19x08 - Chattel

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order". Aired: September 1990 to May 2010.*
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Detectives and prosecutors work to solve crimes and convict perpetrators.
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19x08 - Chattel

Post by bunniefuu »

criminal justice system

the people are represented by two
separate yet equally important groups,

the police who investigate crime

and the district attorneys
who prosecute the offenders.

These are their stories.

Are you turning off
the air conditioning?

LIZZY: I'm just looking at it.

I'm sweating in
here. Leave it alone.

I'm cold.

What am I, a potted plant?

Come here.

You're shaking.

What's the matter?

I'm worried, Freddie.

I just hope we haven't
opened a can of worms here.

It'll be all right.

If we're wrong, we
could get disbarred.

Like the world can't
spare two lawyers?

Lizzy, don't worry.

We're doing the right thing.



the best you can do,

sometime between Friday
and Sunday morning?

Well, the AC was blasting,
the place was like a meat locker.

Totally screws my
rigor calculations.

I mean, who runs the
AC in October anyway?

You got a problem with that?

The alarm system was on when I
come in this morning, like always.

I think the Bellamys
have gone to work.

Um, they are lawyers,
but such nice people.

What kind of lawyers were they?

Family, you know, for
children and divorce.

Very kind, always
help me with my kids.

I work for them 10 years,
they were like friends.

I'm very sorry. Um, would
you mind staying here?

We might have some
more questions for you.

She says the alarm was still on.

I'll have the company
confirm it. What have you got?

We've got messages.

VOICE: Saturday, 1 1:12 a.m.

Hey, guys, it's Valerie.

If you haven't left yet, can you
pick up two more bottles of red?

Big crowd coming. (PHONE BEEPS)

VOICE: Saturday, 3:38 p.m.

VALERIE: Where are you
guys? Everybody's asking.

Did you miss the exit
again? Love you guys.

Loveable divorce lawyers. That's
like k*lling an endangered species.

It looks like always.

They never want me to clean
here, just empty the trash.


This window looks
like it was forced open.

It's not alarmed?

It used to be.

Look, the sensor came
loose and got smashed

when somebody closed the window.

Looks like it's been
like that for a while.

Whoever broke in had to know.

Ms. Torres, the
Bellamys, they have kids?

Uh, just Gary. He live in
New Jersey with his wife.



They use that room to
interview kids in custody disputes.

It was Mom's idea, so the
kids don't feel intimidated.


Uh, the alarm was
broken on that window.

We believe that's
where the k*ller came in.

Damn it. I told them
50 times to get it fixed.

How long has it been broken?

Couple of months.

I told them it was dangerous
but they never listened.

Gary do you know anybody who
might've wanted to hurt your parents?

The people who
robbed them, obviously.

We don't think it's a robbery.

The place wasn't ransacked,
there was nothing missing.

What about your
parents' clients,

any of them make
trouble for them?

GARY: They never
talked about their clients.

That whole privilege thing,

they took that very seriously.

They'd say a divorce is a
human tragedy, like a death,

and it deserves to be
treated with the same respect.

Despite what they say, there's no
such thing as an amicable divorce.

But the Bellamys were fair and they
never lied to clients or adversaries.

LUPO: I'm sure you're right,

but we know divorce does
not bring out the best in people.

We need to know who's been in
their home office the last few months.

People who might have brought
their children over to be interviewed.

So you're basically asking
to see their active clients.

We'll start with a list.

CARR: Nice try, Detective.

I've been a paralegal and
a hockey mom for 20 years.

Nobody gets inside the crease.

All right. We need to find
divorcing parents with kids.

Kids who'd been in that room.

Any matrimonial
case involving custody

has to file an
RJI with the court,

it's a Request for
Judicial Intervention.

We need to find the
ones the Bellamys filed.

We call Rubirosa for a subpoena.

Actually, in law school that's what
they call "not such a good idea."

What do they call a better idea?

EISMAN: Cy, I could lose my job.

Okay. You want
my Con Law outline?

You know you'll
never pass without it.


Bellamy? That's right.

Frederick and
Elizabeth. (TYPING)

I got RJIs filed on 127
of their custody cases.

Uh, all right. Can you
print out the names?

Hundred and twenty-seven
sets of parents with kids

who might've been
in that romper room.

Now we just find those who might
have had a beef against the Bellamys.

Maybe we can get a jump on it.

Ron, can you check
if any malpractice

or ethics complaints
came out of these?

Most of the complaints
were dismissed or dropped,

but we got one guy here who
looks like a real head case,

one William Carter.

Liz Bellamy was
representing Ann Carter.

Yeah, they were fighting
over custody of their three kids,

two boys and a girl. We
got a video of the deposition.

Say hello to Mr. Carter.

Never drunk in front of my kids!

LIZZY: Mr. Carter, sit down.

I'll put you on
the freakin' street!

Bill, settle down.

Regarding the custody preferences
of the children, your daughter Isabelle...

Objection! Don't answer that.

I haven't posed a question yet.

You can shove
your questions, lady!

Over my dead body will
you get custody of my boys!

(CHAIR SCRAPES) We're done here!

Can I see the file?


When was that deposition?

Uh, it was September 17th.

Mr. Carter settled with
his wife two weeks later,

after fighting with her tooth
and nail for eight months.

His wife might have had something
on him to get him to back off.

You notice, the moment Liz
Bellamy mentioned their daughter,

Carter's lawyer
shut things down.

Maybe what got him to wave
the white flag was his wife

accused him of
molesting the daughter.

Standard tactic
in divorce cases.

What if there was
something to it?

What if he did
molest his daughter,

and if the Bellamys were
Boy Scouts, like everyone said,

they might've decided
to do something about it.

Bill and I were
together for a long time,

but in the end it was no
different from any other divorce.

We fought. We
split up. That's it.

Except for your husband's
unconditional surrender.

What exactly did
you thr*aten him with?


He's a decent man.

Ma'am, we saw the
video of the depositions.

Your husband is a lot of things,

but decent is not one of them.

What did you have over him?

Did it have to do
with your daughter?


Your kids, the little
one is Jake, right?

And the older one is David.

He's what, 14?

David is 15.

And Isabelle, your daughter, she's 11.
But you don't have any pictures of her.

I'd like you to go now.

Cards on the table, Mrs. Carter.

We think your husband
molested your daughter,

and the Bellamys knew about it,

and that's why they're dead.

Bill wouldn't do that.

We need to talk
to your daughter.

She's not here. We can wait.

No, she's not
here, in this country.

She went back to Haiti.

Isabelle's adopted?

We wanted another child,
so we got a girl from Haiti.

But the adoption wasn't
final, so after the divorce...

You sent her back,
to that hellhole?

We didn't have a choice.

Those people over there demanded she
be returned home, because of the divorce.

We tried, but we
couldn't keep her.

BLAIR: Isabelle Carter.

Someone else came in
last week to ask about her.

Let me see.

Fred and Elizabeth Bellamy.

They said that they were
lawyers for the adoptive family.

They said the girl had been
returned to Haiti by mistake.

That is a very
serious mistake, no?

It would be.

You don't think
it was a mistake.

We think it was an attempt to
cover up a crime against the girl.

We found a record of
her arrival at the airport

in Port-au-Prince
on September 20th.

She was met by someone who presented
credentials of a Catholic adoption agency.

We have no other
record of her after that.

What, she just disappeared?

Of course not.

But, uh, we have not
been able to locate her yet.

I mean, this was all
explained to the family

when we called
them with our findings.

You called who, the Bellamys?

Uh, no, the adoptive father.

Bill Carter? You told him that the
Bellamys were looking for that girl?

This is the record
I have in the file.

Is there something wrong?

The State Department said
they'll pressure the Haitians

to keep looking for the girl.

Good luck. That
place could swallow

this whole squad
without breaking a sweat.

They're even having trouble
tracking the adoption agency worker

who picked her
up from the airport.

only thing we do know

is Bill Carter knew the
Bellamys were looking for her.

Yeah, and two days later, somebody
put three .22 caliber slugs into them.

I don't suppose there's a record
Carter ever owned a .22 handgun.

Sorry, no. There is a
record that the Bellamys

interviewed the Carter boys
during the divorce proceedings.

And we can't get near the kids
without their mother's permission,

and so far she's
not playing ball.

You know, there may be a
way to leverage her cooperation.

If she blackmailed her husband
with a molestation charge,

any money she got in a divorce
would be proceeds of a crime.

Yes, it would. And
we could seize it.

You know, it says here
that most of the settlement,

three hundred grand,
is from a bank loan

co-signed by Eric
and Miriam Johnson.

They're listed
as family friends.

A personal loan to help
Bill Carter. Nice friends.

Bill told us they needed the
money to finalize the divorce,

and that was good enough for us.

The divorce was very hard on
everybody, on Ann and the kids.

But three hundred grand, no
questions asked? (CELL PHONE RINGS)

Sure. I've known Bill since
college. He'll pay us back.

You know of any problems that
the Carters might have been having

with their adoptive
daughter Isabelle?

What kind of problems?

That she was being
sexually abused by Mr. Carter.

No. Not Bill. That's impossible.

When are we eating? Um,
Patrick's hungry, me, too.

MIRIAM: Soon, honey.
Go do your homework.

You have an adopted
child, too, from Haiti?

Yes. We lived there for
three years, for my work,

and we adopted Patrick then.

There was so much
poverty and despair,

we just had to do something.

You know the Carters sent Isabelle
back to that poverty and despair.

They told us they had to.

The adoption wasn't final.

That's what they said.

You think they lied?

We think we're not
getting the whole story.

Maybe you could encourage
Mrs. Carter to speak with us.

I don't think
that's a good idea.

I told you, the divorce
was hard on everybody,

especially the kids.

David even talked about su1c1de.

Where did you hear that?

Our daughter Karen.
They go to school together.

LUPO: Now, we
talk to the Carter kid.

What, David? Mmm-hmm.

Did you find a
magic wand up there

that gets us around
this gag order?

Close enough. We
can't talk to David Carter,

the non-emancipated child of
Bill and Ann Carter. Mmm-hmm.

But we can talk to David
Carter, the suicidal boy.

I told Karen that, like,
two months ago, okay?

I didn't really mean it. I'm not
going to k*ll myself, don't worry.

We're just making
sure you're okay.

You talking to anyone,
like a counselor?

Yeah. Mmm-hmm. That's good.

Your mom's lawyer, Mrs. Bellamy,

she talked to you, too, right?

She interviewed you,
you and your brother?

Yeah. You remember
where that was?

It was at her place, some
room in the basement.

It had all these video games.

Did you notice something
wrong with one of the windows?


Mrs. Bellamy kept trying
to close one of them,

but there was this
busted wire in the way.

Funny. Did you mention that to


I don't know. Look, I'm
going to be late for practice.

It's tough about the divorce,

having that little
girl sent back.


When she was with you, did
she get along with everybody?

Yeah, sure.

What's the matter,
you didn't like her?

No, she just didn't
speak any English.

So who talked to
Isabelle, just your parents?

I guess. I mean, if
they had something

really important
to explain to her,

then they would
call Karen's parents

and have their kid talk
to Isabelle on the phone.

You mean their
adopted son Patrick?

Yeah, that's what I just said.

A material witness warrant
for a 13-year-old boy?

The girl might've told him
if she was being abused.

Look, the parents are
tight with Bill Carter.

They could play keep-away.

Have you asked the
Johnsons to speak to the boy?

No. We could, but
then we'd run the risk

of having another child
shipped out of the country.

They're on the hook
for three hundred grand.

If Carter goes to jail,
they're out of luck.

My parents aren't home yet.

LUPO: That's okay.
We're here for Patrick.

What do you want
to talk to him for?

Please, tell us where he is.

Well, you can't come
in. You need a warrant.

I have one, for Patrick.

He's not here.

Where's his room?

This is his room.

BERNARD: Ah, tight fit.

This stuff looks brand-new.

Check out this linoleum, Lupes.

The glue isn't even fully set.

Paint's fresh, too.

How long's Patrick been
living here with your family?

Since we moved back
from Haiti, two years.

BERNARD: I'd hate to see what this broom
closet looked like before the renovation.

So where's Patrick now?

This looks like
Marcus Garvey Park.



Easy, little man!

(SOBBING) No! Please let me go!


We're police. It's cool.

No, please, I have go back.

Patrick, you're okay.
Nobody's going to hurt you.


Let me go!



I am a restavek.

He's saying he's a restavek.

He's a sl*ve.

Say that again?

A restavek, man.


You see? A sl*ve.

Go on, eat. You're not
in any trouble, Patrick.

You know, you told the
detectives you were a restavek.

Did I pronounce that right?

Could you tell me what it means?

It is nothing.

Why did that man at the park say

it meant that you were a sl*ve?

Please, I have to go
home to Mom and Dad.

Detective Lupo looked
it up on the computer.

"Restavek comes from the
French words meaning 'to stay with.'

"In Haiti, it's what
they call a child

"who's sold to a family
to work as a servant."

Were you sold to
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson?

Are you a servant, Patrick?

I am their son.

What about Isabelle,
is she a restavek?

I don't know.

What school do
you go to, Patrick?

I learn at home.

What else do you do
at home, do you work?



VAN BUREN: And your fingernails.

How did your fingernails
break and get so dirty?

Is that from chores?

Before they fixed up your room,

where did you sleep?

Please. Can I go home?

It's good now. I
have my own bed.

It's good. It's new. Please.

Get Child Services over
here, and then call the DA,

and let them know
what we got here.

Where's our son?
Where's Patrick?

Our daughter told us that
you came to the house and...

I'm Lieutenant Van Buren.

Patrick is being put in
the care of Child Services.

He'll be examined by a
doctor and a psychologist.

You can't do that. He's ours.


Our legally adopted son.

Well, we have a material
witness warrant for Patrick.

I suggest you get
yourselves a lawyer.

My officer will escort you out.

Bruises on his upper
arms, untreated skin rashes,

calcium, vitamin and protein
deficiencies, untreated cavities.

It's just what you'd expect
for a neglected, abused child.

The furniture in his room

was bought two weeks ago
for cash at a store in Brooklyn.

CSU found traces of cat
urine under the linoleum.

He probably shared the space with
the litter box before they fixed it up.

I want to rip these
people a new one.

Take a number, Counselor.

All noble sentiments. What
kind of witness will this boy make?

He's a traumatized kid. He didn't
want to tell us what happened to him.

Maybe Child Services
will have better luck.

We already have
enough to tell his story.

Four years ago, the
Johnsons bought him

off the streets of Haiti.

Yeah, we hear the
going rate was $50.

CUTTER: They used
him as their servant.

When they got
transferred back here,

they phonied up an
adoption to get him a visa

and brought him
back with their luggage.

What about the
little girl, Isabelle?

Same story, more or less.

Johnson probably helped the
Carters bring her in from Haiti.

My guess is that's
what Mrs. Carter used

to leverage a divorce
settlement from her husband.

It certainly explains why Johnson
lent Carter three hundred grand,

to keep Mrs. Carter quiet.

It would also explain why
he'd keep his mouth shut

if he thought Carter was
involved in the Bellamys' m*rder.

Give him a reason to talk.

Charge him with endangering
the welfare of a minor.

An A misdemeanor? I'm
quaking in my boots, Jack.

Well, unfortunately, Mike, New
York has no anti-sl*very statute.

But we do have a
kidnapping statute.

The boy was adopted to transport
him out of his native country

and use him as a servant, an
adoption in furtherance of sl*very,

a fraudulent adoption.

That's kidnapping.

I'll start drafting
an arrest warrant.

Hold on. We're not arresting
anyone on a charge we can't sustain.

Lieutenant, didn't you
say the boy refused to talk?

Give him time.

It's not good enough.

If you want to arrest Eric and
Miriam Johnson for kidnapping,

convince a grand jury first.

Patrick, please tell us how you
came to live with Mr. and Mrs. Johnson

in Haiti when you
were nine years old?

I was living with Maman and my
brothers and sisters in Fort-Liberté.

When you say Maman,
you mean your real mother?


One day, a man
came to the house.

He gave Maman some money.

She was crying very much.

We went in a car to
Port-au-Prince, to a nice house.

The man told me to go inside
and live with the white people there

and do what they said.

You mean Mr. And Mrs. Johnson?


And what did
they tell you to do?

Chores and learning, every day.

What kind of chores?

Cooking. Cleaning. Washing.

How many hours each day?

I don't know, from
when I wake up.

And if you didn't do your
chores or you didn't do them well,

did Mr. or Mrs. Johnson
hit you or punish you?


They said, "Good boy"
and they give me a candy.

Okay, Patrick, let's talk
about your life here in America.

You do chores every day?

No. I play and study.

Patrick, do you understand
you swore to tell the truth today?

Yes. I tell you the truth.


Where do Mr. and Mrs.
Johnson make you sleep at night?

In my room.

It's very big.

I have my own bed.

Really, a big room?

Yes, with big TV
and video games.

I can stay up all
night and play.

And my sister, Karen,
brings me ice cream and cake.

I have a very happy life.

This is a picture of your room.

Show me the big TV.

Show me all the video games.

Why aren't you telling
us the truth, Patrick?

Are you frightened? Did
someone thr*aten you?

They know he was lying.

Let's hope a picture is
worth a thousand words.


It's a notice of intent
from the Johnsons' lawyer.

Miriam Johnson wants to
appear before the grand jury.

Our three years in Haiti was
the most eye-opening experience

my husband and I had ever had.

We had never seen such chaos,

such indescribable
poverty and casual v*olence.

We just wanted
to save one child.

Eric paid a fee, and when they
brought Patrick to our house,

well, there was no question
he'd be part of our family forever.

Patrick told us that he has chores
to do from the moment he wakes up.

He has to tidy his room,

I'm sure that's what he meant.

He also mentioned
cooking and washing.

He likes to help
us in the kitchen.

He enjoys showing
us how clever he is.

My daughter has chores, too.

What do you feed Patrick?

He eats what we eat.

Does anyone else in your family
have protein and vitamin deficiencies?

No one else in my family spent
the first eight years of their lives

living in squalor and
eating one meal a day.

Patrick's health was
seriously compromised.

The doctors said it might
take years for him to catch up.

Doctors here said that?

These were doctors in Haiti.

What did the doctors here say,

assuming you even
brought him to a doctor here?

I'm going to object. You
have no standing to object.

Her son's doctor visits are
covered by the patient privilege.

She can't talk about them.

I'm directing you to
be quiet, Mr. Marks.

Why does Patrick
have untreated cavities?

He hates going to the
dentist, he has tantrums.

What about school? Have
you enrolled him in school?

No, he's too far behind the children
his own age. I home school him.

But you have a job,
don't you, Mrs. Johnson?

How can you home school Patrick?

I mostly work from home.

Then can you explain why we
didn't find a single schoolbook

in that rat hole you
forced Patrick to sleep in?

He doesn't keep his
books in that room.

And I resent you calling
his room a rat hole.

Would you prefer
if I called it a cell?

It was temporary
until we could find a...

Fix up a proper room for him.

And for your information,
millions of Haitian children

would be thrilled to have a
room like that to call their own.

Mrs. Johnson...

No, if we had
left Patrick there,

his life expectancy
was 35 years.

m*rder is the number one cause
of death for young men in Haiti.

Do you know that?

That's not relevant to your
treatment of him in this country.

Not relevant?

We saved his life.

v*olence was all around us.

robberies at gunpoint.

My husband had to take
extraordinary measures to protect us.

Patrick was safe with us.

Safe from hunger, safe
from living like a wild animal.

Twenty minutes it took the
grand jury to no-bill the indictment.

I'm sorry, but better you find
out now that your case was weak.

If only Patrick
had told the truth.

Put yourself in his shoes.

As bad as his life is here,

he might be afraid that things would
be worse if he was sent back to Haiti.

Hey, looks like we
might get another crack

at indicting the Johnsons,
this time for m*rder.

Miriam Johnson testified that
her husband took measures

to protect their
family in Haiti.

I tracked down his colleagues
that worked with him over there.

Two of them told me that
Johnson bought a .22 cal Ruger.

Same caliber that
k*lled the Bellamys.

And Carter's motive
to sh**t the Bellamys

applies equally to Johnson.

Well, there's more.

One of these colleagues
tipped me off that

Johnson still maintains
a bank account in Haiti,

and I charmed someone
at the Port-au-Prince branch

to fax me bank statements
from the past two years.

There have been 16 wire
transfers to that account,

each for $30,000.

Wire transfers from whom?

Various individuals
in the New York area.

BRIAN: It was a
legitimate wire transfer.

We filled out all the forms.

I don't see what
business it is...

Can't you just come
back tomorrow?

Uh, we just put our
kids to bed upstairs.

Mr. Klassen, maybe you're not
clear on the concept of a subpoena,

but one way or the other, you're
going to answer these questions.

Spare me your threats.

The money was
for a start-up in Haiti.

What kind of company?


Eric Johnson saw an opportunity.


What was that?

It was probably just the kids.

I thought you said
the kids were upstairs.

That came from downstairs.

It's the dog, he doesn't like
being locked up down there.

Oh, you have a dog?

I love dogs. Can I see your dog?

Basement is down here, right?

Hey, you just
can't go wherever...

Oh, you invited us
in, sir. Remember?


Come here.

Come on, sweetheart.

Come on, it's okay.

We're going to get you
out of here. It's all right.

Your working days are over.

Eric arranged it.

We paid him a
finder's fee, $30,000.

We signed the adoption papers,

then someone flew
with the kid from Haiti.

We met them at the airport.

Eric and Miriam Johnson said that
no matter what the conditions here,

it was a million times better than
what those kids had to face in Haiti.

CONNIE: Those kids?

How many kids were
they talking about?

They said they'd helped
with a bunch of adoptions.


Take these off me, right now!

We recovered 16
children and 14 couples.

Two of the couples
are away on holiday.

We're having their planes met.

Jack, meet the
Johnsons, Eric and Miriam.

On top of everything else,
they're being charged with m*rder.

LUPO: Let's go say
hi to your friends.


Eight and a half million,

the number of children
sold into sl*very every year.

Well, this plantation is closed.

Let's get something
straight at the outset.

My clients are only interested
in a global settlement.

So, until you get somebody down
here from the US Attorney's office,

we have nothing to talk about.

I'm prosecuting a
double homicide.

The sl*very charges are for
you and the feds to sort out.

But if you prefer to
fight a w*r on two fronts,

then I hope you have the
guts and the pocketbook for it.

We didn't k*ll the Bellamys.

You knew they were
investigating Isabelle's treatment.

Yes. Bill Carter told us he got a
call from the Haitian Consulate.

But the Bellamys
couldn't do anything

without violating their
attorney-client privilege.

Ann Carter kept telling
us how ethical they were.


You of all people
expect us to believe

that you were relying on someone
else's ethics to stay out of trouble?

Why don't you cut the sarcasm?

Why don't you tell your
clients to cut the fairy tales?

They didn't k*ll the
Bellamys, they couldn't have.

They were out of town the night
those poor people were k*lled.

We were in Connecticut
at Larry Tomlin's place.

We didn't leave their house in
New Haven till past midnight.

CONNIE: That's plenty of
time to come back to New York.

There was an accident
on the Saw Mill.

We were stuck for two hours.

We have evidence you
owned a .22 caliber Ruger p*stol.

Where's that g*n now?

We can't find it.

We brought it back with us.

We put it in a
shoebox in our closet

and we haven't
looked at it since.

Until Mr. Marks
told us to get it.

It wasn't there.

The Tomlins confirmed that the
Johnsons left their house at midnight.

And the Westchester Police, they
confirmed the tie-up on the Saw Mill.

Back to square one. Bill Carter.

The police confirmed that the
shell casings at the m*rder scene

were from a .22 caliber Ruger.

It's possible that the Johnsons'
g*n ended up in Bill Carter's hands.

Don't their kids go
to the same school?

It doesn't matter
what I tell you.

You people always
assume the worst

and now my parents
are going to jail.

Karen, if you really
want to help your parents,

you tell us what you
know about that g*n.

If I tell you, and you back out,

I'm not going to say anything
at a trial or anywhere else.

I do not want my
mom to go to jail.

We'll do everything we can.

When I told my parents
that David, David Carter,

was talking about
k*lling himself,

what I didn't tell them
was that he was over here

and we were goofing around.

And I told him that my
dad had a g*n in the closet.

David went and found it,

and, like, stuck it in his mouth

and said he felt
like sh**ting himself.

I told him to stop acting stupid

and I made him put the g*n back.

That's it?

He's been back a couple of times

when my parents weren't here.

I think he went in their room.

Okay, so I handled it.

Karen saw me. But I put it back.

David, I want you to understand

that if you had the g*n and
somebody else took it from you,

you didn't commit any crime.

What do you mean somebody else?

CUTTER: Your dad
was worried those lawyers

were making trouble
because of Isabelle.

Yeah, I know.

Your dad told you?

No. Karen.

She heard her
parents talking about it.

What else did she say?

She said that she was
worried that her parents

were going to get
busted because of Patrick.

You and Karen are
pretty close, right?

We've known each other
since we were little kids.

You talked to her
about the divorce?


You tell her about the
interview with your mom's lawyer,

in that room in the basement?


About Mrs. Bellamy trying to close
that window, you told her about that?

Yeah. What...

Wait, what's the big deal?

The Friday night your
mom's lawyer was k*lled,

you remember what you
did? It was three weeks ago.

Yeah, I had dinner with my dad.

Did you call Karen
and tell her about it?

Yeah, I texted her as soon
as my dad dropped me off.

Did she return the favor?

She hit me back
at, like, 2:00 a.m.

We can check his story by
tracking cell tower signals.

Well, if it's true, with her
parents in New Haven,

that leaves Karen Johnson
home alone with a g*n.

How about this for a curveball?

The lab, they examined the
shoebox that the g*n was in.

They found recent
g*nsh*t residue.

Somebody put the g*n back
into the shoebox after they used it.

That would fit. Hmm.

If we can believe that
she shot the Bellamys,

she put the g*n back
so it wouldn't be missed.

Until she got nervous
and got rid of it.

We're putting a heck of
a lot on a 15-year-old girl.

When you picked
Patrick up in that park,

his hands were filthy, and he
had fresh dirt under his nails,

like he'd been digging.


MAN: Yeah, I
noticed him in here.

I thought he was looking
for something in the dirt.

Right here, next to that tree.



Say it ain't so.

LUPO: Someone saw you
put the g*n there, Patrick.

BERNARD: The g*n has
your fingerprints on it, little man.

Do you know what that means?

No more lies, Patrick.

Tell us what happened.

Sister say bad people want to hurt
the family, put Mom and Dad in jail.

She say no one
will take care of us,

we will be on the
street like beggars.

LUPO: Karen said this?

What else did she say?

She say I have to do it.

Do what, Patrick?

k*ll them.

She take me to a house.

She open a window
and we go inside.

She take my hand
and we go up the stairs.

We see a man and a woman asleep.

She say do it, and
I go in the room.

Did you sh**t them, Patrick?


All right, kid.
Let's get your stuff.

I can't stay here? I like it.

I have friends.

I know.

But you're going to have
to come with us, Patrick.

Go pack your things in there.

That's not true.

Patrick's confused.
Karen, tell them.

He's lying.

I never told Patrick to hurt
anybody. He's making it up.

That's enough. This
interview is over.

You have nothing
on her, Mr. Cutter.

Just the imaginings of
a semi-literate feral child.

Oh, I'd give him
more credit than that.

You can take her to
booking, Detective.

Let's take a walk. Mom.

No! You can't do that to
my daughter. I won't allow it!

I won't allow it!

Johnson is no flight risk.

The People's case against
her rests almost exclusively

on the word of a
13-year-old, Haitian boy.

We have every reason to
believe we will prevail in any trial.

Your Honor, the defendant's parents
have assets and contacts overseas,

they have a record
of flouting our laws.

We have no doubt that they would
avail themselves of those resources

to help their only daughter
escape prosecution.

I agree. The defendant is
remanded to secure detention.

Next case.

CLERK: Docket 605651,
People v. Patrick Johnson,

m*rder in the second
degree, two counts.

I'm going to enter a plea of
not guilty for you, young man.

MARKS: That's fine, Your Honor.

CUTTER: Your Honor,
as with the last defendant,

the People request remand to
the Department of Juvenile Justice.

Your Honor, he's 13 years old.

To talk of him as a
flight risk is ridiculous.

He was brought to this
country by his adoptive parents.

Where would he go?

He should be remanded to his
parents who care deeply for him.

Care deeply?

Your Honor, these
parents are charged

with operating a sl*very ring,

of abusing and
neglecting this very child.

The child himself denied any
neglect in his grand jury testimony.

Your Honor, this defendant is the main
witness against the Johnsons' daughter.

At the very least, he'll be
subjected to intimidation.

At worst, these people will
ship him back to his native Haiti,

as happened before
to another child.

Hold on, Mr. Cutter.

Young man.

What do you have to say?

Do you want to be
with your parents?

I want to be free.

You're not the first
defendant who's told me that.

The defendant is remanded
to secure detention.

Next case.

Why can't I go home?

CONNIE: Back to the Johnsons,
after what they did to you?

No, to Haiti.

Why can't I go home to Haiti?

That's good.

I will see Maman.

That's not how
it works, Patrick.

You committed a
very serious crime.


I'm sorry, Patrick.

GUARD: Okay,
let's go. On your feet.

I will never be free.

GUARD: All right,
let's go, single file.
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