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20x02 - Just A Girl In The World

Posted: 09/16/21 07:42
by bunniefuu
criminal justice system

the people are represented by two
separate yet equally important groups,

the police who investigate crime

and the district attorneys
who prosecute the offenders.

These are their stories.

From the level of decomp, Chief, it
looks like he's been here for weeks.

Okay, bring him out.

Grab a leg.


Sorry. I was...

I know. Focus, okay?

On three. One, two, three.


Damn it!

Take it easy.

This sucks, Colin.
It totally sucks.

Daisy, trust me,
things will work out.

Come on, let's get this guy
into a nice, warm body bag.

Fiancé says he was out
of town for the weekend.

He gets back, the door was
unlocked, he walks in and finds her.

Looks like we got
ourselves a m*rder w*apon.

Here's the rest of
the matching set.

Whoever turned Broadway
into a pedestrian mall

ought to have his head examined.

What do we have here?

Female victim. There's
the m*rder w*apon.

Blood pool looks dry,

so time of death was two
or three days ago, at least.

So, Friday?

Yeah, she's got defensive.

Oh, God.

LUPO: What?

It's Daisy. It's Daisy Chao.

She's one of mine.

Oh, God. Excuse me.


You're one of ours now, Daisy.

I left Friday
night, around 7:00.

Daisy wasn't home yet.

I went to my parents'
place in the Adirondacks.

You stop for gas
or hit any tolls?

No. I took the Taconic.

Okay. We're going to
need to talk to your parents.

They weren't
there. It was just me.

I'm a graphic artist.
The quiet helps me work.

Anybody see you up there?

How about the house
phone, you use it?


Not even to call your fiancé?

It sounds like
you're accusing me.

Daisy's wallet was missing.

We're going to need you to list
her credit cards, her bank cards.

She only had one credit card,

and a gift card from
Victoria's Secret I got her.


We were getting
married next month.

She was going to buy something
special for our wedding night.

A virus.

DR. KNIGHT: The HPV Virus.

It's sexually-transmitted. It's
what causes cervical cancer.

I see you haven't
been keeping up

with your pap
smears and physicals.


I've been busy with
my work, my family.

Of course. You have
a lot of responsibilities.

You know, I don't
understand, Dr. Knight.

I've only been with
this man for a month.

You were infected
long before that.

There hasn't been anyone else.

I mean, not since my ex-husband.

And that was five years ago.

Could it...

Yes, you could've been
infected five years ago.

There's a vaccine that
protects against the virus,

but it wasn't
available back then.


What now?

Stage-two cancer responds
well to chemotherapy.

There's a clinic near your work.

I'll set up an appointment?


That no good son-of-a-bitch.

I can't believe he
left me with this.

And I've just met

the most wonderful man.

(SIGHS) Oh, God,
what's the point?

Anita, it's very common

that the first sign women get
that they have cervical cancer

is pain during intercourse.

If it weren't for meeting
this wonderful man,

you might never have known
what you had until it was too late.


Now, will Tuesday
afternoon work for you?



It's a $200 gift card, bought
last Tuesday by a Jim Anderson

from your store on
the Upper West Side.


M.E. puts the time of death

between 8:00 p.m.
and midnight on Friday.


Okay, thanks.

So, the gift card was used on
Saturday, to buy a $90 red baby doll.

Mmm, a k*ller with a hot date.

Or a fiancé with a shaky alibi

trying to throw
us off his trail.

There's no activity on
Daisy's bank card, but get this.

She has a savings account that
she hasn't touched in almost a year,

but last Monday afternoon,

there was a withdrawal
from an ATM at a bodega.

Eighteen-hundred bucks.


Monday afternoon, Daisy
would've been at work.

Daisy was in court with me all
day Monday, waiting to testify.

She ever talk about
problems with her fiancé?

Just pre-wedding jitters.

She's at work while Jim's
home by himself all day,

you know, drawing.

Anything beside jitters?

Well, two weeks ago she brought
in this feminine hygiene wipe,

you know, like a baby wipe.

She found it in the
wastebasket in her bathroom

when she came home from work.

She said Jim told her he'd used
it to wipe some gunk off his hand.

But she thought he was having
company while she was working?

I told her, "Hey, it's not for
nothing you work in a crime lab.

"Let's test it."

She said she'd think about it.

Well, we're going to need
you to process it as evidence.

How was she on Friday?
Did she talk about Jim?

I heard her arguing
on the phone with him,

something about missing money.

time did she go home?

About 7:30. She
took a livery cab.

Her cell phone records
show she called you five times

between 7:30 and 8:10.

You didn't answer.

I turn my phone off when
I'm driving. It's not safe.

You know what we think, Jim?

We think you were
home, waiting for her.

Why would I do that?

To settle an argument.

She found the wipe
in the bathroom.

The crime lab has it now.

What do you think
they're going to find on it?

I don't know.

I loved Daisy.

I swear.

You're just saying that
because you're sorry.

Sorry that you stole
$1,800 from her.

Daisy asked me
to get that money.

She was... She was
stressed out on the wedding.

She wanted to go to a day spa.

A spa? Come on, Jim,
don't treat us like we're fools.

We know you spent
the money on your girl,

the one that wears the
red, size-two baby doll

that you bought
with the gift card.

No. I did not k*ll Daisy.


Free advice, Jim.

You better come clean
before we get tired of your lies.

Fourth Precinct called.

A young woman just reported being
att*cked outside of her apartment

by an assailant with a knife.


She's Asian, her attacker
was a livery driver.

Your victim was driven
home in a livery, right?

MILLER: I remembered
your case from COMPSTAT.

The profile seemed to fit.

How's your victim?

Some bruises and scratches.

Her blouse was torn.

She walked herself into the
precinct, helped us with a sketch.

Her name's Emma Kim.

I went to see this
band at Gibby's,

to write a review
for a magazine.

When I came out, I couldn't
get a taxi, so I took this livery cab.

I've only been in
the city six months,

but people told
me they were safe.

The driver asked me where my
family was from, like, where in Asia.

Then he started saying how
Asian women had such great skin

and how they
treated their men right.

And that's when
my radar went off.

Your radar?

For guys with yellow fever.

He pulled up to my building and I
couldn't get out of the car fast enough.

I was getting my keys when
he grabbed me from behind.

He said he had a knife and if
I didn't let him in, he'd k*ll me.

Then this horn started honking,

I guess his car was
blocking somebody.

He ran back and drove away.

Did anything stand out about
the driver? Scars, tattoos?

I just remember...

I remember he was wearing
these beach sandals, like Tevas.

We're going to need you to
show us where this happened.

I'll go. I want you
to get this guy.

A livery driver with a
taste for Asian women.

Our cheating fiancé just
caught himself a break.

I dropped my keys.

He had me pinned against the
door when the horn scared him.

I was lucky, right?

Yeah, you were lucky.

Well, we got two
shoe prints here.

They look like they
could be sandals.

I heard them say this
Chinese girl who was k*lled,

maybe it's the same guy.

Could be.

You know, this driver,
he knows where you live,

so you might want to call a
friend and stay there for the night.

I don't know. It's late and I really
don't know anybody well enough to...

You know what? You could
stay down at our precinct.

We have a bunk room.
You can get some rest.

Really? That's so nice.

The TLC database has over
600 Latino drivers in their 20s.

We can put out the sketch.

But not until we're sure the
two cases are connected.

There's no evidence Daisy
Chao was sexually att*cked.

The perp didn't have time.

She fought back. He got angry.

It's Emma. She's got
something she wants to tell us.

We'll be right back.

Whoa, whoa. She's here?

She's in the bunk room. She
didn't feel safe at her place.

She'll call a friend
in the morning.

As long as she doesn't
expect turn-down service.

Let's not make this a habit.


I remembered something
about the livery cab.

There was a sticker
on the back window,

that yellow cartoon bird?

Tweety Bird?

Yes, Tweety Bird.
Does that help?

Tweety's popular
with the Dominicans.

They put him on t-shirts,
tattoos. Yes, it helps.


You've been so cool
about letting me stay here.

Try and get some rest.


I see where this
is going, Lupes.

The next thing you know, she'll
be friending you on Facebook.


BERNARD: She might've
witnessed a robbery.

On Friday, somebody saw her

getting into a town car
with a Tweety Bird decal.

Dispatcher said you had a drop-off
in that same area around that time.

Yeah. I dropped
her off on Rivington.

I helped her
inside with her bag.

That's nice of you.

You know her apartment number?

No. I didn't go
to her apartment.

What about this girl?
She ever been in your car?

I thought this was
about a robbery.

It's about whatever we
want, Mr. Maldonado.

Now, has this girl ever
been inside your car?


We'll see about that.

We're impounding your
vehicle for unpaid tickets.

You know what? We're
impounding your sandals, too.

Sandal prints are the same make
as our suspect's, but they're partials,

so Forensics can't
match the wear pattern.

Then you're going to love this.

I found a trace of Daisy's
blood in the livery cab,

on the carpet near
the brake pedal.

You're right. We love it.

It can't be her blood.

I never even went
into her apartment.

Science doesn't lie, Nestor.

She told me her
boyfriend wasn't home.

I helped her carry her
stuff to the elevator.

That's it.

Well, we know you like
Asian women. Who doesn't?

They're easy on the eyes,
they've nice skin, right, Nestor?

Sure, whatever you say.

No, no, no. It's what you say.

We know you think
they have nice skin.

I never said that.

Yes, you did.

You told that girl that,

right before you grabbed
her and tried to r*pe her.

I have a family in the
Dominican Republic.

A wife and a little boy!

I never seen this girl!

She described you, Nestor, down
to Tweety Bird and your Tevas.

You're trying to jack me
up on something I didn't do.

I want a lawyer, now!

Just remember, they can't see
you and they don't know your name.

All right?

Just let us know if
you recognize anyone.

What's taking so long, Ms. Kim?

That'll be enough, Mr. Marquez.

Number two. He's number two.

That's the man who att*cked me.

We going to need you
to sign this affidavit.

I didn't realize how
scary that would be.

You did a good thing,
getting that guy off the street.

I haven't been home yet.
I'm still a little spooked.

I hate to ask, but can I
get an officer to take me?

Well, we can take you. Right?

EMMA: You guys are great.

Sign there. Lupes.

LUPO: Excuse me.

What's this? Lupo Dial-a-ride.

What's the big deal?

Other than the fact that it's 90
blocks in the wrong direction?

I've got plans.

And you know what else?

I don't think she's
going to mind.

When I was over there, I
listened to all kinds of music.

Algerian Rai, Gnawa in Morocco.

Yeah. It took a while for
my ears to get in tune with it.

But I remember being in this
hole in the wall outside Marrakesh,

and they were playing Gnawa,

well, African hip-hop.

And I was singing and
dancing and drinking,

and next thing I knew, I was
entered in a sheep-shearing contest.

You mean, like,
with a real sheep?

(LAUGHS) Yeah. I couldn't
back down, you know?

I did pretty good,
though. I came in fourth.


You make it easy.

Make what easy?

A part of you
is still out there,

in all those places you've been.

You've never really come home.

Would it be against the rules if you
stayed with me while I made a pot of tea?

Same clothes as yesterday?

You should be a detective.

You got to be kidding me.

Are you purposely trying
to mess up this case?

EMMA: There were six men.

I recognized number two
as the one who att*cked me.

Do you see him
in this courtroom?

That's him, right there.

MARQUEZ: The line-up was less
than 24 hours after you'd been att*cked.

I'm sure you didn't
get much sleep.

EMMA: I got enough.

You weren't feeling
weak or sick?

I have chronic kidney disease
but I take medication and I'm fine.

But right before you
picked out my client,

you grabbed hold of
Detective Lupo's hand.

Why did you do that?

I was nervous.

You held his hand right through
your identification of my client.

EMMA: Maybe. I don't know.

Did Detective Lupo
squeeze your hand?

I don't remember.

Maybe he squeezed it twice,
to tell you who to identify?

No. He wouldn't
do that. He's honest.

seem pretty sure of that.

I can tell. I know him.

I've heard enough.
Witness is dismissed.

I'm granting the Defense motion.

Your Honor...

I can't abide physical contact
between a detective and a witness

during a line-up.

I'm suppressing
the identification.


Lupo... I gotta go.

It's like he totally
called me a liar!

And the judge let
him get away with it!

Don't take it personally.

Anyway, we have other
evidence against Maldonado.

I'm just worried.

They'll let him out and he'll...

Hey, hey, he's not
going anywhere.

Okay? Believe me.

What's the matter?
Don't you want to?

It's not that. I have
to be up really early...

I'll get you up early.

Maybe you think I'm a delicate
thing because of my kidney disease

and you might break
me or something?

For your information, I
take good care of myself.

I take my meds when
I can afford them,

because Jam, the stupid
magazine I write for,

doesn't pay any benefits.

(SIGHS) I'll go wash up.


You know what, if you need help
with your meds, you let me know, okay?

I'm so tired.

You mind if we just
hold each other tonight?

Same model, same
size, same everything

as the one bought
with the gift card.

Yeah, well, you know,
you've got to figure

they've sold thousands
of size two red baby dolls.

That's the thing, they haven't.

That style's only
a few weeks old.

Her story's just
not sitting right.

Except that Daisy Chao's blood
was found in Maldonado's car.

What's not sitting right

is you feeling guilty for
getting mixed up with this girl.

Okay, do me a favor,
Dr. Phil, and don't lecture me.

Look, you're not getting
a pass on this, man.

If this case goes
south because of this,

it falls on you and me both.

Well, I'm sure your buddies
at IAA can cover your butt.


You see The Defiant Ones?

Tony Curtis and Sidney Poitier?


Yeah, well, we are chained
in this together, partner.

When you cross that
line, you bring me with you.

Now you may not have anybody
depending on you anymore, but I do.

Not only do I need
this job, I like this job.

And you cannot
mess that up for me!

Have a seat.

We rode you pretty hard.

Now we just want to take
the opportunity to clear the air.

You were just doing your job.

Yeah, we came across some of your
illustrations in this music magazine, Jam.

They said you do a
lot of work for them.

You talked to them?

Wow, look who else
works for Jam. Emma Kim.

She wrote this music review.

Remember that advice I
gave you, about coming clean?

This is your last
chance to take it.

We talked to the
people at the magazine,

and they said they saw
you flirting with Emma.

She was flirting with me!

BERNARD: So Daisy was
right. You were cheating.

I was only with Emma
a couple of times.

And then one day she starts
telling me about her kidney disease.

She's crying, saying she can't afford
the meds, so I gave her some money.

The money from Daisy's account?


And then Daisy and I, we had
this big fight, Friday morning,

I told her about Emma.

You told her you were cheating?

No. I told her about Emma being
sick and about giving her the money.

And then I told Emma that she
was going to have to pay it back

and then I went upstate just to
get away from the whole mess.

Emma warned me not to say
anything about her or the money.

She told me don't
worry about it,

she'd get you guys off my case.

How was she going to do that?

She didn't say.

You suspect these criminal
masterminds of m*rder

because Emma has a nightie

that might've been bought
with that missing gift card?

All right, I'll go with it.

Book Mr. Anderson on
larceny and obstruction, for now.

Where's the nightie?

It's in Emma's apartment,
in a bathroom closet.

How do you know it's there?

I saw it.

You were in her apartment?

Yeah. She invited me in.

Invited you in, for what?


For tea.

Detective Bernard. Out.

It's white tea, from Yunnan.

LUPO: Thanks.

You're so quiet tonight.

Is there something
you want to tell me?

(SIGHS) It's not what you think.

I got suspended today.

My lieutenant found
out about you and me.

Oh, Cyrus, I never
meant for that to happen.

It's probably for the best.

I've been thinking
about what you said.

You're right. I've never
really come home.

You know, maybe
I'm better off out there,

working overseas, moving around.

It'd be a lot more
fun if I had company.

There's nothing
tying you down here.

Cyrus, are you sure?


I don't care what
they're saying about you.

What do you mean? What
are they saying about me?

Oh, they found out that
you and Daisy Chao's fiancé

work at the same
magazine. Jim Anderson?

I told them it was a fluke, but they're
trying to make something out of it.

It is a fluke, isn't it?

Yes, of course.

Emma, if there's something,

now's the time to tell me,
because I can still fix things.

I already told you the truth.

It's that driver. Why
are you being like this?

Because this Anderson guy's been
talking, saying he's given you money...


He's saying you have this red
nightie from Victoria's Secret.

Cyrus, I've never been with him.

I don't care about that, Emma.

I want to protect you.

Do you have a red nightie?


I got it awhile ago, for
when I met someone special.

I thought I did.

LUPO: You're not
telling me everything.

I don't know how you
expect me to be there for you.

She's not going for it.

You don't really want
to be there for me.

You're just trying
to get out of it.

Is it because I'm sick, you
think I'll drag you down?

Why don't you just
come out and say that?


BERNARD: Police. Open up.

Emma Kim, we have a warrant
for your arrest for obstruction.

Hook her up.

Everything goes.
Clothes, shoes, the works.

The nightie's in the
back, second shelf.

Price tag from Victoria's
Secret for a nightie.

Inventory number matches
the one bought with the gift card.

You think you
know. But you don't.

You really know how
to pick them, Detective.

I don't need any special
deals. I'll tell you everything.

I met Jim Anderson
at the magazine.

He was nice to me, especially
after he found out I was sick.

I made it real clear that I
wouldn't get involved with him.

So you're saying you
never slept with him?

That's right.

When Jim found out I had
medical bills I couldn't pay,

he insisted on giving me money.

I took his money,

but I told him I wouldn't sleep
with him as long as he was engaged.

He told me he was going
to break up with Daisy.

After she died, he was scared.

He thought he was
going to get arrested.

He begged me to make up
that story about that driver.

Jim told me what he
looked like, about the decal.

So you agreed to
commit a felony for him?

I felt I owed him.

I never imagined he k*lled her.

Jim said they had an affair and it
was her idea to lie about the driver.

Emma says it was his idea
and they weren't having an affair.

There's no forensics implicating
either one in the m*rder.


I can see Jim's
motive to k*ll his fiancé,

but I don't see Emma's motive.

All of this would
be a lot simpler

if Detective Lupo hadn't jumped
into the sack with Ms. Kim.

Your bigger problem is the blood
evidence implicating the driver.

Start by sorting
that out, like, now.

Specimen 49 from Maldonado's
car is Daisy Chao's blood.

You stand by that?

Absolutely. Why?

The woman who said he
att*cked her admitted she lied.

Now the fiancé is
the prime suspect.

CUTTER: You were
close to Daisy Chao, right?

Yeah. She was like a kid sister.

So, you'd be willing to go the extra
mile to make sure her k*ller got convicted.

Mr. Burke, if we go to trial
with this blood evidence,

under the recent
Melendez ruling,

we'd have to put
you on the stand,

subject to a prison sentence
if you committed perjury.

I took a blood sample
from the m*rder scene

and said it came
from Maldonado's car.

So there's no actual evidence he
was ever in Daisy Chao's apartment.

Mr. Burke, I suggest
you get a lawyer.

You told the police that Daisy found
a feminine hygiene wipe in her trash.


And you have DNA from Emma Kim?

Yes, we took it for
elimination purposes.


She's not going to
go to the Chief of D's,

but no overtime for six months.

And I'm in the bag for every parade
from Halloween to Memorial Day.

Yeah, well, Forensics retested
the wipe from Daisy's trash.

It tested positive for
Emma Kim's DNA.

And Jim Anderson's semen.

The two were
hooking up after all.

The girl's a stone-cold liar.

It still doesn't take Anderson
off the hook for the m*rder.

Read the fine print.

Emma's DNA,

it tested negative for the
gene for chronic kidney disease.

She conned Anderson
out of that money.


Conned him like a pro.

JOSH: Yeah, that's
her. Emily Quan.

I met her in a club
off Harvard Square.

She told me she
wrote music reviews.

Your police report said
she took you for $17,000.

Yeah, well, she told me
she had a heart arrhythmia.

She couldn't afford
the operation to fix it.

So, yeah, I gave her money for
tests, meds, the whole nine yards.

Then I come to find out she
was running the same scam

on some guy over in Somerville.

It's funny. What is?

When we first met, she
told me that I made it easy.

I thought she meant,
easy to fall for me.

Now I know she
meant easy to con me.

Actually I got a call a couple
of weeks ago about Emily,

from some woman.

The message said that she was a
police technician, Daisy something.

Daisy Chao? Yes.

I called her back on Monday, but
her extension had been disconnected.

There are wants in
a half-dozen cities

for a girl matching
Emma's description and MO.

It looks as if Daisy
was on to her.

Which gives Emma a pretty
good motive to get rid of her.

Emma knew Daisy was on
the warpath about the money,

so she goes over there
and she waits for her.

Emma knew what
Maldonado looked like

because she saw him
drop Daisy off at home.

Mmm-hmm. Emma follows
Daisy upstairs, they get into it.

Daisy threatens to
have her arrested.

Emma kills her.

Let's release Maldonado and bump up
the charges against Emma Kim to m*rder.

And, Detective, your partner
will handle all the police testimony.

I'm sure you understand.

You're breaking my heart.

The Defense is ready
for trial, Your Honor.

But I don't see Detective Lupo
on the People's witness list.

His partner will be testifying.

Detective Lupo discovered the
evidence that led to my client's arrest.

Under Melendez-Diaz
v. Massachusetts,

the defendant has a right to confront
the person who handled the evidence.

I'm not sure that applies here.

You have a daughter
my age, Judge.

Wouldn't you want
her to have a fair trial?

lawyer speak for you, Ms. Kim.

Why aren't you
calling Detective Lupo?

He was sleeping with my client.

Before she was a suspect.

Nice try, Cutter.

I'm going to apply
Melendez here.

You want your physical evidence,

the dirty laundry comes with it.

I discovered a red, baby doll
nightgown in the defendant's bathroom

that matched the one
bought with the stolen gift card.

I later recovered a
price tag from her closet

with an inventory number
matching the purchased item.

Finally, Detective, in the
course of your investigation,

did you engage in a personal
relationship with Ms. Kim?

We had a brief intimate
relationship, which I ended

when I began to suspect her
involvement in Daisy Chao's m*rder.

Getting personally involved with
her was a mistake I deeply regret.

Before you arrested
my client for this m*rder,

you had another suspect in
custody, a livery cab driver?

Yes, and he was arrested based
on your client's false accusation.

But you had blood evidence
linking this driver to the crime scene.

Which turned out
to be fabricated.

Fabricated by whom?

A medico-legal investigator.

I see.

The New York City Police
Department framed an innocent man.

And when that case fell apart,

you went looking for another poor
sap to take his place, isn't that right?

No, that's not right.

Isn't that why you
seduced my client?

No. And I wouldn't
say I seduced her. I...

She invited me
into her apartment.

MURPHY: You volunteered
to walk her home.

You took advantage of her naiveté
to gain access to her apartment.

I would not call Ms. Kim naive.

The only way to gain access
was to trick her into inviting you in?

No. Why would I
want to trick her?

To plant evidence?

Isn't that what you did?
You planted that sales tag.


You already admitted violating
your oath as a police officer,

you admitted to
sleeping with my client.

Why should we believe you?

There's no reason
you should trust me.

I broke my bond with the
people I'm sworn to protect.

I'm telling the
truth here today.

If you don't believe me,
it's my own damn fault.

Detective Lupo told me he knew I
lied about being att*cked by the driver.

He said he'd get me in
trouble unless I slept with him.

He said he was a New
York City Detective,

and he could do
anything he wanted

and if I reported him,
no one would believe me.

So I did what he wanted.

I had no choice.

After he extorted sex from
you, what happened next?

He kept coming back.

I felt sick.

I told him I wouldn't
do it anymore.

He got angry.

Then one night, he tried to get me to
say these things to incriminate myself.

He said he wanted to run
away with me, all these lies.

Then he planted that price tag
and now I'm accused of m*rder.

He even turned Jim against me.

All these men, trying to punish me
because I won't give myself to them.

Thank you, Emma.

Well, Little Orphan Annie
has nothing on you, Ms. Kim.

Objection. Withdrawn.

Now, Ms. Kim, you testified
under oath at a hearing

that Detective Lupo was honest.

You said, "I can
tell. I know him."

I said it because I
was afraid of him.

So you were lying
under oath, correct?

It wasn't the actual truth.

Well, you also testified that
you had chronic kidney disease.

Was that the actual truth?

I was given that
diagnosis at a clinic.

But according to the DNA
evidence presented earlier,

the actual truth is that
you don't have this disease.

I wasn't given a
DNA test at the clinic.

I can't afford expensive
tests and fancy doctors.

We heard testimony
from Josh Barton

that you told him you
had a heart condition.

Oh, he's just angry
I broke up with him.

According to these
police complaints,

you told Alex Donahue
of Portland, Maine,

that you had a
rare liver disease.

Maxwell Feld of Atlanta,
it was chronic anemia.

Which is it, Ms. Kim?
Kidneys, heart, liver, blood?

Or is it all just
a pack of lies?

Why are you letting
him do this, Robert?

You said you'd help me.

Excuse me?

You promised me.

You said if I spent the weekend
with you on your sailboat

after the trial, you would help
me. You gave me your word!

Counsel in chambers!

I swear, Judge, I had no
idea she was going to do that.

I'm declaring a mistrial.

CUTTER: So that she can do the
same thing to the judge at her re-trial?

Your Honor, you'd be
rewarding her bad behavior.

You want to continue? Yes.

If even one juror believes her outrageous
accusations, it could hang the jury.

I'll take that chance.

All right.

Let's get on with it.

I hope you know
what you're doing.


I couldn't get you
a mistrial. I'm sorry.

Let's try harder.

BAILIFF: All rise.

The witness's last remarks
are stricken as not responsive.

Young lady, I remind you
that you are still under oath.

Proceed, Mr. Cutter.


has any officer of this court made promises
to you in return for sexual favors?

Objection, Your Honor.


Answer his question.


The Judge did. He forced me to
have sex with him in his chambers.

Do you remember
what day that was?

Not exactly. It was
a few weeks ago.

You were held without bail,

so there's a record of every time
you were transported to the courthouse.

I'm sure the Judge made sure
there was no record of my visit.

You're saying he got the prison
officials to conspire with him?

Well, he's a judge.
He can do that.

And not just the
prison officials,

but the officers who drove the prison
van, the guards, the judge's clerk.

Judge Maxen got them all to
help spirit you into his chambers?

Why not? He wanted me.

When men want, they do anything.

They do anything.

Like Jim Anderson
cheating on his fiancé?

Yes, like him.

Or Detective Lupo
breaking his oath?


And Josh Barton, Alex
Donahue, giving you money,

because men are only after
one thing, isn't that right?

Yes. It's true.

And that makes them fair game.

To make them pay, right, Emma?

My mother always told me, if they
want milk, they have to buy the cow.

Make them pay,
even if you have to lie.

Lie? What?

That's what Daisy Chao
discovered about you, isn't it?

Wait. And you made her pay.

Is there something
you want to say, Emma?

You were going to help me.

This isn't helping me.

I was going to help you?

(SNIFFLING) You said.

CUTTER: Why would I help you?

Because you want it.

You want this.

Don't walk away.
You can have it.

Just help me.

I'm sick and weak.

Please, just help me.

Won't anybody help me?

Won't anyone help me?

JUDGE MAXEN: On the sole count
of m*rder in the Second Degree,

how do you find?

We find Emma Kim guilty.

Can you loosen this...
They are kind of tight.


So, where are you from?