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03x20 - Extraordinary Hazard

Posted: 09/15/21 03:08
by bunniefuu
Previously on Madam Secretary...

Jay, it's everything.

We are not a family anymore.

Abby, come on.

I just needed

some time apart.

MO: Virginia Field Force.

Your standard militia group.

Anti-government, little white supremacy.

I'd like to think about hiring

private security contractors
like Vesuvian.

DALTON: Pirosmani
stole American weapons

and sold them on the black market.

Any idea where he is?

ELIZABETH: They're trying
to track him down,

but he's gone.


(speaking Spanish)


ELIZABETH: I tell you,

if I get one more e-mail

about the book fair... I get it.

How did you get on that list?

I signed up

during a : a.m. guilt trip.

You handle world diplomacy, Mom.

Dad's got the book fair.

You do?

- Babe, books.
- Uh, just so you know,

remainders of your book
on St. Augustine

are not gonna be huge sellers.

Huh, too bad it's not celebrity gossip.

Oh, don't go telling your dad

that St. Augustine isn't a celebrity.

- That's right.
- (chuckles)


You are gonna miss your ride.


Could I get some money for school?

- Good morning to you, too.
- (sighs)

What do you need?

It's this graphing calculator for Calc.

It's $ .

- What?
- For a calculator?

Can't you just use a pencil and paper?

I could.

I could also just become a blacksmith

and use primitive tools
for an obsolete job

in a world that no longer exists.

- Is this a requirement?
- Yeah.

They're actually $ ,

but we get a student
discount at the store.

- I know.
- (sighs)

Thank you.

Well, for $ ,

it'd better guarantee an "A."

- Yeah.
- (chuckles)

- That's kind of a big ask
- (phone buzzes)

for most public school parents, right?

(both sigh)

This arms dealer that we've been after,

Dito Pirosmani?

Spanish law enforcement

was supposed to apprehend him

at his villa.
All they got was a house cat.

Not a good morning for the CIA.

Or me, since I convinced CIA
to let Spain handle the op

instead of our guys.

I'm sorry, you were
saying? The calculator.

You know what? Maybe you could
talk to Jason's math teacher

when you're at the school?

Intelligence work is never done.

Hey, I'm about to read this.

Oh, yeah?

- Yeah. I...
- When?

HAYMOND: Our source
on Pirosmani's location

was solid, sir.

Then what the hell happened?

WARE: It's not hard to believe

he got inside information
from Spanish Intelligence.

Or on our end.

He already had a mole
in the State Department.

So, what's our next move?

We've frozen Pirosmani's assets

in all of our allied nations.

That will limit his movement.

But now that he's looking
over his shoulder,

it'll be that much harder
to capture him alive.

I want this contained.

- Whatever it takes.
- ELIZABETH: Mr. President,

I do think that we
should make every effort

to take Pirosmani into custody.

Yes, the evidence

that he was behind the stolen
weapons is significant,

but it's still circumstantial.

Alive, we would have the opportunity

to interrogate him
and flush out his whole network

- of illegal arms dealing.
- HAYMOND: We have no reason

to believe that he will cooperate

- in an interrogation.
- We also have to consider

the damage to our alliance with Georgia

if we assassinate one of their
citizens extra-judicially.

Though I doubt
he's their favorite citizen.

Mr. President,

if forced to choose
between k*lling Pirosmani

and allowing him to remain free,

I advise lethal force.


Let's get him alive if we can,

but we'll take him dead
if he leaves us no choice.

Rough night?

Caffeine withdrawal.

Think I'm having a stroke.

Why would you give up on caffeine?

To be healthier, less dependent.

Is that black?


Coming over for the game tonight?

Dude, no offense,

but I can't do another night
at your place.

I mean... (chuckles)

All those metal folding chairs

make me feel like I'm at an AA meeting.

Then sit on the floor.

Okay, what is this?

Are you trying to relive your
first apartment after college?

Because that is not a
year I want to relive.

Mark Meese stole my girlfriend

and ate all my cereal.

And the furniture was terrible.

I'm just keeping it simple.

(sighs) That's what guys say
when they don't want to commit.

But, you see...

you need to commit to your life.

Because your life

is not a girl you met
at Burning Man, man.

You're better with caffeine.

I know.

- Damn it.
- Hey.

Call me when you have an ottoman.

This is it. Everything
we've got on Pirosmani.

From the Western allies.

I can go back to CIA.

I don't know. I... (sighs)

It feels like we're looking
for a puzzle piece

that just isn't there.

He said he doesn't deal
in stolen U.S. weapons,

and now all the best Intel

in the world says the same thing.

On the other hand,
he is an arms dealer.

Who kept his word in Somalia.

I thought

I had a good read on him.

CIA's Russian file did say

they had a forensic accountant

in GRU tracking him
over the last eight years.

Well, I'm sure
the Kremlin isn't in a hurry

to expose their lax weapons control

- and corruption.
- That's what I thought.

So I looked up the accountant.

He's due to attend
an international conference

on information systems
over the next few days in Nice.

One of us could reach out.

See if he'd meet.

That would be going around
CIA's investigation.

It's a fact-finding mission.

Following up on Somalia.

Call him.

He agrees to take the meeting, you go.

Just me?

Take a few extra days on the Riviera.

You've been through it lately.
You could use a break.

Like the sound of that.

So, where are we with the VFF
since they landed in Greece?

Sir, based on Dr. McCord's theory

that they're following

Biblical prophecy,

we're focusing on the Middle East,

but we don't want to rule out

- a European attack.
- Not much of a focus.

No leads?

We have every available SIGINT system

tracking Slattery, Abbott and Zanner,

but so far no hits with
facial or voice recognition.

MO: Either they're still in transit

or they slipped past border control.

DOHERTY: This isn't gonna work.

It's too much territory.

We need another approach.

Sir, we can go with Henry's theory

and just put all of our
chips on Jerusalem.

The Lailat Al Mi'raj celebration
at the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

It's a likely target if you
want to provoke conflict

between Israel and Sunni Islam,
but it's not the only one.

There's Al Kaaba at Al-Masjid
Al-Haram in Mecca,

there's Al-Masjid
an-Nabawi in Medina...

DOHERTY: But you said Al-Aqsa

is the most likely target?

If I'm right and they want to provoke

worldwide conflict, the crossroads

of Judaism, Islam and Christianity

is a likely place to start.

Let's tighten our focus to Israel

and its border countries.
Give 'em hours.

See what we get.

And if we're wrong and they decide

to hit Rome, Paris or Istanbul?

Then we made the wrong choice.

Mr. Soroka?

Ah, Mr. Whitman. Nice to see you.

- Please.
- Thanks for meeting me.


It's a little bit
colder than I expected.

It's windy, huh?

- (sighs)
- Yeah.


Un autre café, s'il vous plaît.

Oui, monsieur.

- Merci.
- So, enjoying the Riviera?

Oh, you know, these conferences.

It's barely time to enjoy it.

You must forgive me.

I-I might be, uh, called away.

- Of course. And I can make this quick.
- Yes.

I mentioned that we're

looking into Dito Pirosmani.

Really we just need to locate him.

We're hoping to intervene in a hotspot

in East Timor, and we understand

that Dito has some, uh,
business dealings in the region.

Yeah, I suppose you don't
mean his chemical company.

Not in this case, no.

And I suppose that's not why
you're tracking his accounts.

Mr. Whitman, your secretary of state

is a, a bold woman,

but she should be careful
who she works with.

We're moving carefully.

That's why I came to you.

- (phone buzzes)
- Yes, yes. Uh...

Sorry, I-I need to take this.

- Of course.
- Yes.



- Hey.
- No noise.

Wh-Whoa. Come on.

Help! Help!



I still think

I should do the whole thing in Dutch.

Well, the Koningsdag address is
customarily given in English,

but, then again, we've never
done it online before.

- So...
- Let's have Matt translate his remarks.

Uh, ma'am. Jay is on line two.

Oh. I... Oh, and here.

Will you have Matt
translate this, please?

- Yeah.
- Thanks.

We're live in six minutes.


Please tell me you are
nursing a sunburn.

Not at the moment, ma'am, no.

There's a bit of a problem.

What? How?

MAN: You should never have betrayed me.

Who is this?

I was your friend.

Now I am your enemy.

Dito, what's this about?

You have till end of business tomorrow

to release my assets.

End of business where?

And where are you?

You froze my accounts.

You know where they are.

Good-bye, Madam Secretary.


Pirosmani has to know

that the United States doesn't
negotiate with t*rrorists.

He doesn't consider himself
a t*rror1st.

He considers himself a businessman.

At the very least, he'll
insist we return his assets.

Will we?


I'll have more information

for you after I meet
with the president.

We have to tell his family.

Yeah, of course.

I'll call Abby.

I know it goes without saying,

but we need to keep a
tight circle on this.

For Jay's sake.

HAYMOND: I'm sorry. When exactly

did the State Department
decide to intervene

in an ongoing CIA investigation?

This wasn't some kind
of covert operation.

It was one bureaucrat seeking
information from another.

And in so doing,
you put your policy advisor

in a life-and-death situation
that he isn't trained to handle!

DALTON: Enough!

Pirosmani has kidnapped
an American diplomat.

This is a CIA matter now.

Exactly who knew Jay's itinerary?

Only the accountant, Timur Soroka.

We'll find him.

Just so this is perfectly clear,

the United States will not
compromise its policy

against negotiating with t*rrorists.

Of course.

Yes, I really appreciate it.

Thank you.

Ms. Alvarez?

Hey. Jason's dad.

- Hi. Henry McCord.
- Of course.

You're working the
book fair with crutches.

That's amazing.

Yeah, well, I kind of feel like
I'm working in the last days

of the whaling industry,
but I'm doing what I can.

Listen, Jason came to me

about this graphing calculator
he needs, and, I mean,

it's not a hardship for us,
but I got to believe

that if we have to have a book fair

to send the debate team to New York,

then there's got to be a lot
of families that can't afford

to throw money at a piece of gear

that they're not gonna use in a year.

I get it. I wanted to
subsidize them altogether,

but we did get as deep
a discount as we could.

Can we go to the company?
We got to do better

- than bucks.
- Oh, no.

It's just $ .

You must have misread
the notice we sent home.

Well, there you go. Problem solved.

(both laugh)

Numbers. They will get you every time.

- Sorry to bother you.
- No bother.

Mr. Brennan, thanks for agreeing
to see me on such short notice.

Oh, I think it's Daryl by now.

How's your colleague in Somalia?
Anis, was it?

Uh, yeah. He's still recovering,

but I'm-I'm sure he'll be
back in action soon enough.

You'll have to excuse me.

I-I need to cut to the chase.

Yeah, go.

What's your impression
of Dito Pirosmani?

I only know him by reputation,
never worked with him.

I'm asking you to be frank.

Can I trust Dito Pirosmani

in a one-on-one negotiation?

Early... I'm talking before Fallujah...

we were sent to train a
core group of local militia

on a training site
klicks outside of Basra.

We were short on carriers,

so I made a deal with the
only supplier available.


I paid him a good price,
but my guy tells me

he can't get it through.

At the same time, we get
Intel we'd been made.

or Iraqi insurgents
only half a day out.

I get Dito on the sat,

explain the transfer problem,

tell him I will personally
guarantee the funds,

but we need the trucks
to evac immediately.

His answer?

"Not my problem."

We lost half the contingent

of the best officers Iraq had to
offer in a three-hour firefight.

Pirosmani all but
m*rder*d them himself.

Merci. Je t'envoie un numéro à utiliser

pour une transmission sécurisée.

What are you guys still doing here?

Uh, no one wanted to leave.

There's, um,
Kung Pao chicken if you want.

No, thanks...

What's the news from Intelligence?

They got into the hotel
security cameras, but nothing.

Okay, well,
why don't you all head home,

and we'll let you know
if there's any news?

- No.
- (overlapping chatter)

Well, then, Blake,
how about some coffee?

MATT: Oh, God, yes, please.

- Yes, and also Henry left word for you.
- Great.

My number one rule is never work

with the American government.

They always screw you.


I'm trying not to feel
like it's a wake.

Let's call it a vigil.

You got a lot of good people

working really hard to get him home.

How's your work going?

Don't ask if you want a distraction.

(laughs) That bad, huh?

I hope not.

If it all goes to hell, it's on me.

(laughing): We are really...

not helping each other
right now, are we?

Okay, you want a distraction?

You know that $ solid-gold
calculator Jason needs?


The one with the diamond buttons?

I ran into his math teacher.

It's a $ calculator.

Jason padded the number.

Why would he do that?

I'm trying not to think the worst.

You haven't asked him yet?

No, I'm waiting for the right time.

Th-There's something going on with him.

He's just been so down lately.


find out what's going on,
and then nail him.

(laughing): Due process.


What if I really messed up?

Babe, you sent Jay
on a diplomatic mission.

There's no way you could have
known this would happen.

I undermined the CIA.

I thought I had a hunch about this guy,

and I put Jay in harm's way.

Don't do this to yourself.

But I did do this.

And I did it to Abby

and his daughter.


I have to get him home.

- You're up early.
- Yeah, there's a debate meeting.

- I'm-I'm taking the bus.
- You're gonna miss it.

I ran into your calculus teacher.

Do I need to go on?

You know what?

Just... just ground me,

and I'll-I'll give you
the money back. It's fine.

Ah, you're not getting off that easy.

You have one chance to explain to me

what is worth more to
you than our trust.



Okay, look, if you're in trouble...

- dr*gs, whatever...
- No.

No, it's noth...
It's-it's nothing like that.


There's this guy, Siham, at Westmore.

He's some kind of Kuwaiti prince.

And he's-he's always driving
around in his Bugatti,

and taking everyone to these
private clubs in New York,

and it's just this... disgusting
display of materialism.

- Mm-hmm.
- And, you know, Piper and I...

we're always making fun
of this guy, right?

And then, last week,
I go on his Instagram,

so we'll have new stuff to laugh about,

and there he is on a helicopter ride.

With Piper.

Oh, buddy.

It was like she got
kidnapped by the pod people.

I'm still waiting to
hear about the money.

There's a hot air balloon you can rent.

- Oh, buddy!
- I know! I know.

It's $ for two hours,

and I just thought...

if I could get her
in the air somehow...

Okay, I got to say something.
Two things, actually.

One... we're never gonna be able
to compete with Kuwaiti royalty.

I know.

And two, which is way more important.

Piper's gonna like who she likes,

and it might not make sense,
and it might seem like

she's betraying who she really is,

but you're not gonna change her mind

by trying to compete.


What's wrong? You got any news?

French Intelligence has
Timur Soroka in custody.

Okay, that's good.

Um, is he talking yet?

He's asking for a lawyer.

Oh, and, uh, Jay's wife is here.

Okay, um, let me...

Let me see what I can
get out of Soroka first

before I talk to Abby.

Can you...?

Of course.

SOROKA: I met with Jay Whitman.

We had coffee.

I stepped away to make a phone call.

He was gone. That's it.

That's all I know.

Can I go home now?



Tell Mr. Soroka his private
account in Cape Verde, where

we know Dito Pirosmani does business...

that was our first clue.

Would he like to hear a list
of the payments he's received

over the last months?

(man speaking French)

PIROSMANI: Your boss say to me,

"Help save starving Africans."

I'm undone by my own heart!

Mr. Pirosmani,
my boss did not screw you.

Oh, no? I help her, she takes my money

and hunts me like an animal.

'Cause you put stolen M r*fles
in the hands of t*rrorists.

You know we can't just overlook that.

What are you saying?

I never touch American g*ns.

- What?
- The M s.

They jam in combat.

They don't like heat,
they don't like sand, they...

You know what everyone wants?

The guerillas, the insurgents,
even your own army.

They want...


It's like a Niva.
It's ugly, but you get there.

Why do I want American g*ns
that nobody else wants?

I never screw you.

Why you screw me?



This little two-bit bureaucrat
thinks he can play games.

Tell him we're contacting

President Salnikov.

(agent speaking Russian)

ELIZABETH: I'm sure he'd
be interested to know

that one of his top
forensic accountants

is in the pocket of a
Georgian arms dealer

trafficking in stolen
U.S. military weapons.

(speaking Russian)


Enjoy Gldani prison.

(speaking Russian)





Fine. Let's see it.

ABBY: I don't understand.

The secretary called me yesterday.

How can you not know where he is?

He is the number one priority right now

for several intelligence agencies.

They'll find him.

What if something goes wrong?

- What if they don't find him? What... ?
- Abby.

I have seen many

hostage situations resolved.

We have extremely skilled negotiators.

But I know you won't pay ransom.

So what is there to negotiate?

It's always about more than money.


I know this is a lot to handle.

Do you have someone at home?

You sure you don't need a ride?

No. My mom's coming, but thanks.



I know what you probably
think of me, but...

I really do love him, you know?

Of course you do.

But what if Jay doesn't know that?

- (door opens)
- DALTON: Where are we?

We have five heat signatures.

Three on the first floor,
two in the basement.

And we've confirmed Jay Whitman

and Dito Pirosmani are among them?

Yeah, we received corroborating Intel

from DGSI five minutes ago.

Now, we have to assume
that Whitman's in the basement.

Is there any direct access?

Negative. They'll have to go
through the bogeys

on the first floor,
then down the stairs.

That leaves whoever's guarding Whitman

plenty of time to take him out.

That's a risk we may have to take.

ELIZABETH: Dito Pirosmani

didn't steal our weapons.

He can't be responsible
for Garcia or Milken.

What's this?

Analysis of Soroka's dossier
on Pirosmani.

The accountant who was
cooking the books?

ELIZABETH: One set was cooked.

Pirosmani paid Soroka to doctor them

to keep him out of trouble
with the Russians.

This is the second set.

So he'd have leverage in case
Pirosmani turned on him.

Mr. President, we have no
time to corroborate this.

No. I've been through it.

There is not

one single deal on American soil

or involving American arms.

He's not our guy, sir.

He's holding an
American diplomat hostage,

so now he is our guy.

He already thought we were after him,

then freezing his assets
just confirmed his paranoia.

He played fair with us, we screwed him.

At least that's how he sees it.

We have minutes before
Pirosmani's deadline

to save your staffer.

Mr. President, there's no time.

We all know that we go
in there g*ns blazing,

we put Jay and those SEALs
at tremendous risk.

What are you asking for?

Enough time to make sure that
this is our only option.

If I'm right,

Pirosmani's on the defensive.

He doesn't want to k*ll

an American FSO, he just
wants his empire back.

We give him another chance

to reach out to us one more time,

and save us having to go in.

That's a pretty big gamble
with your own guy.

Which should tell you how
confident I am in this evidence.

minutes on the clock.

Then we go in.

PARKER: Stand by,
Neptune, await my order.

Now, what do you see here?

I-I don't know.

A-A-A bank account?

Yeah. That's my primary
account in Zurich.

And it's still empty.

I told you they won't pay for me.

But I am not a t*rror1st.

It's my own money!

But you are a kidnapper now.

And the president of the United States

is not gonna reverse his
position of non-negotiation

just to preserve my life.

I'm not that important.

Then they leave me no choice.

You might get out of this,
but you'll never be free again.

For the rest of your life you'll
be looking over your shoulder.

And eventually, they will find you.

If you really want out of this,

you've got one chance.

If those M s weren't yours,
then someone set you up.

And if that's true, you have
to talk to the secretary.

She already betrayed me.

Listen to me.
If you're telling the truth,

then kidnapping me,
that was your only offense

against the United States.

And I-I-I might,

I might be worth enough

to get you off the hook for that.


You have a g*n to your head,

so you will say anything to survive.

Mr. President.

Dito Pirosmani is calling
for Secretary McCord.

Mr. President.

Yes. You have my permission
to offer him his freedom.

Put him through, Lieutenant.

This is Secretary McCord.

Mr. Pirosmani, before we continue,

I need proof that Jay Whitman is alive.

She wants to hear you.

I'm here, ma'am.


ELIZABETH: Dito, let me be clear.

This is not a negotiation.

Then I waste my time.

You have an American hostage.

There are consequences to that.

We cannot unfreeze your assets.

But you took my money for
something that I didn't do.

Based on your known criminal history

and a great deal of evidence,
yes; however,

we have new evidence that seems to show

that you did not steal
U.S. military weapons.

As I said.

So let me go.

If you surrender your
hostage immediately,

I can see that you leave with
your freedom, but that's all.

So you call to say me
that you made a mistake,

and you still take my money, huh?

It's after what I have done for you?

Release Jay Whitman and
you leave with your life.

PIROSMANI: So you're ready to risk

k*lling your own man to get me,

knowing that you are wrong?

Unfortunately, that is a risk

we are willing to take, yes.

We all have to live with risks we take.

Good-bye, Madam Secretary.

PARKER: Two minutes out.
Neptune, move to position one.

We've got to go.

Wait, this doesn't make sense.

I mean, why is he doing
this to himself?


TEAM LEADER: On the ground now!

Stay down, stay down.

Okay, we got you.

We have the package.

Package secured.

Team retreat.

Hold, please, Admiral.

Team leaders, stand by.

We should take him.

No. That wasn't the deal.

Someone puts a g*n to your head,
that's not a deal.

ELIZABETH: He's worthless

as an asset.

He has no cash,

the entire international
community is after him.

I mean, why, why would
we risk those men's lives

to go after a man who's
no longer a threat?

I have to agree with the secretary.

Stand down.

PARKER: RTB, Neptune. Over.

Copy. Over and out.

Now that we've got out
of that little folly,

I'd like to know who
we should have been after.

ELIZABETH: He conned us
out of a hundred bucks

for a hot air balloon?

Can you think of a good reason?

So where'd you land?
Good cop or bad cop?

Grounded for lying,
pancakes for broken heart.

You know, I got to say,

- I'm surprised at Piper.
- Right?

She doesn't seem like
a "Barbie's Dreamliner"

- kind of girl.
- But you know what?

This is good; she's going
against her instincts.

Jason's got to get in there
and build on the friendship.

That's not exactly what I told him.

You didn't tell him

- to fight for her?
- Well, he did.

Look where that led him.

Because he went too big. Henry.

Your son needs you, come on.

Okay, okay, okay.
Have you got leftover energy

from hostage negotiation, or what?

Definitely not.

(sighs) I'm really glad
that you got Jay back.


You have no idea.

(whistles) Hey.

I'm ordering Thai. What do you want?

I'm not hungry.

Come on, you got to eat.

All right, look.
If you can't accept it,

then get back in there
and make your case.

- You ju... you said...
- I know.

But maybe if Piper knew how you felt...

Sometimes that can turn the tide.

Oh, it's too late.

I'm already in the friend zone.

Okay, look.

Believe me, I know how scary
it can be to take a big risk,

but sometimes that's the only
way to move things forward.

Use the connection you already have.

If you could lift the grounding,

there's this zombie convention...

Yeah, yeah. Good try, good try.

Why don't you just call her?

Like on the phone with no
texting and talk to her.

Oh, yeah. Who wants
to ride in a helicopter

when you can actually talk to
somebody on the telephone?

Perhaps later, we'll go get
phosphates at the drugstore

and then go to the World's Fair
to admire the new gramophone.

Yeah, you see?
You're not far off your game.


You are not coming in.

Are you crazy?

Except we might be sending you
a list of possible suspects

we're looking at now that
we know it wasn't Pirosmani.

No rush. Ah, maybe a bit of a rush.

But just take some time, okay?

We're just really glad you're back.

All right.

I'm not sure how much of
a help he'd be anyway.

Anton Jankovic

hasn't left the Bahamas in months.

Nassim retired, which
the Turks have confirmed.

The Saudis have been shadowing
Kashadian for nearly a year.

Every one of our leads
is either incapacitated,

imprisoned or... dead.

Then we start all over.

Pull every bit of paperwork
attached to the leaks,

go through 'em one by one.

Yes, ma'am.

Maybe we do need Jay.


(crying quietly)

It's okay.

It's okay. I'm okay.


So... how was Nice, otherwise?


- My God.
- Oh!

I wanted to bring you guys
some chocolates or something.

No. We have the gift we need.

We have it.

You're okay?

- I mean, really okay?
- Yes, yes.

I'm sorry if I worried you.

It's not like it was your fault.

Well, maybe if I'd run
a little faster, but...


(sighs): Ah...

Chloe's still at day care,
but please come in.

They need me back already.

No. You cannot be serious.

It's a big thing.

Of course it is.

Hey, I just wanted
you to know I'm okay.

I mean, about us.

I just don't want there to be any...


Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Okay, thanks.


So I'll come by tonight to see Chloe?

- If that's all right?
- Yes. Yeah, of course.

She will be over the moon to see you.

(siren wailing in distance)

(g*nsh*t, thud)

(rapid g*nf*re)

believe you did that.

You just couldn't let it go, could you?

Are you talking about Pirosmani?

You went behind my back,

disregarded my recommendation
and the president's orders.

Oh, we had nothing to do
with that assassination.

Then why is the hotel reporting

that a group of Americans showed up

right before Pirosmani's room was hit?

The guy had plenty of enemies.

Am I sorry that one of them
did the job for us? No.

But it wasn't us.

Elizabeth, we had
nothing to do with it.

ELIZABETH: I hate being wrong.

Now, I don't know if this'll
be good news or not,

but Defense Intelligence
shared their files on movement

- in and out of Somalia in the past...
- I'm sorry.

- I just have to do this again.
- ...two months.

We are so glad that you're back.

It's extremely mutual, ma'am.

I mean, I'm sorry to
call you in already.

- But, okay, you were saying? Go ahead.
- Right.

So Dito Pirosmani's private plane here,

and this was a week later.

Paul Crane. Why do I know that name?

Independent risk management

and defense contractor, works
with a lot of different firms.

And here's a list of his
most recent partners.

Mr. Brennan, ma'am.

Daryl. Thanks so much for
coming in to see me again.

- We're gonna get people talking.
- (laughs) We are.

You remember my senior
policy advisor, Jay Whitman?

- Good to see you.
- You, too.

Well, as I mentioned, we, uh...

We wanted to go over some things
about the operation in Somalia.

How can I help?

We've been tracking some
stolen military equipment.

sn*per r*fles and AT s mostly.

JAY: Also quite a few M s.

Though I hear they're temperamental.

These rebel groups aren't too picky,

- and we know who armed them.
- ELIZABETH: Of course.

Dito Pirosmani.
That's what we thought, too.

Made perfect sense, right?

Known illegal arms dealer who
regularly operates in Africa.

But then, looking into it,

turns out, Pirosmani never
deals in U.S. weaponry.

He's right careful about that.

Almost principled.


I'd call Dito Pirosmani
a lot of things,

but principled is not one of them.

What's your point?

The week after Pirosmani
flew into Mogadishu,

presumably to make his deal
with the Somali rebel armies,

we noticed another
arrival of note... Paul Crane?

- I've worked with Paul.
- Yeah.

I would hate to think he's
capable of something like that.

Hell of an allegation.

That's why we wanted to be sure.

So the FBI brought Mr. Crane in,
and he did confirm

that he was working for
your company during

that particular mission.

I'm going to use a term
I usually don't like.

Paul Crane is a mercenary.

He'd say whatever it takes
to save his own skin.

Would you like to see how we
confirmed what he told us?

Well, you're welcome to share whatever

you think you have
with my legal counsel.

I don't appreciate being set
up by one of my competitors.

Maybe you should call
your legal counsel.

Daryl Brennan, FBI.

You're under arrest for the theft

of United States government property

and the murders of Barry Milken
and Agent Joseph Garcia.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used

against you in a court of law.

You have the right to
speak to an attorney

and to have an attorney present
during any questioning.

HENRY: If you're gonna
drown your sorrow watching

these chick flicks, could you at least

turn it down or go upstairs

- or something?
- Just...

Okay, look, I know you're scared,

but at a certain point,
you're just gonna

- have to talk to her.
- Dad.

That's what I'm doing right now,

and you're kind of totally
blowing it for me.

Piper's on my laptop.

It's like a virtual
hang situation. See?

O-Okay, you two have got

to get over your fear
of sharing physical space.

Oh, I would love to have
her in my physical space,

- but she's grounded, too.
- (phone buzzes)


- (phone buzzes)
- Okay, come on. Go.

What...? Why is she grounded?

For the helicopter ride.

Which she hated, by
the way, but she kind of

got roped in and couldn't say no.

- And then she puked.
- Oh, that's bad.

Yeah, if by bad you mean
awesome, then it's really bad.

Okay, go on,
just go back to your movie.

- Okay.
- I got to go back to work for a while.

- Bye, Piper.
- PIPER: Bye, Dr. McCord.

No funny business, you two.

(tires screeching, g*nf*re)

So the whole arms smuggling thing...

was that Vesuvian or just Brennan?

He was the only one on the take.

Apparently he was massively in debt,

thanks to our skill in solving conflict

with diplomacy
instead of sh**ting wars.

- DAISY: Hmm.
- Go, us.

JAY: He organized this whole side deal

selling stolen weaponry
to cover his debts.

And, when the CIA started
closing in on him,

that's when he ordered the hit

on Joseph Garcia.

MATT: In the State Department.

- That's insane.
- (computer chimes)

BLAKE: Sorry, what was the
story with Barry Milken, then?

So, he was helping Brennan
cover up the theft

from the Texas arms depot.

And as soon as Brennan
thought that Milken

was gonna cut a deal with the FBI,

he ordered to have him
shot by a sn*per.

NADINE: There he is.

Oh, I can't believe we
had to call you in today.

I was happy to do it.

Yeah, he'd rather be here.

I've seen his apartment, trust me.

(all laugh)

Well, I'm buying drinks

if you're not dead on your feet.

That did not come out right. (chuckles)

- I heard drinks.
- Yeah.


I might catch up with you guys.
I got a... I got time with Chloe,

- I just... I don't want to miss.
- Good.


I just got word that Kevin Park...

well, Agent Garcia, will be
honored in the annual ceremony

at the CIA memorial wall tomorrow.

Of course. I should have realized.

And I know they're not even
gonna be able to say his name,

but I'd like to be there.

You should absolutely come.

Thank you.

Come on.



Are we doing this?


SIGINT got a hit from an
intercepted phone conversation.

Voice recognition confirmed

it's one of our VFF
leaders, Lance Abbott.

The call came from a road
in the Syrian Golan,

about here.

But that's not their final destination.

It's Jerusalem.

HAYMOND: Security

is more than the absence of threat.

The silent soldiers of the
Central Intelligence Agency

work throughout the world,

in some of its most dangerous places,

to bring us to a deeper
state of security

through connection,

trust and alliance,

the building blocks of peace.

We honor, today, those who
faced extraordinary hazard

and made the ultimate
sacrifice for our security.

While their names cannot be known,

the fearless work that
they do brings us all

one step closer to a
world of true security.