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03x16 - Swept Away

Posted: 09/15/21 03:06
by bunniefuu
- ALISON: Ten, nine...
- JASON: Hold on. Are you crazy?

- Are you crazy?
- It's the Project Runway finale.

- You're crazy.
- So you can DVR it!

Just stop ruining my life.

Oh, my... you know what? You know what?!

You are so dead!

- I-I actually didn't do it.
- You know what, Alison?

- I didn't.
- Then who did?! What are you...?

- Ready for the Runway?
- Of course, of course it was the other one.

Uh, no, the real world, actually.

President Dalton gave

his, uh, State of the Union,
like, an hour ago.

I have to be up

on what the cable-verse
thinks for work tomorrow.

Oh, great. So just
because you're interning

for Russell Jackson,
you have to stay current

on how screwed-up the world is?

Guys, Mom has spent the
last six months negotiating

a global climate deal, and the
president announced it tonight.

It's like the moon shot
of our generation.

More than countries

committed to the Stockholm Protocols'

sweeping carbon emission benchmarks.

But the crown jewel
for President Dalton

was getting India and China on board.

The question now:

will the treaty pass the U.S. Senate?

Ah. Hey, look who's civically engaged.


Do you guys think that
the Senate's gonna ratify?

You mean act rationally
and sacrifice minor short-term

domestic economic gains
for the greater good?

Oh, yeah, they always
do stuff like that.

I have faith.

In the scorched-earth fight

our president is willing to wage

to bulldoze those
who would deny reality.

Scorched earth over scorched earth?


- I need ice cream.
- (phone ringing)

You were really playing
Titanfall, weren't you?

- I mean, you know...
- Weren't you? Huh?

JASON: If the State of the Union had

just a few more explosions...

- Hello. Who?
- ALISON: I want to watch Project Runway.

Oh, God.

Uh, yeah, let him in.

Who is it? The Grim Reaper?

Pretty much.

You sure you don't want a spoon?

Mm, no, thanks.

So, I hear you are meeting

with the Dalai Lama tomorrow.

Been on my schedule for months.

I doubt you just heard.

But I did just hear from
the Chinese president about it.

I'm sure that you explained
to him that our policy

towards Tibet has not changed,

and we would never let
the Chinese dictate

with whom our secretary of state
can or cannot meet.

President Li and I simply agreed
this is a delicate time.

Often the first step
toward appeasement.

The Chinese have had a bug up their ass

about the Dalai Lama since the s,

when they first drove him from
his spiritual seat in Tibet.

To them, he's a font of
separatist rhetoric,

hell-bent on breaking away from China,

so it is indeed delicate.

Are you really mansplaining
Tibetan history to me?

We need China on board

for the president
to deliver on his promise

to fight climate change,
which I know you know.

And you also know

that in just five days,
China's congress decides

whether or not to ratify the treaty.

After that, you can go on
Dancing With the Stars

with the Lama for all I care.

Please, Elizabeth.

Please? Really?

Does Conrad even know you're here?

The president says...'s your call.


I get that the timing
of this isn't great.

But as we know, this meeting has been

on the books for some time.

And caving to Chinese pressure about it

would set a terrible precedent.

That said,

I can pare back the coverage.

Try and keep the visit
under the radar, I guess.

Thank you.

MO: Good morning. Any word from Ian?

Still radio silence.

Dead militia member
and an asset gone quiet.

- Go, team.
- Yeah.

Good morning.

MO: Good morning.

DOJ ruled that Ian's k*ll
was justified.

Wayne O'Connell's wounds
were consistent

with Ian's account of the attack.

Okay. And what about the
disposition of the body?

Office of Legal Counsel
wants it released

to the family immediately.

HENRY: And say what?

That he was k*lled during an
FBI sting into his death cult?

We can't risk word that
the investigation will get back

- to the VFF.
- That's right.

You want to pull Ian out.

I don't see how we have
any other choice,

unless you expect the Federal Bureau

- to disappear a body.
- Okay, look.

I have a meeting scheduled
with Ian tomorrow.

Assuming he shows,
I'll give him a camera.

As far as the militia's concerned,

Wayne O'Connell is just missing.

Let's give Ian more time
to gather evidence,

then we can pull him out,
grab the drone and the b*mb,

and then release O'Connell's body.

The most I can get
the DOJ to hold is four days.

That's how long you have
to get me something actionable.

(monks chanting)

NADINE: Preparations
for the sand mandala

- are going well.
- I don't get it.

These monks spent all week

painstakingly arranging colored sand

to fit this blueprint,

and when, whoosh,
they just sweep it away.

- Wh-What's the point?
- (chanting continues)

NADINE: That is the point.

DAISY: Everything's transitory.

Everything ends.

That's very sad.

Even that feeling, that'll pass, too.

Okay, now you're just piling on.

(elevator bell dings)

Just keep at it.

- Good morning, ma'am.
- BLAKE: Morning, ma'am.

Great morning. (gasps)

Is the sand mandala

- ready to rock?
- NADINE: Yes, ma'am.

Uh, I still don't get the point.

That is the point.

No. Due respect, ma'am,

not getting the point
can't possibly be the point.

You can say that about anything.


Give over, Blake.

Okay, you know,

Buddhism clearly isn't for neurotics.

Or maybe just the opposite.

Look who that is! Come here!

- Who is this? Who is this?
- (giggling)

Oh, my goodness. This is my girl.

I tell ya, staffers just keep
getting younger and younger,

- don't they?
- Sorry, ma'am.

- The sitter canceled on us last minute.
- Oh, are you kidding?

She keeps me on my toes,
just like her daddy.

- Right, little varmint?
- (elevator bell dings)

Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness.

- Secretary Elizabeth McCord.
- (speaks Tibetan)

Ah, so good to see you.

- It's so good to see you.
- You are the kindest of world leaders.

Tall bird lady with lion's heart.

(laughs): Thank you, Your Holiness.

You remember my assistants,
Lama Samten, Lama Dote

and Geshe Tashi.

You can tell them apart by their auras.


- Buddhist humor.
- Oh!


That's... He's... That's...

- He's funny.
- MAN: Yeah.

Oh, now, who are you, little sister?

This is Chloe.

- Hello.
- Chloe.

JAY: Your Holiness, this...

- Whoa!
- (claps)

She is the wisest of us all.

(Chloe babbles)


Now, where is the sand mandala?

Members of the National Buddhist Center

here in D.C. anticipated your arrival.


May you be at peace.

May you be well.

May you find loving kindness.

Let this cosmic Buddha palace
heal and energize the world.

May I have some tea?

Of course.

We have a masala chai

that the tea snobs around
here just rave about.

(elevator bell dings)

- Hi.
- Sorry about this.

No, it's fine. My mom's coming for her.

- Hi, baby. (groans)
- You got her?

I really am trying my best here.

Um, listen, I was gonna give
this to you a little later,

but, uh, it seems appropriate.

It's an informal custody
settlement agreement.

Are you serious?

You... you want sole
physical custody of our child?

I want a routine for Chloe.

Yeah, but what's-what's this?

Can't we just talk about it?

Every time we set a schedule,
something comes up,

and she and I end up ping-ponging

between offices and departments,

and we cannot keep doing that.

And my lawyer friend says

it's a, uh,
it's a standard arrangement.

One day a week, every other weekend,

and-and then we can discuss holidays.

(stammers) What happened to
working on the marriage?

My lawyer friend.

And we still need a custody agreement

- while we're working on the marriage.
- No.

I do not accept this. You don't
get to dictate the terms here.

Shh. Okay.

- Okay.
- (elevator bell dings)

We should just talk about this later.

I'm sorry.

I thought you would understand.

Say good-bye to Daddy.

Good girl.

I'll see you soon, okay, honey?

See you later.

Come on.

CHODEN: I must request your help
with a rather serious matter.

Your Holiness, you know I...

I can't discuss statecraft with you.

I'm terminal.

Pancreatic cancer.

I'm so sorry.

Everyone must die.

I have aligned my life to my purpose:

to fight for the autonomy
of the Tibetan people.

And as for them,

I ask that you endorse my choice
for my successor over China's.

Well, as always...

the United States encourages
you to achieve your goal

through direct dialogue with China.

When I die, the Tibetans will lose

their loudest voice in this world.

China will be emboldened

to trample even more of our rights.

U.S. policy is clear.

We are officially
neutral on this issue.

I die knowing that I've done
everything I can for my people.

I have no regrets, Elizabeth.

Do you?

Of course I have regrets.

How could I not?

It was a rhetorical question, babe.

And now he's dying.

And I feel terrible about that.

And I feel guilty about Tibet.

Like, now it's all on me, but I...

we're too... enmeshed with China,

especially with this climate deal,

to offend them over a battle

they've-they've mostly won, right?

I mean...

Thoughts from the world-
renowned religious scholar?

(sighs) I guess I'm preoccupied
with my own regrets.

Uh, not just that the office shut down.

The b*mb's still out there,

to say nothing of the drone.

Oh, gosh, I'm sorry. I...

(sighs) It's okay.

Just... stop hogging
all the self-flagellation.

(phone ringing)



Sorry to bother you, ma'am,
but are you watching the news?

I'll turn it on.

NEWSWOMAN: ...announcement.

Breaking with hundreds of years
of tradition,

the Dalai Lama named
his successor while still alive.

Gaden Bhuti, a two-year-old
Tibetan-American boy

from Delaware, son to immigrants
Yonten and Sonam Bhuti...

Didn't see that coming.

Please tell me this boy isn't
an American citizen, Jay.

Wish I could,

but if we let him keep his citizenship

or leave the country
to take his new position,

the Chinese will accuse us
of backing the Tibetan cause.

Well, you got to hand it to the Lama.

He figured out a way to force our hand.

- China will make a meal of this.
- (phone ringing)

Yeah, and the appetizer
will be our climate deal.

Hang on, Jay.

I have peace and light
on the other line.

I got to call you back.

(sighs) Namaste, Russell.

JACKSON: You watching this?!

Y... Yes.

Where did he get this bright idea?

What the hell did you say to the Lama?!

Mr. Chen, the United States
will not officially endorse

any new Lama; you have my word.

CHEN: How generous, Madam Secretary,

but the People's Republic needs you

to publicly disavow this choice.

You know we can't do that.

Not endorsing maintains

our neutrality.

If the Dalai Lama is
an American, then by definition,

that's not neutral.

It's the United States harboring
an anti-China instigator.

Ming, the boy is two.

I think your way of life will survive.

Symbols are often more potent
than armies, Elizabeth.

Change your position,
or I will make sure

the National People's Congress
Standing Committee

never considers the Stockholm
Protocols for approval.

Are you really going to hold
the world hostage over a symbol,

who's probably not even potty-trained?

I believe my position is clear.

To hell with the cooling-off period.

I want to look
at officially naming China

a currency manipulator.

Even hinting at that
will be considered aggressive.

Look, whether we like it or not,

Tibet is a symbol
of nationalism in China.

And the Dalai Lama personifies
the last vestiges

of Tibetan independence.

So let China look tough for a few days,

and I bet that they will
quietly ratify the protocols.

(door opens)

JACKSON: Well, forget the Chinese.

Now we're taking fire

from our own flank.

Chandler Morton,

the distinguished junior senator
from Pennsylvania,

just did a lap of the morning shows

to express his ardent support
for the Dalai Lama

and his American successor.

Senator Dumbass even
invited the Lama to address

the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee next week.

- Why jeopardize the climate deal?
- (sighs)

Morton's on record as a supporter.

The Dalai Lama's announcement
last night broke the Internet.

The public moved on
from sad polar bears

to cute baby saviors.

The senator's just chasing that
narrative to boost his profile.

Well, regardless of his motive,

we still need to show China
we take this seriously.

Chen won't accept a condemnation.

Morton will have to back down.

Hit 'em where it hurts, sir.

thr*aten to withdraw support
from your donor list.

And we provoke him,
it could blow up in our face.

Look, let me find

a carrot to entice the good senator.

You want to reward this punk?

If we can quietly get him
off his high horse,

then I will have something
to point to when I talk

the Chinese off theirs.

Do it, Bess.

(door opens)

Rewarding bad behavior it is.

(door closes)

(monks chanting)


do you still play

in that monthly
Hill leadership poker game?

I consider it my pension fund.

You ever clean out anyone from
the Pennsylvania delegation?

Well, it's a friendly game.

Are you looking for leverage
on Senator Morton?

I just wanted to...

offer him some alternative paths

to the attention he seeks.

I'll find something.

Thank you.



- Here you go.
- Oh, thanks.

I got to be quick.

Ever since Wayne disappeared,

they've got us
on even tighter lockdown.

Does the Council of Elders
suspect foul play?

Yeah, of course.
They got conspiracy theories

on why certain squirrels
show up when they do.

Since Wayne's disappearance
is an actual mystery,

they're going nuts;
I swear they're watching me.

Can you hang on

for another hours?

HQ shutting it down?

Got to release Wayne's body.

So we need you to focus

on collecting significant Intel now.

We'll raid camp after we extract you.

I don't have any significant Intel.

I haven't seen the b*mb.

After Wayne, they moved the drone.

(dogs barking in distance)

You're gonna have to
wear another camera.

At the very least, it'll
help us plan the raid.

Uh, did you not hear me?

They already think I'm shady.

If they see that thing,
they're gonna k*ll me.

- They sweep the camp every day...
- Okay, listen, I know what the risk is,

but remember, we're trying to keep VFF

from committing mass m*rder.

All the work you've done,

Wayne's death, it means nothing

unless we get enough
information before we go in.

Look, if you're not up for it...

I can bring you in right now.

I'm fine.

I should go.


See you in hours.

(monks chanting)

(elevator bell dings)

JAY: Ben. Hey.

- Thanks for this.
- Hey, I'm always happy

to dispense legal advice when
it's paired with a free steak.

Could we actually do
something quicker? Work is...

Oh, yeah, I read about the Lama thing.

Uh, whatever you want, man.

(chanting continues)

So, what can I do?

BEN: You mean if
reasoning with her fails?

You have to play the game you're in.

Hardball. Use anything you can
to make her look less optimal.

Didn't you say she went through
some postpartum stuff?

Do not go there, man.

I didn't say it was pretty.

NADINE: Ma'am, I did the recon.

Senator Morton's chief
professional passion

is lobbying the FCC to
approve a telecom merger.

But he does have pretty
powerful motivation

for supporting an American Lama.

I'll let my source tell you.

You play poker with
the vice president, Nadine?

I cashed in my chips
when I took this gig.

- How are you?
- Hi, Teresa. How are you?

So good to see you.
Come, please, sit down.

Uh, yes, well, it was just as well,

because Nadine is a shark. (laughs)

Teresa was gracious enough
to take my call anyway.

What better source

on Morton than his predecessor?

I wish I had better news.

Morton's untimely pursuit
of Tibetan freedom

has particularly craven motives.

His biggest donor is Gration Tech,

manufacturer of heavy machinery.

NADINE: They make almost half

their revenue
from hydraulic valve parts

crucial to coal mining.

An industry that would take
an enormous hit

if the Stockholm Protocols
were ratified.

Ma'am, I just got word
from our India desk...

Oh, Madam Vice President, hi.
Sorry to interrupt.

No worries. It's good to see you, Jay.

India wants to reopen
the Stockholm Protocols.

They're demanding a reduction
on all coal restrictions.

They're clearly reacting
to China wavering.

That and growing protests

in Delhi and Mumbai over the prospect

of rising electricity costs.

Well, with India bailing,
China is even less likely

to ratify the climate deal.

And we have our own senator
to thank for blowing it up.

(whispers): Wow.

So Morton is trying to spike the
deal to help one of his donors,

but he's hiding behind
the feel-good issue

of Tibetan independence.

That's my assessment, sir, yes.

You staked your second term
on taking meaningful action

on climate change.

If this deal falls apart,

the enemy smells weakness,
works that much harder

to deny any of your other priorities.

Why did I want this job again?

Your house does have
a bowling alley in the basement.

TERESA: (chuckles) So no one will care

that Morton puts his donors' priorities

ahead of the nation's,
I mean, of-of the world?

Yeah. No one will care.

(sighs) We need to stop the bleeding.

Get India back on board,
Morton back in line,

before every other hack
in the Senate puts his hand out

and our own side falls apart.

ELIZABETH: Well, I can
handle the India inducements.

As for Morton...

I rescind my earlier concerns
about provoking him.

I think we all know
what needs to happen.

We've been watching
Ian's feed for hours,

with no new sign of evidence.

On the other hand,
they haven't k*lled him.


Our dead friend Wayne O'Connell's

been out of pocket for days now.

Ian's the new guy;
they got to be looking at him.

Yeah, but if we pull him now,

there's no way we'll find the b*mb.


we release O'Connell's
body to his family

without telling the
details of his death.

(chuckles): Whoa.

That's a surprising notion
coming from an ethics professor.

Could take the heat off Ian.

Buy him some time to find the b*mb.

Can you live with that?

(monks chanting)


I'm so sorry I forgot to give you this.

Was Chloe up all night?

Thank you.

Hey, I said I'm sorry.

How could you go to the guy
who officiated our wedding

for legal advice?

What about your lawyer friend?

Someone from yoga
who downloaded a form for me.

I didn't seek her advice,
and she didn't marry us.

Well, I'm allowed to know my rights.

You really want to fight me in
court for the right to leave her

with a babysitter
in your apartment half the time?

Who does that serve, Jay?

And you can't seriously think

that you would be a better
custodial parent to Chloe.

I practically was
her only parent for six months

when you couldn't get
out of bed. Remember that?

Because I sure as hell do!

ELIZABETH: Prime Minister Verma,

let me start by saying that I am open

to taking a second look

at some of the protocols.

Since India will sacrifice the most,

we believe it's only fair.

Just none that increase coal emissions.


The rich Western nation
built on coal tells

the emerging market,
"It's okay when we polluted.

You find a new way."

A classic.

Look, I get it.

You promised to bring electricity

to the million Indians
who live without it,

and you think loosening
coal restrictions

will help you deliver.

And it will.

We have lots of people in India
and lots of coal.

It's not a complicated equation.

But the majority of those
without electricity

live in remote rural areas,

far from any kind of grid.

Indeed. I'm well aware of that.

So let's find that new way together.

Return to the deal as is,
and the U.S. will subsidize

a mass scale lo-fi alternative:

bottom-up, solar mini grid efforts

to rural areas.

Get the Chinese
to resuscitate the protocols,

along with this new amendment,

we could be amenable.

(knocks on desk)


what this telecom merger
would mean for Pennsylvania.

A thumbs-up could push it over the top,

really put you on the map.

Good luck, Senator.

You're not coming?

Oh, no, no, no. The
president wanted to keep

this meeting top tier...
just one and two.

Number five. Didn't make the cut.

Let's not keep the leader
of the free world waiting.

DALTON: Senator Morton,

are you familiar with
the migratory pattern

of the osprey?

Um, no, sir.

They winter in South America,
then travel up to , miles

to their North American
breeding grounds.

They settle here to eat fish
from the Potomac.

I saw a few my first year, but...

not many since.

My grandchildren, well...

...they may never see an osprey at all.

That's what scientists call

shifting baseline syndrome.

Each generation accepts their
version of nature, plunders it,

then leaves the next generation
to accept the depleted version,

and so on.

Which brings me to us.



Mr. President, I'm here
about the telecom deal.

We'll get to that in a minute.

I know you're k*lling my climate
deal to appease your donor.

Who is it again, uh,

Gration Technologies?

All due respect, sir,
your sources don't know

what they're talking about.

I'm his source, Chandler.

Your telecom merger is up for review

in two weeks.

It, uh, rides the line
on antitrust issues,

on what's proper and not.

Shifting baseline syndrome.

It's everywhere these days.

Point is,

I can choose to become troubled
by those issues.

Or not.

So do the right thing.

Don't screw up the climate deal

that a majority of Americans support,

including your constituents.

Or I will kick your ass.

Welcome to Washington, Senator.

(monks chanting)

CHEN: I received your
inducements, Madam Secretary.

All very generous.

But we cannot accept as long
as your government endorses

the American Lama.

And that's why I'm glad to report

that Senator Morton
had a change of heart.

We reaffirm our neutrality.

A government with conflicting opinions.

I will never understand democracy.

Well, you say "tomato,"

I say "let's ratify our climate deal."

Okay? We'll resubmit the protocols

with a new addendum

for Indian solar funding.

Everybody's happy. Planet saved.

Thank you.

There's just one more matter to settle.


Chinese Buddhist scholars

have found the Dalai Lama's
true reincarnation.

A two-year-old boy in Sichuan Province.

If you officially recognize him,

we will gladly have
the Standing Committee

consider the protocols

for ratification.

Ming, we-we support

the PRC's right to recognize
this boy as the next Lama.

Just as we support
Tibet's right to recognize

their own boy.

I'm afraid that's not good enough.

Disqualify the American Lama
or recognize ours.

Otherwise, no deal.

Do you know the mountains
that President Dalton and I

had to move to put this
deal back together?

All to do what's best for our children

and grandchildren... oh, and the other

seven billion people
on the planet, too.

But... And you are putting it
all on the line,

trying to strong-arm us

into endorsing some
toddler that you are using

as a political pawn!

Do... You know who
the real toddler is, Ming?


You're the real toddler. You are.


Well, that happened.

Yes, it most certainly did.

Are you going to see
the Bhuti family today?

In a few minutes, actually.

Uh, would you like us
to try to talk them

out of letting their child
do the Lama tests?


We are not putting
our thumb on the scale.

Let's just hope the universe...

gives us a break.

SONAM: The Chinese officials said

you will take away our citizenship

if we let Gaden study as a monk.

NADINE: Oh, no, the State Department

would never do that.

They were just trying
to intimidate you.

We heard the Chinese stopped the
climate deal over our son.

How do we know you won't try
to pressure us in order

- to make your deal?
- NADINE: Well, of course,

American government
has policy concerns.

But it is not our place
to try to influence you.

It is a difficult decision.

If your child was chosen
to enlighten all people...

SONAM: And to save your home...

YONTEN: Shouldn't you let him?

So you're actually considering

giving up your child
to be raised by monks?

Which is your choice.

But, effectively, you'd
be choosing to abandon him.

You know that, right?

Excuse me.

NADINE: You want to tell me
what happened in there?

Abby wants full custody of Chloe
and won't give me an inch.

It's gotten... pretty nasty.


I'm sorry.

Me, too.

You know, I went through
something similar

with my son, Roman.


His father and I weren't married.

And he wanted nothing to do with us,

until Roman turned eight.

And then he asked for a relationship.

(sighs) I think I resented

the whole "prodigal father
returning for the fun stuff"

after I'd done all the heavy lifting.

And I knew he didn't have money
to take me to court, so...

I boxed him out.

And then one day, I was
cleaning out Roman's backpack,

and I found the announcement
for the father-son camping trip

at his school.

It was torn into pieces.

That's when I realized who was really

going to be picking up the tab.

HENRY: What's the status
at the crash site?

MO: Placed an anonymous
call over an hour ago.

Highway Patrol
should be there any minute.

With any luck...

(car alarm wailing in distance)

...they rule Wayne's death accidental.

We just have to make sure
VFF gets the word

and buys the story.


Okay. Call me the minute
you get a ping from Ian.

ELIZABETH: You all right?

(sighs) No, not really.

You know, my asset.

How 'bout you?

Well, I just heard that
the Lama's been hospitalized.

Likely the beginning of the end.

I'm sorry.

Well, I got to deal
with how his passing

is gonna affect the planet.

China's playing with
global catastrophe,

and no one knows yet whether
Gaden Bhuti will pass the test

and be the next Lama or not.

There's no way to
influence the outcome?

You mean...

by doing something brazenly unethical?

Are you okay? Really?

You have a fever?

I just have been
suggesting a lot of things

that aren't me lately.

Well, I'm right here.

You know, sometimes those Lama tests

can take years to initiate.


Then it won't matter
whether he's the Lama or not,

because the planet can't wait.

There's-there's no time.

Maybe you can't put
your thumb on the scale.

How 'bout you put your foot on the gas?

(heart monitor beeping steadily)

WOMAN (over P.A.):
Transition team to O.R. .

MAN: Ma'am.

Transition team to O.R. .

Ah, Elizabeth.

I brought you these.


How very kind, Elizabeth.

If you want to say something,

there's no better time than now.

I-I've been thinking

about how, for Buddhists,

clinging is the root of suffering.

Well, I understand that now,

because I have been clinging

to ensuring a future for our planet

and its people.

(chuckles softly)

This may even be my purpose.

That is a worthy purpose.

But the trouble is...

our purposes are at odds.

If Gaden Bhuti is the
Lama, Tibet has a leader.

But the Chinese will not
ratify your climate deal.

And by ,

million people in your region

will face losing their homes and lives

from the melting Himalayan glacier.

And once gone,
so will be the water supply

to the Indian seat of your
own government in exile.

CHODEN: But if

Gaden Bhuti is not the Lama...

If the tests take years,

it won't matter.


What do you ask of me, Elizabeth?

Give my purpose fair footing.

Test the American child now.

We'll accept the results...

then go from there.

(indistinct chatter)

Jay, what are you doing here?

You cannot ambush me like this.

Don't worry. I come in peace.

So, I just spent the
week watching Tibet

and China fight over a two-year-old

who may or may not be the reincarnation

of the Bodhisattva of compassion.

I know. I read about it. It's crazy.

He's this avatar

for everyone's hopes
and fears, even mine.

I'm clinging to Chloe

like she's the last mooring
of the life I knew,

the life that I... that
I thought made sense to me.

You're a wonderful mother.

And I'm a present and loving dad...

...when I'm around.

I'm gonna work on doing more of that.

But the main thing is,
no matter what choices

that we're making in our lives
right now, she didn't choose it.

She deserves parents who respect
each other and put her first,

and I just... I just
want to focus on that.


I'm saying yes

to your agreement.

Chloe needs stability more
than I need... anything.

But I hope we can keep
talking about it, though.

Things can change.

I could get fired.

And then I'm coming after her
with everything I've got.

Yeah, of course we can
keep talking about it.

I want Chloe to think that
her dad is the greatest.

DALTON: So, the Dalai
Lama's representatives

are set to meet him today?

Uh, yeah, in an hour.
It's the final test.

And if they recognize their master

in this little American boy?

Then we are out of moves.

You should have heard me wax poetic

about the ospreys to Senator Morton.

Oh, I'm sure you were
very eloquent, Conrad.

No one would tell me otherwise.

This job gives you an inflated
sense of your own importance,

so it can be sobering when the world

just does what it wants,
all your fine talk be damned.

I just got word.

The Dalai Lama passed away.

His attendants are preparing
to take his body back to India.

I'm sorry to hear that.

He was a great man.

Maybe even something rarer.

He was a good man.

Do they still plan
on testing the child?

Well, Tibet needs a spiritual

and symbolic leader now more than ever.

I hate to root against a toddler here,

but the Little Buddha'd
be doing the world a favor

if he shanked this test.


They're taking Ian to the chapel.

News of O'Connell's
death broke this morning.

Reaction's been mixed.

Any pronouncements from the Elders?

SLATTERY: Soldiers of God, welcome.

We'll see.

ALL: Amen.

It's been a hard morning.

We lost Wayne,
a brother in the struggle.

Suspicion abounded
and fell in particular

on the newcomer.

Brother Ryan, join me.


There's no way we can get him out now.

Brother Ryan reminds me of when
Paul washed ashore in Malta.

When the local people found him,
they thought, like we did,

that he must be a m*rder*r.

Why would God punish
Paul with a snakebite

after a shipwreck,
if he didn't have it coming?

Now we hear Wayne drove
off the road to his death.

But remember, my brothers,
what comes next for Paul.

What comes next?

It's good news.

Scripture says,

"But after they had
looked a great while

and saw no harm come to him..."

"...they changed their minds
and said that he was a god."

Now I'm not saying
Brother Ryan is a god.

The Maltese are a fickle people.


But he has endured our
judgment with patience.

We apologize.


bless Brother Ryan as
he takes Wayne's place

on the Council of Elders
and fulfills our purpose:

to bring a timely end
to this decaying world!

ALL: Amen. Amen!

(applause and cheering)

He's alive, and he's a
member of the Council now.

Not a bad day at the office.

Yeah, yeah.


Geshe Tashi.

ELIZABETH: I am so sorry

about your teacher's passing.

Thank you.

His legacy lives on
in his reincarnation.

The search will continue.

So, Gaden Bhuti did not pass the test?

When Lama Dote, Lama Samten,
and I met the child,

we agreed: he is not our teacher.

I know His Holiness had a lot
of faith in your discernment,

so we wish Tibet luck in its search.

The path to the new Lama
often has many turns.

Before I go, may I fulfill
one of the Lama's last wishes?

Can we go to the mandala?

Of course. Yes.

(quietly): Shall I ask
Blake to call Minister Chen?

In a minute.

For now, will you
please gather the staff?

So, where will you search next?

There is a girl in Nepal.

Or perhaps there will

be no Lama.

I would find that kind of
ambiguity hard to accept.

As you noted in the hospital,

clinging to anything,
including a vision

or a political stance, is

a recipe for suffering.

The Chinese exiled the Lama,

but this introduced him and
Tibetan culture to the world.

Whether or not autonomy comes,

Tibet lives in the hearts of many,

and, so, can never die.

Perhaps in this way, the Lama
did achieve his purpose.

Now other purposes can flourish,

perhaps not ones
beneficial only to Tibetans,

but to all mankind.

Thank you.

(monks chanting)

(chanting continues)

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