04x03 - The I.Q. Man

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Full House". Aired: September 1987 to May 1995.*
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04x03 - The I.Q. Man

Post by bunniefuu »

"And the handsome prince
said all these words.

The end."


Daddy's coming. No barking.

Woof! Shh!


Honey, did you tuck
yourself in already?

Daddy, I'm sleeping.

Well, first I want
my good-night kiss.


Michelle, what
wet lips you have.

Honey... How did
comet get in your bed?

You got me.

You know the
rules. No dogs in bed.

You're in big trouble, mister!

Captioning made
possible by warner bros.

♪ Ohh ♪

♪ Whatever happened
to predictability ♪

♪ The milkman, the
paper boy, evening tv ♪

♪ How did I get delivered here ♪

♪ Somebody tell me, please ♪

♪ This old world's
confusin' me ♪

♪ Clouds as mean
as you've ever seen ♪

♪ There ain't a bird
who knows your tune ♪

♪ Then a little voice
inside you whispers ♪

♪ Kid, don't sell your
dreams so soon ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ There's a heart,
there's a heart ♪

♪ A hand to hold onto ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ There's a face ♪

♪ Of somebody who needs you ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ When you're lost out there ♪

♪ And you're all alone ♪

♪ A light is waitin'
to carry you home ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Doobie doo bah bah dah ♪♪

I'm not gonna sneeze.

I'm not gonna sneeze.

Ahh... Thank you, nose.


Happy new year!

It's not a holiday, michelle.

I have a horrible cold.

I'll make you all better.

You're gonna love this.

What the heck are you doing?

Making you a chicken soup.

Are you ready to pitch
that big account today, jess?

Looking good, joseph.

Looking sharp, jess.

I'm pumped.

I'm psyched.

Hold it.

I'm not going in there
with a dented head.

Good thinking.

Steph, give my love to the
third grade. We're out of here.

We're gone.

Ah-choo! Ah-choo! Ah-choo!

We're back.

Don't worry.

It's just my nose, my
throat, my ears, my chest.

8 Years old, and
I'm falling apart.

That's it. No school for
you today, young lady.

Get your pjs on and up to bed.

But we're supposed
to see a filmstrip

On how they make cheese.

You know, that bed is
sounding better and better.

Finish your soup, young lady!

Howdy, boys.

Oh, good. Kimmy's gone country.



Hi, kimmy. Oh, guys,
I'm glad you're here.

I'm in charge of career day. Will
you guys come down to my school

Next week and talk
about advertising?

Yeah, sure, deej.

We're there for you, babe.

I'm there for you too, babe.

Well, thanks, dad, but
you're probably busy.

Oh, I'm never too busy to
inspire the youth of america.

I guess this is where
it pays off really big

Having a dad who's the star

Of wake up, san francisco, huh?

Tell him.

I can't.

Look how happy he is.

Yeah, he is happy.

I'll tell him.

We don't need you, mr. T.

We already booked a big tv star.

Bigger than me?

Jimmy chung said he
could get his aunt connie.

Connie chung?

You booked connie
chung for career day?

I've been trying to get
her on my show for years.

Tell you what, have your
people call my people.

D.j... I know, dad.
Make knew friends.

We would really like to thank you
for switching the meeting to our house.

Yes. I'm sure you'll find it
was worth the inconvenience.

I'm sure I will.

I'm gonna go get ready

In the getting ready
area. Excuse me.

Wait till you see what my boys

Have cooked up for you.

Take it away, gladstone.

Thank you, mr. Malatesta.

Ms. Garland, my partner and I

Are gonna make your
new men's cologne, i.q.,

The smell of the nineties.


Joey, the sneeze juice

Is backing up into my ears.

Excuse us.

It's time for her nose drops.

Ok, tilt back, steph.

She's very limber.

Ok, fire one.

Fire two.

It's working.

Hey, I can breathe again.

Something's really stinky.

Ha ha ha!

Well, we know it's not
the smell of the nineties.

There you are.

I made you some orange juice.

It, uh... Sure does look fresh.

You, back to bed.
Right now. Move it!

But michelle... I
said move it, mister!


Ok, we fade in on
an elegant library.

We pan over to a
portrait of a goddess

Draped in but a wisp of chiffon.

As the classical music swells,

A great intellect enters...

The suave, classy,
debonair... I.q. Man.

I want to know

If I can live with what I know.

And only that.

As the i.q. Man
ponders that thought...

Hmm... A dreamlike
mist fills the room.


The goddess in the
painting comes to life.

She's drawn to the i.q.
Man by a mysterious power.

There's something
about him I can't resist.

Is it his eyes?

Is it his smile?

Is it... Stop!

If you must love me...

Love me for my i.q.


Now available in
biodegradable roll-on.

That made absolutely
no sense at all.

It's the perfect cologne
ad. You got the job.

Thank you very much.

Thank you. Thanks very much.

Jesse and I will
direct the commercial.

Right? And we'll find the
perfect i.q. Man for you.

Oh, you've already found him.


Me? Ahem. Me?

No, I'm not a model.

You're hot.


You're sexy.


You've got great hair.

Ok, you got one.

But no, I would feel silly.

He would love to do this.


Excuse us a second, won't you?


I'm not doing this.

I'm not gonna prance around

Like some smiling slab of beef.

Jess, this is the biggest
break of our careers.

Now, don't blow it just because you
have this weird hang-up about beef.

Katsopolis, let me explain
your options to you.

Either you do it,
you do it or you do it.

What was the second one again?

Hi, dad. Hola, becky. Hi girls.

Well, have a great career day.

Send my regards to connie chung.

Boy, mr. T., You sure do
look snappy in earth tones.

What do you want, gibbler?

Dad, remember jimmy
chung, the pathological liar?

Oh, I'm just taking a shot,

But he couldn't get
his aunt connie, huh?

He doesn't have an aunt connie.

His name's not even chung.

Well... What do you know?

Looks like you two
are in the market

For a major tv star.

Oh, kimmy, kimmy, kimmy.

Why don't you have your
people call my people?

I'll do it.

Thanks, becky.

Be there right after lunch. Ok.

Whoa, girls, uh...
Can't a guy make a joke?

You know I don't have any
people. You're my people.

It's ok, dad. You can do it.

I should've asked
you in the first place.

I just got caught
up in chung-mania.

Oh, didn't we all.

What is this? This
isn't what we ordered.

We ordered a library
set, not a bathroom set.

Ok, strike it. Strike the set.

Who's responsible for this?

This was ms. Garland's idea.

Ok, people, back to work.

Come on, let's
move it. Let's go.

I just couldn't see
the i.q. Man in a library.

In fact, the more I
thought about it,

The more I saw
you in the shower.

Why would I wear a smoking
jacket in the shower?


That's why you'll
be wearing this.

And action!

I want to know

If I can live with
what I know...

And only that.

Cut, cut, cut, cut, cut.

Jess, the concept
is the i.q. Man,

Not the i.q. Head.

Too bad. The head's
all you're getting.

Maybe ice cold water

Will help him over his shyness.

Ohh! Ok, ok! I'm out! I'm out!


No, no. No need to dry off.

In fact, I would like
to see your body...


The wetter, the better.

Excuse us, won't you?

Joseph, hop on.

You see? This is exactly
what I'm talking about.

I'm nothing but a big
mac in a bath towel.

Joey, I'm not a hamburger.

I happen to be a human being.

Jess, buddy, as long
as I'm the director,

You will be treated
with dignity and respect.

Thank you.

Ok, hose him down.

Hold it! Watch the hair.

Excuse me.

Take two.

Ok, this time, give
me more steam.

And action!

I want...

I want to know if I can live...

With what I know...
And only that.

There's something
about him I can't resist.

Is it his eyes?

Is it his smile?

Is it his... Stop.

If you must love me,

Love me for my i... My i...

I'm in a bath towel.

I'm in a bath towel here.

Come on, jesse,
what is the problem?

It's not working, ok?

He's right, it's not working.

Thank you. That
towel's much too big.

Cut. Cut.

Not you! Not you!

Jesse... I won't hurt you.

Malatesta, will you
help me out here, please?

She's the client.

She's chasing me with scissors.

So? Stop running.

I won't stand here
and be exploited by you.

Katsopolis, as long as
you're working for me,

You will do exactly
what she says.

Ok. From now on, we
don't work for you.

We quit.

You're making a big mistake.

The biggest mistake I
ever made was working

For a spineless
jellyfish like you.


Uh, sir, you know, in
many parts of the world,

A spineless jellyfish is
considered a delicacy.

Let's go.

You're a good man, gladstone.

You know just when to kiss up.

I am a kiss-up, aren't i?

One of the best.

I sold you out, didn't i?

Joey, you hosed me down.

Joseph, we're
partners... And friends.

This man is not a hamburger,

And I am not a side of fries,

And you, sir, are a...
Chicken mcnugget!

Joey, are you going to quit

Or order a happy meal?

We're quitting.

That's my partner.

Come on. We got
better places to be.

We just lost our jobs.

Where are we going?

Career day.

Thanks mr. Kraus
for introducing us

To the wonderful world of meat.

And now, as we move into
the field of tv entertainment,

I'll like to
apologize once again

For the unfortunate
connie chung incident.

Man! Aw, man!

But, just as exciting,

We have the co-hosts
of wake up, san francisco.

Let's give it up

For danny tanner and
rebecca donaldson!

Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!
Hoo! Hoo... Hoo...

Who are right here.

Wake up, van atta junior high.

I'm danny tanner.

And I'm rebecca donaldson.

And this is basically
what we do...

We talk to each other...
And to our guests,

And we listen, and we...

Finish each other's sentences.

Ok. Now, looking
as I am right now

At your beautiful,
shiny, round little faces,

I'm reminded of my
first job in television.

I was assistant stock
boy at antenna town.

And, you know, it reminds
me of a long story...

Danny, look. Our first question.

How tall is connie chung?

Connie chung is not here.

I am, and I'm 6'4".
Thanks a lot.

Yeah, but if she were here,
how tall would she be?

Who does connie's hair?


That's it! Let's face it.

Connie chung couldn't make it,

So just get over it.

Oh, look who's here.

From an exciting
world of advertising,

Jesse katsopolis
and joey gladstone.

Come on down!

Thanks, guys.

"Thanks, guys"?

That's it for me and rebecca?

The butcher had 10 minutes.

Sorry dad, but
class is almost over,

And the butcher gave
out midget salamis.

Hey, I'm not above
bribes. In fact this kids

Would like some
autographed pictures of me.

I brought the pictures I
have a special felt marker

And everything.
Danny, it's over.

Take it away, boys.

Thank you. Thank you.

Thanks. Thank you.


You know, when you really
stop and think about it,

This whole career
thing is overrated.

I mean, there are more
important things in life.

Right, joey?

Sure, like a
well-balanced breakfast.


And really cool sunglasses.

Yeah, and strong water
pressure in the shower.

That's a good one.

Yeah. That would be...

Did you guys lose
your jobs or something?

Zip it, gibbler.

We have something

Much more important than jobs.


We have our integrity.

How much does that pay an hour?

So remember, kids,

Always keep your heads held high

And always carry
exact bus change.

And remember, no
running in the hallways.

I think you really moved them.


I feel so bad for you
guys. What happened?

Oh, our boss just
pushed us too far.

We quit.

Look, I'm the last
one to give advice.

Ok, I'm the first one.

Maybe you should go into
business for yourselves.

You could write and market
your own commercials

And direct them for your
own production company.

Yeah, we just
learned about this.

Why don't you guys get
a small business loan?

That's a great idea.

I mean, you've got
the experience,

The talent, the contacts.

All you need is to
rent some equipment.

And find some studio space.

And print up business cards.

That's it! We're in business!


We have our own business.

What the hell just happened?

Tissue, tissue, tissue.


Thank you.

How rude.

You gave me your cold.

Take it back.

No can do. Once
it's out of my nose,

It's out of my hands.

Hi, girls.

Hi, joey.

Hi, joey.

How are you, michelle?

She makes me sick.

What she means is
I gave her my cold.

Well, I'm sorry you
got stephie's cold,

But you know the good news?

Since you took such
good care of stephie,

I'm sure stephie's gonna
take really good care of you.

Right, steph?

Nice guilt trip, joey.

Yeah, it was, wasn't it?

Bye, girls.

In the words of michelle tanner,

"You, upstairs, into bed.

Move it, mister. Move it."

Chill out, dude.

Hey joey, bad news

For double "j"
creative services...

The bank turned down
our business loan.

How could they do that?

Oh, I don't known, maybe
'cause we have no experience

Running our own
business, no collateral,

No credit rating.

Why do you think
they turned us down?

Hey, just 'cause you're
cranky and unemployed,

Don't take it out on me.

Guys, I heard about what
happened at the bank.

And I think I have a way
to make you feel better.

I don't know, don't
tell me you gonna sing

The impossible dream again.

No. I am just gonna hum it

While you take a look at this.

This is a personal
check from danny tanner.

Danny, stop humming!

Why are you giving
us all this money?

'Cause I believe in you guys.

After all you've done for
me, I'm happy to do this for you.

But this... This is not a
gift it's an investment.

I wanna be a partner
in your success.

Danny, this is beautiful.

Wow, that's a lot of money.

You're so... Did
you say partner?

Well, silent partner.

Come on, what do you say?
I'll be totally close-mouthed.

No butting in, I'll keep my nose
out of it, mind my own business.

My lips are sealed.
Not a peep out of me.

If you'd shut up for one minute,

We could tell
you that... You're in.

Yeah? All right!

Double "j" and "d"
creative services.

Of course the "d" is silent.

Come on. Sing, boys.

Hum with me.
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