted to make Ms.
Markson available for questions.

You may proceed, Ms. Markson.

I personally made one of
New York's three mistakes

with Mr. Stokes.

As a former attorney
general, it pains me to say it,

but New York does not
deserve another bite of this apple.

Well, we're sorry if
Ms. Markson feels bad,

but current state officials
don't share her doubts

about New York's
capacity to try a m*rder*r.

We do it every day.

And the ones whose sentences
Ms. Markson doesn't commute

stay in prison.

In any case, Your Honor,

the Supreme Court held
in Ponzi v. Fessenden

that the sovereign which
first arrests an individual

acquires the priority of
jurisdiction for the purposes of trial,

sentencing, and incarceration.

That dates from
1922, Your Honor.

It seems archaic that
this important question

boils down to a race between
the FBI and local police.

Are they supposed to have tug
of wars over m*rder suspects?

Apparently so, Mr. Horvath.
New York has him,

and if it wants to keep
him, it has a right to do so.

Have a nice trial, Mr. Cutter.

Now, what is she so
happy about? She lost.

She went down
swinging for an execution.

That's got to be worth
10 points in the polls.

I heard.

It stays in state court. I know
that's not what you wanted.

Yeah, I've noticed, Lieutenant,

that very little of what happens
around here is what any of us wants.

I'm sorry.

About what I said,
about your illness.


if four of my
detectives were k*lled,

I don't know what I would do

or what I would say.

Oh, your detectives
did a good job.

And whatever happens now...

I wanted to thank you.

To thank them.

I'm sorry for your
loss, Captain.


Our loss.

We're putting you on first to
give the bare bones of the case.

It's not going to be
much of a trial, is it?

He has no defense.

Well, his lawyer's going for a verdict
of manslaughter instead of m*rder,

on the grounds that Stokes acted

in a state of extreme
emotional disturbance.

So he could get out
in 10-to-20 years?

Why didn't you just allow
him to go to the Feds?

He doesn't deserve
to go on living,

no matter how disturbed he is.

Detective, I heard when
Stokes was arrested,

you were the one
who gave him CPR,

who saved his life.

Why, if you wanted him dead?

I'm a cop.

I'm not the executioner.

Neither am I.

When you apprehended
the defendant,

did he have a w*apon
in his possession?

Yes. A .45 caliber
p*stol, which we secured.

And were you present
when the man you arrested

was presented to eyewitnesses?

Yes. And everyone
positively picked him

as the man who fired
his w*apon in the pizzeria.

Thank you.

Detective Bernard,

how much did you know
about how Officer Ramos

and her partner
treated Mr. Stokes?

I don't know what
you mean by "treated."

They had a relationship
with him, didn't they?

He provided them
with information

leading to the arrest
of drug dealers.

There was some
indication that he did.

And did they then pressure
him to go after bigger fish?

I have no idea.

Did they thr*aten
to arrest his mother

if he didn't do what
they wanted him to do?

You know, these are questions

that Officers Ramos and Colson
could answer had he not m*rder*d them.

Move to strike.

Detective, you know how
to answer these questions.

Didn't you prepare an
affidavit for the U.S. Attorney

alleging that Mr. Stokes
k*lled those police officers

to prevent them from
arresting his mother?

Yes. BORSAY: Thank you.

And Officers Ramos and
Colson crossed some lines

in their treatment of
Mr. Stokes, didn't they?

Not to my knowledge.


Are police officers
supposed to condone

the use of illegal dr*gs by
informants in their presence?


Didn't you become aware
that Officers Ramos and Colson

did just that when
Mr. Stokes was caught

using cocaine in a bar?

We were told that by a source
who I wouldn't consider reliable.

Why not?

Because he works in an establishment
where drug use is common,

so I consider anything
he says suspect.

That was crap about
the bartender, wasn't it?

dr*gs are used where he
works. He told us himself.

Used by Stokes. That's what
the attorney was asking about.

It's not germane.

We don't have to dirty dead cops
to convict the man who shot them.

I need my witnesses
to testify truthfully.

Okay, so what's my
lie again, exactly?

You are pushing it.

And if you go too far and
screw up this trial, either of you,

the defense might get what it
wants, a manslaughter verdict.

A slap on the wrist.

How bad would that be?

If you don't get Stokes on
m*rder, the Feds could step in

and try him then on the
death penalty charge.

It's not double jeopardy.

The state and federal government
are separate sovereigns.

I see you're still staying
awake in law school, Detective.

Now you wouldn't be thinking of
deliberately sabotaging this trial

to give the Feds an
opening, would you?




I found something of Rebecca's
that I thought you should see.

There's a guy in the
neighborhood runs dr*gs and g*ns.

He's crazy.

Everybody knows
he's k*lled three people.

And that's who Officers Ramos and
Colson wanted you to inform against?

He k*lled his own
brother for denting his car.

I said, "No way."

But you had informed
on other criminals?

Yes. It felt good.

But I wasn't going
to get myself k*lled

'cause they wanted
to be detectives.

They mentioned that to you?

A lot.

They said they'd put me on the
books once they got their gold shields.

That I could go on salary.

I said thanks, but I was done.

Then what happened?

They rousted me on the
street and found some pills.

Said they'd send me back
to the joint for violating parole.

Plus I had a
prescription pad on me,

from the dentist my
mother works for.

She didn't even
know I'd taken it.

But they said
they'd bust her, too.

That we could celebrate
Mother's Day in Attica.

What happened the night
before the sh**ting incident?

I met them at the bar.

I offered to keep
working for them.

Not aimed at the crazy guy,

but at some other good targets.

They said, "Fine."

And then we could go at the
crazy guy, plus some of his friends.

I said, "No."

What did they say?

"Do it or go to jail,

"you and your mother."

That was my choice. Die,
or send my mother to prison.

I walked out of there.

I couldn't sleep.

I stayed up all night.

My brain was like
sh**ting off fire stars.

I went to see them the next day.

They saw me coming,
and they smiled.

A "screw you" smile.


And I lost it.

I didn't even see
the other cops.

I never meant
for this to happen.

I'm sorry.

I really am sorry.

We'll break for the day.

Mr. Cutter, you
can cross tomorrow.

What's that?

Uh, it's a logbook
kept by Officer Ramos.

Her husband found
it and brought it in.

You tell the D.A.'s?

No. We just got it.

You know, I heard
about the trial today.

That defendant kicked butt.

Sob story from hell.

So what's in it?

Informant log.

Every contact she
had with Stokes.


Some might think so.

She saw him do dr*gs,

she gave him money she
knew he would use to buy dr*gs,

and she and her partner did
push him about his mother.

And this here, their
last meeting with him.

Well, the D.A.'s could use it.


Well, if we turn it over,

it all comes out.


So, Officer Ramos and her
partner crossed some lines.

It's nothing anybody
needs to hear right now.

Oh, so that's what
you're worried about?

Okay. Well, what about me?

If I'm not ever around, are you going
to turn me into a retroactive saint?

Go through my office and
clean out my nasty habits?

Tell the world how
sweet I was all the time?

Look, she was a cop.

She wanted to be a detective.

She made some mistakes,

honest, good-faith mistakes,
but she made some mistakes.

Get over it.

"January 4th, $50.

"January 12th, $75."

Are these accurate descriptions
of Officer Ramos' payments to you?

Sounds right.

"January 13th,
collar Brent Darien,

"criminal possession. $50
bonus." Is that right, too?


Is this your signature next
to the payment amounts?

Yeah, she made me sign.

In case she ever got reimbursed.

Would you please read this
description of your final meeting

with Officer Ramos and her
partner at the bar in Queens?

Right there.

"S complained of low pay.

"Demanded bonus,
$1,000." That's not true!

Keep reading.

"We rejected. S got angry."

There ought to be stuff in there
about their threats about my mother.

There is, from weeks before,

but there is no mention of it
near the time of the sh**ting.

But that last night in the bar,

"S got angry, said we were
cheating him, said he'd show us."

It was all about
money, wasn't it?

No, they left stuff out.

It wasn't about your
mother that night!

It was about getting you
more money to buy dr*gs.

dr*gs had nothing to do with it!

I was... I was taking
big chances for them!

Right. So you wanted to be paid.

I wanted what was fair, I
wanted what I was earning.

They thought they could push
me around, like I was nobody.

"S got angry, said we were
cheating him, said he'd show us."

And that's exactly what you did.

On the charge of
m*rder in the first degree,

for the death of Officer Dwayne
Garber, how do you find?

We find the defendant guilty.

On the charge of
m*rder in the first degree,

for the death of Officer
Christopher Oren, how do you find?

We find the defendant guilty.

On the charge of
m*rder in the first degree

for the death of Officer Frederic
Colson, how do you find?

We find the defendant guilty.

On the charge of
m*rder in the first degree

for the death of Officer Rebecca
Ramos, how do you find?

We find the defendant guilty.

Best case, he gets
four life sentences.

Worst case, he gets
four consecutive 25s.

If the Feds still want him,
they can have him in 100 years.

Well, if I'm still
around, I'll testify.

It's Van Buren.

We caught a fresh one.


Be safe.