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20x06 - Human Flesh Search Engine

Posted: 09/16/21 07:47
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system

the people are represented by two
separate yet equally important groups,

the police who investigate crime

and the district attorneys
who prosecute the offenders.

These are their stories.

A little bit more.

Come on, Allie, come on.
You can do better than that.

Let yourself go. Nice.

Oh, my God. Give
me a pout, come on.

Feel the clothes
against your skin, baby.

There you go. That's it. Think
nasty thoughts. I love it. Beautiful.

Hey, hey!

We're trying to sell clothes here,
man. These are for billboards.

You got to think big.

I got it, Sid. I got it.

Who are they?

If I'm not paying you to
be here, get the hell out!

Am I paying you?

I'm the DJ. I spin records
at one of your stores.

Oh, so you put this song on?

You're fired.

You know what? In
fact, everybody get out!

Everybody! Let's go!
Come on! Out! Okay?

Not you, baby, everybody else.

I'll finish the sh**t
myself. Thank you. Out!

Come on, baby. That's it. Okay.

Oh, my God. I love it!

Oh yeah, that's it.

DOA's name is Sid Maxwell.

Neighbor came home at 3:00 am
and saw the door propped open.

Almost had a heart attack
when he saw the body.

What do we got, a sex mishap?

If it was erotic asphyxia,
he miscalculated.

No fluids. He lost
consciousness too soon.

The guy could've saved
himself just by standing up.

Pushing the limits
is part of the thrill,

but if you take
it a little too far...

No happy ending.

These look like tights.

Double-knotted. He was
supposed to have done this himself?

He could've tied his hands in front,
then stepped over them, like this.

I'm just speculating.
It's not from experience.


There was a photo
sh**t going on?

Tripod, no camera.

Here's the photographer's name.

Yeah, looks like he
missed the best shot.

I've got to get going. We
just caught a fresh one.

I'll alert the criminals
you're on your way.

May be no criminals involved,

just solo sex gone
horribly wrong.

Solo sex? That has to be wrong.

Well, here we go.
First day of the new me.

What do you think?

I always had a thing
for Grace Jones.

You're beautiful.

Sid seemed fine yesterday.

Manic, total prick, like always.

You can be that way
if you're rich, I guess.

How did he get rich?

By starting Skintight Apparel.

He was the sexy underwear
king of the Lower East Side.

He threw everybody out
around 6:00, including me.

He threw the photographer
out of a photo sh**t?

Sid liked to do things himself.

Yeah, so we gather.

The girl stayed behind, though.

The model?

Model, hooker, girlfriend,
employee of the month...

It was kind of a fluid position.


Sid and I met when I was working three
jobs and sharing a loft with six roommates.

He hired me on the spot.

Hired you to do what,
exactly? Hold up.

Anything Sid wanted.
Working in the store, modeling...

Spotting for him during
S and M sessions?

Sid said he wanted
to try something new.

I didn't want to
seem like a prude.

He just wanted me to watch.

So did you?

I told him I had to go
get cigarettes at the store.

I was weirded out.
I just went home.

So you just left him hanging there
with his hands tied behind his back?

No, his hands were
not tied when I left.

Did any of his staff
have complaints?

Yeah, there was this one
girl. She got pretty freaked out.

I think she sued him.

That son of a bitch.

He pulled my top
off at a photo sh**t

at the Saint
Patrick's Day parade.

No warning, just,
"Oops, you're naked."

And that was more than
what you bargained for.

My job description didn't say
"get r*ped by leprechauns."

Sid's lawyers said I
should have understood

I was working in a highly
sexualized environment.

That sounds like
you had a good case.

We'll never know. Sid's lawyers
buried my guy in so many motions

I couldn't afford to keep going.

I lost. Sid won.

When was the last time
you saw Mr. Maxwell?

I don't know. Six months.

No contact after that?

I told myself the one good thing was
I'd never have to hear his voice again.

And I didn't.

And now I never will.

Hmm. This guy had
a way with the women.

All sex all the time.

His company sells five-dollar
T-shirts for 40 dollars.

Sex is part of the brand.

And his model/girlfriend/whatever
was fine with that?

According to her.

The building surveillance camera
shows her leaving Maxwell's place at 10:00.

Then it stopped working.

Well, that's a coincidence.

She left the apartment door
ajar so she could get back in.

The building door
had a keypad lock.

Maxwell gave her the number,
but she took off for Brooklyn instead.

Where an ATM saw her
withdrawing cash at 10:30,

time of death
was after midnight.

Sag paneer, Lieu?

Oh, no thanks. Me and food
aren't getting along that great.

"You are a hideous pig."

"I heard your lawyer quit. Now how are you
going to pay for the boob job you need?"

It's a text message between
Sid Maxwell and Bonnie Allman,

the girl who sued him.

She said she hadn't heard
from him in six months.

She said she hadn't
heard his voice.

Maxwell sent this
to her last Monday.


Tuesday, Maxwell filed a
complaint. His car was vandalized.

Bonnie Allman strikes back?

"Text this, scumbag!"

Yeah, "Love, Bonnie."

She saved the 10 cents it
would cost her to reply by text,

and this was so
much more satisfying.

The car doesn't look like it's
been driven since the incident.

The driver's window is smashed, with
shards of glass embedded in the seat.

Whoever did this
used some force.

Yeah, somebody cared.

I've got some prints where
the basher may have leaned in

to slash the upholstery.

I'll get them over to Latents.


No match.

The prints on the car don't
belong to Bonnie Allman.

Do they match anyone we know?

We got a dozen hits for a
guy named Todd Bissell.

He's a perp that was arrested
for public lewdness 12 years ago.

B-I, two "S's"? Yeah.

All right.

Mr. Bissell.

Am I nuts, or is that Sid
Maxwell with a mustache?

Twelve years ago,
lean and hungry.

He must have changed his name
when he became the underwear king.

Okay, let's see what else
he was up to as Todd Bissell.

What's that?

A site dedicated to
righting social wrongs.

Is he typing on that
with both hands?

Yes. And FlashPosse is mad.

"This idiot veered into
my lane on the FDR today.

"He was texting while driving.
I could have been k*lled."

Look at this one from
Freddy-Six in Long Island.

"Somebody needs to k*ll him
before he does k*ll someone."

How did they know who it was?

Hmm. "I identified the car
and model from its dashboard

"and then hacked
into DMV records

"for every '79 Mercedes that color in
New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.

"I found one that is registered
to someone named Todd Bissell."


They posted his address.

"326 Bowery, Apartment 11A

"in case anybody wants to drop by
and teach this jerk some manners."

Somebody did.

It's not a blog. It's a forum
for corrective social action.

Yeah, well, it struck me like
a well-chummed shark t*nk.

Look, if somebody lets their
dog crap on the sidewalk,

that's an offense to
everybody that walks by, right?

This is just a way
of striking back.

So you take a picture of the
owner, find out who they are,

post their address
and phone number.

So people can tell
them what they think.

If they shove dog crap in our
faces, they can take a phone call.


How do you get this information?

Between us, we have a lot of
expertise, a lot of connections.

In China they call it a
human flesh search engine.

Yeah. There was a woman there,

she posted a video of herself
stepping on a kitten and k*lling it.

Just her shoe and the kitten.

People blew up the video,

they found out where
the shoe came from,

they identified a building
in the background...

They found out who it was.

She lost her job, she
had to go into hiding.

You feel bad for her? I don't.

We're here about a man named
Todd Bissell, and as far as I know,

he didn't m*ssacre any cats.

Bissell's just as bad.

Do you know how dangerous
texting while driving is?

Yeah. "Somebody should k*ll
this guy." From your website.

I didn't realize it deserved
the death penalty.

You never heard of
hyperbole, Detective?

It wasn't hyperbole. Todd
Bissell was m*rder*d.

Under his other
name, Sid Maxwell.

And you think we had
something to do with that?

We'd like the names of your members
who posted threats against Mr. Bissell.



We are the police, Mr. Leary.

And it's our job to take
"corrective social action."


All right, all right.

So, you think this guy was k*lled
because he was seen texting while driving?

Well, the comments on the
website are pretty intense.

The comments on that website
are probably free speech.

It's not going to be easy
to uphold a subpoena.

Is this free speech?

It's from the site. This is
Maxwell's vandalized car.

You think the guy who
vandalized the car took the picture?

We can't prove it.

Neither can I.

Listen, if you can show that FlashPosse's
hot air has real-world consequences,

I might be able to convince a
judge to give us those names.

Yeah, well, that site
goes after a lot of people.

Find me a good one. All right.

I thought the worst thing that could happen
was when my husband committed su1c1de.

Then a month later
the phone calls started.

People I didn't know.

They called me a whore.
They said it was my fault.

The website posted
excerpts from my

husband's diary that
it got from his parents.

They said I had an affair and
that's why Donald k*lled himself.

I asked the website
to take them down.

They said they were
providing a public service,

letting the public decide what
was right and what was wrong.

It's my understanding that
Mr. Leary offered Ms. Davies

the chance to tell
her side of the story.

I'm supposed to go
on a public website

and tell the world
I had an affair,

but my husband had 20, and
he was clinically depressed?

Isn't that private?
Shouldn't that be private?

Who made you God?

Why don't you
leave people alone?

Okay, okay. Thank you, ma'am.

Okay, now what does that
have to do with this subpoena?

It demonstrates
that threats made

on Mr. Leary's website
have consequences.

Ms. Rubirosa is talking about
constitutionally protected opinions.

The subpoena should be quashed.

No, I am talking about specific
threats made to k*ll a man

who soon after was k*lled.

That's venting. It's hot air. "I could k*ll
that guy who stole my parking place."

It's a figure of speech.

Not to Rebecca Davies,
it's not, as we just heard.

Look, if anyone harassed that woman,
arrest them. They committed a crime.

But people who expressed
opinions on a website did not.

I feel sorry for the lady,
Ms. Rubirosa. I really do.

But I honestly don't see what
she has to do with Mr. Maxwell.

Rubirosa just called. No
subpoena for the names.


So we find another way.

Who is this?

Hey, screw you.

I'm guessing that
wasn't your mother.

Somebody calling me a n*zi.

You know, an hour ago somebody called
telling me that I needed to go on a diet.

Maybe that was your mother.


Oh, boy.

"Detective Kevin Bernard.
Call and tell him what you think."

Oh, they even posted your
cell phone number. Thoughtful.

My unlisted number.
Somebody hacked it.

"Corrective social action."

New post coming in...

"This cop bully should
be ashamed of himself."

You know, if we
were set up right,

we could trace these
messages as they're posted.

That's when the links are open.

So we wouldn't need a subpoena.

Just a big juicy target
to get the ranters ranting.

What about Lupo? He's juicy.

Thank you, but
four years in Intel,

we don't want anyone
digging through that.

Plus, you seem to be the
one they like, Detective.

These guys are good.

They've got your credit record
up now, and police reports.

Were you arrested for
speeding in California in 1996?

Look, I got a ticket.
I paid the fine.

Okay. And...

Here is BillyBoy14.

"This cop is an outrage.

"A policeman's first duty
is to protect our liberties."

And here is our
trace on BillyBoy.

Where is he?

He's in Astoria.

All right, write him back.

Okay... What's my screen name?

"Detective Bernard." We
want them to know it's you.

All right.

"My first duty

"is to arrest criminals

"who hide behind
bogus free speech."

Mmm. Nice.

All right, looking good. You
know how to piss them off.

My special talent.

Any of those screen names match
people who threatened Sid Maxwell?

Yeah, one or two.
Hit them again.

"You're cowards

"and you're stupid."

Okay, okay. We are matching,
matching, tracing, tracing...

They hate you, B.
They really hate you.

I see.


I was just blowing off steam.

That's not against the law.

Hey. "If he can't keep his hands
on the wheel and eyes on the road,

"maybe he ought to lose
them. Taliban justice."

It was a joke.

"This guy should be tied
in the middle of FDR Drive

"while texting drivers try to
dodge him," says Sly-Avenger.

That's you, right?

Well, that's not what
happened to him, though,

is it?

I am so embarrassed.

Some of the things I
wrote about that man,

my language was inappropriate.

Frankly, Ms. Sands, you
don't seem like the type.

I know. It's just...

Three years ago, my daughter was
k*lled by a taxi driver who was texting.

I'm so sorry.

They never caught him.

When I saw the photo
of that man texting,

not even looking at the road...

Some other child
could have been hurt.

Maybe I can look into what
happened to your daughter.

That would be...

Thank you.

Somebody hacked
into the security system

at Sid Maxwell's building
the night he was k*lled.

You worked as a
security systems engineer.


This is a photo of Maxwell's vandalized
car uploaded from your IP address.

If your prints are found in
his apartment, you're screwed.

I'm screwed?

A, I didn't k*ll anybody.

B, it's not my Social Security number
that got posted online this morning.

So, I should be going.
Is there anything else?

No. We have your
name and your address.

Thank you for your concern.

Lieutenant, that
information you requested.


Ms. Sands,

if you don't mind, could you
come back and sit for a minute?

We checked accident
reports from three years ago,

and there was no report
involving a taxi and a child.

I saw it happen.

And you do have a
daughter, but she didn't die.

Social Services took
her away from you

because you offered
her to a Catholic church

as a human sacrifice.

I don't believe in
human sacrifices.

Ms. Sands, were you at
Mr. Maxwell's apartment Friday night?

He was getting
messages from the Devil.

Who was? Mr. Maxwell?

Not just him.

He tells them whom to k*ll.

Who tells who whom to k*ll?

Mr. Maxwell? The Devil?

May I please see a lawyer now?

Ms. Sands has informed me that
she has nothing else to say at this time.

Except that people who get texts
while they drive are servants of the Devil.

Except that.

She already mentioned that Sid
Maxwell was one of those servants.

So you say. I wasn't here.

Do you want to add
anything else, Ms. Sands?

That man was evil.

If you don't know that, you
shouldn't be a policeman.

Crazy enough for you?

Oh yeah. Do you have any
evidence against her for the m*rder?

So far, just her rants against
Maxwell on the website.

Well, that and this, it's
enough for a search warrant.


Texting while driving,
texting while driving,

Todd Bissell, Todd Bissell...

This must be Kerry
Sands' daughter,

the one who isn't actually dead.

Oh, yeah. The state takes her
daughter away and she can't deal with it,

and she comes up with this?

I don't see the connection.

Hey, check it out.

That's the girl from
the photo session

the night Bissell aka
Maxwell was k*lled.

Looks like Ms.
Sands took a souvenir.

That would put her on the scene,
but how did she get in the building?

"8426." That's the entry code,

right next to a
picture of the keypad.

And that's Maxwell's
apartment door, propped open.

This looks like a
security camera still.

The camera that
mysteriously went dark.

She was the one who hacked
into the security system?

her friendly neighborhood
social justice website.

Well, there's no
time or date on this.

If she got this stuff the night of the
m*rder, that would nail things down.

The FlashPosse computer would
show us when they were posted.

Can we go find out,
with a warrant? Please?

I'm calling my lawyer.

Yeah, when you do, tell
him the cop bully is here

with a search warrant this time.

Hey, you can't take that!

You'll get it back.

There's more gear back here.

Anything else you
want me to take?

Let me check.

This is harassment.

No. Calling my cell phone and
telling me I'm a n*zi, that's harassment.

Is that what this is about?
You can't stand a little heat?

Look, I'm doing my job.

This is about a m*rder and a woman
named Kerry Sands. Do you know her?

The woman whose kid
wasn't k*lled by a taxi?

Yeah. We're open to the
public. We take all comers.

That's it. You ready to go?




Here's the full dump of material

Yeah, the good stuff was in
a password-protected area

for people who had a
special interest in Mr. Maxwell.

The code to his
building's front door?

Right, just in case
somebody wanted to drop by.

Ms. Sands accessed this
photo just after midnight.

A few minutes later, she takes a
car service to Maxwell's apartment.

Do you have the driver?

Mmm-hmm. He
remembers her pretty well.

She told him she doesn't take
taxis because of their link to the Devil.

Hmm. Arrest her for m*rder and I
will apply with the court for a 730 exam.

I found the police report you filed
about the taxi striking your daughter.

The police didn't do anything.
They wouldn't do anything.

The report says
they investigated.

The taxi hit a garbage can.

Nobody was injured.

Why would it say that?

Do I have to explain
everything to you?

Do you mind?

I don't know.

Will you help me?

Help you do what?

Stop the k*lling.

Stop the evil.

Like Sid Maxwell? Was he evil?

He got a message
when he was driving.

That's when they
send the messages.

They think no one can see.

What do the messages say?

Whom to k*ll.

So Sid Maxwell was
going to k*ll someone?

Isn't that why we're here?

And you were supposed
to do something about that?

There was no point calling the
police. That report proves that.

I had to take care
of that man myself.

So I did.

She's a pretty
well-managed schizophrenic.

It's not immediately obvious.

Unless you start talking
about texting while driving.

Or about the Devil.

He sends messages to his
servants while they're in their cars,

telling them which
pure-hearted people to k*ll.

But she tried to have
her own daughter k*lled

by human sacrifice.

For purification. Her delusion
was a little different then.

When the state took her
daughter away, it rattled her reality.

That same day, she saw a taxi
driver plow into a garbage can.

The garbage can
became her daughter.

The taxi driver became evil.

Suddenly everything made sense.


Is Ms. Sands
competent to stand trial?

No. And if she ever is,

the verdict will be "not guilty by
reason of mental disease or defect."

She needs to be locked
up, for everybody's good.

Call Judge Hiram and
the woman's attorney.

Work out a plan for

Thank you, Doctor.

I'll book some time
in the grand jury.

What for? The woman's insane.

Not for her.

That place on the
World Wide Web?

Actually, they don't
call it that anymore.

Excuse me, should I have
said "wireless telegraph"?

FlashPosse whipped up a frenzy against
Sid Maxwell. It was a virtual lynch mob.

A lynch mob sitting at
computers typing things?

Yeah, things like "this
guy ought to be k*lled"

and "here's how to
get into his apartment."

All delivered into the
hands of a crazy woman.

"A person is guilty of m*rder
when they recklessly engage

"in conduct which creates a grave
risk of death to another person,

"and thereby causes the
death of another person."

I know the law.

The shoe fits, Jack.

Kerry Sands was the b*llet,
the website was the g*n.

You really want to do this?

You'll be pushing the limits,
trying to make new law.

Like you did with
g*n manufacturers

and Justice Department
t*rture memo writers?

So, these FlashPosse people, whom
exactly are you planning to indict?

All of them.

All of these people are
parties to this motion?

Not by choice, Your Honor.
For some strange reason

the District Attorney
has chosen to indict

half of New York City for
the m*rder of Sid Maxwell.

Only because they
all helped k*ll him.

It's preposterous.

A schizophrenic named Kerry
Sands m*rder*d Sid Maxwell,

as the state freely

These people did nothing but
post comments on a website

that Ms. Sands
occasionally visited.

Is that true, Mr. Cutter?

"Post comments" is
an understatement.

They encouraged Ms. Sands to
commit v*olence against Mr. Maxwell.

If I yell "k*ll the
umpire" and some

psychotic does it, I'm
not guilty of m*rder.

The website went beyond
exhortations to k*ll Mr. Maxwell.

It gave instructions
on how to do it.

Some of its members took
actions that enabled Ms. Sands

to enter and leave his
apartment undetected.

What are we talking about
here, exhortations or actions?

In this case, Your Honor,
it's a pretty fine line.

Not to me.

Any comment about Mr. Maxwell,
even negative ones, are protected speech

and may not be used in
any way in your prosecution.

There is the First Amendment exception
about shouting fire in a crowded theater.

Were any of these people in physical
proximity to Ms. Sands or the victim?

No. Then the theater
wasn't crowded.

You are free to proceed in accordance
with my ruling if you still have a case.

Do we?

We'd better. If we don't
stop them now, who's next?

You're lucky the judge didn't
throw your case out entirely.

She's living in
the 20th century.

Words on the Internet
have consequences.

Actually, she's living
in the 18th century,

when the Bill of
Rights was written,

which, on balance,
is a good thing.

Well, if it weren't for what people
on that website said and did,

Kerry Sands would have
never m*rder*d Sid Maxwell.

Yes, but now you'll have
to forget about the "said."

I'm dropping the charges
against the cheerleaders,

but I'm still moving against
the guy who ran the site

and the people who sent out
the photos and the door code.

They'll say they were only encouraging
people to send Maxwell a message,

that they never intended
for him to be k*lled.

They were dealing
with a crazy woman.

They didn't have to
intend for her to k*ll him.

If they recklessly disregarded
the likelihood that it would happen,

they're guilty.

Good luck.

"Thank you for sharing the information
about this accomplice of the Devil."

That was one of the messages
posted by Kerry Sands

on the Sid Maxwell
section of the website.

And how many messages did
Ms. Sands post there altogether?

More than 400.

And who posted the second
largest amount of messages there?

Someone with the screen
name Kewpie-Doll. She posted 22.

Twenty-two versus 400.

Did Ms. Sands' messages
stand out in any other way?

No one else mentioned Satan.

No one else mentioned that God's angels
would take vengeance on Mr. Maxwell

and dance in his evil blood.

Would you characterize
her messages as sane?

Objection. The
witness is a psychiatrist.

Her judgment isn't the same as that of
a layperson reading those messages.

I'll sustain that.

Dr. Olivet, please read some
more of Ms. Sands' postings.

"God's angels will sing in heaven
when this man gets his just reward.

"Death shall be answered with
death, the Lord commands us."

"Death shall be
answered with death."

Pursuant to a search warrant,
we seized a computer server

from the residence of Mr. Leary

and turned it over to our
Computer Crimes Squad.

And what did that
squad determine?

That Mr. Keegan had hacked into
and manipulated the security cameras

at Mr. Maxwell's
apartment building,

and Mr. Mason cracked and posted

the code to the front
door of his building,

while Ms. Sands obtained
that information from the website

less than an hour before
she m*rder*d Mr. Maxwell.

Was there any sign the defendants
attempted to limit Ms. Sands' access

to that kind of information

after they saw her hundreds
of messages on the website

about the Devil and angels
and death and doom and blood?

No. In fact Mr. Leary made a point of
sending private e-mails to Ms. Sands

alerting her whenever
new information was posted.


To your knowledge,
Detective, was Mr. Leary aware

of Ms. Sands'
delusional condition?

Yes. When we
ex*cuted the warrant,

I asked him if he knew
Ms. Sands, and he said,

"The lady whose kid wasn't
k*lled by a taxi? Yeah."

So he knew she was delusional?

That's what he said, yes.

Thank you.

You don't like
Mr. Leary, do you?

I don't like him
or not like him.

When he objected to your
investigation of his website,

didn't he organize people to call you
and accuse you of being fat and a n*zi?

Those people never
said who told them to call.

So you didn't know that your phone
number was listed on Mr. Leary's website?

I knew.

When you served the
warrant for his computers,

didn't you complain that
he had been harassing you?

I might have mentioned that.

Did you or didn't you
accuse him of harassing you?

I did, and he was.

So now you're telling us that
this man who was harassing you

told you, and only you, that he
knew Ms. Sands was delusional.


Aren't you making that up because it makes
him look like he was guilty of something?


Because you want to get back at
the man who was harassing you?


You're not lying?



Detective Bernard, can you
tell us who's in this picture?

I have a copy for
the District Attorney.

Where did you get this?

Online, posted by a classmate
of yours from the police academy

at some kind of
graduation celebration.

That is you in
the picture, isn't it?

Objection. What is
the relevance of this?

It goes to the credibility of this witness,
which will become apparent very soon.

It had better. Proceed.

Thank you. Detective, who is
the young woman in the picture?

Her name is Rosemary.

Rosemary Franklin.
Is that correct?


Did you and she
have a child together?


And did you sign a child
support agreement with her

before the baby was born?

Well, you know
everything. Why ask me?

Your Honor...


Did you sign an agreement
promising to pay Ms. Franklin

500 dollars a month
to support that child?

And did you fail to send that money
three times in the first six months?

There was a question
about paternity.

Did you promise to pay
and then fail to do so?

If you lied to the mother of your
child about supporting your son,

why should we believe
anything you say to us now?

You couldn't do
something to stop that?

No, no, I couldn't.

Hey, you have a kid?

I'd just finished the academy,
all right? I busted loose a little.

There were some
cop groupies at a bar.

Once the blood test came
back, I paid every month.

Look, we'll bring that out on
redirect. We have to recoup.

I don't want to talk about it.

Hey. Hey!

How much trash did you people
have to sort through to dig this up?

The photo, the agreement, the
violations, it's all on the Internet.

You just gotta know how to look.

Yeah, so this is how
you defend yourself, huh?

Dragging people through the mud?

He's a 10-year-old boy.

Come on, B. No, no, no!

You want to play dirty, huh?
You want to get personal?


That didn't help.
What do you expect?

That a thin-skinned cop
doesn't destroy my case.

Mike... Look, do you realize

how much his testimony
is worth right now?

All right. Listen, Leary told him he
knew about Kerry Sands and her daughter.

Yes, but who's
going to believe it?

I do. You do.

All we have to do is find out how
Leary knew the woman is nuts.

We get that into evidence, it won't matter
what he did or didn't say to Bernard.

Okay, okay, but Leary's
not going to tell us,

and Kerry Sands
is in cuckoo-land.

So how are we going to find out?

There's got to be a record somewhere,
a meeting, a conversation, an e-mail...

Something somewhere.
Pretty big haystack.

He was texting on the FDR Drive

and almost ran a car with
three kids in it off the road.

One of our members
analyzed the photo

and determined it was going
73 miles per hour at the time.

Sid Maxwell deserved
to be exposed.

The point was to get him to change
his ways before he k*lled someone.

But not to k*ll him?

We're not murderers.

We spend our days
in front of computers.

We're just a bunch
of well-meaning nerds

who want to make
this city a better place.

Thank you.

So, you and your colleagues
don't get out much?

Then why did you post
Mr. Maxwell's address on your site?

In case somebody
wanted to write him a letter.

And the code to
his building's door?

From your website, "In
case anybody wants to

"drop by and teach
this jerk some manners."

Some people feel very strongly

about people like Sid Maxwell.

There was a woman in
China who crushed a...

I know, crushed a kitten.
So emotions run high?

They can.

Sometimes people want to
confront people like that in person.

Sometimes that's the only way
people like that get the message.

"People like that,"
including Sid Maxwell?

Yes. But that
doesn't mean that I,

thought he'd be
physically harmed.

Not even by Kerry
Sands, who posted

400 messages about revenge
and the Devil and death?

Have you ever read
the Internet, Mr. Cutter?

It's full of ranting and raving
and exaggerated threats.

Everyone says everyone
else should drop dead.

It's just a place
for letting off steam.

So you thought Kerry Sands
was just letting off harmless steam?

She and 50 million other people.

Even though you knew she was living
in the midst of a psychotic delusion.

I didn't know that. You
told Detective Bernard.

I never told him that. I
couldn't have, I didn't know it.

It's from Lupo.

Mr. Leary,

were you with Kerry
Sands last August 20th

when she physically
assaulted a cab driver

who she accused of being
the evil spawn of Satan?

Your Honor, this is the first we've
heard of any such alleged incident.

If the People have some
supposed evidence, I'd like to see it.

New information has
just come to our attention.

Then share it with the defense.
We'll recess until tomorrow.

Now, we knew Kerry Sands
had a thing for cab drivers, right?

Well, there are cabs
around all the time,

so I figured she might
have had some interaction.

It was just a matter of
checking drivers' logs.

There are 13,000
taxis in New York City.

All right. So it was
kind of labor-intensive.

Now there were 209 that reported
violent behavior by women in the last year.

102 of those were on the street in
range of ATM or other security cameras.

That's hundreds of cameras,
all on different systems.

Right. So,

here's a camera still of Kerry Sands
assaulting a driver on 42nd Street.

I talked to the driver.

He said she was screaming that the
Devil told him to m*rder her daughter.

And to find him, you
searched 13,000 taxi logs,

and then every security
camera near 209 incidents?

Sort of. The driver also told me
there was a man with Kerry Sands.

He walked away after she started
getting violent. This is him, right here.

Well, all I can see is
the back of his head.

You see the reflection in
the store window there?

With the right software, boom.


Did you have a subpoena for
the cameras, for any of this?

I'm not the one who got them.

This took a few thousand
people working around the clock.

The entire NYPD?

Chinese people, a "human
flesh search engine."

I have a friend in the Shanghai
PD from my days in Intel.

I told him a cop needed a hand.

Fire with fire.

Our Internet posse
against Leary's.

And none of these came
from Leary's home or office.

It's admissible.

Mr. Leary, can you tell us
what's happening in this picture?

Your Honor, may we approach?

We're still not satisfied as
to the origin of this material.

It came from a lamppost
security camera.

Where did the state get it? There's
no record of any process being served.

It doesn't matter.

Mr. Leary has no expectation of
privacy in the middle of 42nd Street.

Even if he didn't, there's no context
to explain what's happening here.

I'll ask him to explain.

And if he can't remember,
then we'll bring in the taxi driver.

That works, Mr. Margolis.
Mr. Cutter, you may proceed.

You told us
yesterday, Mr. Leary,

that you had no idea Kerry
Sands was violent or delusional.

Doesn't this picture show
us that you did know?

That's arguable.

It was a crazy,
violent outburst,

right in front of your face.

But you still kept goading
her to go after Sid Maxwell.

I never told her
to k*ll anybody.

The woman was
dangerously out of control.

What did you expect? What
did you reasonably expect?

Yup. All right.

That was Cutter. Leary
and the others took pleas.

They're going away
for manslaughter.


Thank you.

You know, if we'd have known...

I mean, I would have put
myself out there as the target.

I never thought they
would dig that up.

How is the kid?

His mother and I...

She ended up marrying
her actual boyfriend.

We both decided
that it would be better,

less confusing,
if I didn't see him.

I guess I could look
him up on the Internet.