04x02 - Crimes and Michelle's Demeanor

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Full House". Aired: September 1987 to May 1995.*
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A widower enlists help to raise his three daughters..
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04x02 - Crimes and Michelle's Demeanor

Post by bunniefuu »

See that? I redid the
whole room in retro-hip.

You got your rat pack over here,

Your elvis motif there,

A brand new hair
accouterments center here.

I hope you're not
too disappointed

But I had to take down
your pink bunny wallpaper.

It's about time.

Steph, I've been living with those
stupid pink bunnies for 3 years.

Why didn't you say
something sooner?

You didn't ask.

I didn't ask. Of course.

Hey, where are the bunnies?

The bunnies went bye-bye.

But I loved the bunnies.

Well, it's a good thing

I happened to save one very
special important bunny for you,

And I framed him,
and here he is.

Now this room is cool.


Cool, baby!

♪ Ahh ♪

♪ Ahh ♪

♪ Whatever happened
to predictability ♪

♪ The milkman, the paper boy ♪

♪ Evenin' tv ♪

♪ How did I get delivered here ♪

♪ Somebody tell me, please ♪

♪ This old world's ♪

♪ Confusin' me ♪

♪ Clouds as mean
as you've ever seen ♪

♪ Ain't a bird who
knows your tune ♪

♪ Then a little voice
inside you whispers ♪

♪ Kid, don't sell your
dreams so soon ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ There's a heart ♪

♪ A hand to hold onto ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ There's a face of
somebody who needs you ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ When you're lost out there ♪

♪ And you're all alone ♪

♪ A light is waitin' ♪

♪ To carry you home ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Do be do ba ba da ♪♪

You know, girls,

Every year, we watch
the music video awards

And stuff our
faces with junk food.

This year, let's
make it interesting.

Every time you make
something interesting,

We get in trouble.

I'll bet you five marshmallows

At least one guy from g*ns
'n roses falls off the stage.

Four cookies say they
don't even find the stage.

Let's play pillow fight.

Good one, michelle.

Yeah, that was real funny, deej.

Pillow fight!

All right, tanners!


You're history, gibbler!


You guys are history!


You're in big trouble, misters!

Is everybody ok?

Yeah, we're fine.

Everything's great.

Thanks for stopping by.

I thought I covered everything,

But apparently I
forgot to mention

Never open a window
with a coat rack.

Ok, somebody start explaining.

They did it.

You little squealer.

You started the pillow fight.

Michelle, did you
start a pillow fight?

Yes, I did.

Michelle, that was wrong.

You girls are in big trouble.

Why are we in trouble?

Because she's just a little girl.
You're supposed to set an example.

We did. We set an example

Of how destructive
pillow fights can be.

Nice try. Now, according to
the official dad's handbook,

The punishment for
furniture through a window

Is raking the yard to pay for it

And no music video awards.

Boy, mr. T, you sucked all
the fun out of this room.

Kimmy, I know I
should punish you

And not your parents,

But I'm sending you home.

Be right with you, boys.


Don't you think
it's a little strange

To buy rebecca's engagement ring

From a guy who's selling
jewelry out of a tackle box?

Stu has the best prices in town.

Besides, he gave me

A great deal on this rolex.

Joey, that says "rolox."

So, kids, give me a price range.

You deeply in love,
moderately in love,

Or desperate for companionship?

Listen, stu, I wanna get becky
a ring that is so beautiful,

So spectacular, that she'll
have no idea that I'm on a budget.

Budget. Well, let's
see what we have

In our zip-lock department here.

Now, this is going to be

What you call
your starter ring...

Very popular with
the high school crowd.

Stu, just out of curiosity,

Is that a diamond

Or a really shiny piece of lint?

I had a ring just like
this when I was a kid.

I gotta do better
than this, stu.

Now here's something

From our "stu, I gotta do
better than this" collection.


Now that's a headlight.

Oh, stu, this ring is beautiful.

How much are we talking here?

That's gonna run you, uh...

Have mercy, I hope that's
your telephone number.

Hi, guys.

Hey, beck.

Oh, jess.

This is so exciting.

I can't believe

We're actually picking
out an engagement ring.

This is so romantic.

How come we're not in a store?

Because, little lady, only stu

Could bring a ring like
this right into your home.

Stu... Oh, sweetheart,
it's beautiful.

Becky, you sure the diamond

Is the right size for you?

Oh, it's perfect.

I wouldn't want
anything bigger than this.

All right, if this is
the ring you want

This is the ring
you're gonna get.

Rebecca donaldson,
this is a symbol

Of my undying devotion to you.

Oh, we're gonna have

Such a wonderful life together.

Oh, thank you! Thank you!

I have to call my mother.

I love you.

What a rock!

Did you see that, joey?
Did you see her face?

I've never seen her happier.



"Then mr. Knox said,

"Foxing sucks. Our
game is done, sir.

Thank you for
a lot of fun, sir."

Now it's time for the
most fun of all... Bedtime.

Read it again, please.

Daddy said it's time for bed.

Don't shake your
head. Your story's read.

It's time for
bed. To bed, I said.

You ought to lay
off that seuss, man.

Sing me the teddy bear song.

Michelle, it's bedtime.

No. It's teddy bear time.

Come on, guys. One
tune. What do you say?

Okay. One tune.

This one's going
out to a little lady

Who's about to go to sleep.

2, 3, 4... ♪ Oh,
baby, let me be ♪

♪ Your lovin' teddy bear ♪

♪ A-put a chain around my neck ♪

♪ And lead me anywhere ♪

♪ Won't you let me be ♪

♪ Oh, let him be ♪

♪ Your teddy bear ♪

♪ Ba ba da da ba ba da da ♪

♪ I don't wanna be your tiger ♪

♪ 'Cause tigers play too rough ♪

♪ Don't wanna be your lion ♪

♪ 'Cause lions ain't
the kind you love ♪

♪ Enough ♪

♪ I just wanna be ♪

♪ Ba ba da da ♪

♪ Your teddy bear ♪

♪ Ba ba da da ba ba da da ♪

♪ A-wrap your chain
around my neck ♪

♪ And lead me anywhere ♪

♪ Won't you let me be ♪

♪ Oh, let him be ♪

♪ Your teddy bear ♪

♪ Your teddy bear ♪

♪ Your teddy bear ♪

♪ Your teddy bear ♪

♪ I just wanna be
your teddy bear ♪

♪ Ooh ♪♪

One more time!

♪ Baby, let me be... ♪♪

Joey, it's over.

Ok, michelle, you
had your little song.

Now it's time to go to sleep.

Good night kiss.

Good night, michelle.

Good night, honey. Sweet dreams.

This is nuts. I'm out of here.

I have to take care
of some business.

He's gonna sell his elvis guitar

To pay for becky's ring.

He is?

Jess, how can you
sell your elvis guitar?

It's your baby.

It's really not that special.

It's just a personally autographed,
one of a kind national treasure

That the king used to
serenade a bunch of hillbillies

Off the back of a chicken
truck in kissin' cousins.

I'm back.

Well, you better
get back in bed.

No way, jose.

Guys, I think something's
really bothering michelle.

She's never called
me jose before.

Is something bothering
you, princess?

I wanna play.

Deeply troubled child.

Excuse us one
second, your majesty.

Why don't you go wait
in your little room.

We'll come see you in
a moment. Thank you.

Wanna know michelle's problem?

We treat her like the
queen of 3-year-olds.

Well she is. She's adorable.

And don't tell me you don't melt

When she sticks those
two little thumbs up

And says, "you got it, dude."

I'm telling you guys,
she's just testing us, okay?

I was reading in
modern mom magazine...

You read modern mom magazine?

Well I was in the beauty
parlor with becky

And I needed something to read

And this other lady
already got the new cosmo.

So... What do you care?

The point is that it said
that kids michelle's age

Are gonna test their limits.

And that's when
you gotta get tough,

Set the rules and stick to them.

You know what? You're right.

We gotta lay down the law

And show her who's boss.

Good, the video
awards are starting.

Now kimmy, move the
tv a little to the left.

Keep going.

There. That's perfect.

Who wants to play?

We can't play.

We're grounded,
thank you very much.

You're welcome very much.

Michelle, there you are.

D.j., What are you looking at?

Oh, just the stars.


Oh, I see stars, all right...

M.c. Hammer, billy idol...

Oh, hi, mr. Gibbler!

I think he's yelling
something at me.

He said get a new hobby

Or he's calling the police.

That's it. I want both
you girls in bed right now.

What? Michelle's
not even in bed yet.

Don't you worry about michelle.

Just get a good night sleep.

You got a full day of
raking leaves ahead of you.

All right, come
on, little princess.

What is happening here?

All of a sudden,
michelle is cinderella

And we're the ugly stepsisters?

Who are you calling ugly?

Uh, danny. Show her who's boss.


Sweetheart... It's
time to go to sleep.

Oh, she's shaking now.

Observe. All right, listen, kid,

Close your eyes.
Count some sheep.

Ba-da-bing, we'll see
you in the morning.

Ok, good night kiss.

Good night, michelle.

Good night, sweetheart.
Sweet dreams.

See that? Once you
put your foot down,

The rest is a piece of cake.

Can I come out, please?

No. Go back to bed.

Please let me out.

Oh, please, let her out.

I want a drink of water.

You just had one.

I have to go to the bathroom.

You went already.

Please let me out.

Oh, look at those
little fingers.

Oh, is my little princess
reaching out for human contact?

Come on, guys. Hang
tough. Hold on here.

Don't you love me anymore?

What, are you guys made
of stone or something?

Careful, michelle.
We're coming in.

Let's party, dudes!

Yeah, I guess we
showed her who's boss.

Yes, I'm ready.

Hoo hoo hoo hoo!

Hey! What's up?

Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!

Michelle, what are you doing?

Watching arsenio.

Let's get busy!


Young lady, I told
you to get into bed.

Want some chicken?


Michelle, I think it's time

To talk to you about
the importance of sleep.

You see, the amount
of sleep a person needs

Is inversely
proportionate to their age.

For example, a person your age

Probably needs only 10
hours of sleep a night,

Whereas a person my
age might be able to get by

On, oh, six or seven.

Of course, as with all
rules, there are exceptions.

A bear, he can sleep all winter.

Whereas an owl is up all night.



We'll go over all of
this again tomorrow.

What are you doing?

Leaving your trail so you
can find your way back?


Michelle! Cut it out!

That's it!

You wreck them, you rake them.

Girls, I can't believe

You're making michelle
do your punishment.

But, dad, she ran...

Steph, save your energy.

You'll need it to rake.

Daddy, I wanna go swimming.

No, michelle. It's
too cold outside.

No swimming,

But it's a beautiful
day for raking leaves.

Let's get this over with.

Michelle, what are you doing?

Going swimming.

But dad said no.

Well, I said yes.

But it's too cold outside.

That's why I'm swimming inside.

Joey, why did we ever
agree to do a commercial

For the national liver council?

You guys, can I interrupt?


Jess, honey, I had my ring
appraised for insurance.

I had no idea you spent
so much money on it.

Don't worry about
it, sweetheart.

Well, I am worried,
because I know that

You sold your elvis
guitar to help pay for it.

Who told you i... Joseph?

Well, now, it's
not joey's fault.

I made him tell me.

What'd she do? Twist your arm?

No. She bent my
thumb back like this,

And it really hurt.

Get out, liver boy.

Ok, liverace.

Look, becky. The ring
is paid for. Case closed.

All right, fine.

But it just so happens I
bought you a present too.

Remember your favorite guitar?

Thank you. This is very sweet,
but I can't accept the guitar.

I mean, it would be like you
chipping in for your own ring.

So what's wrong with that?

Everything. It's a
tradition we're talking here.

Man buys woman ring,
woman wears ring,

Man and woman live
happily ever after.

Nowhere in the story

Does it say,
"woman buys guitar."

How am I possibly
supposed to respond

To that kind of twisted
neanderthal logic?

Very simple. By saying,
"jesse, you're right,

"You've always been right,

And you'll always be right."

Oh, I'll stitch a
sampler of that

And hang it over the mantel.

Look, jess. If you
don't accept the guitar,

The I'm afraid I can't
accept the ring.


Now, jesse, look.
You don't have to be

This tough, macho guy with me.

We're a team now,

And I would like
it if our marriage

Was an equal partnership.

So let me be as generous to you

As you are to me.

Beck, listen, it all
makes sense to me,

But I just can't
take the guitar back.

It just doesn't feel right.

Okay. How does this feel?

Ow ow ow ow!

Take it back!

All right, I'll take it back.

See, jess?

You were right. You've
always been right.

You always will be right.


Toot toot.

Toot toot.

Having fun, michelle?

Surf's up, dudes.

Surf's up, dudes?

No. Your time's up, dudette.

I'm calling dad.

Wait. Is there any possible way

We can get blamed for this?

Not this time.

Look at her. She's
a sitting duck.

We got her now.

Dad, get in here!

Hurry up!

Girls, what's all the...

No shoes in the pool.

Girls, you better have
an explanation for this.

He's blaming us!

This is a nightmare!

Dad, it's not our fault.

Michelle dragged in her pool,

Michelle filled it with water,

Michelle blew up her floaties,

And michelle threw
herself a pool party.

Dad, the key word
here is... Michelle.

Well if you saw her do all those
things, why didn't you try and stop her?

Because you let her
do whatever she wants.

I don't.

Yes, you do. I'm
a little princess.


This is all my fault.

What? She's off the hook again?

She is really good.

She's not off the hook.

Ok, little princess,
you and I need to talk.

Am I in big trouble, mister?

Yes, ma'am.

Stand up, please.

Girls, if you'll excuse
us for a moment,

I need to talk to michelle

About her very first punishment.

Nail her, dad.

If she tries to pull
any of that cute stuff,

Think of your wet shoe.

I'll remember that.

Michelle, you've had it
pretty easy around here.

I like it here.

Well, things are
about to change.

The truth is,

Michelle, you're very,
very special to me

Because you're
my last little baby,

And I guess, in a way,

I wanted you to stay that way.

But I gotta face it.
You're a big girl now.

So if you do something wrong,

You're old enough
to be punished.

Is it over now?

No. Listening to me
talk is not punishment...

Although it does seem
to help you go to sleep.

Honey, I just want you to know

I'm only doing this
because I love you.

I love you, daddy.


Wait a minute.

My shoe is wet.

Ok. My shoe is wet.

My shoe is wet.

My shoe is wet.

It's wet. I can feel it.

♪ This is no fun ♪

♪ No fun ♪

♪ Looking at the wall ♪♪

Michelle... Yes, daddy?

Are you ready to
be a good girl now?

I'll be a very good girl.

Good. And did you learn
a lesson from all of this?

Yes, I did.

No swimming in the kitchen.

Yes, no swimming in the kitchen,

That's a very important lesson,

But there's a
bigger lesson here.

Daddy, uncle jesse, and joey,

We know what's best for you,

So honey, when we ask
you to do something,

You should do it.


You're the boss.

Ok, then, punishment is over.

Time to play!

No, it's not. Time for bed.

Can we watch arsenio?

What do you think?

I think it's time for bed.

You think right.

It's time for bed.

To bed, I said.

Daddy, am I still
your little princess?

Oh, you got it, dude.


Let me kiss you.
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