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19x22 - The Drowned and the Saved

Posted: 09/15/21 11:00
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system

the people are represented by two
separate yet equally important groups,

the police who investigate crime

and the district attorneys
who prosecute the offenders.

These are their stories.

I put the new
budget on your desk.

Stay out of my office, Caroline.


Anything you have
for me, give it to Amy.

I'm sure you
understand my position.

You obviously don't
understand mine.

You can't seriously
expect me to.

What I expect is a
little consideration.

Good night, Caroline.

Guy going out to get
Pampers for his kid

called it in from his cell.

We got a canvass started.

So far no witnesses.

Looks like knife
wounds from the back.

Ruined a pretty good suit.

Crockett & Jones Wingtips.

Obviously not from
the neighborhood.

No wallet.

Just a business card case here.

Charles Whitley,

executive director of the Boland
Initiative. Pretty big charity.

Yeah, they got 100
bucks off me last year.

Hey, check this out.

Ligature marks on his wrists.

Somebody had him tied up.

What's this? It's not a
tattoo. Looks like fresh ink.

Bank account password?

One thing I know for sure,

it's definitely not
his lucky number.

Charles was usually
home by 7:00.

I thought he'd stopped to
have a drink with a colleague.

I fell asleep.

When I woke up
and he wasn't home...

Do you have any idea
why he'd be up in Inwood?


Was this a robbery? Maybe.

He ever mention any threats,

or people following him?

No, nothing like that.

Executive director at
the Boland Initiative,

what did that involve?

He oversaw their
philanthropic projects.

Your husband, did he

talk about problems
at the office?


He loved his work.

He even turned down a
generous retirement package.

He had this written on his arm.


That mean anything to you?

It's not like
Charles to do that.

It doesn't even look
like his handwriting.

Contusions on
his limbs and torso,

bruised ribs, welts
on the back of his legs.

All leading up to
the tercio de muerte.

The final act of a bullfight.

Five s*ab wounds to
the right lower back.

Nice cluster. Might be
someone with training.

What do you make of the
numbers on his forearm?

It was applied
with a regular pen

not more than a day
before you found him.

As for the numbers
themselves, I've seen this before.

Survivors from Auschwitz.

The only death camp where prisoners
were tattooed with serial numbers.

Maybe someone put this
number on his arm as a message.

Anti-Semitic threats?
Charles wasn't Jewish.

Well, maybe somebody
thought the Boland Initiative

was too sympathetic
to Jewish causes?

That would surprise me. We spread
the money around very equally.

Do you spread any
of it up in Inwood?

We have grant
recipients all over the city.

But I spoke with
Charles yesterday.

He didn't mention
going to Inwood.

His wife said he was
offered a retirement package.

That was pro forma.
When Charles turned 62,

he was eligible
for early retirement.

We were relieved when
he decided to stay on.

Mrs. Reeves, your
conference call.

Oh, excuse me.

This is all of Mr. Whitley's
personal correspondence.

Thank you. I see
his datebook has

every other Tuesday blocked
off between 5:00 and 6:00.

That's right. I'd
call a car for him

for a 4:15 pick-up
and off he'd go.

Off he'd go where?

I never asked and,
uh, he never told me.

I'd just tell the dispatcher to
take Mr. Whitley as directed.

NYPD. Can we come in?

Oh, sure.

You must be here about
the m*rder down the street.


Let me put up some
fennel tea for you.

It's great for the digestion.

We're good. You were
here last night, Ms...

Lorraine Flockhart. Yes, I was.

A car service
said... Oops, sorry.

Uh, the car service
said that they dropped

the victim off at this address.

Oh, my God. It's
Charles Whitley.

He was one of my clients.

You were his nutritionist.

Yes. I was.

He... Well, he had a standing
appointment here for years.

How did he seem yesterday?

He said he was a
bit run down actually.

I reviewed his glycemic index

and we made some
changes to his diet,

and then he left
just after 6:00.

He had this written
on his left forearm.


He had his jacket
on the whole time.

There are plenty
of nutritionists

near his office in Midtown.

You sure this wasn't about sex?

We didn't get that vibe.

The woman's practically as old as
his wife. What would be the point?

I can't believe you
said that, Detective.


I can't believe it either.

Van Buren.

Yes, put her through.
Want this closed?

This is Lieutenant Van Buren.

Yes, that's our case.

Of course, we're interested.

It arrived at the Metro
Desk this morning.

No return address, no note.

This is a copy.

When I saw Whitley
was on this, I called you.

Let's play it.

Bring the prisoner
here. On your knees!

Yes, Fräulein Vera.

Hey, hey. It's
Lorraine, the nutritionist.

Lick her boots, you scum!

Talk about your
low-calorie diet.

You didn't say "please!"

May I please lick
your boot, Fräulein?

Lick it clean. And don't
get your lice on her.

What I do is completely legal.

Mr. Whitley got exactly the
treatment he paid for and agreed to.

Getting abused as a prisoner,

the number on his arm,
that was all his idea?

Yes. Don't ask me why.

Maybe providing
S&M services is legal,

but making
blackmail videos isn't.

I didn't spend 15 years
building a reputation

just to ruin it by
blackmailing a client.

This was shot in your office.

Without my knowledge.

Charles came over two
weeks ago. He was furious.

He said that someone
had sent a DVD to his work

and now they were
trying to fire him.

So, if you didn't make
the video, who did?

Maybe one of your elves?

They didn't know
where Charles worked.

Okay. So last Tuesday,

why did he come over?

For his usual session.

After being videoed?

I fired my two girls. We
moved to a different room.

He needed this.

He couldn't stop.

Somebody sends a
DVD to Whitley's boss

to try to get him fired

a month after he was
offered a retirement package.

Which he turned down.

Somebody wanted
him out of that job badly.

They got him out of
that job now. Badly.

I didn't tell you about the DVD

because I didn't want to
embarrass Charles' family.

Do you have the DVD and
the envelope it came in?

No. On the advice
of our counsel,

those materials were destroyed.

Why? Wouldn't you need the DVD

if you were trying
to fire Mr. Whitley?

Charles refused to resign and he
threatened to sue if we fired him.

He was completely unapologetic.

He said he wasn't
breaking any laws,

that this was his private hobby

and that it didn't
impact his duties here.

Our lawyers said he had a strong
case if we tried to terminate him.

So you just let it drop.

What about the retirement
offer, whose idea was that?

I told you that was pro forma.

Okay. Anyone in particular, in or out of
the Initiative, who wanted Whitley gone?

No. Uh, he was respected.

That is, before that
DVD landed on my desk.

I didn't know how to tell you
about Charles's predilection.

I asked him once
to explain it to me.

He couldn't.

Did he tell you a video
of one of his sessions

was sent to Boland Initiative?

Yes. They weren't after money.

They wanted to hurt
him professionally.

I have to call my children

before they hear
about this on the news.

Of course. We're very sorry.
Thank you for coming in.

That is going to be
one awkward phone call.

At both ends. Hmm.

What did you find at
the nutritionist's place?

Enough leather to outfit a
biker convention, but no spy cam.

So it must have
been an inside job.

Take a run at the
nutritionist's little elves.

Jawohl. Hmm.

Yes, that's me.

It's not like I'm a
prost*tute. It's just acting.

It's not what you were doing,

but how it got on the DVD.

I told Lorraine I had
nothing to do with that,

and she still fired me.

And now I'm about to be evicted,

and I got, like,
$100 to my name.

Did you just get some
work done, Vera?

They're too high, right?

Well, they're going to look
normal when the implants settle.

You didn't have
them on the video.

Where'd you get the money from?

Uh, my savings.

Uh-huh. Okay, so money
you saved over months,

is that what we're going to find
when we check your bank account?

Or if we call your doctor, is he
going to tell us that you paid cash?

You know, Vera, if
you paid for those

with money you got from planting
a camera in Lorraine's place,

the government can seize them

as proceeds from a crime.

They'll just put you under
a knife and take them out.

You can't be serious.

Serious as m*rder,

which is what happened to
the gentleman in the video.

Charlie? Oh, my God.

If you cooperate with us,

we can make sure
that you keep your, um,


Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa! Wait, wait, wait, wait.

It's behind the Cocoa Puffs.

Just stand over there.

I swear, I had nothing
to do with any m*rder.

The guy gave me ten grand

to put that in Lorraine's
place and that's all I did.

Which guy?

His name is Phil.

I met him outside of Lorraine's.

He said he was looking
for some restaurant,

and after we hooked up
at his hotel a few times,

he asked me to plant the camera

the next time Charlie came by.

He paid me and I never
heard from him again.

How do we find Phil?

I don't know. I went to the
hotel and he'd checked out.

The hotel said
that he paid cash.

Do you have a phone number?

It stopped working
so I threw it out.

The hotel is the only
place you ever saw him?

I saw him using an ATM
around the corner from the hotel,

and he looked at me like I
caught him stealing money.

So... Hmm?

Are you going to let
me keep them now?

We'll be in touch.

That's some nice police work,
fellows. You found me through an ATM?

You recognize her?


I was in a nice hotel,
expense account.

I just wanted a no-strings-attached
fling. No crime in that.

No crime so far.

You know what
she does for a living?

She's a dominatrix. A nut job.

I got a weakness
for crazy girls.

That's why I love 'em and run.

She's connected to a m*rder
victim named Charles Whitley.

You know who he is?

No. LUPO: He was
one of Vera's clients.

Now, she said you
paid her $10,000

to get compromising
video of him.

She said that?

That's the thing
about crazy girls.

They make trouble if they
don't get what they want.

You're right about that.

How about you tell us where you
were last Tuesday around 6:00?

How about I don't.

I'm a security professional,
guys, I know my rights.

Sure. We'll get out of
your way. Just curious,

how did you get into
the security business?

Uh, personal interest.

My older sister was k*lled
by a stalker in college.

You have a nice
ride back to the city.

Your witness is a woman
who beats up men for a living.

If that's your probable cause,

it won't impress a judge.

Well, Amato said he
was in the city on a job.

His boss said he
was on vacation.

Well, Vera said Amato gave
her $10,000 to plant the camera.

Does he have that
kind of money? No.

He's moonlighting for someone
who wanted Whitley out of the way.

It's not enough probable
cause for a m*rder,

but it may be enough
for an extortion charge.

Talk to a judge about
a search warrant.

Hey, what do we have here?

A program to operate
remote cameras.

Yeah, that's standard equipment
in the security business. Big deal.

Let's turn one on and
see what we come up with.

That looks like the
property room in our precinct.

Which is where we stored
the camera that Vera gave us.

The camera she
says you gave her.

You're under arrest for
extortion. Hook him up.

Vera set me up.

Hey, B, check this out.
- She set me up!

It's a letter of recommendation
for our friend here,

addressed to the Halliwell
Group dated last year.

Check out the
signature at the bottom.

Rita Shalvoy. Governor's wife.

No wonder he's so
cocky. The guy's got juice.

Lupes, we just stepped
into a deep stinking pile.

According to her letter
of recommendation,

Rita Shalvoy met Bobby
Amato 13 years ago

when his sister was k*lled.

Rita was a Victims
Rights advocate back then.

What was his sister's name?

Ellie. Ellie Amato.

Ellie's Law. Mmm-hmm,
the anti-stalking statute.

Rita fought to make it happen.

And we know what
a fighter she is,

and how corrupt her husband is.

Start by finding out who
Mr. Amato was working for.

I'll talk to Rita Shalvoy.

Just to give her a heads-up

that we're charging
her friend with extortion.

Your boss told us you weren't
working for him in New York.

You were freelancing
for someone else.

There is no someone else.

I did a job for Halliwell,

then I decided to stay in
town and enjoy the sights.

The sights? From where?

Zagat's Guide to S&M Dungeons?

Well, yeah, I want
to tell you about that.

Mr. Amato... It's okay.

I was up in Inwood. I was
looking for a Dominican restaurant

when I met Vera.

After we hooked up, she told
me what she did for a living.

She said she was worried
about this client of hers,

this creep, she thought
he was stalking her.

I told her that my sister
had been k*lled by a stalker,

and that I would follow him
for her to put her mind at ease.

An act of gallantry
toward a woman

you were dating under a
pseudonym and planning to dump?

Did I mention that
following people is fun?

I told Vera where
he lived and worked,

in case she needed
to protect herself.

And she has the
nerve to turn on me

and set me up with
this extortion rap.

So, you're saying she planted
spy-cam software on your computer?

No, that would be ridiculous.

I gave her the camera
so I could watch her.

She liked to put on little
shows for me on the computer.

But then she made a video
of Whitley and framed me for it.

You sure you didn't
leave anything out?

No, that just about covers it.

Except Vera never mentioned her
worries about Whitley to the police.

Oh, no, she was
definitely concerned.

The guy was twisted
and hyped up on coke.

dr*gs now. That's what she said.

Now, he went to this dinner a few
months ago in honor of Jimmy Carter,

and he spent the whole night in
the bathroom with a bloody nose.

That's a guy with a
problem right there.

I'm sorry to hear
about Bobby Amato.

He's never recovered
from his sister's death.

Can I get you some coffee?

I'm fine, Rita.

I appreciate the heads-up.

Come what may, Jack,

when this election's over,

I hope you and I are able to
find a way to be friends again.

You know me, I'm
an optimist by nature.

But wouldn't Donald object?

Donald's had ample
proof of my loyalty.

And with our youngest
going off to boarding school,

there's an opportunity for me
to re-engage with the world.

Well, you can't keep
a good woman down.

Back to Bobby Amato,

you wrote a pretty glowing
recommendation for him.

How well do you know him?

I should have known you wouldn't
come all this way for a courtesy call.

The fight for Ellie's Law
gave Bobby a purpose.

He became attached to me.

He's loyal to a fault.

The fault being?

A few years ago, he called me.

I was on my way to Maine
to visit my mom who was ill.

Two days later, Bobby shows up.

In Maine, car full of groceries,

ready to pitch in and help.

I had to explain why his
behavior was inappropriate.

He apologized and left.

Sounds like you need Ellie's
Law to protect you from him.

You ever have a cat, Jack?

They'll bring you mice
they've k*lled as a gift,

a kind of unsolicited
act of devotion.

Bobby's like that.

In December, there was a
dinner honoring President Carter,

an intimate dinner for 30
at the Shalvoys' townhouse.

And it was on a Tuesday.

Whitley went there straight
from one of his S&M sessions.

If he was in the bathroom,
tending to a bloody nose...

Rita Shalvoy would've known.

She might've been the one who
told Bobby Amato what happened.

Meaning she sicked
Amato on Charles Whitley.

Whatever Rita's motive,
she's already laid out

a preemptive
defense for herself.

She accused
Amato of stalking her

and doing unsolicited favors.

Rita Shalvoy and
Charles Whitley.

Connect the dots.

The invitation to
the Carter dinner

was sent to the
Boland Initiative.

Charles happened
to be free that night.

Do you know if he had any kind
of relationship with Rita Shalvoy?

No, he never mentioned her.

What about a relationship between
Rita Shalvoy and the Boland Initiative?

The Shalvoys have attended
some of our functions,

but there was no relationship.

What about you, Ms. Reeves?

Did you ever talk to Rita
Shalvoy about Charles Whitley?

Maybe complained about him?

No. What a strange question.

Well, you offered him
the retirement package,

you were sent the
DVD, you tried to fire him.

This campaign to
get rid of Mr. Whitley,

if it didn't come from you, it
certainly came through you.

That is completely untrue. I
knew Charles for almost 20 years.

I never wished him any harm.

She left her office a half an
hour after you talked to her,

and took a cab to
Hudson River Park.

She looks kind of familiar.

Yeah. It's Thea Curry, City
Council Woman from District 52.

She spoke at my niece's
graduation. Impressive.

Now, whatever you said to
Ms. Reeves, you got to her.

They're lovers?

Not to mention Caroline
Reves is married.

Half an hour after
she talks to us,

Caroline Reeves is crying
on Thea Curry's shoulder.

We should remind
Council Woman Curry

she has an obligation to
report any criminal activity to us.

I'm aware of my ethical
obligations, Mr. Cutter,

as I'm sure you're
aware of yours.

Whatever your detectives
saw is nobody's business.

Right. Nobody's
business, of course.

And Ms. Reeves
is a lovely woman.

Well, I could put in a good word
for you but it wouldn't do any good.

She's married.

Isn't this the school the
Obamas considered for their girls?

Georgetown Day School?

I think it was.

Are you thinking
of it for your kids?

You're moving to Washington?

No. My husband and
I have shared custody,

and he's had job
offers, so we're just...

You never know.

Right. Yeah, you don't.

The people at Georgetown Day
School say Thea Curry visited twice.

She told them that
she was the one

who might be moving to
D.C., not her ex-husband.

So why lie about it?

She's a smart politician.

Everyone expects her to run for
State Office, maybe even for Congress.

Of course. It's been
staring us in the face.

New York has an
open U.S. Senate seat.

Governor Shalvoy can appoint
whoever he wants to fill that vacancy.

If there's something
in it for him.

Does a bear crap in the woods?

Meanwhile, Thea Curry's
lover, Caroline Reeves

tried to coax Charles
Whitley into early retirement.

When that didn't work,

Rita's loyal-to-a-fault
private spy

dug up the dirt on Whitley
to force him out of his job.

That's the horse trade.

Thea Curry becomes senator

and Rita Shalvoy
becomes executive director

of a prestigious
international charity.

The Shalvoys are running a
big game of musical chairs.

And Charles Whitley didn't
want to give up his seat.

But it's still not clear

if Amato k*lled Whitley
on Rita Shalvoy's orders,

or what the governor knows
about his wife's involvement.

We'll have to
find out, won't we?

If Shalvoy goes down,

he takes Joe Chapell with him.

That's not a factor in how
we prosecute this case.

Don't look so happy, Jack.

Rita Shalvoy describes
you as a quasi-stalker

who did her favors
she never asked for.

No, Mrs. Shalvoy
would never say that.

She told us about the time you
brought groceries up to Maine.

You see what she's doing, Bobby?

Whatever you did to Whitley,
she never asked you to do it.

We're sending you to prison,

she's greasing the skids.

Is there a plea offer here?

Manslaughter. But first
we hear what he has to say.

Mrs. Shalvoy wanted my help forcing
Whitley out of the Boland Initiative.

She told me about his nosebleed
at the Jimmy Carter dinner.

She said I'd have no trouble
finding something on him.

Did she pay you?

She gave me a diamond necklace

and told me
where I could sell it.

I got 20 grand for it.

I used 10 to pay
Vera to make the DVD.

Two weeks after I sent the
DVD to Caroline Reeves,

Mrs. Shalvoy called me.

She said Whitley
was being stubborn

and would I remove him.

Mrs. Shalvoy said

he was standing in her
way of doing great things.

She reminded me of
all the good she'd done,

Ellie's Law,

and how could I turn
my back on her now.

So I did what she asked.

Did she say anything to indicate

Governor Shalvoy knew
what she was up to?

No, she never
mentioned him once.

It's hard to believe Rita Shalvoy
would go so far off the reservation

without her husband
knowing about it.

When it comes to the Shalvoys,

I suspended disbelief
a long while ago.

How much of Amato's
story can we corroborate?

Well, we talked to the jeweler

who bought Rita's
necklace from Amato.

He resold it to a tourist
from Qatar for cash.

There's no way to track it down.

That necklace could've
belonged to anybody.

It's gonna take more than
the word of an accused k*ller

to convict the governor's wife.

Amato offered to wear a wire

if we can get Rita
into a room with him.

This woman wasn't
born yesterday.

Have Amato's lawyer
move for a bail hearing.

I'm not asserting a privilege.

I just don't understand why I've
been called to testify at a bail hearing.

I subpoenaed her
to address my client's

bona fides for release on bail.

She's known him
for a dozen years

and can testify on the
likelihood he'll appear.

I don't want to hurt
Mr. Amato's chances for bail,

but I'm not going
to address that.

Can I speak to Mrs.
Shalvoy in private?

That's highly
irregular, Your Honor.

Please, Judge, just give him a
chance to convince her to cooperate.

Your client has 10 minutes.

You've put me in a really
awkward position, Bobby.

Why aren't you helping
me, Mrs. Shalvoy?

I'm going crazy in jail. I've
kept my mouth shut until now.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

I don't want to hurt
you or your family.

At least help me come
up with a story. A story?

Are you implying you m*rder*d
Charles Whitley for me?

Yeah, well, I did.

Bobby, you know that's not true.

You may've heard
me criticize Whitley,

but I never asked
you to harm him.

I'll tell them about
the necklace.


Bobby, I've told you before,

you need psychiatric help.

Bobby, I've told you before.

You need psychiatric help.

She didn't come
close to an admission.

She's too smart.

Yes, Ida.


Tell them I'll be there.

I've been summoned.

I advised Mrs. Shalvoy
that she had to report this.

She insisted on doing
it as soon as possible.

Bobby Amato
confessed to me today

that he k*lled Charles Whitley.

As fond as I am of Bobby,

I'm prepared to
testify against him.

She'll come down tomorrow and
give a full statement to Mr. Cutter.

It's the right
thing to do, Rita.

Can we have a word?

Give us a minute, Rita.

Rita told me that Amato might
try to drag her down with him.

Let's not insult each
other's intelligence, okay?

We both know what
this m*rder was about.

A Senate seat.

Seems like every day we hear
about another corrupt civil servant,

corrupt banker,
businessman, athlete.

Seems that behind

every success story
of the last 10 years,

a scandal is exploding.

We're facing a rising sea
of corruption and we wonder

who will be the
next to be drowned?

Who will be saved?

And what will become
of our good works?

When will it stop, Donald,

and who will stop it?

If you expect me

to implicate Rita

and jeopardize my family...

Your family?

They're campaign props
you used to get elected.

They mean as much to you as
balloons and bumper stickers.

Your whoring proves
it. Be careful, Jack.

I'll attribute that to the
stress of your campaign.

I know you're in a dead
heat with Joe Chapell.

I also know a few
things about Joe,

maybe could swing
the numbers your way.

You're trying to buy me off?

Well, you worry about
your good works, Jack.

How are you going
to safeguard them

if you're not in the
game anymore?

Rita came in and
gave her statement.

She's practically
inoculated herself

against anything
Bobby might say.

Every time we zig,
the Shalvoys zag.

Then go straight at them.

Convene a grand jury
to investigate the selling

of a Senate seat by
Governor Shalvoy.

Once we prove the why of Whitley's
m*rder, we can prove the who.

I had discussions
with Governor Shalvoy

about my possible
appointment to the U.S. Senate.

Did the governor mention his
wife Rita during these discussions?

He said his wife was looking
to get back into public service.

He asked if I could
help her find a position.

So, was it your
understanding then

that finding Rita Shalvoy
a job was a prerequisite

to your getting the
Senate appointment?

He didn't say those words,

but that's what I read
between the lines.

So what did you do?

I told him a friend at the
Boland Initiative was unhappy

with their executive
director, Charles Whitley.

I said that I would look
into that situation for his wife.

And what happened next?

My friend Caroline Reeves
agreed to urge Mr. Whitley to retire.

He refused.

It was then that I called
the governor and told him

that the Boland job
wasn't opening up.

And what did the governor say?

That he'd let me know
about the Senate appointment.

A week later, Caroline told me

that Mr. Whitley
had been m*rder*d.

She read between the lines.

I'm not sure that
makes out pay-to-play.

It should be enough
for an indictment.

You're asking a grand jury
to indict a sitting governor.

He's not exactly a ham sandwich.

Shalvoy's giving an interview
about the vacant Senate seat.

My only criterion is who will best
represent the state of New York.

Right now, I'm leaning
toward someone

I've had my disagreements
with in the past.

But he's seasoned
enough to handle the

rough and tumble
world of national politics.

Manhattan District Attorney
Jack McCoy is at the top of my list.

Thank you.

Shalvoy must have found out
we convened a grand jury on him.

He's muddying the waters.

Not to mention, who's
going to vote for a D.A.

who's got one eye on Washington?

You have to admit,
it's rather brilliant.

Ida, get me Mark in
the campaign office.

I'll put an end to it tomorrow
morning with a press conference.

We're wanted in the grand jury.

We saw the news during the lunch
break, and some of us wondered

if Jack McCoy might be
horse-trading with the governor, too.

Mr. Foreman, Jack McCoy is
not a target of your investigation.

Maybe Thea Curry was subpoenaed

because McCoy's trying to whittle
down his competition for the Senate job.

We'd like to hear what
he has to say about it.

Mr. McCoy will be speaking at a
news conference tomorrow morning.

We want him under oath
when he tells his side of it.

Your grand jury
is out of control.

We always claim grand
juries are independent.

If it leaks out that I've
been called to appear,

I might as well concede
to Joe Chapell right now.

You need to get
out in front of this

before you find your name on
the first page of an indictment.

My campaign director is advising
me to assert executive privilege,

to stall until
after the election.

Well, if that's your plan, Jack,

I'd rather you conceded.

Mr. McCoy,

have you ever sought an interim
appointment to the United States Senate?


I'm running for election to
remain the district attorney.

I have no desire to
hold any other office.

Have you ever discussed
the interim Senate seat

with Governor Shalvoy?

Not as it concerns myself.

Uh-um. Yes.

In other words, Mr. McCoy,

you had a discussion
with the governor about it.

Yes. And yesterday,
the governor said

he was thinking
of appointing you.

Why shouldn't we
infer you made a deal?

I convened this grand jury
because the police uncovered

evidence of political corruption

during the investigation
of a m*rder.

The governor's announcement
is a ploy to hijack your inquiry.

I never sought
and will not accept

appointment to the Senate because
I remain committed to one thing.

To serve this city as its
chief law enforcement officer.

And in that capacity,

I will prosecute
political corruption

wherever it occurs

and whomever perpetrates it.

Two hours and counting.

I think he'll be okay.

Don't be so sure.

That one grand juror was
ready to storm the barricades.

There's a mob mentality
in this country right now.

None of us can afford
to be complacent.

Thank you.

They voted a sealed indictment
against Governor Shalvoy

for Official Misconduct

and Attempted Bribe
Receiving in the Second Degree.

Nothing about you.

It's just an indictment.

We still don't have enough
evidence to convict him at trial.

It's sufficient for what
I need to do with it.

I will not be sent
out again, Donald.

Whatever you have to say to me,
Jack, you say in front of my wife.


I have a sealed
indictment against you

for bartering the Senate
seat with Thea Curry.

Just curious. What'd you
promise Thea in return

for her perjured testimony?

I'd be careful.

Anything you say can be used
against you in a court of law.

Are you Mirandizing him?

I have officers outside
waiting to arrest you.

Waiting? What do
you want from me?

Corroboration of Bobby Amato's
testimony against your wife

for Charles Whitley's m*rder.

Jack, this vendetta
against me is pathological.

If you give me what I need,

I might be convinced that your
conversation with Thea Curry

was political back-scratching

that didn't rise to the
level of criminality.

I'll withdraw the indictment

as legally insufficient before
it even sees the light of day.

You'll keep your
position, your power.

How can I trust you?

You can't seriously be
considering this, Donald.

Never mind trust. Do the math.

Donald, I remind you,

that every conversation we've had
is subject to the spousal privilege.

I can stop you from
testifying against me,

just as you can stop me
from testifying against you.

The privilege has exceptions.

Yes, I know.

Did Bobby Amato
mention a necklace?

A diamond necklace.

That's how Rita paid him.

Amato sold it to a jeweler.

If I remember my law classes,

it's an exception
to the privilege

if I see my wife take a necklace

out of our safe and
put it in her purse.

A necklace our insurance
company has a picture of.

Jack, every word out
of his mouth is a lie.

You must know that.

Of course, for our sons' sake,

I can't take the
stand against Rita.

No, you wouldn't have to.

If the jeweler recognizes
the necklace from the photo,

that corroborates Amato's story.


You bastard. After I
cleaned up after you

and that Brazilian whore,
this is how you repay me?

Suck it up, Rita.

You know, when I heard
that Whitley was k*lled,

I knew it had to be her.

She was in heat for the
Boland job. You're sick!

You wanted to be this big
humanitarian, jetting around the globe,

saving the world,
and now look at you,

a sad, pathetic...

Shut up, Donald.

Jack, he's framing me.

This is what he's always wanted,
so that he could be with his whores.

Rita. You have no
idea what it's been like,

to live like this,

share a bed with him...

Rita, don't do this to yourself.

He owed me. You owed me!

When the police were investigating
Charles Whitley's private life,

they discovered that his
dark world overlapped yours.

I doubt that. I'm not
one of those S&M freaks.

Well, maybe not,
but you'll be surprised

how often sex workers
migrate between specialties.

High-class escort one month may
be working in a dungeon the next.

And service people, they love
to gossip about their clients.

That's old news. I learned
my lesson last year.

Not well enough, it seems.

One thing about people like you,

you can't stop.

I have names, dates and places.

What do you want?

Your resignation, Governor, with
your reputation, such as it is, intact.

Just say you're leaving office

to support your wife and family

in a time of personal crisis.

That wasn't the deal.
McCoy said I'd stay in office.

I'm not Jack McCoy.

After my wife's arrest on these
tenuous and politically motivated charges,

I find myself torn between
my obligation to my family

and my commitment
to my constituents.

But after speaking to one of the
most talented minds in the state,

Deputy Attorney
General Joe Chappell,

I realize I need to
put my family first.

I'm resigning as governor of the state
of New York, effective immediately.

No further questions.

One last shot at me before
the door slams behind him.

I'm surprised though.

About what?

Given the chance
to keep his job,

I thought he'd hold
on with both hands.

What did you say
to him yesterday?

I, uh...

I told him that I had this list

of his latest assignations
with prostitutes.

I'm not sure I approve.

Not sure?

I thought you wanted
to win this election.

Polls open in seven hours.

May we live to
fight another day.

Hear, hear.