04x04 - Slumber Party

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Full House". Aired: September 1987 to May 1995.*
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A widower enlists help to raise his three daughters..
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04x04 - Slumber Party

Post by bunniefuu »

Aw, nuts.

Hey, michelle. What's going on?

I can't reach. I'm too little.

That's what's nice
about big sisters...

They're bigger.

Be very careful.


It's finished.

Not yet.

Come on, it's a masterpiece.
What more does it need?


Now it's finished.

♪ Ahh ♪

♪ Ahh ♪

♪ Whatever happened
to predictability ♪

♪ The milkman, the paper boy ♪

♪ Evenin' tv ♪

♪ How did I get delivered here ♪

♪ Somebody tell me, please ♪

♪ This old world's ♪

♪ Confusin' me ♪

♪ Clouds as mean
as you've ever seen ♪

♪ Ain't a bird who
knows your tune ♪

♪ Then a little voice
inside you whispers ♪

♪ Kid, don't sell your
dreams so soon ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ There's a heart ♪

♪ A hand to hold onto ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ There's a face of
somebody who needs you ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ When you're lost out there ♪

♪ And you're all alone ♪

♪ A light is waitin' ♪

♪ To carry you home ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Do be do ba ba da ♪♪

Are you sure your wedding
announcement is in today's paper?

It better be. I got copies
for all my relatives.

They love to see
my name in print.

Oh, here it is...
This is so exciting.

So, how 'bout those 49ers, huh?

Give me that paper. No, honey.

You don't wanna to
see this. You don't.

Gimme this. Thank you.

"Rebecca donaldson,
award-winning journalist

"And popular host of the
wake up, san francisco show

To wed... Jerse katsopolis?"

Jerse katsopolis...
Sounds like a greek cow.

Honey, don't worry. Nobody
reads this stuff anyway.

Hi, danny. Hi, becky.

Hi, jerse.

That's it.

I quit.

I'm way too mature for
those do-do head honeybees.

Steph, you can't quit.

I just spent $12 for
this new pollen sack.

And there's no way I'm going

To that dumb honeybee
slumber party on saturday.

What was that all about?

I think I know.

Those slumber parties... They're
for mothers and daughters.

I remember when pam took d.j.

Poor steph.

Becky, I just got an idea.

This might be a lot to ask.

Danny, it's no problem.

I would love to take
stephanie to the slumber party.

I'll be in lake tahoe
on saturday afternoon

But I'll make sure I'm
back in plenty of time.

Thank you, becky.

And if you ever need
someone to slumber for you,

I'm there.

I better be there, too.

Hi, michelle.

Hi, becky.

Hi, daddy.

Hi, joey.

Hi, uncle jerse.

[Knock on door]


You don't have to
talk to me. I'm ok.

Well, I was just thinking
about that slumber party.

Slumber parties are so dumb.

It's just a bunch of people
sleeping on the floor.

Jeez, I'm sorry you feel
that way because you know,

I was hoping that you and I we could
go to that slumber party together.

Really? You'd go with me?

We're gonna get to
sleep on the floor!

Thanks, becky.

I can't wait until saturday.

Hey, it's the least I can
do for a fellow honeybee.

You were a honeybee?

Are you kidding?

♪ I pledge my love and loyalty ♪

♪ To all the hive
and every bee ♪

♪ Our motto is and ever was ♪

♪ Buzz buzz-buzz,
buzz buzz buzz-buzz ♪♪

So, what do you guys think?

You can set up your new production
company right up here in the attic.

Careful i... I just
waxed the floor.

You waxed the attic floor?

You think that's bad,

Here's a mousetrap on a doily.

Yeah, this place is perfect.
It'll make a great studio.

Just have to get
rid of all this junk.


This is my life,

My most cherished treasures,

Arranged by decade

And in alphabetical order,

From my ant farm...

To my zorro sword.

This is your life?

Dead ants and a plastic sword?

Ok, it's a sad life,
but it's my life.

All right. I got an idea.

This saturday you
have a yard sale

And the money that you make

You can buy yourself a new life.

Saturday is impossible. I'm taking
michelle shopping for new clothes.

I'll take her shopping.

There, now no got no excuses.

All right.

We'll have a sale.

But I'm not selling my
collection of bottle caps,

Boy, if there's
somebody out there

With a collection
of uncapped bottles

He's gonna be very disappointed.

Ok, but I'm in charge
of this sale. Yeah.

Everything has to go
to loving families. Yeah.

I want background checks.

And follow-up visits.

Why are you packing now?

The party's not for 6 hours.

You know the honeybee motto...

Always bee ready.

Bon jour, ladies.

Hi, kimmy.

Kimmy, why do I see luggage?

Well, the mattress
is a little soft,

But I can rough it.

Get your bony bod off my bed.

Oh, I forgot to mention this.
Since you're not gonna be here,

Kimmy's gonna sleep in your bed.

Eew. Gibbler drool on my pillow.

I'm gonna cover my
bed with saran wrap.

Whoa. This could be

A pretty scary
thing to wake up to.

Patrick swayze...

Now that says good morning.

Uncle jesse, let's go shopping.

Well, little munchkin, I just have
to find out where we're gonna go.

To the mall. Let's
move it, mister.

Dad usually takes michelle
to the teeny tiny tot shop.

Yeah. Just where
I wanna be seen.

I'm leaving without you.

Give me the credit card.

Oh, they learn so young.

Girls, if anybody calls,

Tell 'em I'm out sh**ting
pool and buying power tools.

I'll drive.

Get back here, you
shorty. Come back!

Danny, how is it going?
What have you sold so far?

Not a thing. Isn't that crazy?

What's crazy are these prices.

$70 For an old bowling trophy?

I didn't even know you
were a good bowler.

I'm not.

I won this trophy
for cleanest ball.

Oh, come on.

$185 For a pair of
platform shoes?

That's a bargain.

I was wearing these shoes when
I learned to dance the hustle.

I was doing great, too, till
smacked my head on a disco ball.

All right. She's back,

And she's cooler than ever.

Yo! Hot wheels.

What have you done to my baby?

Nothing. I found this store...

Hell's little angels.

I got a tattoo.

Jesse, I'll k*ll you.

Relax. It washes off.

"Born to behave"?

She wants to be
like her uncle jesse.

Please take over the sale.

No discounts.

Come on, michelle,

We're going shopping at the teeny
tiny tot shop. How about it, sweetie?

Come on, danny, she's gonna
be the hottest babe in school.

Jess, she goes to preschool,

Not reform school.

Let's roll, daddy-o.

Ok, honey.

Where is becky?

Take it easy. She's
only 20 seconds late.

We're gonna go down to the
video store and rent dirty dancing.

It's crazy for swayze night.

Have a nice party.

Stay long as you like.

My parents said if I wanted
to I could live here forever.

[Telephone rings]

I'll get it.



Steph, it's becky.

Becky, where are you?

Honey, I'm in placerville.
I just got to a phone.

Look, my car broke down.

I dropped my transmission.

Well, pick it up and get over
here. We're gonna miss the party.

Honey, I'm sorry. I don't think
I'm gonna be able to make it.

I feel terrible.

It's ok. Thanks anyway.


I didn't want to go to
that party anyway, comet.

Just a bunch of
girls with their moms.

How boring.

We'll have much more fun
by ourselves. Right, comet?

Steph, what are you doing?

Becky's gonna be
here any minute.

No, she's not. Her car
broke down in placerville.

Oh, steph, that's awful.

Hey! I'll take you.

To a slumber party?

Hey, I slumber. I party.

But it's for mothers
and daughters,

And... You're a boy.

Well I won't tell if you won't.

Come on, steph. Your
friends all know me.

Now, we are going to that party,

And we are gonna
have a ton of fun.

Are you sure?

Honeybee's honor.

♪ I pledge my love and loy... ♪

Ok! I'll go. I'll go.

I'll go.

But please... Don't
sing at the party.

Just let me get it
out of my system.

♪ To all the hive
and every bee ♪

♪ Our motto is and ever was ♪

♪ Buzz buzz buzz buzz
buzz buzz buh... Uzz ♪♪

[Doorbell rings]

Hi, steph.

Hi, lisa.

What'd you bring joey for?

Oh, don't mind me, tonight
I'm just one of the girls.

Hi, ladies.

Hi, joey. Where's rebecca?

Oh, she can't make
it, so I'm the d.h...

Designated honeybee.

Well, you're just
in time for barbie.

Great throw an
extra shrimp on for me!

Joey, that's barbie doll.

Oh. Well, hey,
that's even better.

I love playing barbie.

Oh, look... It's malibu barbie.

"Like, total
barbierobics, dude."

That's not malibu barbie,

That's superstar barbie.

I guess it is, huh?

Well, I'm more of

A ken kind of guy, anyhow.

"Hey, barbie,

"Looks like you and I
have a lot in common,

"I mean, we both
have plastic heads,

"We can't blink,

"And we have no internal organs.

So let's boogie, barbie baby."


Cut it out!

Mother-daughter jump rope!

Yeah! Yay!

Come on, steph.

Let's do the one we like,
"the little dutch girl."

What am I doing here?

I'm a little dutch
girl dressed in blue

These are the
things I used to do...

Salute to the
captain, curtsy to...

And then get caught in the
rope like a big dumb dope.


Good, you're home.

Jess, I'd like to show you

How a 3-year old without a
police record is supposed dress.

Come on in, honey.

Hello, gentlemen.

What happened to
my motorcycle mama?

I'll bet you even
washed off her tattoo.

With lavender soap.

How just how'd my yard sale go?

Terrific. Got rid of everything.

No, that's impossible!

No one could afford my prices.

I love it when your dad's
eyes bug out like that.

Well, sorry you got stuck

With another cutesy dress, pal.

I like this dress. I
picked it out myself.

Yeah, but you like the stuff
that I picked better, right?


You didn't like
those biker clothes?

I liked them for halloween.

Oh, no.

I did to you what my
dad used to do to me.

He always dressed
me up just like him.

Always made me wear
these munchkin leisure suits,

He was trying to achieve
that "dad and lad" look.

To this day,

I have nightmares of white
belts and matching shoes.

I'm sorry I tried doing
the same thing to you, pal.

No problem.

Know what?

I think you look
like a little princess.

Thank you, daddy-o.

You sold everything?

You better have
$187,000 in your pocket.

No, I don't have any money,

But I do have a key.

I know how much all that junk...

Your treasures meant to you, so I
had them put away in a storage locker.

Thanks, jess.

But, to get you
through the night,

I did save a few select items...

Your lone ranger lunch pail

With matching tonto thermos.

Your mr. Magoo shampoo...

[Imitates mr. Magoo] oh, waldo.

Your eight-track
player and cartridge of...

Shake your booty.

This is nice, but what's
shake your booty without...

Come to papa.

[Telephone rings]

I'll get it.

Michelle, these are
very important to daddy.

Talk to me.

Joseph, where are you, man?

Becky had car trouble,

So I'm here with steph
at her slumber party.

Oh, she's doing great.

By the way, I took third
in the pj competition.

Yeah. Listen, I gotta go.

They're ready to
start the relay race.

Yeah, ok. Bye.

Ok, now. Girls,
mothers... I mean, paren...

Uh... Big people.

The object of this game

Is to race with an egg in a
spoon without dropping it

But the tough part is...

We'll be wearing high heels!

Silly me.

I guess I left my
high heels at home.

Don't worry. I've
got an extra pair.

Oh, great. They'll
go with my pjs.

Basic black. That'll work.

Ok, everybody. Now I want you to
go once around the coffee table,

Then back to you starting place.

You'll hand off your
eggs and your spoons.

Girls go first.

Ready... Set... Go!

Let's go, steph!

All right! Yes!

Come on, give it to your mother.

Aw, joey.

Sorry, steph.

If these heels were my size,

We would have definitely won.

Besides, that blond
lady cut me off.

I knew this was a bad idea.

Let's play beauty parlor!

Daughters make up moms,

Then moms make up daughters.

Yeah! Great idea!

No, this works out great.

I've been wanting to highlight
these cheekbones a little.

Um, why don't we
skip beauty parlor

And play something else.

No way! No!

Why can't we do the makeovers?

Because of me, that's why!




[Shake your booty plays]

Let's dance. Come on, michelle,
this was the golden age of music.

Don't fight it. Feel it.

♪ Give yourself a chance ♪

Here's the fun part. Let's go.

You ready?

♪ Shake, shake, shake ♪

♪ Shake, shake, shake ♪

♪ Shake your booty ♪♪

Now I know why disco died.

It didn't die, it's just been in

The witness protection program.

Stephanie. Steph, would
you just stop and talk to me?

There's nothing to talk about.

I don't have a mother
and there's nothing

You guys can say to
change that, right?


I better go deal with this.

I'll never eat another
cheesy yum yum

As long as I live.

I want my bed back.

Steph, you're supposed
to be gone tonight.

It was a stupid party
with stupid people

And mother-daughter makeovers.

Uh, kimmy, can I have a
word with steph alone?

I'm outta here.


Just forget it.

Dad, can I have a minute
alone with my sister?

Sure, deej.

I'll be downstairs.

I'm sorry you had
such a bad time tonight.

I know exactly how you feel.

No, you don't. When you were 8,

You got to go to the honeybee
slumber party with mom.

But that doesn't
mean I don't miss her

Just as much as you do.

It's not fair!

All those girls with
their moms tonight

Were so happy.

Why couldn't I be happy, too?

Steph, it's ok.

You know, sometimes

I look at other
girls with their moms

And feel the same way.

How do you make
the feeling go away?

It's hard.

But something
that helps me is...

Well, I think of the
things we do have

That other people don't have.

Like what?

Well, we have three people

That love us a lot.

We're the only ones with a dad,

An uncle jesse, and a joey.

And we have something else, too.

We do?

We have each other.

Steph must hate me

For dragging her to
that slumber party.

Aw, come on, joey,

Your heart was
in the right place.

Yeah, she'll thank
you for it... Someday.

Joey, thanks for taking me

To that party tonight.

Boy, "someday" came pretty fast.

You ok, steph?

Yeah, I feel better.

I'm sorry I ran out like that.

I mean, you were
playing with barbies,

Jumping rope,
wearing high heels.

And you did it all for me.

Us honeybees, we
gotta stick together.

Let's go, steph.

We're gonna go back
to the slumber party.

Steph, are you sure
you wanna go back?


We're gonna do
makeovers together.

How would I look in your
passion plum eye shadow?

It's you, babe.

Have fun, girls.

Bye, guys.

Boy, those are two
pretty terrific kids.

Yeah, and that's
a pretty terrific

Pair of jammies you got there.

Now joseph, tell me, I
wanna know a little more

About this jumping rope,

Playing with barbies.

Yeah, how come you
never wear high heels

To any of our parties?

Well, I guess it's just

A night with the boys.

Do you wanna watch
all of dirty dancing?

Or should I just fast-forward
to the kissing scenes?
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